Exemplo n.º 1
 function _initialize()
     $this->permissions = array("1" => "Article", "2" => "Gropus", "3" => "Albums", "4" => "Events", "5" => "Cityguide");
     if (!$this->_is_login()) {
         $arr = array('/cid/3', '/cid/2', '/cid/1', '/cid/4', '/cid/0', '/1.html', '/0.html', '/2.html', '/3.html', '/4.html', '.html', '/index.php?s=', '/Public/select_city');
         $url = str_replace($arr, '', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
         $url = $url == '/' ? '/Index/index' : $url;
         $url = myencode($url);
     $rudao = D("RoleUser");
     $condition = array("user_id" => $this->user['uid']);
     $data = array();
     $data = $rudao->where($condition)->find();
     if (count($data) > 0) {
         $data['per'] = unserialize($data['permissions']);
         $this->user_per = $data;
         $this->assign("permissions", $this->permissions);
         $this->assign("per", $data);
     $this->assign('pmnum', $this->ckh_pm());
  *@date 2010-4-30
  *@time 下午05:08:30
 function show()
     $aid = intval($_GET['aid']);
     if (empty($aid)) {
         $this->error("error: aid is null!");
     $dao = D("Archives");
     $info = $dao->where("id={$aid}")->find();
     if (empty($info)) {
         $this->error("error: info is null!");
     if ($info['ismake'] == '0') {
         $this->error("error: the information has been deleted!");
     $this->ads($info['channel'], 'content', '1');
     $city = $this->_get_city('localion');
     switch (true) {
         case $info['channel'] == 4:
             $info['_jobs'] = $dao->relationGet("jobs");
             $info['itype'] = $info['itype'] == '0' ? 'All' : $info['itype'] == '1' ? 'Offered' : 'Wanted';
             $category = array("All", "Full time", "Part time", "Internship", "Voluntary");
             $info['category'] = $category[$info['category']];
         case $info['channel'] == 5:
             $info['_realestate'] = $dao->relationGet("realestate");
         case $info['channel'] == 6:
             $types = array(1 => 'All', 2 => 'Offered', 3 => 'Wanted');
             $cat = array('Brand-new', 'Second-hand');
             $info['itype'] = $types[$info['type']];
             $info['category'] = $cat[$info['category']];
             $info['_commerce'] = $dao->relationGet("commerce");
         case $info['channel'] == 7:
             $info['_agents'] = $dao->relationGet("agents");
         case $info['channel'] == 8:
             $info['_personals'] = $dao->relationGet("personals");
         case $info['channel'] == 9:
             $info['itype'] = $info['itype'] == 1 ? 'All' : $info['itype'] == 2 ? 'Offered' : 'Wanted';
             $category = array("All", "Full time", "Part time", "Internship", "Voluntary");
             $info['category'] = $category[$info['category']];
             $info['_services'] = $dao->relationGet("services");
     $local = '';
     if ($info['zone_id'] && $info['city_id']) {
         $local = $city[$info['city_id']]['_zone'][$info['zone_id']]['name'] . ',' . $city[$info['city_id']]['cename'];
     } elseif (empty($info['zone_id']) && $info['city_id']) {
         $local = $city[$info['city_id']]['cename'];
     $info['position'] = trim($info['position'] . ',' . $local, ',');
     $album = $this->get_album($info['id'], $info['channel']);
     if ($info['picurl']) {
         $info['picurl'] = str_replace('../Public/Uploads', '/Public/Uploads', $info['picurl']);
     } else {
         $info['picurl'] = out_images($album['0'], 's');
     $info['albumnum'] = count($album);
     $this->assign("album", $album);
     $this->assign('info', $info);
     $this->assign("group", $this->member_group($this->member_comments($info['id'], $info['channel']), "0,6"));
     $page = array();
     $page['title'] = $info['title'] . ' - BeingfunChina 缤纷中国';
     $page['keywords'] = $info['keywords'];
     $page['description'] = $info['description'];
     $this->assign('page', $page);
     if ($this->_is_admin() || $this->user['uid'] == $info['uid']) {
         $cp = '<a href="/Cp/photo/info/' . $info['channel'] . '_' . $info['id'] . '">Add Photos</a> / <a href="/Cp/my_edit_classifieds/info/' . $info['channel'] . '_' . $info['id'] . '">edit</a> / <a href="/Cp/del_arc/info/' . $info['channel'] . '_' . $info['id'] . '/to/' . myencode("/clist/{$info['typeid']}.html") . '/">remove</a>';
         $cp .= string2checked('f', $info['flag'], ',', '1') == 1 ? " / <a href=\"/Cp/attr/info/{$info['channel']}_{$info['id']}/clear/f/to/" . myencode("/clss/{$info['id']}.html") . "\" title=\"clear Featured\"><font color=\"#FF0000\">Featured</font></a> / " : " / <a href=\"/Cp/attr/info/{$info['channel']}_{$info['id']}/fld/f/to/" . myencode("/clss/{$info['id']}.html") . "\" title=\"Set Featured\">Featured</a> / ";
         $this->assign('cp', $cp);
     $this->assign('dh', $this->_get_dh($info['typeid']));
     $cid_sql = '';
     if ($this->pcid == '0') {
         $cid_sql = "";
     } elseif ($this->pcid < 1000) {
         $cid_sql = " AND (cid={$this->pcid} or cid='0')";
     } else {
         $city_temp = array('name' => '', 'id' => '');
         foreach ($this->cgroup[$this->pcid]['city'] as $k => $v) {
             $city_temp['id'] .= $k . ',';
             $city_temp['name'] .= $v . ',';
         $cid_sql = " AND (cid in ({$city_temp['id']} or cid='0')";
     $this->assign("new_arc", $this->_get_uptype_arc($info['typeid']));
     $f_arc = array();
     $condition = array();
     $condition['ismake'] = '1';
     $classifieds_ch = '4,5,6,7,8,9';
     $condition['channel'] = array('in', "{$classifieds_ch}");
     $condition['_string'] = "FIND_IN_SET('f',`flag`) > 0";
     if ($this->pcid == '0') {
         $condition['_string'] .= "";
     } elseif ($this->pcid < 1000) {
         $condition['_string'] .= " AND (cid={$this->pcid} or cid='0')";
     } else {
         $city_temp = array('name' => '', 'id' => '');
         foreach ($this->cgroup[$this->pcid]['city'] as $k => $v) {
             $city_temp['id'] .= $k . ',';
             $city_temp['name'] .= $v . ',';
         $condition['_string'] .= " AND (cid in ({$city_temp['id']}) or cid='0')";
     $f_arc = $dao->where($condition)->order("pubdate DESC")->limit("0,20")->findAll();
     $this->assign('f_arc', $f_arc);
     $condition = array();
     $st = mktime(0, 0, 1, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
     $et = mktime(59, 59, 59, date("m"), date("d") + 30, date("Y"));
     $condition['channel'] = '10';
     $condition['ismake'] = '1';
     $condition['_string'] = "`showstart`>={$st} AND `showstart`<={$et}";
     if ($this->pcid == '0' || empty($this->pcid)) {
         $city = '';
     } elseif ($this->pcid < 1000) {
         $city = " AND (cid={$this->pcid} or cid='0')";
     } else {
         $city_temp = array('name' => '', 'id' => '');
         foreach ($this->cgroup[$this->pcid]['city'] as $k => $v) {
             $city_temp['id'] .= $k . ',';
             $city_temp['name'] .= $v . ',';
         $city = " AND (cid in ({$city_temp['id']}) or cid='0')";
     $condition['_string'] .= $city;
     $f_event = array();
     $f_event = $dao->where($condition)->order("pubdate DESC")->limit("0,20")->findAll();
     $this->assign("event", $f_event);
  *@date 2010-6-28
  *@time 下午03:04:23
 public function share()
     if (!$this->_is_login()) {
         $url = myencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
         $this->assign("jumpUrl", "/Public/login/to/{$url}");
         $this->error('Log in please.');
     } else {
         $act = Input::getVar($_POST['act']);
         if ($act != "share") {
         } else {
             $gid = Input::getVar($_POST['gid']);
             $xid = Input::getVar($_POST['xid']);
             $types = Input::getVar($_POST['xtype']);
             $dao = D("MtagCollection");
             foreach ($gid as $g) {
                 $data = array();
                 $return = '';
                 $msg = '';
                 $data['gid'] = $g;
                 $data['xid'] = $xid;
                 $data['types'] = $types;
                 $data['listid '] = 0;
                 $data = $dao->create($data);
                 $return = $dao->add($data);
                 if (empty($return)) {
                     $msg .= '"' . get_info($g) . '"  Your sharing is failed.<br>';
                 } else {
                     $msg .= '"' . get_info($g) . '"  You’ve shared successfully.<br>';
  *@date 2010-8-20
  *@time 上午10:47:07
 function maillist()
     if ($_POST['submit']) {
         $dao = D("MailList");
         $mail = trim($_POST['email ']);
         $this->assign("jumpUrl", '/index.html');
         if ($mail) {
             $this->error("Failed to subscribe!");
         $vo = $dao->create();
         $condition = array();
         $condition['email'] = $mail;
         $info = $dao->where($condition)->find();
         if ($info) {
             $this->error("You've been sucessfully subscribe to Beingfunchina newsletter.");
         if ($vo) {
             $vo['types'] = 'news';
             $vo['status'] = '0';
             $id = $dao->add($vo);
             if ($id) {
                 $repw = $vo['mail'] . '||' . $vo['ctime'] . '||' . $vo['status'];
                 $repw = myencode($repw);
                 $Title = "Confirmation Letter-Beingfunchina Newsletter";
                 $Content = 'Hello, <br>Welcome, and thank you for becoming a Beingfunchina.com Insider. <br>';
                 $Content .= "you have subscribed {$vo['mail']} to Beingfunchina.com's newsletter. <br>";
                 $Content .= 'To confirm this subscription, please click the link below:<br>';
                 $Content .= "<br><br><A HREF='http://www.beingfunchina.com/Public/chmail/key/{$repw}.html' target='_blank'>http://www.beingfunchina.com/Public/chmail/key/{$repw}.html</A>\n <br>";
                 $Content .= 'If you do not wish to subscribe, do nothing. <br>';
                 $Content .= 'You will be automatically removed. <br>';
                 $Content .= 'Regards,Beingfunchina.com<br>';
                 			$this->error("Please administrator to set up mail server");
                 		$smtp = new smtp(C('MAILSERVER'),C('MAILPORT'),true,C('MAILID'),C('MAILPW'));
                 		$smtp->debug = false;
                 		if($smtp->sendmail($info['email'],C("MAILID"), $Title, $Content, "HTML")){
                 			$msg="New password has been successfully sent to your mailbox, please watch for!";
                 			$msg="Failed to send e-mail. This may be due to wrong e-mail address or problems of the mail server.";
                 $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
                 $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n";
                 $headers .= 'From: beingfunchina@gmail.com' . "\r\n";
                 //$headers .= 'Reply-To: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n";
                 if (mail($vo['mail'], $Title, $Content, $headers)) {
                     $text = "<h1>Thank you!</h1><p>We appreciate your time. Check your e-mail inbox for the latest newsletter from Beingfunchina.</p>";
                 } else {
                     $this->error("Oops! Please try again.");
             } else {
                 $this->error("Oops! Please try again.");
         } else {
             $this->error("Oops! Please try again.");
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 5
 *@date 2010-9-8
 *@time 下午06:06:25
function jump($url, $id)
    $url = $url . '||' . $id;
    $url = myencode($url);
    return __APP__ . '/link/' . $url;
  *@date 2010-5-12
  *@time 下午04:13:26
 function show()
     $aid = intval($_GET['aid']);
     if (empty($aid)) {
         $this->error("error: aid is null!");
     $dao = D("Archives");
     $info = $dao->where("id={$aid}")->find();
     if (!empty($info['reurl']) && $info['reurl'] != 'http://') {
     if ($info['ismake'] == '0') {
         $this->error("error: the information has been deleted!");
     $info['content'] = $dao->relationGet("article");
     $cname = array('bj' => 'Beijing', 'sh' => 'Shanghai', 'gz' => 'Guangzhou', 'sz' => 'Shenzhen');
     $city = $this->_get_city('localion');
     $local = '';
     if ($info['zone_id'] && $info['city_id']) {
         $local = $cname[$city[$info['city_id']]['cename']] . ' ' . $city[$info['city_id']]['_zone'][$info['zone_id']]['name'] . ' District';
     } elseif (empty($info['zone_id']) && $info['city_id']) {
         $local = $city[$info['city_id']]['cename'];
     $local = trim($info['position'] . ',' . $local, ',');
     $info['maps'] = $info['contact'];
     $album = $this->get_album($info['id'], $info['channel']);
     if ($info['picurl']) {
         $info['picurl'] = str_replace('../Public/Uploads', '/Public/Uploads', $info['picurl']);
     } else {
         $info['picurl'] = out_images($album['0'], 's');
     $info['albumnum'] = count($album);
     $this->assign("album", $album);
     $this->assign("group", $this->member_group($this->member_comments($info['id'], $info['channel']), "0,6"));
     $this->assign('info', $info);
     $page = array();
     $page['title'] = $info['title'] . ' - BeingfunChina 缤纷中国';
     $page['keywords'] = $info['keywords'];
     $page['description'] = $info['description'];
     $this->assign('page', $page);
     $this->assign('dh', $this->_get_dh($info['typeid']));
     $this->ads('2', 'content', 0, $info['typeid']);
     if ($this->_is_admin()) {
         $cp = '<a href="/Cp/photo/info/2_' . $info['id'] . '">Add Photos</a> / <a href="/Cp/my_edit_cityguide/info/2_' . $info['id'] . '">edit</a> / <a href="/Cp/del_arc/info/2_' . $info['id'] . '/to/' . myencode("/cglist/{$info['typeid']}.html") . '">remove</a>';
         $this->assign('cp', $cp);
     $this->assign("new_arc", $this->_get_uptype_arc($info['typeid']));
     $condition = array();
     $st = mktime(0, 0, 1, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
     $et = mktime(59, 59, 59, date("m"), date("d") + 30, date("Y"));
     $condition['channel'] = '10';
     $condition['ismake'] = '1';
     $condition['_string'] = "`showstart`>={$st} AND `showstart`<={$et}";
     if ($this->pcid == '0' || empty($this->pcid)) {
         $city = '';
     } elseif ($this->pcid < 1000) {
         $city = " AND (cid={$this->pcid} or cid='0')";
     } else {
         $city_temp = array('name' => '', 'id' => '');
         foreach ($this->cgroup[$this->pcid]['city'] as $k => $v) {
             $city_temp['id'] .= $k . ',';
             $city_temp['name'] .= $v . ',';
         $city = " AND (cid in ({$city_temp['id']}) or cid='0')";
     $condition['_string'] .= $city;
     $f_event = array();
     $f_event = $dao->where($condition)->order("pubdate DESC")->limit("0,20")->findAll();
     $this->assign("event", $f_event);