Exemplo n.º 1
function search($offset = '', $limit = '', $qa)
    global $conn;
    $q = "SELECT product_id,\n               product_name,\n               product_description,\n               unit_price,\n               date_added,\n               products.product_type_id,\n               product_type_name,\n               subcategory.subcategory_id,\n               subcategory_name,\n               category.category_id,\n               category_name\n        FROM products \n        INNER JOIN product_type \n        ON products.product_type_id=product_type.product_type_id \n        INNER JOIN subcategory \n        ON product_type.subcategory_id=subcategory.subcategory_id \n        INNER JOIN category \n        ON subcategory.category_id=category.category_id ";
    $q_ex = " WHERE ( \n                 product_name        LIKE :query\n              OR product_description LIKE :query\n              OR product_type_name   LIKE :query\n              OR subcategory_name    LIKE :query ";
    if (empty($offset) && empty($limit)) {
        $q_ord_lmt = " ORDER BY date_added DESC ";
    } else {
        $q_ord_lmt = " ORDER BY date_added DESC LIMIT " . $offset . "," . $limit;
    if (!empty($qa['query']) && !empty($qa['cat_name']) && $qa['cat_name'] != 'all') {
        $sql = myQuery($q . $q_ex . " ) AND category_name=:category_name " . $q_ord_lmt, array(':query' => '%' . $qa['query'] . '%', ':category_name' => $qa['cat_name']), $conn);
    } elseif (!empty($qa['cat_name']) && empty($qa['query'])) {
        $sql = myQuery($q . " WHERE category_name=:category_name " . $q_ord_lmt, array(':category_name' => $qa['cat_name']), $conn);
    } elseif (!empty($qa['query'])) {
        $sql = myQuery($q . $q_ex . " OR category_name LIKE :query) " . $q_ord_lmt, array(':query' => '%' . $qa['query'] . '%'), $conn);
    } elseif (!empty($qa['cat_id'])) {
        $sql = myQuery($q . " WHERE category.category_id = :category_id " . $q_ord_lmt, array(':category_id' => $qa['cat_id']), $conn);
    } elseif (!empty($qa['scat_id'])) {
        $sql = myQuery($q . " WHERE subcategory.subcategory_id = :subcategory_id " . $q_ord_lmt, array(':subcategory_id' => $qa['scat_id']), $conn);
    } elseif (!empty($qa['pt_id'])) {
        $sql = myQuery($q . " WHERE products.product_type_id = :product_type_id " . $q_ord_lmt, array(':product_type_id' => $qa['pt_id']), $conn);
    } else {
        $sql = myQuery($q . $q_ord_lmt, array(), $conn);
    return $sql;
Exemplo n.º 2
function option_resources($preset = '')
    $qry = "SELECT * FROM sites WHERE ep_occi != '' ORDER BY cmf";
    $ret = myQuery($qry);
    $opts = "<option>::select a site::</option>";
    while ($row = myFetchRow($ret)) {
        $v = $row['id'];
        $t = site_title($row);
        if ($preset == $v) {
            $sel = " selected";
        } else {
            $sel = '';
        $opts .= "<option value='{$v}'{$sel}>{$t}</option>";
    return $opts;
Exemplo n.º 3
 function List_Resource_Template($siteid)
     $ctype = 'RES';
     $w = array();
     $w[] = "siteid='{$siteid}'";
     $w[] = "ctype='{$ctype}'";
     $vtime = $this->vtime;
     if ($vtime > 0) {
         $w[] = "idate > date_sub(now(), interval {$vtime} SECOND)";
     $sql_where = " WHERE " . join(" AND ", $w);
     $qry = "SELECT * FROM {$this->tbl} {$sql_where}";
     $ret = myQuery($qry);
     $lists = array();
     while ($row = myFetchRow($ret)) {
         $uri = $row['uri'];
         $lists[] = $uri;
     return $lists;
Exemplo n.º 4
        if (!empty($current_password) && !empty($new_password) && !empty($confirm_new_password)) {
            if ($current_password === $_SESSION['customer_password'] && $new_password === $confirm_new_password) {
                $sql = myQuery("UPDATE customer SET customer_password=:customer_password WHERE customer_id=:customer_id", array(":customer_password" => $new_password, ':customer_id' => $_SESSION['customer_id']), $conn);
                //if($sql->rowCount()>0){$status['password_update_success']="You have successfully updated your password!";}
                $disable_profile = "";
                $disable_email = $disable_password = "******";
                header('location: customer_signout.php');
            } else {
                $status['match_err'] = "Password didn't match! Try again.";
        } else {
            $status['password_empty_err'] = "Fill up all the fields.";
$sql = myQuery("SELECT * FROM customer WHERE customer_id=:customer_id", array(':customer_id' => $_SESSION['customer_id']), $conn);
if ($sql) {
    $res = $sql->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    foreach ($res as $row) {
        $value['customer_name'] = $row['customer_name'];
        $value['phone'] = $row['phone'];
        $value['address'] = $row['address'];
        $value['postal_code'] = $row['postal_code'];
        $value['city'] = $row['city'];
        $value['country'] = $row['country'];
include "directory_from_customer.php";
include "../views/header.view.php";
include "../views/customer/profile.view.php";
include "../views/footer.view.php";
Exemplo n.º 5
function listIdData($id, $data)
    $str = '';
    $sql = "select count(*) as total from " . PREFIX . "type where pid={$id}";
    $result = myQuery($sql);
    if ($result[0]['total'] == 0) {
        $str = $id;
    } else {
        $arr['parent'] = $id;
        $arr['child'] = typeDate($data, $id);
        foreach ($arr['child'] as $v) {
            $str .= $v['id'] . ',';
        $str = rtrim($str, ',');
    return $str;
    // See if that product name is an identical match to another product in the system
    myQuery("UPDATE products \n             SET product_name=:product_name, unit_price=:unit_price, product_description=:product_description,product_type_id=:product_type_id\n             WHERE product_id=:product_id", array(':product_name' => $product_name, ':unit_price' => $unit_price, ':product_description' => $product_description, ':product_type_id' => $product_type_id['product_type_id'], ':product_id' => $pid), $conn);
    if ($_FILES['fileField']['tmp_name'] != "") {
        // Place image in the folder
        $newname = $pid . ".jpg";
        move_uploaded_file($_FILES['fileField']['tmp_name'], "../assets/img/" . $newname);
    header("location: update_product.php?product_id={$pid}");
// Gather this product's full information for inserting automatically into the edit form below on page
$pid_for_img = "";
$pname_for_img = "";
if (isset($_GET['product_id'])) {
    $targetID = $_GET['product_id'];
    $sql = myQuery("SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_id=:product_id LIMIT 1", array(':product_id' => $targetID), $conn);
    if ($sql->rowCount() > 0) {
        $res = $sql->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        foreach ($res as $row) {
            $pid_for_img = $_GET['product_id'];
            $pname_for_img = $row['product_name'];
            $product_name = $row['product_name'];
            $unit_price = $row['unit_price'];
            $category = find_category_name($row['product_type_id']);
            $subcategory = find_subcategory_name($row['product_type_id']);
            $product_type = find_product_type_name($row['product_type_id']);
            $product_description = $row['product_description'];
            $date_added = strftime("%b %d, %Y", strtotime($row['date_added']));
    } else {
        $data = "Sorry! No such product exists.";
Exemplo n.º 7
            <li><a href="#" onclick="ec.member.orderList.seltime(this,1);"><span>三个月前订单<em id="count-seltime-1" style="display: none; ">0</em></span></a></li>
          <div class="ec-tab-arrow" style="left: 0px; width: 136px; "></div>
    <!-- 20141212-栏目-end --> 
    <!-- 20141222-我的订单-订单类别-start -->
    <div style="margin-top:10px;">
    <!-- 20141222-我的订单-订单类别-end --> 
    <!-- 20141222-我的订单-列表-start -->
    <div class="myOrder-record" id="myOrders-list-content">
$sqldz = "select * from " . PREFIX . "address where uid={$_SESSION['user']['id']}";
$resdz = myQuery($sqldz);
$linkman = $resdz['0']['linkman'];
$address = $resdz['0']['address'];
$code = $resdz['0']['code'];
$phone = $resdz['0']['phone'];
if ($resdz) {
    foreach ($resdz as $value) {
      <div class="list-group-item">
          <div class="o-pro">
            <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                    <td class="col-pro-img"><?php 
        echo $value['linkman'];
    $unit_price = $_POST['unit_price'];
    $category = $_POST['category'];
    $subcategory = $_POST['subcategory'];
    $product_type = $_POST['product_type'];
    $product_description = $_POST['product_description'];
    if (empty($product_name) || empty($unit_price) || empty($category) || empty($subcategory) || empty($product_type) || empty($product_description)) {
        $data['empty_status'] = "Please Fill up all the fields.";
    } else {
        $sql = myQuery("SELECT product_id FROM products WHERE product_name=:product_name LIMIT 1", array(':product_name' => $product_name), $conn);
        if ($sql->rowCount() > 0) {
            $data['duplicate_status'] = 'Sorry! You tried to place a duplicate "Product Name" into the system. Try a new name';
        } else {
            $sql = myQuery("SELECT product_type_id FROM product_type WHERE product_type_name=:product_type_name LIMIT 1", array(':product_type_name' => $product_type), $conn);
            $res = $sql->fetch();
            $product_type_id = $res['product_type_id'];
            myQuery("INSERT INTO products (product_name,product_description,unit_price,product_type_id, date_added) \n                        VALUES(:product_name,:product_description,:unit_price,:product_type_id,now())", array(':product_name' => $product_name, ':product_description' => $product_description, ':unit_price' => $unit_price, ':product_type_id' => $product_type_id), $conn) or die(error());
            $product_id = $conn->lastInsertId();
            $newname = $product_id . ".jpg";
            move_uploaded_file($_FILES['fileField']['tmp_name'], "../assets/img/" . $newname);
            $data['created_status'] = "Product Created Successfully!";
            header("location: update_product.php?product_id={$product_id}");
} elseif (isset($_POST['btn_submit']) && $_POST['btn_submit'] == "slct_cat") {
    if (isset($_POST['product_name'])) {
        $product_name = $_POST['product_name'];
    if (isset($_POST['unit_price'])) {
        $unit_price = $_POST['unit_price'];
    if (isset($_POST['product_description'])) {
} elseif (isset($_POST['btn_submit']) && $_POST['btn_submit'] == "slct_cat") {
    $value_pt = $_POST['product_type'];
    if (empty($_POST['category_pt']) || $_POST['category_pt'] == "--- select category") {
        $data['pt']['four'] = "Please select a category.";
    } else {
        $catpt_value = $_POST['category_pt'];
} elseif (isset($_POST['btn_submit']) && $_POST['btn_submit'] == "crt_pt") {
    $value_pt = $_POST['product_type'];
    if (empty($_POST['subcategory_pt']) || empty($_POST['category_pt']) || $_POST['subcategory_pt'] == "--- select subcategory" || $_POST['category_pt'] == "--- select category") {
        $data['pt']['one'] = "Please select a category and a subcategory.";
    } else {
        $scsql = myQuery("SELECT subcategory_id \n                        FROM subcategory \n                        WHERE category_id=(SELECT category_id FROM category WHERE category_name=:category_name LIMIT 1)\n                        AND subcategory_name=:subcategory_name LIMIT 1", array(':category_name' => $_POST['category_pt'], ':subcategory_name' => $_POST['subcategory_pt']), $conn);
        $scategory_id = $scsql->fetch();
        $sql = myQuery("SELECT product_type_id FROM product_type WHERE product_type_name=:product_type_name AND subcategory_id=:subcategory_id LIMIT 1", array(':product_type_name' => $_POST['product_type'], ':subcategory_id' => $scategory_id['subcategory_id']), $conn);
        if ($sql->rowCount() == 1) {
            $data['pt']['two'] = 'Sorry! You tried to place a duplicate "Product Type Name" into the system. Try a new name';
        } else {
            myQuery('INSERT INTO product_type(subcategory_id,product_type_name) 
                   VALUES(:subcategory_id,:product_type_name)', array(':subcategory_id' => $scategory_id['subcategory_id'], ':product_type_name' => $_POST['product_type']), $conn);
    if (empty($value_pt)) {
        $data['pt']['three'] = "Please put a subcategory name.";
include "directory_from_admin.php";
include "../views/header.view.php";
include "../views/admin/admin_header.view.php";
include "../views/admin/create_category.view.php";
include "../views/admin/admin_footer.view.php";
Exemplo n.º 10
          } elseif($approvedstatus=="reverse") {
            $condns="verified=1 and formNumber='$searchQuery' or vlSampleID='$searchQuery' or concat(lrCategory,lrEnvelopeNumber,'/',lrNumericID) like '$searchQuery%'";
        } elseif($searchQueryFrom && $searchQueryTo) {
          $condns="concat(lrCategory,lrEnvelopeNumber)>='$searchQueryFrom' and concat(lrCategory,lrEnvelopeNumber)<='$searchQueryTo'";
        } else {
           if(!$approvedstatus || $approvedstatus=="pending") {
          } elseif($approvedstatus=="processed" || $approvedstatus=="reverse") {

                //number pages
                $the_count=mysqlquery("SELECT count(id) AS num FROM vl_samples WHERE $condns LIMIT 1");

                if(mysqlnumrows($query)) {
                    //how many pages are there?
                    if($numberPages>1) {
                        echo "<tr><td style=\"padding:0px 0px 10px 0px\" class=\"vls_grey\"><strong>Pages:</strong> ".displayPagesLinks("/verify/".($approvedstatus=="search"?"search/$encryptedSample":$approvedstatus)."/pg/",1,$numberPages,($pg?$pg:1),$default_radius)."</td></tr>";
Exemplo n.º 11
    <div class="fl u-1-4">
    <!--购买该商品的用户还购买了 start-->
    <!--购买该商品的用户还购买了 end-->
<div class="hot-area">
	<div class="h">
	<div class="b">
		<!--商品列表 -->
		<div class="pro-list">
$sqlk = "select * from " . PREFIX . "goods order by clicknum desc limit 0,5";
$resk = myQuery($sqlk);
$jsq = 1;
foreach ($resk as $v) {
			    <p class="p-img"><a href="article.php?id=<?php 
    echo $v['id'];
" ><img width="56" src="<?php 
    echo $path . '64_' . $v['picname'];
" alt=""/></a><s class="s<?php 
    echo $jsq;
Exemplo n.º 12
    <!-- 20141212-栏目-end --> 

    <!-- 20141222-我的订单-列表-start -->
    <div class="myOrder-record" id="myOrders-list-content"> 

      <div class="list-group" id="list-group">

$ping = array('1' => '差评', '3' => '中评', '5' => '好评');
$sqlpl = "select c.*,d.userorder,d.picname from " . PREFIX . "comment as c," . PREFIX . "detail as d where c.uid='{$_SESSION['user']['id']}' and c.goodsid=d.goodsid and c.orderid=d.orderid order by c.id";
//echo $sqlpl;die;
$respl = myQuery($sqlpl);
if ($respl) {
    foreach ($respl as $val) {
        <div class="list-group-item">
          <div class="o-info">
              <div class="col-info">
                <span class="o-date"><?php 
        echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $val['addtime']);
                <span class="o-no">订单号:<a title="1260264708" href="#"><?php 
        echo $val['userorder'];
Exemplo n.º 13
      <em class="channel-subtitle">华为精品手机</em>
      <ul class="channel-nav">
        <li><a href="#" target="_blank">荣耀</a></li>
        <li><a href="#" target="_blank">畅玩</a></li>
        <li><a href="#" target="_blank">华为 Mate/P系列</a></li>
        <li><a href="#" target="_blank">G/Y系列</a></li>
        <li><a href="#" target="_blank">运营商合约</a></li>
    <div class="b">
      <ul class="channel-pro-list">

$sqlw = "select * from " . PREFIX . "goods where typeid in(3,4,5) limit 0,8";
$resultw = myQuery($sqlw);
$path = "../public/uploads/";
foreach ($resultw as $k => $val) {
    $h = $k + 4;

<li id="channel-pro-1-<?php 
    echo $h;
" class="channel-pro-item">
            <div class="channel-pro-panels">
              <div class="pro-info">
                <div class="p-img"><a href="article.php?id=<?php 
    echo $val['id'];
Exemplo n.º 14
include "../db/connect.php";
include "../db/db_helper.php";
$status = NULL;
$value = NULL;
// Parse the log in form if the user has filled it out and pressed "Log In"
    $admin_name = $_POST["admin_name"];
    $admin_password = $_POST["password"];
    if (empty($admin_name) or empty($admin_password)) {
        $status = "Please give valid admin name and password.";
    } else {
        $value = $admin_name;
        $admin_name = preg_replace('#[^A-Za-z0-9]#i', '', $admin_name);
        // filter everything but numbers and letters
        // Connect to the MySQL database
        $sql = myQuery("SELECT admin_id FROM admin WHERE admin_name=:admin_name AND admin_password=:admin_password LIMIT 1", array(":admin_name" => $admin_name, ":admin_password" => $admin_password), $conn);
        // query the person
        // ------- MAKE SURE PERSON EXISTS IN DATABASE ---------
        if ($sql->rowCount() == 0) {
            $status = "Wrong admin name or password.";
        } elseif ($sql->rowCount() == 1) {
            // evaluate the count\
            $res = $sql->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            foreach ($res as $row) {
                $admin_id = $row["admin_id"];
            $_SESSION["admin_id"] = $admin_id;
            $_SESSION["admin_name"] = $admin_name;
            $_SESSION["admin_password"] = $admin_password;
            header("location: index.php");
Exemplo n.º 15
                  <div class="box-form-tips"><span class=""></span></div>
          <td class="box-cr"></td>

if (isset($_GET['editaddress'])) {
    $sqlt = "select * from " . PREFIX . "address where id=6";
    $rest = myQuery($sqlt);

<div id="edit_address">
<div style="z-index: 500; width: 700px; visibility: visible; position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; margin-left:-350px;margin-top:-212px;" id="myAddress-new-box" class="ol_box_4">
  <div class="box-ct">
    <div class="box-header">
      <div class="box-tl"></div>
      <div class="box-tc">
        <div class="box-tc1"></div>
        <div class="box-tc2"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="$('#edit_address').hide();" title="关闭" class="box-close"></a><span class="box-title">修改地址</span></div>
      <div class="box-tr"></div>
Exemplo n.º 16
										    <td onclick="nologin();"><a target="_blank" class="p-button-cart"><span>加入购物车</span></a></td>
        } else {
											<td id="sub_goods"><a target="_blank" class="p-button-cart"><span>加入购物车</span></a></td>
        $plNum = 0;
        $goodsid = $value['id'];
        $sqlpl = "select count(*) as total from " . PREFIX . "comment where goodsid={$goodsid}";
        $resultpl = myQuery($sqlpl);
        $plNum = $resultpl[0]['total'];
        echo '<td><label class="p-button-score"><span>' . ($plNum + 3) . '人评价</span></label></td>';
						<s class="p-tag"><img src="images/1382542518162.png"/></s>
Exemplo n.º 17
function _update_vm_status($id, $stat)
    $qry = "UPDATE vminfo SET state='{$stat}' WHERE id='{$id}'";
    $ret = myQuery($qry);
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $customer_password = $_POST['password'];
    $value = $email;
    $confirm_customer_password = $_POST['confirm_password'];
    if (empty($email) or empty($customer_password) or empty($confirm_customer_password)) {
        $status['empty_err'] = "Please fill up all the fields.";
    } elseif (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
        $status['email_err'] = "Invalid email format.";
    } elseif ($confirm_customer_password !== $customer_password) {
        $status['customer_password_err'] = "Password didn't match!";
    } else {
        $sql = myQuery("SELECT customer_id FROM customer WHERE email=:email", array(':email' => $email), $conn);
        if ($sql->rowCount() == 1) {
            $status['duplicate_err'] = "Sorry! There's an account with this email ! ";
        } else {
            $sql = myQuery("INSERT INTO customer(email,customer_password) VALUES(:email,:customer_password)", array(':email' => $email, ':customer_password' => $customer_password), $conn);
            if ($sql->rowCount() == 1) {
                $status['success'] = "Congratulations! You have successfully signed up!";
                $value = "";
                $_SESSION['customer_email'] = $email;
                $_SESSION['customer_id'] = $conn->lastInsertId();
                $_SESSION['customer_password'] = $customer_password;
                header("location: profile.php");
include "directory_from_customer.php";
include "../views/header.view.php";
include "../views/customer/customer_signup.view.php";
include "../views/footer.view.php";
Exemplo n.º 19
<div class="uc"> 
  <!-- 头部  -->
  <div class="uc_head">
    <div class="uc_head_middle">
      <div class="uc_head_middle_left">我的华为帐号</div>
      <div class="uc_head_middle_right"><a class="logout_c" href="#"><?php 
echo $_SESSION['user']['username'];
</a> | <a class="logout_c" href="useraction.php?a=logout">退出</a></div>
$path = '../public/user/';
$sql = "select * from " . PREFIX . "users where id={$_SESSION['user']['id']}";
$result = myQuery($sql);
//echo $sql;die;
  <div class="uc_body">
    <div class="uc_body_form">
        <dd class="dd_left" style="text-align: center; position: relative;"> <img alt="头像" id="headPic" src="<?php 
echo $path . $result['0']['mypic'];
          <div id="uploadHead">上传头像</div>
          <form action="useraction.php?a=update" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
          <table style="width:700px;">
Exemplo n.º 20
              <div class="col-state">
          <div class="o-pro">
            <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                <!-- 组合套餐列表 -->
                <!-- 普通商品列表 -->
    $sqla = "select * from " . PREFIX . "detail where orderid={$value['id']} order by id desc";
    //echo $sqla;die;
    $resulta = myQuery($sqla);
    $tiao = count($resulta);
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($resulta as $v) {
                    <td class="col-pro-img"><p class="p-img"> <a title="" href="article.php?id=<?php 
        echo $v['goodsid'];
" target="_blank"> <img width="100" src="<?php 
        echo $path . '218_' . $v['picname'];
"> </a> </p></td>
                    <td class="col-pro-info"><p class="p-name"> <a title="" target="_blank" href="article.php?id=<?php 
Exemplo n.º 21
        } else {
            $page = 1;
    if (!empty($_POST['next']) && $_POST['next'] === 'next') {
        if ($page < $pg_qty) {
        } else {
            $page = $pg_qty;
    header('location: index.php?page=' . $page);
//Delete Product
if (isset($_GET['deleteproduct_id'])) {
    $data['confirmation'] = '<div class="confirmation" align="center"> Do you really want to delete product with ID of ' . $_GET['deleteproduct_id'] . '? <a class="btn btn-warning" href="index.php?yesdelete=' . $_GET['deleteproduct_id'] . '">Yes</a> | <a class="btn btn-info" href="index.php">No</a> </div>';
if (isset($_GET['yesdelete'])) {
    $product_id_to_delete = $_GET['yesdelete'];
    myQuery("DELETE FROM products WHERE product_id=:product_id LIMIT 1", array(':product_id' => $product_id_to_delete), $conn) or die(error());
    $pictodelete = "../assets/img/{$product_id_to_delete}.jpg";
    if (file_exists($pictodelete)) {
    header("location: index.php");
include "directory_from_admin.php";
include "../views/header.view.php";
include "../views/admin/admin_header.view.php";
include "../views/admin/index.view.php";
include "../views/admin/admin_footer.view.php";
Exemplo n.º 22
mysql_select_db(DBNAME, $conn);
$wd = $_GET['wd'];
//echo $wd;die;
if (empty($wd)) {
    //echo "请输入查询内容";
    echo "<script>alert('请输入查询的内容!');window.location.href='./index.php';</script>";
//设置where like语句
$where = "where linkman like '%{$wd}%' or userorder like '%{$wd}%'";
$sqlmax = "select count(*) as total from " . PREFIX . "orders {$where}";
$resmax = myQuery($sqlmax);
$count = $resmax[0]['total'];
//echo $count;die;
$row = 5;
$countPage = ceil($count / $row);
$page = empty($_GET['page']) ? '1' : $_GET['page'];
$py = ($page - 1) * 5;
$where2 = "where o.uid=u.id and (o.linkman like '%{$wd}%' or o.userorder like '%{$wd}%')";
$limit = "limit {$py},{$row}";
$sql = "select o.*,u.username from " . PREFIX . "orders as o," . PREFIX . "users as u {$where2} order by o.id desc {$limit}";
//echo $sql;die;
$result = mysql_query($sql);
Exemplo n.º 23
  var form = document.form;
  form.mode.value = 'dodelete';
  //form.target = 'hiddenframe'
### }}}
ParagraphTitle("OS Template", 1);
$qry = "SELECT O.*\n, R.affiliation, R.cmf, R.cc\n FROM ostpl O\n LEFT JOIN resources R ON O.resid=R.id";
$ret = myQuery($qry);
print <<<EOS
<table border='1' class='mmdata'>

$cnt = 0;
while ($row = myFetchRow($ret)) {
include "../db/db_helper.php";
$status = NULL;
$value = NULL;
// Parse the log in form if the user has filled it out and pressed "Log In"
    $email = $_POST["email"];
    $customer_password = $_POST["password"];
    if (empty($email) or empty($customer_password)) {
        $status = "Please give valid email and password.";
    } else {
        $value = $email;
        if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
            $status = "Invalid Email.";
        } else {
            // Connect to the MySQL database
            $sql = myQuery("SELECT customer_id FROM customer WHERE email=:email AND customer_password=:customer_password LIMIT 1", array(':email' => $email, ':customer_password' => $customer_password), $conn);
            // query the person
            // ------- MAKE SURE PERSON EXISTS IN DATABASE ---------
            if ($sql->rowCount() == 0) {
                $status = "Wrong email or password.";
            } elseif ($sql->rowCount() == 1) {
                // evaluate the count\
                $res = $sql->fetch();
                $_SESSION["customer_id"] = $res["customer_id"];
                $_SESSION["customer_email"] = $email;
                $_SESSION["customer_password"] = $customer_password;
                header("location: index.php");