Exemplo n.º 1
 public function attachments($s)
     $html = '';
     $id = (int) $_GET['a'];
     $q = mysql_query("SELECT *,\n           `" . DB_PREFIX . "faqattach`.`id` AS `attachID`\n\t\t   FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "faqassign`\n           LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . "faqattach`\n           ON `" . DB_PREFIX . "faqassign`.`itemID`      = `" . DB_PREFIX . "faqattach`.`id`\n           WHERE `" . DB_PREFIX . "faqassign`.`question` = '{$id}'\n\t\t   AND `" . DB_PREFIX . "faqassign`.`desc`       = 'attachment'\n           GROUP BY `" . DB_PREFIX . "faqassign`.`itemID`\n           ORDER BY `" . DB_PREFIX . "faqattach`.`orderBy`\n           ") or die(mswMysqlErrMsg(mysql_errno(), mysql_error(), __LINE__, __FILE__));
     while ($ATT = mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
         $ext = substr(strrchr($ATT->path ? $ATT->path : $ATT->remote, '.'), 1);
         $html .= str_replace(array('{url}', '{name}', '{name_alt}', '{size}', '{filetype}'), array($ATT->remote ? $ATT->remote : '?fattachment=' . $ATT->attachID, $ATT->name ? mswCleanData($ATT->name) : ($ATT->remote ? basename($ATT->remote) : $ATT->path), $ATT->name ? mswSpecialChars($ATT->name) : ($ATT->remote ? basename($ATT->remote) : $ATT->path), mswFileSizeConversion($ATT->size), strtoupper($ext)), file_get_contents(PATH . 'content/' . MS_TEMPLATE_SET . '/html/faq-attachment-link.htm')) . mswDefineNewline();
     return $html ? $html : '';
Exemplo n.º 2
  Data here is applicable to view ticket/dispute and create ticket screens

if (!defined('PARENT') || !defined('MS_PERMISSIONS')) {
// JS/CSS..
$ms_js_css_loader['bbcode'] = 'yes';
$ms_js_css_loader['alertify'] = 'yes';
// Attachment types seperator..
// Attachment restrictions..
$attachRestrictions = '';
if ($SETTINGS->filetypes) {
    $attachRestrictions = str_replace(array('{text}', '{info}'), array($msg_newticket34, str_replace('|', $ATTACH_TYPES_SEPERATOR, str_replace('.', '', $SETTINGS->filetypes))), file_get_contents(PATH . 'content/' . MS_TEMPLATE_SET . '/html/ticket-attachment-restrictions.htm'));
if ($SETTINGS->maxsize > 0 || $SETTINGS->attachboxes > 0) {
    $attachRestrictions .= str_replace(array('{text}', '{info}'), array($msg_newticket35, ($SETTINGS->attachboxes > 0 ? $SETTINGS->attachboxes : $msg_public_ticket2) . ' / ' . ($SETTINGS->maxsize > 0 ? mswFileSizeConversion($SETTINGS->maxsize) : $msg_public_ticket2)), file_get_contents(PATH . 'content/' . MS_TEMPLATE_SET . '/html/ticket-attachment-restrictions.htm'));
// System messages..
if (isset($_GET['msg'])) {
    switch ($_GET['msg']) {
        case 'added':
            $ticketSystemMsg = $msg_public_ticket12;
        case 'replied':
            $ticketSystemMsg = $msg_showticket7;
Exemplo n.º 3
            echo $i;
        echo $ATT->name ? mswSpecialChars($ATT->name) : ($ATT->remote ? $ATT->remote : $ATT->path);
		  <span class="tdCellInfo">
        echo str_replace(array('{type}', '{size}'), array(strtoupper(substr(strrchr(strtolower($ATT->remote ? $ATT->remote : $ATT->path), '.'), 1)), $ATT->size > 0 ? mswFileSizeConversion($ATT->size) : 'N/A'), $msg_attachments11);
		  <td><a href="?p=faqman&amp;attached=<?php 
        echo $ATT->id;
        echo @number_format($ATT->queCount);
          <td class="ms-options-links">
		    <span class="enableDisable"><i class="<?php 
        echo $ATT->enAtt == 'yes' ? 'icon-flag' : 'icon-flag-alt';
" onclick="ms_enableDisable(this,'<?php 
Exemplo n.º 4
    if (strpos($SETTINGS->backupEmails, ',') !== false) {
        // Multiple addresses..
        $emails = array_map('trim', explode(',', $SETTINGS->backupEmails));
        // First email is main address..
        if (isset($emails[0])) {
            $em = $emails[0];
            // Now remove it from array..
        // Implode additional addresses..
        if (!empty($emails)) {
            $em_add = implode(',', $emails);
    } else {
        // Just main address..
        $em = $SETTINGS->backupEmails;
    if ($em) {
        $MSMAIL->addTag('{HELPDESK}', mswCleanData($SETTINGS->website));
        $MSMAIL->addTag('{DATE_TIME}', $MSDT->mswDateTimeDisplay($MSDT->mswTimeStamp(), $SETTINGS->dateformat) . ' @ ' . $MSDT->mswDateTimeDisplay($MSDT->mswTimeStamp(), $SETTINGS->timeformat));
        $MSMAIL->addTag('{FILE}', basename($filepath));
        $MSMAIL->addTag('{SCRIPT}', SCRIPT_NAME);
        $MSMAIL->addTag('{SIZE}', mswFileSizeConversion(@filesize($filepath)));
        $MSMAIL->attachments[$filepath] = basename($filepath);
        $MSMAIL->sendMSMail(array('from_email' => $SETTINGS->email, 'from_name' => $SETTINGS->website, 'to_email' => $em, 'to_name' => $em, 'subject' => str_replace(array('{website}'), array($SETTINGS->website), $emailSubjects['db-backup']), 'replyto' => array('name' => $SETTINGS->website, 'email' => $SETTINGS->replyto ? $SETTINGS->replyto : $SETTINGS->email), 'template' => PATH . 'content/language/' . $SETTINGS->language . '/mail-templates/backup.txt', 'language' => $SETTINGS->language, 'alive' => $em_add ? 'yes' : 'no', 'add-emails' => $em_add));
        // Remove file..
echo $msg_script32;
Exemplo n.º 5
        echo substr(strtoupper($ext), 1);
] <a href="?attachment=<?php 
        echo $ATT->id;
" title="<?php 
        echo mswSpecialChars($msg_viewticket50);
        echo substr($ATT->fileName, 0, strpos($ATT->fileName, '.'));
        echo mswFileSizeConversion($ATT->fileSize);

    if (USER_DEL_PRIV == 'yes') {
<div class="btn-toolbar" style="margin-top:0;padding-top:0;text-align:center" id="but_ar_<?php 
        echo $aTickID;
Exemplo n.º 6
         $folder = $MSAPI->uploadEmailAttachment($n, strtr($file, ' ', '+'));
         if ($folder && file_exists($SETTINGS->attachpath . '/' . $folder . $n)) {
             $fSize = filesize($SETTINGS->attachpath . '/' . $folder . $n);
             if ($fSize > 0) {
                 if (!$MSTICKET->size($fSize)) {
                     $MSAPI->log('[' . strtoupper($MSAPI->handler) . '] Size (' . mswFileSizeConversion($fSize) . ') too big and attachment ignored/deleted');
                     @unlink($SETTINGS->attachpath . '/' . $folder . $n);
                 } else {
                     // Try and determine mime type..
                     $mime = $DL->mime($SETTINGS->attachpath . '/' . $folder . $n, '');
                     $MSAPI->log('[' . strtoupper($MSAPI->handler) . '] Mime type determined as ' . $mime);
                     // Add attachment data to database..
                     $atID = $MSAPI->addAttachmentToDB($ID, 0, $n, $fSize, $deptID, $mime);
                     if ($atID > 0) {
                         $attString[] = $SETTINGS->scriptpath . '/?attachment=' . $atID;
                         $MSAPI->log('[' . strtoupper($MSAPI->handler) . '] Attachment (' . basename($n) . ') accepted. ID: ' . $atID . ' @ ' . mswFileSizeConversion($fSize));
                     } else {
                         $MSAPI->log('[' . strtoupper($MSAPI->handler) . '] Fatal error, attachment could not be added: ' . mysql_error());
             } else {
                 $MSAPI->log('[' . strtoupper($MSAPI->handler) . '] File size of attachment 0 bytes. Ignored. Maybe permissions or error reading file.');
 } else {
     $MSAPI->log('[' . strtoupper($MSAPI->handler) . '] No attachments found.');
 // Write log entry..
 $MSAPI->log('[' . strtoupper($MSAPI->handler) . '] Writing to history log if enabled.');
 $MSTICKET->historyLog($ID, str_replace(array('{visitor}'), array($name), $msg_ticket_history['new-ticket-visitor-api']));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function attachments($ticket, $reply = 0)
     $data = '';
     // Are attachments enabled?
     if ($this->settings->attachment == 'no') {
         return '';
     $q = mysql_query("SELECT *,DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(`ts`)) AS `addDate` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "attachments`\n       WHERE `ticketID`  = '{$ticket}'\n       AND `replyID`     = '{$reply}'\n       ORDER BY `id`\n       ") or die(mswMysqlErrMsg(mysql_errno(), mysql_error(), __LINE__, __FILE__));
     if (mysql_num_rows($q) > 0) {
         while ($ATT = mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
             $split = explode('-', $ATT->addDate);
             $base = $this->settings->attachpath . '/';
             // Check for newer folder structure..
             if (file_exists($this->settings->attachpath . '/' . $split[0] . '/' . $split[1] . '/' . $ATT->fileName)) {
                 $base = $this->settings->attachpath . '/' . $split[0] . '/' . $split[1] . '/';
             $fileName = substr($ATT->fileName, 0, strpos($ATT->fileName, '.'));
             // Only show file if it exists..
             if (file_exists($base . $ATT->fileName)) {
                 $data .= str_replace(array('{ext}', '{id}', '{file}', '{size}', '{file_name}'), array(substr(strrchr(strtoupper($ATT->fileName), '.'), 1), $ATT->id, substr($ATT->fileName, 0, strpos($ATT->fileName, '.')), mswFileSizeConversion($ATT->fileSize), tickets::ATTACH_FILE_NAME_TRUNCATION > 0 ? strlen($fileName) > tickets::ATTACH_FILE_NAME_TRUNCATION ? substr($fileName, 0, tickets::ATTACH_FILE_NAME_TRUNCATION) . '..' : $fileName : $fileName), file_get_contents(PATH . 'content/' . MS_TEMPLATE_SET . '/html/ticket-attachment.htm'));
     return $data ? trim($data) : '';
Exemplo n.º 8
		    <th style="width:77%"><?php 
    echo $msg_attachments16;
            <th style="width:17%"><?php 
    echo $msg_kbase49;
    if (mysql_num_rows($qA) > 0) {
        while ($ATT = mysql_fetch_object($qA)) {
            $ext = substr(strrchr(strtolower($ATT->remote ? $ATT->remote : $ATT->path), '.'), 1);
            $info = '[' . strtoupper($ext) . '] ' . ($ATT->size > 0 ? mswFileSizeConversion($ATT->size) : 'N/A');
            <td><input type="checkbox" name="att[]" value="<?php 
            echo $ATT->id;
            echo mswCheckedArrItem($attachments, $ATT->id);
            echo $ATT->name ? mswSpecialChars($ATT->name) : ($ATT->remote ? $ATT->remote : $ATT->path);
            <td><a href="?fattachment=<?php 
            echo $ATT->id;
Exemplo n.º 9
                 if ($folder && file_exists($SETTINGS->attachpath . '/' . $folder . $n)) {
                     $fSize = filesize($SETTINGS->attachpath . '/' . $folder . $n);
                     if ($fSize > 0) {
                         if (!$MSTICKET->size($fSize)) {
                             $MSIMAP->log('Size (' . mswFileSizeConversion($fSize) . ') too big and attachment ignored/deleted');
                             @unlink($SETTINGS->attachpath . '/' . $folder . $n);
                         } else {
                             // Try and determine mime type..
                             $mime = $DL->mime($attachments[$aCount]['file'], '');
                             $MSIMAP->log('Mime type determined as ' . $mime);
                             // Add attachment data to database..
                             $atID = $MSIMAP->addAttachmentToDB($ID, $replyID, $n, $fSize, $mime);
                             if ($atID > 0) {
                                 $pipes[3] = ++$pipes[3];
                                 $attString[] = $SETTINGS->scriptpath . '/?attachment=' . $atID;
                                 $MSIMAP->log('Attachment (' . basename($n) . ') accepted. ID: ' . $atID . ' @ ' . mswFileSizeConversion($fSize));
                             } else {
                                 $MSIMAP->log('Fatal error, attachment could not be added: ' . mysql_error());
                     } else {
                         $MSIMAP->log('File size 0 bytes, ignored.');
             } else {
                 $MSIMAP->log('Type (' . strrchr(strtolower($attachments[$aCount]['file']), '.') . ') invalid and attachment ignored.');
 } else {
     $MSIMAP->log('Attachments not enabled and ignored');
Exemplo n.º 10
	  <div class="well" style="margin-bottom:10px;padding-bottom:0">
		<div class="row-fluid">
         <div class="span5">
		  <label class="checkbox">
           <input type="checkbox" name="download" value="yes" checked="checked"> <?php 
echo $msg_backup11;
echo $msg_settings102 . ' ' . mswFileSizeConversion($totalBackup);
		  <label class="checkbox">
          <input type="checkbox" name="compress" value="yes"> <?php 
echo $msg_backup13;
         <div class="span7">
echo $msg_backup12;