} dbg("numprovided={$numprovided}"); dbg("n={$n}"); // Add students to the group $added = 0; foreach ($students as $s) { $sql = "update users set group_id={$gid} where active=1 and id={$s} and teacher_code={$teacher_code} and group_id=0"; $rs = dbExec($sql); logit("student {$id} added to group {$gid} by teacher {$teacher_code}"); $added++; $n--; if ($n == 0) { break; } } msgRedirect("{$added} Students added to group successfully.", $anchor); } else { if ($action == "up") { $anchor = rt("anchor"); $sid = rt("s"); $tab = rt("tab"); bumpStudentClass($sid, -1); anchorRedirect($anchor, $tab); } else { if ($action == "dn") { $anchor = rt("anchor"); $sid = rt("s"); $tab = rt("tab"); bumpStudentClass($sid, 1); anchorRedirect($anchor, $tab); } else {
$password = $username; $school_code = school_code_given_teacher_code($teacher_code); $first_name = $username; $last_name = $username; $email = $username . "@" . $username . ".com"; $econf = "machine-generated-user"; $user_type = "s"; $sql = "insert into users (active,econf,username,password,email,user_type,first_name,last_name,teacher_code,school_code) values (1,'{$econf}','{$username}','{$password}','{$email}','{$user_type}','{$first_name}','{$last_name}',{$teacher_code},{$school_code})"; $rs = dbExec($sql); $insid = $db->Insert_ID(); $sql = "insert into tracking (user_id) values ({$insid})"; $rs = dbExec($sql); $sql = "insert into progress (user_id) values ({$insid})"; $rs = dbExec($sql); logit("user {$username} created by DEV for teacher {$teacher_code}"); msgRedirect("User added OK: username={$username} password={$password} school_code={$school_code} teacher_code={$teacher_code} group_id={$group_id}"); exit; } } ?> <center> <h2>Quickly Add Fake Users</h2> Don't use this form when there is real user data in the database as it creates user records semi-randomly.
$sql .= "{$v},"; } $sql .= "code) values ("; foreach ($a as $v) { $vv = $_REQUEST[$v]; $sql .= "'{$vv}',"; } $sql .= "{$school_code})"; // echo "sql=$sql"; $rs = $db->Execute($sql); if (!$rs) { p_sqlfail($db, $sql); } $lastid = $db->Insert_ID(); logit("school record {$lastid} added by {$uid}"); msgRedirect("School successfully added."); exit; } } ?> <center> <h2>Add a school</h2> <?php if (false) {
function msgRedirectRed($msg, $a) { msgRedirect("<font color=red>{$msg}</font>"); }