Exemplo n.º 1
  * Register shortcodes
 public static function register()
     // Prepare compatibility mode prefix
     $prefix = mom_su_cmpt();
     // Loop through shortcodes
     foreach ((array) mom_su_Data::shortcodes() as $id => $data) {
         if (isset($data['function']) && is_callable($data['function'])) {
             $func = $data['function'];
         } elseif (is_callable(array('mom_su_Shortcodes', $id))) {
             $func = array('mom_su_Shortcodes', $id);
         } elseif (is_callable(array('mom_su_Shortcodes', 'mom_su_' . $id))) {
             $func = array('mom_su_Shortcodes', 'mom_su_' . $id);
         } else {
         // Register shortcode
         add_shortcode($prefix . $id, $func);
     // Register [media] manually // 3.x
     add_shortcode($prefix . 'media', array('mom_su_Shortcodes', 'media'));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function cheatsheet($field, $config)
     // Prepare print button
     $print = '<div><a href="javascript:;" id="mom-su-cheatsheet-print" class="mom-su-cheatsheet-switch button button-primary button-large">' . __('Printable version', 'theme') . '</a><div id="mom-su-cheatsheet-print-head"><h1>' . __('Shortcodes Ultimate', 'theme') . ': ' . __('Cheatsheet', 'theme') . '</h1><a href="javascript:;" class="mom-su-cheatsheet-switch">&larr; ' . __('Back to Dashboard', 'theme') . '</a></div></div>';
     // Prepare table array
     $table = array();
     // Table start
     $table[] = '<table><tr><th style="width:20%;">' . __('Shortcode', 'theme') . '</th><th style="width:50%">' . __('Attributes', 'theme') . '</th><th style="width:30%">' . __('Example code', 'theme') . '</th></tr>';
     // Loop through shortcodes
     foreach ((array) mom_su_Data::shortcodes() as $name => $shortcode) {
         // Prepare vars
         $icon = isset($shortcode['icon']) ? $shortcode['icon'] : 'puzzle-piece';
         $shortcode['name'] = isset($shortcode['name']) ? $shortcode['name'] : $name;
         $attributes = array();
         $example = array();
         $icons = 'icon: music, icon: envelope &hellip; <a href="http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/" target="_blank">' . __('full list', 'theme') . '</a>';
         // Loop through attributes
         if (is_array($shortcode['atts'])) {
             foreach ($shortcode['atts'] as $id => $data) {
                 // Prepare default value
                 $default = isset($data['default']) && $data['default'] !== '' ? '<p><em>' . __('Default value', 'theme') . ':</em> ' . $data['default'] . '</p>' : '';
                 // Check type is set
                 if (empty($data['type'])) {
                     $data['type'] = 'text';
                 // Switch attribute types
                 switch ($data['type']) {
                     // Select
                     case 'select':
                         $value = implode(', ', array_keys($data['values']));
                         // Slider and number
                     // Slider and number
                     case 'slider':
                     case 'number':
                         $value = $data['min'] . '&hellip;' . $data['max'];
                         // Bool
                     // Bool
                     case 'bool':
                         $value = 'yes | no';
                         // Icon
                     // Icon
                     case 'icon':
                         $value = $icons;
                         // Color
                     // Color
                     case 'color':
                         $value = __('#RGB and rgba() colors');
                         // Default value
                     // Default value
                         $value = $data['default'];
                 // Check empty value
                 if ($value === '') {
                     $value = __('Any text value', 'theme');
                 // Extra CSS class
                 if ($id === 'class') {
                     $value = __('Any custom CSS classes', 'theme');
                 // Add attribute
                 $attributes[] = '<div class="mom-su-shortcode-attribute"><strong>' . $data['name'] . ' <em>&ndash; ' . $id . '</em></strong><p><em>' . __('Possible values', 'theme') . ':</em> ' . $value . '</p>' . $default . '</div>';
                 // Add attribute to the example code
                 $example[] = $id . '="' . $data['default'] . '"';
         // Prepare example code
         $example = '[%prefix_' . $name . ' ' . implode(' ', $example) . ']';
         // Prepare content value
         if (empty($shortcode['content'])) {
             $shortcode['content'] = '';
         // Add wrapping code
         if ($shortcode['type'] === 'wrap') {
             $example .= esc_textarea($shortcode['content']) . '[/%prefix_' . $name . ']';
         // Change compatibility prefix
         $example = str_replace(array('%prefix_', '__'), mom_su_cmpt(), $example);
         // Shortcode
         $table[] = '<td>' . '<span class="mom-su-shortcode-icon">' . mom_su_Tools::icon($icon) . '</span>' . $shortcode['name'] . '<br/><em class="mom-su-shortcode-desc">' . $shortcode['desc'] . '</em></td>';
         // Attributes
         $table[] = '<td>' . implode('', $attributes) . '</td>';
         // Example code
         $table[] = '<td><code contenteditable="true">' . $example . '</code></td></tr>';
     // Table end
     $table[] = '</table>';
     // Query assets
     mom_su_query_asset('css', array('font-awesome', 'mom-su-cheatsheet'));
     mom_su_query_asset('js', array('jquery', 'mom-su-options-page'));
     // Return output
     return '<div id="mom-su-cheatsheet-screen">' . $print . implode('', $table) . '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Process AJAX request
 public static function settings()
     // Param check
     if (empty($_REQUEST['shortcode'])) {
         wp_die(__('Shortcode not specified', 'framework'));
     // Get cache
     delete_transient('mom_su/generator/settings/' . sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['shortcode']));
     $output = get_transient('mom_su/generator/settings/' . sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['shortcode']));
     if ($output && mom_su_ENABLE_CACHE) {
         echo $output;
     } else {
         // Request queried shortcode
         $shortcode = mom_su_Data::shortcodes(sanitize_key($_REQUEST['shortcode']));
         // Prepare skip-if-default option
         $skip = get_option('mom_su_option_skip') === 'on' ? ' mom-su-generator-skip' : '';
         // Prepare actions
         $actions = apply_filters('mom_su/generator/actions', array('insert' => '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="button button-primary button-large mom-su-generator-insert"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> ' . __('Insert shortcode', 'framework') . '</a>'));
         // Shortcode header
         $return = '<div id="mom-su-generator-breadcrumbs">';
         $return .= apply_filters('mom_su/generator/breadcrumbs', '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="mom-su-generator-home" title="' . __('Click to return to the shortcodes list', 'framework') . '">' . __('All shortcodes', 'framework') . '</a> &rarr; <span>' . $shortcode['name'] . '</span> <small class="alignright">' . $shortcode['desc'] . '</small><div class="mom-su-generator-clear"></div>');
         $return .= '</div>';
         // Shortcode note
         if (isset($shortcode['note']) || isset($shortcode['example'])) {
             $return .= '<div class="mom-su-generator-note"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i><div class="mom-su-generator-note-content">';
             if (isset($shortcode['note'])) {
                 $return .= wpautop($shortcode['note']);
             if (isset($shortcode['example'])) {
                 $return .= wpautop('<a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=mom-shortcodes-ultimate-examples&example=' . $shortcode['example']) . '" target="_blank">' . __('Examples of use', 'framework') . ' &rarr;</a>');
             $return .= '</div></div>';
         // Shortcode has atts
         if (count($shortcode['atts']) && $shortcode['atts']) {
             // Loop through shortcode parameters
             foreach ($shortcode['atts'] as $attr_name => $attr_info) {
                 // Prepare default value
                 $default = (string) isset($attr_info['default']) ? $attr_info['default'] : '';
                 $attr_info['name'] = isset($attr_info['name']) ? $attr_info['name'] : $attr_name;
                 $required = '';
                 if (isset($attr_info['required'])) {
                     $required .= 'data-required="' . $attr_info['required'][0] . '" data-operator="' . $attr_info['required'][1] . '" data-value="' . $attr_info['required'][2] . '"';
                 $return .= '<div class="mom-su-generator-attr-container' . $skip . '" data-default="' . esc_attr($default) . '" ' . $required . ' >';
                 $return .= '<h5>' . $attr_info['name'] . '</h5>';
                 // Create field types
                 if (!isset($attr_info['type']) && isset($attr_info['values']) && is_array($attr_info['values']) && count($attr_info['values'])) {
                     $attr_info['type'] = 'select';
                 } elseif (!isset($attr_info['type'])) {
                     $attr_info['type'] = 'text';
                 if (is_callable(array('mom_su_Generator_Views', $attr_info['type']))) {
                     $return .= call_user_func(array('mom_su_Generator_Views', $attr_info['type']), $attr_name, $attr_info);
                 } elseif (isset($attr_info['callback']) && is_callable($attr_info['callback'])) {
                     $return .= call_user_func($attr_info['callback'], $attr_name, $attr_info);
                 if (isset($attr_info['desc'])) {
                     $attr_info['desc'] = str_replace('%mom_su_skins_link%', mom_su_skins_link(), $attr_info['desc']);
                 if (isset($attr_info['desc'])) {
                     $return .= '<div class="mom-su-generator-attr-desc">' . str_replace(array('<b%value>', '<b_>'), '<b class="mom-su-generator-set-value" title="' . __('Click to set this value', 'framework') . '">', $attr_info['desc']) . '</div>';
                 $return .= '</div>';
         // Single shortcode (not closed)
         if ($shortcode['type'] == 'single') {
             $return .= '<input type="hidden" name="mom-su-generator-content" id="mom-su-generator-content" value="false" />';
         } else {
             $return .= '<div class="mom-su-generator-attr-container"><h5>' . __('Content', 'framework') . '</h5><textarea name="mom-su-generator-content" id="mom-su-generator-content" rows="5">' . esc_attr(str_replace(array('%prefix_', '__'), mom_su_cmpt(), $shortcode['content'])) . '</textarea></div>';
         $return .= '<div id="mom-su-generator-preview"></div>';
         $return .= '<div class="mom-su-generator-actions mom-su-generator-clearfix">' . implode(' ', array_values($actions)) . '</div>';
         set_transient('mom_su/generator/settings/' . sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['shortcode']), $return, 2 * DAY_IN_SECONDS);
         echo $return;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static function example()
     // Check authentication
     // Check incoming data
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['code']) || !isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
     // Check for cache
     $output = get_transient('mom_su/examples/render/' . sanitize_key($_REQUEST['id']));
     if ($output && mom_su_ENABLE_CACHE) {
         echo $output;
     } else {
         // Prepare data
         $code = file_get_contents(sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['code']));
         // Check for code
         if (!$code) {
             die('<p class="mom-su-examples-error">' . __('Example code does not found, please check it later', 'theme') . '</p>');
         // Clean-up the code
         $code = str_replace(array("\t", '%mom_su_'), array('  ', mom_su_cmpt()), $code);
         // Split code
         $chunks = explode('-----', $code);
         // Show snippets
         foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
             // Clean-up new lines
             $chunk = trim($chunk, "\n\r");
             // Calc textarea rows
             $rows = substr_count($chunk, "\n");
             $rows = $rows < 4 ? '4' : (string) ($rows + 1);
             $rows = $rows > 20 ? '20' : (string) ($rows + 1);
             echo wpautop(do_shortcode($chunk));
             echo '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
             echo '<div class="mom-su-examples-code"><span class="mom-su-examples-get-code button"><i class="fa fa-code"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('Get the code', 'theme') . '</span><textarea rows="' . $rows . '">' . esc_textarea($chunk) . '</textarea></div>';
         $output = ob_get_contents();
         set_transient('mom_su/examples/render/' . sanitize_key($_REQUEST['id']), $output);
         echo $output;