<?php media('Py4Inf-10-Tuples'); ?> <p>Worked Exercise Screencasts: <a href="<?php echo $afs; ?> /books/py4inf/exercises/Py4Inf-ex-10.mp4" target="_blank">Top-5 Words</a> </p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion-item"> <a href="#panel17d" role="tab" class="accordion-title" id="panel1d-heading" aria-controls="panel17d"> <h4>Chapter 11: Regular Expressions</h4></a> <div id="panel17d" class="accordion-content" role="tabpanel" data-tab-content aria-labelledby="panel17d-heading"> <?php media('Py4Inf-11-Regex'); ?> , <br><a href="lectures/Py4Inf-11-Regex-Guide.pdf" target="_new">Regex-Guide</a> </p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion-item"> <a href="#panel18d" role="tab" class="accordion-title" id="panel1d-heading" aria-controls="panel18d"> <h4>Internet History, Technology, and Security</h4></a> <div id="panel18d" class="accordion-content" role="tabpanel" data-tab-content aria-labelledby="panel18d-heading"> <p>When I teach from this book I spend two weeks on <a href="https://www.coursera.org/course/insidetheinternet" target="_blank">Internet History, Technology, and Security</a> between Chapters 11 and 12. Talking about history and technology allows the students to take a mental break from programming and lays the ground work for the second half of the book. </p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion-item">
<?php include "repaso24.php"; $fun = suma(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); $fun2 = suma(2, 2, 2, 2, 2); echo "la suma da {$fun}<br>"; $fun = media(2, 5, 6, 4, 2, 8); echo "la media da {$fun}<br>"; $fun = sumaPares(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); echo "la suma de los numeros pares da {$fun}<br>";
<?php function media($v) { $suma = 0; $media = 0; $contador = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($v); $i++) { echo "Valor de la posicion " . $i . " : " . $v[$i] . "</br>"; if ($v[$i] >= 0) { $suma = $suma + $v[$i]; $contador++; } elseif ($v[$i] == -1) { break; } } if ($contador == 0) { echo "No puede calcular la media"; return -1; } $media = $suma / $contador; return $media; } $func = media(array(0, -2, 0, -1, 5, 6)); echo $func;
function initTwig($file = null) { $dirs = $this->getDirs(); /** * We need to duplicate every dir for proper relative includes ... * * */ if ($file) { $tempDirs = $dirs; foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $partDir = realpath($dir) . path('ds'); $tempDir = $partDir . substr(str_replace('\\', path('ds'), $file), 0, strrpos($file, path('ds'))); if (is_dir($tempDir)) { $tempDirs[] = $tempDir; } } $dirs = array_unique($tempDirs); } $this->twig = new TwigEnv(new Twig_Loader_Chain([new Twig_Loader_Filesystem($dirs), new \Twig_Loader_String()]), ['debug' => dev()]); $this->twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_StringLoader()); /** * This should be added to Dev environment Provider. */ $this->twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_Debug()); /** * This should be added to Framework/Inter Provider. */ $this->twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('__', function ($key, $data = [], $lang = null) { return __($key, $data, $lang); }, ['is_safe' => ['html']])); /** * This should be added to Framework provider. */ $this->twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('config', function ($text, $default = null) { return config($text, $default); })); /** * This should be added to Framework provider. */ $this->twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('flash', function ($key, $delete = true) { return context()->getOrCreate(Flash::class)->get($key, $delete); })); /** * This should be added to Framework provider. */ $this->twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('url', function ($url, $params = [], $absolute = false) { return context()->get(Router::class)->make($url, $params, $absolute); })); $this->twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('dev', function () { return dev(); })); $this->twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('implicitDev', function () { return implicitDev(); })); $this->twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('prod', function () { return prod(); })); /** * This should be added to Framework provider. */ $this->twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('media', function ($file, $path = null, $relative = true, $base = null) { return media($file, $path, $relative, $base); })); /** * This should be added to Framework provider. */ $this->twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('relativePath', function ($key) { return relativePath($key); })); /** * This should be added to Framework provider. */ $this->twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('select', function ($options, $attributes = [], $valueKey = null) { $select = new Select(); $select->setAttributes($attributes ?? []); foreach ($options as $key => $option) { $select->addOption($valueKey ? $option->id : $key, $valueKey ? $option->{$valueKey} : $option); } return $select; })); /** * This should be added to Framework provider. */ $this->twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('price', function ($price) { if (is_null($price)) { $price = 0.0; } $localeManager = resolve(Locale::class); return number_format($price, 2, $localeManager->getDecimalPoint(), $localeManager->getThousandSeparator()) . ' €'; })); $this->twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('roundPrice', function ($price) { if (is_null($price)) { $price = 0.0; } $localeManager = resolve(Locale::class); return trim((string) number_format($price, 2, $localeManager->getDecimalPoint(), $localeManager->getThousandSeparator()), '0') . ' €'; })); $this->twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('datetime', function ($date) { return (new Carbon($date))->format(resolve(Locale::class)->getDatetimeFormat()); })); $this->twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('date', function ($date) { return (new Carbon($date))->format(resolve(Locale::class)->getDateFormat()); })); $this->twig->getExtension('core')->setDateFormat(resolve(Locale::class)->getDateFormat(), '%d days'); }
function soma() { $x = 5; $y = 1; echo $x + $y . "<hr>"; } function media($p1, $p2, $p3) { return $resultado = ($p1 + $p2 + $p3) / 3; } $alunos[0]["Nome"] = "Pedro"; $alunos[0]["Media"] = media(6, 8, 3); $alunos[1]["Nome"] = "Maria"; $alunos[1]["Media"] = media(8, 5, 10); $alunos[2]["Nome"] = "Diego"; $alunos[2]["Media"] = media(6, 8, 7); function passou($valor) { if ($valor >= 7) { return $passou = '<font color="blue">' . $valor . '</font><br/>'; } else { return $passou = '<font color="red">' . $valor . '</font><br/>'; } } function printMedias($a) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($a); $i++) { echo "<b>Nome do Aluno:</b> " . $a[$i]["Nome"] . "<br/>"; echo "<b>Media final:</b>" . passou($a[$i][Media]); } }
include "" . $template_dir . "/html/100_all-media result-header.html"; // get all media results of this page and present them as result listing $all = '1'; $mode = '1'; $media_results = array(); $image_results = image($query, $link, 'image', $all, $urlx, $title, $image_dir, 'allImages', 'normSearch', 'camera60.gif', $mode, $media_only, $type, $category, $catid, $mark, $db, $prefix, $domain); // prepare media results for XML output file if ($image_results && $out == 'xml') { $media_results = $image_results; } $audio_results = media($query, $link, 'audio', $all, $urlx, $title, $image_dir, 'foundAudio', 'normSearch', 'notes60.gif', $mode, $media_only, $type, $category, $catid, $mark, $db, $prefix, $domain); // prepare media results for XML output file if ($audio_results && $out == 'xml') { $media_results = array_merge($media_results, $audio_results); } $video_results = media($query, $link, 'video', $all, $urlx, $title, $image_dir, 'foundVideo', 'normSearch', 'film60.gif', $mode, $media_only, $type, $category, $catid, $mark, $db, $prefix, $domain); // prepare media results for XML output file if ($video_results && $out == 'xml') { $media_results = array_merge($media_results, $video_results); } // if activated, prepare the XML result file if ($out == 'xml' && $xml_name) { media_xml($media_results, count($media_results), $query, round(getmicrotime() - $start_all, 3)); } echo "\n <br /><br />\n <a class=\"navup\" href=\"#top\" title=\"Jump to Page Top\">" . $sph_messages['top'] . "</a>\n "; break; } // if selected in Admin settings, show 'Most Popular Searches' if ($most_pop == 1) { $bgcolor = 'odrow'; $count = 0;
# func_get_args & func_num_args function somaTudo() { $lista = func_get_args(); $qntd = func_num_args(); $total = 0; // 1 método //for ($i = 0; $i < $qntd; $i++) { // $total += $lista[$i]; //} // 2 método foreach ($lista as $item) { $total += $item; } echo "<br> {$total}"; } somaTudo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); # Funções variádicas function media(...$valores) { $total = array_sum($valores) / count($valores); return $total; } echo "<br>" . media(10, 10, 10); # Retorno de Valores function cubo($num) { $x = $num * $num * $num; return $x; } echo "<br>" . cubo(5);
<?php include "repaso22.php"; $v = array(7, 5, 9, 7, 2, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 8, 3, 1, 5); $fun = suma($v); echo "La suma del vector da: {$fun} <br>"; $fun = media($v); echo "La media del vector da: {$fun} <br>"; $fun = sumaPares($v); echo "La suma de los pares numeros pares del vector da: {$fun} <br>"; $fun = mediaPares($v); echo "La media de los pares numeros pares del del vector da: {$fun} <br>"; $fun = mediaImpares($v); echo "La media de los pares numeros impares del del vector da: {$fun} <br>"; $indicador = 1; $fun = sumaPosiciones($v, $indicador); if ($indicador == 1) { echo "La suma de las posiciones pares da: {$fun} <br>"; } else { echo "La suma de las posiciones impares da: {$fun} <br>"; } $valor = 3; $fun = contadorMayorQue($v, $valor); echo "Hay {$fun} numeros mayores que {$valor} <br>"; $valor = 3; $fun = contadorMenorQue($v, $valor); echo "Hay {$fun} numeros mayores que {$valor} <br>"; $fun = maximo($v); echo "El numero mas grande es: {$fun} <br>"; $fun = minimo($v); echo "El numero mas pequeño es: {$fun} ";
<?php echo "El total es: " . media(1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3); function media() { $numeroArgumentos = func_num_args(); $contadorNumeros = 0; $total = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $numeroArgumentos; $i++) { $argumento = func_get_arg($i); if (is_numeric($argumento)) { $total += $argumento; $contadorNumeros++; } } return $total; }
<?php function media($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4) { $risultato = ($p1 + $p2 + $p3 + $p4) / 4; return $risultato; } $media = media(6, 5, 7, 2); echo "il risultato è " . $media;
/** * Display avatar * * @param $url * @return string */ function categoryIcon($url) { return $url ? media($url) : assetTheme('assets/img/categories/default.png'); }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=""> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=" "> </head> <body> <?php function media($v) { $sum = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($v); $i++) { $sum += $v[$i]; } return $sum / sizeof($v); } $data = array(13, 54, 58, 8, 5, 2); echo "la media es " . media($data); ?> </body> </html>
function reply_cb($request, $w) { $to = $request['ToUserName']; $from = $request['FromUserName']; $time = $w->get_creattime(); if ($w->get_msg_type() == "location") { $lacation = "x@" . (string) $request['Location_X'] . "@" . (string) $request['Location_Y']; $lacation = urlencode(str_replace('\\.', '\\\\.', $lacation)); $lacation = urldecode(xiaojo($lacation, $from, $to)); return $lacation; } else { if ($w->get_msg_type() == "image") { $PicUrl = $request['PicUrl']; $pic = urldecode(xiaojo("&" . $PicUrl, $from, $to)); //$w->set_funcflag(); return $pic; } else { if ($w->get_msg_type() == "voice") { return array("title" => "你好", "description" => "亲爱的主人", "murl" => "http://weixen-file.stor.sinaapp.com/b/xiaojo.mp3", "hqurl" => "http://weixen-file.stor.sinaapp.com/b/xiaojo.mp3"); } else { if ($w->get_msg_type() == "event") { if ($w->get_event_type() == "subscribe") { $sql_flag = "replace`weixin_flag` (`openid`,`flag`,`vote`,`nickname`) VALUES ('{$from}','-1','1','{$nicheng}')"; mysql_query($sql_flag); include "sub.php"; $sisi = "title|【{$nickname}】欢迎关注我们的平台#pic|http://f.hiphotos.baidu.com/pic/w%3D230/sign=a34574e90d3387449cc5287f610ed937/30adcbef76094b36f9ce3154a2cc7cd98d109d2e.jpg@title|1.\t上墙#pic|@title|2.\t投票#pic|@title|回复对应的数字进入对应的模块#pic|@title|回复【取消】或【退出】返回主菜单"; //开场百 $sub = media(urldecode($sisi)); if ($nickname == "") { $sub = "欢迎关注,回复1进入上墙模式"; } return $sub; //include './baeinsert.php';//可以在这里进行保存的 } elseif ($w->get_event_type() == "unsubscribe") { $sql_flag = "replace`weixin_flag` (`openid`,`flag`,`vote`,`nickname`) VALUES ('{$from}','-1','1','{$nicheng}')"; mysql_query($sql_flag); $unsub = media(urldecode(MOREN)); return $unsub; } elseif ($w->get_event_type() == "click") { $menukey = $w->get_event_key(); $menu = xiaojo($menukey, $from, $to); return $menu; } else { $menukey = $w->get_event_key(); return $menukey; } } } } } $content = trim($request['Content']); $firsttime = $content; if ($content !== "") { //$w->set_funcflag(); //如果有必要的话,加星标,方便在web处理 $content = $w->biaoqing($content); //表情处理 if (strstr($content, FLAG)) { $w->set_funcflag(); } /* //执行判断,1进入上墙系统,2是投票 // */ $sql_check = "SELECT * FROM `weixin_flag` where `openid` = '{$from}'"; $query_check = mysql_query($sql_check); $check = mysql_fetch_row($query_check); if (!$check[0]) { $sql_flag = "replace`weixin_flag` (`openid`,`flag`,`vote`,`nickname`) VALUES ('{$from}','-1','1','{$nicheng}')"; mysql_query($sql_flag); } if ($content == '取消' || $content == '退出') { $reply = "title|欢迎关注{$weixin_name}#pic|@title|1.\t上墙#pic|@title|2.\t投票#pic|@title|回复对应的数字进入对应的模块#pic|@title|回复【取消】或【退出】返回主菜单"; $sql_flag = "UPDATE `weixin_flag` SET `flag` = '-1' WHERE `openid` = '{$from}';"; mysql_query($sql_flag); } if ($check[1] == 1) { if ($content == '取消' || $content == '退出') { $reply = "title|欢迎关注{$weixin_name}#pic|@title|1.\t上墙#pic|@title|2.\t投票#pic|@title|回复对应的数字进入对应的模块#pic|@title|回复【取消】或【退出】返回主菜单"; $sql_flag = "UPDATE `weixin_flag` SET `flag` = '-1' WHERE `openid` = '{$from}';"; mysql_query($sql_flag); } else { file_get_contents("http://www.bestchoice88.com/Wall/1.php"); //该地址为1.php上传后的地址 $sql_name = "UPDATE `weixin_flag` SET `nickname` = '{$nicheng}' WHERE `openid` = '{$from}';"; mysql_query($sql_name); $reply = "title|发送成功#pic|#url|{$weixin_wxq}@title|你已经成功发送,等待审核通过即可上墙了\n\nPs:点击查看大屏幕#url|{$weixin_wxq}@title|回复【取消】或【退出】返回主菜单"; } } if ($check[1] == '2' || $check[1] == '4') { $sql_vote_check = "SELECT * FROM `weixin_flag` where `openid` = '{$from}'"; $query_vote_check = mysql_query($sql_vote_check); $vote_check = mysql_fetch_row($query_vote_check); $vote_check = $vote_check[2]; $sql_vote = "SELECT * FROM `weixin_vote` "; $query_vote = mysql_query($sql_vote); if ($content == '取消' || $content == '退出') { $reply = "title|欢迎关注{$weixin_name}#pic|@title|1.\t上墙#pic|@title|2.\t投票#pic|@title|回复对应的数字进入对应的模块#pic|@title|回复【取消】或【退出】返回主菜单"; $sql_flag = "UPDATE `weixin_flag` SET `flag` = '-1' WHERE `openid` = '{$from}';"; mysql_query($sql_flag); } elseif ($content == '投票' && $vote_check == '1') { while ($vote = mysql_fetch_row($query_vote)) { $name = $vote[1]; $id = $vote[0]; $idout .= "【" . $id . "】" . $name . "\n"; } $reply = "title|投票系统\n每人只能投一票#pic|@title|输入选手名字面的序号进行投票\n\n" . $idout . "@title|回复【取消】或【退出】返回主菜单"; } elseif ($vote_check !== '9' && ($content == '1' || $content == '2' || $content == '3' || $content == '4' || $content == '5' || $content == '6' || $content == '7' || $content == '8' || $content == '9' || $content == '10' || $content == '11' || $content == '12' || $content == '13' || $content == '14' || $content == '15')) { $sql_tou = "UPDATE `weixin_vote` SET `res` = `res`+1 WHERE `id` = '{$content}';"; mysql_query($sql_tou); $sql_vote_yes = "UPDATE `weixin_flag` SET `vote` = '9' WHERE `openid` = '{$from}';"; mysql_query($sql_vote_yes); $sql_vote = "SELECT * FROM `weixin_vote` WHERE `id` = '{$content}';"; $query_vote = mysql_query($sql_vote); $vote = mysql_fetch_row($query_vote); $name = $vote[1]; $res = $vote[2]; $reply = "title|投票成功#pic|#url|{$weixin_vote}@title|你成功地把宝贵的一票投给了\n\n【{$content}】号选手【{$name}】\n\nTa目前有【{$res}】票\n\n点击得票查看详情#url|{$weixin_vote}@title|发送【结果】查看最新数据#url|{$weixin_vote}@title|回复【取消】或【退出】返回主菜单"; } elseif ($vote_check == '9' && ($content == '1' || $content == '2' || $content == '3' || $content == '4' || $content == '5' || $content == '6' || $content == '7' || $content == '8' || $content == '9' || $content == '10' || $content == '11' || $content == '12' || $content == '13' || $content == '14' || $content == '15')) { $sql_vote = "SELECT * FROM `weixin_vote` WHERE `id` = '{$content}';"; $query_vote = mysql_query($sql_vote); $vote = mysql_fetch_row($query_vote); $name = $vote[1]; $res = $vote[2]; $reply = "title|投票失败\n每人只能投一票#pic|#url|{$weixin_vote}@title|你已经投了1票给\n\n【{$content}】号选手【{$name}】\n\nTa目前有【{$res}】票\n\n点击查看得票详情#url|{$weixin_vote}@title|发送【结果】查看最新数据#url|{$weixin_vote}@title|回复【取消】或【退出】返回主菜单"; } elseif ($content == '结果' && $vote_check == '9' || $content == '投票' && $vote_check == '9') { while ($vote = mysql_fetch_row($query_vote)) { $name = $vote[1]; $res = $vote[2]; $resout .= $name . "------> 【" . $res . "】票\n"; } $reply = "title|你已经投过票了\n每人只能投一票#pic|#url|{$weixin_vote}@title|投票结果\n\n" . $resout . "\n\n点击得票查看详情#url|{$weixin_vote}@title|回复【取消】或【退出】返回主菜单"; } else { $reply = "title|投票模式#pic|@title|你已经进入了投票模式\n\n发送【投票】进行投票,每人一票\n\n点击查看得票详情@title|回复【取消】或【退出】返回主菜单"; } } if ($check[1] !== '1' && $check[1] !== '2') { if ($content == "1") { $sql_check = "UPDATE `weixin_flag` SET `flag` = '1' WHERE `openid` = '{$from}';"; mysql_query($sql_check); $reply = "title|上墙模式#pic|#url|{$weixin_wxq}@title|你已经进入了上墙模式\n\n直接发送内容就可以有机会上墙了#url|{$weixin_wxq}@title|回复【取消】或【退出】返回主菜单#url|{$weixin_wxq}"; } else { if ($content == "2") { $sql_check = "UPDATE `weixin_flag` SET `flag` = '2' WHERE `openid` = '{$from}';"; mysql_query($sql_check); $reply = "title|投票模式#pic|#url|{$weixin_vote}@title|你已经进入了投票模式\n\n发送【投票】进行投票,每人一票@title|回复【取消】或【退出】返回主菜单"; } else { $reply = MOREN; } } } /* if($reply=="") { $reply = MOREN ; }*/ $reply = media(urldecode($reply)); return $reply; } else { return MOREN; } }
<?php function media($v) { $suma = 0; $media = 0; $contador = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($v); $i++) { echo "Valor de la posicion " . $i . " : " . $v[$i] . "</br>"; if ($v[$i] >= 0) { $suma = $suma + $v[$i]; $contador++; } elseif ($v[$i] == -1) { break; } } if ($contador == 0) { echo "No puede calcular la media"; return -1; } $media = $suma / $contador; //echo "$media"; return $media; } $func = media(array(2, 2, 1, 4, 5, -6)); echo $func;
?> </a></div> <div id="playlist"><a href="music.php"></a></div> <div id="type" ><a href="music.php"><img src="img/back.png" width="28" height="28"/></a></div> </div> <?php $send = $_GET['send']; $back_folder = $_GET['back']; if ($send == "1") { media(); $curl = media("{$json}"); //echo $curl; $array = json_decode($curl, true); $results = $array['result']["shares"]; foreach ($results as $value) { $img_thumb_cambia = 'core/img/musica/Folder.png'; echo ' <div id="info_file"> <div id="title" ><a href="?media=music&send=' . ($send + 1) . '&directory=' . $value['file'] . '&back=1" onMouseOver="window.parent.document.getElementById(\'img_cambia\').src=('; echo "'{$img_thumb_cambia}'"; echo ');" onmouseout="window.parent.document.getElementById(\'img_cambia\').src=('; echo "'css/img/xbmc.png'"; echo ');">    ' . $value['label'] . '</a></div> <div id="playlist"><a href="?media=music&send=' . ($send + 1) . '&directory=' . $value['file'] . '&back=1"></a></div> <div id="type" ><a href="?media=music&send=' . ($send + 1) . '&directory=' . $value['file'] . '&back=1">';
function reply_cb($request, $w) { $to = $request['ToUserName']; $from = $request['FromUserName']; $time = $w->get_creattime(); if ($w->get_msg_type() == "location") { $lacation = "x@" . (string) $request['Location_X'] . "@" . (string) $request['Location_Y']; $lacation = urlencode(str_replace('\\.', '\\\\.', $lacation)); $lacation = urldecode(xiaojo($lacation, $from, $to)); return $lacation; } else { if ($w->get_msg_type() == "image") { $PicUrl = $request['PicUrl']; $pic = urldecode(xiaojo("&" . $PicUrl, $from, $to)); //$w->set_funcflag(); return $pic; } else { if ($w->get_msg_type() == "voice") { return array("title" => "你好", "description" => "亲爱的主人", "murl" => "http://weixen-file.stor.sinaapp.com/b/xiaojo.mp3", "hqurl" => "http://weixen-file.stor.sinaapp.com/b/xiaojo.mp3"); } else { if ($w->get_msg_type() == "event") { if ($w->get_event_type() == "subscribe") { $sql_flag = "replace`weixin_flag` (`openid`,`flag`,`vote`,`nickname`) VALUES ('{$from}','-1','1','{$nicheng}')"; mysql_query($sql_flag); return media(urldecode(MOREN)); } elseif ($w->get_event_type() == "unsubscribe") { $sql_flag = "replace`weixin_flag` (`openid`,`flag`,`vote`,`nickname`) VALUES ('{$from}','-1','1','{$nicheng}')"; mysql_query($sql_flag); $unsub = media(urldecode(MOREN)); return $unsub; } elseif ($w->get_event_type() == "click") { $menukey = $w->get_event_key(); $menu = xiaojo($menukey, $from, $to); return $menu; } else { $menukey = $w->get_event_key(); return $menukey; } } } } } $content = trim($request['Content']); $firsttime = $content; if ($content !== "") { //$w->set_funcflag(); //如果有必要的话,加星标,方便在web处理 $content = $w->biaoqing($content); //表情处理 if (strstr($content, FLAG)) { $w->set_funcflag(); } /*话题判断函数开始*/ function startsWith($haystack, $needle, $case = false) { if ($case) { return strcmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)), $needle) === 0; } return strcasecmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)), $needle) === 0; } /*话题判断函数结束*/ include "db.php"; if (startsWith($content, $huati)) { file_get_contents(Web_ROOT . "/moni/test.php"); $sql_name = "UPDATE `weixin_flag` SET `nickname` = '{$nicheng}' WHERE `openid` = '{$from}';"; mysql_query($sql_name); $reply = "title|发送成功#pic|#url|{$weixin_wxq}@title|你已经成功发送,审核通过即可上墙!PS:点击我,查看微信墙!"; } /* if($reply=="") { $reply = MOREN ; }*/ $reply = media(urldecode($reply)); return $reply; } else { return MOREN; } }
/** * Generate rectangle ad * * @return \Illuminate\Foundation\Application|mixed|string */ function generateRectangleAd() { if (setting('rectangle-ad-image', false)) { return '<img src="' . media(setting('rectangle-ad-image')) . '" alt="."/>'; } if (setting('rectangle-ad-code', false)) { return setting('rectangle-ad-code'); } return '<img src="' . assetTheme('assets/img/ad-rect.png') . '" alt=".">'; }
<html> <?php include_once "{$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']}/workspace/Estudos/head.php"; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/workspace/Estudos/functions/html.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/workspace/Estudos/menu.php'; ?> <body> <div class="container" style="margin-top: 60px"> <?php if (isset($_POST['enviar'])) { echo '<h1>O maior número lido é: ' . verificaMaior(30) . '</h1>'; echo '<h1>O menor número lido é: ' . verificaMenor(30) . '</h1>'; echo '<h1>A média dos número é: ' . media(30) . '</h1>'; } else { gerarInputNumero(30); } ?> </div> </body> </html>
/*function soma(){ $x = 5; $y = 6; echo $x + $y."<br/>"; } $x = 10; //Global function soma($x=0,$y=0) { //$x -> escopo. Trabalha apenas dentro dessa função. echo $x + $y; } soma();*/ //Formatos que podemos passar nossos parametros: int, "string", false/true, null, array(), objetos function media($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4) { $resultado = ($p1 + $p2 + $p3 + $p4) / 4; return $resultado; } $alunos[0]["nome"] = "Pedrinho"; $alunos[0]["media"] = media(10, 4, 5, 8); $alunos[1]["nome"] = "Marco"; $alunos[1]["media"] = media(10, 2, 8, 9); $alunos[2]["nome"] = "Maira"; $alunos[2]["media"] = media(10, 9, 8, 10); for ($i = 0; $i < count($alunos); $i++) { echo "<b>Nome do Aluno: </b>" . $alunos[$i]["nome"] . "<br>"; echo "<b>Media final: </b>" . $alunos[$i]["media"] . "<br><br>"; }
<?php include "libreria22.php"; $vSuma = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); $vMedia = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); $vSumaPares = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); $vmediaPares = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); $vMediaImpares = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); $vSumaPosiciones = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); $vContadorMayoresQue = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); $vContadorMenoresQue = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); $vMaximo = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); $vMinimo = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); $fun = suma($vSuma); echo "la suma da {$fun}<br>"; $fun = media($vMedia); echo "la media da {$fun}<br>"; $fun = sumaPares($vSumaPares); echo "la suma de los numeros pares da {$fun}<br>"; $fun = mediaPares($vmediaPares); echo "la media de los numeros pares da {$fun}<br>"; $fun = mediaImpares($vMediaImpares); echo "la media de los numeros impares da {$fun}<br>"; $indicador = 1; $fun = sumaPosiciones($vSumaPosiciones, $indicador); if ($indicador == 1) { echo "la suma de las posiciones de los numeros pares da {$fun}<br>"; } else { echo "la suma de las posiciones de los numeros impares da {$fun}<br>"; } $fun = contadorMayoresQue($vContadorMayoresQue);
echo media($q_bi_b, $total_series); ?> </td> <td><?php echo media($p_bi_l, $total_series); ?> </td> <td><?php echo media($s_bi_l, $total_series); ?> </td> <td><?php echo media($t_bi_l, $total_series); ?> </td> <td><?php echo media($q_bi_l, $total_series); ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <br> <br> <br> <br> <?php } ?> </div>
<?php /* Cсlculo da mщdia ponderada Autor: ? Colaborador: Karlisson Bezerra Tipo: math Descriчуo: Calcula a mщdia ponderada - щ um algoritmo comum em qualquer curso de introduчуo р programaчуo, que pode variar de acordo com os pesos. Complexidade: O(1) Dificuldade: facil */ function media($n1, $n2, $n3) { $p1 = 4; $p2 = 5; $p3 = 6; return ($n1 * $p1 + $n2 * $p2 + $n3 * $p3) / ($p1 + $p2 + $p3); } print media(7.0, 8.0, 10.0);
function xiaojo($key, $from, $to) { global $yourdb, $yourpw; $key = urlencode($key); $yourdb = urlencode($yourdb); $from = urlencode($from); $to = urlencode($to); $post = "chat=" . $key . "&db=" . $yourdb . "&pw=" . $yourpw . "&from=" . $from . "&to=" . $to; $api = "http://www.xiaojo.com/api5.php"; $replys = curlpost($post, $api); $reply = media(urldecode($replys)); //多媒体转换 return $reply; }
<?php echo "La media es: " . media(1, 3, array(1, 3, "Hola", 1), 3, 1, 3); function media() { $numeroArgumentos = func_num_args(); $contadorNumeros = 0; $total = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $numeroArgumentos; $i++) { $argumento = func_get_arg($i); if (is_array($argumento)) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($argumento); $j++) { if (is_numeric($argumento[$j])) { $total += $argumento[$j]; $contadorNumeros++; } } } else { if (is_numeric($argumento)) { $total += $argumento; $contadorNumeros++; } } } return $total / $contadorNumeros; }
<?php include "libreria24.php"; $fun = suma(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); $fun2 = suma(2, 2, 2, 2); echo "la suma da {$fun}<br>"; $fun = media(4, 5, 6, 6, 4, 5); echo "la media da {$fun}<br>"; $fun = sumaPares(1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 8, 6, 9, 7); echo "la suma de los numeros pares da {$fun}<br>";
protected function createElementByType($type, $name, Field $field) { $auto = ['id', 'hidden', 'email', 'password', 'text', 'textarea', 'editor', 'integer', 'decimal']; if (in_array($type, $auto)) { return $this->{'add' . ucfirst($type)}($name); } elseif (in_array($type, ['file', 'pdf'])) { $dir = $field->getAbsoluteDir($field->getSetting('pckg.dynamic.field.dir'), $field->getSetting('pckg.dynamic.field.privateUpload')); $fullPath = $this->record->{$field->field} ? media($this->record->{$field->field}, null, true, $dir) : null; if ($field->getSetting('pckg.dynamic.field.uploadDisabled')) { $element = $this->addDiv(); if ($field->getSetting('pckg.dynamic.field.generateFileUrl')) { $element->addChild('<a class="btn btn-info btn-md" title="Generate ' . $type . '" href="' . $field->getGenerateFileUrlAttribute($this->record) . '"><i class="fa fa-refresh" aria-hidden="true"></i> Generate ' . $type . '</a>'); } if ($this->record->{$field->field}) { $element->addChild(' <a class="btn btn-success btn-md" title="Download ' . $type . '" href="' . $fullPath . '"><i class="fa fa-download" aria-hidden="true"></i> Download ' . $this->record->{$field->field} . '</a>'); } } else { $element = $this->addFile($name); $element->setPrefix('<i class="fa fa-file' . ($type == 'pdf' ? '-pdf' : '') . '-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>'); if ($fullPath) { $element->setAttribute('data-image', $fullPath); } $element->setAttribute('data-type', $type); } return $element; } elseif ($type == 'picture') { $element = $this->addPicture($name); $element->setPrefix('<i class="fa fa-picture-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>'); $element->setAttribute('data-url', url('dynamic.records.field.upload', ['table' => $this->table, 'field' => $field, 'record' => $this->record])); $dir = $field->getAbsoluteDir($field->getSetting('pckg.dynamic.field.dir')); $element->setAttribute('data-image', img($this->record->{$field->field}, null, true, $dir)); $element->setAttribute('data-type', 'picture'); return $element; } elseif ($type == 'datetime') { $element = $this->addDatetime($name); $element->setPrefix('<i class="fa fa-calendar" aria-hidden="true"></i>'); return $element; } elseif ($type == 'date') { $element = $this->addDate($name); $element->setPrefix('<i class="fa fa-calendar" aria-hidden="true"></i>'); return $element; } elseif ($type == 'time') { $element = $this->addTime($name); $element->setPrefix('<i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>'); return $element; } elseif (in_array($type, ['slug', 'order', 'hash'])) { return $this->addText($name); } elseif (in_array($type, ['json'])) { return $this->addTextarea($name); } elseif ($type == 'boolean') { return $this->addCheckbox($name); } elseif ($type == 'select') { if ($this->record && ($relation = $field->getRelationForSelect($this->record, $this->foreignRecord))) { $element = $this->addSelect($name); /** * @T00D00 - add setting for select placeholder for speciffic field */ $element->addOption(null, ' -- select value -- '); foreach ($relation as $id => $value) { $element->addOption($id, str_replace(['<br />', '<br/>', '<br>'], ' - ', $value)); } return $element; } else { return $this->{'addText'}($name); } } else { dd('Unknown dynamic form type: ' . $type); } }