Exemplo n.º 1
function shoutbox()
    global $db, $countries;
    $tpl = new smarty();
    $anzahl = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_comments', 'COUNT(comID)', 'bereich="shoutbox"');
    if ($anzahl) {
        $limits = get_sql_limit($anzahl, LIMIT_SHOUTBOX);
        $shouts = array();
        $db->query('SELECT comID, country, username, userID, author, datum, beitrag FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_comments LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user ON userID = ID WHERE bereich="shoutbox" ORDER BY datum DESC LIMIT ' . $limits[1] . ',' . LIMIT_SHOUTBOX);
        $anzahl -= $limits[1];
        while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
            $row['nr'] = format_nr($anzahl--, 0);
            $row['countryname'] = @$countries[$row['country']];
            $row['datum'] = date(LONG_DATE, $row['datum']);
            $shouts[] = $row;
        $tpl->assign('shoutbox', $shouts);
        if ($limits[0] > 1) {
            $tpl->assign('seiten', makepagelink_ajax('?section=shoutbox', 'return load_shout_page({nr});', @$_GET['page'], $limits[0]));
        $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/shoutbox/shoutbox.html');
        $content = ob_get_contents();
        main_content(SHOUTBOX, '<div id="shout_overview">' . $content . '</div>', '', 1);
    } else {
        table(INFO, NO_ENTRIES);
Exemplo n.º 2
function gallery_gallery($id)
    global $db;
    $gallery = $db->fetch_assoc('SELECT katename, b.access, name, images, cID, folder, userID, datum, username FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_gallery as a LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user ON ID=userID LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_gallery_kate as b ON (cID = kateID) WHERE (a.access = "" OR ' . str_replace('access', 'a.access', $_SESSION['access_search']) . ') AND galleryID = ' . $id);
    if (isset($gallery['name']) and find_access($gallery['access'])) {
        $limits = get_sql_limit($gallery['images'], LIMIT_GALLERY_PICS);
        $pics = array();
        $result = $db->query('SELECT imageID, filename, klicks, COUNT(comID) as comments FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_gallery_images as A LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_comments ON (subID=imageID AND bereich="gallery") WHERE gID = ' . $id . ' GROUP BY imageID ORDER BY imageID ASC LIMIT ' . $limits[1] . ',' . LIMIT_GALLERY_PICS);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $row['klicks'] = format_nr($row['klicks'], 0);
            $pics[] = $row;
        $tpl = new smarty();
        if ($limits[0] > 1) {
            $tpl->assign('seiten', makepagelink_ajax('?section=gallery&action=gallery&id=' . $id, 'return load_gallery_page(' . $id . ', {nr});', @$_GET['page'], $limits[0]));
        $tpl->assign('pics', $pics);
        $tpl->assign('datum', date(LONG_DATE, $gallery['datum']));
        $tpl->assign('username', $gallery['username']);
        $tpl->assign('userID', $gallery['userID']);
        $tpl->assign('pfad', '<a href="?section=gallery">' . GALLERY . '</a> <img src="templates/' . DESIGN . '/images/pfeil_o.gif" alt="" /> <a href="?section=gallery&action=kate&id=' . $gallery['cID'] . '">' . $gallery['katename'] . '</a> <img src="templates/' . DESIGN . '/images/pfeil_o.gif" alt="" /> <a href="?section=gallery&action=gallery&id=' . $id . '">' . $gallery['name'] . '</a>');
        $tpl->assign('folder', $gallery['folder']);
        $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/gallery/pictures.html');
        $content = ob_get_contents();
        main_content(GALLERY, $content, '', 1);
    } else {
        table(ERROR, NO_ENTRIES_ID);
Exemplo n.º 3
function admin_clanwars()
    global $db;
    $tpl = new smarty();
    $anzahl = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars', 'COUNT(warID)', 'status = 1');
    $limit = get_sql_limit($anzahl, ADMIN_ENTRIES);
    if ($limit[0] > 1) {
        $tpl->assign('seiten', makepagelink_ajax('#', 'return load_cws({nr});', @$_GET['page'], $limit[0]));
    $tpl->assign('anzahl', $anzahl);
    $db->query('SELECT `warID` , ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars.`tID` , `gID` , `datum` , `xonx` , `oID` , oppname, tname, gamename, icon
				FROM `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars` 
				LEFT JOIN `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_games` ON ( gameID = gID ) 
				LEFT JOIN `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_teams` ON ( ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_teams.tID = ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars.tID ) 
				LEFT JOIN `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_opp` ON ( oppID = oID ) 
				WHERE status = 1
				GROUP BY warID
				ORDER BY datum DESC 
				LIMIT ' . $limit[1] . ' ,' . ADMIN_ENTRIES);
    $wars = array();
    while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
        $row['datum'] = date(SHORT_DATE, $row['datum']);
        $wars[] = $row;
    $tpl->assign('clanwars', $wars);
    $nextwars = array();
    $db->query('SELECT `warID` , ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars.`tID` , `gID` , `datum` , `xonx` , `oID` , oppname, tname, gamename, icon
				FROM `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars` 
				LEFT JOIN `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_games` ON ( gameID = gID ) 
				LEFT JOIN `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_teams` ON ( ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_teams.tID = ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars.tID ) 
				LEFT JOIN `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_opp` ON ( oppID = oID ) 
				WHERE status = 0
				GROUP BY warID
				ORDER BY datum DESC 
				LIMIT ' . $limit[1] . ' ,' . ADMIN_ENTRIES);
    while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
        $row['datum'] = date(SHORT_DATE, $row['datum']);
        $nextwars[] = $row;
    $tpl->assign('nextwars', $nextwars);
    $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/admin/clanwars.html');
    $content = ob_get_contents();
    main_content(CLANWARS, $content, '', 1);
Exemplo n.º 4
function clankasse()
    global $db;
    $tpl = new smarty();
    $konto = $db->fetch_assoc('SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_clankasse');
    $konto['kontostand'] = number_format($konto['kontostand'], 2, ',', '');
    foreach ($konto as $key => $value) {
        $tpl->assign($key, $value);
    $anzahl = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_clankasse_transaktion', 'COUNT(ID)', '1');
    $limits = get_sql_limit($anzahl, LIMIT_CLANKASSE_TRANS);
    $db->query('SELECT a.*, b.username, c.username as buchusername FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_clankasse_transaktion as a LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user as b ON b.ID = vonuser LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user as c ON c.ID = userID ORDER BY datum DESC LIMIT ' . $limits[1] . ',' . LIMIT_CLANKASSE_TRANS);
    $buchung = array();
    while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
        $row['datum'] = date(LONG_DATE, $row['datum']);
        if ($row['vonuser']) {
            $row['verwendung'] .= ' ' . FROM . ' ' . $row['username'];
        $row['geld'] = number_format($row['geld'], 2, ',', '.');
        $buchung[] = $row;
    if ($limits[0] > 1) {
        $tpl->assign('seiten', makepagelink_ajax('?section=clankasse', 'return load_clankasse_page({nr});', @$_GET['page'], $limits[0]));
    $tpl->assign('buchung', $buchung);
    $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/clankasse/kontodaten.html');
    $content = ob_get_contents();
    main_content(FINANCES, $content, '', 1);
    if (date('m') > 3) {
        clankasse_buchungen(date('m') - 2, date('Y'));
    } elseif (date('m') == 2) {
        clankasse_buchungen(12, date('Y') - 1);
    } elseif (date('m') == 1) {
        clankasse_buchungen(11, date('Y') - 1);
    } else {
        clankasse_buchungen(1, date('Y'));
Exemplo n.º 5
function guestbook()
    global $db, $countries;
    $anzahl = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_comments', 'COUNT(comID)', 'bereich = \'guestbook\'');
    if ($anzahl) {
        $seiten = get_sql_limit($anzahl, LIMIT_GUESTBOOK);
	                    a.author, a.homepage, a.email, a.comID, a.beitrag, a.datum, COUNT(b.comID) as comments
	                     ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_comments as a
	                 LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_comments as b ON (b.subID = a.comID AND b.bereich = "gb_com")
	                    a.bereich = "guestbook"
	                 GROUP BY a.comID
	                 ORDER BY
	                     a.datum DESC
	                 LIMIT ' . $seiten[1] . ',' . LIMIT_GUESTBOOK);
        $comments = array();
        while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
            $row['nr'] = $anzahl--;
            $row['datum'] = date(LONG_DATE, $row['datum']);
            $comments[] = $row;
        $tpl = new smarty();
        if ($seiten[0] > 1) {
            $tpl->assign('seiten', makepagelink_ajax('?section=guestbook', '', @$_GET['page'], $seiten[0]));
        $tpl->assign('comments', $comments);
        $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/guestbook/guestbook.html');
        $content = ob_get_contents();
        main_content(GUESTBOOK, $content, '', 1);
    } else {
        table(GUESTBOOK, NO_ENTRIES . '<br /> <a href="?section=guestbook&action=add">' . GUESTBOOK_ADD . '</a>');
Exemplo n.º 6
            header('Location: ' . $link);
        } else {
            table(ERROR, NO_ENTRIES_ID);
    } else {
        $tpl = new smarty();
        $anzahl = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_links', 'COUNT(linkID)', '1');
        if ($anzahl) {
            $limits = get_sql_limit($anzahl, LIMIT_LINKS);
            $links = array();
            $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_links ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT ' . $limits[1] . ',' . LIMIT_LINKS);
            while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
                $row['hits'] = format_nr($row['hits'], 0);
                $links[] = $row;
            $tpl->assign('links', $links);
            if ($limits[0] > 1) {
                $tpl->assign('seiten', makepagelink_ajax('?section=links', 'return load_links({nr});', @$_GET['page'], $limits[0]));
            $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/links/links.html');
            $content = ob_get_contents();
            main_content(LINKS, '<div id="weblinks">' . $content . '</div>', '', 1);
        } else {
            table(INFO, NO_ENTRIES);
} else {
Exemplo n.º 7
function account_msgbox()
    global $db;
    $tpl = new Smarty();
    $anzahl = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_messages', 'COUNT(msgID)', 'touser = '******'userID'] . ' AND del = 0');
    if ($anzahl) {
        $limits = get_sql_limit($anzahl, LIMIT_MESSAGES);
        $db->query('SELECT `msgID`, `fromuser`, `title`, `datum`, `readed`, username, country FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_messages LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user ON (ID = fromuser) WHERE del = 0 AND touser = '******'userID'] . '  ORDER BY datum DESC LIMIT ' . $limits[1] . ',' . LIMIT_MESSAGES);
        $msgin = array();
        while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
            $row['datum'] = date(LONG_DATE, $row['datum']);
            $msgin[] = $row;
        $tpl->assign('messages', $msgin);
        if ($limits[0] > 1) {
            $tpl->assign('seiten', makepagelink_ajax('#', 'return load_msges({nr}, \'in\');', @$_GET['page'], $limits[0]));
    $anzahl = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_messages', 'COUNT(msgID)', 'fromuser = '******'userID'] . ' AND fromdel = 0');
    if ($anzahl) {
        $limits = get_sql_limit($anzahl, LIMIT_MESSAGES);
        $db->query('SELECT `msgID`, `touser`, `title`, `datum`, `readed`, username, country FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_messages LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user ON (ID = touser) WHERE fromdel = 0 AND fromuser = '******'userID'] . '  ORDER BY datum DESC LIMIT ' . $limits[1] . ',' . LIMIT_MESSAGES);
        $msgout = array();
        while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
            $row['datum'] = date(LONG_DATE, $row['datum']);
            $msgout[] = $row;
        $tpl->assign('messagesout', $msgout);
        if ($limits[0] > 1) {
            $tpl->assign('seitenout', makepagelink_ajax('#', 'return load_msges({nr}, \'out\');', @$_GET['page'], $limits[0]));
    $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/account/messages.html');
    $content = ob_get_contents();
    main_content(MESSAGES, $content, '', 1);
Exemplo n.º 8
function comments_get($bereich, $id, $conditions, $ajax = 0, $border = 1, $session = '')
    global $db, $countries;
    $id = (int) $id;
    $bereich = strsave($bereich);
    if (@$_SESSION['rights']['public'][$session ? $session : $bereich]['com_view'] or @$_SESSION['rights']['superadmin']) {
        $anzahl = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_comments', 'COUNT(comID)', 'bereich = \'' . $bereich . '\' AND subID = ' . $id);
        if ($anzahl) {
            $seiten = get_sql_limit($anzahl, $conditions['LIMIT']);
		                     a.username, a.registerdate, a.rID, rankname, iconname, author, c.homepage, c.email, comID, c.userID, a.country, a.sex, beitrag, datum, editdatum, editby, edits, lastklick, a.avatar, a.signatur, comments, b.username as editfrom, uID as online
		                     ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_comments as c
						LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user as a ON (c.userID = a.ID)
						LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user as b ON (c.editby = b.ID)
						LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user_stats ON (c.userID = ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user_stats.userID)
						LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_ranks ON (a.rID = rankID)
						LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_online ON (uID = c.userID AND lastklick > ' . (time() - SHOW_USER_ONLINE) . ')
		                     subID = ' . $id . ' AND bereich = "' . $bereich . '"
		                 GROUP BY comID
		                 ORDER BY
		                     datum ' . $conditions['ORDER'] . '
		                 LIMIT ' . $seiten[1] . ',' . $conditions['LIMIT']);
            $comments = array();
            while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
                $row['nr'] = ++$seiten[1];
                $row['comments'] = format_nr($row['comments']);
                $row['countryname'] = @$countries[$row['country']];
                $row['sex'] == 'male' ? $row['sextext'] = MALE : ($row['sextext'] = FEMALE);
                if ($row['edits']) {
                    $row['edit'] = str_replace(array('{anzahl}', '{von}', '{last}'), array($row['edits'], '<a href="?section=user&id=' . $row['editby'] . '">' . $row['editfrom'] . '</a>', date(LONG_DATE, $row['editdatum'])), COMMENT_EDIT_TXT);
                $row['datum'] = date(LONG_DATE, $row['datum']);
                $row['quote'] = $row['beitrag'];
                $row['beitrag'] = bb_code($row['beitrag']);
                $comments[] = $row;
            $tpl = new smarty();
            $tpl->assign('id', $id);
            $tpl->assign('link', $conditions['link']);
            $tpl->assign('section', $conditions['section']);
            if ($seiten[0] > 1) {
                $tpl->assign('seiten', makepagelink_ajax($conditions['link'], 'return load_com_page(\'' . $bereich . '\', ' . $id . ', {nr});', @$_GET['page'], $seiten[0]));
            $tpl->assign('comments', $comments);
            $tpl->assign('bereich', $bereich);
            $tpl->assign('bereich2', $session ? $session : $bereich);
            $tpl->assign('ajax', $ajax);
            if ($ajax) {
                $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/comments.html');
                $content = ob_get_contents();
                echo html_ajax_convert($content);
            if ($border) {
                $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/comments.html');
                $content = ob_get_contents();
                main_content(COMMENTS, $content, '', 1);
            } else {
                $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/comments.html');
        } else {
            if (!$ajax) {
                table(COMMENTS, '<div id="comments_bereich">' . NO_ENTRIES . '</div>');
            } else {
                echo html_ajax_convert(NO_ENTRIES);
        if ((@$_SESSION['rights']['public'][$session ? $session : $bereich]['com_add'] or @$_SESSION['rights']['superadmin']) and !$ajax) {
            $tplc = new smarty();
            $tplc->assign('section', $conditions['section'] ? $conditions['section'] : $bereich);
            $tplc->assign('action', $conditions['action']);
            $tplc->assign('id', $id);
            if ($border) {
                $tplc->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/comment_add_edit.html');
                $content = ob_get_contents();
                main_content(ADD_COMMENT, $content, '', 1);
            } else {
                $tplc->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/comment_add_edit.html');
        } elseif (!$ajax) {
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 9
function forum_thread($bid, $id, $order = 'ASC', $quote = false)
    global $db, $installed, $countries;
    $thread = $db->fetch_assoc('SELECT `threadID`, `bID`, `threadname`, `vonID`, ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_threads.posts, `sticky`, ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_threads.closed, 
											`fsurveyID`, `rating`, `ratingvotes`, a.boardparentID, a.name, a.isforum, a.closed as forumclosed,
											 a.rightsread, a.postcom, a.editcom, a.votesurvey, a.downloadattch, a.threadclose, 
											a.threaddel, a.threadmove, a.threadpin, a.editmocom, a.delcom, b.rightsread as parentRead, b.name as boardparentName FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_threads LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_boards AS a ON (bID = a.boardID) LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_boards AS b ON (b.boardID = a.boardparentID) WHERE threadID = ' . $id . ' AND bID = ' . $bid);
    if (isset($thread['threadID']) and find_access($thread['rightsread']) and find_access($thread['parentRead']) and $thread['isforum']) {
        $comments = array();
        $db->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_threads SET views = views + 1 WHERE threadID = ' . $id);
        $limits = get_sql_limit($thread['posts'] + 1, LIMIT_FORUM_COMMENTS);
        $result = $db->query('SELECT `comID`, ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_comments.userID, `postname`, a.rID, rankname, iconname, `adatum`, `comment`, `edits`, `editdatum`, `edituserID`, ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_comments.IP, `attachs`, a.username, a.sex, a.signatur, a.country, comments, d.money, a.avatar, b.username as editfrom, lastklick as online 
							FROM `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_comments` 
							LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user as a ON (' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_comments.userID = a.ID)
							LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user as b ON (' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_comments.edituserID = b.ID)
							LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user_stats as d ON (' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_comments.userID = d.userID)
							LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_ranks ON (a.rID = rankID)
							LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_online ON (uID = ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_comments.userID AND lastklick > ' . (time() - SHOW_USER_ONLINE) . ')
							WHERE boardID = ' . $bid . ' AND tID = ' . $id . '
							GROUP BY comID
							ORDER BY adatum ' . $order . '
							LIMIT ' . $limits[1] . ', ' . LIMIT_FORUM_COMMENTS);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            if (isset($_SESSION['userID'])) {
                if (isset($_SESSION['lastforum'][$id]) and $_SESSION['lastforum'][$id] < $row['adatum']) {
                    $row['new'] = true;
                } elseif (!isset($_SESSION['lastforum'][$id]) and $_SESSION['lastforum']['time'] < $row['adatum']) {
                    $row['new'] = true;
            $row['adatum'] = forum_make_date($row['adatum']);
            $row['nr'] = ++$limits[1];
            $row['comments'] = format_nr($row['comments']);
            $row['countryname'] = @$countries[$row['country']];
            $row['quote'] = $row['comment'];
            $row['comment'] = bb_code($row['comment']);
            $row['sex'] == 'male' ? $row['sextext'] = MALE : ($row['sextext'] = FEMALE);
            if ($row['edits']) {
                $row['edit'] = str_replace(array('{anzahl}', '{von}', '{last}'), array($row['edits'], '<a href="?section=user&id=' . $row['edituserID'] . '">' . $row['editfrom'] . '</a>', date(LONG_DATE, $row['editdatum'])), COMMENT_EDIT_TXT);
            if ($row['attachs']) {
                $anhaenge = array();
                $db->query('SELECT `attachID`, `name`, `size`, `downloads` FROM `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_attachments` WHERE `bID` = ' . $bid . ' AND `tID` = ' . $id . ' AND `mID` = ' . $row['comID']);
                while ($sub = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
                    $sub['size'] = goodsize($sub['size']);
                    $anhaenge[] = $sub;
                $row['attchs'] = $anhaenge;
            $comments[] = $row;
        if (isset($_SESSION['userID'])) {
            if (!isset($_SESSION['lastforum'][$id])) {
            $_SESSION['lastforum']['boards'][$bid]['time'] = time();
            $_SESSION['lastforum'][$id] = time();
        $tage = (time() - $installed) / 86400;
        $db->query('SELECT uID, username FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_online LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user ON (ID=uID) WHERE forum = 1 AND fboardID = ' . $bid . ' AND fthreadID = ' . $id . ' AND lastklick > ' . (time() - SHOW_USER_ONLINE) . ' ORDER BY username ASC');
        $members = 0;
        $guests = 0;
        $member = '';
        while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
            if ($row['uID']) {
                $member .= ', <a href="?section=user&id=' . $row['uID'] . '">' . $row['username'] . '</a>';
            } else {
        $tpl = new smarty();
        $tpl->assign('bewertung', $thread['ratingvotes'] != 0 ? str_replace(array('{anzahl}', '{avg}'), array(format_nr($thread['ratingvotes']), format_nr($thread['rating'], 2)), FORUM_RATING_VAL) : FORUM_NO_RATINGS);
        if (!@$_SESSION['userID'] or $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_ratings', 'COUNT(rateID)', 'userID = ' . $_SESSION['userID'] . ' AND tID = ' . $id)) {
            $tpl->assign('rating', get_forum_rating($thread['rating']));
        if ($limits[0] > 1) {
            $seiten = makepagelink_ajax('?section=forum&action=thread&boardID=' . $bid . '&threadID=' . $id, 'return load_forum_com_page(' . $id . ', ' . $bid . ', {nr}, \'' . $order . '\');', @$_GET['page'], $limits[0]);
            $tpl->assign('seiten', $seiten);
        $tpl->assign('order', $order);
        $tpl->assign('vonID', $thread['vonID']);
        $tpl->assign('sticky', $thread['sticky']);
        $tpl->assign('forenlinks', forum_get_fast_links());
        $tpl->assign('postcom', find_access($thread['postcom']));
        $tpl->assign('editcom', find_access($thread['editcom']));
        $tpl->assign('threadclose', find_access($thread['threadclose']));
        $tpl->assign('threaddel', find_access($thread['threaddel']));
        $tpl->assign('threadmove', find_access($thread['threadmove']));
        $tpl->assign('threadpin', find_access($thread['threadpin']));
        $tpl->assign('editmocom', find_access($thread['editmocom']));
        $tpl->assign('delcom', find_access($thread['delcom']));
        $tpl->assign('closed', $thread['closed']);
        $tpl->assign('bclosed', $thread['forumclosed']);
        $tpl->assign('comments', @$comments);
        $tpl->assign('name', $thread['threadname']);
        $tpl->assign('abo', $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_abo', 'COUNT(aboID)', 'userID = ' . (int) @$_SESSION['userID'] . ' AND thID = ' . $id));
        $tpl->assign('path', '<a href="?section=forum">' . FORUM . '</a> <img src="templates/' . DESIGN . '/images/pfeil_o.gif" alt="" /> ' . ($thread['boardparentID'] ? '<a href="?section=forum&action=subboard&boardID=' . $thread['boardparentID'] . '">' . $thread['boardparentName'] . '</a> <img src="templates/' . DESIGN . '/images/pfeil_o.gif" alt="" /> ' : '') . '<a href="?section=forum&amp;action=board&amp;boardID=' . $bid . '">' . $thread['name'] . '</a> <img src="templates/' . DESIGN . '/images/pfeil_o.gif" alt="" /> <img src="templates/' . DESIGN . '/images/forum_thread_pin.png" id="pin_icon" alt="' . FORUM_STICKY . '" title="' . FORUM_STICKY . '"' . ($thread['sticky'] ? '' : ' style="display: none;"') . ' /> <img src="templates/' . DESIGN . '/images/forum_icon_thread_closed.png" id="closed_icon" alt="' . FORUM_THREAD_CLOSED . '" title="' . FORUM_THREAD_CLOSED . '"' . ($thread['closed'] ? '' : ' style="display: none;"') . ' /> ' . $thread['threadname']);
        $tpl->assign('members', substr($member, 2));
        $tpl->assign('thread', 1);
        $tpl->assign('quote', $quote);
        $tpl->assign('online', str_replace(array('{members}', '{guests}'), array(format_nr($members), format_nr($guests)), FORUM_ONLINE_THREAD));
        if ($thread['fsurveyID']) {
            $tpl->assign('umfrage', 1);
            if (isset($_SESSION['userID'])) {
                $umfrage = $db->fetch_assoc('SELECT `ende`, `frage`, `antworten`, COUNT(voteID) AS anzahl FROM `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_survey` LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_survey_votes ON (fsurID = ' . $thread['fsurveyID'] . ' AND userID = ' . (int) @$_SESSION['userID'] . ') WHERE fsurveyID = ' . $thread['fsurveyID'] . ' AND boardID = ' . $bid . ' AND threadID = ' . $id . ' GROUP BY fsurveyID');
            } else {
                $umfrage = $db->fetch_assoc('SELECT `ende`, `frage`, `antworten`, COUNT(voteID) AS anzahl FROM `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_survey` LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_survey_votes ON (fsurID = ' . $thread['fsurveyID'] . ' AND IP = \'' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '\') WHERE fsurveyID = ' . $thread['fsurveyID'] . ' AND boardID = ' . $bid . ' AND threadID = ' . $id . ' GROUP BY fsurveyID');
            $tpl->assign('antworten', $umfrage['antworten']);
            $tpl->assign('frage', $umfrage['frage']);
            if ($umfrage['ende']) {
                $tpl->assign('ende', date(LONG_DATE, $umfrage['ende']));
            $db->query('SELECT `answerID`, `answer`, `votes` FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_survey_answers WHERE fsID = ' . $thread['fsurveyID'] . ' ORDER BY answerID ASC');
            $gesamt = 0;
            $antworten = array();
            while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
                $gesamt += $row['votes'];
                $antworten[] = $row;
            foreach ($antworten as $key => $value) {
                if ($gesamt) {
                    $antworten[$key]['prozent'] = round($value['votes'] / $gesamt * 100, 1);
                } else {
                    $antworten[$key]['prozent'] = 0;
                $antworten[$key]['votes'] = number_format($value['votes'], 0, '', '.');
            $tpl->assign('answers', $antworten);
            $tpl->assign('fsurveyID', $thread['fsurveyID']);
            $tpl->assign('id', $id);
            $tpl->assign('bid', $bid);
            $tpl->assign('gesamt', number_format($gesamt, 0, '', '.'));
            if ($umfrage['anzahl'] or isset($_COOKIE['forum']['survey_' . $thread['fsurveyID']]) or !find_access($thread['votesurvey']) or $thread['closed'] or $umfrage['ende'] != 0 and $umfrage['ende'] < time()) {
                $tpl->assign('abstimmen', false);
            } else {
                $tpl->assign('abstimmen', true);
        $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/forum/board_head.html');
        $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/forum/thread_comments.html');
        $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/forum/board_footer.html');
        $content = ob_get_contents();
        main_content(FORUM, $content, '', 1);
    } else {
        table(ERROR, ACCESS_DENIED);
Exemplo n.º 10
                        if (@$_SESSION['rights']['admin']['clanwars']['screens'] or @$_SESSION['rights']['superadmin']) {
                            $filename = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_screens', 'filename', 'screenID = ' . (int) $_GET['id']);
                            if (unlink('images/screens/' . $filename) and $db->query('DELETE FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_screens WHERE screenID = ' . (int) $_GET['id'])) {
                                echo 'ok';
                        } else {
                            echo html_ajax_convert(NO_ADMIN_RIGHTS);
                    case 'get_wars':
                        if (@$_SESSION['rights']['admin']['clanwars'] or @$_SESSION['rights']['superadmin']) {
                            $tpl = new smarty();
                            $anzahl = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars', 'COUNT(warID)', 'status = 1');
                            $limit = get_sql_limit($anzahl, ADMIN_ENTRIES);
                            if ($limit[0] > 1) {
                                $tpl->assign('seiten', makepagelink_ajax('#', 'return load_cws({nr});', @$_GET['page'], $limit[0]));
                            $tpl->assign('anzahl', $anzahl);
                            $db->query('SELECT `warID` , ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars.`tID` , `gID` , `datum` , `xonx` , `oID` , oppname, tname, gamename, icon
									FROM `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars` 
									LEFT JOIN `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_games` ON ( gameID = gID ) 
									LEFT JOIN `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_teams` ON ( ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_teams.tID = ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars.tID ) 
									LEFT JOIN `' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_opp` ON ( oppID = oID ) 
									WHERE status = 1
									GROUP BY warID
									ORDER BY datum DESC 
									LIMIT ' . $limit[1] . ' ,' . ADMIN_ENTRIES);
                            $wars = array();
                            while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
                                $row['datum'] = date(SHORT_DATE, $row['datum']);
                                $wars[] = $row;
Exemplo n.º 11
function get_maps()
    global $db;
    $anzahl = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_locations', 'COUNT(locationID)', '1');
    $limit = get_sql_limit($anzahl, 20);
    $db->query('SELECT locationname, locationID, gamename, icon FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_locations LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_games ON gID = gameID ORDER BY gamename, locationname LIMIT ' . $limit[1] . ', 20');
    $maps = array();
    while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
        $maps[] = $row;
    $tpl = new smarty();
    $tpl->assign('anzahl', $anzahl);
    $tpl->assign('maps', $maps);
    if ($limit[0] > 1) {
        $tpl->assign('seiten', makepagelink_ajax('#', 'return load_content(\'maps\', \'ajax_checks.php?func=admin&site=get_maps&page={nr}\');', @$_GET['page'], $limit[0]));
    $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/admin/games_maps.html');
    $content = ob_get_contents();
    return $content;
Exemplo n.º 12
function clanwars()
    global $db, $countries;
    $tpl = new smarty();
    $tpl->assign('win', 0);
    $tpl->assign('draw', 0);
    $tpl->assign('loss', 0);
    $tpl->assign('games', get_games_form((int) @$_GET['gameID']));
    $tpl->assign('teams', get_teams_form((int) @$_GET['teamID']));
    $tpl->assign('matchtypes', get_matchtype_form((int) @$_GET['matchtypeID']));
    $tpl->assign('xonx', get_xonx_form(@$_GET['xonx']));
    if (@$_GET['gameID']) {
        $where = ' AND gID = ' . (int) $_GET['gameID'];
    } else {
        $_GET['gameID'] = 0;
    if (@$_GET['teamID']) {
        @($where .= ' AND ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars.tID = ' . (int) $_GET['teamID']);
    } else {
        $_GET['teamID'] = 0;
    if (@$_GET['matchtypeID']) {
        @($where .= ' AND mID = ' . (int) $_GET['matchtypeID']);
    } else {
        $_GET['matchtypeID'] = 0;
    if (@$_GET['xonx']) {
        @($where .= ' AND xonx = \'' . strsave($_GET['xonx']) . '\'');
    switch (@$_GET['sortby']) {
        case 'opp':
            $orderby = ' oppname ';
        case 'matchtype':
            $orderby = ' matchtypename ';
        case 'team':
            $orderby = ' tname ';
            $orderby = DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars.datum ';
    switch (@$_GET['art']) {
        case 'asc':
            $orderby .= 'ASC ';
            $orderby .= 'DESC ';
    $db->query('SELECT COUNT(result) as val, result FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars WHERE status = 1 ' . @$where . ' GROUP BY result');
    while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
        $tpl->assign($row['result'], $row['val']);
        @($gesamt += $row['val']);
    $tpl->assign('anzahl', (int) @$gesamt);
    if ((int) @$gesamt) {
        $limit = get_sql_limit($gesamt, LIMIT_CLANWARS);
        $db->query('SELECT `warID`, ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars.datum, `result`, `resultscore`, `tname`, `oppname`, `country`, ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_opp.homepage, `icon`, `gamename`, `matchtypename`, COUNT(comID) as comments 
					FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars 
					LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_teams ON ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_teams.tID = ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars.tID 
					LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_games ON gID = gameID 
					LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_opp ON oID = oppID 
					LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_wars_matchtype ON mID = matchtypeID 
					LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_comments ON (subID = warID AND bereich = "clanwars") 
					WHERE status = 1 ' . @$where . ' 
					GROUP BY warID
					ORDER BY ' . $orderby . '
					LIMIT ' . $limit[1] . ',' . LIMIT_CLANWARS);
        $clanwars = array();
        while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
            $row['datum'] = date('d.m.y', $row['datum']);
            $row['countryname'] = $countries[$row['country']];
            $clanwars[] = $row;
        $tplcw = new smarty();
        if ($limit[0] > 1) {
            $tplcw->assign('seiten', makepagelink_ajax('?section=clanwars&gameID=' . $_GET['gameID'] . '&teamID=' . $_GET['teamID'] . '&matchtypeID=' . $_GET['matchtypeID'] . '&xonx=' . $_GET['xonx'] . '&sortby=' . $_GET['sortby'] . '&art=' . $_GET['art'] . '', 'return load_wars(' . $_GET['gameID'] . ', ' . $_GET['teamID'] . ', ' . $_GET['matchtypeID'] . ', \'' . $_GET['xonx'] . '\', \'' . $_GET['sortby'] . '\', \'' . $_GET['art'] . '\', {nr});', @$_GET['page'], $limit[0]));
        $tplcw->assign('clanwars', $clanwars);
        $tplcw->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/clanwars/overview.html');
        $content = ob_get_contents();
        $tpl->assign('clanwars', @$content);
    $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/clanwars/head.html');
    $content = ob_get_contents();
    main_content(CLANWARS, $content, '', 1);
Exemplo n.º 13
function user_liste()
    global $db, $countries;
    $tpl = new smarty();
    $anzahl = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_user', 'COUNT(ID)', '1');
    $limits = get_sql_limit($anzahl, LIMIT_MEMBERS);
    $erlaubt = array('username', 'registerdate', 'lastlogin', 'geburtstag', 'online', 'sex', 'rangname');
    if (isset($_GET['orderby'])) {
        if (!in_array($_GET['orderby'], $erlaubt)) {
            $_GET['orderby'] = 'username';
        $_GET['order'] == 'DESC' ? '' : ($_GET['order'] = 'ASC');
        if ($_GET['orderby'] == 'geburtstag') {
            $_GET['order'] == 'DESC' ? $_GET['order'] = 'ASC' : ($_GET['order'] = 'DESC');
        if ($_GET['orderby'] == 'rangname') {
            $_GET['order'] == 'ASC' ? $_GET['orderby'] = 'fest ASC, abposts ASC' : ($_GET['orderby'] = 'fest DESC, abposts DESC');
            $_GET['order'] = '';
    } else {
        $_GET['orderby'] = 'username';
        $_GET['order'] = 'ASC';
    $db->query('SELECT geburtstag, xfire, icq, sex, registerdate, clanname, homepage, lastlogin, wohnort, user_pic, `ID`, username, country, uID as online, rankname, iconname FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_ranks ON (rID = rankID) LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_online ON (uID = ID AND lastklick > ' . (time() - SHOW_USER_ONLINE) . ') GROUP BY ID ORDER BY ' . strsave($_GET['orderby']) . ' ' . strsave($_GET['order']) . ' LIMIT ' . $limits[1] . ',' . LIMIT_MEMBERS);
    $user = array();
    while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
        $row['lastlogin'] ? $row['lastlogin'] = date(LONG_DATE, $row['lastlogin']) : ($row['lastlogin'] = NEVER_LOGGED_IN);
        $row['registerdate2'] = date('d.m.Y', $row['registerdate']);
        $row['registerdate'] = date(LONG_DATE, $row['registerdate']);
        if ($row['geburtstag'] == '0000-00-00') {
            $row['geburtstag'] = '';
        if ($row['geburtstag']) {
            $birthday = explode('-', $row['geburtstag']);
            $row['geburtstag'] = $birthday[2] . '.' . $birthday[1] . '.' . $birthday[0];
            $alter = alter($birthday[2], $birthday[1], $birthday[0]);
            if (date('m') == $birthday[1] and date('d') < $birthday[2]) {
                $alter -= 1;
            $next = @mktime(0, 0, 0, $birthday[1], $birthday[2], $birthday[0] + $alter + 1) - time();
            $row['alter'] = $alter;
        $row['countryname'] = $countries[$row['country']];
        $row['icqtrim'] = str_replace('-', '', $row['icq']);
        $user[] = $row;
    $tpl->assign('anzahl', $anzahl);
    if ($limits[0] > 1) {
        $tpl->assign('seiten', makepagelink_ajax('?section=user&action=list&orderby=' . $_GET['orderby'] . '&order=' . $_GET['order'], 'return load_user(\'orderby=' . $_GET['orderby'] . '&order=' . $_GET['order'] . '&page={nr}\');', @$_GET['page'], $limits[0]));
    $tpl->assign('user', $user);
    $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/user/user_list.html');
    $content = ob_get_contents();
    main_content(USER_LIST, $content, '', 1);