Exemplo n.º 1
 public function display_page(Page $page)
     global $config;
     $tl_enabled = $config->get_string("transload_engine", "none") != "none";
     $upload_list = "";
     for ($i = 0; $i < $config->get_int('upload_count'); $i++) {
         $n = $i + 1;
         $width = $tl_enabled ? "35%" : "80%";
         $upload_list .= "\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td width='50'>File {$n}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td width='250'><input accept='image/jpeg,image/png,image/gif' id='data{$i}' name='data{$i}' type='file'></td>\n\t\t\t";
         if ($tl_enabled) {
             $upload_list .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<td width='50'>URL {$n}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td width='250'><input id='url{$i}' name='url{$i}' type='text'></td>\n\t\t\t\t";
         $upload_list .= "\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t";
     $max_size = $config->get_int('upload_size');
     $max_kb = to_shorthand_int($max_size);
     $html = "\n\t\t\t<script>\n\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\$('#tag_box').DefaultValue('tagme');\n\t\t\t\t\$('#tag_box').autocomplete('" . make_link("api/internal/tag_list/complete") . "', {\n\t\t\t\t\twidth: 320,\n\t\t\t\t\tmax: 15,\n\t\t\t\t\thighlight: false,\n\t\t\t\t\tmultiple: true,\n\t\t\t\t\tmultipleSeparator: ' ',\n\t\t\t\t\tscroll: true,\n\t\t\t\t\tscrollHeight: 300,\n\t\t\t\t\tselectFirst: false\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t\t<form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='" . make_link("upload") . "' method='POST'>\n\t\t\t\t<table id='large_upload_form'>\n\t\t\t\t\t{$upload_list}\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td>Tags</td><td colspan='3'><input id='tag_box' name='tags' type='text'></td></tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td>Source</td><td colspan='3'><input name='source' type='text'></td></tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td colspan='4'><input id='uploadbutton' type='submit' value='Post'></td></tr>\n\t\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t<small>(Max file size is {$max_kb})</small>\n\t\t";
     if ($tl_enabled) {
         $link = make_http(make_link("upload"));
         $title = "Upload to " . $config->get_string('title');
         $html .= '<p><a href="javascript:location.href=&quot;' . $link . '?url=&quot;+location.href+&quot;&amp;tags=&quot;+prompt(&quot;enter tags&quot;)">' . $title . '</a> (Drag & drop onto your bookmarks toolbar, then click when looking at an image)';
     $page->add_block(new NavBlock());
     $page->add_block(new Block("Upload", $html, "main", 20));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event)
     global $config;
     $config->set_default_string("mail_sub", $config->get_string("site_title") . " - ");
     $config->set_default_string("mail_img", make_http("ext/mail/banner.png"));
     $config->set_default_string("mail_style", make_http("ext/mail/mail.css"));
     $config->set_default_string("mail_fot", "<a href='" . make_http(make_link()) . "'>" . $config->get_string("site_title") . "</a>");
Exemplo n.º 3
 private function data(Image $image)
     global $config;
     $text_link = $image->parse_link_template($config->get_string("ext_link-img_text-link_format"));
     $text_link = trim($text_link) == "" ? null : $text_link;
     // null blank setting so the url gets filled in on the text links.
     return array('thumb_src' => make_http($image->get_thumb_link()), 'image_src' => make_http($image->get_image_link()), 'post_link' => make_http($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]), 'text_link' => $text_link);
Exemplo n.º 4
 function __construct($main)
     $matches = array();
     $lines = file($main);
     $number_of_lines = count($lines);
     preg_match("#ext/(.*)/main.php#", $main, $matches);
     $this->ext_name = $matches[1];
     $this->name = $this->ext_name;
     $this->enabled = $this->is_enabled($this->ext_name);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_lines; $i++) {
         $line = $lines[$i];
         if (preg_match("/Name: (.*)/", $line, $matches)) {
             $this->name = $matches[1];
         if (preg_match("/Visibility: (.*)/", $line, $matches)) {
             $this->visibility = $matches[1];
         if (preg_match("/Link: (.*)/", $line, $matches)) {
             $this->link = $matches[1];
             if ($this->link[0] == "/") {
                 $this->link = make_link(substr($this->link, 1));
         if (preg_match("/Version: (.*)/", $line, $matches)) {
             $this->version = $matches[1];
         if (preg_match("/Author: (.*) [<\\(](.*@.*)[>\\)]/", $line, $matches)) {
             $this->author = $matches[1];
             $this->email = $matches[2];
         } else {
             if (preg_match("/Author: (.*)/", $line, $matches)) {
                 $this->author = $matches[1];
         if (preg_match("/(.*)Description: ?(.*)/", $line, $matches)) {
             $this->description = $matches[2];
             $start = $matches[1] . " ";
             $start_len = strlen($start);
             while (substr($lines[$i + 1], 0, $start_len) == $start) {
                 $this->description .= " " . substr($lines[$i + 1], $start_len);
         if (preg_match("/(.*)Documentation: ?(.*)/", $line, $matches)) {
             $this->documentation = $matches[2];
             $start = $matches[1] . " ";
             $start_len = strlen($start);
             while (substr($lines[$i + 1], 0, $start_len) == $start) {
                 $this->documentation .= " " . substr($lines[$i + 1], $start_len);
             $this->documentation = str_replace('$site', make_http(get_base_href()), $this->documentation);
         if (preg_match("/\\*\\//", $line, $matches)) {
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Adds functionality for post/list.
  * @param PageRequestEvent $event
 public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event)
     if ($event->page_matches("post/list")) {
         $pageinfo = $this->get_list_pageinfo($event);
         $prev_url = make_http(make_link("post/list/" . $pageinfo["prev"]));
         $next_url = make_http(make_link("post/list/" . $pageinfo["next"]));
         $this->add_arrowkeys_code($prev_url, $next_url);
Exemplo n.º 6
 private function curl_purge($path)
     $url = make_http(make_link($path));
     $ch = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PURGE");
     $result = curl_exec($ch);
     $httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event)
     global $page, $user;
     // Adds header to enable chatbox
     $root = get_base_href();
     $yPath = make_http($root . "/ext/chatbox/");
     $page->add_html_header("\n\t\t\t\t<script src=\"http://code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n\t\t\t\t<script src=\"{$root}/ext/chatbox/js/yshout.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n\n\t\t\t\t<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{$root}/ext/chatbox/css/dark.yshout.css\" />\n\n\t\t\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t\t\t\tnickname = '{$user->name}';\n\t\t\t\t\tnew YShout({ yPath: '{$yPath}' });\n\t\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t", 500);
     // loads the chatbox at the set location
     $html = "<div id=\"yshout\"></div>";
     $chatblock = new Block("Chatbox", $html, "main", 97);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function display_page(Image $image, $editor_parts)
     global $page;
     $h_metatags = str_replace(" ", ", ", html_escape($image->get_tag_list()));
     $page->set_title("Image {$image->id}: " . html_escape($image->get_tag_list()));
     $page->add_html_header("<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"{$h_metatags}\">");
     $page->add_html_header("<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"{$h_metatags}\">");
     $page->add_html_header("<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\">");
     $page->add_html_header("<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"" . make_http($image->get_thumb_link()) . "\">");
     $page->add_html_header("<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"" . make_http(make_link("post/view/{$image->id}")) . "\">");
     $page->add_block(new Block(null, $this->build_pin($image), "subtoolbar", 0));
     $page->add_block(new Block(null, $this->build_info($image, $editor_parts), "left", 20));
Exemplo n.º 9
 private function do_xml($images)
     global $page;
     $data = "";
     foreach ($images as $image) {
         $link = make_http(make_link("post/view/{$image->id}"));
         $posted = date("Y-m-d", $image->posted_timestamp);
         $data .= "\n\t\t\t<url>\n\t\t\t<loc>{$link}</loc>\n\t\t\t<lastmod>{$posted}</lastmod>\n\t\t\t<changefreq>monthly</changefreq>\n\t\t\t<priority>0.8</priority>\n\t\t\t</url>\n\t\t\t";
     $base_href = make_http(make_link("post/list"));
     $xml = "<" . "?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?" . ">\n\t\t\t\t<urlset xmlns=\"http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9\">\n\t\t\t\t<url>\n\t\t\t\t<loc>{$base_href}</loc>\n\t\t\t\t<lastmod>2009-01-01</lastmod>\n\t\t\t\t<changefreq>monthly</changefreq>\n\t\t\t\t<priority>1</priority>\n\t\t\t\t</url>\n\t\t\t\t{$data}\n\t\t\t\t</urlset>\n\t\t\t\t";
Exemplo n.º 10
 private function curl_purge($path)
     // waiting for curl timeout adds ~5 minutes to unit tests
     if (defined("UNITTEST")) {
     $url = make_http(make_link($path));
     $ch = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PURGE");
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
     $result = curl_exec($ch);
     $httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
     //return $result;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function display_page($image, $editor_parts)
     global $page;
     $metatags = str_replace(" ", ", ", html_escape($image->get_tag_list()));
     $page->set_title("Image {$image->id}: " . html_escape($image->get_tag_list()));
     $page->add_html_header("<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"{$metatags}\">");
     $page->add_html_header("<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"{$metatags}\">");
     $page->add_html_header("<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\">");
     $page->add_html_header("<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"" . make_http($image->get_thumb_link()) . "\">");
     $page->add_html_header("<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"" . make_http(make_link("post/view/{$image->id}")) . "\">");
     $page->add_block(new Block("Navigation", $this->build_navigation($image), "left", 0));
     $page->add_block(new Block("Statistics", $this->build_stats($image), "left", 15));
     $page->add_block(new Block(null, $this->build_image_editor($image, $editor_parts), "main", 10));
     $page->add_block(new Block(null, $this->build_pin($image), "main", 11));
Exemplo n.º 12
  * @param Image $image
  * @return string
 private function thumb(Image $image)
     global $database;
     $cached = $database->cache->get("rss-thumb:{$image->id}");
     if ($cached) {
         return $cached;
     $link = make_http(make_link("post/view/{$image->id}"));
     $tags = html_escape($image->get_tag_list());
     $owner = $image->get_owner();
     $thumb_url = $image->get_thumb_link();
     $image_url = $image->get_image_link();
     $posted = date(DATE_RSS, $image->posted_timestamp);
     $content = html_escape("<p>" . $this->theme->build_thumb_html($image) . "</p>" . "<p>Uploaded by " . html_escape($owner->name) . "</p>");
     $data = "\n\t\t<item>\n\t\t\t<title>{$image->id} - {$tags}</title>\n\t\t\t<link>{$link}</link>\n\t\t\t<guid isPermaLink=\"true\">{$link}</guid>\n\t\t\t<pubDate>{$posted}</pubDate>\n\t\t\t<description>{$content}</description>\n\t\t\t<media:thumbnail url=\"{$thumb_url}\"/>\n\t\t\t<media:content url=\"{$image_url}\"/>\n\t\t</item>\n\t\t";
     $database->cache->set("rss-thumb:{$image->id}", $data, 3600);
     return $data;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function display_page()
     global $config, $page;
     $base_href = get_base_href();
     $oekW = $config->get_int("oekaki_width", 400);
     $oekH = $config->get_int("oekaki_height", 400);
     if (isset($_POST['oekW']) && isset($_POST['oekH'])) {
         $oekW = int_escape($_POST['oekW']);
         $oekH = int_escape($_POST['oekH']);
     $html = "\n    <applet archive='{$base_href}/ext/oekaki/chibipaint.jar' code='chibipaint.ChibiPaint.class' width='800' height='600'>\n      <param name='canvasWidth' value='" . $oekW . "' />\n      <param name='canvasHeight' value='" . $oekH . "' />\n      <param name='postUrl' value='" . make_http(make_link("oekaki/upload")) . "' />\n      <param name='exitUrl' value='" . make_http(make_link("oekaki/claim")) . "' />\n      <param name='exitUrlTarget' value='_self' />\n      JAVA NOT INSTALLED :(<!-- alternative content for users who don't have Java installed -->\n    </applet>\n\t\t";
     #      <param name='loadImage' value='http://yourserver/oekaki/pictures/168.png' />
     #      <param name='loadChibiFile' value='http://yourserver/oekaki/pictures/168.chi' />
     // FIXME: prevent oekaki block from collapsing on click in cerctain themes. This causes canvas reset
     $page->add_block(new NavBlock());
     $page->add_block(new Block("Oekaki", $html, "main", 20));
Exemplo n.º 14
    public function onPageRequest($event)
        global $config, $database, $page;
        if ($event->page_matches("rss/comments")) {
            $comments = $database->get_all("\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\tusers.id as user_id, users.name as user_name,\n\t\t\t\t\tcomments.comment as comment, comments.id as comment_id,\n\t\t\t\t\tcomments.image_id as image_id, comments.owner_ip as poster_ip,\n\t\t\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(posted) AS posted_timestamp\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM comments\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN users ON comments.owner_id=users.id\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY comments.id DESC\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 10\n\t\t\t\t\t");
            $data = "";
            foreach ($comments as $comment) {
                $image_id = $comment['image_id'];
                $comment_id = $comment['comment_id'];
                $link = make_http(make_link("post/view/{$image_id}"));
                $owner = html_escape($comment['user_name']);
                $posted = date(DATE_RSS, $comment['posted_timestamp']);
                $comment = html_escape($comment['comment']);
                $content = html_escape("{$owner}: {$comment}");
                $data .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<item>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<title>{$owner} comments on {$image_id}</title>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<link>{$link}</link>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<guid isPermaLink=\"false\">{$comment_id}</guid>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<pubDate>{$posted}</pubDate>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<description>{$content}</description>\n\t\t\t\t\t</item>\n\t\t\t\t";
            $title = $config->get_string('title');
            $base_href = make_http($config->get_string('base_href'));
            $version = $config->get_string('version');
            $xml = <<<EOD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0">
\t\t<description>The latest comments on the image board</description>
\t\t<copyright>(c) 2007 Shish</copyright>
Exemplo n.º 15
 private function do_rss($images, $search_terms, $page_number)
     global $page;
     global $config;
     $data = "";
     foreach ($images as $image) {
         $link = make_http(make_link("post/view/{$image->id}"));
         $tags = $image->get_tag_list();
         $owner = $image->get_owner();
         $thumb_url = $image->get_thumb_link();
         $image_url = $image->get_image_link();
         $posted = date(DATE_RSS, $image->posted_timestamp);
         $content = html_escape("<p>" . Themelet::build_thumb_html($image) . "</p>" . "<p>Uploaded by " . $owner->name . "</p>");
         $data .= "\n\t\t<item>\n\t\t\t<title>{$image->id} - {$tags}</title>\n\t\t\t<link>{$link}</link>\n\t\t\t<guid isPermaLink=\"true\">{$link}</guid>\n\t\t\t<pubDate>{$posted}</pubDate>\n\t\t\t<description>{$content}</description>\n\t\t\t<media:thumbnail url=\"{$thumb_url}\"/>\n\t\t\t<media:content url=\"{$image_url}\"/>\n\t\t</item>\n\t\t\t";
     $title = $config->get_string('title');
     $base_href = make_http($config->get_string('base_href'));
     $search = "";
     if (count($search_terms) > 0) {
         $search = html_escape(implode(" ", $search_terms)) . "/";
     if ($page_number > 1) {
         $prev_url = make_link("rss/images/{$search}" . ($page_number - 1));
         $prev_link = "<atom:link rel=\"previous\" href=\"{$prev_url}\" />";
     } else {
         $prev_link = "";
     $next_url = make_link("rss/images/{$search}" . ($page_number + 1));
     $next_link = "<atom:link rel=\"next\" href=\"{$next_url}\" />";
     // no end...
     $version = VERSION;
     $xml = "<" . "?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?" . ">\n<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:media=\"http://search.yahoo.com/mrss\" xmlns:atom=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom\">\n    <channel>\n        <title>{$title}</title>\n        <description>The latest uploads to the image board</description>\n\t\t<link>{$base_href}</link>\n\t\t<generator>Shimmie-{$version}</generator>\n\t\t<copyright>(c) 2007 Shish</copyright>\n\t\t{$prev_link}\n\t\t{$next_link}\n\t\t{$data}\n\t</channel>\n</rss>";
Exemplo n.º 16
    public function send()
        $headers = "From: " . $this->sitename . " <" . $this->siteemail . ">\r\n";
        $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $this->siteemail . "\r\n";
        $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "\r\n";
        $headers .= "errors-to: " . $this->siteemail . "\r\n";
        $headers .= "Date: " . date(DATE_RFC2822);
        $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
        $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
        $message = '
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $this->style . '" type="text/css">

<body leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" topmargin="0" marginheight="0" offset="0" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" >  
<table width="100%" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" class="backgroundTable" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" > 
<td valign="top" align="center"> 
<table width="550" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 
<td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;border-top:0px solid #333333;border-bottom:10px solid #FFFFFF;"><center><a href="' . $this->sitedomain . '"><IMG SRC="' . $this->header_img . '"  alt="' . $this->sitename . '" name="Header" BORDER="0" align="center" title="' . $this->sitename . '"></a> 

<table width="550" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> 
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="top" style="font-size:12px;color:#000000;line-height:150%;font-family:trebuchet ms;"> 
<span style="font-size:20px; font-weight:bold; color:#3399FF; font-family:arial; line-height:110%;">' . $this->header . '</span><br> 
<span style="font-size:11px;font-weight:normal;color:#666666;font-style:italic;font-family:arial;">' . $this->date . '</span><br> 
<p>' . $this->body . '</p> 
<p>' . $this->footer . '</p> 
<td style="background-color:#FFFFCC;border-top:10px solid #FFFFFF;" valign="top"> 
<span style="font-size:10px;color:#996600;line-height:100%;font-family:verdana;"> 
This email was sent to you since you are a member of <a href="' . $this->sitedomain . '">' . $this->sitename . '</a>. To change your email preferences, visit your <a href="' . make_http(make_link("preferences")) . '">Account preferences</a>.<br /> 
<br /> 
Contact us:<br /> 
<a href="' . $this->siteemail . '">' . $this->siteemail . '</a><br /><br />
Copyright (C) <a href="' . $this->sitedomain . '">' . $this->sitename . '</a><br />


        $sent = mail($this->to, $this->subject, $message, $headers);
        if ($sent) {
            log_info("mail", "Sent message '{$this->subject}' to '{$this->to}'");
        } else {
            log_info("mail", "Error sending message '{$this->subject}' to '{$this->to}'");
        return $sent;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function display_page(Page $page)
     global $config;
     $tl_enabled = $config->get_string("transload_engine", "none") != "none";
     // Uploader 2.0!
     $upload_list = "";
     for ($i = 0; $i < $config->get_int('upload_count'); $i++) {
         $a = $i + 1;
         $s = $i - 1;
         if (!$i == 0) {
             $upload_list .= "<tr id='row{$i}' style='display:none'>";
         } else {
             $upload_list .= "<tr id='row{$i}'>";
         $upload_list .= "<td width='15'>";
         if ($i == 0) {
             $upload_list .= "<div id='hide{$i}'><img id='wrapper' src='ext/upload/minus.png' />" . "<a href='#' onclick='javascript:document.getElementById(&quot;row{$a}&quot;).style.display = &quot;&quot;;document.getElementById(&quot;hide{$i}&quot;).style.display = &quot;none&quot;;document.getElementById(&quot;hide{$a}&quot;).style.display = &quot;&quot;;'>" . "<img src='ext/upload/plus.png'></a></div></td>";
         } else {
             $upload_list .= "<div id='hide{$i}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='#' onclick='javascript:document.getElementById(&quot;row{$i}&quot;).style.display = &quot;none&quot;;" . "document.getElementById(&quot;hide{$i}&quot;).style.display = &quot;none&quot;;" . "document.getElementById(&quot;hide{$s}&quot;).style.display = &quot;&quot;;" . "document.getElementById(&quot;data{$i}&quot;).value = &quot;&quot;;" . "document.getElementById(&quot;url{$i}&quot;).value = &quot;&quot;;'>" . "<img src='ext/upload/minus.png' /></a>";
             if ($a == $config->get_int('upload_count')) {
                 $upload_list .= "<img id='wrapper' src='ext/upload/plus.png' />";
             } else {
                 $upload_list .= "<a href='#' onclick='javascript:document.getElementById(&quot;row{$a}&quot;).style.display = &quot;&quot;;" . "document.getElementById(&quot;hide{$i}&quot;).style.display = &quot;none&quot;;" . "document.getElementById(&quot;hide{$a}&quot;).style.display = &quot;&quot;;'>" . "<img src='ext/upload/plus.png' /></a>";
             $upload_list .= "</div></td>";
         $upload_list .= "<td width='60'><form><input id='radio_buttona' type='radio' name='method' value='file' checked='checked' onclick='javascript:document.getElementById(&quot;url{$i}&quot;).style.display = &quot;none&quot;;document.getElementById(&quot;url{$i}&quot;).value = &quot;&quot;;document.getElementById(&quot;data{$i}&quot;).style.display = &quot;&quot;' /> File<br>";
         if ($tl_enabled) {
             $upload_list .= "<input id='radio_buttonb' type='radio' name='method' value='url' onclick='javascript:document.getElementById(&quot;data{$i}&quot;).style.display = &quot;none&quot;;document.getElementById(&quot;data{$i}&quot;).value = &quot;&quot;;document.getElementById(&quot;url{$i}&quot;).style.display = &quot;&quot;' /> URL</ br></td></form>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<td><input id='data{$i}' name='data{$i}' class='wid' type='file'><input id='url{$i}' name='url{$i}' class='wid' type='text' style='display:none'></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t";
         } else {
             $upload_list .= "</form></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td width='250'><input id='data{$i}' name='data{$i}' class='wid' type='file'></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t";
         $upload_list .= "\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t";
     $max_size = $config->get_int('upload_size');
     $max_kb = to_shorthand_int($max_size);
     $html = "\n\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\$('#tag_box').DefaultValue('tagme');\n\t\t\t\t\$('#tag_box').autocomplete('" . make_link("api/internal/tag_list/complete") . "', {\n\t\t\t\t\twidth: 320,\n\t\t\t\t\tmax: 15,\n\t\t\t\t\thighlight: false,\n\t\t\t\t\tmultiple: true,\n\t\t\t\t\tmultipleSeparator: ' ',\n\t\t\t\t\tscroll: true,\n\t\t\t\t\tscrollHeight: 300,\n\t\t\t\t\tselectFirst: false\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t\t" . make_form(make_link("upload"), "POST", $multipart = True) . "\n\t\t\t\t<table id='large_upload_form' class='vert'>\n\t\t\t\t\t{$upload_list}\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td></td><td>Tags<td colspan='3'><input id='tag_box' name='tags' type='text'></td></tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td></td><td>Source</td><td colspan='3'><input name='source' type='text'></td></tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td colspan='4'><input id='uploadbutton' type='submit' value='Post'></td></tr>\n\t\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t<small>(Max file size is {$max_kb})</small>\n\t\t";
     if ($tl_enabled) {
         $link = make_http(make_link("upload"));
         if ($config->get_bool('nice_urls')) {
             $delimiter = '?';
         } else {
             $delimiter = '&amp;';
         $title = "Upload to " . $config->get_string('title');
         $html .= '<p><a href="javascript:location.href=&quot;' . $link . $delimiter . 'url=&quot;+location.href+&quot;&amp;tags=&quot;+prompt(&quot;enter tags&quot;)">' . $title . '</a> (Drag & drop onto your bookmarks toolbar, then click when looking at an image)';
         /* Danbooru > Shimmie Bookmarklet.
         				This "should" work on any site running danbooru, unless for some odd reason they switched around the id's or aren't using post/list.
         				Most likely this will stop working when Danbooru updates to v2, all depends if they switch the ids or not >_>.
         				Clicking the link on a danbooru image page should give you something along the lines of:
         				'http://www.website.com/shimmie/upload?url="http://sonohara.donmai.us/data/crazylongurl.jpg&tags="too many tags"&rating="s"&source="http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/012345/"'
         				TODO: Possibly make the entire/most of the script into a .js file, and just make the bookmarklet load it on click (Something like that?)
         $title = "Danbooru to " . $config->get_string('title');
         $html .= '<p><a href="javascript:' . 'var ste=&quot;' . $link . $delimiter . 'url=&quot;;var tag=document.getElementById(&quot;post_tags&quot;).value;var rtg=document.documentElement.innerHTML.match(&quot;<li>Rating: (.*)<\\/li>&quot;);var srx=&quot;http://&quot; + document.location.hostname+document.location.href.match(&quot;\\/post\\/show\\/.*\\/&quot;);' . 'if (confirm(&quot;OK = Use Current tags.\\nCancel = Use new tags.&quot;)==true){' . 'if(tag.search(/\\bflash\\b/)==-1){' . 'location.href=ste+document.getElementById(&quot;highres&quot;).href+&quot;&amp;tags=&quot;+tag+&quot;&amp;rating=&quot;+rtg[1]+&quot;&amp;source=&quot;+srx;}' . 'else{' . 'location.href=ste+document.getElementsByName(&quot;movie&quot;)[0].value+&quot;&amp;tags=&quot;+tag+&quot;&amp;rating=&quot;+rtg[1]+&quot;&amp;source=&quot;+srx;}' . '}else{' . 'var p=prompt(&quot;Enter Tags&quot;,&quot;&quot;);' . 'if(tag.search(/\\bflash\\b/)==-1){' . 'location.href=ste+document.getElementById(&quot;highres&quot;).href+&quot;&amp;tags=&quot;+p+&quot;&amp;rating=&quot;+rtg[1]+&quot;&amp;source=&quot;+srx;}' . 'else{' . 'location.href=ste+document.getElementsByName(&quot;movie&quot;)[0].value+&quot;&amp;tags=&quot;+p+&quot;&amp;rating=&quot;+rtg[1]+&quot;&amp;source=&quot;+srx;}' . '}">' . $title . '</a> (As above, Click on a Danbooru-run image page. (This also grabs the tags/rating/source!))';
     $page->add_block(new NavBlock());
     $page->add_block(new Block("Upload", $html, "main", 20));
Exemplo n.º 18
     * @return string
    protected function h_bookmarklets()
        global $config;
        $link = make_http(make_link("upload"));
        $main_page = make_http(make_link());
        $title = $config->get_string('title');
        $max_size = $config->get_int('upload_size');
        $max_kb = to_shorthand_int($max_size);
        $delimiter = $config->get_bool('nice_urls') ? '?' : '&amp;';
        $html = '';
        $js = 'javascript:(
			function() {
				if(typeof window=="undefined" || !window.location || window.location.href=="about:blank") {
					window.location = "' . $main_page . '";
				else if(typeof document=="undefined" || !document.body) {
					window.location = "' . $main_page . '?url="+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
				else if(window.location.href.match("\\/\\/' . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . '.*")) {
					alert("You are already at ' . $title . '!");
				else {
					var tags = prompt("Please enter tags", "tagme");
					if(tags != "" && tags != null) {
						var link = "' . $link . $delimiter . 'url="+location.href+"&tags="+tags;
						var w = window.open(link, "_blank");
        $html .= '<a href=\'' . $js . '\'>Upload to ' . $title . '</a>';
        $html .= ' (Drag &amp; drop onto your bookmarks toolbar, then click when looking at an image)';
        // Bookmarklet checks if shimmie supports ext. If not, won't upload to site/shows alert saying not supported.
        $supported_ext = "jpg jpeg gif png";
        if (class_exists("FlashFileHandler")) {
            $supported_ext .= " swf";
        if (class_exists("ICOFileHandler")) {
            $supported_ext .= " ico ani cur";
        if (class_exists("MP3FileHandler")) {
            $supported_ext .= " mp3";
        if (class_exists("SVGFileHandler")) {
            $supported_ext .= " svg";
        if (class_exists("VideoFileHandler")) {
            $supported_ext .= " flv mp4 ogv webm m4v";
        $title = "Booru to " . $config->get_string('title');
        // CA=0: Ask to use current or new tags | CA=1: Always use current tags | CA=2: Always use new tags
        $html .= '<p><a href="javascript:
			var ste=&quot;' . $link . $delimiter . 'url=&quot;;
			var supext=&quot;' . $supported_ext . '&quot;;
			var maxsize=&quot;' . $max_kb . '&quot;;
			var CA=0;
			void(document.body.appendChild(document.createElement(&quot;script&quot;)).src=&quot;' . make_http(get_base_href()) . "/ext/upload/bookmarklet.js" . '&quot;)
		">' . $title . '</a> (Click when looking at an image page. Works on sites running Shimmie / Danbooru / Gelbooru. (This also grabs the tags / rating / source!))';
        return $html;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public function onCommentPosting($event)
     global $user;
     $this->msg(make_http(make_link("post/view/" . $event->image_id)) . " - " . $user->name . ": " . str_replace("\n", " ", $event->comment));
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Adds an array of urls to the sitemap with the given information.
  * @param array $urls
  * @param string $changefreq
  * @param string $priority
  * @param string $date
 private function add_sitemap_queue($urls, $changefreq = "monthly", $priority = "0.5", $date = "2013-02-01")
     foreach ($urls as $url) {
         $link = make_http(make_link("{$url}"));
         $this->sitemap_queue .= "\n                    <url>\n                    <loc>{$link}</loc>\n                    <lastmod>{$date}</lastmod>\n                    <changefreq>{$changefreq}</changefreq>\n                    <priority>{$priority}</priority>\n                    </url>";
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Get a page based on the SCore URL, eg get_page("post/list") will do
  * the right thing; no need for http:// or any such
 protected function get_page($page)
     // Check if we are running on the command line
     if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli' || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "<cli command>") {
         $host = constant("_TRAVIS_WEBHOST");
         // Make sure that we know the host address.
         $raw = $this->get($host . "/index.php?q=" . str_replace("?", "&", $page));
     } else {
         $raw = $this->get(make_http(make_link($page)));
     $this->assertNoText("Internal Error");
     return $raw;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
     $cron_url = make_http(make_link("/cron_upload/" . $this->upload_key));
     $cron_cmd = "curl --silent {$cron_url}";
     $documentation_link = make_http(make_link("cron_upload"));
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Cron Uploader");
     $sb->add_int_option("cron_uploader_count", "How many to upload each time");
     $sb->add_text_option("cron_uploader_dir", "<br>Set Cron Uploader root directory<br>");
     $sb->add_label("<br>Cron Command: <input type='text' size='60' value='{$cron_cmd}'><br>\n\t\tCreate a cron job with the command above.<br/>\n\t\t<a href='{$documentation_link}'>Read the documentation</a> if you're not sure what to do.");
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function onDisplayingImage(DisplayingImageEvent $event)
     $this->theme->links_block(make_http(make_link('image/' . $event->image->id . '.jpg')));
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Get a page based on the SCore URL, eg get_page("post/list") will do
  * the right thing; no need for http:// or any such
 protected function get_page($page)
     $raw = $this->get(make_http(make_link($page)));
     return $raw;
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Constructor
  * @param Image $img
 function __construct(Image $img)
     global $config;
     // author
     $author = $img->get_owner();
     $this->author = $author->name;
     $this->creator_id = intval($author->id);
     // file
     $this->height = intval($img->height);
     $this->width = intval($img->width);
     $this->file_ext = $img->ext;
     $this->file_size = intval($img->filesize);
     $this->file_url = make_http($img->get_image_link());
     $this->md5 = $img->hash;
     // meta
     $this->change = intval($img->id);
     //DaFug is this even supposed to do? ChangeID?
     // Should be JSON specific, just strip this when converting to XML
     $this->created_at = array('n' => 123456789, 's' => strtotime($img->posted), 'json_class' => 'Time');
     $this->id = intval($img->id);
     $this->parent_id = null;
     if (defined('ENABLED_EXTS')) {
         if (strstr(ENABLED_EXTS, 'rating') !== false) {
             // 'u' is not a "valid" rating
             if ($img->rating == 's' || $img->rating == 'q' || $img->rating == 'e') {
                 $this->rating = $img->rating;
         if (strstr(ENABLED_EXTS, 'numeric_score') !== false) {
             $this->score = $img->numeric_score;
     $this->source = $img->source;
     $this->status = 'active';
     //not supported in Shimmie... yet
     $this->tags = $img->get_tag_list();
     $this->has_children = false;
     $this->has_comments = false;
     $this->has_notes = false;
     // thumb
     $this->preview_height = $config->get_int('thumb_height');
     $this->preview_width = $config->get_int('thumb_width');
     $this->preview_url = make_http($img->get_thumb_link());
     // sample (use the full image here)
     $this->sample_height = intval($img->height);
     $this->sample_width = intval($img->width);
     $this->sample_url = make_http($img->get_image_link());
Exemplo n.º 26
  * add_post()
  * Adds a post to the database.
  * Parameters:
  * - login: login
  * - password: password
  * - file: file as a multipart form
  * - source: source url
  * - title: title **IGNORED**
  * - tags: list of tags as a string, delimited by whitespace
  * - md5: MD5 hash of upload in hexadecimal format
  * - rating: rating of the post. can be explicit, questionable, or safe. **IGNORED**
  * Notes:
  * - The only necessary parameter is tags and either file or source.
  * - If you want to sign your post, you need a way to authenticate your account, either by supplying login and password, or by supplying a cookie.
  * - If an account is not supplied or if it doesn‘t authenticate, he post will be added anonymously.
  * - If the md5 parameter is supplied and does not match the hash of what‘s on the server, the post is rejected.
  * Response
  * The response depends on the method used:
  * Post:
  * - X-Danbooru-Location set to the URL for newly uploaded post.
  * Get:
  * - Redirected to the newly uploaded post.
 private function api_add_post()
     global $user, $config, $page;
     $danboorup_kludge = 1;
     // danboorup for firefox makes broken links out of location: /path
     // Check first if a login was supplied, if it wasn't check if the user is logged in via cookie
     // If all that fails, it's an anonymous upload
     // Now we check if a file was uploaded or a url was provided to transload
     // Much of this code is borrowed from /ext/upload
     if (!$user->can("create_image")) {
         $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: authentication error");
     if (isset($_FILES['file'])) {
         // A file was POST'd in
         $file = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
         $filename = $_FILES['file']['name'];
         // If both a file is posted and a source provided, I'm assuming source is the source of the file
         if (isset($_REQUEST['source']) && !empty($_REQUEST['source'])) {
             $source = $_REQUEST['source'];
         } else {
             $source = null;
     } elseif (isset($_FILES['post'])) {
         $file = $_FILES['post']['tmp_name']['file'];
         $filename = $_FILES['post']['name']['file'];
         if (isset($_REQUEST['post']['source']) && !empty($_REQUEST['post']['source'])) {
             $source = $_REQUEST['post']['source'];
         } else {
             $source = null;
     } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['source']) || isset($_REQUEST['post']['source'])) {
         // A url was provided
         $source = isset($_REQUEST['source']) ? $_REQUEST['source'] : $_REQUEST['post']['source'];
         $file = tempnam("/tmp", "shimmie_transload");
         $ok = transload($source, $file);
         if (!$ok) {
             $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: fopen read error");
         $filename = basename($source);
     } else {
         // Nothing was specified at all
         $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: no input files");
     // Get tags out of url
     $posttags = Tag::explode(isset($_REQUEST['tags']) ? $_REQUEST['tags'] : $_REQUEST['post']['tags']);
     // Was an md5 supplied? Does it match the file hash?
     $hash = md5_file($file);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['md5']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['md5']) != $hash) {
         $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: md5 mismatch");
     // Upload size checking is now performed in the upload extension
     // It is also currently broken due to some confusion over file variable ($tmp_filename?)
     // Does it exist already?
     $existing = Image::by_hash($hash);
     if (!is_null($existing)) {
         $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: duplicate");
         $existinglink = make_link("post/view/" . $existing->id);
         if ($danboorup_kludge) {
             $existinglink = make_http($existinglink);
         $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Location: {$existinglink}");
     // Fire off an event which should process the new file and add it to the db
     $fileinfo = pathinfo($filename);
     $metadata = array();
     $metadata['filename'] = $fileinfo['basename'];
     $metadata['extension'] = $fileinfo['extension'];
     $metadata['tags'] = $posttags;
     $metadata['source'] = $source;
     //log_debug("danbooru_api","========== NEW($filename) =========");
     //log_debug("danbooru_api", "upload($filename): fileinfo(".var_export($fileinfo,TRUE)."), metadata(".var_export($metadata,TRUE).")...");
     try {
         $nevent = new DataUploadEvent($file, $metadata);
         //log_debug("danbooru_api", "send_event(".var_export($nevent,TRUE).")");
         // If it went ok, grab the id for the newly uploaded image and pass it in the header
         $newimg = Image::by_hash($hash);
         // FIXME: Unsupported file doesn't throw an error?
         $newid = make_link("post/view/" . $newimg->id);
         if ($danboorup_kludge) {
             $newid = make_http($newid);
         // Did we POST or GET this call?
         if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
             $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Location: {$newid}");
         } else {
             $page->add_http_header("Location: {$newid}");
     } catch (UploadException $ex) {
         // Did something screw up?
         $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: exception - " . $ex->getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 27
 private function api_danbooru(PageRequestEvent $event)
     global $page;
     global $config;
     global $database;
     global $user;
     $results = array();
     $danboorup_kludge = 1;
     // danboorup for firefox makes broken links out of location: /path
     Adds a post to the database.
     * login: login
     * password: password
     * file: file as a multipart form
     * source: source url
     * title: title **IGNORED**
     * tags: list of tags as a string, delimited by whitespace
     * md5: MD5 hash of upload in hexadecimal format
     * rating: rating of the post. can be explicit, questionable, or safe. **IGNORED**
     * The only necessary parameter is tags and either file or source.
     * If you want to sign your post, you need a way to authenticate your account, either by supplying login and password, or by supplying a cookie.
     * If an account is not supplied or if it doesn‘t authenticate, he post will be added anonymously.
     * If the md5 parameter is supplied and does not match the hash of what‘s on the server, the post is rejected.
     The response depends on the method used:
     * X-Danbooru-Location set to the URL for newly uploaded post.
     * Redirected to the newly uploaded post.
     if ($event->get_arg(1) == 'add_post' || $event->get_arg(1) == 'post' && $event->get_arg(2) == 'create.xml') {
         // No XML data is returned from this function
         // Check first if a login was supplied, if it wasn't check if the user is logged in via cookie
         // If all that fails, it's an anonymous upload
         // Now we check if a file was uploaded or a url was provided to transload
         // Much of this code is borrowed from /ext/upload
         if ($user->can("create_image")) {
             if (isset($_FILES['file'])) {
                 // A file was POST'd in
                 $file = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
                 $filename = $_FILES['file']['name'];
                 // If both a file is posted and a source provided, I'm assuming source is the source of the file
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['source']) && !empty($_REQUEST['source'])) {
                     $source = $_REQUEST['source'];
                 } else {
                     $source = null;
             } elseif (isset($_FILES['post'])) {
                 $file = $_FILES['post']['tmp_name']['file'];
                 $filename = $_FILES['post']['name']['file'];
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['post']['source']) && !empty($_REQUEST['post']['source'])) {
                     $source = $_REQUEST['post']['source'];
                 } else {
                     $source = null;
             } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['source']) || isset($_REQUEST['post']['source'])) {
                 // A url was provided
                 $url = isset($_REQUEST['source']) ? $_REQUEST['source'] : $_REQUEST['post']['source'];
                 $source = $url;
                 $tmp_filename = tempnam("/tmp", "shimmie_transload");
                 // Are we using fopen wrappers or curl?
                 if ($config->get_string("transload_engine") == "fopen") {
                     $fp = fopen($url, "r");
                     if (!$fp) {
                         $page->add_http_header("HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict");
                         $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: fopen read error");
                     $data = "";
                     $length = 0;
                     while (!feof($fp) && $length <= $config->get_int('upload_size')) {
                         $data .= fread($fp, 8192);
                         $length = strlen($data);
                     $fp = fopen($tmp_filename, "w");
                     fwrite($fp, $data);
                 if ($config->get_string("transload_engine") == "curl") {
                     $ch = curl_init($url);
                     $fp = fopen($tmp_filename, "w");
                     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
                     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
                 $file = $tmp_filename;
                 $filename = basename($url);
             } else {
                 // Nothing was specified at all
                 $page->add_http_header("HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict");
                 $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: no input files");
             // Get tags out of url
             $posttags = Tag::explode(isset($_REQUEST['tags']) ? $_REQUEST['tags'] : $_REQUEST['post']['tags']);
             $hash = md5_file($file);
             // Was an md5 supplied? Does it match the file hash?
             if (isset($_REQUEST['md5'])) {
                 if (strtolower($_REQUEST['md5']) != $hash) {
                     $page->add_http_header("HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict");
                     $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: md5 mismatch");
             // Upload size checking is now performed in the upload extension
             // It is also currently broken due to some confusion over file variable ($tmp_filename?)
             // Does it exist already?
             $existing = Image::by_hash($hash);
             if (!is_null($existing)) {
                 $page->add_http_header("HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict");
                 $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: duplicate");
                 $existinglink = make_link("post/view/" . $existing->id);
                 if ($danboorup_kludge) {
                     $existinglink = make_http($existinglink);
                 $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Location: {$existinglink}");
                 // wut!
             // Fire off an event which should process the new file and add it to the db
             $fileinfo = pathinfo($filename);
             $metadata = array();
             $metadata['filename'] = $fileinfo['basename'];
             $metadata['extension'] = $fileinfo['extension'];
             $metadata['tags'] = $posttags;
             $metadata['source'] = $source;
             //log_debug("danbooru_api","========== NEW($filename) =========");
             //log_debug("danbooru_api", "upload($filename): fileinfo(".var_export($fileinfo,TRUE)."), metadata(".var_export($metadata,TRUE).")...");
             try {
                 $nevent = new DataUploadEvent($file, $metadata);
                 //log_debug("danbooru_api", "send_event(".var_export($nevent,TRUE).")");
                 // If it went ok, grab the id for the newly uploaded image and pass it in the header
                 $newimg = Image::by_hash($hash);
                 // FIXME: Unsupported file doesn't throw an error?
                 $newid = make_link("post/view/" . $newimg->id);
                 if ($danboorup_kludge) {
                     $newid = make_http($newid);
                 // Did we POST or GET this call?
                 if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
                     $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Location: {$newid}");
                 } else {
                     $page->add_http_header("Location: {$newid}");
             } catch (UploadException $ex) {
                 // Did something screw up?
                 $page->add_http_header("HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict");
                 $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: exception - " . $ex->getMessage());
         } else {
             $page->add_http_header("HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict");
             $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: authentication error");
     Find all posts that match the search criteria. Posts will be ordered by id descending.
     * md5: md5 hash to search for (comma delimited)
     * id: id to search for (comma delimited)
     * tags: what tags to search for
     * limit: limit
     * page: page number
     * after_id: limit results to posts added after this id
     if ($event->get_arg(1) == 'find_posts' || $event->get_arg(1) == 'post' && $event->get_arg(2) == 'index.xml') {
         $start = 0;
         if (isset($_GET['md5'])) {
             $md5list = explode(",", $_GET['md5']);
             foreach ($md5list as $md5) {
                 $results[] = Image::by_hash($md5);
             $count = count($results);
         } elseif (isset($_GET['id'])) {
             $idlist = explode(",", $_GET['id']);
             foreach ($idlist as $id) {
                 $results[] = Image::by_id($id);
             $count = count($results);
         } else {
             $limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? int_escape($_GET['limit']) : 100;
             // Calculate start offset.
             if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
                 // Danbooru API uses 'page' >= 1
                 $start = (int_escape($_GET['page']) - 1) * $limit;
             } else {
                 if (isset($_GET['pid'])) {
                     // Gelbooru API uses 'pid' >= 0
                     $start = int_escape($_GET['pid']) * $limit;
                 } else {
                     $start = 0;
             $tags = isset($_GET['tags']) ? Tag::explode($_GET['tags']) : array();
             $count = Image::count_images($tags);
             $results = Image::find_images(max($start, 0), min($limit, 100), $tags);
         // Now we have the array $results filled with Image objects
         // Let's display them
         $xml = "<posts count=\"{$count}\" offset=\"{$start}\">\n";
         foreach ($results as $img) {
             // Sanity check to see if $img is really an image object
             // If it isn't (e.g. someone requested an invalid md5 or id), break out of the this
             if (!is_object($img)) {
             $taglist = $img->get_tag_list();
             $owner = $img->get_owner();
             $previewsize = get_thumbnail_size($img->width, $img->height);
             $xml .= xml_tag("post", array("id" => $img->id, "md5" => $img->hash, "file_name" => $img->filename, "file_url" => $img->get_image_link(), "height" => $img->height, "width" => $img->width, "preview_url" => $img->get_thumb_link(), "preview_height" => $previewsize[1], "preview_width" => $previewsize[0], "rating" => "u", "date" => $img->posted, "is_warehoused" => false, "tags" => $taglist, "source" => $img->source, "score" => 0, "author" => $owner->name));
         $xml .= "</posts>";
     find_tags() Find all tags that match the search criteria.
     * id: A comma delimited list of tag id numbers.
     * name: A comma delimited list of tag names.
     * tags: any typical tag query. See Tag#parse_query for details.
     * after_id: limit results to tags with an id number after after_id. Useful if you only want to refresh
     if ($event->get_arg(1) == 'find_tags') {
         if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
             $idlist = explode(",", $_GET['id']);
             foreach ($idlist as $id) {
                 $sqlresult = $database->execute("SELECT id,tag,count FROM tags WHERE id = ?", array($id));
                 if (!$sqlresult->EOF) {
                     $results[] = array($sqlresult->fields['count'], $sqlresult->fields['tag'], $sqlresult->fields['id']);
         } elseif (isset($_GET['name'])) {
             $namelist = explode(",", $_GET['name']);
             foreach ($namelist as $name) {
                 $sqlresult = $database->execute("SELECT id,tag,count FROM tags WHERE tag = ?", array($name));
                 if (!$sqlresult->EOF) {
                     $results[] = array($sqlresult->fields['count'], $sqlresult->fields['tag'], $sqlresult->fields['id']);
         } else {
             $start = isset($_GET['after_id']) ? int_escape($_GET['offset']) : 0;
             $sqlresult = $database->execute("SELECT id,tag,count FROM tags WHERE count > 0 AND id >= ? ORDER BY id DESC", array($start));
             while (!$sqlresult->EOF) {
                 $results[] = array($sqlresult->fields['count'], $sqlresult->fields['tag'], $sqlresult->fields['id']);
         // Tag results collected, build XML output
         $xml = "<tags>\n";
         foreach ($results as $tag) {
             $xml .= "<tag type=\"0\" count=\"{$tag['0']}\" name=\"" . $this->xmlspecialchars($tag[1]) . "\" id=\"{$tag['2']}\"/>\n";
         $xml .= "</tags>";
     // Hackery for danbooruup 0.3.2 providing the wrong view url. This simply redirects to the proper
     // Shimmie view page
     // Example: danbooruup says the url is http://shimmie/api/danbooru/post/show/123
     // This redirects that to http://shimmie/post/view/123
     if ($event->get_arg(1) == 'post' && $event->get_arg(2) == 'show') {
         $fixedlocation = make_link("post/view/" . $event->get_arg(3));