 * 	construct SQL WHERE clause for Advanced search
 * @intellisense
function StrWhereAdv($strField, $SearchFor, $strSearchOption, $SearchFor2, $etype, $isSuggest)
	global $strTableName;
	$pSet = new ProjectSettings($strTableName, PAGE_SEARCH);
	$cipherer = new RunnerCipherer($strTableName);
	$type = $pSet->getFieldType($strField);
	$isOracle = false;



	$isMysql = true;

		return "";
		if(IsCharType($type) && (!$ismssql || !$btexttype) && !$isOracle)
			return "(".GetFullFieldNameForInsert($pSet, $strField)." is null or ".GetFullFieldNameForInsert($pSet, $strField)."='')";
		elseif ($ismssql && $btexttype)
			return "(".GetFullFieldNameForInsert($pSet, $strField)." is null or ".GetFullFieldNameForInsert($pSet, $strField)." LIKE '')";
			return GetFullFieldNameForInsert($pSet, $strField)." is null";
	if($pSet->getEditFormat($strField) == EDIT_FORMAT_LOOKUP_WIZARD)
		foreach($SearchFor as $searchValue)
			$value = $searchValue;
			if(!($value=="null" || $value=="Null" || $value==""))
					$ret.=" or ";
					if(!($value=="null" || $value=="Null"))
						$ret.=GetFullFieldName($strField, "", false).'='.$value;
					$ret.=" ".GetFullFieldName($strField, "", false)." ".$like." ".db_prepare_string('%'.$value.'%');	
					if(strpos($value,",")!==false || strpos($value,'"')!==false)
						$value = '"'.str_replace('"','""',$value).'"';
					if ($isMysql)
						$value = str_replace('\\\\', '\\\\\\\\', $value); 
					//for search by multiply Lookup wizard field
					$ret.=GetFullFieldName($strField, "", false)." = ".db_prepare_string($value);
					$ret.=" or ".GetFullFieldName($strField, "", false)." ".$like." ".db_prepare_string("%,".$value.",%");
					$ret.=" or ".GetFullFieldName($strField, "", false)." ".$like." ".db_prepare_string("%,".$value);
					$ret.=" or ".GetFullFieldName($strField, "", false)." ".$like." ".db_prepare_string($value.",%");
		return $ret;
	if($pSet->getEditFormat($strField) == EDIT_FORMAT_CHECKBOX)
			return "";
				$isOracle = false;
				$whereStr = "(".GetFullFieldName($strField)."<>'0' ";
				if (!$isOracle)
					$whereStr .= " and ".GetFullFieldName($strField)."<>'' ";
				$whereStr .= " and ".GetFullFieldName($strField)." is not null)";
				return $whereStr;
				$whereStr = "(".GetFullFieldName($strField)."='0' ";
				if (!$isOracle)
					$whereStr .= " or ".GetFullFieldName($strField)."='' "; 
				$whereStr .= " or ".GetFullFieldName($strField)." is null)";
				return "(".GetFullFieldName($strField)."<>0 and ".GetFullFieldName($strField)." is not null)";
				return "(".GetFullFieldName($strField)."=0 or ".GetFullFieldName($strField)." is null)";
	$value1 = $cipherer->MakeDBValue($strField, $SearchFor, $etype, "", true);
	$value2 = false;
	$cleanvalue2 = false;
	if($strSearchOption == "Between")
		$cleanvalue2 = prepare_for_db($strField,$SearchFor2,$etype);
		$value2 = make_db_value($strField,$SearchFor2,$etype);
	if($strSearchOption!="Contains" && $strSearchOption!="Starts with" && ($value1==="null" || $value2==="null" )
		&& !$cipherer->isFieldPHPEncrypted($strField))
		return "";
	if(IsCharType($type) && !$btexttype)
			$value1 = $pSet->isEnableUpper($value1);
			$value2 = $pSet->isEnableUpper($value2);
			$gstrField = $pSet->isEnableUpper(GetFullFieldName($strField, "", false));
			$gstrField = GetFullFieldName($strField, "", false);
	elseif($strSearchOption=="Contains" || $strSearchOption=="Starts with")
		$gstrField = db_field2char(GetFullFieldName($strField, "", false),$type);
		$gstrField = db_field2time(GetFullFieldName($strField, "", false),$type);
		$gstrField = GetFullFieldName($strField, "", false);

		if ($isMysql)
			$SearchFor = str_replace('\\\\', '\\\\\\\\', $SearchFor);
			return $gstrField."=".$cipherer->MakeDBValue($strField, $SearchFor);
		if(IsCharType($type) && !$btexttype)
			return $gstrField." ".$like." ".$pSet->isEnableUpper(db_prepare_string("%".$SearchFor."%"));
			return $gstrField." ".$like." ".db_prepare_string("%".$SearchFor."%");
	else if($strSearchOption=="Equals") 
		return $gstrField."=".$value1;
	else if($strSearchOption=="Starts with")
		if ($isMysql)
			$SearchFor = str_replace('\\\\', '\\\\\\\\', $SearchFor);
		if(IsCharType($type) && !$btexttype)
			return $gstrField." ".$like." ".$pSet->isEnableUpper(db_prepare_string($SearchFor."%"));
			return $gstrField." ".$like." ".db_prepare_string($SearchFor."%");
	else if($strSearchOption=="More than") return $gstrField.">".$value1;
	else if($strSearchOption=="Less than") return $gstrField."<".$value1;
	else if($strSearchOption=="Equal or more than") return $gstrField.">=".$value1;
	else if($strSearchOption=="Equal or less than") return $gstrField."<=".$value1;
	else if($strSearchOption=="Between")
		$ret=$gstrField.">=".$value1." and ";
		if (IsDateFieldType($type))
			$timeArr = db2time($cleanvalue2);
			// for dates without time, add one day
			if ($timeArr[3]==0 && $timeArr[4]==0 && $timeArr[5]==0)
				$timeArr = adddays($timeArr, 1);
				$value2 = $timeArr[0]."-".$timeArr[1]."-".$timeArr[2];
				$value2 = add_db_quotes($strField, $value2, $strTableName);
				$ret .= $gstrField."<".$value2;
		return $ret;
	return "";
Exemplo n.º 2
 } else {
     $likeConditionField = $LookupType == LT_QUERY ? $displayFieldName : $f;
 $likeWheres = array();
 foreach ($values as $fieldValue) {
     if ($LookupType == LT_QUERY) {
         $likeWheres[] = $likeField . $lookupCipherer->GetLikeClause($likeConditionField, $fieldValue);
     } else {
         $likeWheres[] = $likeField . $cipherer->GetLikeClause($likeConditionField, $fieldValue);
 $strLookupWhere .= implode(' OR ', $likeWheres);
 if ($gSettings->useCategory($f) && ($isExistParent || postvalue('editMode') != MODE_SEARCH)) {
     $arLookupWhere = array();
     foreach ($lookupCategory as $arLookupCategory) {
         $cvalue = make_db_value($gSettings->getCategoryControl($f), $arLookupCategory);
         $arLookupWhere[] = $lookupConnection->addFieldWrappers($gSettings->getCategoryFilter($f)) . "=" . $cvalue;
     $arLookupWhereToStr = count($arLookupWhere) == 1 ? $arLookupWhere[0] : "(" . implode(" OR ", $arLookupWhere) . ")";
     if (count($arLookupWhere)) {
         $strLookupWhere = whereAdd($strLookupWhere, $arLookupWhereToStr);
 if (strlen($lookupOrderBy)) {
     $lookupOrderBy = $lookupConnection->addFieldWrappers($lookupOrderBy);
     if ($gSettings->isLookupDesc($f)) {
         $lookupOrderBy .= ' DESC';
 if ($LookupType == LT_QUERY) {
     $LookupSQL = $lookupQueryObj->toSql(whereAdd($lookupQueryObj->m_where->toSql($lookupQueryObj), $strLookupWhere), strlen($lookupOrderBy) ? ' ORDER BY ' . $lookupOrderBy : null);
function DisplayMasterTableInfo_Module($params)
    $detailtable = $params["detailtable"];
    $keys = $params["keys"];
    global $conn, $strTableName;
    $xt = new Xtempl();
    $oldTableName = $strTableName;
    $strTableName = "dbo.Module";
    //$strSQL = "SELECT ID,   [Module Type],   [Module Status],   [Module Condition],   [Serial Num],   [Entry Date]  FROM dbo.[Module]";
    $sqlHead = "SELECT ID,   [Module Type],   [Module Status],   [Module Condition],   [Serial Num],   [Entry Date]";
    $sqlFrom = "FROM dbo.[Module]";
    $sqlWhere = "";
    $sqlTail = "";
    $where = "";
    global $page_styles, $page_layouts, $page_layout_names, $container_styles;
    $layout = new TLayout("masterprint", "BoldOrange", "MobileOrange");
    $layout->blocks["bare"] = array();
    $layout->containers["0"] = array();
    $layout->containers["0"][] = array("name" => "masterprintheader", "block" => "", "substyle" => 1);
    $layout->skins["0"] = "empty";
    $layout->blocks["bare"][] = "0";
    $layout->containers["mastergrid"] = array();
    $layout->containers["mastergrid"][] = array("name" => "masterprintfields", "block" => "", "substyle" => 1);
    $layout->skins["mastergrid"] = "grid";
    $layout->blocks["bare"][] = "mastergrid";
    $page_layouts["Module_masterprint"] = $layout;
    if ($detailtable == "dbo.Anomalies") {
        $where .= GetFullFieldName("ID") . "=" . make_db_value("ID", $keys[1 - 1]);
    if ($detailtable == "dbo.Customer Module Assignment") {
        $where .= GetFullFieldName("ID") . "=" . make_db_value("ID", $keys[1 - 1]);
    if ($detailtable == "dbo.Readings") {
        $where .= GetFullFieldName("ID") . "=" . make_db_value("ID", $keys[1 - 1]);
    if (!$where) {
        $strTableName = $oldTableName;
    $str = SecuritySQL("Export");
    if (strlen($str)) {
        $where .= " and " . $str;
    $strWhere = whereAdd($sqlWhere, $where);
    if (strlen($strWhere)) {
        $strWhere = " where " . $strWhere . " ";
    $strSQL = $sqlHead . ' ' . $sqlFrom . $strWhere . $sqlTail;
    //	$strSQL=AddWhere($strSQL,$where);
    $rs = db_query($strSQL, $conn);
    $data = db_fetch_array($rs);
    if (!$data) {
        $strTableName = $oldTableName;
    $keylink = "";
    $keylink .= "&key1=" . htmlspecialchars(rawurlencode(@$data["ID"]));
    //	ID -
    $value = "";
    $value = ProcessLargeText(GetData($data, "ID", ""), "field=ID" . $keylink, "", MODE_PRINT);
    $xt->assign("ID_mastervalue", $value);
    //	Module Type -
    $value = "";
    $value = DisplayLookupWizard("Module Type", $data["Module Type"], $data, $keylink, MODE_PRINT);
    $xt->assign("Module_Type_mastervalue", $value);
    //	Module Status -
    $value = "";
    $value = DisplayLookupWizard("Module Status", $data["Module Status"], $data, $keylink, MODE_PRINT);
    $xt->assign("Module_Status_mastervalue", $value);
    //	Module Condition -
    $value = "";
    $value = DisplayLookupWizard("Module Condition", $data["Module Condition"], $data, $keylink, MODE_PRINT);
    $xt->assign("Module_Condition_mastervalue", $value);
    //	Serial Num -
    $value = "";
    $value = ProcessLargeText(GetData($data, "Serial Num", ""), "field=Serial+Num" . $keylink, "", MODE_PRINT);
    $xt->assign("Serial_Num_mastervalue", $value);
    //	Entry Date - Short Date
    $value = "";
    $value = ProcessLargeText(GetData($data, "Entry Date", "Short Date"), "field=Entry+Date" . $keylink, "", MODE_PRINT);
    $xt->assign("Entry_Date_mastervalue", $value);
    $strTableName = $oldTableName;
    //	copy keys to session
    $i = 1;
    while (isset($_REQUEST["masterkey" . $i])) {
        $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey" . $i] = $_REQUEST["masterkey" . $i];
    if (isset($_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey" . $i])) {
        unset($_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey" . $i]);
} else {
    $mastertable = $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_mastertable"];
//$strSQL = $gstrSQL;
if ($mastertable == "dbo.Module") {
    $where = "";
    $where .= GetFullFieldName("Module ID") . "=" . make_db_value("Module ID", $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey1"]);
$str = SecuritySQL("Search");
if (strlen($str)) {
    $where .= " and " . $str;
$strSQL = gSQLWhere($where);
$strSQL .= " " . $gstrOrderBy;
$rowcount = gSQLRowCount($where);
$xt->assign("row_count", $rowcount);
if ($rowcount) {
    $xt->assign("details_data", true);
    $rs = db_query($strSQL, $conn);
    $display_count = 10;
    if ($mode == "inline") {
        $display_count *= 2;
Exemplo n.º 5
 function buildLookupWhereClause()
     $arWhereClause = array();
     foreach ($this->lookupCategory as $arLookupCategory) {
         if ($this->cipherer != null) {
             $lookupValue = $this->cipherer->MakeDBValue($this->categoryField, $arLookupCategory);
         } else {
             $lookupValue = make_db_value($this->categoryField, $arLookupCategory);
         $arWhereClause[] = whereAdd($this->strWhereClause, $this->getFieldSQLDecrypt($this->categoryField) . "=" . $lookupValue);
     if (count($arWhereClause) > 1) {
         $this->strWhereClause = "(" . implode(" OR ", $arWhereClause) . ")";
     } elseif (count($arWhereClause) == 1) {
         $this->strWhereClause = $arWhereClause[0];
     if (strlen($this->strLookupWhere)) {
         $this->strWhereClause = whereAdd($this->strWhereClause, $this->strLookupWhere);
     // add 1=0 if parent control contain empty value and no search used
     if ($this->mainPSet->useCategory($this->mainField) && postvalue('editMode') != MODE_SEARCH && !count($this->lookupCategory)) {
         $this->strWhereClause = whereAdd($this->strWhereClause, "1=0");
Exemplo n.º 6
// set db connection
$_connection = $cman->byTable($strTableName);
$pSet = new ProjectSettings($strTableName, $pageType);
$denyChecking = $pSet->allowDuplicateValues($fieldName);
$denyChecking = $denyChecking && ($strTableName != "DashboardUsers" || $fieldName != $cUserNameField && $fieldName != $cEmailField);
if ($denyChecking) {
    $returnJSON = array("success" => false, "error" => "Duplicated values are allowed");
    echo printJSON($returnJSON);
$cipherer = new RunnerCipherer($strTableName, $pSet);
if ($cipherer->isFieldEncrypted($fieldName)) {
    $value = $cipherer->MakeDBValue($fieldName, $value, $fieldControlType, true);
} else {
    $value = make_db_value($fieldName, $value, $fieldControlType, "", $strTableName);
if ($value == "null") {
    $fieldSQL = RunnerPage::_getFieldSQL($fieldName, $_connection, $pSet);
} else {
    $fieldSQL = RunnerPage::_getFieldSQLDecrypt($fieldName, $_connection, $pSet, $cipherer);
$where = $fieldSQL . ($value == "null" ? ' is ' : '=') . $value;
$sql = "SELECT count(*) from " . $_connection->addTableWrappers($pSet->getOriginalTableName()) . " where " . $where;
$qResult = $_connection->query($sql);
if (!$qResult || !($data = $qResult->fetchNumeric())) {
    $returnJSON = array("success" => false, "error" => "Error: Wrong SQL query");
    echo printJSON($returnJSON);
$hasDuplicates = $data[0] ? true : false;
    if (isset($_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey" . $i])) {
        unset($_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey" . $i]);
} else {
    $mastertable = $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_mastertable"];
//$strSQL = $gstrSQL;
if ($mastertable == "dbo.LU_Customer Type") {
    $where = "";
    $where .= GetFullFieldName("Customer Type") . "=" . make_db_value("Customer Type", $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey1"]);
if ($mastertable == "dbo.LU_Locations") {
    $where = "";
    $where .= GetFullFieldName("Location") . "=" . make_db_value("Location", $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey1"]);
$str = SecuritySQL("Search");
if (strlen($str)) {
    $where .= " and " . $str;
$strSQL = gSQLWhere($where);
$strSQL .= " " . $gstrOrderBy;
$rowcount = gSQLRowCount($where);
$xt->assign("row_count", $rowcount);
if ($rowcount) {
    $xt->assign("details_data", true);
    $rs = db_query($strSQL, $conn);
    $display_count = 10;
    if ($mode == "inline") {
        $display_count *= 2;
function buildLookupSQL($field, $table, $parentVal, $childVal = "", $doCategoryFilter = true, $doValueFilter = false, $addCategoryField = false, $doWhereFilter = true, $oneRecordMode = false)
    global $strTableName;
    if (!strlen($table)) {
        $table = $strTableName;
    //	read settings
    $nLookupType = GetFieldData($table, $field, "LookupType", LT_LISTOFVALUES);
    if ($nLookupType != LT_LOOKUPTABLE) {
        return "";
    $bUnique = GetFieldData($table, $field, "LookupUnique", false);
    $strLookupWhere = LookupWhere($field, $table);
    $strOrderBy = GetFieldData($table, $field, "LookupOrderBy", "");
    $bDesc = GetFieldData($table, $field, "LookupDesc", false);
    $strCategoryFilter = GetFieldData($table, $field, "CategoryFilter", "");
    if ($doCategoryFilter) {
        $parentVal = make_db_value(CategoryControl($field, $table), $parentVal);
    if ($doValueFilter) {
        $childVal = make_db_value($field, $childVal);
    //	build SQL string
    $LookupSQL = "SELECT ";
    if ($oneRecordMode) {
        $LookupSQL .= "top 1 ";
    if ($bUnique) {
        $LookupSQL .= "DISTINCT ";
    $LookupSQL .= GetLWLinkField($field, $table);
    $LookupSQL .= "," . GetLWDisplayField($field, $table);
    if ($addCategoryField && strlen($strCategoryFilter)) {
        $LookupSQL .= "," . AddFieldWrappers($strCategoryFilter);
    $LookupSQL .= " FROM " . AddTableWrappers(GetLookupTable($field, $table));
    //	build Where clause
    $categoryWhere = "";
    $childWhere = "";
    if (UseCategory($field, $table) && $doCategoryFilter) {
        $condition = "=" . $parentVal;
        if ($childVal === "null") {
            $condition = " is null";
        $categoryWhere = AddFieldWrappers($strCategoryFilter) . $condition;
    if ($doValueFilter) {
        $condition = "=" . $childVal;
        if ($childVal === "null") {
            $condition = " is null";
        $childWhere = AddFieldWrappers(GetLWLinkField($field, $table)) . $condition;
    $strWhere = "";
    if ($doWhereFilter && strlen($strLookupWhere)) {
        $strWhere = "(" . $strLookupWhere . ")";
    if (strlen($categoryWhere)) {
        if (strlen($strWhere)) {
            $strWhere .= " AND ";
        $strWhere .= $categoryWhere;
    if (strlen($childWhere)) {
        if (strlen($strWhere)) {
            $strWhere .= " AND ";
        $strWhere .= $childWhere;
    if (strlen($strWhere)) {
        $LookupSQL .= " WHERE " . $strWhere;
    //	order by clause
    if (strlen($strOrderBy)) {
        $LookupSQL .= " ORDER BY " . AddTableWrappers(GetLookupTable($field, $table)) . "." . AddFieldWrappers($strOrderBy);
        if ($bDesc) {
            $LookupSQL .= " DESC";
    return $LookupSQL;
  * Use for count details recs number, if subQueryes not supported, or keys have different types
  * @param integer $i
  * @param array $detailid
 function countDetailsRecsNoSubQ($dInd, &$detailid)
     global $tables_data;
     global $masterTablesData;
     global $detailsTablesData;
     $dDataSourceTable = $this->allDetailsTablesArr[$dInd]['dDataSourceTable'];
     $gQuery = GetTableData($dDataSourceTable, '.sqlquery', null);
     $dObjHaving = $gQuery->Having();
     $dSqlHaving = $dObjHaving->toSql($gQuery);
     $dSqlGroupBy = $gQuery->GroupByToSql();
     $dSqlHead = $this->allDetailsTablesArr[$dInd]['sqlHead'];
     $dSqlFrom = $this->allDetailsTablesArr[$dInd]['sqlFrom'];
     $dSqlWhere = $this->allDetailsTablesArr[$dInd]['sqlWhere'];
     //$sqlTail = $detailTableInfo['sqlTail'];
     $detailKeys = GetDetailKeysByMasterTable($this->tName, $dDataSourceTable);
     $securityClause = SecuritySQL("Search", $dDataSourceTable);
     // add where
     if (strlen($securityClause)) {
         $dSqlWhere = whereAdd($dSqlWhere, $securityClause);
     $masterwhere = "";
     foreach ($this->masterKeysByD[$dInd] as $idx => $val) {
         if ($masterwhere) {
             $masterwhere .= " and ";
         $masterwhere .= GetFullFieldName($detailKeys[$idx], $dDataSourceTable) . "=" . make_db_value($detailKeys[$idx], $detailid[$idx]);
     return gSQLRowCount_int($dSqlHead, $dSqlFrom, $dSqlWhere, $dSqlGroupBy, $dSqlHaving, $masterwhere, "");
Exemplo n.º 10
 function SQLWhere($SearchFor, $strSearchOption, $SearchFor2, $etype, $isSuggest)
     if ($this->lookupType == LT_LISTOFVALUES) {
         return parent::SQLWhere($SearchFor, $strSearchOption, $SearchFor2, $etype, $isSuggest);
     $baseResult = $this->baseSQLWhere($strSearchOption);
     if ($baseResult === false) {
         return "";
     if ($baseResult != "") {
         return $baseResult;
     $displayFieldType = $this->type;
     if ($this->lookupType == LT_QUERY) {
         $displayFieldType = $this->lookupPSet->getFieldType($this->field);
         $this->btexttype = IsTextType($displayFieldType);
     if ($this->multiselect) {
         $SearchFor = splitvalues($SearchFor);
     } else {
         $SearchFor = array($SearchFor);
     $ret = "";
     if ($this->linkAndDisplaySame) {
         $gstrField = GetFullFieldName($this->field, "", false);
     } else {
         $gstrField = GetFullFieldName($this->displayFieldName, $this->lookupTable, false);
     if ($this->customDisplay) {
         $gstrField = $this->lwDisplayFieldWrapped;
     } else {
         if (!$this->linkAndDisplaySame && $this->lookupType == LT_QUERY && IsCharType($displayFieldType) && !$this->btexttype && !$this->ciphererDisplay->isFieldPHPEncrypted($this->displayFieldName)) {
             $gstrField = $this->lookupPSet->isEnableUpper(GetFullFieldName($this->displayFieldName, $this->lookupTable, false));
     foreach ($SearchFor as $value) {
         if (!($value == "null" || $value == "Null" || $value == "")) {
             if (strlen(trim($ret))) {
                 $ret .= " or ";
             if (!$this->multiselect) {
                 if ($strSearchOption == "Starts with") {
                     $value .= '%';
                 if ($isSuggest || $strSearchOption == "Contains") {
                     $value = '%' . $value . '%';
                 if ($isSuggest || $strSearchOption == "Contains" || $strSearchOption == "Starts with" || $strSearchOption == "More than" || $strSearchOption == "Less than" || $strSearchOption == "Equal or more than" || $strSearchOption == "Equal or less than" || $strSearchOption == "Between" || $strSearchOption == "Equals" && $this->LCType == LCT_AJAX && !$this->linkAndDisplaySame) {
                     $value = $this->escapeSearchValForMySQL($value);
                     if ($this->lookupType == LT_QUERY && IsCharType($displayFieldType) && !$this->btexttype) {
                         $value = $this->lookupPSet->isEnableUpper(db_prepare_string($value));
                     } else {
                         $value = db_prepare_string($value);
                 } else {
                     if ($strSearchOption == "Equals") {
                         $value = make_db_value($this->field, $value);
             if ($strSearchOption == "Equals") {
                 if (!($value == "null" || $value == "Null")) {
                     if ($this->LCType == LCT_AJAX && !$this->linkAndDisplaySame) {
                         $condition = $gstrField . '=' . $value;
                     } else {
                         $condition = GetFullFieldName($this->field, "", false) . '=' . $value;
             } else {
                 if ($strSearchOption == "Starts with" || $strSearchOption == "Contains" && !$this->multiselect) {
                     $condition = $gstrField . " " . $this->like . " " . $value;
                 } else {
                     if ($strSearchOption == "More than") {
                         $condition = $gstrField . " > " . $value;
                     } else {
                         if ($strSearchOption == "Less than") {
                             $condition = $gstrField . "<" . $value;
                         } else {
                             if ($strSearchOption == "Equal or more than") {
                                 $condition = $gstrField . ">=" . $value1;
                             } else {
                                 if ($strSearchOption == "Equal or less than") {
                                     $condition = $gstrField . "<=" . $value1;
                                 } else {
                                     if ($strSearchOption == "Between") {
                                         if ($this->lookupType == LT_QUERY && IsCharType($displayFieldType) && !$this->btexttype) {
                                             $value2 = $this->lookupPSet->isEnableUpper(db_prepare_string($SearchFor2));
                                         } else {
                                             $value2 = db_prepare_string($SearchFor2);
                                         $condition = $gstrField . ">=" . $value . " and ";
                                         if (IsDateFieldType($this->type)) {
                                             $timeArr = db2time($SearchFor2);
                                             // for dates without time, add one day
                                             if ($timeArr[3] == 0 && $timeArr[4] == 0 && $timeArr[5] == 0) {
                                                 $timeArr = adddays($timeArr, 1);
                                                 $SearchFor2 = $timeArr[0] . "-" . $timeArr[1] . "-" . $timeArr[2];
                                                 $SearchFor2 = add_db_quotes($this->field, $SearchFor2, $this->pageObject->tName);
                                                 $condition .= $gstrField . "<" . $SearchFor2;
                                             } else {
                                                 $condition .= $gstrField . "<=" . $value2;
                                         } else {
                                             $condition .= $gstrField . "<=" . $value2;
                                     } else {
                                         if (strpos($value, ",") !== false || strpos($value, '"') !== false) {
                                             $value = '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $value) . '"';
                                         $value = $this->escapeSearchValForMySQL($value);
                                         //for search by multiply Lookup wizard field
                                         $ret .= GetFullFieldName($this->field, "", false) . " = " . db_prepare_string($value);
                                         $ret .= " or " . GetFullFieldName($this->field, "", false) . " " . $this->like . " " . db_prepare_string("%," . $value . ",%");
                                         $ret .= " or " . GetFullFieldName($this->field, "", false) . " " . $this->like . " " . db_prepare_string("%," . $value);
                                         $ret .= " or " . GetFullFieldName($this->field, "", false) . " " . $this->like . " " . db_prepare_string($value . ",%");
             if ($condition != "" && ($isSuggest || $strSearchOption == "Contains" || $strSearchOption == "Equals" || $strSearchOption == "Starts with" || $strSearchOption == "More than" || $strSearchOption == "Less than" || $strSearchOption == "Equal or more than" || $strSearchOption == "Equal or less than" || $strSearchOption == "Between")) {
                 if ($this->linkAndDisplaySame || $strSearchOption == "Equals" && $this->LCType != LCT_AJAX) {
                     $ret .= " " . $condition;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->lookupType == LT_QUERY) {
                         $lookupQueryObj = $this->lookupPSet->getSQLQuery();
                         $ret .= " EXISTS (" . $lookupQueryObj->toSql($condition . " and " . GetFullFieldName($this->linkFieldName, $this->lookupTable, false) . " = " . AddTableWrappers($this->pageObject->pSetEdit->getStrOriginalTableName()) . "." . AddFieldWrappers($this->field), '', null, false) . ")";
                     } else {
                         $ret .= " EXISTS (SELECT 1 as fld from " . AddTableWrappers($this->lookupTable) . " where " . $condition . " and " . $this->lwLinkField . " = " . AddTableWrappers($this->pageObject->pSetEdit->getStrOriginalTableName()) . "." . AddFieldWrappers($this->field) . ")";
     if (strlen(trim($ret))) {
         $ret = "(" . $ret . ")";
     } else {
         $ret = trim($ret);
     return $ret;
    $where = "";
    $where .= $pageObject->getFieldSQLDecrypt("GroupID") . "=" . make_db_value("GroupID", $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey1"]);
    $where .= " and ";
    $where .= $pageObject->getFieldSQLDecrypt("CompanyID") . "=" . make_db_value("CompanyID", $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey2"]);
if ($mastertable == "calendar_table") {
    $where = "";
    $where .= $pageObject->getFieldSQLDecrypt("TranDate") . "=" . make_db_value("TranDate", $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey1"]);
if ($mastertable == "DimDept") {
    $where = "";
    $where .= $pageObject->getFieldSQLDecrypt("TranDept") . "=" . make_db_value("TranDept", $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey1"]);
if ($mastertable == "DimArea") {
    $where = "";
    $where .= $pageObject->getFieldSQLDecrypt("TranArea") . "=" . make_db_value("TranArea", $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey1"]);
$str = SecuritySQL("Search", $strTableName);
if (strlen($str)) {
    $where .= " and " . $str;
$strSQL = $gQuery->gSQLWhere($where);
$strSQL .= " " . $gstrOrderBy;
$rowcount = $gQuery->gSQLRowCount($where, $pageObject->connection);
$xt->assign("row_count", $rowcount);
if ($rowcount) {
    $xt->assign("details_data", true);
    $display_count = 10;
    if ($mode == "inline") {
        $display_count *= 2;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * add where clause with foreign keys of current table and it's master table master keys
  * @return string
 function addWhereWithMasterTable()
     $where = "";
     if (count($this->detailKeysByM)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->detailKeysByM); $i++) {
             if ($i != 0) {
                 $where .= " and ";
             $mValue = make_db_value($this->detailKeysByM[$i], $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_masterkey" . ($i + 1)]);
             if (!empty($mValue)) {
                 $where .= GetFullFieldName($this->detailKeysByM[$i]) . "=" . $mValue;
             } else {
                 $where .= "1=0";
     return $where;
Exemplo n.º 13
 $strLookupWhere = GetLWWhere($f, $pageType, $strTableName);
 if ($strLookupWhere) {
     $strLookupWhere = " (" . $strLookupWhere . ")  AND ";
 if ($LookupType == LT_QUERY) {
     if ($gSettings->getCustomDisplay($f)) {
         $strLookupWhere .= $displayFieldName;
     } else {
         $strLookupWhere .= GetFullFieldName($displayFieldName, $lookupTable, false);
 } else {
     $strLookupWhere .= $cipherer->GetFieldName($lwDisplayField, $f);
 $strLookupWhere .= $cipherer->GetLikeClause($LookupType == LT_QUERY ? $displayFieldName : $f, $value);
 if ($gSettings->useCategory($f) && (postvalue("category") != '' || postvalue('editMode') != MODE_SEARCH)) {
     $cvalue = make_db_value($gSettings->getCategoryControl($f), postvalue("category"));
     $strLookupWhere .= " AND " . AddFieldWrappers($gSettings->getCategoryFilter($f)) . "=" . $cvalue;
 $lookupOrderBy = $gSettings->getLookupOrderBy($f);
 if (strlen($lookupOrderBy)) {
     $lookupOrderBy = GetFullFieldName($lookupOrderBy, $lookupTable);
     if ($gSettings->isLookupDesc($f)) {
         $lookupOrderBy .= ' DESC';
 if ($LookupType == LT_QUERY) {
     $LookupSQL = $lookupQueryObj->toSql(whereAdd($lookupQueryObj->m_where->toSql($lookupQueryObj), $strLookupWhere), strlen($lookupOrderBy) ? ' ORDER BY ' . $lookupOrderBy : null);
 } else {
     $LookupSQL = $LookupSQLTable . " where " . $strLookupWhere;
     if (!$gSettings->isLookupUnique($f) || nDATABASE_Access != 4) {
         if ($lookupOrderBy) {
 function buildLookupWhereClause()
     if (strlen($this->lookupCategory)) {
         $this->strWhereClause = whereAdd($this->strWhereClause, GetFullFieldName($this->categoryField) . "=" . make_db_value($this->categoryField, $this->lookupCategory));
     if (strlen($this->strLookupWhere)) {
         $this->strWhereClause = whereAdd($this->strWhereClause, $this->strLookupWhere);
     // add 1=0 if parent control contain empty value and no search used
     if (UseCategory($this->mainField, $this->mainTable) && postvalue('editMode') != MODE_SEARCH && !strlen($this->lookupCategory)) {
         $this->strWhereClause = whereAdd($this->strWhereClause, "1=0");
function DisplayMasterTableInfo_Customers($params)
    $detailtable = $params["detailtable"];
    $keys = $params["keys"];
    global $conn, $strTableName;
    $xt = new Xtempl();
    $oldTableName = $strTableName;
    $strTableName = "dbo.Customers";
    //$strSQL = "SELECT ID,   Name,   [Father Name],   Address,   Contact,   Location,   [Customer Type]  FROM dbo.Customers";
    $sqlHead = "SELECT ID,   Name,   [Father Name],   Address,   Contact,   Location,   [Customer Type]";
    $sqlFrom = "FROM dbo.Customers";
    $sqlWhere = "";
    $sqlTail = "";
    $where = "";
    $mKeys = array();
    $showKeys = "";
    global $page_styles, $page_layouts, $page_layout_names, $container_styles;
    $layout = new TLayout("masterlist", "BoldOrange", "MobileOrange");
    $layout->blocks["bare"] = array();
    $layout->containers["0"] = array();
    $layout->containers["0"][] = array("name" => "masterlistheader", "block" => "", "substyle" => 1);
    $layout->skins["0"] = "empty";
    $layout->blocks["bare"][] = "0";
    $layout->containers["mastergrid"] = array();
    $layout->containers["mastergrid"][] = array("name" => "masterlistfields", "block" => "", "substyle" => 1);
    $layout->skins["mastergrid"] = "grid";
    $layout->blocks["bare"][] = "mastergrid";
    $page_layouts["Customers_masterlist"] = $layout;
    if ($detailtable == "dbo.Customer Module Assignment") {
        $where .= GetFullFieldName("ID") . "=" . make_db_value("ID", $keys[1 - 1]);
        $showKeys .= " " . GetFieldLabel("dbo_Customers", "ID") . ": " . $keys[1 - 1];
        $xt->assign('showKeys', $showKeys);
    if (!$where) {
        $strTableName = $oldTableName;
    $str = SecuritySQL("Search");
    if (strlen($str)) {
        $where .= " and " . $str;
    $strWhere = whereAdd($sqlWhere, $where);
    if (strlen($strWhere)) {
        $strWhere = " where " . $strWhere . " ";
    $strSQL = $sqlHead . ' ' . $sqlFrom . $strWhere . $sqlTail;
    //	$strSQL=AddWhere($strSQL,$where);
    $rs = db_query($strSQL, $conn);
    $data = db_fetch_array($rs);
    if (!$data) {
        $strTableName = $oldTableName;
    $keylink = "";
    $keylink .= "&key1=" . htmlspecialchars(rawurlencode(@$data["ID"]));
    //	ID -
    $value = "";
    $value = ProcessLargeText(GetData($data, "ID", ""), "field=ID" . $keylink);
    $xt->assign("ID_mastervalue", $value);
    //	Name -
    $value = "";
    $value = ProcessLargeText(GetData($data, "Name", ""), "field=Name" . $keylink);
    $xt->assign("Name_mastervalue", $value);
    //	Father Name -
    $value = "";
    $value = ProcessLargeText(GetData($data, "Father Name", ""), "field=Father+Name" . $keylink);
    $xt->assign("Father_Name_mastervalue", $value);
    //	Address -
    $value = "";
    $value = ProcessLargeText(GetData($data, "Address", ""), "field=Address" . $keylink);
    $xt->assign("Address_mastervalue", $value);
    //	Contact -
    $value = "";
    $value = ProcessLargeText(GetData($data, "Contact", ""), "field=Contact" . $keylink);
    $xt->assign("Contact_mastervalue", $value);
    //	Location -
    $value = "";
    $value = DisplayLookupWizard("Location", $data["Location"], $data, $keylink, MODE_LIST);
    $xt->assign("Location_mastervalue", $value);
    //	Customer Type -
    $value = "";
    $value = DisplayLookupWizard("Customer Type", $data["Customer Type"], $data, $keylink, MODE_LIST);
    $xt->assign("Customer_Type_mastervalue", $value);
    $strTableName = $oldTableName;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Get for the dependent lookup an array containing the link field values with even indices
  * and the corresponding displayed values with odd indices
  * @intellisense
  * @param String parentVal
  * @param String childVal
  * @param Boolean doCategoryFilter
  * @param Boolean initialLoad
  * @return Array
 public function loadLookupContent($parentVal, $childVal = "", $doCategoryFilter = true, $initialLoad = true)
     $response = array();
     $pSet = $this->pageObject->pSetEdit;
     if ($this->bUseCategory && $doCategoryFilter) {
         if ($this->lookupType == LT_QUERY) {
             $tempParentVal = $this->ciphererDisplay->MakeDBValue($pSet->getCategoryControl($this->field), $parentVal, "", true);
         } else {
             $tempParentVal = make_db_value($this->field, $parentVal);
         if ($tempParentVal === "null" || 0 == strlen($parentVal)) {
             return $response;
     $LookupSQL = $this->getLookupSQL($parentVal, $childVal, $doCategoryFilter, $this->LCType == LCT_AJAX && $initialLoad);
     $lookupIndexes = GetLookupFieldsIndexes($pSet, $this->field);
     $qResult = $this->lookupConnection->query($LookupSQL);
     if ($this->LCType !== LCT_AJAX || $this->multiselect) {
         $isUnique = $pSet->isLookupUnique($this->field);
         while ($data = $qResult->fetchNumeric()) {
             if ($this->lookupType == LT_QUERY && $isUnique) {
                 if (!isset($uniqueArray)) {
                     $uniqueArray = array();
                 if (in_array($data[$lookupIndexes["displayFieldIndex"]], $uniqueArray)) {
                 $uniqueArray[] = $data[$lookupIndexes["displayFieldIndex"]];
             $response[] = $data[$lookupIndexes["linkFieldIndex"]];
             $response[] = $data[$lookupIndexes["displayFieldIndex"]];
     } else {
         $data = $qResult->fetchNumeric();
         // one record only
         if ($data && (strlen($childVal) || !$qResult->fetchNumeric())) {
             $response[] = $data[$lookupIndexes["linkFieldIndex"]];
             $response[] = $data[$lookupIndexes["displayFieldIndex"]];
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * add where clause with foreign keys of current table and it's master table master keys
  * @return string
 function addWhereWithMasterTable()
     $where = "";
     if (count($this->detailKeysByM)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->detailKeysByM); $i++) {
             if ($i != 0) {
                 $where .= " and ";
             if ($this->cipherer && isEncryptionByPHPEnabled()) {
                 $mValue = $this->cipherer->MakeDBValue($this->detailKeysByM[$i], $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_masterkey" . ($i + 1)]);
             } else {
                 $mValue = make_db_value($this->detailKeysByM[$i], $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_masterkey" . ($i + 1)]);
             if (!empty($mValue)) {
                 $where .= GetFullFieldName($this->detailKeysByM[$i], "", false) . "=" . $mValue;
             } else {
                 $where .= "1=0";
     return $where;
                $fEditFormat = GetFieldData($strTableName, $f, 'EditFormat', '');
                if ($fEditFormat != EDIT_FORMAT_LOOKUP_WIZARD || GoodFieldName($f) != $field) {
                $LookupType = GetFieldData($strTableName, $f, 'LookupType', '');
                if ($LookupType == LT_LOOKUPTABLE) {
                    $LookupSQL = "SELECT ";
                    if (GetFieldData($strTableName, $f, 'LookupUnique', false)) {
                        $LookupSQL .= "DISTINCT ";
                    $LookupSQL .= GetLWLinkField($f, $strTableName, true);
                    $LookupSQL .= "," . GetLWDisplayField($f, $strTableName, true);
                    $LookupSQL .= " FROM " . AddTableWrappers(GetFieldData($strTableName, $f, 'LookupTable', '')) . " ";
                    $LookupSQL .= " WHERE " . GetLWLinkField($f, $strTableName, true) . "=" . $lookupValue . " AND ";
                    $LookupSQL .= GetLWDisplayField($f, $strTableName, true) . " LIKE " . db_prepare_string($value . "%");
                    if (GetFieldData($strTableName, $f, 'UseCategory', false)) {
                        $cvalue = make_db_value(GetFieldData($strTableName, $f, 'CategoryControl', ''), postvalue("category"));
                        $LookupSQL .= " AND " . AddFieldWrappers(GetFieldData($strTableName, $f, 'CategoryFilter', '')) . "=" . $cvalue;
            $rs2 = db_query($LookupSQL, $conn);
            if ($data = db_fetch_numarray($rs2)) {
                $response[] = $data[0];
                $response[] = $data[1];
$respObj = array('success' => true, 'data' => array_slice($response, 0, 40));
echo my_json_encode($respObj);
function DisplayMasterTableInfo_LU_Anomaly_Type($params)
    $detailtable = $params["detailtable"];
    $keys = $params["keys"];
    global $conn, $strTableName;
    $xt = new Xtempl();
    $oldTableName = $strTableName;
    $strTableName = "dbo.LU_Anomaly Type";
    //$strSQL = "SELECT Code,   [Tamper Type]  FROM dbo.[LU_Anomaly Type]";
    $sqlHead = "SELECT Code,   [Tamper Type]";
    $sqlFrom = "FROM dbo.[LU_Anomaly Type]";
    $sqlWhere = "";
    $sqlTail = "";
    $where = "";
    global $page_styles, $page_layouts, $page_layout_names, $container_styles;
    $layout = new TLayout("masterprint", "BoldOrange", "MobileOrange");
    $layout->blocks["bare"] = array();
    $layout->containers["0"] = array();
    $layout->containers["0"][] = array("name" => "masterprintheader", "block" => "", "substyle" => 1);
    $layout->skins["0"] = "empty";
    $layout->blocks["bare"][] = "0";
    $layout->containers["mastergrid"] = array();
    $layout->containers["mastergrid"][] = array("name" => "masterprintfields", "block" => "", "substyle" => 1);
    $layout->skins["mastergrid"] = "grid";
    $layout->blocks["bare"][] = "mastergrid";
    $page_layouts["LU_Anomaly_Type_masterprint"] = $layout;
    if ($detailtable == "dbo.Anomalies") {
        $where .= GetFullFieldName("Code") . "=" . make_db_value("Code", $keys[1 - 1]);
    if (!$where) {
        $strTableName = $oldTableName;
    $str = SecuritySQL("Export");
    if (strlen($str)) {
        $where .= " and " . $str;
    $strWhere = whereAdd($sqlWhere, $where);
    if (strlen($strWhere)) {
        $strWhere = " where " . $strWhere . " ";
    $strSQL = $sqlHead . ' ' . $sqlFrom . $strWhere . $sqlTail;
    //	$strSQL=AddWhere($strSQL,$where);
    $rs = db_query($strSQL, $conn);
    $data = db_fetch_array($rs);
    if (!$data) {
        $strTableName = $oldTableName;
    $keylink = "";
    $keylink .= "&key1=" . htmlspecialchars(rawurlencode(@$data["Code"]));
    //	Code -
    $value = "";
    $value = ProcessLargeText(GetData($data, "Code", ""), "field=Code" . $keylink, "", MODE_PRINT);
    $xt->assign("Code_mastervalue", $value);
    //	Tamper Type -
    $value = "";
    $value = ProcessLargeText(GetData($data, "Tamper Type", ""), "field=Tamper+Type" . $keylink, "", MODE_PRINT);
    $xt->assign("Tamper_Type_mastervalue", $value);
    $strTableName = $oldTableName;
function DisplayMasterTableInfo_LU_Module_Status($params)
    $detailtable = $params["detailtable"];
    $keys = $params["keys"];
    global $conn, $strTableName;
    $xt = new Xtempl();
    $oldTableName = $strTableName;
    $strTableName = "dbo.LU_Module Status";
    //$strSQL = "SELECT Code,   Status  FROM dbo.[LU_Module Status]";
    $sqlHead = "SELECT Code,   Status";
    $sqlFrom = "FROM dbo.[LU_Module Status]";
    $sqlWhere = "";
    $sqlTail = "";
    $where = "";
    $mKeys = array();
    $showKeys = "";
    global $page_styles, $page_layouts, $page_layout_names, $container_styles;
    $layout = new TLayout("masterlist", "BoldOrange", "MobileOrange");
    $layout->blocks["bare"] = array();
    $layout->containers["0"] = array();
    $layout->containers["0"][] = array("name" => "masterlistheader", "block" => "", "substyle" => 1);
    $layout->skins["0"] = "empty";
    $layout->blocks["bare"][] = "0";
    $layout->containers["mastergrid"] = array();
    $layout->containers["mastergrid"][] = array("name" => "masterlistfields", "block" => "", "substyle" => 1);
    $layout->skins["mastergrid"] = "grid";
    $layout->blocks["bare"][] = "mastergrid";
    $page_layouts["LU_Module_Status_masterlist"] = $layout;
    if ($detailtable == "dbo.Module") {
        $where .= GetFullFieldName("Code") . "=" . make_db_value("Code", $keys[1 - 1]);
        $showKeys .= " " . GetFieldLabel("dbo_LU_Module_Status", "Code") . ": " . $keys[1 - 1];
        $xt->assign('showKeys', $showKeys);
    if (!$where) {
        $strTableName = $oldTableName;
    $str = SecuritySQL("Search");
    if (strlen($str)) {
        $where .= " and " . $str;
    $strWhere = whereAdd($sqlWhere, $where);
    if (strlen($strWhere)) {
        $strWhere = " where " . $strWhere . " ";
    $strSQL = $sqlHead . ' ' . $sqlFrom . $strWhere . $sqlTail;
    //	$strSQL=AddWhere($strSQL,$where);
    $rs = db_query($strSQL, $conn);
    $data = db_fetch_array($rs);
    if (!$data) {
        $strTableName = $oldTableName;
    $keylink = "";
    $keylink .= "&key1=" . htmlspecialchars(rawurlencode(@$data["Code"]));
    //	Code -
    $value = "";
    $value = ProcessLargeText(GetData($data, "Code", ""), "field=Code" . $keylink);
    $xt->assign("Code_mastervalue", $value);
    //	Status -
    $value = "";
    $value = ProcessLargeText(GetData($data, "Status", ""), "field=Status" . $keylink);
    $xt->assign("Status_mastervalue", $value);
    $strTableName = $oldTableName;
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Get the WHERE clause conditions string for the search or suggest SQL query
  * @param String SearchFor
  * @param String strSearchOption
  * @param String SearchFor2
  * @param String etype
  * @param Boolean isSuggest
 function SQLWhere($SearchFor, $strSearchOption, $SearchFor2, $etype, $isSuggest)
     $baseResult = $this->baseSQLWhere($strSearchOption);
     if ($baseResult === false) {
         return "";
     if ($baseResult != "") {
         return $baseResult;
     if (!strlen($SearchFor)) {
         return "";
     $value1 = $this->pageObject->cipherer->MakeDBValue($this->field, $SearchFor, $etype, true);
     $value2 = false;
     $cleanvalue2 = false;
     if ($strSearchOption == "Between") {
         $cleanvalue2 = prepare_for_db($this->field, $SearchFor2, $etype);
         $value2 = make_db_value($this->field, $SearchFor2, $etype);
     if ($strSearchOption != "Contains" && $strSearchOption != "Starts with" && ($value1 === "null" || $value2 === "null") && !$this->pageObject->cipherer->isFieldPHPEncrypted($this->field)) {
         return "";
     if (($strSearchOption == "Contains" || $strSearchOption == "Starts with") && !$this->isStringValidForLike($SearchFor)) {
         return "";
     $searchIsCaseInsensitive = $this->pageObject->pSetEdit->getNCSearch();
     if (IsCharType($this->type) && !$this->btexttype) {
         $gstrField = $this->getFieldSQLDecrypt();
         if (!$this->pageObject->cipherer->isFieldPHPEncrypted($this->field) && $searchIsCaseInsensitive) {
             $value1 = $this->connection->upper($value1);
             $value2 = $this->connection->upper($value2);
             $gstrField = $this->connection->upper($gstrField);
     } elseif ($strSearchOption == "Contains" || $strSearchOption == "Starts with") {
         $gstrField = $this->connection->field2char($this->getFieldSQLDecrypt(), $this->type);
     } elseif ($this->pageObject->pSetEdit->getViewFormat($this->field) == FORMAT_TIME) {
         $gstrField = $this->connection->field2time($this->getFieldSQLDecrypt(), $this->type);
     } else {
         $gstrField = $this->getFieldSQLDecrypt();
     if ($strSearchOption == "Contains") {
         if ($this->pageObject->cipherer->isFieldPHPEncrypted($this->field)) {
             return $gstrField . "=" . $this->pageObject->cipherer->MakeDBValue($this->field, $SearchFor);
         $SearchFor = $this->connection->escapeLIKEpattern($SearchFor);
         if (IsCharType($this->type) && !$this->btexttype && $searchIsCaseInsensitive) {
             return $gstrField . " " . $this->like . " " . $this->connection->upper($this->connection->prepareString("%" . $SearchFor . "%"));
         return $gstrField . " " . $this->like . " " . $this->connection->prepareString("%" . $SearchFor . "%");
     if ($strSearchOption == "Equals") {
         return $gstrField . "=" . $value1;
     if ($strSearchOption == "Starts with") {
         $SearchFor = $this->connection->escapeLIKEpattern($SearchFor);
         if (IsCharType($this->type) && !$this->btexttype && $searchIsCaseInsensitive) {
             return $gstrField . " " . $this->like . " " . $this->connection->upper($this->connection->prepareString($SearchFor . "%"));
         return $gstrField . " " . $this->like . " " . $this->connection->prepareString($SearchFor . "%");
     if ($strSearchOption == "More than") {
         return $gstrField . ">" . $value1;
     if ($strSearchOption == "Less than") {
         return $gstrField . "<" . $value1;
     if ($strSearchOption == "Equal or more than") {
         return $gstrField . ">=" . $value1;
     if ($strSearchOption == "Equal or less than") {
         return $gstrField . "<=" . $value1;
     if ($strSearchOption == "Between") {
         $ret = $gstrField . ">=" . $value1 . " and ";
         if (IsDateFieldType($this->type)) {
             $timeArr = db2time($cleanvalue2);
             // for dates without time, add one day
             if ($timeArr[3] == 0 && $timeArr[4] == 0 && $timeArr[5] == 0) {
                 $timeArr = adddays($timeArr, 1);
                 $value2 = $timeArr[0] . "-" . $timeArr[1] . "-" . $timeArr[2];
                 $value2 = add_db_quotes($this->field, $value2, $this->pageObject->tName);
                 $ret .= $gstrField . "<" . $value2;
             } else {
                 $ret .= $gstrField . "<=" . $value2;
         } else {
             $ret .= $gstrField . "<=" . $value2;
         return $ret;
     return "";
Exemplo n.º 22
  * returns where clause for active master-detail relationship
  * @return string
 function getMasterTableSQLClause()
     $where = "";
     if (count($this->detailKeysByM)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->detailKeysByM); $i++) {
             if ($i != 0) {
                 $where .= " and ";
             if ($this->cipherer && isEncryptionByPHPEnabled()) {
                 $mValue = $this->cipherer->MakeDBValue($this->detailKeysByM[$i], $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_masterkey" . ($i + 1)]);
             } else {
                 $mValue = make_db_value($this->detailKeysByM[$i], $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_masterkey" . ($i + 1)], "", "", $this->tName);
             if (strlen($mValue) != 0) {
                 $where .= $this->getFieldSQLDecrypt($this->detailKeysByM[$i]) . "=" . $mValue;
             } else {
                 $where .= "1=0";
     return $where;
        unset($_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey" . $i]);
} else {
    $mastertable = $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_mastertable"];
$params = array();
$params['id'] = 1;
$params['xt'] =& $xt;
$params['tName'] = $strTableName;
$params['pageType'] = "detailspreview";
$pageObject = new RunnerPage($params);
if ($mastertable == "company") {
    $where = "";
    $where .= $pageObject->getFieldSQLDecrypt("Coy_Id") . "=" . make_db_value("Coy_Id", $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey1"]);
    $where .= " and ";
    $where .= $pageObject->getFieldSQLDecrypt("Grp_id") . "=" . make_db_value("Grp_id", $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey2"]);
$str = SecuritySQL("Search", $strTableName);
if (strlen($str)) {
    $where .= " and " . $str;
$strSQL = $gQuery->gSQLWhere($where);
$strSQL .= " " . $gstrOrderBy;
$rowcount = $gQuery->gSQLRowCount($where, $pageObject->connection);
$xt->assign("row_count", $rowcount);
if ($rowcount) {
    $xt->assign("details_data", true);
    $display_count = 10;
    if ($mode == "inline") {
        $display_count *= 2;
Exemplo n.º 24
	function AddFilterByKeys(&$keys)
		$oDefaultTable = $this->query->DefaultTable();
		$tableKeys = $oDefaultTable->GetKeyFields();
		foreach($tableKeys as $tk)
			$value = make_db_value($tk, $keys[$tk]);
				$this->AddFilter($tk, LE_ISNULL);
				$this->AddFilter($tk, LE_EQ, $value);
Exemplo n.º 25
$pageObject = new RegisterPage($params);
$isUseCaptcha = $globalEvents->existsCAPTCHA(PAGE_REGISTER);
//	Before Process event
if ($globalEvents->exists("BeforeProcessRegister")) {
//Send activation link to user's email
$includes = GetBaseScriptsForPage(false);
if (@$_GET["a"] == "activate") {
    $username = base64_decode(@$_GET["u"]);
    $code = @$_GET["code"];
    if ($regCipherer->isFieldEncrypted("username")) {
        $strUsername = $regCipherer->MakeDBValue("username", $username, "", true);
    } else {
        $strUsername = make_db_value("username", $username);
    $sql = "select " . $pageObject->getFieldSQLDecrypt("password") . " from " . $pageObject->connection->addTableWrappers("ConsolidatedStockEnquiry_users") . " where " . $pageObject->getFieldSQLDecrypt("username") . "=" . $strUsername;
    $qResult = $pageObject->connection->query($sql);
    $verified = false;
    if (!$qResult) {
        echo "Invalid validation code.";
    $data = $qResult->fetchNumeric();
    if (!$data) {
        echo "Invalid validation code.";
    $dbPassword = $regCipherer->DecryptField("password", $data[0]);
    $usercode = $username . md5($dbPassword);
Exemplo n.º 26
 function Chart(&$ch_array, $param)
     global $field_labels;
     if ($this->webchart) {
         $this->chrt_array = Convert_Old_Chart($ch_array);
     } else {
         $this->chrt_array = $ch_array;
     $this->pSet = new ProjectSettings($this->chrt_array['tables'][0]);
     $this->showDetails = $param['showDetails'];
     if ($this->showDetails) {
         $this->detailTablesData = $this->pSet->getDetailTablesArr();
     $this->hasFlash = $param["hasFlash"];
     $this->pageId = $param["pageId"];
     $this->chrt_array["appearance"]["autoupdate"] = false;
     $this->numRecordsToShow = $this->chrt_array['appearance']['maxbarscroll'];
     if ($this->numRecordsToShow < 1) {
         $this->numRecordsToShow = 1;
     $this->table_type = $this->chrt_array["table_type"];
     if (!$this->table_type) {
         $this->table_type = "project";
     $this->webchart = $param["webchart"];
     $this->cname = $param["cname"];
     $this->chartPreview = $param["chartPreview"];
     $this->dashChart = $param["dashChart"];
     $this->sessionPrefix = $this->chrt_array['tables'][0];
     if ($this->dashChart) {
         $this->dashTName = $param["dashTName"];
         $this->dashElementName = $param["dashElementName"];
         $this->sessionPrefix = $this->dashTName . "_" . $this->sessionPrefix;
     $this->gstrOrderBy = $param["gstrOrderBy"];
     $TableName = GoodFieldName($this->chrt_array['tables'][0]);
     // #10461, $this->setConnection(); needs to be called after value is assigned to $this->webchart
     if ($this->isProjectDB()) {
         $this->cipherer = new RunnerCipherer($this->chrt_array['tables'][0]);
     $this->header = $this->chrt_array['appearance']['head'];
     $this->footer = $this->chrt_array['appearance']['foot'];
     $this->y_axis_label = $this->chrt_array['appearance']['y_axis_label'];
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1; $i++) {
         if (isset($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['currencyFormat'])) {
             $this->arrFormatCurrency[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['currencyFormat'];
         } else {
             if ($this->chrt_array['appearance']['scur'] == "false") {
                 $this->arrFormatCurrency[] = "";
             } else {
                 $this->arrFormatCurrency[] = $this->chrt_array['appearance']['scur'];
         if (isset($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['decimalFormat'])) {
             $this->arrFormatDecimal[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['decimalFormat'];
         } else {
             $this->arrFormatDecimal[] = $this->chrt_array['appearance']['dec'];
         $this->arrFormatCustomer[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['customFormat'];
         $this->arrFormatCustomerStr[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['customFormatStr'];
         if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] == "ohlc" || $this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] == "candlestick") {
             $this->arrOHLC_color[] = "#" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcColor'];
             if ($this->table_type != "db") {
                 $this->arrOHLC_open[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcOpen'];
                 $this->arrOHLC_high[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcHigh'];
                 $this->arrOHLC_low[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcLow'];
                 $this->arrOHLC_close[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcClose'];
             } else {
                 if ($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['agr_func']) {
                     $this->arrOHLC_open[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['agr_func'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['table'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcOpen'];
                     $this->arrOHLC_high[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['agr_func'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['table'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcHigh'];
                     $this->arrOHLC_low[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['agr_func'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['table'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcLow'];
                     $this->arrOHLC_close[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['agr_func'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['table'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcClose'];
                 } else {
                     $this->arrOHLC_open[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['table'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcOpen'];
                     $this->arrOHLC_high[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['table'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcHigh'];
                     $this->arrOHLC_low[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['table'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcLow'];
                     $this->arrOHLC_close[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['table'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcClose'];
             if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] == "candlestick") {
                 $this->arrOHLC_candle[] = "#" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcCandleColor'];
         } elseif ($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['name'] != "") {
             if ($this->table_type != "db") {
                 $this->arrDataSeries[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['agr_func'] ? $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['label'] : $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['name'];
                 if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] == "bubble") {
                     $this->arrDataSize[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['size'];
             } else {
                 $this->arrDataSeries[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['agr_func'] ? $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['agr_func'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['table'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['name'] : $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['table'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['name'];
                 if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] == "bubble") {
                     $this->arrDataSize[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['table'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['size'];
             if (isset($this->chrt_array['appearance']['scolor' . ($i + 1) . '1'])) {
                 $this->arrDataColor[] = $this->chrt_array['appearance']['scolor' . ($i + 1) . '1'];
             } else {
                 $this->arrDataColor[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['series_color'];
             if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] == "gauge") {
                 for ($k = 0; is_array($this->chrt_array["parameters"][$i]["gaugeColorZone"]) && $k < count($this->chrt_array["parameters"][$i]["gaugeColorZone"]); $k++) {
                     $beginColor = (double) @$this->chrt_array["parameters"][$i]["gaugeColorZone"][$k]["gaugeBeginColor"];
                     $endColor = (double) @$this->chrt_array["parameters"][$i]["gaugeColorZone"][$k]["gaugeEndColor"];
                     $gColor = "#" . @$this->chrt_array["parameters"][$i]["gaugeColorZone"][$k]["gaugeColor"];
                     $this->arrGaugeColor[count($this->arrDataSeries) - 1][] = array($beginColor, $endColor, $gColor);
         if ($this->table_type == "project" && !$this->webchart) {
             if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] != "candlestick" && $this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] != "ohlc") {
                 $this->arrDataLabels[] = $this->chart_xmlencode(GetFieldLabel(GoodFieldName($TableName), GoodFieldName($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['name'])));
             } else {
                 $this->arrDataLabels[] = $this->chart_xmlencode(GetFieldLabel(GoodFieldName($TableName), GoodFieldName($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcOpen'])));
         } else {
             if (!$this->chart_xmlencode($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['label'])) {
                 if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] != "candlestick" && $this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] != "ohlc") {
                     $this->arrDataLabels[] = $this->chart_xmlencode($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['name']);
                 } else {
                     $this->arrDataLabels[] = $this->chart_xmlencode($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcOpen']);
             } else {
                 $this->arrDataLabels[] = $this->chart_xmlencode($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['label']);
     if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] != "gauge") {
         if ($this->table_type != "db") {
             $this->strLabel = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1]['name'];
         } else {
             $this->strLabel = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1]['agr_func'] ? $this->chrt_array['parameters'][count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1]['agr_func'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1]['table'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1]['name'] : $this->chrt_array['parameters'][count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1]['table'] . "_" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1]['name'];
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($this->chrt_array['fields']); $j++) {
             if ($this->chrt_array['parameters'][count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1]['name'] == $this->chrt_array['fields'][$j]['name']) {
                 if ($this->table_type == "project") {
                     $this->label2 = $this->chart_xmlencode(GetFieldLabel($TableName, GoodFieldName($this->chrt_array['parameters'][count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1]['name'])));
                 } else {
                     $this->label2 = $this->chart_xmlencode($this->chrt_array['parameters'][count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1]['name']);
     if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] != "ohlc" && $this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] != "candlestick") {
         foreach ($this->arrDataColor as $ind => $val) {
             if ($ind == 0) {
                 $this->arrAxesColor = "#000000";
             } else {
                 $this->arrAxesColor = "#" . $this->arrDataColor[$ind];
     } else {
         foreach ($this->arrOHLC_color as $ind => $val) {
             if ($ind == 0) {
                 $this->arrAxesColor = "#000000";
             } else {
                 $this->arrAxesColor = "#" . $this->arrOHLC_color[$ind];
     // prepare search params
     $gQuery = $this->pSet->getSQLQuery();
     $masterWhere = "";
     if (!$this->dashChart) {
         $masterTable = $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_mastertable"];
         $detailKeysByM = $this->pSet->getDetailKeysByMasterTable($masterTable);
         if (count($detailKeysByM)) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($detailKeysByM); $i++) {
                 if ($i != 0) {
                     $masterWhere .= " and ";
                 if ($this->cipherer && isEncryptionByPHPEnabled()) {
                     $mValue = $this->cipherer->MakeDBValue($detailKeysByM[$i], $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_masterkey" . ($i + 1)]);
                 } else {
                     $mValue = make_db_value($detailKeysByM[$i], $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_masterkey" . ($i + 1)]);
                 if (strlen($mValue) != 0) {
                     $masterWhere .= RunnerPage::_getFieldSQLDecrypt($detailKeysByM[$i], $this->connection, $this->pSet, $this->cipherer) . "=" . $mValue;
                 } else {
                     $masterWhere .= "1=0";
     $strWhereClause = "";
     $searchHavingClause = "";
     $strSearchCriteria = "and";
     global $strTableName;
     // search where for basic charts
     if (!$this->webchart) {
         if (!$this->chartPreview && isset($_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . '_advsearch'])) {
             $searchClauseObj = SearchClause::UnserializeObject($_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . '_advsearch']);
             include_once getabspath('classes/controls/EditControlsContainer.php');
             $editControls = new EditControlsContainer(null, $this->pSet, PAGE_SEARCH, $this->cipherer);
             $whereComponents = RunnerPage::sGetWhereComponents($gQuery, $this->pSet, $searchClauseObj, $editControls, $this->connection);
             $strWhereClause = $whereComponents["searchWhere"];
             foreach ($whereComponents["filterWhere"] as $fWhere) {
                 $strWhereClause = whereAdd($strWhereClause, $fWhere);
             $searchHavingClause = $whereComponents["searchHaving"];
             foreach ($whereComponents["filterHaving"] as $fHaving) {
                 $searchHavingClause = whereAdd($searchHavingClause, $fHaving);
             $strSearchCriteria = $whereComponents["searchUnionRequired"] ? "or" : "and";
     } else {
         if ($this->table_type != "project") {
             $strTableName = "webchart" . $this->cname;
         $strWhereClause = CalcSearchParam($this->table_type != "project");
     if ($strWhereClause) {
         $this->chrt_array['where'] .= $this->chrt_array['where'] ? " AND (" . $strWhereClause . ")" : " WHERE (" . $strWhereClause . ")";
     if ($this->table_type == "project") {
         if (SecuritySQL("Search", $this->chrt_array['tables'][0])) {
             $strWhereClause = whereAdd($strWhereClause, SecuritySQL("Search", $strTableName));
         $this->strSQL = $gQuery->gSQLWhere($strWhereClause, $searchHavingClause, $strSearchCriteria);
         $strOrderBy = $this->gstrOrderBy;
         $this->strSQL .= " " . $strOrderBy;
         if ($masterWhere) {
             $strWhereClause = whereAdd($strWhereClause, $masterWhere);
         $strSQLbak = $this->strSQL;
         if (tableEventExists("BeforeQueryChart", $strTableName)) {
             $tstrSQL = $this->strSQL;
             $eventObj = getEventObject($strTableName);
             $eventObj->BeforeQueryChart($tstrSQL, $strWhereClause, $strOrderBy);
             $this->strSQL = $tstrSQL;
         if ($strSQLbak == $this->strSQL) {
             $this->strSQL = $gQuery->gSQLWhere($strWhereClause, $searchHavingClause, $strSearchCriteria);
             $this->strSQL .= " " . $strOrderBy;
     if ($this->cname && $this->table_type == "db") {
         $this->strSQL = $this->chrt_array['sql'] . $this->chrt_array['where'] . $this->chrt_array['group_by'] . $this->chrt_array['order_by'];
     } elseif ($this->cname && $this->table_type == "custom") {
         if (!IsStoredProcedure($this->chrt_array['sql'])) {
             $sql_query = $this->chrt_array['sql'];
             if ($this->connection->dbType == nDATABASE_MSSQLServer) {
                 $pos = strrpos(strtoupper($sql_query), "ORDER BY");
                 if ($pos) {
                     $sql_query = substr($sql_query, 0, $pos);
             if ($this->connection->dbType != nDATABASE_Oracle) {
                 $this->strSQL = "select * from (" . $sql_query . ") as " . $this->connection->addFieldWrappers("custom_query") . $this->chrt_array['where'];
             } else {
                 $this->strSQL = "select * from (" . $sql_query . ")" . $this->chrt_array['where'];
         } else {
             $this->strSQL = $this->chrt_array['sql'];
     if (tableEventExists("UpdateChartSettings", $strTableName)) {
         $eventObj = getEventObject($strTableName);
            $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey" . $i] = $masterKeys["masterkey" . $i];
    if (isset($_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey" . $i])) {
        unset($_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey" . $i]);
} else {
    $mastertable = $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_mastertable"];
//$strSQL = $gstrSQL;
if ($mastertable == "pad.pad_jenis_pajak") {
    $where = "";
    $where .= GetFullFieldName("pajak_id", $strTableName, false) . "=" . make_db_value("pajak_id", $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey1"]);
    $where .= " and ";
    $where .= GetFullFieldName("pajak_id", $strTableName, false) . "=" . make_db_value("pajak_id", $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey2"]);
$str = SecuritySQL("Search");
if (strlen($str)) {
    $where .= " and " . $str;
$strSQL = $gQuery->gSQLWhere($where);
$strSQL .= " " . $gstrOrderBy;
$rowcount = $gQuery->gSQLRowCount($where);
$xt->assign("row_count", $rowcount);
if ($rowcount) {
    $xt->assign("details_data", true);
    $rs = db_query($strSQL, $conn);
    $display_count = 10;
    if ($mode == "inline") {
        $display_count *= 2;
Exemplo n.º 28
function loadSelectContent($pageType, $childFieldName, $parentVal, $doCategoryFilter = true, $childVal = "", $initialLoad = true)
    global $conn, $LookupSQL, $strTableName;
    $pSet = new ProjectSettings($strTableName, $pageType);
    $response = array();
    $lookupType = $pSet->getLookupType($childFieldName);
    $isUnique = $pSet->isLookupUnique($childFieldName);
    if ($pSet->useCategory($childFieldName) && $doCategoryFilter) {
        if ($lookupType == LT_QUERY) {
            $lookupTable = $pSet->getLookupTable($childFieldName);
            $cipherer = new RunnerCipherer($lookupTable);
            $tempParentVal = $cipherer->MakeDBValue($pSet->getCategoryControl($childFieldName), $parentVal, "", $lookupTable, true);
        } else {
            $tempParentVal = make_db_value($childFieldName, $parentVal);
        if ($tempParentVal === "null") {
            return $response;
    $LookupSQL = buildLookupSQL($pageType, $childFieldName, $strTableName, $parentVal, $childVal, $doCategoryFilter, $pSet->fastType($childFieldName) && $initialLoad);
    $lookupIndexes = GetLookupFieldsIndexes($pSet, $childFieldName);
    $rs = db_query($LookupSQL, $conn);
    if (!$pSet->fastType($childFieldName)) {
        while ($data = db_fetch_numarray($rs)) {
            if ($lookupType == LT_QUERY && $isUnique) {
                if (!isset($uniqueArray)) {
                    $uniqueArray = array();
                if (in_array($data[$lookupIndexes["displayFieldIndex"]], $uniqueArray)) {
                $uniqueArray[] = $data[$lookupIndexes["displayFieldIndex"]];
            $response[] = $data[$lookupIndexes["linkFieldIndex"]];
            $response[] = $data[$lookupIndexes["displayFieldIndex"]];
    } else {
        $data = db_fetch_numarray($rs);
        //	one record only
        if ($data && (strlen($childVal) || !db_fetch_numarray($rs))) {
            $response[] = $data[$lookupIndexes["linkFieldIndex"]];
            $response[] = $data[$lookupIndexes["displayFieldIndex"]];
    return $response;
    if (isset($_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey" . $i])) {
        unset($_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey" . $i]);
} else {
    $mastertable = $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_mastertable"];
//$strSQL = $gstrSQL;
if ($mastertable == "pad.pad_kecamatan") {
    $where = "";
    $where .= GetFullFieldName("kecamatan_id", $strTableName, false) . "=" . make_db_value("kecamatan_id", $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey1"]);
if ($mastertable == "pad.pad_kelurahan") {
    $where = "";
    $where .= GetFullFieldName("kelurahan_id", $strTableName, false) . "=" . make_db_value("kelurahan_id", $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey1"]);
$str = SecuritySQL("Search");
if (strlen($str)) {
    $where .= " and " . $str;
$strSQL = $gQuery->gSQLWhere($where);
$strSQL .= " " . $gstrOrderBy;
$rowcount = $gQuery->gSQLRowCount($where);
$xt->assign("row_count", $rowcount);
if ($rowcount) {
    $xt->assign("details_data", true);
    $rs = db_query($strSQL, $conn);
    $display_count = 10;
    if ($mode == "inline") {
        $display_count *= 2;
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Get the db prepared interval limit's value
  * The function is static because It can be invoked through the getIntervalFilterWhere,
  * getLimitsConditions static methods from the SearchClause object to build the filters' SQL where clause
  * @param String fName
  * @param Array intervalData
  * @param Object cipherer
  * @param String tableName
  * @param Boolean isLower	The flag indicating if the value is prepared for the lower limit or not.
  * @return String
 static function getLimitValue($fName, $intervalData, $cipherer, $tableName, $isLower)
     $keyPrefix = $isLower ? "lower" : "upper";
     $isFieldEncrypted = $cipherer->isFieldEncrypted($fName);
     if ($intervalData[$keyPrefix . "UsesExpression"]) {
         $fValue = getIntervalLimitsExpressions($tableName, $fName, $intervalData["index"], $isLower);
     } else {
         $fValue = $intervalData[$keyPrefix . "Limit"];
     if ($isFieldEncrypted) {
         return $cipherer->MakeDBValue($fName, $fValue, "", true);
     return make_db_value($fName, $fValue, "", "", $tableName);