Exemplo n.º 1
function calendar($s)
    global $db;
    global $lang;
    global $login;
    global $rights;
    $return = array();
    $tbl = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'calendar';
    $isallowed = $rights->isAllowed('calendar', 'manage');
    if ($isallowed) {
        $result = $db->selectList($tbl, "*", "INSTR(`title`, '" . $s . "') > 0 OR\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSTR(`description`, '" . $s . "') > 0");
    } else {
        if ($login->currentUser() === false) {
            $result = $db->selectList($tbl, "*", "(INSTR(`title`, '" . $s . "') > 0 OR\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSTR(`description`, '" . $s . "') > 0 )\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND ( (`visible`=2)  OR  (`visible`=0 AND `userid`=" . $login->currentUserID() . ") )");
        } else {
            $result = $db->selectList($tbl, "*", "(INSTR(`title`, '" . $s . "') > 0 OR\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSTR(`description`, '" . $s . "') > 0 ) \r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND ( (`visible`=2)  OR  (`visible`=0 AND `userid`=" . $login->currentUserID() . ") OR (`visible`=1) )");
    if (count($result) > 0) {
        foreach ($result as $i => $r) {
            $engine = $lang->get('engines_calendar');
            $title = $r['title'];
            $description = $r['description'];
            $url = makeURL('calendar', array('mode' => 'view', 'calendarid' => $r['calendarid'], 'day' => $r['start']));
            $relevance = strcount($r['description'], $s);
            $return[] = array('engine' => $engine, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'url' => $url, 'relevance' => $relevance);
    return $return;
Exemplo n.º 2
function smarty_function_makeurl($params, $template)
    if (isset($params['mod'])) {
        $mod = $params['mod'];
        return makeURL($mod, $params);
Exemplo n.º 3
function GetArticlesOlder()
    global $db, $ts, $comments;
    $articles = $db->selectList('article', '*', '`timestamp` < ' . $ts['2weeks'] . ' AND `published`=1', '`timestamp` DESC');
    foreach ($articles as $i => $article) {
        $articles[$i]['url'] = makeURL('article', array('categoryid' => $article['categoryid'], 'articleid' => $article['articleid']));
        $articles[$i]['comments'] = $comments->count('article', $article['articleid']);
    return $articles;
Exemplo n.º 4
function getAllVisibleMinitools()
    global $db;
    global $lang;
    $visibletools = $db->selectList('minitools', '`modename`');
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($visibletools); $i++) {
        $visibletools[$i]['url'] = makeHTMLUrl($lang->get($visibletools[$i]['modename']), makeURL('minitools', array('mode' => $visibletools[$i]['modename'])));
    return $visibletools;
Exemplo n.º 5
 function getMembers()
     global $db;
     $tbl_gr = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'tournamentgroupregister';
     $tbl_u = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'users';
     $members = $db->selectList($tbl_gr . '`, `' . $tbl_u, "*", "`tournamentid`=" . $this->tournamentid . " AND `groupid`=" . $this->id . "\r\n\t\t\t\tAND `" . $tbl_gr . "`.`memberid`=`" . $tbl_u . "`.`userid`");
     foreach ($members as $i => $member) {
         $members[$i]['url'] = makeURL('profile', array('userid' => $member['userid']));
     return $members;
Exemplo n.º 6
 function getPages()
     global $db;
     $pages = $db->queryToList("\r\n\t\t\t\tselect `key` as k,\r\n\t\t\t\t(\r\n\t\t\t\tselect count(*) \r\n\t\t\t\tfrom " . MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . "content as c2\r\n\t\t\t\twhere c2.`key` = c.`key`\r\n\t\t\t\t) as version_count,\r\n\t\t\t\t(\r\n\t\t\t\tselect title\r\n\t\t\t\tfrom " . MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . "content as c3\r\n\t\t\t\twhere c3.`key` = c.`key`\r\n\t\t\t\torder by version desc\r\n\t\t\t\tlimit 1\r\n\t\t\t\t) as title\r\n\t\t\t\tfrom " . MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . "content as c\r\n\t\t\t\tgroup by `key`\r\n\t\t\t\torder by `key` asc\r\n\t\t\t");
     if (count($pages) > 0) {
         foreach ($pages as $i => $v) {
             $pages[$i]['title'] = cutString($v['title']);
             $pages[$i]['edit_url'] = makeURL('admin', array('mode' => 'content', 'action' => 'edit', 'key' => $v['k']));
             $pages[$i]['remove_url'] = makeURL('admin', array('mode' => 'content', 'action' => 'remove', 'key' => $v['k']));
             $pages[$i]['url'] = makeURL($v['k']);
     return $pages;
Exemplo n.º 7
 function get()
     global $db, $login;
     $list = array();
     if ($login->currentUser() !== false) {
         $list = $db->selectList($this->table, "*", "`userid`=" . $login->currentUserId());
         if (count($list) > 0) {
             foreach ($list as $i => $l) {
                 $list[$i]['url'] = makeURL($l['mod'], unserialize($l['params']));
     return $list;
Exemplo n.º 8
 function getPolls($limit, $count, $orderby = "date", $orderhow = "DESC")
     global $comments;
     $sql = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . "poll ORDER BY " . secureMySQL($orderby) . " " . secureMySQL($orderhow) . " LIMIT " . (int) $limit . "," . secureMySQL($count) . ";");
     while ($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
         $result['name'] = makeHtmlURL(makeLineBreaks($result['name']), makeURL('poll', array('pollid' => $result['ID'])));
         $result['commenturl'] = makeURL('poll', array('pollid' => $result['ID'])) . "#comments";
         $result['questions'] = $this->getQuestionsByPollID($result['ID']);
         $result['given_answers'] = $this->getSumOfAnswers($result['ID']);
         $result['comment_count'] = $comments->count('poll', $result['ID']);
         $result['allready_voted'] = 1;
         $polls[] = $result;
     return $polls;
Exemplo n.º 9
 function makeNews(&$comments, &$db, $table, $tbl_users, $start, $end, $title)
     global $lng;
     $news = '';
     $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . $table . "`, `" . $tbl_users . "`\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `" . $table . "`.`userid` = `" . $tbl_users . "`.`userid` \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `timestamp`>" . $start . " \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `timestamp`<" . $end . " \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (`language` = '" . secureMySQL($lng) . "' OR `language` = '')\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (`domainid` = 0 OR `domainid` = " . getCurrentDomainIndex() . ")\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY `timestamp` DESC;");
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         $row['time'] = timeElapsed($row['timestamp']);
         $row['url'] = makeURL('news', array('newsid' => $row['newsid']));
         $row['text'] = stripslashes($row['text']);
         $row['title'] = stripslashes($row['title']);
         $row['user_url'] = makeURL('profile', array('userid' => $row['userid']));
         $row['comments'] = $comments->count('news', $row['newsid']);
         $news[] = $row;
     return array('title' => $title, 'news' => $news, 'news_count' => mysql_num_rows($result));
Exemplo n.º 10
 function listActive()
     global $db;
     global $config;
     $limit = (int) $config->get('login', 'session-time');
     $tbl_users = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'users';
     $time = time() - $limit;
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $tbl_users . "` WHERE `lastaction`>=" . $time;
     $result = $db->query($sql);
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         $row['str_lastaction'] = timeElapsed($row['lastaction']);
         $row['url'] = makeURL('profile', array('userid' => $row['userid']));
         $list[] = $row;
     return $list;
Exemplo n.º 11
function shoutbox($s)
    global $db, $lang;
    $tbl = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'shoutbox';
    $return = array();
    $result = $db->selectList($tbl, "*", "INSTR(`text`, '" . $s . "') > 0");
    if (count($result) > 0) {
        foreach ($result as $i => $r) {
            $engine = $lang->get('engines_shoutbox');
            $title = $s;
            $description = $r['text'];
            $url = makeURL('shoutbox');
            $relevance = strcount($r['text'], $s);
            $return[] = array('engine' => $engine, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'url' => $url, 'relevance' => $relevance);
    return $return;
Exemplo n.º 12
function users($s)
    global $db, $lang;
    $tbl = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'users';
    $return = array();
    $result = $db->selectList($tbl, "*", "INSTR(`nickname`, '" . $s . "') > 0 OR\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSTR(`prename`, '" . $s . "') > 0");
    if (count($result) > 0) {
        foreach ($result as $i => $r) {
            $engine = $lang->get('engines_user');
            $title = $r['nickname'];
            $description = $r['prename'] . " '" . $r['nickname'] . "' " . stripLastName($r['lastname']);
            $url = makeURL('profile', array('userid' => $r['userid']));
            $relevance = strcount($r['prename'] . $r['nickname'], $s);
            $return[] = array('engine' => $engine, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'url' => $url, 'relevance' => $relevance);
    return $return;
Exemplo n.º 13
 function getList($eventid = 0)
     global $db;
     global $register;
     if ((int) $eventid > 0) {
         $list = $db->selectList($this->table, "*", "`eventid`=" . (int) $eventid, "CASE `state`    WHEN 1 THEN 0 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHEN 2 THEN 1 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHEN 3 THEN 2 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHEN 0 THEN 4 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEND");
     } else {
         $list = $db->selectList($this->table, "*", "1", "CASE `state`   WHEN 1 THEN 0 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHEN 2 THEN 1 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHEN 3 THEN 2 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHEN 0 THEN 4 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEND");
     if (count($list) > 0) {
         foreach ($list as $i => $tournament) {
             $list[$i]['url'] = makeURL('tournament', array('tournamentid' => $tournament['tournamentid']));
             $list[$i]['state'] = tournamentStateToString($tournament['state']);
             $list[$i]['joinstate'] = $register->getRegCount($tournament['tournamentid']) . " / " . $tournament['playerlimit'];
     return $list;
Exemplo n.º 14
function article($s)
    global $db, $lang;
    $tbl = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'article';
    $return = array();
    $result = $db->selectList($tbl, "*", "INSTR(`title`, '" . $s . "') > 0 OR\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSTR(`text`, '" . $s . "') > 0");
    if (count($result) > 0) {
        foreach ($result as $i => $r) {
            $engine = $lang->get('engines_article');
            $title = $r['title'];
            $description = $r['preview'];
            $url = makeURL('article', array('articleid' => $r['articleid']));
            $relevance = strcount($r['text'] . $r['title'], $s);
            $return[] = array('engine' => $engine, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'url' => $url, 'relevance' => $relevance);
    return $return;
Exemplo n.º 15
function content($s)
    global $db, $lang;
    $tbl = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'content';
    $return = array();
    $result = $db->queryToList("select c.key, c.title, c.text, c.box_content\r\n\t\t\tfrom (\r\n\t\t\tselect `key`, max(version) as latest\r\n\t\t\tfrom " . $tbl . "\r\n\t\t\tgroup by `key`\r\n\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\tas x\r\n\t\t\tinner join " . $tbl . " as c\r\n\t\t\ton c.key = x.key and c.version = x.latest\r\n\t\t\twhere title like '%" . $s . "%'\r\n\t\t\tor text like '%" . $s . "%'\r\n\t\t\tor box_content like '%" . $s . "%'");
    if (count($result) > 0) {
        foreach ($result as $i => $r) {
            $engine = $lang->get('engines_content');
            $title = cutString($r['title']);
            $description = $r['text'];
            $url = makeURL($r['key']);
            $relevance = strcount($r['text'] . ' ' . $r['title'] . ' ' . $r['title'] . ' ' . $r['title'], $s);
            $return[] = array('engine' => $engine, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'url' => $url, 'relevance' => $relevance);
    return $return;
Exemplo n.º 16
function media($s)
    global $db, $lang;
    $tbl_cat = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'media_categories';
    $tbl_downloads = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'media_downloads';
    $tbl_images = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'media_images';
    $tbl_movies = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'media_movies';
    $return = array();
    $result = $db->selectList($tbl_cat, "*", "INSTR(`name`, '" . $s . "') > 0");
    if (count($result) > 0) {
        foreach ($result as $i => $r) {
            $engine = $lang->get('category');
            $title = $r['name'];
            $description = '';
            $url = makeURL('media', array('categoryid' => $r['categoryid']));
            $relevance = strcount($r['name'], $s);
            $return[] = array('engine' => $engine, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'url' => $url, 'relevance' => $relevance);
    $result = $db->selectList($tbl_downloads, "*", "INSTR(`name`, '" . $s . "') > 0 OR INSTR(`description`, '" . $s . "') > 0");
    if (count($result) > 0) {
        foreach ($result as $i => $r) {
            $engine = $lang->get('download');
            $title = $r['name'];
            $description = $r['description'];
            $url = makeURL('media', array('categoryid' => $r['categoryid'], 'downloadid' => $r['downloadid']));
            $relevance = strcount($r['name'] . $r['description'], $s);
            $return[] = array('engine' => $engine, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'url' => $url, 'relevance' => $relevance);
    $result = $db->selectList($tbl_movies, "*", "INSTR(`name`, '" . $s . "') > 0 OR INSTR(`description`, '" . $s . "') > 0");
    if (count($result) > 0) {
        foreach ($result as $i => $r) {
            $engine = $lang->get('movie');
            $title = $r['name'];
            $description = $r['description'];
            $url = makeURL('media', array('categoryid' => $r['categoryid'], 'movieid' => $r['movieid']));
            $relevance = strcount($r['name'] . $r['description'], $s);
            $return[] = array('engine' => $engine, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'url' => $url, 'relevance' => $relevance);
    return $return;
Exemplo n.º 17
function board($s)
    global $db, $lang;
    $return = array();
    $tbl = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'post';
    $tbl_thread = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'thread';
    $result = $db->selectList($tbl, "*", "INSTR(`post`, '" . $s . "') > 0");
    if (count($result) > 0) {
        foreach ($result as $i => $r) {
            $thread = $db->selectOneRow($tbl_thread, "*", "`threadid`=" . $r['threadid']);
            $engine = $lang->get('thread');
            $title = $thread['thread'];
            $description = $r['post'];
            $url = makeURL('board', array('boardid' => $thread['boardid'], 'threadid' => $r['threadid']));
            $relevance = strcount($r['post'], $s);
            $return[] = array('engine' => $engine, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'url' => $url, 'relevance' => $relevance);
    return $return;
Exemplo n.º 18
function bug($s)
    global $db;
    global $lang;
    global $login;
    $tbl = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'bugtracker_issues';
    $return = array();
    $result = $db->selectList($tbl, "*", "(INSTR(`summary`, '" . $s . "') > 0 OR\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSTR(`description`, '" . $s . "') > 0)");
    if (count($result) > 0) {
        foreach ($result as $i => $r) {
            $engine = $lang->get('engines_bug');
            $title = $r['summary'];
            $description = $r['description'];
            $url = makeURL('bug', array('issueid' => $r['issueid']));
            $relevance = strcount($r['summary'] . $r['description'], $s);
            @($return[] = array('engine' => $engine, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'url' => $url, 'relevance' => $relevance));
    return $return;
Exemplo n.º 19
function inbox($s)
    global $db;
    global $lang;
    global $login;
    $return = array();
    $tbl = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'inbox';
    $result = $db->selectList($tbl, "*", "(INSTR(`subject`, '" . $s . "') > 0 OR\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSTR(`message`, '" . $s . "') > 0) AND\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \t\t\t\t`recieverid`=" . $login->currentUserID());
    if (count($result) > 0) {
        foreach ($result as $i => $r) {
            $engine = $lang->get('engines_inbox');
            $title = $r['subject'];
            $description = $r['message'];
            $url = makeURL('pmbox', array('mode' => 'inbox', 'pmid' => $r['pmid']));
            $relevance = strcount($r['message'] . $r['subject'], $s);
            @($return[] = array('engine' => $engine, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'url' => $url, 'relevance' => $relevance));
    return $return;
Exemplo n.º 20
function makeTree($directory)
    if (!is_dir($directory['path'])) {
    @($dirlist = scandir($directory['path']));
    $tree = array();
    foreach ($dirlist as $dir) {
        if ($dir != '.' && $dir != '..') {
            $element = array();
            $element['dir'] = is_dir($directory['path'] . '/' . $dir);
            $element['size'] = !is_dir($directory['path'] . '/' . $dir) ? filesize($directory['path'] . '/' . $dir) : 0;
            $element['name'] = $dir;
            $element['path'] = $directory['path'] . '/' . $dir;
            $element['children'] = makeTree($element);
            $element['url'] = makeURL('fileadmin', array('path' => $element['path']));
            $tree[] = $element;
    return $tree;
Exemplo n.º 21
    $smarty->assign('tables', $backup->listTables());
    $smarty->assign('path', $template_dir . "/backup.tpl");
    if (isset($_POST['doBackup'])) {
        @($b = $backup->backupTables($_POST['tables']));
        if (isset($_POST['download'])) {
            $file = "backup-" . date("dmY-Hi") . ".xml";
            header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
            header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=' . $file);
            echo $b;
        } else {
            $smarty->assign('backup', $b);
} else {
    $breadcrumbs->addElement($lang->get('restore'), makeURL($mod, array('mode' => 'backup', 'action' => 'restore')));
    $smarty->assign('path', $template_dir . "/restore.tpl");
    if (isset($_POST['doRestore'])) {
        $notify->add($lang->get('backup'), $lang->get('backup_restored'));
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        // set allowed file types
        $allowed_types = "(xml)";
        // is really a file?
        if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"])) {
            // valid extension?
            if (preg_match("/\\." . $allowed_types . "\$/i", $_FILES["file"]["name"])) {
                $h = fopen($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "rb");
                $fileContent = fread($h, filesize($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]));
Exemplo n.º 22
        $years = $months / 12;
        return add_s($years, 'year');
    } else {
        return add_s($months, 'month');
function add_s($num, $word)
    $num = floor($num);
    if ($num == 1) {
        return $num . ' ' . $word . ' ago';
    } else {
        return $num . ' ' . $word . 's ago';
$query = $_REQUEST['search'];
$jsonurl = "http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=" . urlencode($query);
$json = file_get_contents($jsonurl, 0, null, null);
$json_output = json_decode($json);
if (count($json_output->results) > 0) {
    foreach ($json_output->results as $result) {
        $time_since = time_since("{$result->created_at}");
        echo '<div class="tweet">';
        echo '<img width="48" height="48" src="' . "{$result->profile_image_url}" . '" class="left" />';
        echo '<p><a class="from_user" href="http://twitter.com/' . "{$result->from_user}" . '">' . $result->from_user . ": </a>" . makeURL($result->text) . "</p>";
        echo "<small>" . $time_since . " | From: " . html_entity_decode($result->source) . "</small>";
        echo '</div>';
} else {
    echo '<div class="tweet"><p>Sorry, no results found</p></div>';
Exemplo n.º 23

if ($eMail->getRegisterAdress() == '') {
    $notify->add($lang->get('error'), $lang->get('sender_mail_not_set'));
} else {
    $smarty->assign('adress_set', true);
$smarty->assign('groups', $rights->getAllGroups());
$breadcrumbs->addElement($lang->get('circular_mail'), makeURL($mod, array('mode' => 'circular')));
$smarty->assign('path', $template_dir . "/circular.tpl");
Exemplo n.º 24
        $ver = isset($_GET['version']) ? (int) $_GET['version'] : -1;
        $page = $content->getPage($_GET['key'], $ver);
        if ($ver == -1) {
            $ver = $page['version'];
        @$smarty->assign('selected_version', $ver);
        $smarty->assign('content', $page);
        $assigned_groups = array_row($db->selectList('content_permissions', '*', "`key`='" . secureMySQL($_GET['key']) . "'"), 'groupid');
        $smarty->assign('permissions', $assigned_groups);
        $breadcrumbs->addElement($page['title'], makeURL($_GET['key']));
        $breadcrumbs->addElement($lang->get('edit'), makeURL($mod, array('mode' => 'content', 'action' => 'edit', 'key' => $_GET['key'])));
        $smarty->assign('path', $template_dir . "/content.edit.tpl");
    case 'remove':
        if (isset($_POST['yes'])) {
            $notify->add($lang->get('content'), $lang->get('content_removed'));
            $log->add($mod, 'content ' . $_GET['key'] . ' removed');
        } else {
            $breadcrumbs->addElement($lang->get('remove'), makeURL($mod, array('mode' => 'content', 'action' => 'remove', 'key' => $_GET['key'])));
            $smarty->assign('url_no', makeURL($mod, array('mode' => 'content')));
            $smarty->assign('path', $template_dir . "/content.remove.tpl");
        $cont = $content->getPages();
        $smarty->assign('content', $cont);
        $smarty->assign('add_url', makeURL($mod, array('mode' => 'content', 'action' => 'add')));
        $smarty->assign('path', $template_dir . "/content.tpl");
Exemplo n.º 25

$breadcrumbs->addElement($lang->get('log'), makeURL($mod, array('mode' => 'log')));
$smarty->assign('path', $template_dir . "/log.tpl");
if ($log->mysqlIsEnabled()) {
    $list = $db->selectList($log->getTable(), "*", "1", "`timestamp` DESC");
    if (count($list) > 0) {
        foreach ($list as $i => $l) {
            $list[$i]['time'] = '[ ' . date("d.m.Y", $l['timestamp']) . " | " . date("H:i.s", $l['timestamp']) . " ]";
    $smarty->assign('list', $list);
$smarty->assign('filelist', $log->listFileLogs());
Exemplo n.º 26
                $events[$i]['seat'] = '-';
    $smarty->assign('events', $events);
    // buddylist
    if ($db->num_rows('menu', "`mod`='buddylist' AND `assigned_groupid`!=-1") > 0 || $db->num_rows('boxes', "`file`='buddylist' AND `visible`=1") > 0) {
        $smarty->assign('buddylist_enabled', true);
        if ($login->currentUser() !== false) {
            $smarty->assign('logged_in', true);
        $tbl_b = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'buddylist';
        if (isset($_POST['buddy_request'])) {
            $db->insert($tbl_b, array('userid', 'buddyid'), array($login->currentUserID(), $u['userid']));
            $notify->add($lang->get('buddies'), $lang->get('request_sent'));
        if ($db->num_rows($tbl_b, " (`userid`=" . $login->currentUserID() . " AND `buddyid`=" . $u['userid'] . ")\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR (`buddyid`=" . $login->currentUserID() . " AND `userid`=" . $u['userid'] . ")") > 0) {
            $smarty->assign('is_buddy', true);
        } else {
            $smarty->assign('is_buddy', false);
    // User Groups
    $usergroups = $rights->getGroups($u['userid'], 1);
    $smarty->assign('usergroups', $usergroups);
} else {
    // include the template
    $smarty->assign('path', $template_dir . '/notfound.tpl');
$smarty->assign('edit_personal_url', makeURL('usercp', array('mode' => 'personal')));
Exemplo n.º 27
function makeEntryArrayHours($entries, &$maxCols)
    $maxCols = 0;
    $day_view = array();
    if (count($entries) > 0) {
        foreach ($entries as $entry) {
            $hour = (int) date("H", $entry['start']);
            $seconds = $entry['end'] - $entry['start'];
            if (date("i", $seconds) > 30 || $seconds <= 3600) {
                $rowspan = ceil($seconds / 60 / 60);
            } else {
                $rowspan = floor($seconds / 60 / 60);
            // Check which column to put in
            for ($col = 0; $col <= $maxCols + 1; $col++) {
                $foundCol = true;
                for ($row = 0; $row < $rowspan; $row++) {
                    if (isset($day_view[$hour + $row][$col])) {
                        $foundCol = false;
                if ($foundCol) {
                    $column = $col;
                    break 1;
            $maxCols = $maxCols < $column ? $column : $maxCols;
            $day_view[$hour][$column]['start']['hour'] = date("H", $entry['start']);
            $day_view[$hour][$column]['start']['min'] = date("i", $entry['start']);
            $day_view[$hour][$column]['end']['hour'] = date("H", $entry['end']);
            $day_view[$hour][$column]['end']['min'] = date("i", $entry['end']);
            $day_view[$hour][$column]['rowspan'] = $rowspan;
            $day_view[$hour][$column]['title'] = makeHTMLURL($entry['title'], makeURL('calendar', array('mode' => 'view', 'calendarid' => $entry['calendarid'])));
            $day_view[$hour][$column]['description'] = nl2br($entry['description']);
            $day_view[$hour][$column]['calendarid'] = $entry['calendarid'];
            global $db;
            $color = $db->selectOneRow('calendar_categories', '*', "`categoryId`='" . $entry['categoryId'] . "'");
            $day_view[$hour][$column]['backgroundcolor'] = strlen($color['backgroundcolor']) > 0 ? $color['backgroundcolor'] : "#57FF7E";
            $day_view[$hour][$column]['fontcolor'] = strlen($color['fontcolor']) > 0 ? $color['fontcolor'] : "#000000";
            for ($i = 1; $i < $rowspan; $i++) {
                $day_view[$hour + $i][$column]['rowspan'] = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
        $day_view[$i]['hour'] = $i;
        for ($j = 0; $j <= $maxCols; $j++) {
            if (!isset($day_view[$i][$j]['rowspan'])) {
                $day_view[$i][$j]['rowspan'] = 1;
    ksort($day_view, SORT_NUMERIC);
    return $day_view;
Exemplo n.º 28
function dousperf($data, $user)
    global $fld_sep, $val_sep;
    // This also defines how many worker fields there are
    $cols = array('#0000c0', '#00dd00', '#e06020', '#b020e0');
    $nc = count($cols);
    $workers = 'all';
    if (isset($_COOKIE['workers'])) {
        $w = substr(trim($_COOKIE['workers']), 0, 1024);
        if ($w !== false) {
            $wa = explode(',', $w, $nc + 1);
            if (count($wa) > $nc) {
                $w = '';
                for ($i = 0; $i < $nc; $i++) {
                    $w .= ($i == 0 ? '' : ',') . $wa[$i];
            $workers = $w;
    $ans = getShiftData($user, $workers);
    $iCrap = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iP');
    if ($iCrap) {
        $vlines = false;
    } else {
        $vlines = true;
    $pg = '<h1>User Shift Reward Performance</h1><br>';
    if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok' and $ans['DATA'] != '') {
        $cbx = array('skey' => 'shift key', 'slines' => 'shift lines', 'tkey' => 'time key', 'tlines' => 'time lines', 'over' => 'key overlap', 'smooth' => 'smooth', 'zerob' => 'zero based', 'utc' => 'utc');
        $xon = array('skey' => 1, 'utc' => 1);
        if ($vlines === true) {
            $xon['slines'] = 1;
        $pg .= '<form>';
        $tt = "<ul class=tip><li>all = all workers</li><li>noname = worker with no workername</li>";
        $tt .= "<li>or full workername without the username i.e. .worker or _worker</li>";
        $tt .= "<li>add a '*' on the end to match multiple workers e.g. .S3*</li></ul>";
        $pg .= "<span class=q onclick='tip(\"wtip\",6000)'>?</span>";
        $pg .= "<span class=tip0><span class=notip id=wtip>{$tt}</span></span>";
        $i = 0;
        $datacols = '';
        $onch = " onchange='wch()'";
        foreach ($cols as $col) {
            $pg .= " <span class=nb><font color={$col}>Worker{$i}";
            $pg .= "<input type=checkbox id=lin{$i} checked onclick='godrw(0)'>:</font>";
            $pg .= "<input type=text size=10 id=worker{$i}{$onch}> </span>";
            if ($i > 1) {
                $datacols .= ',';
            $datacols .= $col;
        $oncl = "wch();location.href=\"" . makeURL('usperf') . "\"";
        $pg .= "<button type=button onclick='{$oncl}'>Update</button></form><div>";
        foreach ($cbx as $nam => $txt) {
            $pg .= ' <span class=nb>';
            $pg .= "<input type=checkbox id={$nam} onclick='gact(this)'>";
            $pg .= "{$txt}&nbsp;</span>";
        $pg .= '</div>';
        $pg .= '<div id=can0><canvas id=can width=1 height=1>';
        $pg .= 'A graph will show here if your browser supports html5/canvas';
        $pg .= "</canvas></div>\n";
        $data = str_replace(array("\\", "'"), array("\\\\", "\\'"), $ans['DATA']);
        $data .= $fld_sep . 'cols' . $val_sep . $datacols;
        $pg .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
        $pg .= uspg($nc, '#ff0000', '#fff0f0');
        $pg .= "\nfunction godrw(f){var cbx=[";
        $comma = '';
        foreach ($cbx as $nam => $txt) {
            $pg .= "{$comma}'{$nam}'";
            $comma = ',';
        $pg .= '];if(f){var xon={};';
        foreach ($xon as $nam => $val) {
            $pg .= "xon['{$nam}']=1;";
        $pg .= "doinit(cbx,xon)}dodrw('{$data}',cbx)};godrw(1);</script>\n";
    return $pg;
Exemplo n.º 29

if ($login->currentUser() !== false) {
    $dur = (int) $config->get('core', 'stat-duration');
    $tbl_b = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'buddylist';
    $tbl_u = MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'users';
    // list existing buddies
    $buddies = $db->selectList($tbl_b . "`, `" . $tbl_u, "*", "((\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`" . $tbl_b . "`.`userid`=" . $login->currentUserID() . " \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `" . $tbl_b . "`.`buddyid` = `" . $tbl_u . "`.`userid`\r\n\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\tOR (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`" . $tbl_b . "`.`buddyid`=" . $login->currentUserID() . " \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `" . $tbl_b . "`.`userid` = `" . $tbl_u . "`.`userid`\r\n\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t) AND `" . $tbl_b . "`.`accepted`=1");
    if (null != $buddies && count($buddies) > 0) {
        foreach ($buddies as $index => $buddy) {
            if ($buddy['lastaction'] + $dur > time()) {
                $buddies[$index]['online'] = true;
            } else {
                $buddies[$index]['online'] = false;
            $buddies[$index]['url'] = makeURL('profile', array('userid' => $buddy['userid']));
    $smarty->assign('box_buddies', $buddies);
    $tpl_file = $template_dir . "/default.tpl";
} else {
    $tpl_file = $template_dir . "/login.tpl";
$visible = true;
Exemplo n.º 30
 function find($needle)
     global $user, $bbcode;
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $this->table . "` WHERE `text` LIKE '%" . secureMySQL($needle) . "%' LIMIT 20;";
     $result = $this->db->query($sql);
     $list = array();
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         $u = $user->getUserByID($row['userid']);
         $l['time'] = timeElapsed($row['timestamp']);
         $l['nickname'] = $u['nickname'];
         $l['text'] = $bbcode->parse($row['text']);
         $l['mod'] = $row['mod'];
         $l['url'] = makeURL('profile', array('userid' => $row['userid']));
         $list[] = $l;
     return $list;