function init($args) { $name = $args['name']; $location = $args['location']; //check if album already exists $cp = new ConfigReader(PF_CONFIG_FILE); $albums = $cp->getChildren("settings/albums"); if ($albums) { foreach ($albums as $album) { if ($album['attributes']['name'] == $name) { error("Album {$name} already exists!"); return; } } } define("ALBUM_DIR", realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $location)); //check if it exists if (!is_dir(ALBUM_DIR)) { error("It seems like the directory {$location} does not exist."); return; } //check if directory writeable if (!is_writeable(ALBUM_DIR)) { error("Could not create album. Could not write to {$location}." . ALBUM_DIR); return; } //get a list of photos (jpg/png) //generate thumbnails chdir(ALBUM_DIR); //try to make thumbnail directory if (!is_dir(PF_THUMBNAIL_DIR)) { if (!mkdir(PF_THUMBNAIL_DIR)) { error("Could not create thumbnails directory in {$location}"); return; } } //generate thumbnails //it seems glob cannot take multiple patterns $pattern = array("*.jpg", "*.jpeg", "*.png"); foreach ($pattern as $pat) { foreach (glob($pat) as $file) { if (!makeThumbnail($file, PF_THUMBNAIL_DIR . $file)) { error("Could not create thumbnail for image {$file}"); return; } } } //add album to config file $cp = new ConfigWriter(PF_CONFIG_FILE); $attributes = array("name" => $name, "location" => str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], "", ALBUM_DIR), "theme" => PF_DEFAULT_THEME); $cp->addWithAttributes('settings/albums/album', $attributes, ""); if (!$cp->close()) { error("Could not write to configuration file"); } success("Successfully created album {$name} in {$location}."); }
function sendCameraImage($camName, $ImageName, $mode = "full") { global $hostConfig; // Verify Camera definition was loaded.. if (!isset($this->camList[$camName])) { return Framework::debug(DEBUG_FATAL, "<CENTER><H1>Requested Camera [{$camName}] not found</h1></center>"); } // Verify Image file exists $ImageFile = $this->camList[$camName]['folder'] . "/{$ImageName}"; if (!file_exists($ImageFile)) { return Framework::debug(DEBUG_FATAL, "<CENTER><H1>Requested Image not found</h1></center>"); } // Return correct varient of image.. switch ($mode) { case 'thumb': return makeThumbnail($ImageFile, "{$hostConfig['Folder_Base']}/thumb", $hostConfig['ThumbSize']); break; case 'full': return sendFile_Rangable($this->camList[$camName]['folder'] . "/{$ImageName}", "image/jpeg"); break; default: Framework::debug(DEBUG_FATAL, "Unknown 'Mode' parameter"); } }
//CREATE A UNIX TIMESTAMP $stamp = time(); $date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $stamp); if ($thumb == "yes") { //IF THE EXTENSION IS AN IMAGE EXTENSION, LETS CREATE A THUMBNAIL if ($ext == "gif" || $ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "png" || $ext == "wbmp") { //CREATE THE THUMBS FOLDER IF IT DOES NOT EXIST if (!file_exists($thumb_path)) { mkdir($thumb_path); } //INSERT INTO OUR FILES OBJECT $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $cfg->db_prefix . "_files(name, sys_name, location, extension, note) \n\t\t\t\t VALUES('{$oldfile}', '{$sys_name}', '{$thumb_location}', '{$ext}', 'thumbnail')"; $results = $db->DB_Q_C($sql); $lastid = mysql_insert_id(); //CREATE THE THUMBNAIL makeThumbnail($target_path, $thumb_path . basename($sys_name), $thumb_size); } } //INSERT INTO OUR FILES OBJECT $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $cfg->db_prefix . "_files(name, sys_name, location, extension, note) \n VALUES('{$oldfile}', '{$sys_name}', '{$location}', '{$ext}', '')"; $results = $db->DB_Q_C($sql); $lastid = mysql_insert_id(); //LOG THE ACTION //GRAB THE MODULE ID $sql = "SELECT id FROM " . $cfg->db_prefix . "_modules WHERE name = 'class_files'"; $results = $db->DB_Q_C($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($results); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $cfg->db_prefix . "_object(create_date, create_who) \n VALUES('{$date}', '{$userid}')"; $results = $db->DB_Q_C($sql); $lastobjectid = mysql_insert_id(); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $cfg->db_prefix . "_logs(user_id, object_id, module_id, sub_module_id, record_id, action)\n VALUES('" . $userid . "', {$lastobjectid}, '" . $row[0] . "', 1, {$lastid}, 1)";
} if($_POST['action'] == 'editshipping') { $row['embryo_shipping_price'] = $_POST['embryo_shipping_price']; $row['embryo_shipping_desc'] = $_POST['embryo_shipping_desc']; $row['semen_shipping_price_1'] = $_POST['semen_shipping_price_1']; $row['semen_shipping_price_2'] = $_POST['semen_shipping_price_2']; $row['semen_shipping_desc'] = $_POST['semen_shipping_desc']; $row['semen_shipping_image'] = $_POST['semen_shipping_image']; if($_FILES['semen_shipping_image']['name'] != '') {//upload image yo! $filename = time().fixFilename($_FILES['semen_shipping_image']['name']); uploadFile($_FILES['semen_shipping_image'], $filename); makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, 480, '', 'medium'); $row['semen_shipping_image'] = $filename; } dbPerform('store_shipping', $row, 'update', 'shipping_id = 1'); addMessage("Updated shipping information successfully"); redirect(PAGE_STORE."?section=shipping&action=editshipping"); } switch($_GET['section']){ case 'manage':
$mediaType = intval($_POST['mediaType']); # 0 - pictures, 1 - videos $postid = idGenerator(7); $file_tmp = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]; file_put_contents("submitData.txt", $file_tmp); $file_path = "uploads/" . $userid . "/"; if (!file_exists($file_path)) { mkdir($file_path, 0777, true); } if ($mediaType == 1) { $file_path = $file_path . $postid . '.mp4'; move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, $file_path); } else { $file_path = $file_path . $postid . '.jpg'; move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, $file_path); makeThumbnail($file_path, $mediaType); } if ($submitOK == true) { if (file_exists($file_path)) { $add = "INSERT INTO posts_tbl (Title, Caption, Location, Latitude, Longitude, votes, userid, postid, timestamp, mediaType, IP_client, IP_server)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES('" . $title . "', '" . $caption . "', '" . $file_path . "', " . $lat . ", " . $long . ", 0, '" . $userid . "', '" . $postid . "', " . time() . ", " . $mediaType . ", '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "', \t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] . "');"; echo true; } else { echo false; } mysqli_query($conn, $add); } else { file_put_contents($debug_log, $errormsg); } mysqli_close($conn); } else { if ($postType == "reply") {
<?php include "makeThumbnail.php"; $url = $_POST['url']; $filename = basename($url); $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/images/"; $thumbpath = $path . "/thumbs/"; if (!file_exists($path)) { mkdir($path, 0777, true); } if (!file_exists($thumbpath)) { mkdir($thumbpath, 0777, true); } $file = file_get_contents($url); file_put_contents($path . $filename, $file); makeThumbnail($path . $filename, $thumbpath . $filename); echo $filename;
$uploadOK = 0; $fail_msg = 'Not jpg, png or jpeg.'; } if ($uploadOK == 0) { } else { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['fileToUpload']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { $fail_msg = 'File uploaded.'; $connection = new mysqli($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_password, $db_database); $ti_temp = mysql_entities_fix_string($connection, $title); $query = "INSERT INTO user_images(user_id, title, path)\n VALUES ('{$user_id}', '{$ti_temp}', '{$target_path}')"; $result = $connection->query($query); if (!$result) { die($connection->error); } $connection->close(); makeThumbnail($target_dir, $target_file); } else { $fail_msg = 'There was an error.'; } } } function validate_title($field) { if (strlen($field) > 64) { return "Stop it."; } elseif (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ']+\$/", $field)) { return "Invalid title. Currently only accepts a-z, A-Z and 0-9."; } else { return ""; } }
} else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($_FILES['edit_notes']['name']); $i++) { $tmpFilePath = $_FILES['edit_notes']['tmp_name'][$i]; if ($tmpFilePath != "") { $shortname = $_FILES['edit_notes']['name'][$i]; $file_name = date('d-m-Y-H-i-s') . '-' . $_FILES['edit_notes']['name'][$i]; $full_upload_path = $upload_path . $file_name; if (move_uploaded_file($tmpFilePath, $full_upload_path)) { $files[] = $shortname; $stmt = $ndb->prepare("INSERT INTO Uploads (id, name, file_name, location) VALUES (:id, :name, :filename, :location)"); $stmt->bindValue(':id', $_POST['Edit_Note_Save'], SQLITE3_TEXT); $stmt->bindValue(':name', $shortname, SQLITE3_TEXT); $stmt->bindValue(':filename', $file_name, SQLITE3_TEXT); $stmt->bindValue(':location', $full_upload_path, SQLITE3_TEXT); $stmt->execute(); makeThumbnail($upload_path, $file_name); } } } } } } // Change system settings if (isset($_POST['ChangeSystem'])) { $stmt = $db->prepare("UPDATE Misc SET Enable_Max_Amps=:enablemaxamps, Max_Amps=:maxamps, Relay_Stats_Volts=:statvolts, Relay_Stats_Cost=:statcost, Relay_Stats_Currency=:statcurrency, Relay_Stats_DayofMonth=:statdayofmonth, Login_Message=:loginmessage, Refresh_Time=:refreshtime"); $stmt->bindValue(':enablemaxamps', (int) $_POST['enable_max_amps'], SQLITE3_INTEGER); $stmt->bindValue(':maxamps', (double) $_POST['max_amps'], SQLITE3_FLOAT); $stmt->bindValue(':statvolts', (int) $_POST['relay_stats_volts'], SQLITE3_INTEGER); $stmt->bindValue(':statcost', (double) $_POST['relay_stats_cost'], SQLITE3_FLOAT); $stmt->bindValue(':statcurrency', $_POST['relay_stats_currency'], SQLITE3_TEXT); $stmt->bindValue(':statdayofmonth', (int) $_POST['relay_stats_dayofmonth'], SQLITE3_INTEGER);
function ocd_update() { $this->pageTitle = "Новости : режим редактирования"; $this->pageHeader = "Новости : режим редактирования"; $id = $this->GetGP("id"); $article = $this->enc($this->GetValidGP("article", "Краткое описание", VALIDATE_NOT_EMPTY)); $title = $this->enc($this->GetValidGP("title", "Заголовок", VALIDATE_NOT_EMPTY)); if ($this->errors['err_count'] > 0) { $this->fill_form("update", FORM_FROM_GP); } else { $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->GetGP("dateMonth"), $this->GetGP("dateDay"), $this->GetGP("dateYear")); $description = $this->enc($this->GetGP("progress")); $this->db->ExecuteSql("Update {$this->object} Set z_date='{$date}', article='{$article}', title='{$title}', description='{$description}' Where item_id='{$id}'"); $physical_path = $this->sitePath; if (array_key_exists("photo", $_FILES) and $_FILES['photo']['error'] < 3) { $symbs = getUnID(5); $oldname = $_FILES['photo']['name']; $tmp_name = $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']; $short_name = $id . "_" . $symbs; $new_name = $short_name . ".jpg"; $thumb_name = "small_" . $new_name; if (is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) { move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $physical_path . "data/news/" . $new_name); $cmd = "chmod 666 " . $physical_path . "data/news/" . $new_name; @exec($cmd, $output, $retval); @chmod($physical_path . "data/news/" . $new_name, 0777); copy($physical_path . "data/news/" . $new_name, $physical_path . "data/news/" . $thumb_name); $cmd = "chmod 666 " . $physical_path . "data/news/" . $thumb_name; @exec($cmd, $output, $retval); @chmod($physical_path . "data/news/" . $thumb_name, 0777); makeThumbnail($physical_path . "data/news/" . $thumb_name, 0); makeThumbnail($physical_path . "data/news/" . $new_name, 1); $this->db->ExecuteSql("Update {$this->object} Set photo='{$short_name}' Where item_id='{$id}'"); } } if (array_key_exists("photo2", $_FILES) and $_FILES['photo2']['error'] < 3) { $symbs = getUnID(5); $oldname = $_FILES['photo2']['name']; $tmp_name = $_FILES['photo2']['tmp_name']; $short_name = $id . "_" . $symbs; $new_name = $short_name . ".jpg"; $thumb_name = "small_" . $new_name; if (is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) { move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $physical_path . "data/news/" . $new_name); $cmd = "chmod 666 " . $physical_path . "data/news/" . $new_name; @exec($cmd, $output, $retval); @chmod($physical_path . "data/news/" . $new_name, 0777); copy($physical_path . "data/news/" . $new_name, $physical_path . "data/news/" . $thumb_name); $cmd = "chmod 666 " . $physical_path . "data/news/" . $thumb_name; @exec($cmd, $output, $retval); @chmod($physical_path . "data/news/" . $thumb_name, 0777); makeThumbnail($physical_path . "data/news/" . $thumb_name, 0); makeThumbnail($physical_path . "data/news/" . $new_name, 1); $this->db->ExecuteSql("Update {$this->object} Set photo2='{$short_name}' Where item_id='{$id}'"); } } $this->Redirect($this->pageUrl . "?mes=up"); } }
function storePicture($picture, $title, $description, $userID, $galleryID) { $SMALL_WIDTH = 64; $SMALL_HEIGHT = 64; $MEDIUM_WIDTH = 128; $MEDIUM_HEIGHT = 128; $LARGE_WIDTH = 512; $LARGE_HEIGHT = 512; $dimensions = getimagesize($picture); $picture_width = $dimensions[0]; $picture_height = $dimensions[1]; //dohvati ID $id = getIdentificator("identifikatori.txt", 'id_slike'); //spremi u bazu $handle = fopen("slike.txt", "a"); if ($handle) { fwrite($handle, $id . ';' . htmlentities($title) . ';' . htmlentities($description) . ';' . $userID . ';' . $galleryID . "\n"); fclose($handle); } else { echo "error happened while opening file"; } //save to disk $imagesDir = './images'; if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $name = $id . '_original'; if (move_uploaded_file($picture, "{$imagesDir}/{$name}")) { makeThumbnail("{$imagesDir}/{$name}", "{$imagesDir}/{$id}" . '_small', $SMALL_WIDTH, $SMALL_HEIGHT, 100); if ($picture_height > $MEDIUM_HEIGHT && $picture_width > $MEDIUM_WIDTH) { makeThumbnail("{$imagesDir}/{$name}", "{$imagesDir}/{$id}" . '_medium', $MEDIUM_WIDTH, $MEDIUM_HEIGHT, 100); if ($picture_height > $LARGE_HEIGHT && $picture_width > $LARGE_WIDTH) { makeThumbnail("{$imagesDir}/{$name}", "{$imagesDir}/{$id}" . '_large', $LARGE_WIDTH, $LARGE_HEIGHT, 100); } } } else { echo "failed to upload, please try again."; } } }
function ocd_update() { $gallery_id = $this->GetStateValue("gallery_id", 0); $c_title = $this->db->GetOne("Select title From `pgalleries` Where gallery_id='{$gallery_id}'", ""); $this->pageHeader = "Фотографии галереи '{$c_title}' : режим редактирования"; $this->pageTitle = "Фотографии галереи '{$c_title}' : режим редактирования"; $id = $this->GetGP("id"); $content = $this->enc($this->GetValidGP("content", "Описание", VALIDATE_NOT_EMPTY)); $z_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->GetGP("dateMonth"), $this->GetGP("dateDay"), $this->GetGP("dateYear")); $gallery_id = $this->GetGP("gallery_id", 0); if ($this->errors['err_count'] > 0) { $this->fill_form("update", FORM_FROM_GP); } else { if (array_key_exists("photo", $_FILES) and $_FILES['photo']['error'] < 3) { $symbs = getUnID(5); $oldname = $_FILES['photo']['name']; $tmp_name = $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']; $short_name = $id . "_" . $symbs; $new_name = $short_name . ".jpg"; $thumb_name = "small_" . $new_name; if (is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) { $physical_path = $this->sitePath; move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $physical_path . "data/photos/" . $new_name); $cmd = "chmod 666 " . $physical_path . "data/photos/" . $new_name; @exec($cmd, $output, $retval); @chmod($physical_path . "data/photos/" . $new_name, 0777); copy($physical_path . "data/photos/" . $new_name, $physical_path . "data/photos/" . $thumb_name); $cmd = "chmod 666 " . $physical_path . "data/photos/" . $thumb_name; @exec($cmd, $output, $retval); @chmod($physical_path . "data/photos/" . $thumb_name, 0777); makeThumbnail($physical_path . "data/photos/" . $thumb_name, 0); makeThumbnail($physical_path . "data/photos/" . $new_name, 1); $this->db->ExecuteSql("Update `{$this->object}` Set photo='{$new_name}' Where photo_id='{$id}'"); } } $this->db->ExecuteSql("Update `{$this->object}` Set z_date='{$z_date}', gallery_id='{$gallery_id}', content='{$content}' Where photo_id='{$id}'"); $this->Redirect($this->pageUrl); } }
<?php /* This script is used with swfupload */ /* We are going to be upload and storing the gallery images /* /* Create thumbnails and return a true statement! */ include 'application.php'; if ($_FILES['Filedata']['name'] != "" && isset($_POST['gallery_id'])) { $filename = time() . fixFilename($_FILES['Filedata']['name']); uploadFile($_FILES['Filedata'], $filename); foreach ($galleryImageSizes as $name => $size) { makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, $size, '', $name); } $row['gallery_id'] = $_POST['gallery_id']; $row['gallery_image_filename'] = $filename; $row['gallery_date_added'] = time(); $row['gallery_image_caption'] = ''; dbPerform('gallery_images', $row, 'insert'); $imageID = dbInsertID(); //get total images then add one for the sort order number! $imgResults = dbQuery('SELECT gallery_image_id FROM gallery_images WHERE gallery_id = ' . $_POST['gallery_id']); $count = dbNumRows($imgResults); $next = $count++; $row2['gallery_image_sort_order'] = $next; dbPerform('gallery_images', $row2, 'update', 'gallery_image_id = ' . $imageID); echo "FILEID:" . UPLOAD_DIR_URL . getThumbnailFilename($filename, 'thumb'); } else { return false; die; }
/** * This is the main function for all module search functions. * * @param array $search_result - variables given from the module or droplep * @param array $search_parameter - variables given from the LEPTON search to the module * @return boolean true if the search result of the module match or false in all other cases */ function print_excerpt2($search_result, $search_parameter) { // check the search result variables if ($search_result['text'] == "") { return false; } if (!isset($search_result['page_link'])) { $search_result['page_link'] = $search_parameter['page_link']; } if (!isset($search_result['page_link_target'])) { $search_result['page_link_target'] = ""; } if (!isset($search_result['page_title'])) { $search_result['page_title'] = $search_parameter['page_title']; } if (!isset($search_result['page_description'])) { $search_result['page_description'] = $search_parameter['page_description']; } if (!isset($search_result['page_modified_when'])) { $search_result['page_modified_when'] = $search_parameter['page_modified_when']; } if (!isset($search_result['page_modified_by'])) { $search_result['page_modified_by'] = $search_parameter['page_modified_by']; } if (!isset($search_result['text'])) { $search_result['text'] = ""; } if (!isset($search_result['max_excerpt_num'])) { $search_result['max_excerpt_num'] = $search_parameter['default_max_excerpt']; } // special: image links if (!isset($search_result['pic_link'])) { $search_result['pic_link'] = ''; } if (!isset($search_result['image_link'])) { $search_result['image_link'] = $search_result['pic_link']; } if (!isset($search_result['no_highlight'])) { $search_result['no_highlight'] = false; } if (isset($search_result['ext_charset'])) { $search_result['ext_charset'] = strtolower($search_result['ext_charset']); } else { $search_result['ext_charset'] = ''; } if ($search_result['no_highlight']) { // suppress highlighting of search results $search_result['page_link_target'] = "&nohighlight=1" . $search_result['page_link_target']; } // clean the text: $search_result['text'] = preg_replace('#<(br|dt|/dd|/?(?:h[1-6]|tr|table|p|li|ul|pre|code|div|hr))[^>]*>#i', '.', $search_result['text']); $search_result['text'] = preg_replace('#<(!--.*--|style.*</style|script.*</script)>#iU', ' ', $search_result['text']); $search_result['text'] = preg_replace('#\\[\\[.*?\\]\\]#', '', $search_result['text']); //Filter droplets from the page data // strip_tags() is called below if ($search_result['ext_charset'] != '') { // data from external database may have a different charset require_once CAT_PATH . '/framework/functions-utf8.php'; switch ($search_result['ext_charset']) { case 'latin1': case 'cp1252': $search_result['text'] = charset_to_utf8($search_result['text'], 'CP1252'); break; case 'cp1251': $search_result['text'] = charset_to_utf8($search_result['text'], 'CP1251'); break; case 'latin2': $search_result['text'] = charset_to_utf8($search_result['text'], 'ISO-8859-2'); break; case 'hebrew': $search_result['text'] = charset_to_utf8($search_result['text'], 'ISO-8859-8'); break; case 'greek': $search_result['text'] = charset_to_utf8($search_result['text'], 'ISO-8859-7'); break; case 'latin5': $search_result['text'] = charset_to_utf8($search_result['text'], 'ISO-8859-9'); break; case 'latin7': $search_result['text'] = charset_to_utf8($search_result['text'], 'ISO-8859-13'); break; case 'utf8': default: $search_result['text'] = charset_to_utf8($search_result['text'], 'UTF-8'); } } else { $search_result['text'] = entities_to_umlauts($search_result['text'], 'UTF-8'); } $content_locked = ''; $add_anchor = true; if (isset($_SESSION[SESSION_SEARCH_NON_PUBLIC_CONTENT])) { // show non-public contents, so add some extra informations if (isset($_SESSION[SESSION_SEARCH_LINK_NON_PUBLIC_CONTENT]) && !empty($_SESSION[SESSION_SEARCH_LINK_NON_PUBLIC_CONTENT])) { // link to a special page, defined in search as CFG_LINK_NON_PUBLIC_CONTENT $search_result['page_link'] = CAT_URL . $_SESSION[SESSION_SEARCH_LINK_NON_PUBLIC_CONTENT]; } else { $search_result['page_link'] = ''; } // $_SESSION reset unset($_SESSION[SESSION_SEARCH_NON_PUBLIC_CONTENT]); unset($_SESSION[SESSION_SEARCH_LINK_NON_PUBLIC_CONTENT]); $add_anchor = false; } $anchor_text = $search_result['text']; // make an copy containing html-tags $search_result['text'] = strip_tags($search_result['text']); $search_result['text'] = str_replace(array('>', '<', '&', '"', ''', ''', ' '), array('>', '<', '&', '"', '\'', '\'', ' '), $search_result['text']); $search_result['text'] = '.' . trim($search_result['text']) . '.'; // create empty image array $images = array(); if ($search_parameter['settings'][CFG_SEARCH_IMAGES] || $search_parameter['settings'][CFG_CONTENT_IMAGE]) { // we need a image array for the search preg_match_all('/<img[^>]*>/', $anchor_text, $matches); foreach ($matches as $match) { foreach ($match as $img_tag) { // <img ...> zerlegen preg_match_all('/([a-zA-Z]*[a-zA-Z])\\s{0,3}[=]\\s{0,3}("[^"\\r\\n]*)"/', $img_tag, $attr); foreach ($attr as $attributes) { $img = array(); foreach ($attributes as $attribut) { if (strpos($attribut, "=") !== false) { list($key, $value) = explode("=", $attribut); $value = trim($value); $value = substr($value, 1, strlen($value) - 2); $img[strtolower(trim($key))] = trim($value); } } if (isset($img['src'])) { $images[] = $img; } } } } } if (!$search_parameter['settings'][CFG_SEARCH_IMAGES] && $search_parameter['settings'][CFG_CONTENT_IMAGE] == CONTENT_IMAGE_NONE) { // Do a fast scan over the search result first. This may speedup things a lot. if ($search_parameter['search_match'] == SEARCH_TYPE_ALL) { if (!is_all_matched($search_result['text'], $search_parameter['search_words'])) { return false; } } elseif (!is_any_matched($search_result['text'], $search_parameter['search_words'])) { return false; } } else { // create a dummy string to check matches in the images $divider = '.'; $image_text = ''; foreach ($images as $image) { $file = basename($image['src']); $file = urldecode(substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '.'))); $alt = isset($image['alt']) && !empty($image['alt']) ? $image['alt'] : ''; $title = isset($image['title']) && !empty($image['title']) ? $image['title'] : ''; $image_text .= $alt == $title ? $divider . $alt . $divider . $file . $divider : $divider . $alt . $divider . $title . $divider . $file . $divider; } if ($search_parameter['search_match'] == SEARCH_TYPE_ALL) { if (!is_all_matched($search_result['text'] . $image_text, $search_parameter['search_words'])) { return false; } } elseif (!is_any_matched($search_result['text'] . $image_text, $search_parameter['search_words'])) { return false; } } // search for an better anchor - this have to be done before strip_tags() (may fail if search-string contains <, &, amp, gt, lt, ...) $anchor = make_url_target($search_result['page_link_target'], $anchor_text, $search_parameter['search_words']); // make the link from $mod_page_link, add anchor $link = ""; if (!empty($search_result['page_link'])) { $link = page_link($search_result['page_link']); if (strpos($search_result['page_link'], 'http:') === false) { $link .= make_url_searchstring($search_parameter['search_match'], $search_parameter['search_url_array']); } // add anchor only if content is not locked! if ($add_anchor) { $link .= $anchor; } } // now get the excerpt $excerpt = ""; $excerpt_array = array(); // dont create excerpts if we are only searching for images! if ($search_parameter['search_match'] != SEARCH_TYPE_IMAGE && $search_result['max_excerpt_num'] > 0) { if (false !== ($excerpt_array = get_excerpts($search_result['text'], $search_parameter['search_words'], $search_result['max_excerpt_num']))) { $excerpt = prepare_excerpts($excerpt_array, $search_parameter['search_words'], $search_result['max_excerpt_num']); } } // no image matches now ... $image_match = false; $image_array = array(); if ($search_parameter['settings'][CFG_SEARCH_IMAGES] || $search_parameter['search_match'] == SEARCH_TYPE_ALL) { // ok - now we are looking for matching images ... foreach ($images as $image) { $file = urldecode(basename($image['src'])); $file = substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '.')); $alt = isset($image['alt']) && !empty($image['alt']) ? $image['alt'] : ''; $title = isset($image['title']) && !empty($image['title']) ? $image['title'] : ''; $image_text = $alt == $title ? $divider . $alt . $divider . $file . $divider : $divider . $alt . $divider . $title . $divider . $file . $divider; if (false !== ($excerpt_array = get_excerpts($image_text, $search_parameter['search_words'], $search_result['max_excerpt_num']))) { // image match! $image_excerpt = prepare_excerpts($excerpt_array, $search_parameter['search_words'], $search_result['max_excerpt_num']); // accept only images with complete URL if (false === strpos($image['src'], CAT_URL)) { continue; } $src = str_ireplace(CAT_URL, CAT_PATH, urldecode($image['src'])); $target = CAT_PATH . '/temp/search/' . urldecode(basename($image['src'])); makeThumbnail($src, $target, $search_parameter['settings'][CFG_THUMBS_WIDTH]); $image_array[] = array('excerpt' => $image_excerpt, 'src' => CAT_URL . '/temp/search/' . urldecode(basename($image['src'])), 'alt' => isset($image['alt']) ? $image['alt'] : '', 'title' => isset($image['title']) ? $image['title'] : '', 'width' => $search_parameter['settings'][CFG_THUMBS_WIDTH]); $image_match = true; } } } // leave here if nothing matches ... if (empty($excerpt) && !$image_match) { return false; } $thumb_array = array(); // if no images are matching to the search it's possible to show a image // of the content or to use a desired image_link from the module $use_thumb = 0; if (!$image_match && ($search_parameter['settings'][CFG_CONTENT_IMAGE] != CONTENT_IMAGE_NONE || !empty($search_result['image_link']))) { if (!empty($search_result['image_link'])) { if (strpos($search_result['image_link'], CAT_URL) === false) { $src = CAT_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $search_result['image_link']; } else { $src = str_ireplace(CAT_URL, CAT_PATH, $search_result['image_link']); } // the path to the temporary thumbnail $target = CAT_PATH . '/temp/search/' . basename($search_result['image_link']); // create a thumbnail and place it in the temporary directory if (makeThumbnail($src, $target, $search_parameter['settings'][CFG_THUMBS_WIDTH])) { $thumb_array = array('src' => CAT_URL . '/temp/search/' . urldecode(basename($search_result['image_link'])), 'alt' => $search_result['page_title'], 'title' => $search_result['page_title'], 'width' => $search_parameter['settings'][CFG_THUMBS_WIDTH]); $use_thumb = 1; } else { $use_thumb = 0; } } else { switch ($search_parameter['settings'][CFG_CONTENT_IMAGE]) { case CONTENT_IMAGE_FIRST: $i = 0; break; case CONTENT_IMAGE_LAST: $i = count($images) - 1; break; case CONTENT_IMAGE_RANDOM: $i = rand(0, count($images) - 1); break; default: $i = 0; } if (isset($images[$i]['src']) && false !== strpos($images[$i]['src'], CAT_URL)) { $src = str_ireplace(CAT_URL, CAT_PATH, urldecode($images[$i]['src'])); // the path to the temporary thumbnail $target = CAT_PATH . '/temp/search/' . urldecode(basename($images[$i]['src'])); // create a thumbnail and place it in the temporary directory if (makeThumbnail($src, $target, $search_parameter['settings'][CFG_THUMBS_WIDTH])) { $thumb_array = array('src' => CAT_URL . '/temp/search/' . urldecode(basename($images[$i]['src'])), 'alt' => isset($images[$i]['alt']) ? $images[$i]['alt'] : '', 'title' => isset($images[$i]['title']) ? $images[$i]['title'] : '', 'width' => $search_parameter['settings'][CFG_THUMBS_WIDTH]); $use_thumb = 1; } else { $use_thumb = 0; } } else { $use_thumb = 0; } } } else { $use_thumb = 0; } list($date, $time) = get_page_modified($search_result['page_modified_when']); list($username, $displayname) = get_page_modified_by($search_result['page_modified_by'], $search_parameter['users']); $item = array('page' => array('link' => $link, 'title' => $search_result['page_title'], 'description' => $search_result['page_description'], 'excerpt' => $excerpt, 'images' => array('items' => $image_array, 'count' => count($image_array)), 'thumb' => array('active' => $use_thumb, 'image' => $thumb_array), 'last_changed' => array('unix_time' => $search_result['page_modified_when'], 'date_formatted' => $date, 'time_formatted' => $time), 'visibility' => $search_parameter['page_visibility']), 'user' => array('name' => $username, 'display_name' => $displayname)); // all search results are temporary saved in the $_SESSION['SEARCH_RESULT_ITEMS'] if (!isset($_SESSION[SESSION_SEARCH_RESULT_ITEMS])) { $_SESSION[SESSION_SEARCH_RESULT_ITEMS] = array(); } $_SESSION[SESSION_SEARCH_RESULT_ITEMS][] = $item; return true; }
<?php include "makeThumbnail.php"; $file = $_FILES['file']; $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/images/"; $thumbpath = $path . "/thumbs/"; if (!file_exists($path)) { mkdir($path, 0777, true); } if (!file_exists($thumbpath)) { mkdir($thumbpath, 0777, true); } if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $path . $file['name'])) { makeThumbnail($path . $file['name'], $thumbpath . $file['name']); echo $file['name']; }
$err .= 'The file: ' . $_FILES['upload']['name'] . ' has not the allowed extension type.'; } if ($_FILES['upload']['size'] > $imgsets['maxsize'] * 1000) { $err .= '\\n Maximum file size must be: ' . $imgsets['maxsize'] . ' KB.'; } // if(isset($width) && isset($height)) { // if($width > $imgsets['maxwidth'] || $height > $imgsets['maxheight']) $err .= '\\n Width x Height = '. $width .' x '. $height .' \\n The maximum Width x Height must be: '. $imgsets['maxwidth']. ' x '. $imgsets['maxheight']; // if($width < $imgsets['minwidth'] || $height < $imgsets['minheight']) $err .= '\\n Width x Height = '. $width .' x '. $height .'\\n The minimum Width x Height must be: '. $imgsets['minwidth']. ' x '. $imgsets['minheight']; // } // If no errors, upload the image, else, output the errors if ($err == '') { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $uploadpath)) { $server_name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'localhost' ? 'localhost' : ''; $conn = new mysqli($server_name, 'manojkt', 'krishna@2005', 'thecorrespondentdotin'); $imagefilename = basename($_FILES["upload"]["name"]); $thumbnailfilename = makeThumbnail($uploadpath, $upload_dir, $imagefilename); $conn->query("insert into storyimage (imagefilename,thumbnailfilename) values('{$imagefilename}','{$thumbnailfilename}');"); $CKEditorFuncNum = $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']; $url = $site . $upload_dir . $img_name; $message = $img_name . ' successfully uploaded: \\n- Size: ' . number_format($_FILES['upload']['size'] / 1024, 3, '.', '') . ' KB \\n- Image Width x Height: ' . $width . ' x ' . $height; $re = "{$CKEditorFuncNum}, '{$url}', '{$message}')"; } else { $re = 'alert("Unable to upload the file")'; } } else { $re = 'alert("' . $err . '")'; } } function makeThumbnail($uploadpath, $upload_dir, $imagefilename) { $thumbnailfilename = preg_replace('/\\.(.+?)$/', '.thumb.\\1', $imagefilename);
if($_FILES['event_image']['name'] != '') { //uploading image! $filename = time()."_".$_FILES['event_image']['name']; uploadFile($_FILES['event_image'], $filename); makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, 150, '', 'small'); makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, 50, '', 'xsmall'); makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, 250, '', 'large'); $event['calendar_events_image'] = $filename; } if($_FILES['event_main_image']['name'] != '') { //uploading image! $filename = time()."_".$_FILES['event_main_image']['name']; uploadFile($_FILES['event_main_image'], $filename); makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, 660, '', 'main'); $event['calendar_events_main_image'] = $filename; } dbQuery('DELETE FROM calendar_events_categories WHERE calendar_events_id = ' . $_POST['id']); if($_POST['keywords']) { foreach($_POST['keywords'] as $key=>$val) { if($val != "") { $c['calendar_events_id'] = $_POST['id']; $c['calendar_events_categories_title'] = $val; dbPerform('calendar_events_categories', $c, 'insert'); } } }
$blog['title'] = input($_POST['title']); $blog['content'] = $_POST['content']; $blog['publish_date'] = $publishDateStart; $blog['author'] = $_POST['author']; $blog['snippet'] = $_POST['snippet']; $blog['status'] = $_POST['status']; if($_FILES['file']['name'] != "" ) { //uploading flash file $filename = fixFilename($_FILES['file']['name']); uploadFile($_FILES['file'], $filename); makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, 150, '', 'medium'); makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, 50, '', 'thumb'); makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, 400, '', 'large'); makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, 600, '', 'xlarge'); makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, 250, '', 'post'); $blog['filename'] = $filename; } if($_FILES['file']['podcast'] != "" ) { //uploading flash file $filename = fixFilename($_FILES['file']['podcast']); uploadFile($_FILES['file'], $filename); $blog['podcast'] = $filename; } dbPerform('blog', $blog, 'update', 'id = ' . $_POST['id']); addMessage("Blog post updated successfully"); redirect(PAGE_MANAGE."?section=blog"); break; case 'podcasts': $publish = explode('/', $_POST['pod_casts_publish_date']);