/** * 发送注册验证短信 * @param unknown $mobile */ public function sendVirifySms($mobile) { // 验证该手机号是否已经被注册 $where = array('mobile' => $mobile); $user_info = D('User')->where($where)->find(); if ($user_info) { throw new RadaException('该手机号已经被注册'); } $code = makeRandomString(6, 'number'); $content = sprintf('你的注册验证码是$d', $code); $res = sendSms($mobile, $content); if (!$res) { throw new RadaException('发送短信失败,请重试'); } // redis记录验证码 $redis = getRedisEx('USER_CACHE'); $data = array('mobile' => $mobile, 'code' => $code, 'ctime' => NOW_TIME); $redis->setex(self::USER_REGISTER_SMS_PRIFIX . $mobile, 600, json_encode($data)); return true; }
$usageArray = $_POST['usage']; $formatArray = $_POST['format']; $toolsArray = $_POST['tools']; $resolutionArray = $_POST['resolution']; $sizeArray = $_POST['size']; $priceArray = $_POST['price']; $sale_priceArray = $_POST['sale_price']; $pointArray = $_POST['point']; for($i=0; $i < sizeof($selectNumArray); $i++) { $selectNum = intval($selectNumArray[$i]); $option_file_name = $_FILES['option_file_'.$selectNum]; $optionFileArray['new_name'] = date("YmdHis").makeRandomString(4); $optionFileArray['size'] = $option_file_name["size"]; $optionFileArray['name'] = $option_file_name["name"]; $optionFileArray['type'] = $option_file_name["type"]; $optionFileArray['tmp_name'] = $option_file_name["tmp_name"]; if($selectNum < 10000) { $real_name = $_POST["real_option_file_".$selectNum]; if($optionFileArray["name"] == "" && $real_name == "") { $optionFileArray = "delete"; } $board_control->updateOptionData($title_en, $number, $selectNum, $usageArray[$i], $formatArray[$i], $toolsArray[$i], $resolutionArray[$i], $sizeArray[$i], $priceArray[$i], $sale_priceArray[$i], $pointArray[$i], $optionFileArray); }
function SaveUploadAsFile($dest, $filedata) { if (!is_dir($dest) && !mkdir($dest, 0755, true)) { writeErrorLog('Could not create file upload directory \'' . $dest . '\''); return false; } // filename may or may not have an extension that must be preserved $pos = strrpos($filedata['name'], '.'); $basename = $filedata['name']; // replace any dots left with a _ for scripts diguised as an image (e.g. exploit-db.php.jpg) if ($pos !== false) { $tmp = substr($basename, 0, $pos); $basename = str_replace('.', '_', $tmp) . substr($basename, $pos); } // try the org name first, only if it exists add the random string $uploadname = $basename; while (file_exists($dest . $uploadname)) { $rand = makeRandomString(); if ($pos === false) { $uploadname = $basename . '_' . $rand; } else { $uploadname = substr($basename, 0, $pos) . '_' . $rand . substr($basename, $pos); } } if (empty($filedata['tmp_name'])) { writeErrorLog('Could not move uploaded file because the tmp_name is empty.'); return false; } $rc = move_uploaded_file($filedata["tmp_name"], $dest . $uploadname); if ($rc) { return $uploadname; } writeErrorLog('Moving file ' . $filedata['tmp_name'] . ' to ' . $uploadname . ' failed.'); return false; }
use WindowsAzure\Blob\Models\CreateContainerOptions; use WindowsAzure\Blob\Models\ListContainersOptions; use WindowsAzure\Blob\Models\ListBlobsOptions; use WindowsAzure\Blob\Models\PublicAccessType; define("DEFAULT_CONTAINER", "dfltcntr"); if (isset($_FILES["s_file"])) { $file = $_FILES["s_file"]; } else { error("No file found."); } $block_name = $file["name"]; //if there is an account id to upload then change the container otherwise use a default //container name and add the code to a sub folder $container = isset($_POST["accnt_id"]) ? $_POST["accnt_id"] : DEFAULT_CONTAINER; //generate the code for this file $doc_code = makeRandomString(); $remove_action = isset($_POST["remove_action"]) ? $_POST["remove_action"] : "1"; $remove_access_times = isset($_POST["remove_access_times"]) ? $_POST["remove_access_times"] : "1"; $remove_hours = isset($_POST["remove_hours"]) ? $_POST["remove_hours"] : "1"; try { $blobRestProxy = ServicesBuilder::getInstance()->createBlobService($connectionString); //createContainerIfNotExists($blobRestProxy); $listContainersOptions = new ListContainersOptions(); $listContainersOptions->setPrefix($container); //$listContainersResult = $blobRestProxy->listContainers($listContainersOptions); //$containerExists = false; // $containers = $listContainersResult->getContainers(); // for($i = 0; $i < $containers.length; $i++){ // print_r($containers[$i]); // } //foreach ($listContainersResult->getContainers() as $container) {
private function sendRestore($email) { $confirm_key = md5(md5(makeRandomString())); $this->engine->db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREF . "users SET `confirm` = '" . $confirm_key . "' WHERE LOWER(email) = '" . strtolower($email) . "' "); $message = html_entity_decode($this->params['restore_mail_' . $_SESSION['lang']]); $message = str_replace('{restore_link}', $this->engine->url->link('route=account&action=restore', 'confirm_key=') . $confirm_key, $message); $this->engine->sendMail($email, 'system@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ' - Notification system', 'Password restore', $message); }
private function _SaveUploadsAsFiles() { $dest = Config::GetInstance()->GetStorageFolder(1); $tempuploads = array(); if (!is_dir($dest) && !mkdir($dest, 0755)) { $this->errors[] = array("err" => _T('Could not create file upload directory "%s"', $dest)); return; } foreach ($_FILES as $fieldname => $filedata) { if (empty($filedata['tmp_name'])) { continue; } // it isn't a upload if the file isn't mentioned in the rules if (Config::GetInstance()->GetRulePropertyByName($fieldname, 'fieldtype') != 'fileupload') { continue; } // check if the file must be saved on the server if (!Config::GetInstance()->GetRulePropertyByName($fieldname, 'files')) { // filename may or may not have an extension that must be preserved $pos = strrpos($filedata['name'], '.'); $basename = $filedata['name']; $uploadname = $basename; if ($pos === false) { $uploadname = $basename . '_' . makeRandomString(); } else { $uploadname = substr($basename, 0, $pos) . '_' . makeRandomString() . substr($basename, $pos); } // store the name in post $this->post[strtolower($fieldname)] = $uploadname; // without payments - emailer looks for the file in its temp storage // with payments and JS - emailer is called from the checkout screen, thus we need // to move the file to our own temp storage. if (Config::GetInstance()->UsePayments() && Config::GetInstance()->GetSessionVariable(CC_FB_JSENABLED) && Config::GetInstance()->GetRulePropertyByName($fieldname, 'attach')) { $tempname = SaveUploadAsFile(Config::GetInstance()->GetStorageFolder(5), $filedata); if ($tempname !== false) { $tempuploads[strtolower($fieldname)] = $tempname; } } continue; } $storedname = SaveUploadAsFile($dest, $filedata); // add it to post, mailer needs it if the file is to be attached if ($storedname !== false) { $this->post[strtolower($fieldname)] = $storedname; } // remember which files are stored for which fields, we need that info // when reporting data, because in that context we don't have access to the rules $this->uploads[] = array('orgname' => $filedata['name'], 'storedname' => $storedname, 'fieldname' => strtolower($fieldname)); } if (count($tempuploads) > 0) { Config::GetInstance()->SetSessionVariable(CC_FB_TEMPUPLOADS, $tempuploads); } }