Exemplo n.º 1
if ($embed) {
    if ($myquadrant == "E") {
        $nw_coord = $gridLon . "," . $gridLat . ",0";
        $ne_coord = $gridLon + 0.25 . "," . $gridLat . ",0";
        $se_coord = $gridLon + 0.25 . "," . ($gridLat - 0.25) . ",0";
        $sw_coord = $gridLon . "," . ($gridLat - 0.25) . ",0";
    } else {
        $nw_coord = $gridLon . "," . $gridLat . ",0";
        $ne_coord = $gridLon + 0.125 . "," . $gridLat . ",0";
        $se_coord = $gridLon + 0.125 . "," . ($gridLat - 0.125) . ",0";
        $sw_coord = $gridLon . "," . ($gridLat - 0.125) . ",0";
    $buffer = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<kml xmlns=\"http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1\">\n<Document>\n        <name>CAP Search Grids for {$gridLabel}</name>\n        <open>1</open>\n        <description><![CDATA[CAP Conventional Search Grids covering the {$abbrev} - {$mygrid}  Sectional Chart<br><br>\nBy Capt Charles Jackson<br>nightbeacons@gmail.com<br>\nbased on original work by<br>\n2Lt Landis Bennett, CAP<br>\nlandis@mac.com]]></description>\n<Placemark>\n<name>Polyline 1</name>\n    <description> xx</description>\n    <Style>\n      <LineStyle>\n        <color>88000000</color>\n        <width>3</width>\n      </LineStyle>\n    </Style>\n    <LineString>\n      <coordinates>{$nw_coord} {$ne_coord} {$se_coord} {$sw_coord} {$nw_coord}</coordinates>\n    </LineString>\n  </Placemark>\n</Document>\n</kml>";
} else {
    # Fetch and output the Styles section
    $styles = makePreamble($gridLabel);
    # Create the "<Style>" sections of the KML. No folders.
    $firstRegion = makeRegion($gridLon, $gridLat);
    $boundingBox = makeBBfolder($gridLon, $gridLat, $abbrev, $mygrid);
    $gridFolder = makeGridFolder($gridLon, $gridLat, $abbrev, $mygrid);
    $ending = "\t\t</Folder>\n\t</Folder>\n</Folder>\n</Document>\n</kml>\n";
    $buffer = $styles . "<Folder>\n" . $firstRegion . $boundingBox . $gridFolder . $ending;
echo "{$buffer}";
# ===================================================================================================
# Create the Sectionals Region
# Return the text string
function makeRegion($lon, $lat)
Exemplo n.º 2
include_once "includes/coordinates.php";
include_once "includes/styles.php";
$offset = "0.000000000001";
$altitude = 45;
foreach ($coordinates as $grid => $value) {
    $coordinates[$grid]['avgLon'] = ($coordinates[$grid]['MaxLon'] + $coordinates[$grid]['MinLon']) / 2;
    # Fetch and output the Styles section
    $preamble = makePreamble($grid);
    $view = initialView($coordinates[$grid]);
    $folder = initialFolder($coordinates[$grid]);
    $grids = doGrid($coordinates[$grid]);
    $gridNums = makeGridNumbers($coordinates[$grid]);
    $alphaGrid = makeAlphaGrid($coordinates[$grid]);
    $numberGrid = makeNumbers($coordinates[$grid]);
    $ending = "\t\t\t</Folder>\n\t\t</Folder>\n\t</Folder>\n</Document>\n</kml>\n";
    $output = $preamble . $view . $folder . $grids . $gridNums . $alphaGrid . $numberGrid . $ending;
    $fh = fopen("doc.kml", "w");
    fwrite($fh, $output);
    $kmzFileName = $coordinates[$grid]['Abbrev'] . "_grid.kmz";
    $cmd = "/usr/bin/zip -9q {$kmzFileName} doc.kml";
    $tmp = `{$cmd}`;
    $cmd = "/bin/mv {$kmzFileName} overlays";
    $tmp = `{$cmd}`;
    echo $coordinates[$grid]['Abbrev'] . "\tchart: " . $coordinates[$grid]['endGrid'] . "\tCalc: " . (1 + $gridCounter - $coordinates[$grid]['startGrid']) . "\tStart: " . $coordinates[$grid]['startGrid'];
    if ($coordinates[$grid]['endGrid'] == 1 + $gridCounter - $coordinates[$grid]['startGrid']) {
        echo "\tOK";