//queryUsers.php?self=admin&selfPwd=admin //{"status":true,"data":[{"test3","3","admin"},{"test","2","admin"}]} header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); $self = getParam("self"); $selfPwd = getParam("selfPwd"); if (empty($self) || empty($selfPwd)) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "查询用户,参数不正确"); closeConn($db); exit; } $sql = "select type from UsersTb where id='" . $self . "' and pwd='" . $selfPwd . "';"; $rs = query($db, $sql); if (count($rs) == 0) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "查询用户失败,账户不存在"); closeConn($db); exit; } else { if (!Tools::canQueryUser($rs[0][0])) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "查询用户失败,权限不足"); closeConn($db); exit; } } $sql = "select id,type,creator from UsersTb where id!='" . $self . "' and type>" . $rs[0][0]; $rs = query($db, $sql); $rs = json_encode($rs); $rs = gzcompress($rs, 9); $rs = base64_encode($rs); echo makeJsonRs(true, $rs);
closeConn($db); exit; } $sql = "select type from UsersTb where id='" . $self . "' and pwd='" . $selfPwd . "';"; $rs = query($db, $sql); if (count($rs) == 0) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "重置密码失败,当前账户不存在"); closeConn($db); exit; } $sql = "select type from UsersTb where id='" . $uid . "';"; $rs1 = query($db, $sql); if (count($rs1) == 0) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "重置密码失败,用户不存在"); closeConn($db); exit; } else { if ($rs1[0][0] <= $rs[0][0] || !Tools::canModifyPwd($rs[0][0])) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "重置密码失败,权限不足"); closeConn($db); exit; } } $sql = "update UsersTb set pwd='21218cca77804d2ba1922c33e0151105' where id='{$uid}'"; $rs = execute($db, $sql); if ($rs == 1) { echo makeJsonRs(true, "重置密码成功"); } else { echo makeJsonRs(false, "重置密码失败"); } closeConn($db);
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); $self = getParam("self"); $selfPwd = getParam("selfPwd"); $id = getParam("id"); $name = getParam("name"); if (empty($self) || empty($selfPwd) || empty($name) || empty($id)) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "添加快递失败,参数不正确"); closeConn($db); exit; } $sql = "select type from UsersTb where id='" . $self . "' and pwd='" . $selfPwd . "';"; $rs = query($db, $sql); if (count($rs) == 0) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "添加快递失败,用户不存在"); closeConn($db); exit; } else { if (!Tools::canAddCourier($rs[0][0])) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "添加快递失败,权限不足"); closeConn($db); exit; } } $sql = "update SendCompany set name='{$name}' where id={$id}"; $rs = execute($db, $sql); if ($rs == 1) { echo makeJsonRs(true, "修改快递成功"); } else { echo makeJsonRs(false, "修改快递失败"); } closeConn($db);
//deleteCommodity.php?self=admin&selfPwd=admin&delId=2 header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); $self = getParam("self"); $selfPwd = getParam("selfPwd"); $delId = getParam("delId"); if (empty($self) || empty($selfPwd) || empty($delId)) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "删除商品失败,参数不正确"); closeConn($db); exit; } $sql = "select type from UsersTb where id='" . $self . "' and pwd='" . $selfPwd . "';"; $rs = query($db, $sql); if (count($rs) == 0) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "删除商品失败,当前账户不存在"); closeConn($db); exit; } else { if (!Tools::canDeleteCommodity($rs[0][0])) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "删除商品失败,权限不足"); closeConn($db); exit; } } $sql = "delete from Commodity where id={$delId}"; $rs = execute($db, $sql); if ($rs == 1) { echo makeJsonRs(true, "删除商品成功"); } else { echo makeJsonRs(false, "删除商品失败,商品不存在"); } closeConn($db);
if (empty($self) || empty($selfPwd) || empty($name)) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "添加快递失败,参数不正确"); closeConn($db); exit; } $sql = "select type from UsersTb where id='" . $self . "' and pwd='" . $selfPwd . "';"; $rs = query($db, $sql); if (count($rs) == 0) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "添加快递失败,用户不存在"); closeConn($db); exit; } else { if (!Tools::canAddCourier($rs[0][0])) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "添加快递失败,权限不足"); closeConn($db); exit; } } $sql = "insert into SendCompany(name) values('{$name}')"; $rs = execute($db, $sql); if ($rs == 1) { $sql = "select * from SendCompany where id=(select max(id) from SendCompany)"; $rs = query($db, $sql); $rs = json_encode($rs); $rs = gzcompress($rs, 9); $rs = base64_encode($rs); echo makeJsonRs(true, $rs); } else { echo makeJsonRs(false, "添加快递失败"); } closeConn($db);
closeConn($db); exit; } $sql = "select type from UsersTb where id='" . $self . "' and pwd='" . $selfPwd . "';"; $rs = query($db, $sql); if (count($rs) == 0) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "添加新用户失败,权限不足"); closeConn($db); exit; } else { if ($rs[0][0] >= $newType || !Tools::canAddUser($rs[0][0])) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "添加新用户失败,权限不足"); closeConn($db); exit; } } $sql = "select count(*) from UsersTb where id='" . $newId . "';"; $rs = query($db, $sql); if ($rs[0][0] >= 1) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "添加新用户失败,用户名已存在"); closeConn($db); exit; } $sql = "insert into UsersTb (id, pwd, type, creator) values ('" . $newId . "', '" . $newPwd . "', " . $newType . ", '" . $self . "');"; $rs = execute($db, $sql); if ($rs == 1) { echo makeJsonRs(true, "添加新用户成功"); } else { echo makeJsonRs(false, "添加新用户失败"); } closeConn($db);
<?php //?uid=admin&pwd=admin header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); $uid = getParam("uid"); $pwd = getParam("pwd"); if (empty($uid) || empty($pwd)) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "参数不正确,登录失败"); closeConn($db); exit; } $sql = "select type from UsersTb where id='" . $uid . "' and pwd='" . $pwd . "';"; $rs = query($db, $sql); if (count($rs) == 0) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "登录失败,用户名或密码不正确"); } else { echo makeJsonRs(true, $rs[0][0]); } closeConn($db);
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); $self = getParam("self"); $selfPwd = getParam("selfPwd"); $id = getParam("delId"); if (empty($self) || empty($selfPwd) || empty($id)) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "删除快递失败,参数不正确"); closeConn($db); exit; } $sql = "select type from UsersTb where id='" . $self . "' and pwd='" . $selfPwd . "';"; $rs = query($db, $sql); if (count($rs) == 0) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "删除快递失败,用户不存在"); closeConn($db); exit; } else { if (!Tools::canDelCourier($rs[0][0])) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "删除快递失败,权限不足"); closeConn($db); exit; } } $sql = "delete from SendCompany where id={$id}"; $rs = execute($db, $sql); if ($rs == 1) { echo makeJsonRs(true, "删除快递成功"); } else { echo makeJsonRs(false, "删除快递失败"); } closeConn($db);
<?php //?uid=admin&oldPwd=admin&newPwd=fff header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); $uid = getParam("uid"); $oldPwd = getParam("oldPwd"); $newPwd = getParam("newPwd"); if (empty($uid) || empty($oldPwd) || empty($newPwd)) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "参数不正确"); closeConn($db); exit; } $sql = "update UsersTb set pwd='" . $newPwd . "' where id='" . $uid . "' and pwd='" . $oldPwd . "'"; $rs = execute($db, $sql); if ($rs == 1) { echo makeJsonRs(true, "修改密码成功"); } else { echo makeJsonRs(false, "修改密码失败,可能是旧密码不正确"); } closeConn($db);
} if (empty($madeTime)) { $madeTime = 0; } $now = time() * 1000; if (empty($commonditySBN)) { $commonditySBN = ""; } execute($db, "BEGIN"); $sql = "insert into Store(SBN, name, num, madeTime, operator, storeTime, retailPrice)\r\n\tvalues('{$commonditySBN}', '{$commondityName}', {$num}, {$madeTime}, '{$self}', {$now}, {$realRetailPrice})"; $rs = execute($db, $sql); if ($rs == 1) { $sql = "insert into PurchaseLog(logTime, commonditySBN, commondityName, num, realRetailPrice, madeTime, operator) \r\n\t\tvalues({$now}, '{$commonditySBN}', '{$commondityName}', {$num}, {$realRetailPrice}, {$madeTime}, '{$self}')"; $rs = execute($db, $sql); if ($rs == 1) { execute($db, "COMMIT"); $sql = "select * from Store where id=(select max(id) from Store)"; $rs = query($db, $sql); $rs = json_encode($rs); $rs = gzcompress($rs, 9); $rs = base64_encode($rs); echo makeJsonRs(true, $rs); } else { execute($db, "ROLLBACK"); echo makeJsonRs(false, "入库失败,无法生成日志"); } } else { execute($db, "ROLLBACK"); echo makeJsonRs(false, "入库失败,请重试"); } closeConn($db);
} $rs = execute($db, $sql); if ($rs == 0) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "出库失败, 更新 " . $param[2] . " 时发生错误, 请重试"); execute($db, "ROLLBACK"); closeConn($db); exit; } } $now = time() * 1000; $SBN = implode(",", $SBNArr); $name = implode(",", $nameArr); $sql = "insert into SoldLog(soldTime, clientName, SBN, name, num, totalWeight, soldAddress, senderCompany, sendId, sendPrice, clientPay, profit) \r\n\tvalues({$now}, '{$clientName}', '{$SBN}', '{$name}', '{$num}', '{$totalWeight}', '{$soldAddress}', '{$senderCompany}', '{$sendId}', {$sendPrice}, {$clientPay}, {$profit})"; $rs = execute($db, $sql); if ($rs = 0) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "出库失败, 产生日志时发生错误, 请重试"); execute($db, "ROLLBACK"); closeConn($db); exit; } execute($db, "COMMIT"); echo makeJsonRs(true, "出库成功"); closeConn($db); function getParamFrom($id, $rs) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($rs); $i++) { if ((int) $rs[$i][0] == (int) $id) { return $rs[$i]; } } }
if (!Tools::canModifyCommodity($rs[0][0])) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "修改商品失败,权限不足"); closeConn($db); exit; } } $sql = "update Commodity set "; if (!empty($name)) { $sql .= "name='{$name}',"; } if (!empty($description)) { $sql .= "description='{$description}',"; } if (!empty($weight)) { $sql .= "weight={$weight},"; } if (!empty($SBNId)) { $sql .= "SBNId='{$SBNId}',"; } if (!empty($type)) { $sql .= "type='{$type}',"; } $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 1); $sql .= " where id={$modifyId}"; $rs = execute($db, $sql); if ($rs == 1) { echo makeJsonRs(true, "修改商品成功"); } else { echo makeJsonRs(false, "修改商品失败"); } closeConn($db);
closeConn($db); exit; } $sql = "select type from UsersTb where id='" . $self . "' and pwd='" . $selfPwd . "';"; $rs = query($db, $sql); if (count($rs) == 0) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "删除用户失败,当前账户不存在"); closeConn($db); exit; } $sql = "select type from UsersTb where id='" . $delId . "';"; $rs1 = query($db, $sql); if (count($rs1) == 0) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "删除用户失败,用户不存在"); closeConn($db); exit; } else { if ($rs1[0][0] <= $rs[0][0] || !Tools::canDeleteUser($rs[0][0])) { echo makeJsonRs(false, "删除用户失败,权限不足"); closeConn($db); exit; } } $sql = "delete from UsersTb where id='" . $delId . "'"; $rs = execute($db, $sql); if ($rs == 1) { echo makeJsonRs(true, "删除用户成功"); } else { echo makeJsonRs(false, "删除用户失败"); } closeConn($db);