<?php header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); include_once 'scripts/make_content.php'; makeContent($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if (ini_get("session.use_cookies")) { $params = session_get_cookie_params(); setcookie(session_name(), '', time() - 42000, $params["path"], $params["domain"], $params["secure"], $params["httponly"]); } //destroy Session session_destroy(); include "header.php"; } } else { include "header.php"; } //print "<div class = \"menuPanel\"> \n"; include $menu; //print "</div> \n"; print "<div id=\"small-map\"> \n"; makeContent($content); //include ($content); print "</div> \n"; include "./Scripts/InfoFloater.html"; include "./Scripts/CollideButton.html"; //tears //Add after admin stuff is working include "debug.html"; function makeContent($cont) { //Check content type: Rules Element, province, overview, default //Check for default if ($cont == "default") { include "default.html"; } elseif (substr_compare($cont, "prov", 0, 4) == 0) { //Looks for "prov" prefix
$formularAction = "index.php"; $cssdatei = "MyIndexCSS.css"; $usr = "******"; $pw = "12345"; if (!isset($_SESSION['logged'])) { $_SESSION['logged'] = false; $_SESSION['username'] = "******"; $_SESSION['pw'] = "12345"; $usr = $_SESSION['username']; $pw = $_SESSION['pw']; } // --- integrate internal datas ------------------- include "/mytools/my_tools_inc.php"; // integration of my_tools require "/mytools/my_formular_inc.php"; // integration of the formular data require "/mytools/my_content_req.php"; // integrate the contentalso w require "/mytools/my_db_func.php"; // Integrate the database functions // --- Begin of declaration of functions / methods / modules ----------------- // --- End Declaration of functions / methods / modules ------------------- // ---- Start of flowchart diagram ---------------------------- makeHeader($titel, $cssdatei); makeMenue(); MakeMain(); isLogged(); makeContent($usr, $pw); MakeProgressbar(60); makeFooter($autor, $version); //--- End Start of flowchart diagram ------------------------------