<?php global $opt; global $design_opt; get_header(); ?> <div id="content" class="grid_10"> <h2 class="archive-title">Search results for "<?php the_search_query(); ?> "</h2> <?php include TEMPLATEPATH . '/searchform.php'; if ($design_opt['swift_archives_magzine'] == "magzine") { magloop(0); } else { blogloop($opt['swift_archive_excerpts_enable'], $opt['swift_thumbs_disable'], 0); } include TEMPLATEPATH . '/searchform.php'; ?> </div><!--/content--> <?php get_sidebar(); get_footer();
/*Checks If featured posts are to be displayed or not, and sets the width of the column accrodingly using grids. */ if ($opt['swift_popular_enable'] == "true" && $opt['swift_magzine'] != "magzine") { $grid = "grid_6 alpha"; } else { $grid = "grid_10 alpha"; } ?> <div class="<?php echo $grid; ?> "> <?php if ($design_opt['swift_magzine'] == "magzine") { magloop($opt['swift_full_posts_number']); } else { blogloop($opt['swift_excerpts_enable'], $opt['swift_thumbs_disable'], $opt['swift_full_posts_number']); } ?> </div> <!--Insert popular posts--> <?php if ($opt['swift_popular_enable'] == "true" && $opt['swift_magzine'] != "magzine") { ?> <div class="grid_4 omega"> <?php include INCLUDES . '/popular-posts-home.php'; ?> </div>