echo ']'; break; case 'memcert': $info = array(); if ($option == 'msgcode') { if (preg_match("/^1[358]\\d{9}\$/", $mobile)) { $msgcode = random(6, 1); $id = ${"msgcode_sp{$msgcode_gate}"}; $pw = ${"msgcode_pw{$msgcode_gate}"}; if (empty($msgcode_mode) || $msgcode_mode == 1 && empty($msgcode_msg) || $msgcode_mode == 2 && (empty($id) || empty($pw) || empty($msgcode_sms))) { $info = array('time' => -1, 'text' => 'no_msg_gate'); } elseif ($msgcode_mode == 1) { msetcookie('08cms_msgcode', authcode("{$timestamp}\t{$msgcode}", 'ENCODE')); $info = array('time' => -1, 'text' => str_replace('%s', $msgcode, $msgcode_msg)); } elseif ($msgcode_mode == 2) { list($inittime, $initcode) = maddslashes(explode("\t", @authcode($m_cookie['08cms_msgcode'], 'DECODE')), 1); if ($timestamp - $inittime > 60) { $msg = str_replace('%s', $msgcode, $msgcode_sms); if ($mcharset != 'gbk' || $mcharset != 'gb2312') { include M_ROOT . 'include/'; $msg = convert_encoding($mcharset, 'gb2312', $msg); } $msg = rawurlencode($msg); $url = $msgcode_gate == 1 ? "{$id}&key=pw&phone={$mobile}&msg={$msg}&smskind=1" : "{$id}&pwd={$pw}&to={$mobile}&content={$msg}&time={$timestamp}"; include M_ROOT . 'include/http.cls.php'; $http = new http(); $http->timeout = 60; $msg = $http->fetchtext($url); if ($msgcode_gate == 1) { $msg = $msg === '0'; } else {
} define('QUOTES_GPC', get_magic_quotes_gpc()); (isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS']) || isset($_FILES['GLOBALS'])) && exit('08cms Error'); if (!QUOTES_GPC && $_FILES) { $_FILES = maddslashes($_FILES); } foreach (array('_POST', '_GET') as $_request) { foreach (${$_request} as $k => $v) { $k[0] != '_' && (${$k} = maddslashes($v)); } } $m_cookie = array(); $cklen = strlen($ckpre); foreach ($_COOKIE as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, $cklen) == $ckpre) { $m_cookie[substr($k, $cklen)] = QUOTES_GPC ? $v : maddslashes($v); } } unset($cklen, $_request, $k, $v); load_cache('mconfigs,subsites'); @extract($mconfigs); ini_set('date.timezone', 'ETC/GMT' . (empty($timezone) ? 0 : $timezone)); $timestamp = time(); include_once M_ROOT . './include/mysql.cls.php'; include_once M_ROOT . './include/userinfo.cls.php'; $sid = empty($_GET['sid']) ? empty($_POST['sid']) ? 0 : $_POST['sid'] : $_GET['sid']; $sid = max(0, intval($sid)); empty($subsites[$sid]) && ($sid = 0); isset($infloat) || ($infloat = ''); isset($inajax) || ($inajax = ''); $sid && ($templatedir = $subsites[$sid]['templatedir']);
function maddslashes($string, $force = 0) { !defined('QUOTES_GPC') && define('QUOTES_GPC', get_magic_quotes_gpc()); if (!QUOTES_GPC || $force) { if (is_array($string)) { foreach ($string as $key => $val) { $string[$key] = maddslashes($val, $force); } } else { $string = addslashes($string); } } return $string; }
function rss_user() { global $m_cookie, $db, $tblprefix, $nouserinfos, $timestamp; $memberid = 0; if (!empty($m_cookie['userauth'])) { list($memberpwd, $memberid) = maddslashes(explode("\t", authcode($m_cookie['userauth'], 'DECODE')), 1); } if (empty($memberid) || $memberid != intval($memberid)) { $this->info = $nouserinfos; } else { if (!($this->info = $db->fetch_one("SELECT * FROM {$tblprefix}members WHERE mid={$memberid} AND password='******'"))) { $this->info = $nouserinfos; } } }
//处理文档模型 foreach ($ofchannels as $k => $v) { if (empty($transtonew[$k])) { //新建会员模型 $sqlstr = ''; foreach ($v as $key => $val) { !in_array($key, array('chid')) && ($sqlstr .= (!$sqlstr ? '' : ',') . "{$key}='" . addslashes($val) . "'"); } $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tblprefix}fchannels SET {$sqlstr}"); if ($fchid = $db->insert_id()) { $db->query("CREATE TABLE {$tblprefix}farchives_{$fchid} (aid mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (aid))" . (mysql_get_server_info() > '4.1' ? " ENGINE=MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET={$dbcharset}" : " TYPE=MYISAM")); //将模型专用的字段转入进来 $fields = oread_cache('ffields', $k, '', 'cache'); foreach ($fields as $k1 => $v1) { $fieldnew = oread_cache('ffield', $k, $k1, 'cache'); $fieldnew = maddslashes($fieldnew); if (!$v1['issystem']) { //只转入模型定义的字段 $fconfigarr = array('errorurl' => '', 'enamearr' => $usednames['ffields'], 'altertable' => $tblprefix . 'farchives_' . $fchid, 'fieldtable' => $tblprefix . 'ffields', 'sqlstr' => "chid={$fchid},available='1'"); list($fmode, $fnew, $fsave) = array('fa', true, true); include M_ROOT . "./include/fields/{$v1['datatype']}.php"; if (!($fid = $db->insert_id())) { continue; } $stepadds['ffields'][] = $fid; //记录增加字段 } else { //subject字段 $sqlstr = "chid='{$fchid}'"; foreach ($field as $key => $val) { !in_array($key, array('fid', 'chid')) && ($sqlstr .= (!$sqlstr ? '' : ',') . "{$key}='" . addslashes($val) . "'");
require_once M_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php'; if ($action == 'login') { $ret = uc_user_login($username, $password); list($uid, $username, , $email) = maddslashes($ret); if ($uid < 0) { login_safecheck($username, $errtimes); $password = preg_replace("/^(.{" . round(strlen($password) / 4) . "})(.+?)(.{" . round(strlen($password) / 6) . "})\$/s", "\\1***\\3", $password); $record = mhtmlspecialchars($timestamp . "\t" . stripslashes($username) . "\t" . $password . "\t" . $onlineip); record2file('badlogin', $record); # $msgfunc(lang($uid == -1 ? 'memcnameerror' : 'passerror'),axaction(1,$forward)); message($cantimes ? 'loginfailed' : 'mloginerrtimes', axaction(1, $forward), $cantimes); } hidden(uc_user_synlogin($uid)); } elseif ($action == 'memactive') { $ret = uc_user_login($username, $password); list($uid, $username, , $email) = maddslashes($ret); if ($uid < 0) { $password = preg_replace("/^(.{" . round(strlen($password) / 4) . "})(.+?)(.{" . round(strlen($password) / 6) . "})\$/s", "\\1***\\3", $password); $record = mhtmlspecialchars($timestamp . "\t" . stripslashes($username) . "\t" . $password . "\t" . $onlineip); record2file('badlogin', $record); mcmessage(lang($uid == -1 ? 'memcnameerror' : 'passerror'), $forward); } hidden(uc_user_synlogin($uid)); } elseif ($action == 'logout') { hidden(uc_user_synlogout()); } elseif ($action == 'memberpwd') { $ucresult = uc_user_edit($curuser->info['mname'], $opassword, $npassword, '', 0); if ($ucresult == -1) { mcmessage(lang('oldpasserr'), 'adminm.php?action=memberpwd'); } elseif ($ucresult != 1) { mcmessage(lang('mempassmodfai'), 'adminm.php?action=memberpwd');
function updatecopy($mode = 0) { //当更新文档时,同时更新其它的副本。 global $cotypes, $timestamp, $db, $tblprefix, $arc; if (!$mode) { return false; } $cpids = array(); $naid = $this->aid; $query = $db->query("SELECT aid FROM {$tblprefix}archives WHERE aid != '{$naid}' AND cpid='" . $this->archive['cpid'] . "'"); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $cpids[] = $row['aid']; } if (!$cpids) { return false; } $this->init(); $this->set_aid($naid); $this->detail_data(); $archivenew =& $this->archive; $archivenew = maddslashes($archivenew); $chid = $archivenew['chid']; $fields = read_cache('fields', $chid); $aedit = new cls_arcedit(); foreach ($cpids as $aid) { $aedit->set_aid($aid); $aedit->detail_data(); $aedit->updatefield('rpmid', $archivenew['rpmid'], 'main'); $aedit->updatefield('dpmid', $archivenew['dpmid'], 'main'); $aedit->updatefield('salecp', $archivenew['salecp'], 'main'); $aedit->updatefield('fsalecp', $archivenew['fsalecp'], 'main'); $aedit->sale_define(); $aedit->updatefield('arctpls', $archivenew['arctpls'], 'sub'); $aedit->updatefield('jumpurl', $archivenew['jumpurl'], 'sub'); foreach ($fields as $k => $v) { if ($v['available'] && !$v['isfunc'] && (!in_array($k, array('subject', 'keywords', 'thumb', 'abstract')) || $mode == 1)) { if (!empty($v['istxt'])) { $txtname = saveastxt(stripslashes($archivenew[$k]), $aedit->namepres[$k]); $aedit->updatefield($k, $txtname, $v['tbl']); } else { $aedit->updatefield($k, $archivenew[$k], $v['tbl']); if ($arr = multi_val_arr($archivenew[$k], $v)) { foreach ($arr as $x => $y) { $aedit->updatefield($k . '_' . $x, $y, $v['tbl']); } } } } } $aedit->updatedb(); if ($this->channel['autostatic']) { arc_static($aid); unset($arc); } $aedit->init(); } return true; }