function s_fetch($p_statement) { $res = m_query($p_statement); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $rows[] = $row; } return $rows; }
function checkrole($url) { $checkadmin = $_SESSION['admininfo']; $user_id = $checkadmin['id']; $sql = "select * from m_block a,m_role b where and b.user_id='" . $user_id . "' and a.url='" . $url . "' limit 1"; $result = m_fetch(m_query($sql)); if ($result['role_id'] != "") { return true; } else { return false; } }
function getmemberid2name($con, $memberid) { global $useenvironmentpolicy; //$username = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; if ($useenvironmentpolicy == 1) { $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT memberid ,userclass,name,passwd1\n\t\t\tFROM foltia_envpolicy\n\t\t\tWHERE foltia_envpolicy.memberid = '{$memberid}'\n\t\t\t"; $useraccount = m_query($con, $query, "DBクエリに失敗しました"); $rowdata = $useraccount->fetch(); if (!$rowdata) { return ""; //エラー } $name = $rowdata[2]; $rowdata = $useraccount->fetch(); if ($rowdata) { return ""; } return $name; } else { return ""; } //end if }
$isaccountexistncount = $isaccountexist->fetchColumn(0); if ($isaccountexistncount == 0) { //valid } else { $errflag = 1; $errmsg = "そのユーザ名は既に使われています。"; } } if ($userpasswd == "") { $errflag = 2; $errmsg = "パスワードが不適切です。半角英数を指定して下さい。"; } if ($errflag == 0) { // next midを探す $query = "\nSELECT max(memberid) \nFROM foltia_envpolicy \n"; $rs = m_query($con, $query, "DBクエリに失敗しました"); $maxid = $rs->fetchColumn(0); if ($maxid) { $nextcno = $maxid + 1; } else { $nextcno = 1; } //登録 //INSERT if ($demomode) { } else { /* ユーザクラス 0:特権管理者 1:管理者:予約削除、ファイル削除が出来る 2:利用者:EPG追加、予約追加が出来る
<?php session_start(); include_once './inc/init.php'; $sql = "select * from item where takeorder_itemname='' order by id desc"; $res = m_query($sql); $num = mysql_num_rows($res); $p = new show_page(); $p->pvar = "p"; //$p->setvar(array("id" => $_GET['id'])); $p->set(4, $num); $sql .= " limit " . $p->limit(); $itemsort_result = m_query($sql); $sortlist = array(); $i = 0; while ($row = m_fetch($itemsort_result)) { $sortlist[] = $row; } $pages = $p->output(1); $smarty->assign('sortlist', $sortlist); $smarty->assign('itemselflist', $itemselflist); $smarty->assign('pages', $pages); $smarty->display("item.htm");
require 'inc/'; $id = $_GET['id']; $no = $_GET['no']; $customize = $_GET['customize']; $sql = "select sortname from takeorder_item where id='{$id}'"; $res = s_fetch($sql); $sortname = $res[0]['sortname']; $sql_itemself = "select * from takeorder_item where sortname='{$sortname}' and itemname!=''"; $query_itemself = m_query($sql_itemself); $num = mysql_num_rows($query_itemself); $p = new show_page(); $p->pvar = "p"; $p->setvar(array("id" => $_GET['id'], "no" => $no, "customize" => $customize)); $p->set(3, $num, "", "itemself"); $sql_itemself .= " limit " . $p->limit(); $itemsort_result = m_query($sql_itemself); while ($row_itemself = m_fetch($itemsort_result)) { $itemselflist[] = $row_itemself; } //print_rr($itemselflist); /* $i =0; while($row=m_fetch($itemsort_result)){ $sortlist[]=$row; if($i==0){ $sql_itemself = "select sortname from item where id='$id'"; $query_itemself = m_query($sql_itemself); while($row_itemself=m_fetch($query_itemself)){ $itemselflist[]=$row_itemself; } }
<?php include_once './inc/init.php'; include_once './inc/'; //分页程序 $w = " where 1=1"; if ($level1 != "") { $w = empty($w) ? "" : $w . " and "; $w .= " class1='{$level1}'"; } $sql = "select * from takeorder_customer order by id desc"; $res = m_query($sql); $num = mysql_num_rows($res); $p = new show_page(); $p->pvar = "p"; $p->set(2, $num, false); $sql .= " limit " . $p->limit(); $customer_result = mysql_query($sql); $list = array(); while ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($customer_result)) { $list[] = $row; } $pages = $p->output(1); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>无标题文档</title> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" rev="stylesheet" href="./css/smain.css" />
<?php session_start(); //include_once './inc/'; include_once './inc/init.php'; if ($_POST['id'] != '') { $sql = "update main set no='{$_POST['no']}',itemname='{$_POST['itemname']}',price='{$_POST['price']}',qty='{$_POST['qty']}',disc='{$_POST['disc']}',lineamt='{$_POST['lineamt']}',tax='{$_POST['tax']}',r='{$_POST['r']}',customize='{$_POST['customize']}',totalqty='{$_POST['totalqty']}',grossamt='{$_POST['grossamt']}',normal='{$_POST['normal']}',discount='{$_POST['discount']}',addin='{$_POST['addin']}',netamount='{$_POST['netamount']}',importer='{$_POST['importer']}',salesman='{$_POST['salesman']}',customer='{$_POST['customer']}',name='{$_POST['name']}',class='{$_POST['class']}',`delete`='{$_POST['delete']}',single='{$_POST['single']}',b='{$_POST['b']}',c='{$_POST['c']}',customeerno='{$_POST['customeerno']}',hold='{$_POST['hold']}',rethold='{$_POST['rethold']}',reprint='{$_POST['reprint']}',remark='{$_POST['remark']}',function='{$_POST['function']}',payment='{$_POST['payment']}',`exit`='{$_POST['exit']}' where id='{$_POST['id']}'"; m_query($sql); echo "successful"; } $sql = "select * from main"; $result = s_fetch($sql); $smarty->assign('rows', $result); $smarty->display("menumain.htm"); ?>