function lxshell_unzip_with_throw($dir, $file, $list = null) { $ret = lxshell_unzip($dir, $file, $list); if ($ret) { throw new lxException("could_not_unzip_file", ''); } }
function lxshell_exists_in_zip($archive, $file) { $dir = createTempDir("/tmp", "testzip"); $ret = lxshell_unzip("__system__", $dir, $archive, array($file)); lxfile_tmp_rm_rec($dir); if (!$ret) { return true; } return false; }
function getFromRemote($p) { $filepass = $this->main->filepass; getFromRemote($this->main->pasteserver_realip, $filepass[$p], $this->main->fullpath, $p); return; $bp = basename($p); if ($filepass[$p]['type'] === 'dir') { $tfile = lx_tmp_file("__path_tmp", "lx_{$bp}"); getFromFileserv($this->main->pasteserver, $this->main->filepass[$p], $tfile); lxfile_mkdir("{$this->main->fullpath}/{$bp}"); lxshell_unzip("__system__", "{$this->main->fullpath}/{$bp}", $tfile); lunlink($tfile); } else { getFromFileserv($this->main->pasteserver, $this->main->filepass[$p], "{$this->main->fullpath}/{$bp}"); } }
function getAndUnzipSkeleton($ip, $filepass, $dir) { $oldir = getcwd(); // File may be a variable path. dprintr($filepass); $file = $filepass['file']; // The thing is this needs to be executed even on secondary master and then the primary master would be down. // So if we cannot connect back, we just continue. Skeleton is not an important thing. try { getFromFileserv($ip, $filepass, "{$dir}/{$file}"); } catch (exception $e) { return; } lxfile_generic_chown("{$dir}/{$file}", $this->username); lxshell_unzip($this->username, $dir, "{$dir}/{$file}"); lunlink("{$dir}/{$file}"); $this->replaceVariables("{$dir}/index.html"); // --- also copy /home/kloxo/httpd/user-logo.png to each domain path if (lxfile_exists("../file/user-logo.png")) { lxfile_cp("../file/user-logo.png", "{$dir}/images/logo.png"); } }
function do_upgrade($upversion) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; if (file_exists("/usr/local/lxlabs/.git")) { print "Development system.. Not upgrading --> exit!...\n"; exit; } $program = $sgbl->__var_program_name; $programfile = "{$program}-" . $upversion . ".zip"; lxfile_rm_rec("__path_program_htmlbase/htmllib/script"); lxfile_rm_rec("__path_program_root/pscript"); $saveddir = getcwd(); lxfile_rm_rec("__path_program_htmlbase/download"); lxfile_mkdir("download"); chdir("download"); print "Downloading {$programfile}.....\n"; download_source("/{$program}/{$programfile}"); print "Download Done....\n"; lxshell_unzip("../..", $programfile); chdir($saveddir); }
function setDefaultPages() { log_cleanup("Initialize some skeletons"); $httpdpath = "/home/kloxo/httpd"; $sourcezip = realpath("../file/"); $targetzip = "{$httpdpath}/"; $pages = array("default", "disable", "webmail", "cp"); $newer = false; if (file_exists($sourcezip)) { if (!checkIdenticalFile($sourcezip, $targetzip)) { log_cleanup("- Copy {$sourcezip} to {$targetzip}"); system("cp -rf {$sourcezip} {$targetzip}"); $newer = true; } } foreach ($pages as $k => $p) { if (!file_exists("/home/kloxo/httpd/{$p}")) { lxfile_mkdir("/home/kloxo/httpd/{$p}"); } $inc = $p !== "cp" ? $p : "cp_config"; log_cleanup("- Php files for {$p} web page"); lxfile_cp("../file/{$inc}_inc.php", "{$httpdpath}/{$p}/inc.php"); lxfile_cp("../file/default_index.php", "{$httpdpath}/{$p}/index.php"); // by-pass this code because few update files /* if ($newer) { log_cleanup("- Skeleton for {$p} web page"); lxshell_unzip("__system__", "{$httpdpath}/{$p}/", $targetzip); } else { log_cleanup("- No skeleton for {$p} web page"); } */ log_cleanup("- Skeleton for {$p} web page"); lxshell_unzip("__system__", "{$httpdpath}/{$p}/", $targetzip); system("chown -R lxlabs:lxlabs {$httpdpath}/{$p}/"); system("find {$httpdpath}/{$p}/ -type f -name \"*.php*\" -exec chmod 644 {} \\;"); system("find {$httpdpath}/{$p}/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \\;"); } log_cleanup("- Php files for login web page"); lxfile_cp("../file/default_index.php", "/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/login/index.php"); lxfile_cp("../file/login_inc.php", "/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/login/inc.php"); lxfile_unix_chown("/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/login/index.php", "lxlabs:lxlabs"); lxfile_unix_chmod("/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/login/index.php", "0644"); lxfile_unix_chown("/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/login/inc.php", "lxlabs:lxlabs"); lxfile_unix_chmod("/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/login/inc.php", "0644"); // by-pass this code because few update files /* if ($newer) { log_cleanup("- Skeleton for login web page"); lxshell_unzip("__system__", "/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/login", "../file/"); } else { log_cleanup("- No skeleton for login web page"); } */ log_cleanup("- Skeleton for login web page"); lxshell_unzip("__system__", "/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/login", "../file/"); $usersourcezip = realpath("../file/"); $usertargetzip = "/home/kloxo/user-httpd/"; if (lxfile_exists($usersourcezip)) { if (!checkIdenticalFile($usersourcezip, $usertargetzip)) { log_cleanup("- Copy {$usersourcezip} to {$usertargetzip}"); system("cp -rf {$usersourcezip} {$usertargetzip}"); } else { log_cleanup("- No new user-skeleton"); } } else { log_cleanup("- No exists user-skeleton"); } $sourcelogo = realpath("../file/user-logo.png"); $targetlogo = "{$httpdpath}/user-logo.png"; if (lxfile_exists($sourcelogo)) { if (!checkIdenticalFile($sourcelogo, $targetlogo)) { lxfile_cp($sourcelogo, $targetlogo); foreach ($pages as $k => $p) { log_cleanup("- Copy user-logo for {$p}"); lxfile_cp($targetlogo, "{$httpdpath}/{$p}/images/logo.png"); } } else { log_cleanup("- No new user-logo"); } } else { log_cleanup("- No exists user-logo"); } }