Exemplo n.º 1
 function createExtraVariables()
     // Not here. Two different extra variables are needed, so they are created in synctosystem.
     // Brought back here, since the secondary server concept has been abolished in favor of multiple primary servers.
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     if ($sgbl->isHyperVm()) {
     $db = new Sqlite($this->__masterserver, "dns");
     $gen = $login->getObject('general')->generalmisc_b;
     $serverlist = explode(",", $this->syncserver);
     $list = null;
     foreach ($serverlist as $server) {
         $string = "syncserver LIKE '%{$server}%'";
         $nlist = $db->getRowsWhere($string, array('nname'));
         $dlistv = "__var_domainlist_{$server}";
         $this->{$dlistv} = $nlist;
     //FIXME: We should only get the addon domains for the domains configured on that particular server. IN the case of single server system, it is not a problem, since that means we will have to get all the domains. but in the case of distributed setup, we need to properly get only the add domains under the domains loaded above.
     $dbaddon = new Sqlite(null, "addondomain");
     $addr = $dbaddon->getTable(array('nname'));
     foreach ($serverlist as $server) {
         $dlistv = "__var_domainlist_{$server}";
         $this->{$dlistv} = lx_array_merge(array($this->{$dlistv}, $addr));
     $this->__var_addonlist = $this->getParentO()->getList('addondomain');
     $mydb = new Sqlite(null, "ipaddress");
     $string = "syncserver = '{$this->syncserver}'";
     $this->__var_ipssllist = $mydb->getRowsWhere($string, array('ipaddr', 'nname'));
Exemplo n.º 2
 static function getServiceList()
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $val = lscandir_without_dot("__path_real_etc_root/init.d");
     $val = array_remove($val, $sgbl->__var_programname_web);
     $val = array_remove($val, $sgbl->__var_programname_dns);
     $val = array_remove($val, $sgbl->__var_programname_imap);
     $val = array_remove($val, $sgbl->__var_programname_mmail);
     $nval = self::getMainServiceList();
     $nval = lx_array_merge(array($nval, $val));
     return $nval;
Exemplo n.º 3
 static function addform($parent, $class, $typetd = null)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $list = array("client");
     if ($sgbl->isHyperVm()) {
         $list = lx_array_merge(array($list, array("vps")));
     $vlist['nname'] = null;
     $vlist['description'] = null;
     $vlist['class'] = array('s', $list);
     $vlist['url'] = array('m', "http://");
     $ret['action'] = 'add';
     $ret['variable'] = $vlist;
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 4
function __cmd_desc_add($p, $parent = null)
    global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
    if (!$parent) {
        if (isset($p['parent-class']) && isset($p['parent-name'])) {
            $parent = new $p['parent-class'](null, 'localhost', $p['parent-name']);
            if ($parent->dbaction === 'add') {
                throw new lxException("parent_doesnt_exist", "nname", $p['parent-name']);
            if (!$parent->checkIfSomeParent($login->getClName())) {
                throw new lxException("you_are_not_the_owner_of_parent", "", $p['parent-name']);
        } else {
            $parent = $login;
    $class = $p['class'];
    $var = get_variable($p);
    if (isset($p['count'])) {
        $oldname = $p['name'];
        for ($i = 0; $i < $p['count']; $i++) {
            if ($class === 'domain') {
                $p['name'] = "{$oldname}{$i}.com";
            } else {
                $p['name'] = "{$oldname}{$i}";
            $param = exec_class_method($class, "addCommand", $parent, $class, $p);
            $param = lx_array_merge(array($param, $var));
            do_desc_add($parent, $class, $param);
    $param = exec_class_method($class, "addCommand", $parent, $class, $p);
    $param = lx_array_merge(array($param, $var));
    do_desc_add($parent, $class, $param);
Exemplo n.º 5
 static function getListVersion($syncserver, $list)
     $list[]['componentname'] = 'mysql';
     $list[]['componentname'] = 'perl';
     //$list[]['componentname'] = 'postgresql';
     $list[]['componentname'] = 'httpd';
     $list[]['componentname'] = 'qmail';
     $list[]['componentname'] = 'courier-imap-toaster';
     $list[]['componentname'] = 'php';
     $list[]['componentname'] = 'lighttpd';
     $list[]['componentname'] = 'djbdns';
     $list[]['componentname'] = 'bind';
     $list[]['componentname'] = 'spamassassin';
     $list[]['componentname'] = 'pure-ftpd';
     foreach ($list as $l) {
         $nlist[] = $l['componentname'];
     $complist = implode(" ", $nlist);
     $file = fix_nname_to_be_variable("rpm -q {$complist}");
     $file = "__path_program_root/cache/{$file}";
     $cmdlist = lx_array_merge(array(array("rpm", "-q"), $nlist));
     $val = get_with_cache($file, $cmdlist);
     $res = explode("\n", $val);
     $ret = null;
     foreach ($list as $k => $l) {
         $name = $list[$k]['componentname'];
         $sing['nname'] = $name . "___" . $syncserver;
         $sing['componentname'] = $name;
         $sing['version'] = self::getVersion($res, $name);
         $status = strstr($sing['version'], "not installed");
         $sing['status'] = $status ? 'off' : 'on';
         	if (isOn($sing['status'])) {
         		$sing['full_version'] = `rpm -qi $name`; 
         	} else {
         		$sing['full_version'] = $sing['version'];
         $ret[] = $sing;
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
 static function addform($parent, $class, $typetd = null)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     if ($login->isAdmin()) {
         $vlist['__m_message_pre'] = "ftpuser_admin";
     $char = "@";
     $dlist = get_namelist_from_objectlist($parent->getList('domain'));
     if ($login->isAdmin()) {
         $dlist = lx_array_merge(array(array("--direct--"), $dlist));
     $vv = array('var' => 'complete_name_f', 'val' => array('s', $dlist));
     $vlist['nname'] = array('m', array('posttext' => "{$char}", 'postvar' => $vv));
     $vlist['password'] = "";
     $vlist['directory'] = array('L', array('pretext' => "/home/{$parent->nname}/"));
     $vlist['ftp_disk_usage'] = null;
     $ret['variable'] = $vlist;
     $ret['action'] = "add";
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
 function updateform($subaction, $param)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $os = $this->getParentO()->ostype;
     include "../file/driver/{$os}.inc";
     $vlist = null;
     $this->createVlistDriver($vlist, $driver);
     $list = module::getModuleList();
     $driver = null;
     foreach ((array) $list as $l) {
         $mod = getreal("/module/") . "/{$l}";
         include_once "{$mod}/lib/driver.inc";
         $dlist = $driver[$os];
         if (isset($driver['all'])) {
             $dlist = lx_array_merge(array($dlist, $driver['all']));
         $this->createVlistDriver($vlist, $dlist);
     return $vlist;
Exemplo n.º 8
function monitor_child()
    global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
    global $global_reminder;
    $cllist = $login->getList('client');
    $vpslist = $login->getList('vps');
    $clist = lx_array_merge(array($cllist, $vpslist));
    foreach ($clist as $c) {
        $downlist = null;
        $mlist = $c->getList('monitorserver');
        if (!$mlist) {
        foreach ($mlist as $ml) {
            $plist = $ml->getList('monitorport');
            $eidlist = $ml->getList('emailalert');
            $nidlist = $c->getList('emailalert');
            $rlist = lx_array_merge(array($nidlist, $eidlist));
            $portlist = process_port($rlist, $plist);
            if ($portlist) {
                $text = file_get_contents("../file/mailalert.txt");
                $text = str_replace("%port%", implode(" ", $portlist), $text);
                $text = str_replace("%server%", $ml->servername, $text);
                foreach ($rlist as $eid) {
                    if (time() - $eid->last_sent > $eid->period * 60) {
                        log_message("Sending mail to {$eid->emailid} about {$ml->servername} at " . time());
                        $global_reminder[$eid->emailid][] = array("s", $text);
                        $eid->last_sent = time();
Exemplo n.º 9
function getTotalUsage($class, $list)
    global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
    $var = null;
    foreach ($list as $k => $d) {
        $needlist = null;
        foreach ($d as $dp) {
            $nlist = null;
            $nlist = $dp->getQuotaNeedVar();
            $needlist[$dp->getClName()] = $nlist;
        //$userlist = get_namelist_from_objectlist($d, 'nname', 'username');
        $driver = $gbl->getSyncClass(null, $k, $class);
        try {
            $tvar = rl_exec_get(null, $k, array($class, 'findTotalUsage'), array($driver, $needlist));
            if ($class === 'client') {
                dprintr("{$k}: \n");
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            print "Could not get Remote Disk Usage {$k}\n";
        $var = lx_array_merge(array($var, $tvar));
    return $var;
Exemplo n.º 10
 function updateform($subaction, $param)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $progname = $sgbl->__var_program_name;
     switch ($subaction) {
         case "skin":
             // ACtually the skin_color list should be dependent on the skin_name,
             // but currently just reading the current skin directory itself.
             // So all the skins should have the same color sets, which is not very practical,
             // so this should be changed in the future.
             if (!$this->getParentO()->isLogin() || $this->isClass('sp_childspecialplay')) {
                 $vlist['specialplay_b-dont_show_disabled_permission'] = null;
             $vlist['specialplay_b-enable_ajax'] = null;
             $vlist['specialplay_b-simple_skin'] = null;
             if ($this->specialplay_b->skin_name === 'feather') {
                 $vlist['specialplay_b-show_thin_header'] = null;
             $vlist['specialplay_b-close_add_form'] = null;
             if (!$this->isAdmin()) {
                 $list = get_namelist_from_objectlist($login->getList('interface_template'));
                 $list = lx_array_merge(array(array("--{$progname}-default--"), $list));
             //$vlist['specialplay_b-interface_template'] = array('s', $list);
             $vlist['specialplay_b-skin_name'] = array('s', lscandir_without_dot(getreal("/img/skin/{$progname}")));
             $vlist['specialplay_b-skin_color'] = array('s', lscandir_without_dot(getreal("/img/skin/{$progname}/" . $this->specialplay_b->skin_name)));
             // DT #799 - Scan also the dir for new iconsets.
             $vlist['specialplay_b-icon_name'] = array('s', lscandir_without_dot(getreal("/img/image")));
             $vlist['specialplay_b-language'] = array('A', $this->getLanguage());
             //$vlist['specialplay_b-login_page'] =array('s', $this->getParentO()->getLoginTo());
             //$vlist['specialplay_b-split_frame'] = null;
             //$vlist['specialplay_b-show_help'] =null;
             if ($this->getParentO()->isLte('reseller') && $sgbl->isKloxo()) {
                 $vlist['specialplay_b-customermode_flag'] = null;
             //$vlist['specialplay_b-disable_quickaction'] = null;
             if (!$this->getParentO()->isLogin()) {
                 $vlist['specialplay_b-logo_image'] = null;
                 $vlist['specialplay_b-logo_image_loading'] = null;
             	if ($sgbl->isKloxo()) {
             		if (!$this->getParentO()->isLogin()) {
             			$vlist['specialplay_b-disable_docroot'] = null;
             //$vlist['specialplay_b_s_show_add_buttons'] =null;
             //$vlist['specialplay_b-lpanel_scrollbar'] = null;
             //$vlist['specialplay_b-resource_bottom'] =null;
             //$vlist['specialplay_b_s_show_brethren_list'] = array('s', array('off', 'top', 'left'));
             //$vlist['specialplay_b_s_lpanel_group_resource'] =null;
             //$vlist['specialplay_b_s_ultra_navig'] =null;
             //$vlist['specialplay_b-lpanel_depth'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             //$vlist['specialplay_b_s_per_page'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "upload_logo":
             if ($login->priv->isOn('logo_manage_flag')) {
                 //	$vlist['specialplay_b-logo_image'] =array('I', array("width" => 20, "height" => 20, "value" => $this->specialplay_b->logo_image));
                 // trick use 'null' for guarantee 100% size of img (not 100% size div container)
                 $vlist['specialplay_b-logo_image'] = array('I', array("width" => "null", "height" => "null", "value" => "/img/user-logo.png"));
                 $vlist['logo_image_f'] = null;
                 //	$vlist['specialplay_b-logo_image_loading'] =array('I', array("width" => 20, "height" => 20, "value" => $this->specialplay_b->logo_image_loading));
                 //	$vlist['logo_image_loading_f'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "login_options":
             if ($login->isAdmin()) {
                 $gen = $login->getObject('general')->generalmisc_b;
                 $this->specialplay_b->disableipcheck = $gen->disableipcheck;
                 $vlist['specialplay_b-disableipcheck'] = null;
             $vlist['specialplay_b-ssession_timeout'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "demo_status":
             $vlist['specialplay_b-demo_status'] = null;
             return $vlist;
Exemplo n.º 11
 static function addform($parent, $class, $typetd = null)
     $res = domain::getDnsTemplateList($parent);
     $vlist['nname'] = null;
     $vlist['description'] = null;
     $iplist = $parent->getIpaddress(array('localhost'));
     if (!$iplist) {
         $iplist = getAllIpaddress();
     $vlist['ipaddress'] = array('s', $iplist);
     //$vlist['dbtype_list'] = null;
     $vlist['dnstemplate'] = array('s', $res);
     //$vlist['share_status'] = null;
     $vlist['__c_subtitle_quota'] = "Quota";
     $qvlist = getQuotaListForClass('domain', array());
     $vlist = lx_array_merge(array($vlist, $qvlist));
     $vlist['__c_subtitle_mail'] = "Mail";
     $vlist['catchall'] = array('s', array('--bounce--', 'postmaster', 'Delete'));
     $ret['action'] = "add";
     $ret['variable'] = $vlist;
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 12
 function updateform($subaction, $param)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $driverapp = $gbl->getSyncClass(null, $this->__readserver, 'web');
     switch ($subaction) {
         case "run_stats":
             $vlist['confirm_f'] = array('M', "");
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "sesubmit":
             include "sesubmit/engines.php";
             $selist = array_keys($enginelist);
             $selist = implode("\n", $selist);
             $selist = "\n{$selist}";
             $vlist['nname'] = array('M', $this->nname);
             $vlist['email'] = null;
             $vlist['selist'] = array('M', $selist);
             return $vlist;
         case "docroot":
             $vlist['docroot'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "blockip":
             $vlist['text_blockip'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "fcgi_config":
             $vlist['fcgi_children'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "statsconfig":
             $vlist['remove_processed_stats'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "hotlink_protection":
             $vlist['hotlink_flag'] = null;
             $vlist['text_hotlink_allowed'] = array("t", null);
             $vlist['hotlink_redirect'] = array("L", "/");
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "permalink":
             $list = lscandir_without_dot_or_underscore("../file/prettyurl/");
             $vlist['lighty_pretty_app_f'] = array('s', $list);
             $vlist['lighty_pretty_path_f'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "lighty_rewrite":
             $vlist['text_lighty_rewrite'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "stats_protect":
             if ($this->stats_username === $this->nname) {
                 $vlist['stats_username'] = array('M', $this->stats_username);
             } else {
                 $vlist['stats_username'] = null;
             $vlist['stats_password'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "cron_mailto":
             $vlist['cron_mailto'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "configure_misc":
             $vlist['force_www_redirect'] = null;
             if ($driverapp === 'apache') {
                 $vlist['webmisc_b-execcgi'] = null;
                 if ($login->isAdmin()) {
                     $vlist['webmisc_b-disable_openbasedir'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "dirindex":
             $vlist['webmisc_b-dirindex'] = null;
             if (!$this->indexfile_list) {
                 //$this->indexfile_list = get_web_index_list();
             $ol = array("index.php", "index.html", "index.shtml", "index.htm", "default.htm", "Default.aspx", "Default.asp", "index.pl");
             $dirin = $login->getObject('genlist')->dirindexlist_a;
             $list = get_namelist_from_objectlist($dirin);
             $index = lx_array_merge(array($list, $ol));
             $vlist['indexfile_list'] = array('U', $index);
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "extra_tag":
             $vlist['text_extra_tag'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "custom_error":
             if ($driverapp !== 'lighttpd') {
                 $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_400'] = array("L", "/");
                 $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_401'] = array("L", "/");
                 $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_403'] = array("L", "/");
                 $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_500'] = array("L", "/");
             $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_404'] = array("L", "/");
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "ssl_upload":
             $vlist['ssl_key_file_f'] = null;
             $vlist['ssl_crt_file_f'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "ipaddress":
             if ($this->getParentO()->isLogin()) {
                 $vlist['ipaddress'] = array('M', $this->ipaddress);
                 return $vlist;
             //Just parent is domain.. The client is above that...
             $parent = $this->getParentO()->getParentO();
             $iplist = $parent->getIpaddress(array($this->syncserver));
             if (!$iplist) {
                 $iplist = getAllIpaddress();
             $vlist['ipaddress'] = array('s', $iplist);
             return $vlist;
     return parent::updateform($subaction, $param);
Exemplo n.º 13
 function EnableDotNet()
     $iis = new lxCOM("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/{$this->main->iisid}");
     $list[] = "";
     $aspiDllPath = $this->getAspNetDllPath();
     $list[] = ".asax," . $aspiDllPath . ",5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".ascx," . $aspiDllPath . ",5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".ashx," . $aspiDllPath . ",1,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".asmx," . $aspiDllPath . ",1,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".aspx," . $aspiDllPath . ",1,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".axd," . $aspiDllPath . ",1,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".vsdisco," . $aspiDllPath . ",1,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".rem," . $aspiDllPath . ",1,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".soap," . $aspiDllPath . ",1,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".config," . $aspiDllPath . ",5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".cs," . $aspiDllPath . ",5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".csproj," . $aspiDllPath . ",5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".vb," . $aspiDllPath . ",5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".vbproj," . $aspiDllPath . ",5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".webinfo," . $aspiDllPath . ",5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".licx," . $aspiDllPath . ",5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".resx," . $aspiDllPath . ",5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $list[] = ".resources," . $aspiDllPath . ",5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG";
     $iis = new lxCOM("IIS://LocalHost/w3svc/{$this->main->iisid}/root");
     $ScriptMaps = convertCOMarray($iis->Scriptmaps);
     $newmap = lx_array_merge(array($ScriptMaps, $list));
     $iis->ScriptMaps = $newmap;
Exemplo n.º 14
 function updateform($subaction, $param)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     switch ($subaction) {
         case "installatron":
             $vlist['__v_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "ostemplatelist":
             getResourceOstemplate($vlist, 'all');
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "createinvoice_m":
             $vlist['month'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "createinvoice_s":
             $vlist['month'] = array('s', $this->getInvoiceMonthList());
             return $vlist;
         case "search_engine":
             $vlist['se_url'] = array('M', "http://");
             $vlist['se_email'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "cron_mailto":
             $vlist['cron_mailto'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "default_domain":
             $vlist['default_domain'] = array('s', add_disabled(get_namelist_from_objectlist($this->getList('domain'))));
             return $vlist;
         case "shell_access":
             $res[] = "/bin/bash";
             $res[] = "/usr/bin/lxjailshell";
             $res = add_disabled($res);
             $vlist['nname'] = array('M', null);
             $vlist['disable_system_flag'] = null;
             $vlist['shell'] = array('s', $res);
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "generate_csr":
             include "lib/countrycode.inc";
             foreach ($gl_country_code as $key => $name) {
                 $temp[$key] = $name;
             $s = new sslcert(null, null, null);
             $this->ssl_data_b = new ssl_data_b(null, null, null);
             $vlist['contactemail'] = array('M', null);
             $vlist["ssl_data_b_s_commonName_r"] = null;
             $vlist["ssl_data_b_s_emailAddress_r"] = null;
             $vlist["ssl_data_b_s_countryName_r"] = array('A', $temp);
             $vlist["ssl_data_b_s_stateOrProvinceName_r"] = null;
             $vlist["ssl_data_b_s_localityName_r"] = null;
             $vlist["ssl_data_b_s_organizationName_r"] = null;
             $vlist["ssl_data_b_s_organizationalUnitName_r"] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "domainpserver":
             if ($this->isAdmin()) {
                 $parent = $this;
             } else {
                 $parent = $this->getParentO();
             self::getDomainServerVlist($parent, $this, $vlist);
             return $vlist;
         case "forcedeletepserver":
             $list = get_namelist_from_objectlist($this->getList('pserver'));
             $vlist['pserver_delete_f'] = array('s', array_remove($list, "localhost"));
             return $vlist;
         case "deleteorphanedvps":
             $sq = new Sqlite(null, 'vps');
             $slist = get_namelist_from_objectlist($this->getList('pserver'));
             $res = $sq->getTable(array('nname', 'syncserver', 'parent_clname'));
             $list = null;
             foreach ($res as $r) {
                 if (!array_search_bool($r['syncserver'], $slist)) {
                     $list[$r['nname']] = "{$r['nname']} ({$r['syncserver']}) (orphaned)";
             if ($list) {
                 $vlist['vps_delete_f'] = array('A', $list);
             } else {
                 $vlist['vps_delete_f'] = array('M', 'No Orphaned vm');
             return $vlist;
         case "multivpscreate":
             $vlist['vps_basename_f'] = null;
             $vlist['vps_admin_password_f'] = null;
             $vlist['vps_count_f'] = null;
             $vlist['vps_template_name_f'] = array('s', get_namelist_from_objectlist($this->getList('vpstemplate')));
             return $vlist;
         case "disable_url":
             $vlist['disable_url'] = array('m', array('pretext' => 'http://'));
             return $vlist;
         case "message":
             $vlist['wall_from_f'] = array('M', $login->nname);
             $vlist['send_to_f'] = array('M', $this->nname);
             $vlist['wall_subject_f'] = null;
             $vlist['wall_message_f'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_button'] = 'Send';
             return $vlist;
         case "skeleton":
             $vlist['skeletonarchive'] = array('M', null);
             $vlist['skeletonarchive_f'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "wall":
             $vlist['wall_from_f'] = array('M', $this->nname);
             //Can't do this. If he has 10000 client, this itelf will hang the machine.
             //$vlist['send_to_f'] = array('M', $namlist);
             $vlist['wall_subject_f'] = null;
             $vlist['wall_message_f'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_button'] = 'Send';
             return $vlist;
         case "dnstemplatelist":
             $parent = $this->getParentO();
             $nlist = domain::getDnsTemplateList($parent);
             $vlist['dnstemplate_list'] = array('U', $nlist);
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "information":
             $vlist['nname'] = array('M', $this->nname);
             if ($this->isAdmin()) {
                 $gen = $login->getObject('general');
                 $this->disable_admin = $gen->disable_admin;
                 $vlist['disable_admin'] = null;
             if ($this->isLogin()) {
                 $vlist['cttype'] = array('M', $this->cttype);
             } else {
                 $parent = $this->getParentO();
                 $res = null;
                 if (check_if_many_server()) {
                     $ctlist = array('reseller', 'customer', 'wholesale');
                 } else {
                     $ctlist = array('reseller', 'customer');
                 foreach ($ctlist as $v) {
                     if ($parent->isGte($v)) {
                     $res[] = $v;
                 if ($res) {
                     $vlist['cttype'] = array('s', $res);
                 } else {
                     $vlist['cttype'] = array('M', $this->cttype);
             $vlist['ddate'] = array('M', @date('d-m-Y', $this->ddate));
             if (!$this->isAdmin()) {
                 $vlist['parent_name_f'] = array('M', $this->getParentName());
             $vlist['contactemail'] = "";
             if (!$this->isLogin()) {
                 $vlist['text_comment'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "license":
             $lic = $login->getObject('license')->licensecom_b;
             if ($login->isAdmin()) {
                 $vlist['lic_pserver_num_f'] = array('M', $lic->lic_pserver_num);
                 $vlist['lic_client_num_f'] = array('M', $lic->lic_client_num);
                 $vlist['lic_maindomain_num_f'] = array('M', $lic->lic_maindomain_num);
             } else {
                 $vlist['lic_node_num_f'] = array('M', $lic->node_num);
             $vlist['lic_live_support_f'] = array('M', $lic->lic_live_support);
             //$vlist['lic_ipaddress_f'] = array('M', $lic->lic_ipaddress);
             $vlist['lic_client_f'] = array('M', $lic->lic_client);
             //$vlist['lic_current_f'] = array('t', lfile_get_contents('__path_program_etc/license.txt'));
             $vlist['license_upload_f'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "ipaddress":
             $parent = $this->getParentO();
             if ($this->isLogin() || !$this->isRightParent()) {
                 $vlist['ipaddress_list'] = array('M', $this->getIpaddress($this->listpriv->webpserver_list));
                 $vlist['__v_button'] = array();
             } else {
                 if (check_if_many_server()) {
                     $iplist = $parent->getIpaddress($this->listpriv->webpserver_list);
                 } else {
                     $iplist = $parent->getIpaddress(array('localhost'));
                 $vlist['ipaddress_list'] = array('Q', $iplist);
             return $vlist;
         case "pserver_s":
             $parent = $this->getParentO();
             $list = null;
             $serverlist = client::getPserverListPriv();
             if ($this->isLogin() || !$this->isRightParent()) {
                 foreach ($serverlist as $s) {
                     $slist = "{$s}_list";
                     $vlist["{$s}_list"] = array('M', $this->listpriv->{$slist});
                 $vlist['__v_button'] = array();
                 //$vlist['dbtype_list'] = array('M', $this->listpriv->dbtype_list);
                 return $vlist;
             } else {
                 $vlist['server_detail_f'] = null;
                 foreach ($serverlist as $s) {
                     $slist = "{$s}_list";
                     // Hack.. Actually, admin's listpriv should be empty so that the __get inside the listpriv will get automatically called.
                     if ($parent->isAdmin()) {
                     $vlist["{$s}_list"] = null;
                     $list = lx_array_merge(array($list, $parent->getServerList(strtilfirst($s, "pserver"))));
                 $sinfo = pservercore::createServerInfo($list);
                 $sinfo = get_warning_for_server_info($parent, $sinfo);
                 $vlist['server_detail_f'] = array('M', $sinfo);
                 //$vlist['dbtype_list'] = null;
                 return $vlist;
         case "description":
             $vlist['description'] = null;
             //$vlist['share_status'] = null;
             if (!$this->isRightParent()) {
             return $vlist;
     return parent::updateform($subaction, $param);
Exemplo n.º 15
function lxguard_main($clearflag = false)
    include_once "htmllib/lib/lxguardincludelib.php";
    $lxgpath = "__path_home_root/lxguard";
    $file = "/var/log/secure";
    $fp = fopen($file, "r");
    $fsize = filesize($file);
    $newtime = time();
    $oldtime = time() - 60 * 10;
    $rmt = lfile_get_unserialize("{$lxgpath}/hitlist.info");
    if ($rmt) {
        $oldtime = max((int) $oldtime, (int) $rmt->ddate);
    $ret = FindRightPosition($fp, $fsize, $oldtime, $newtime, "getTimeFromSysLogString");
    $list = lfile_get_unserialize("{$lxgpath}/access.info");
    if ($ret) {
        parse_sshd_and_ftpd($fp, $list);
        lfile_put_serialize("{$lxgpath}/access.info", $list);
    get_total($list, $total);
    $deny = get_deny_list($total);
    $hdn = lfile_get_unserialize("{$lxgpath}/hostdeny.info");
    $deny = lx_array_merge(array($deny, $hdn));
    $string = null;
    foreach ($deny as $k => $v) {
        if (csb($k, "127")) {
        $string .= "ALL : {$k}\n";
    $stlist[] = "###Start Program Hostdeny config Area";
    $stlist[] = "###Start Lxdmin Area";
    $stlist[] = "###Start Kloxo Area";
    $stlist[] = "###Start Lxadmin Area";
    $endlist[] = "###End Program HostDeny config Area";
    $endlist[] = "###End Kloxo Area";
    $endlist[] = "###End Lxadmin Area";
    $startstring = $stlist[0];
    $endstring = $endlist[0];
    file_put_between_comments($stlist, $endlist, $startstring, $endstring, "/etc/hosts.deny", $string);
    if ($clearflag) {
        $rmt = new Remote();
        $rmt->hl = $total;
        $rmt->ddate = time();
        lfile_put_serialize("{$lxgpath}/hitlist.info", $rmt);
    return $list;
Exemplo n.º 16
 function mydbactionUpdate()
     $totalres = null;
     if (is_array($this->main->subaction)) {
         foreach ($this->main->subaction as $sub) {
             if (csb($sub, "top_level_")) {
                 $res = $this->{$sub}();
             } else {
                 $res = $this->dbactionUpdate($sub);
             $totalres = lx_array_merge(array($totalres, $res));
     } else {
         $sub = $this->main->subaction;
         if (csb($sub, "top_level_")) {
             $res = $this->{$sub}();
         } else {
             $res = $this->dbactionUpdate($sub);
         $totalres = $res;
     return $totalres;
Exemplo n.º 17
 function createIniFile()
     $pclass = $this->main->getParentClass();
     $ver = find_php_version();
     $header = lfile_get_contents("../file/phpini/php.ini.template-{$ver}");
     $cont = lfile_get_contents("../file/phpini/php.ini.temp");
     $htcont = lfile_get_contents("../file/phpini/htaccesstemp");
     $vlist = array("enable_zend_val", "enable_ioncube_val", "enable_xcache_val");
     $l1 = $this->main->getInheritedList();
     $l2 = $this->main->getLocalList();
     $l3 = $this->main->getExtraList();
     $ll = lx_array_merge(array($l1, $l2, $l3));
     $list = array_unique($ll);
     foreach ($list as $l) {
         $vl = strtil($l, "_flag") . "_val";
         if (array_search_bool($vl, $vlist)) {
         list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), $l);
     foreach ($vlist as $vl) {
         list($cont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont), $vl);
     $stlist[] = "###Start Kloxo PHP config Area";
     $stlist[] = "###Start Lxdmin Area";
     $stlist[] = "###Start Kloxo Area";
     $stlist[] = "###Start Lxadmin PHP config Area";
     $endlist[] = "###End Kloxo PHP config Area";
     $endlist[] = "###End Kloxo Area";
     $endlist[] = "###End Lxadmin PHP config Area";
     $endstring = $endlist[0];
     $startstring = $stlist[0];
     if ($pclass === 'pserver') {
         $file = "/etc/php.ini";
         if (!lxfile_exists("__path_kloxo_back_phpini")) {
             lxfile_cp("/etc/php.ini", "__path_kloxo_back_phpini");
         $this->enableDisableModule("enable_xcache_flag", "xcache");
         $htfile = null;
         $extrafile = "/etc/custom.php.ini";
         if (lxfile_exists($extrafile)) {
             $extrastring = lfile_get_contents($extrafile);
             $cont = "{$extrastring}\n{$cont}";
         } else {
             $cont = "{$cont}";
     } else {
         $dname = $this->main->getParentName();
         $elogfile = "/home/{$this->main->__var_customer_name}/__processed_stats/{$this->main->getParentName()}.phplog";
         $file = "__path_httpd_root/{$this->main->getParentName()}/php.ini";
         $extrafile = "__path_httpd_root/{$this->main->getParentName()}/custom.php.ini";
         if (lxfile_exists($extrafile)) {
             $extrastring = lfile_get_contents($extrafile);
         } else {
             $extrastring = "";
         // ToDo #590 - disable appear on .htaccess
         // REVERT - back to enable because mod_php tend to share-based php.ini
         // and some parameters of domain specific must be declare inside .htaccess
         $htfile = "{$this->main->__var_docrootpath}/.htaccess";
         $ht1file = "/home/{$this->main->__var_customer_name}/kloxoscript/.htaccess";
         $htcont = "php_value error_log \"{$elogfile}\"\n{$htcont}";
         $htcont = str_replace("\n", "\n\t", $htcont);
         $htcont = str_replace($htcont, "\t" . $htcont, $htcont);
         $htcont = "\n<Ifmodule mod_php4.c>\n{$htcont}\n</Ifmodule>\n\n<Ifmodule mod_php5.c>\n{$htcont}\n</Ifmodule>\n";
         file_put_between_comments("{$this->main->__var_web_user}:apache", $stlist, $endlist, $startstring, $endstring, $htfile, $htcont);
         file_put_between_comments("{$this->main->__var_web_user}:apache", $stlist, $endlist, $startstring, $endstring, $ht1file, $htcont);
         lxfile_unix_chown($htfile, "{$this->main->__var_web_user}:apache");
         // MR --- set the same like AddOpenBaseDir() on web__apachelib.php
         $clname = $this->main->__var_customer_name;
         $adminbasedir = trim($this->main->__var_extrabasedir);
         if ($adminbasedir) {
             $adminbasedir .= ":";
         if (!$this->main->isOn('__var_disable_openbasedir')) {
             $path = "{$adminbasedir}";
             $path .= "/home/{$clname}:";
             $path .= "/home/{$clname}/kloxoscript:";
             $path .= "/home/httpd/{$dname}:";
             $path .= "/home/httpd/{$dname}/httpdocs:";
             $path .= "/tmp:";
             $path .= "/usr/share/pear:";
             $path .= "/var/lib/php/session:";
             $path .= "/home/kloxo/httpd/script";
             $cont = "open_basedir = \"{$path}\"\n\n{$cont}";
         $cont = "error_log = \"{$elogfile}\"\n{$cont}";
         $cont = "{$extrastring}\n{$cont}";
     lfile_put_contents($file, "{$header}\n{$cont}\n");
Exemplo n.º 18
 static function baseinitThisList($parent, $class, $type)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $rlist = $parent->createShowRlist("");
     $class = $parent->get__table();
     $resourceout = null;
     if ($rlist) {
         $j = 0;
         foreach ($rlist as $k => $v) {
             if ($k === 'priv') {
                 $vlist = $parent->getQuotaVariableList();
                 $vlist = lx_array_merge(array($vlist, $parent->getDeadQuotaVariableList()));
                 foreach ($vlist as $nk => $nv) {
                     // Why am I skipping hardquota?. OK it screws up vps graph
                     if ($parent->isHardQuota($nk)) {
                     if ($type === 'permission') {
                         if (!cse($nk, "_flag")) {
                         if ($login->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->isOn('dont_show_disabled_permission')) {
                             if (!$parent->priv->isOn($nk)) {
                     } else {
                         if (cse($nk, "_flag")) {
                     $desc = get_classvar_description($class, $nk);
                     if (is_array($parent->priv->{$nk})) {
                         foreach ($parent->priv->{$nk} as $nnk => $nnv) {
                             $resourceout[$j]['vv'] = $nk;
                             $resourceout[$j]['nname'] = $j;
                             $resourceout[$j]['shortdescr'] = getNthToken($desc[2], 0);
                             $sh = getNthToken($desc[2], 0);
                             $ln = getNthToken($desc[2], 1);
                             $resourceout[$j]['descr'] = "_lxspan:{$sh}:{$ln}:";
                             $resourceout[$j]['resourceused'] = $parent->used->{$nk}[$nnk];
                             $resourceout[$j]['resourcepriv'] = $parent->priv->{$nk}[$nnk];
                     if (isset($parent->used)) {
                         $vresourceused = $parent->used->{$nk};
                     } else {
                         $vresourceused = '-';
                     if (cse($nk, "_flag")) {
                         $vresourcepriv = $parent->priv->{$nk};
                     } else {
                         if ($parent->priv->{$nk} === "0") {
                         if ($parent->showPrivInResource()) {
                             $vresourcepriv = $parent->priv->{$nk};
                         } else {
                             $vresourcepriv = '-';
                     if (cse($nk, 'last_usage')) {
                         $vresourcepriv = '-';
                     if ($parent->isDeadQuotaVariable($nk)) {
                         $vresourcepriv = "-";
                     $resourceout[$j]['vv'] = $nk;
                     $resourceout[$j]['nname'] = $j;
                     $resourceout[$j]['shortdescr'] = getNthToken($desc[2], 0);
                     $sh = getNthToken($desc[2], 0);
                     $ln = getNthToken($desc[2], 1);
                     $resourceout[$j]['descr'] = "_lxspan:{$sh}:{$ln}:";
                     $resourceout[$j]['resourceused'] = $vresourceused;
                     $resourceout[$j]['resourcepriv'] = $vresourcepriv;
             } else {
                 $resourceout[$j]['vv'] = $v[0];
                 $resourceout[$j]['nname'] = $j;
                 $resourceout[$j]['shortdescr'] = getNthToken($v[1], 0);
                 $sh = getNthToken($v[1], 0);
                 $ln = getNthToken($v[1], 1);
                 $resourceout[$j]['descr'] = "_lxspan:{$sh}:{$ln}:";
                 $resourceout[$j]['resourceused'] = $v[2];
                 $resourceout[$j]['resourcepriv'] = $v[3];
     return $resourceout;
Exemplo n.º 19
 function createIniFile()
     $pclass = $this->main->getParentClass();
     $ver = find_php_version();
     $header = lfile_get_contents("../file/phpini/php.ini.template-{$ver}");
     $cont = lfile_get_contents("../file/phpini/php.ini.temp");
     $htcont = lfile_get_contents("../file/phpini/htaccesstemp");
     $vlist = array("enable_zend_val", "enable_ioncube_val", "enable_xcache_val");
     $l1 = $this->main->getInheritedList();
     $l2 = $this->main->getLocalList();
     $l3 = $this->main->getExtraList();
     $ll = lx_array_merge(array($l1, $l2, $l3));
     $list = array_unique($ll);
     foreach ($list as $l) {
         $vl = strtil($l, "_flag") . "_val";
         if (array_search_bool($vl, $vlist)) {
         list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), $l);
     foreach ($vlist as $vl) {
         list($cont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont), $vl);
     list($cont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont), 'enable_zend_val');
     list($cont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont), 'enable_ioncube_val');
     list($cont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont), 'enable_xcache_val');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'register_global_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'output_compression_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'display_error_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'file_uploads_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'upload_max_filesize');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'log_errors_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'upload_tmp_dir_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'output_buffering_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'register_argc_argv_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'magic_quotes_gpc_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'variables_order_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'magic_quotes_runtime_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'magic_quotes_sybase_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'gpc_order_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'extension_dir_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'enable_dl_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'mysql_allow_persistent_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'disable_functions_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'max_execution_time_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'max_input_time_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'memory_limit_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'post_max_size_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'register_long_arrays_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'allow_url_fopen_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'allow_url_include_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'session_save_path_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'cgi_force_redirect_flag');
     list($cont, $htcont) = $this->replacestr(array($cont, $htcont), 'safe_mode_flag');
     $stlist[] = "###Start Kloxo PHP config Area";
     $stlist[] = "###Start Lxdmin Area";
     $stlist[] = "###Start Kloxo Area";
     $stlist[] = "###Start Lxadmin PHP config Area";
     $endlist[] = "###End Kloxo PHP config Area";
     $endlist[] = "###End Kloxo Area";
     $endlist[] = "###End Lxadmin PHP config Area";
     $endstring = $endlist[0];
     $startstring = $stlist[0];
     if ($pclass === 'pserver') {
         $file = "/etc/php.ini";
         if (!lxfile_exists("__path_kloxo_back_phpini")) {
             lxfile_cp("/etc/php.ini", "__path_kloxo_back_phpini");
         $this->enableDisableModule("enable_xcache_flag", "xcache");
         $htfile = null;
         $extrafile = "/etc/custom.php.ini";
         $extrastring = lfile_get_contents("/etc/custom.php.ini");
         $cont = "{$extrastring}\n{$cont}";
     } else {
         $dname = $this->main->getParentName();
         $elogfile = "/home/{$this->main->__var_customer_name}/__processed_stats/{$this->main->getParentName()}.phplog";
         $file = "__path_httpd_root/{$this->main->getParentName()}/php.ini";
         $extrafile = "__path_httpd_root/{$this->main->getParentName()}/custom.php.ini";
         $extrastring = lfile_get_contents($extrafile);
         $htfile = "{$this->main->__var_docrootpath}/.htaccess";
         $ht1file = "/home/httpd/{$this->main->getParentName()}/kloxoscript/.htaccess";
         $htcont = "php_value error_log {$elogfile}\n{$htcont}";
         $htcont = "<Ifmodule mod_php4.c>\n{$htcont}\n</Ifmodule>\n<Ifmodule mod_php5.c>\n{$htcont}\n</Ifmodule>\n";
         file_put_between_comments($stlist, $endlist, $startstring, $endstring, $htfile, $htcont);
         file_put_between_comments($stlist, $endlist, $startstring, $endstring, $ht1file, $htcont);
         lxfile_unix_chown($htfile, "{$this->main->__var_web_user}:apache");
         $adminbasedir = trim($this->main->__var_extrabasedir);
         if (!$this->main->isOn('__var_disable_openbasedir')) {
             $cont = "open_basedir = /home/{$this->main->__var_customer_name}:{$adminbasedir}:/tmp:/usr/share/pear:/home/httpd/{$dname}:/var/lib/php/session:/home/kloxo/httpd/script:/home/httpd/{$dname}/kloxoscript/\n{$cont}";
         $cont = "error_log = {$elogfile}\n{$cont}";
         $cont = "{$extrastring}\n{$cont}";
     lfile_put_contents($file, "{$header}\n{$cont}\n");
Exemplo n.º 20
function parse_sql_data()
    global $gbl, $sgbl, $argc, $argv;
    static $_quota_var, $_field_var;
    $_return_value = null;
    $majmin = $sgbl->__ver_major_minor;
    $trel = $sgbl->__ver_release;
    $rpath = "sql/full.lxsql";
    $pathc = "htmllib/sql/common.lxsql";
    include $rpath;
    include $pathc;
    $string = $gl_sql_string_common . "\n" . $gl_sql_string;
    $string = explode("\n", $string);
    foreach ($string as $__k => $res) {
        $res = trim($res);
        if (!$res) {
        if (char_search_beg($res, "//")) {
        $res = preg_replace('/\\s+/', " ", $res);
        if (csb($res, "#")) {
            $vl = explode(" ", $res);
            $name = array_shift($vl);
            $name = strfrom($name, "#");
            $nvl = null;
            $nnvl = null;
            foreach ($vl as $k => $qv) {
                if (csb($qv, "#")) {
                    $_t = strfrom($qv, "#");
                    $nvl = lx_array_merge(array($nvl, $_quota_var[$_t]));
                } else {
                    $nvl[] = $qv;
            foreach ($nvl as $qv) {
                $nnvl[] = "priv_q_" . $qv;
                $nnvl[] = "used_q_" . $qv;
            $_quota_var[$name] = $nvl;
            $g_qvar[$name] = $nnvl;
            $list = get_class_for_table($name);
            foreach ((array) $list as $l) {
                $_quota_var[$l] = $nvl;
                $g_qvar[$l] = $nnvl;
        if (csb($res, "%")) {
            $vl = explode(" ", $res);
            $name = array_shift($vl);
            $nnnnvl = null;
            foreach ($vl as $q) {
                if (csb($q, "%")) {
                    $nnnnvl = lx_array_merge(array($nnnnvl, $g_var[$q]));
                } else {
                    $nnnnvl[] = $q;
            $g_var[$name] = $nnnnvl;
        $list = explode(" ", $res);
        $nlist = null;
        foreach ($list as $k => $l) {
            if (csb($l, "%")) {
                $nlist = array_merge($nlist, $g_var[$l]);
            } else {
                $nlist[] = $l;
        $list = $nlist;
        $nlist = null;
        foreach ($list as $l) {
            if ($l === '__q_var') {
                if (isset($g_qvar[$list[0]])) {
                    $nlist = lx_array_merge(array($nlist, $g_qvar[$list[0]]));
            } else {
                $nlist[] = $l;
        $list = $nlist;
        $name = array_shift($list);
        $fields = lx_array_merge(array(get_default_fields(), $list));
        if (array_search_bool("syncserver", $fields)) {
            $fields[] = 'oldsyncserver';
            $fields[] = 'olddeleteflag';
        $fields = array_unique($fields);
        $_field_var[$name] = $fields;
        $_return_value[$name] = $fields;
    foreach ($_quota_var as &$__tq) {
        $__tq = array_flip($__tq);
    foreach ($_field_var as &$__tq) {
        $__tq = array_flip($__tq);
    $var['quotavar'] = $_quota_var;
    $var['fieldvar'] = $_field_var;
    lfile_put_contents("__path_dbschema", serialize($var));
    return $_return_value;
Exemplo n.º 21
 static function createListSlist($parent)
     $nlist['nname'] = null;
     $nlist['parent_clname'] = null;
     $nlist['dtype'] = array('s', array('--any--', 'maindomain', 'subdomain'));
     if (check_if_many_server()) {
         $sql = new Sqlite($parent->__masterserver, "pserver");
         $res = $sql->getTable(array('nname'));
         $rs = get_namelist_from_arraylist($res);
         $rs = lx_array_merge(array(array('--any--'), $rs));
         $nlist['webpserver'] = array('s', $rs);
         $nlist['mmailpserver'] = array('s', $rs);
         $nlist['dnspserver'] = array('s', $rs);
     return $nlist;
Exemplo n.º 22
 function object_variable_hiddenlist($hlist)
     foreach ($hlist as $key => $val) {
         $a[] = $this->object_variable_hidden($key, $val);
     return lx_array_merge($a);
Exemplo n.º 23
 function createServerAliasLine()
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $list = get_namelist_from_objectlist($this->main->server_alias_a);
     $iplist = null;
     foreach ($this->main->__var_domainipaddress as $ip => $dom) {
         if ($dom === $this->main->nname) {
             $iplist[] = $ip;
     if ($list) {
         foreach ($list as &$__l) {
             $__l = "{$__l}.{$this->main->nname}";
     if ($this->main->isOn('force_www_redirect')) {
         $list = lx_merge_good(array("www.{$this->main->nname}"), $list);
     } else {
         $list = lx_merge_good(array("www.{$this->main->nname}", $this->main->nname), $list);
     foreach ((array) $this->main->__var_addonlist as $d) {
         // forget this if?
         if ($d->ttype === 'redirect') {
         $list[] = $d->nname;
         $list[] = "www.{$d->nname}";
     $list = lx_array_merge(array($list, $iplist));
     $string = implode("|", $list);
     // issue 674 - wildcard and subdomain problem
     // remove for * (wildcards)
     $string = str_replace("|*.{$this->main->nname}", "", $string);
     return "^({$string})";
Exemplo n.º 24
 static function addform($parent, $class, $typetd = null)
     if ($parent->isClient()) {
         $list = get_namelist_from_objectlist($parent->getList('domain'));
         $vv = array('var' => 'real_clparent_f', 'val' => array('s', $list));
         $vlist['nname'] = array('m', array('posttext' => "@", 'postvar' => $vv));
     } else {
         $vlist['nname'] = array('m', array('posttext' => "@{$parent->nname}"));
     $vlist['password'] = "";
     $qvlist = getQuotaListForClass('mailaccount', array());
     $vlist = lx_array_merge(array($vlist, $qvlist));
     $ret['variable'] = $vlist;
     $ret['action'] = "add";
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 25
function findtraffic($weblist, $mmaillist, $globaldomlist, $oldtime, $newtime)
    global $gbl, $login, $ghtml;
    $web_usage = null;
    $gen = $login->getObject('general')->generalmisc_b;
    $webstatsprog = $gen->webstatisticsprogram;
    if (!$webstatsprog) {
        $webstatsprog = "awstats";
    foreach ($weblist as $k => $dlist) {
        $list = null;
        foreach ($dlist as $d) {
            $rt = new Remote();
            $rt->iisid = $d->getObject('web')->iisid;
            $rt->nname = $d->nname;
            $rt->customer_name = $d->getRealClientParentO()->getPathFromName('nname');
            $rt->priv = new Priv(null, null, $d->nname);
            $rt->priv->awstats_flag = $d->priv->awstats_flag;
            $rt->stats_username = $d->getObject('web')->stats_username;
            $rt->stats_password = $d->getObject('web')->stats_password;
            $rt->remove_processed_stats = $d->getObject('web')->remove_processed_stats;
            $list[$d->nname] = $rt;
        $driverapp = $gbl->getSyncClass(null, $k, 'web');
        $web_usaget = rl_exec_get(null, $k, array("webtraffic", 'findTotaltrafficwebUsage'), array($driverapp, $webstatsprog, $list, $oldtime, $newtime));
        $web_usage = lx_array_merge(array($web_usage, $web_usaget));
    foreach ($mmaillist as $k => $m) {
        $mlist = get_namelist_from_objectlist($m);
        $driverapp = $gbl->getSyncClass(null, $k, 'mmail');
        $mailusaget = rl_exec_get(null, $k, array("mailtraffic", 'findTotalmailQuota'), array($driverapp, $mlist, $oldtime, $newtime));
        $mailusage = lx_array_merge(array($mailusaget, $mailusage));
    try {
        foreach ($weblist as $k => $w) {
            $wlist = get_namelist_from_objectlist($w);
            $driverapp = $gbl->getSyncClass(null, $k, 'ftpuser');
            $ftpusaget = rl_exec_get(null, $k, array("ftpusertraffic__{$driverapp}", 'findTotalQuota'), array($wlist, $oldtime, $newtime));
            $ftpusage = lx_array_merge(array($ftpusaget, $ftpusage));
    } catch (exception $e) {
        print $e->getMessage() . "\n";
    $res = "";
    foreach ($globaldomlist as $d) {
        $res['nname'] = "{$d->nname}:{$oldtime}:{$newtime}";
        $domt = new Domaintraffic(null, null, $res['nname']);
        $res['ddate'] = time();
        $res['timestamp'] = strftime("%c", $newtime);
        $res['oldtimestamp'] = strftime("%c", $oldtime);
        $res['comment'] = null;
        $res['parent_list'] = null;
        $res['parent_clname'] = $d->getClName();
        $res['webtraffic_usage'] = $web_usage[$d->nname];
        $res['mailtraffic_usage'] = $mailusage[$d->nname];
        $res['ftptraffic_usage'] = $ftpusage[$d->nname];
        $res['traffic_usage'] = $res['ftptraffic_usage'] + $res['webtraffic_usage'] + $res['mailtraffic_usage'];
        //		print_r($res);
Exemplo n.º 26
 function updateform($subaction, $param)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     switch ($subaction) {
         case "centralbackupconfig":
             $list = $login->getList('centralbackupserver');
             $list = get_namelist_from_objectlist($list);
             $vlist['centralbackupserver'] = array('s', add_disabled($list));
             $vlist['internalnetworkip'] = null;
             $vlist['tmpdir'] = null;
             //$vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "commandcenter":
             return $this->commandCenter($param);
         case "timezone":
             $vlist['timezone'] = array('s', pserver::getTimeZoneList());
             return $vlist;
         case "ssl_key":
             $vlist['text_public_key'] = array('t', null);
             return $vlist;
         case "switchprogram":
             $this->web_driver = $gbl->getSyncClass($this->__masterserver, $this->nname, 'web');
             $this->dns_driver = $gbl->getSyncClass($this->__masterserver, $this->nname, 'dns');
             $this->spam_driver = $gbl->getSyncClass($this->__masterserver, $this->nname, 'spam');
             $vlist['web_driver'] = array('s', array('apache', 'lighttpd'));
             $vlist['dns_driver'] = array('s', array('bind', 'djbdns'));
             $vlist['spam_driver'] = array('s', array('spamassassin', 'bogofilter'));
             return $vlist;
         case "mysqlpasswordreset":
             $vlist['newpassword_f'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "importvps":
             $vlist['importvps'] = array('M', 'Import Vpses on this server?');
             $vlist['__v_button'] = "Import";
             return $vlist;
         case "importhypervmvps":
             $vlist['importvps'] = array('M', 'Import HyperVM Vpses on this server?');
             $vlist['__v_button'] = "Import";
             return $vlist;
         case "savevpsdata":
             $vlist['__v_button'] = "Save";
             return $vlist;
         case "information":
             $sq = new Sqlite(null, 'client');
             $res = $sq->getRowsWhere("cttype = 'wholesale'", null, array('nname'));
             $clientlist = get_namelist_from_arraylist($res);
             $vlist['description'] = null;
             $vlist['realhostname'] = null;
             if ($sgbl->isHyperVm()) {
                 $list = get_namelist_from_objectlist($login->getList('datacenter'));
                 if (!$list) {
                     $list[] = '--no-dc--';
                     $this->datacenter = '--no-dc--';
                 $vlist['datacenter'] = array('s', $list);
                 $newclientlist = lx_array_merge(array(array('--unassigned--'), $clientlist));
                 if ($this->nname === 'localhost') {
                     $vlist['clientname'] = array('M', $login->getKeyword('master_cannot_be_assigned'));
                 } else {
                     $vlist['clientname'] = array('s', $newclientlist);
             if ($sgbl->isHyperVm()) {
                 $vlist['max_vps_num'] = null;
             $this->setDefaultValue("load_threshold", "20");
             $vlist['load_threshold'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "backupconfig":
             return $vlist;
         case "phpsmtp":
             $vlist['pserverconf_b_s_usesmtp'] = null;
             $vlist['pserverconf_b_s_smtpserver'] = null;
             $vlist['pserverconf_b_s_smtpport'] = null;
             $vlist['pserverconf_b_s_smtpuseauth'] = null;
             $vlist['pserverconf_b_s_smtpuser'] = null;
             $vlist['pserverconf_b_s_smtppass'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "cron_mailto":
             $vlist['cron_mailto'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "vpslist":
             $vlist['used_vpslist_f'] = array('M', $this->getUsed());
             $vlist['__v_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "showused":
             $res = $this->createUsedDomainList();
             foreach ($res as $k => $v) {
                 $var = "used_domainlist_{$k}_f";
                 $vlist[$var] = array('M', $this->{$var});
             $vlist['__v_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "update":
             $vlist['nname'] = array('M', null);
             $vlist['password'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "poweroff":
             // --- issue 612 - Hide password in reboot / shutdown server
             //	$vlist['retype_admin_p_f'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_button'] = 'Poweroff';
             return $vlist;
         case "reboot":
             // --- issue 612 - Hide password in reboot / shutdown server
             //	$vlist['retype_admin_p_f'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_button'] = 'Reboot';
             return $vlist;
         case "dbpassword":
             $vlist['dbadmin'] = null;
             $vlist['dbpassword'] = null;
             return $vlist;
     return parent::updateform($subaction, $param);
Exemplo n.º 27
 function updateform($subaction, $param)
     $vlist['odbcname'] = array('M', null);
     $vlist = lx_array_merge(array($vlist, self::createVlist($this->driver)));
     return $vlist;
Exemplo n.º 28
 static function addform($parent, $class, $typetd = null)
     $vlist['nname'] = "";
     $vlist['description'] = null;
     //$vlist['share_status'] = null;
     $qvlist = getQuotaListForClass('client', array());
     $vlist = lx_array_merge(array($vlist, $qvlist));
     $ret['variable'] = $vlist;
     $ret['action'] = "add";
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 29
 function updateform($subaction, $param)
     switch ($subaction) {
         case "editmx":
             $rec = $this->getParentO()->getObject('dns')->dns_record_a;
             foreach ($rec as $a) {
                 if ($a->ttype === 'mx') {
                     $v = $a->param;
             $vlist['nname'] = array('M', null);
             $vlist['mx_f'] = array('m', $v);
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "authentication":
             $domkey = db_get_value("servermail", $this->syncserver, "domainkey_flag");
             if (!$domkey) {
                 $domkey = 'off';
             $domkey .= " (Server Wide Value)";
             $vlist['domainkey_f'] = array('M', $domkey);
             $vlist['enable_spf_flag'] = null;
             $vlist['text_spf_domain'] = null;
             $vlist['text_spf_ip'] = null;
             $this->setDefaultValue('exclude_all', 'soft');
             $vlist['exclude_all'] = array('s', array('soft', 'hard'));
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "webmail_select":
             // read note on fixWebmailRedirect()
             $this->setDefaultValue('webmailprog', '--system-default--');
             $base = "/home/kloxo/httpd/webmail/";
             $list = lscandir_without_dot_or_underscore($base);
             $nlist[] = '--system-default--';
             $nlist[] = '--chooser--';
             $nlist = add_disabled($nlist);
             $plist = self::getWebmailProgList();
             $nlist = lx_merge_good($nlist, $plist);
             $vlist['webmailprog'] = array('s', $nlist);
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "catchall":
             $list = $this->getList('mailaccount');
             $name[] = "--bounce--";
             $name[] = "Delete";
             $nn = get_namelist_from_objectlist($list);
             foreach ($nn as &$___t) {
                 $tmp = explode("@", $___t);
                 $___t = $tmp[0];
             $name = lx_array_merge(array($name, $nn));
             $vlist['catchall'] = array('s', $name);
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "remotelocalmail":
             // read note on fixWebmailRedirect()
             $vlist['remotelocalflag'] = array('s', array('local', 'remote'));
             $vlist['webmail_url'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
     return parent::updateform($subaction, $param);