Exemplo n.º 1
  *	Constructor. Accepts following configuration options:
  *  	userClass		string		Name of User class. Default is RM_Account_Simple_User
  *  	groupClass		string		Name of Group class. Default is RM_Account_Simple_Group
  *	@param	conf	hash		Configuration
  *	@return
 public function __construct(array $conf = array())
     $this->_userClass = lor(@$conf['userClass'], 'RM_Account_Simple_User');
     $this->_groupClass = lor(@$conf['groupClass'], 'RM_Account_Simple_Group');
     $this->_members = 'rm_account_user2group';
     $this->_storage['user'] = M('Store')->storage(array('ctorArgs' => array('mapper' => $this), 'auto-id-prop' => 'id', 'keys' => qw2('id login'), 'table' => 'rm_account_user', 'props' => qw2('id login password'), 'class' => $this->_userClass));
     $this->_storage['group'] = M('Store')->storage(array('ctorArgs' => array('mapper' => $this), 'auto-id-prop' => 'id', 'keys' => qw2('id name'), 'table' => 'rm_account_group', 'props' => qw2('id name'), 'class' => $this->_groupClass));
Exemplo n.º 2
  *	Constructor. Accepts following configuration options:
  *  	userClass		string		Name of User class. Default is RM_Account_Simple_User
  *  	groupClass		string		Name of Group class. Default is RM_Account_Simple_Group
  *	@param	conf	hash		Configuration
  *	@return
 public function __construct(array $conf = array())
     $this->_userClass = lor(@$conf['userClass'], 'RM_Account_Simple_User_Edited');
     $this->_groupClass = lor(@$conf['groupClass'], 'RM_Account_Simple_Group');
     $this->_members = 'panelie_user_role';
     $this->_storage['user'] = M('Store')->storage(array('ctorArgs' => array('mapper' => $this), 'auto-id-prop' => 'id', 'keys' => qw2('id login'), 'table' => 'panelie_user', 'props' => qw2('id>user_id login password city_id first_name'), 'class' => $this->_userClass));
     $this->_storage['group'] = M('Store')->storage(array('ctorArgs' => array('mapper' => $this), 'auto-id-prop' => 'id', 'keys' => qw2('id name alias'), 'table' => 'panelie_role', 'props' => qw2('id name alias'), 'class' => $this->_groupClass));
Exemplo n.º 3
  *	Constructor
  *  @param		0		int			wrap len
  *  @param		1		bool		UTF-8 maintenance
  *  @param		2		string		delimiter
  *	@return
 public function __construct($args = array())
     $this->_len = lor(@$args[0], 40);
     $this->_utf8 = lor(@$args[1], true);
     $this->_delimiter = lor(@$args[2], "\n");
     $this->_max_lines = lor(@$args[3], false);
     $this->_break = lor(@$args[4], false);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function __construct()
     $conf = C('guid');
     $this->_pools = array();
     $this->_size = lor(@$conf['default-spool-size'], 5);
     $this->_strict = isset($conf['strict']) ? $conf['strict'] : 0;
     $this->_table = M('Db')->table("rm_guid");
     $this->_conf = array();
     $this->_guidNames = array();
     foreach (M('Config')->getList('guid.type') as $row) {
         if (!isset($row['id'])) {
             throw new RM_Guid_Exception("Unspecified guid identifier for type '" . $row['name'] . "'");
         $this->_conf[$row['id']] = array('create' => @$row['create'], 'name' => $row['name']);
Exemplo n.º 5
  *	Constructor. Accepts following confugration options:
  *		page_size		int			0			Number of objects per page
  *		total_count		int			-1			Total count of objects.
  *		auto_count		bool		1			Automatically count objects when process() is called
  *		init_param		string		'page'		Name of _REQUEST[] parameter with page var
  *		auto_init		bool		1			Set current page automatically from _REQUEST
  *	@param		conf	hash|int		Pager configuration (see above) or just number of objects per page.
  *	@return
 public function __construct($conf)
     if (!is_array($conf)) {
         $conf = array('page_size' => $conf);
     $this->_page = 0;
     $this->_pageCount = 0;
     $this->_pageSize = lor(@$conf['page_size'], 0);
     $this->_totalCount = lor(@$conf['total_count'], -1);
     $this->_autoCount = @$conf['auto_count'] !== 0 ? lor(@$conf['auto_count'], 1) : 0;
     $this->_initParam = lor(@$conf['init_param'], 'page');
     $this->_itemsName = lor(@$conf['items_name'], '');
     $this->_autoInit = lor(@$conf['auto_init'], 1);
     $this->_all = false;
     if ($this->_autoInit and $this->_initParam) {
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 6
  *	Remove unused PS. If psId not specified, current open store is removed
  *	@param		psId	int		PS-ID
  *	@return		void
 public function pwdStoreDelete($psId = NULL)
     $this->_mapper->psDelete(lor($psId, $this->_psId));
Exemplo n.º 7
 function getIterator()
     return M('Store')->factoryIterator($this->_factory, new LimitIterator($this->_getIter(), intval($this->_offset), lor($this->_limit, -1)));
Exemplo n.º 8
  *	Process event queue until it's empty
  *	@param		maxEvents	int		Maximum number of events to process
  *	@return		void
 public function processQueue($maxEvents = 100)
     if ($lockFile = $this->_getLockFilename()) {
         $this->_lockFile = fopen($lockFile, 'ab');
     $this->_trace("Processing queue");
     for ($maxEvents = lor(C('event.queue-process.max-events'), $maxEvents); $maxEvents > 0; $maxEvents--) {
         if (!$this->_processEvent("SELECT e.name AS event_name, q.* FROM {$this->eventQueue} q, {$this->event} e WHERE e.id = q.event_id and process_start IS NULL LIMIT 1")) {
     # auto-close of lock file
     $this->_trace("MAX_EVENTS is reached. Exiting");
     if ($this->_lockFile) {
         $this->_lockFile = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 9
 function _repAdd($row, $prefix = '')
     $this->_rep[] = $row;
     if (count($this->_rep) == 1) {
         $hdr = array();
         foreach ($this->_columns as $k => $v) {
             $hdr[$k] = $v[0];
         $this->_total = array();
         $this->_rep = array();
         $this->_rep[] = $row;
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($this->_columns as $id => $v) {
         $fields[] = str_pad(@$row[$id], @$v[1], ' ', @$v[2] == 'right' ? STR_PAD_LEFT : STR_PAD_RIGHT);
         @($this->_total[$k] += $row[$id]);
     $this->_body .= lor($prefix, '        ') . join("  ", $fields) . "\n";
Exemplo n.º 10
  *	Parse & return contents of language file.
  *	@param		fileId		string		File ID in format: CODE1.CODE2. ... .CODE_N
  *	@param 		lang		string 		Custom specific language, default current language
  *	@return	string
 public function parseFile($fileId, $lang = NULL)
     $lang = lor($lang, $this->_currentLang);
     $path = $this->_getRootDir($lang) . '/' . str_replace('.', '/', $fileId) . '.lng.php';
     if (!is_file($path)) {
         M('Trace')->trace('lang', "Language file `{$path}' is missing");
     return include $path;
Exemplo n.º 11
  *	Constructor
  *  @param		0		string			current directory (for relative links)
  *  @param		1		string			current host (if it isn't specified then all links will be without "host" part)
  *  @param		2		string			current protocol (if it isn't specified then all links will be without "protocol" part)
  *	@return
 public function __construct($args = array())
     $this->_curdir = lor(@$args[0], dirname(@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
     $this->_host = lor(@$args[1], @$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
     $this->_protocol = lor(@$args[2], M('Tools')->web()->isHTTPS() ? 'https' : 'http');
Exemplo n.º 12
 function __construct()
     $conf = C('trace');
     $this->init(lor(@$conf['driver'], 'empty'), $conf);
Exemplo n.º 13
  *	Main method :)
  *	Creates and initialize set of objects for proper storage functioning. Accepts hash of following parameters:
  *		Name			Type					Default			Description
  *		----			----					-------			-----------
  *		table			string									Table name
  *		props			hash<prop:db>							Object properies and DB mappings. See RM_Store_Object_Metadata for details
  *		keys			list|hash				'id'			Keys. See RM_Store_Object_Metadata for details. Sample: qw2('id name>parent_id+name')
  *		auto-id-prop 	string					NULL			Name of field to fill with AUTO_INCREMENT value. If NULL - AUTO_INCREMENT is disabled
  *		guid			string					NULL			Name of GUID type to auto alloc ID. If NULL - GUID is disabled.
  *																Also passed as "guidType" parameter to object constructor.
  *		guid-prop		string					'id'			Name of GUID property. Used only if guid is not NULL
  *		guid-type-prop	string					'guid_type'		Name of GUID-TYPE property. Used only if guid is not NULL
  *																Passed as "guidTypeProp" parameter to object constructor.
  *		class			string					RM_Store_Object	Class which will be instantiated for every object in storage.
  *																If class is RM_Store_Object and GUID is enabled -
  *																RM_Store_Object_Guid is used
  *		cache-prefix	string					''				Cache prefix for caching loadById() requests.
  *																If empty(default), caching is disabled
  *		validator		RM_Validator_iValidator	NULL			Validator for every created object
  *		factory			RM_Store_iFactory|string NULL			Factory for creating objects. Default is RM_Store_Factory_Hash. See it doc for details.
  *																You can pass either object or class name. Class constructor must be compatible with
  *																RM_Store_Factory_Hash constructor.
  *		no-lazy-load	bool					FALSE			Always fetch all object fields in queries for objects sets
  *		ctorArgs		hash					NULL			Extra arguments to pass to object constructor.
  *																For every item, property with same name AND PREFIXED
  *																WITH UNDERSCORE! (_prop) will created!
  *																WARNING! Properties with such names must exist in class.
  *	All parameters without default values ARE REQUIRED!
  *	@param		args	hash<name:value>	Configuration
  *	@return		RM_Store_Object_Storage
 public function storage($args)
     $mediator = new RM_Store_Object_Mediator();
     # Meta data
     $mediator->setMeta(new RM_Store_Object_Metadata($args['props'], lor(@$args['keys'], qw2('id'))));
     # IdentityMap
     $mediator->setIdentityMap($this->_noCache ? new RM_Store_IdentityMap_Fake() : new RM_Store_IdentityMap_Simple($mediator));
     # Validator
     if (@$args['validator']) {
     # Factory
     if (@$args['guid']) {
         $args['ctorArgs']['guidType'] = $args['guid'];
         $args['ctorArgs']['guidTypeProp'] = @$args['guid-type-prop'];
         if (@$args['class'] == '') {
             $args['class'] = 'RM_Store_Object_Guid';
     if (!@$args['factory']) {
         $args['factory'] = 'RM_Store_Factory_Hash';
     if (!is_object($args['factory'])) {
         $args['factory'] = new $args['factory']($mediator, lor(@$args['class'], 'RM_Store_Object'), @$args['ctorArgs']);
     if (@$args['guid']) {
         $args['factory'] = $this->factoryGuid($args['factory'], @$args['guid'], lor(@$args['guid-prop'], 'id'));
     # Storage
     $mediator->setStorage(new RM_Store_Object_Storage($mediator, array('table' => $args['table'], 'table-history' => @$args['table-history'] ? $args['table-history'] : null, 'auto-id-prop' => @$args['auto-id-prop'], 'cache-prefix' => $this->_noIdCache ? '' : @$args['cache-prefix'], 'no-lazy-load' => lor(@$args['no-lazy-load'], $this->_noLazyLoad))));
     return $mediator->storage;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function refreshStatus()
     if ($this->id()) {
         M('Log')->record('activity', 'session', sprintf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s", $this->id(), M('Tools')->web()->getRealIP(), @$_REQUEST['CSID'], M('Tools')->web()->makeUrl('', $_GET, 'abs')));
         $loginExpire = $this->_mapper->getLoginExpireByUserId($this->id());
         return $this->_mapper->updateUserSession($this->id(), C('user.auth-cookie.online-expire'), lor($loginExpire, C('user.auth-cookie.login-expire')));
Exemplo n.º 15
  *	Adds table to Query. Table specification can have following format:
  *		spec:= table | table AS alias | table alias
  *	@param		tableSpec	string	Table specification
  *	@param		...			list	Placeholders
  *	@return		void
 public function addTable($tableSpec)
     if (!preg_match('/^(\\S+)(?:\\s+(?:AS\\s+)?(\\S+))?(?:\\s+FORCE\\s+INDEX\\s*\\(.*\\))?$/i', $tableSpec, $m)) {
         throw new RM_Base_Exception_BadUsage("Invalid table name - `{$tableSpec}'");
     $alias = lor(@$m[2], @$m[1]);
     if (isset($this->_tableAliases[$alias])) {
         throw new RM_Base_Exception_BadUsage("Duplicate table name in query `{$alias}'");
     $this->_tables[$alias] = M('Db')->getConnection()->tableName($tableSpec);
     $this->_tableAliases[$alias] = $alias;
     $this->_tableBinds[$alias] = sqlBindsAddFlat(func_get_args(), 1);
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * @return resource
 function _conn($ns)
     $id = $this->_keyNs[$ns]['daemon'];
     if (!isset($this->_conns[$id])) {
         $host = $this->_daemons[$id]['host'];
         $port = lor($this->_daemons[$id]['port'], 11211);
         $this->_conns[$id] = memcache_pconnect($host, $port);
         if (!$this->_conns[$id]) {
             $this->_conns[$id] = memcache_connect($host, $port);
     return $this->_conns[$id];
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Returns signature fr user at moment $time
  * @param 		array 		$user
  * @param 		int 			$time
  * @return 		string
 public function getSign(array $user, $time = 0)
     return md5((isset($user['id']) ? $user['id'] : '') . (isset($user['nick']) ? $user['nick'] : '') . (isset($user['first_name']) ? $user['first_name'] : '') . (isset($user['last_name']) ? $user['last_name'] : '') . (isset($user['sex']) ? $user['sex'] : '') . round(lor($time, strtotime('now')) / 60, 0));
Exemplo n.º 18
  *	Constructor. Accepts following configuration options:
  *  	session-var		string		Session var to keep logged user ID. Default is "user.logged"
  *	@param	conf	hash		Configuration
  *	@return
 public function __construct($conf)
     $this->_var = lor(@$conf['session-var'], 'user.logged');
Exemplo n.º 19
 public function getFiltersFromSession()
     @($_GET['f'] = lor(@$_GET['f'], @$_SESSION['f']));
     @($_GET['page'] = lor(@$_GET['page'], @$_SESSION['page']));