function zpm_postamble($ggame) { if (skip()) { return; } global $zpm_utime; $end_t = microtime(true); $time_t = floor(($end_t - $zpm_utime) * 1000000); $start_t_f = floor($zpm_utime); $name = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); if (isset($ggame) && $ggame != "") { $name = $ggame . "^" . $name; } log_entry($name, $time_t, $start_t_f); zperfmon_disable(); $zpm_utime = ZPM_INIT_VAL; return; }
* replace specific url with general url ******************************************************************************/ $mod_header = convertInteralLinksToTags($_SESSION[settings][sitename], $_SESSION[siteObj]->getField("header")); $mod_footer = convertInteralLinksToTags($_SESSION[settings][sitename], $_SESSION[siteObj]->getField("footer")); // Lets pass the cleaning of editor text off to the editor. $mod_header = cleanEditorText($mod_header); $mod_footer = cleanEditorText($mod_footer); $_SESSION[siteObj]->setField("header", $mod_header); $_SESSION[siteObj]->setField("footer", $mod_footer); if ($_SESSION[settings][add]) { $_SESSION[siteObj]->insertDB(); log_entry("add_site", "{$_SESSION['auser']} added " . $_SESSION[siteObj]->name, $_SESSION[siteObj]->name, $_SESSION[siteObj]->id, "site"); } if ($_SESSION[settings][edit]) { $_SESSION[siteObj]->updateDB(1); log_entry("edit_site", "{$_SESSION['auser']} edited " . $_SESSION[siteObj]->name, $_SESSION[siteObj]->name, $_SESSION[siteObj]->id, "site"); } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* will have to update this to use object-related site copy functions */ // --- Copy the Template on add --- if ($_SESSION[settings][add] && $_SESSION[settings][template] != "") { /* copySite($_SESSION[settings][template],$_SESSION[siteObj]->getField("name")); */ $_SESSION[siteObj]->applyTemplate($_SESSION[settings][template]); } else { if ($_SESSION[settings][add]) { /* copySite("template0",$_SESSION[siteObj]->getField("name")); */ $_SESSION[siteObj]->applyTemplate("template0"); } } // do recursive enable if ($_SESSION[settings][recursiveenable]) {
function deleteuserfile($fileid) { global $uploaddir, $site, $settings; $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT \n\t\t\t\t* \n\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\tmedia \n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN\n\t\t\t\tslot\n\t\t\t\t\tON\n\t\t\t\tmedia.FK_site = slot.FK_site\n\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\tmedia_id='" . addslashes($fileid) . "'\n\t"; $r = db_query($query); $a = db_fetch_assoc($r); $a[media_tag] = urldecode($a[media_tag]); $siteObj =& new site($a[slot_name]); $file_path = $uploaddir . "/" . $siteObj->getField("name") . "/" . $a[media_tag]; // $file_path = "../segue_userfiles/afranco/close2.gif"; // print "file = \"$file_path\" <br />"; if (file_exists($file_path)) { // $exists = file_exists($file_path); // print "fileexists = $exists $file_path<br /> "; $success = unlink($file_path); // print "success = $success <br />"; if ($success) { $query = "DELETE FROM media WHERE media_id='" . addslashes($fileid) . "' LIMIT 1"; db_query($query); log_entry("media_delete", "{$_SESSION['auser']} deleted file: " . $a[media_tag] . ", id: {$fileid}, from site " . $siteObj->getField("name"), $siteObj->name, $siteObj->id, "site"); } else { log_entry("media_error", "Delete failed of file: " . $a[media_tag] . ", id: {$fileid}, from site " . $siteObj->getField("name") . " by " . $_SESSION[auser], $siteObj->name, $siteObj->id, "site"); error("File could not be Deleted"); } } else { log_entry("media_error", "Delete failed of file: " . $a[media_tag] . ", id: {$fileid}, from site " . $siteObj->getField("name") . " by " . $_SESSION[auser] . ". File does not exist. Removed entry.", $siteObj->name, $siteObj->id, "site"); error("File does not exist. Its Entry was deleted"); $query = "DELETE FROM media WHERE media_id='" . addslashes($fileid) . "' LIMIT 1"; db_query($query); } }
function loginvalid($user, $pass, $alreadyloggedin = 0) { global $_auth_mods; // we have two choices in this function. either the user has already logged in // or we have to check for them if ($alreadyloggedin) { // print "lmethod: $_SESSION['lmethod'] - $_SESSION['luser']<br />"; if (!$_SESSION[lmethod]) { error("An unknown error happened during authentication. Please <a href='index.php?login'>logout</a> and try again. Ignore the error(s) below."); return 0; } $func = "_valid_" . $_SESSION[lmethod]; /* if ($func($user,$pass)) */ /* return 1; // ok, they passed the test */ /* else */ /* return 0; */ return 1; } else { $valid = 0; // $valid = $x = _valid_pam($user,$pass); // print_r($_auth_mods); foreach ($_auth_mods as $_auth) { $func = "_valid_" . $_auth; // print "<br />AUTH: trying ".$_auth ."..."; //debug if ($x = $func($user, $pass)) { $valid = 1; break; } } // print "<br />$valid<br />"; // print_r($x); if ($valid) { // register all of the needed variables // and send them to the correct page // set the acting user variables.. default to same as login -- may change later $_SESSION[aid] = $_SESSION[lid] = $x[id]; $_SESSION[auser] = $_SESSION[luser] = $user; // $_SESSION[lpass] = $pass; $_SESSION[afname] = $_SESSION[lfname] = $x[fullname]; $_SESSION[aemail] = $_SESSION[lemail] = $x[email]; $_SESSION[atype] = $_SESSION[ltype] = $x[type]; $_SESSION[amethod] = $_SESSION[lmethod] = $x[method]; log_entry("login", "{$_SESSION['luser']} authenticated"); return 1; } else { return 0; } } return 0; }
log_entry("Possible fraud. Error with receiver_email. " . strtolower(NOCHEX_EMAIL) . " != " . strtolower($To_email)); $VERIFIED = false; } // check so that transactrion id cannot be reused $sql = "SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE txn_id='{$txn_id}' "; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error() . $sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { nc_mail_error("Possible fraud. Transaction id: {$txn_id} is already in the database. \n"); log_entry("Possible fraud. Transaction id: {$txn_id} is already in the database."); $VERIFIED = false; } $entry_line = "verified: {$res}"; log_entry($entry_line); } else { if (strcmp($res, "DECLINED") == 0) { log_entry($entry_line); // log for manual investigation $VERIFIED = false; $payment_status = 'Denied'; } } } fclose($fp); // if VERIFIED=1 process payment if ($VERIFIED) { switch ($payment_status) { case "Completed": // Funds successfully transferred complete_order($user_id, $order_id); debit_transaction($order_id, $amount, 'GBP', $txn_id, $reason, 'NOCHEX'); break;
$thisSite->updateDB(); /* $pages = decode_array(db_get_value("sections","pages","id=$delete_section")); */ /* $query = "delete from sections where id=$delete_section"; */ /* db_query($query); // delete the section entry */ /* $newsections = array(); */ /* foreach($sections as $se) { */ /* if ($se != $delete_section) array_push($newsections, $se); */ /* } */ /* $sections = encode_array($newsections); */ /* $query = "update sites set sections='$sections' where name='$site'"; */ /* db_query($query); // update the sections array in the site entry */ /* */ /* // now delete all associated pages and stories and discussions */ /* */ /* foreach ($pages as $p) { */ /* $stories = decode_array(db_get_value("pages","stories","id=$p")); */ /* db_query("delete from pages where id=$p"); */ /* foreach ($stories as $s) { */ /* $type = db_get_value("stories","type","id=$s"); */ /* if ($type == 'file' || $type=='image') */ /* deleteuserfile($s,urldecode(db_get_value("stories","longertext","id=$s"))); */ /* db_query("delete from stories where id=$s"); */ /* } */ /* } */ /* // done; */ log_entry("delete_section", "{$_SESSION['auser']} deleted section id {$_REQUEST['delete_section']}", $_REQUEST[site], $_REQUEST[site], "site"); } else { log_entry("delete_section", "{$_SESSION['auser']} deleting section id {$_REQUEST['delete_section']} failed", $_REQUEST[site], $_REQUEST[delete_section], "section"); } header("Location: {$PHP_SELF}?{$sid}&site={$_REQUEST['site']}&action=viewsite"); exit;
<?php /* $Id$ */ /* $stories = decode_array(db_get_value("pages","stories","id=$page")); */ /* */ /* print count($stories) . " stories in array<br />"; */ /* print permission($_SESSION['auser'],PAGE,DELETE,$page) . " permission<br />"; */ /* print "$site_owner is the owner. should be ". db_get_value("sites","addedby","name='$site'") ."<br />"; */ if ($thisPage->hasPermission("delete", $_SESSION[auser])) { $thisPage->delStory($_REQUEST[delete_story]); $thisPage->updateDB(); /* $a = db_get_line("stories","id=$delete_story"); */ /* if ($a[type] != 'story') { */ /* // deleteuserfile($delete_story,urldecode($a[longertext])); */ /* } */ /* $query = "delete from stories where id=$delete_story"; */ /* db_query($query); */ /* $newstories = array(); */ /* foreach ($stories as $s) { */ /* if ($s != $delete_story) array_push($newstories,$s); */ /* } */ /* $stories = encode_array($newstories); */ /* $query = "update pages set stories='$stories' where id=$page"; */ /* db_query($query); */ log_entry("delete_story", "{$_SESSION['auser']} deleted story id {$_REQUEST['delete_story']}", $thisPage->owning_site, $_REQUEST[story], "story"); } else { log_entry("delete_story", "{$_SESSION['auser']} deleting story id {$_REQUEST['delete_story']} failed", $thisPage->owning_site, $_REQUEST[story], "story"); } header("Location: {$PHP_SELF}?{$sid}&site={$_REQUEST['site']}§ion={$_REQUEST['section']}&page={$_REQUEST['page']}&action=viewsite"); exit;
foreach ($_auth_mods as $_auth) { $func = "_valid_" . $_auth; // print "<br />AUTH: trying ".$_auth ."..."; //debug if ($x = $func($changeauser, "", 1)) { $valid = 1; break; } } if ($valid) { $_SESSION[auser] = $changeauser; $_SESSION[aemail] = $x[email]; $_SESSION[afname] = $x[fullname]; $_SESSION[atype] = $x[type]; $_SESSION[aid] = $x[id]; $_SESSION[amethod] = $x[method]; log_entry("change_auser", $_SESSION['luser'] . " as " . $_SESSION['auser']); unset($_SESSION["discussion_set"]); unset($_SESSION["oldversion"]); unset($_SESSION["newversion"]); unset($_SESSION["expand_personalsites"]); unset($_SESSION["expand_recentactivity"]); unset($_SESSION["expand_othersites"]); unset($_SESSION["expand_editorsites"]); unset($_SESSION["expand_pastclasses"]); unset($_SESSION["expand_upcomingclasses"]); } } //printpre("<p>$_SESSION['aid'], $_SESSION['afname'], $_SESSION['auser'], $_SESSION['aemail'], $_SESSION['atype']<br />"); //exit(); $getVars = ""; foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) {
$radioButtonCode .= "<input type=radio name=contactSelect onclick=\"javascript:setContactId('{$row['call_record_id']}','{$found['contactId']}')\" value={$found['contactId']}> <a id=\"astmultcontact\" title=\"{$mouseOverTitle}\" href=\"index.php?module=Contacts&action=DetailView&record={$found['contactId']}\">{$found['contactFullName']}</a><BR>"; // <a id=\"astmultcompany\" href=\"index.php?module=Accounts&action=DetailView&record={$found['company_id']}\">{$found['company']}</a> // In the only 1 matching contact case, we can set the contact_id db column to cut down on doing expensive sql queries to find matching contact. if (empty($row['contact_id']) && !$isMultipleContactCase) { //$tempContactId = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\-\. ]/i', '', $contactRow['contact_id']); //$tempCallRecordId = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\-\. ]/i', '', $row['call_record_id']); //$insertQuery = "UPDATE asterisk_log SET contact_id='$tempContactId' WHERE call_record_id='$tempCallRecordId'"; //$current_user->db->query($insertQuery, false); // This is a special case where a contact record is created after the call started. // Such As... Call begins, then user clicks create new contact, call ends... $_REQUEST['action'] = 'setContactId'; $_REQUEST['call_record'] = $row['call_record_id']; $_REQUEST['contact_id'] = $contactRow['contact_id']; $_REQUEST['id'] = $row['asterisk_id']; require_once "custom/modules/Asterisk/include/controller.php"; log_entry("after_setContactId.... {$isNoMatchingContactCase} ... {$isMultipleContactCase} ... '{$row['contact_id']}' \n", "C:/callListener.log"); } } // End while $contactRow if ($isMultipleContactCase) { $found['contactFullName'] = $mod_strings["ASTERISKLBL_MULTIPLE_MATCHES"]; } // Check OpenCNAM if we don't already have the Company Name in Sugar. if (!isset($found['company']) && $sugar_config['asterisk_opencnam_enabled'] == "true") { //log_entry("company not set", "c:\callListenerLog.txt"); if ($row['opencnam'] == NULL) { //log_entry("Null in db\n", "c:\callListenerLog.txt"); $tempCnamResult = opencnam_fetch($phoneToFind); $tempCnamResult = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\\-\\. ]/i', '', $tempCnamResult); $tempCallRecordId = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\\-\\. ]/i', '', $row['call_record_id']); $cnamUpdateQuery = "UPDATE asterisk_log SET opencnam='{$tempCnamResult}' WHERE call_record_id='{$tempCallRecordId}'";
} /****************************************************************************** * Save: calls insertDB and updateDB functions ******************************************************************************/ if ($_SESSION[settings][edit]) { $_SESSION[pageObj]->updateDB(); log_entry("edit_page", "{$_SESSION['auser']} edited page id " . $_SESSION[pageObj]->id . " in site " . $_SESSION[pageObj]->owning_site . ", section " . $_SESSION[pageObj]->owning_section, $_SESSION[pageObj]->owning_site, $_SESSION[pageObj]->id, "page"); // $query = "update pages set editedby='$_SESSION['auser']',"; $where = " where id=$_SESSION[settings][page]"; // printpre($_REQUEST[location]); // exit(); } if ($_SESSION[settings][add]) { // automatically inherit permissions from above; $_SESSION[pageObj]->setPermissions($thisSection->getPermissions()); $_SESSION[pageObj]->insertDB(); log_entry("add_page", "{$_SESSION['auser']} added page id " . $_SESSION[pageObj]->id . " in site " . $_SESSION[pageObj]->owning_site . ", section " . $_SESSION[pageObj]->owning_section, $_SESSION[pageObj]->owning_site, $_SESSION[pageObj]->id, "page"); // convertAddNodeLinks($_SESSION[pageObj]->owning_site, $_SESSION[pageObj]->owning_section, $_SESSION[settings][source_story], $_SESSION[settings][source_title], $_SESSION[pageObj]->id, $story=0); } // do the recursive update of active flag and such... .... ugh $_SESSION[settings][permissions] = decode_array($_SESSION[settings][permissions]); if ($_SESSION[settings][edit] && ($_SESSION[settings][recursiveenable] || count($_SESSION[settings][copydownpermissions]))) { // recursively change the $active or $permissions field for all parts of the site $stories = decode_array(db_get_value("pages", "stories", "id='" . addslashes($_SESSION[settings][page]) . "'")); foreach ($stories as $s) { $sa = db_get_line("stories", "id='" . addslashes($s) . "'"); $chg = array(); if ($recursiveenable && permission($_SESSION['auser'], PAGE, EDIT, $p)) { $chg[] = "active='" . addslashes($_SESSION[settings][active]) . "'"; } if (count($_SESSION[settings][copydownpermissions]) && $_SESSION['auser'] == $_SESSION[settings][site_owner]) { $sp = decode_array($sa['permissions']);
function print_wrapper($str) { global $is_cli; global $ENABLE_LOGGING; print $str; if ($ENABLE_LOGGING) { log_entry($str); } if (!$is_cli) { print "</br>"; } }
$_SESSION[storyObj]->setField("longertext", $text); // check make sure the owner is the current user if they are changing permissions /* if ($site_owner != $_SESSION[auser]) { */ /* if ($_SESSION[settings][edit]) $_SESSION[storyObj]->buildPermissionsArray(); */ /* else $_SESSION[storyObj]->setPermissions($thisPage->getPermissions()); */ /* } */ /****************************************************************************** * Save: calls insertDB and updateDB functions ******************************************************************************/ if ($_SESSION[settings][add]) { $_SESSION[storyObj]->insertDB(); log_entry("add_story", "{$_SESSION['auser']} added content id " . $_SESSION[storyObj]->id . " in site " . $_SESSION[storyObj]->owning_site . ", section " . $_SESSION[storyObj]->owning_section . ", page " . $_SESSION[storyObj]->owning_page, $_SESSION[storyObj]->owning_site, $_SESSION[storyObj]->id, "story"); } if ($_SESSION[settings][edit]) { $_SESSION[storyObj]->updateDB(); log_entry("edit_story", "{$_SESSION['auser']} edited content id " . $_SESSION[storyObj]->id . " in site " . $_SESSION[storyObj]->owning_site . ", section " . $_SESSION[storyObj]->owning_section . ", page " . $_SESSION[storyObj]->owning_page, $_SESSION[storyObj]->owning_site, $_SESSION[storyObj]->id, "story"); } // $text = recordInternalLinks ($_SESSION[settings][site],$_SESSION[settings][section],$_SESSION[settings][page], $_SESSION[storyObj]->id, $_SESSION[storyObj]->getField("shorttext")); // $text = recordInternalLinks ($_SESSION[settings][site],$_SESSION[settings][section],$_SESSION[settings][page], $_SESSION[storyObj]->id, $_SESSION[storyObj]->getField("longertext")); $_SESSION[storyObj]->updatePermissionsDB(TRUE); $_SESSION[storyObj]->deletePendingEditors(); /****************************************************************************** * If this version is different, then save version to to version table ******************************************************************************/ // // $version_short = $_SESSION[storyObj]->getField("shorttext"); // $version_long = $_SESSION[storyObj]->getField("longertext"); // $story_id = $_SESSION[storyObj]->id; // // printpre($version_short); // save_version($version_short, $version_long, $story_id); /******************************************************************************
/****************************************************************************** * Link section types: replace specific url with general url ($linkpath) ******************************************************************************/ if ($_SESSION[sectionObj]->getField("type") == 'link') { $_SESSION[sectionObj]->setField("url", convertInteralLinksToTags($_SESSION[settings][site], $_SESSION[sectionObj]->getField("url"))); } // add the new section id to the sites table if ($_SESSION[settings][add]) { $_SESSION[sectionObj]->setPermissions($thisSite->getPermissions()); $_SESSION[sectionObj]->insertDB(); log_entry("add_section", "{$_SESSION['auser']} added section id " . $_SESSION[sectionObj]->id . " in site " . $_SESSION[sectionObj]->owning_site, $_SESSION[sectionObj]->owning_site, $_SESSION[sectionObj]->id, "section"); // convertAddNodeLinks($_SESSION[sectionObj]->owning_site, $_SESSION[sectionObj]->id, $_SESSION[settings][source_story], $_SESSION[settings][source_title], $page=0, $story=0); } if ($_SESSION[settings][edit]) { $_SESSION[sectionObj]->updateDB(); log_entry("edit_section", "{$_SESSION['auser']} edited section id " . $_SESSION[sectionObj]->id . " in site " . $_SESSION[sectionObj]->owning_site, $_SESSION[sectionObj]->owning_site, $_SESSION[sectionObj]->id, "section"); } header("Location: index.php?{$sid}&action=viewsite&site=" . $_SESSION[sectionObj]->owning_site . ($_SESSION[sectionObj]->getField("type") == 'section' ? "§ion=" . $_SESSION[sectionObj]->id : "")); exit; } else { $_SESSION[settings][step] = 1; } } // ------- print out the add form ------- // --- The Navigation Links for the sidebar --- $leftlinks = "_________________<br /><table>"; $leftlinks .= "<tr><td>"; if ($_SESSION[settings][step] == 1) { $leftlinks .= "⇒ "; } $leftlinks .= "</td><td>";
function handle_team_registration($bid, $pin, $extra_args = array()) { $team_registration = sanitized_team_registration(); $user = get_user($bid); $tid = $user["tid"]; $team = get_team($tid); $team_members = get_team_members($tid); // Choose appropriate action to perform. if (strcmp($team_registration["teamRegistrationAction"], "remove") == 0) { $userToRemove = get_user($team_registration["teamRegistrationBid"]); if ($userToRemove != null && $userToRemove["tid"] == $tid) { assign_user_to_team($userToRemove["bid"], PASSPORT_NO_TEAM_TID); log_entry(LOG_MODE_USER, LOG_USER_ACTION_REMOVE_TEAM_MEMBER, array("actorUid" => $user["uid"], "actorBid" => $user["bid"], "targetUid" => $user_to_add["uid"], "targetBid" => $user_to_add["bid"], "targetTid" => PASSPORT_NO_TEAM_TID, comment => addslashes(serialize($team_registration)))); $team = get_team($tid); $team_members = get_team_members($tid); return array("view" => "team_registration_add", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "teamMemberJustRemoved" => $user_to_remove, "teamMembers" => $team_members, "team" => $team) + $extra_args); } } else { if (strcmp($team_registration["teamRegistrationAction"], "create") == 0) { if (valid_team_name($team_registration["teamName"])) { $tid = register_team($team_registration["teamName"], $user["uid"]); log_entry(LOG_MODE_USER, LOG_USER_ACTION_CREATE_TEAM, array("actorUid" => $user["uid"], "actorBid" => $user["bid"], "targetTid" => $tid, comment => addslashes(serialize($team_registration)))); if ($tid == PASSPORT_NO_TEAM_TID) { return array("view" => "team_registration_create", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin) + $extra_args); } assign_user_to_team($bid, $tid); log_entry(LOG_MODE_USER, LOG_USER_ACTION_ADD_TEAM_MEMBER, array("actorUid" => $user["uid"], "actorBid" => $user["bid"], "targetUid" => $user["uid"], "targetBid" => $user["bid"], "targetTid" => $tid, comment => addslashes(serialize($team_registration)))); $team_members = get_team_members($tid); $team = get_team($tid); return array("view" => "team_registration_add", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "teamJustCreated" => true, "teamMembers" => $team_members, "team" => $team) + $extra_args); } else { return array("view" => "team_registration_create", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "teamNameInvalid" => true) + $extra_args); } } else { if (strcmp($team_registration["teamRegistrationAction"], "add") == 0) { $user = get_user($bid); $team = get_team($user["tid"]); $team_members = get_team_members($user["tid"]); if (count($team_members) < MAX_TEAM_MEMBERS) { if (validate_login($team_registration["teamRegistrationBid"], $team_registration["teamRegistrationPin"])) { $user_to_add = get_user($team_registration["teamRegistrationBid"]); if ($user_to_add["tid"] == PASSPORT_NO_TEAM_TID) { assign_user_to_team($user_to_add["bid"], $tid); log_entry(LOG_MODE_USER, LOG_USER_ACTION_ADD_TEAM_MEMBER, array("actorUid" => $user["uid"], "actorBid" => $user["bid"], "targetUid" => $user_to_add["uid"], "targetBid" => $user_to_add["bid"], "targetTid" => $tid, comment => addslashes(serialize($team_registration)))); $team_members = get_team_members($user["tid"]); return array("view" => "team_registration_add", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "teamMemberJustAdded" => $user_to_add, "teamMembers" => $team_members, "team" => $team) + $extra_args); } else { return array("view" => "team_registration_add", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "alreadyOnTeam" => true, "teamMembers" => $team_members, "team" => $team) + $extra_args); } } else { return array("view" => "team_registration_add", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "teamMemberBad" => true, "teamMembers" => $team_members, "team" => $team) + $extra_args); } } else { return array("view" => "team_registration_add", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "teamFull" => true, "teamMembers" => $team_members, "team" => $team) + $extra_args); } } } } // No action specified, just need to show the user the current members. return array("view" => "team_registration_add", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "teamMembers" => $team_members, "team" => $team) + $extra_args); }
<?php /* $Id$ */ $pagetitle = "Delete Site"; $s =& new site($_REQUEST['name']); $s->fetchDown(1); /* print "<pre>"; print_r($s); print "</pre>"; */ if (sitenamevalid($_REQUEST['name'])) { if ($_REQUEST[confirm]) { $s->delete(); log_entry("delete_site", $_SESSION['auser'] . " deleted site " . $_REQUEST['name'], $s->getField("name"), $s->id, "site"); } else { printc("Are you <b>SURE</b> you want to delete the site <i>" . $s->getField("title") . "</i>?? This operation is <b>irreversable</b>. You will <b>never</b> see any of the content of this site again, including all sections, pages, content, and discussions. You better be <b>ABSOLUTELY SURE</b> you want to do this! If so, hit 'Delete'.<br /><br />"); printc("<form action='{$PHP_SELF}?{$sid}&action=delete_site&name=" . $_REQUEST['name'] . "'><input type='hidden' name='confirm' value='1' />"); printc("<input type='hidden' name='name' value='" . $_REQUEST['name'] . "' />"); printc("<input type='hidden' name='action' value='delete_site' />"); printc("<input type='button' value='<< Back' onclick='history.go(-1)' /> <input type='submit' value='Delete' />"); printc("</form>"); /* print "<pre>"; print_r($s); print "</pre>"; */ return; } } else { log_entry("delete_site", $_SESSION['auser'] . " deleting site '" . $_REQUEST['name'] . "' failed", $s->getField("name"), $s->id, "site"); } header("Location: {$PHP_SELF}?{$sid}"); exit;
function swap_model() { // TODO: sanitize $lastname = $_POST["ln"]; $old_bid = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'old_bid', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $new_bid = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'new_bid', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); if (isset($old_bid) || isset($new_bid)) { if (isset($old_bid) && isset($new_bid)) { $ouser = get_user($old_bid); $nuser = get_user($new_bid); if ($ouser != null && $ouser["s"] == PASSPORT_STATE_REGISTERED && $nuser != null && $nuser["s"] == PASSPORT_STATE_UNREGISTERED) { swap_passports($old_bid, $new_bid); log_entry(LOG_MODE_ADMIN, LOG_ADMIN_ACTION_SWAP_PASSPORT, array("adminUser" => http_authenticated_user(), "targetUid" => $ouser["uid"], "targetBid" => $ouser["bid"], "targetBid2" => $nuser["bid"], "comment" => "Deleted UID: " . $nuser["uid"])); return array("view" => "swap", "args" => array("justSwapped" => true, "old_bid" => $old_bid, "new_bid" => $new_bid)); } } return array("view" => "swap", "args" => array("matches" => get_users_by_lastname($lastname), "ln" => $lastname, "swapError" => true)); } else { if (isset($lastname)) { return array("view" => "swap", "args" => array("matches" => get_users_by_lastname($lastname), "ln" => $lastname)); } } return array("view" => "swap", "args" => array()); }
if ($_REQUEST[copysite] && $_REQUEST[newname] && $_REQUEST[origname]) { $newname = $_REQUEST[newname]; $origSite =& new site($_REQUEST[origname]); $origSite->fetchDown(1); /****************************************************************************** * Check to make sure that the slot is not already in use. * Hitting refresh after copying a site, will insert a second copy of the site * if we don't check for this. ******************************************************************************/ $query = "SELECT FK_site FROM slot WHERE slot_name = '" . addslashes($newname) . "'"; $r = db_query($query); $a = db_fetch_assoc($r); if (!$a[FK_site]) { $copyDiscussions = $_REQUEST['copy_discussions'] ? TRUE : FALSE; $origSite->copySite($newname, TRUE, $copyDiscussions); log_entry("copy_site", "{$_SESSION['auser']} copied site " . $origname . " to " . $newname, $newname, $origSite->id, "site"); // Should maybe be the newsite's id. } } /****************************************************************************** * Links to other segue instances ******************************************************************************/ if ($allowclasssites != $allowpersonalsites && ($personalsitesurl != "" || $classsitesurl != "")) { if ($allowclasssites) { add_link(topnav, "Classes"); add_link(topnav, "Community", "{$personalsitesurl}", '', '', ''); } else { add_link(topnav, "Classes", "{$classsitesurl}", '', '', ''); add_link(topnav, "Community"); } }
session_start(); include "config/config.php"; include "advantis-functions.php"; // Enable/disable debug if (isset($_GET["debug"])) { $debug = $_GET["debug"]; $_SESSION["debug"] = $debug; $username = $_SESSION['username']; if ($debug) { debug_msg("Debugging enabled for user $username."); } else { log_entry("DEBUG: Debugging disabled for user $username."); } } elseif (isset($_SESSION["debug"])) { $debug = $_SESSION["debug"]; } // Get user data for the session $userId = $_SESSION['user']; $userRights = $_SESSION['rights']; // Output session variables to debug window #debug_var ("User details", get_user_name ($userId)); debug_var ("Session variables", $_SESSION);
/* $pages = decode_array(db_get_value("sections","pages","id=$section")); */ /* $p = new page($_REQUEST[site],$_REQUEST[section],$_REQUEST[delete_page]); */ /* $p->fetchFromDB(); */ if ($thisSection->hasPermission("delete", $_SESSION[auser])) { $thisSection->delPage($_REQUEST[delete_page]); $thisSection->updateDB(); /* $stories = decode_array(db_get_value("pages","stories","id=$delete_page")); // get stories to delete */ /* $query = "delete from pages where id=$delete_page"; */ /* db_query($query); // delete the story entry */ /* // now remove the entry from the section's pages array */ /* $newpages = array(); */ /* foreach ($pages as $p) { */ /* if ($p != $delete_page) array_push($newpages,$p); */ /* } */ /* $pages = encode_array($newpages); */ /* $query = "update sections set pages='$pages' where id=$section"; */ /* db_query($query); */ /* */ /* // now delete all of the stories associated with the page */ /* foreach ($stories as $s) { */ /* $type = db_get_value("stories","type","id=$s"); */ /* if ($type == 'file' || $type=='image') */ /* deleteuserfile($s,urldecode(db_get_value("stories","longertext","id=$s"))); */ /* db_query("delete from stories where id=$s"); */ /* } */ log_entry("delete_page", "{$_SESSION['auser']} deleted page id {$_REQUEST['delete_page']}", $thisSection->owning_site, $_REQUEST[section], "section"); } else { log_entry("delete_page", "{$_SESSION['auser']} deleting page id {$_REQUEST['delete_page']} failed", $thisSection->owning_site, $_REQUEST[delete_page], "page"); } header("Location: {$PHP_SELF}?{$sid}&site={$_REQUEST['site']}§ion={$_REQUEST['section']}&action=viewsite"); exit;
db_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbdb); if ($del = $_REQUEST[del]) { // we're deleting something // print $del; if ($del == 'group') { $query = "UPDATE class SET FK_classgroup=NULL WHERE FK_classgroup='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['group']) . "'"; db_query($query); $query = "DELETE FROM classgroup WHERE classgroup_id='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['group']) . "'"; db_query($query); log_entry("classgroups", "" . $_SESSION['auser'] . " removed group " . db_get_value("classgroup", "classgroup_name", "classgroup_id='" . addslashes($_REQUEST[group]) . "'"), "NULL", '".addslashes($group)."', "classgroup"); } if ($del == 'class') { $query = "UPDATE class SET FK_classgroup=NULL WHERE class_id='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['class']) . "'"; printpre($query); db_query($query); log_entry("classgroup", "" . $_SESSION['auser'] . " removed {$class} from group " . db_get_value("classgroup", "classgroup_name", "classgroup_id='" . addslashes($_REQUEST[group]) . "'"), "NULL", $_REQUEST[group], "classgroup"); } print <<<END <script type='text/javascript'> // <![CDATA[ \tfunction updater() { \t\topener.window.location="index.php?{$sid}"; \t} // ]]> </script> END; }
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "COPY" && $parentObj->id == $_SESSION['origSection']) { $removeOrigional = 0; } else { $removeOrigional = 1; } log_entry($actionlc . "_page", $_SESSION['auser'] . " " . $actionlc . "d page " . $partObj->id . " from site " . $_SESSION['origSite'] . ", section " . $_SESSION['origSection'] . " to site " . $parentObj->owning_site . ", section " . $parentObj->id, $parentObj->owning_site, $parentObj->id, "section"); } else { if ($_SESSION['type'] == "story") { $partObj = $_SESSION['origSiteObj']->sections[$_SESSION['origSection']]->pages[$_SESSION['origPage']]->stories[$_SESSION['origStory']]; $parentObj = $siteObj->sections[$_REQUEST['section']]->pages[$_REQUEST['page']]; if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "COPY" && $parentObj->id == $_SESSION['origPage']) { $removeOrigional = 0; } else { $removeOrigional = 1; } log_entry($actionlc . "_story", $_SESSION['auser'] . " " . $actionlc . "d story " . $partObj->id . " from site " . $_SESSION['origSite'] . ", section " . $_SESSION['origSection'] . ", page " . $_SESSION['origPage'] . " to site " . $parentObj->owning_site . ", section " . $parentObj->owning_section . ", page " . $parentObj->id, $parentObj->owning_site, $parentObj->id, "story"); } else { print "Major Error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"; } } } // make a copy of the origional to delete later. if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0') < 0) { eval(' function clone($object) { return $object; } '); } $origPartObj = clone $partObj; if ($_REQUEST['site'] == $_SESSION['origSite']) {
function log_session($operation) { // Get user details $userId = $_SESSION['user']; $username = $_SESSION['username']; $userIPaddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $userBrowser= $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if ($operation == "login") { if (!$_SESSION['logged']) { $_SESSION['logged'] = true; $log_entry = "$userIPaddr User logged in id$userId $username [$userBrowser]"; } // else ignore multiple logins for same user session } elseif ($operation == "logout") { if ($_SESSION['logged']) { $_SESSION['logged'] = false; $log_entry = "$userIPaddr User logged out id$userId $username"; } // else ignore multiple logouts for same user session } elseif ($operation == "badlogin") { if ($_SESSION['badlogin']) { $username = $_SESSION['badlogin']; unset ($_SESSION['badlogin']); } $log_entry = "$userIPaddr Login attempt failed for user ($username)"; } else { $log_entry = "log_session(): Invalid operation $operation"; debug_msg ($log_entry); } log_entry ($log_entry); }