Exemplo n.º 1
    $notifications[$type]['message'] = ConfigHelper::getConfig($config_section . '.' . $type . '_message', $type . ' notification');
    $notifications[$type]['subject'] = ConfigHelper::getConfig($config_section . '.' . $type . '_subject', $type . ' notification');
    $notifications[$type]['days'] = intval(ConfigHelper::getConfig($config_section . '.' . $type . '_days', 0));
    $notifications[$type]['file'] = ConfigHelper::getConfig($config_section . '.' . $type . '_file', '/etc/rc.d/' . $type . '.sh');
    $notifications[$type]['header'] = ConfigHelper::getConfig($config_section . '.' . $type . '_header', "#!/bin/bash\n\nipset flush {$type}\n");
    $notifications[$type]['rule'] = ConfigHelper::getConfig($config_section . '.' . $type . '_rule', "ipset add {$type} %i\n");
    $notifications[$type]['footer'] = ConfigHelper::getConfig($config_section . '.' . $type . '_footer', '');
if (in_array('mail', $channels) && empty($mail_from)) {
    die("Fatal error: mailfrom unset! Can't continue, exiting." . PHP_EOL);
if (!empty($auth) && !preg_match('/^LOGIN|PLAIN|CRAM-MD5|NTLM$/i', $auth)) {
    die("Fatal error: smtp_auth setting not supported! Can't continue, exiting." . PHP_EOL);
//$currtime = localtime2() + $timeoffset;
$currtime = localtime2();
//$daystart = intval($currtime / 86400) * 86400 - $timeoffset;
$daystart = intval($currtime / 86400) * 86400;
$dayend = $daystart + 86399;
$deadline = ConfigHelper::getConfig('payments.deadline', ConfigHelper::getConfig('invoices.paytime', 0));
// Include required files (including sequence is important)
require_once LIB_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'language.php';
include_once LIB_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'definitions.php';
require_once LIB_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'unstrip.php';
require_once LIB_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common.php';
if (ConfigHelper::checkConfig('phpui.logging') && class_exists('SYSLOG')) {
    $SYSLOG = new SYSLOG($DB);
} else {
    $SYSLOG = null;
// Initialize Session, Auth and LMS classes
Exemplo n.º 2
define('DISPOSABLE', 0);
// Tariff types
define('TARIFF_INTERNET', 1);
define('TARIFF_HOSTING', 2);
define('TARIFF_SERVICE', 3);
define('TARIFF_PHONE', 4);
define('TARIFF_TV', 5);
define('TARIFF_OTHER', -1);
$TARIFFTYPES = array(TARIFF_INTERNET => ConfigHelper::getConfig('tarifftypes.internet', trans('internet')), TARIFF_HOSTING => ConfigHelper::getConfig('tarifftypes.hosting', trans('hosting')), TARIFF_SERVICE => ConfigHelper::getConfig('tarifftypes.service', trans('service')), TARIFF_PHONE => ConfigHelper::getConfig('tarifftypes.phone', trans('phone')), TARIFF_TV => ConfigHelper::getConfig('tarifftypes.tv', trans('tv')), TARIFF_OTHER => ConfigHelper::getConfig('tarifftypes.other', trans('other')));
$fakedate = array_key_exists('fakedate', $options) ? $options['fakedate'] : NULL;
$currtime = strftime("%s", localtime2());
$month = intval(strftime("%m", localtime2()));
$dom = intval(strftime("%d", localtime2()));
$year = strftime("%Y", localtime2());
$weekday = strftime("%u", localtime2());
$yearday = strftime("%j", localtime2());
if (is_leap_year($year) && $yearday > 31 + 28) {
    $yearday -= 1;
if (!empty($fakedate)) {
    $today = $currtime;
} else {
    $today = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $dom, $year);
if ($month == 1 || $month == 4 || $month == 7 || $month == 10) {
    $quarter = $dom;
} elseif ($month == 2 || $month == 5 || $month == 8 || $month == 11) {
    $quarter = $dom + 100;
} else {
    $quarter = $dom + 200;
Exemplo n.º 3
    global $fakedate;
    if (!empty($fakedate)) {
        $date = explode("/", $fakedate);
        return mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($date[1]), intval($date[2]), intval($date[0]));
    } else {
        return time();
$ftype = 'text/html';
$fext = 'html';
if ($filetype == 'pdf') {
    $ftype = 'application/pdf';
    $fext = 'pdf';
$timeoffset = date('Z');
$currtime = localtime2() + $timeoffset;
$month = intval(date('m', $currtime));
$day = intval(date('d', $currtime));
$year = intval(date('Y', $currtime));
$daystart = intval($currtime / 86400) * 86400 - $timeoffset;
$dayend = $daystart + 86399;
$from = $sender_email;
if (!empty($sender_name)) {
    $from = "{$sender_name} <{$from}>";
// prepare customergroups in sql query
$customergroups = " AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM customergroups g, customerassignments ca \n\tWHERE c.id = ca.customerid \n\tAND g.id = ca.customergroupid \n\tAND (%groups)) ";
$groupnames = ConfigHelper::getConfig('sendinvoices.customergroups');
$groupsql = "";
$groups = preg_split("/[[:blank:]]+/", $groupnames, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
foreach ($groups as $group) {
Exemplo n.º 4
        } else {
    $pdf->output($output, 'F');
require_once LIB_DIR . '/tcpdf.php';
require_once MODULES_DIR . '/invoice_tcpdf.inc.php';
require_once MODULES_DIR . '/invoice_tcpdf_v2.inc.php';
//$DB->debug = true;
$fakedate = array_key_exists('fakedate', $options) ? $options['fakedate'] : NULL;
$currtime = strftime("%s", localtime2());
$month = intval(strftime("%m", localtime2()));
$dom = intval(strftime("%d", localtime2()));
$year = strftime("%Y", localtime2());
$month = sprintf('%02.d', $month);
$dom = sprintf('%02.d', $dom);
if (array_key_exists('docid', $options)) {
    // generowanie pliku na podstawie id faktury
    $docid = intval($options['docid']);
    $doc = $DB->GetRow('SELECT d.type, d.customerid, d.number, d.numberplanid, d.cdate, d.version, d.templatetype, d.fullnumber, n.template 
			    FROM documents d 
			    JOIN numberplans n ON (n.id = d.numberplanid) 
			    WHERE d.id = ? AND d.templatetype = ? AND (d.version = 1 OR d.version = 2) 
			    AND (d.type = ? OR d.type = ?' . ($proforma ? ' OR d.type=' . DOC_INVOICE_PRO . ' ' : '') . ') 
			    LIMIT 1;', array($docid, 'pdf', DOC_CNOTE, DOC_INVOICE));
    if (!$doc) {
        if (!$quiet) {
            print "Nie odnaleziono faktury o ID : " . $docid . ", lub dokument nie spełnia kryteriów\n";