Exemplo n.º 1
function getPluginLinks($iconSize = E_16_PLUGMANAGER, $linkStyle = 'adminb')
    global $sql, $tp;
    $plug_id = array();
    $plugin_array = array();
    e107::getDb()->db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_installflag = 1");
    // Grab plugin IDs.
    while ($row = e107::getDb()->db_Fetch()) {
        $pth = $row['plugin_path'];
        $plug_id[$pth] = $row['plugin_id'];
    $pref = e107::getConfig('core')->getPref();
    $text = render_links(e_ADMIN . "plugin.php", ADLAN_98, ADLAN_99, "Z", $iconSize, $linkStyle);
    $plugs = e107::getObject('e107plugin');
    foreach ($pref['plug_installed'] as $plug => $vers) {
        $plugin_path = $plug;
        $name = $plugs->plug_vars['@attributes']['name'];
        /*		echo "<h1>".$name." ($plug)</h1>";
        foreach ($plugs->plug_vars['adminLinks']['link'] as $tag) {
            if (varset($tag['@attributes']['primary']) != 'true') {
            loadLanFiles($plugin_path, 'admin');
            $att = $tag['@attributes'];
            $eplug_name = $tp->toHTML($name, FALSE, "defs, emotes_off");
            $eplug_conffile = $att['url'];
            $eplug_icon_small = $plugin_path . '/' . $att['iconSmall'];
            $eplug_icon = $plugin_path . '/' . $att['icon'];
            $eplug_caption = str_replace("'", '', $tp->toHTML($att['description'], FALSE, 'defs, emotes_off'));
            if (varset($eplug_conffile)) {
                $eplug_name = $tp->toHTML($eplug_name, FALSE, "defs, emotes_off");
                $plugin_icon = $eplug_icon_small ? "<img class='icon S16' src='" . e_PLUGIN . $eplug_icon_small . "' alt=''  />" : E_16_PLUGIN;
                $plugin_icon_32 = $eplug_icon ? "<img class='icon S32' src='" . e_PLUGIN . $eplug_icon . "' alt=''  />" : E_32_PLUGIN;
                $plugin_array['p-' . $plugin_path] = array('link' => e_PLUGIN . $plugin_path . "/" . $eplug_conffile, 'title' => $eplug_name, 'caption' => $eplug_caption, 'perms' => "P" . $plug_id[$plugin_path], 'icon' => $plugin_icon, 'icon_32' => $plugin_icon_32);
    //	print_a($plugs->plug_vars['adminLinks']['link']);
    /*	echo "hello there";
     	$xml = e107::getXml();
    	$xml->filter = array('@attributes' => FALSE,'description'=>FALSE,'administration' => FALSE);	// .. and they're all going to need the same filter
    	if ($sql->db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_installflag=1"))
    		while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
    			extract($row);		//  plugin_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    								//	plugin_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
    								//	plugin_version varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
    								//	plugin_path varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
    								//	plugin_installflag tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    								//	plugin_addons text NOT NULL,
    			if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path."/plugin.xml"))
    				$readFile = $xml->loadXMLfile(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path.'/plugin.xml', true, true);
    				if ($readFile === FALSE)
    					echo 'Error in file: '.e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path.'/plugin.xml'.'<br />';
    					loadLanFiles($plugin_path, 'admin');
    					$eplug_name 		= $tp->toHTML($readFile['@attributes']['name'],FALSE,"defs, emotes_off");
    					$eplug_conffile 	= $readFile['administration']['configFile'];
    					$eplug_icon_small 	= $plugin_path.'/'.$readFile['administration']['iconSmall'];
    					$eplug_icon 		= $plugin_path.'/'.$readFile['administration']['icon'];
    					$eplug_caption 		= str_replace("'", '', $tp->toHTML($readFile['description'], FALSE, 'defs, emotes_off'));
    			elseif (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path."/plugin.php"))
    			if (varset($eplug_conffile))
    				$eplug_name = $tp->toHTML($eplug_name,FALSE,"defs, emotes_off");
    				$plugin_icon = $eplug_icon_small ? "<img class='icon S16' src='".e_PLUGIN.$eplug_icon_small."' alt=''  />" : E_16_PLUGIN;
    				$plugin_icon_32 = $eplug_icon ? "<img class='icon S32' src='".e_PLUGIN.$eplug_icon."' alt=''  />" : E_32_PLUGIN;
    				$plugin_array['p-'.$plugin_path] = array('link' => e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path."/".$eplug_conffile, 'title' => $eplug_name, 'caption' => $eplug_caption, 'perms' => "P".$plugin_id, 'icon' => $plugin_icon, 'icon_32' => $plugin_icon_32);
    			unset($eplug_conffile, $eplug_name, $eplug_caption, $eplug_icon_small);
    		$plugin_array = array();	
    ksort($plugin_array, SORT_STRING);
    // To FIX, without changing the current key format, sort by 'title'
    if ($linkStyle == "array") {
        return $plugin_array;
    foreach ($plugin_array as $plug_key => $plug_value) {
        $the_icon = $iconSize == E_16_PLUGMANAGER ? $plug_value['icon'] : $plug_value['icon_32'];
        $text .= render_links($plug_value['link'], $plug_value['title'], $plug_value['caption'], $plug_value['perms'], $the_icon, $linkStyle);
    return $text;
Exemplo n.º 2
     * Legacy Admin Menu Routine. 
     * Currently Used by Jayya admin. 
    function sc_admin_alt_nav($parm)
        if (ADMIN) {
            global $sql, $pref, $tp;
            require e_ADMIN . 'ad_links.php';
            require_once e_HANDLER . 'admin_handler.php';
            function adnav_cat($cat_title, $cat_link, $cat_img, $cat_id = FALSE)
                $cat_link = $cat_link ? $cat_link : "javascript:void(0);";
                $text = "<a class='menuButton' href='" . $cat_link . "' style='background-image: url(" . $cat_img . "); background-repeat: no-repeat;  background-position: 3px 1px' ";
                if ($cat_id) {
                    $text .= "onclick=\"return buttonClick(event, '" . $cat_id . "');\" onmouseover=\"buttonMouseover(event, '" . $cat_id . "');\"";
                $text .= ">" . $cat_title . "</a>";
                return $text;
            function adnav_main($cat_title, $cat_link, $cat_img, $cat_id = FALSE, $cat_highlight = '')
                $exit = "";
                $text = "<a class='menuItem " . $cat_highlight . "' href='" . $cat_link . "' ";
                if ($cat_id) {
                    $text .= "onclick=\"return false;\" onmouseover=\"menuItemMouseover(event, '" . $cat_id . "');\"";
                $text .= "><span class='menuItemBuffer'>" . $cat_img . "</span><span class='menuItemText'>" . $cat_title . "</span>";
                if ($cat_id) {
                    $text .= "<span class=\"menuItemArrow\">&#9654;</span>";
                $text .= "</a>";
                return $text;
            if (file_exists(THEME . 'nav_menu.js')) {
                $text = "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . THEME_ABS . "nav_menu.js'></script>";
            } else {
                $text = "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . e_JS . "nav_menu.js'></script>";
            $text .= "<div style='width: 100%'><table style='border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%'>\n\t\t\t<tr><td>\n\t\t\t<div class='menuBar' style='width: 100%'>";
            $text .= adnav_cat(ADLAN_151, e_ADMIN . 'admin.php', E_16_NAV_MAIN);
            // Main Link.
            // Render Settings, Users, Content, Tools, Manage.
            for ($i = 1; $i < 7; $i++) {
                $ad_tmpi = 0;
                $ad_links_array = asortbyindex($array_functions, 1);
                $nav_main = adnav_cat($admin_cat['title'][$i], '', $admin_cat['img'][$i], $admin_cat['id'][$i]);
                $ad_texti = "<div id='" . $admin_cat['id'][$i] . "' class='menu' onmouseover=\"menuMouseover(event)\">";
                while (list($key, $nav_extract) = each($ad_links_array)) {
                    if ($nav_extract[4] == $i) {
                        if (getperms($nav_extract[3])) {
                            $ad_texti .= adnav_main($nav_extract[1], $nav_extract[0], $nav_extract[5]);
                            $ad_tmpi = 1;
                $ad_texti .= '</div>';
                if ($ad_tmpi == 1) {
                    $text .= $nav_main;
                    $text .= $ad_texti;
            $render_plugins = FALSE;
            include_once e_HANDLER . 'plugin_class.php';
            $plug = new e107plugin();
            $plugin_array = array();
            // kill php notices
            if ($sql->db_Select('plugin', '*', 'plugin_installflag=1 ORDER BY plugin_path')) {
                while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) {
                    if (getperms('P' . $row['plugin_id'])) {
                        if ($plug->parse_plugin($row['plugin_path'])) {
                            $plug_vars = $plug->plug_vars;
                            loadLanFiles($row['plugin_path'], 'admin');
                            if ($plug_vars['administration']['configFile']) {
                                $plug_vars['@attributes']['name'] = $tp->toHTML($plug_vars['@attributes']['name'], FALSE, "defs");
                                $icon_src = (isset($plug_vars['plugin_php']) ? e_PLUGIN_ABS : e_PLUGIN_ABS . $row['plugin_path'] . '/') . $plug_vars['administration']['iconSmall'];
                                $plugin_icon = $plug_vars['administration']['iconSmall'] ? "<img src='{$icon_src}' alt='" . $plug_vars['administration']['caption'] . "' class='icon S16' />" : E_16_PLUGIN;
                                $plugin_array[ucfirst($plug_vars['@attributes']['name'])] = adnav_main($plug_vars['@attributes']['name'], e_PLUGIN . $row['plugin_path'] . "/" . $plug_vars['administration']['configFile'], $plugin_icon);
                            $render_plugins = TRUE;
                            $active_plugs = TRUE;
                ksort($plugin_array, SORT_STRING);
                $plugs_text = '';
                foreach ($plugin_array as $plugin_compile) {
                    $plugs_text .= $plugin_compile;
            			if (getperms('Z'))
            				$pclass_extended = $active_plugs ? 'header' : '';
            				$plugin_text = adnav_main(ADLAN_98, e_ADMIN.'plugin.php', E_16_PLUGMANAGER, FALSE, $pclass_extended);
            				$render_plugins = TRUE;
            if ($render_plugins) {
                $text .= adnav_cat(ADLAN_CL_7, '', E_16_CAT_PLUG, 'plugMenu');
                $text .= "<div id='plugMenu' class='menu' onmouseover=\"menuMouseover(event)\">";
                $text .= varset($plugin_text) . varset($plugs_text);
                $text .= "</div>";
            // Render the "About" Menu - Phpinfo, Credits and Docs.
            $text .= adnav_cat(ADLAN_CL_20, '', E_16_CAT_ABOUT, $admin_cat['id'][20]);
            $text .= "<div id='" . $admin_cat['id'][20] . "' class='menu' onmouseover=\"menuMouseover(event)\">";
            foreach ($ad_links_array as $key => $nav_extract) {
                $text .= $nav_extract[4] == 20 ? adnav_main($nav_extract[1], $nav_extract[0], $nav_extract[5]) : "";
            // if (!is_readable(e_DOCS.e_LANGUAGE."/")) // warning killed
            // {
            // $handle=opendir(e_DOCS.'English/');
            // }
            // $i=1;
            // if(varset($handle))
            // {
            // while ($file = readdir($handle))
            // {
            // if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != 'CVS')
            // {
            // $text .= adnav_main(str_replace('_', ' ', $file), e_ADMIN_ABS.'docs.php?'.$i, E_16_DOCS);
            // $i++;
            // }
            // }
            // closedir($handle);
            // }
            $text .= '</div>';
            $text .= '</div>
            if (varset($exit) != 'off') {
                $text .= "<td style='width: 160px; white-space: nowrap'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='menuBar' style='width: 100%'>";
                $text .= adnav_cat(ADLAN_53, e_HTTP . 'index.php', E_16_NAV_LEAV);
                $text .= adnav_cat(ADLAN_46, e_ADMIN_ABS . 'admin.php?logout', E_16_NAV_LGOT);
                $text .= '</div>
            $text .= '</tr>
            return $text;