Exemplo n.º 1
echo display_content_top('list_content');
echo start_content_tag($module . '_content');
if ($nb_results == 0) {
    echo '<p class="list_header">' . __('there is no %1% to show', array('%1%' => __($module))) . '</p>';
} else {
    $pager_navigation = pager_navigation($pager);
    if (!$mobile_version) {
        echo '<p class="list_header">' . __('to sort by one column, click once or twice in its title') . '</p>';
    echo '<p class="list_header">' . link_to_default_order(__('sort by id'), __('the list is sorted by id'));
    if ($module == 'outings') {
        $orderby_images = array('orderby' => 'odate', 'order' => 'desc');
    } else {
        $orderby_images = array();
    echo ' &nbsp; ' . link_to_associated_images(__('List all linked images'), $module, $orderby_images);
    echo '</p>';
    $orderby_params = array('orderby', 'orderby2', 'orderby3');
    $order_params = array('order', 'order2', 'order3');
    $orderby_list = c2cTools::getRequestParameterArray($orderby_params, '');
    $order_list = c2cTools::getRequestParameterArray($order_params, '');
    if (!$mobile_version && in_array($module, array('outings', 'routes', 'summits', 'sites', 'parkings', 'huts', 'areas', 'users'))) {
        $result_types = sfConfig::get('app_list_result_types');
        if ($module == 'outings') {
        } elseif (in_array($module, array('routes', 'sites', 'users'))) {
        $result_type_options = options_for_select(array_map('__', $result_types), 3);
        $result_type_select = select_tag('result_type', $result_type_options);
Exemplo n.º 2
    echo '<div id="nav_space">&nbsp;</div>';
$format = $sf_data->getRaw('format');
$format_full = in_array('full', $format);
$conditions_statuses = sfConfig::get('mod_outings_conditions_statuses_list');
$access_statuses = sfConfig::get('mod_outings_access_statuses_list');
$glacier_statuses = sfConfig::get('mod_outings_glacier_statuses_list');
$frequentation_statuses = sfConfig::get('mod_outings_frequentation_statuses_list');
$hut_statuses = sfConfig::get('mod_outings_hut_statuses_list');
echo display_content_top('list_content');
echo start_content_tag('outings_content');
if (!isset($items) || count($items) == 0) {
    echo __('there is no %1% to show', array('%1%' => __('outings')));
} else {
    echo '<p class="list_header">' . link_to_outings(__('Show as a list')) . ' &nbsp; ' . link_to_associated_images(__('List all linked images'), 'outings', array('orderby' => 'odate', 'order' => 'desc'));
    if ($show_images) {
        echo '';
        $nb_images = 0;
    echo '</p>';
    $pager_navigation = pager_navigation($pager, array('list_header'));
    echo $pager_navigation;
    echo pager_nb_results($pager);
    $class = 'recent_conditions';
    if ($show_images) {
        $class .= ' condimg';
        echo javascript_tag('lightbox_msgs = Array("' . __('View image details') . '","' . __('View original image') . '");');
<ul class="<?php