Exemplo n.º 1
 function internallink($match, $state, $pos)
     // Strip the opening and closing markup
     $link = preg_replace(array('/^\\[\\[/', '/\\]\\]$/u'), '', $match);
     // Split title from URL
     $link = explode('|', $link, 2);
     if (!isset($link[1])) {
         $link[1] = null;
     } else {
         if (preg_match('/^\\{\\{[^\\}]+\\}\\}$/', $link[1])) {
             // If the title is an image, convert it to an array containing the image details
             $link[1] = Doku_Handler_Parse_Media($link[1]);
     $link[0] = trim($link[0]);
     //decide which kind of link it is
     if (link_isinterwiki($link[0])) {
         // Interwiki
         $interwiki = explode('>', $link[0], 2);
         $this->_addCall('interwikilink', array($link[0], $link[1], strtolower($interwiki[0]), $interwiki[1]), $pos);
     } elseif (preg_match('/^\\\\\\\\[^\\\\]+?\\\\/u', $link[0])) {
         // Windows Share
         $this->_addCall('windowssharelink', array($link[0], $link[1]), $pos);
     } elseif (preg_match('#^([a-z0-9\\-\\.+]+?)://#i', $link[0])) {
         // external link (accepts all protocols)
         $this->_addCall('externallink', array($link[0], $link[1]), $pos);
     } elseif (preg_match('<' . PREG_PATTERN_VALID_EMAIL . '>', $link[0])) {
         // E-Mail (pattern above is defined in inc/mail.php)
         $this->_addCall('emaillink', array($link[0], $link[1]), $pos);
     } elseif (preg_match('!^#.+!', $link[0])) {
         // local link
         $this->_addCall('locallink', array(substr($link[0], 1), $link[1]), $pos);
     } else {
         // internal link
         $this->_addCall('internallink', array($link[0], $link[1]), $pos);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Render an external media file
  * @param string $src     full media URL
  * @param string $title   descriptive text
  * @param string $align   left|center|right
  * @param int    $width   width of media in pixel
  * @param int    $height  height of media in pixel
  * @param string $cache   cache|recache|nocache
  * @param string $linking linkonly|detail|nolink
  * @param bool   $return  return HTML instead of adding to $doc
  * @return void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $return
 function externalmedia($src, $title = null, $align = null, $width = null, $height = null, $cache = null, $linking = null, $return = false)
     if (link_isinterwiki($src)) {
         list($shortcut, $reference) = explode('>', $src, 2);
         $exists = null;
         $src = $this->_resolveInterWiki($shortcut, $reference, $exists);
     list($src, $hash) = explode('#', $src, 2);
     $noLink = false;
     $render = $linking == 'linkonly' ? false : true;
     $link = $this->_getMediaLinkConf($src, $title, $align, $width, $height, $cache, $render);
     $link['url'] = ml($src, array('cache' => $cache));
     list($ext, $mime) = mimetype($src, false);
     if (substr($mime, 0, 5) == 'image' && $render) {
         // link only jpeg images
         // if ($ext != 'jpg' && $ext != 'jpeg') $noLink = true;
     } elseif (($mime == 'application/x-shockwave-flash' || media_supportedav($mime)) && $render) {
         // don't link movies
         $noLink = true;
     } else {
         // add file icons
         $class = preg_replace('/[^_\\-a-z0-9]+/i', '_', $ext);
         $link['class'] .= ' mediafile mf_' . $class;
     if ($hash) {
         $link['url'] .= '#' . $hash;
     //output formatted
     if ($return) {
         if ($linking == 'nolink' || $noLink) {
             return $link['name'];
         } else {
             return $this->_formatLink($link);
     } else {
         if ($linking == 'nolink' || $noLink) {
             $this->doc .= $link['name'];
         } else {
             $this->doc .= $this->_formatLink($link);