Exemplo n.º 1
function lhg_comment_percent_bar($uid)
    global $lang;
    if ($lang == "de") {
    #$karma = cp_getPoints( $uid );
    $karma = lhg_get_karma($uid);
    $level = lhg_get_rank_level($uid);
    $rank_txt = cp_module_ranks_getRank($public_user_ID);
    $max_rank = 3;
    $tooltip = lhg_user_tooltip($uid);
    $output = '<div class="comment_percent_bar">';
    $output .= '<div class="rateline" style="border: 0px solid #000;" title="' . $tooltip . '">
                       <div style="float: left;"></div>

                       <div class="outerbox" style="background-color: #fff; width: 54px; float: left; margin: 4px 0px; border: 1px solid #eee;">
                         <div class="box" style="border: 0px solid #088; background-color: #2b8fc3; height: 6px; width: ' . 100 * $level / $max_rank . '%;" >
    //$output .= ''.$rank_txt.'';
    $output .= '</div>';
    return $output;
     * @see Walker::start_el()
     * @since 2.7.0
     * @param string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.
     * @param object $comment Comment data object.
     * @param int $depth Depth of comment in reference to parents.
     * @param array $args
    function start_el(&$output, $comment, $depth, $args)
        global $txt_says;
        global $txt_at;
        $GLOBALS['comment_depth'] = $depth;
        if (!empty($args['callback'])) {
            call_user_func($args['callback'], $comment, $args, $depth);
        $GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment;
        extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
        if ('div' == $args['style']) {
            $tag = 'div';
            $add_below = 'comment';
        } else {
            $tag = 'li';
            $add_below = 'div-comment';
        // LHG: Link avatar and name
        global $region;
        $lang_url = lhg_get_lang_url_from_region($region);
        //echo "REG: $region, LU: $lang_url";
        $uid = get_comment(get_comment_ID())->user_id;
        if ($lang_url != "") {
            $lang_url = "/" . $lang_url;
        if ($uid != 0) {
            $tooltip = lhg_user_tooltip($uid);
        $user_link = '<a href="' . $lang_url . '/hardware-profile/user' . $uid . '" class="userlink" title="' . $tooltip . '"></a>';
        $user_link_end = '';
        if ($uid != 0) {
            $output_tmp_1 = $user_link;
        if ($uid != 0) {
            $output_tmp_2 = $user_link_end;
        $percent_bar = "";
        if ($uid != 0) {
            $percent_bar = lhg_comment_percent_bar($uid);
        echo $tag;
        comment_class(empty($args['has_children']) ? '' : 'parent');
        if ('div' != $args['style']) {
		<div id="div-comment-<?php 
" class="comment-body">
		   <div class="comment-author vcard">
        $args['avatar_size'] = 50;
        if ($args['avatar_size'] != 0) {
            echo "\n                       " . $output_tmp_1 . '

                       <div title="' . $tooltip . '">
                           ' . get_avatar($comment, $args['avatar_size']) . '

                        ' . $percent_bar . $output_tmp_2;

        $commlink = get_comment_author_link();
        $commlink = str_replace("admin", "LHG-Team", $commlink);
        printf(__('<cite class="fn">%s</cite> <span class="says">' . $txt_says . ':</span>'), $output_tmp_1 . $commlink . $output_tmp_2);

        if ($comment->comment_approved == '0') {
		<em class="comment-awaiting-moderation"><?php 
            _e('Your comment is awaiting moderation.');
		<br />

		<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata"><a href="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars(get_comment_link($comment->comment_ID));

        /* translators: 1: date, 2: time */
        printf(__('%1$s ' . $txt_at . ' %2$s'), get_comment_date(), get_comment_time());
        if (get_current_user_id() != 0) {
            edit_comment_link(__('(Edit)'), '&nbsp;&nbsp;', '');
        $out = show_user_rating();
        echo ' <span class="commentrating">' . $out . '</span>';

        /* span class="collapseomatic" id="id<?php get_comment_ID();?>" title="Trigger">Trigger</span><div id="target-id<?php get_comment_ID();?>" class="collapseomatic_content"> */

        $ctext = ob_get_clean();
        $ctext = str_replace("<collapse>", '<div id="target-id' . get_comment_ID() . '" class="collapseomatic_content">', $ctext);
        //$ctext = str_replace("</collapse>",'</div><div class="collapseomatic" id="id'.get_comment_ID().'" title="Show more">Show more</div><span id="swap-id'.get_comment_ID().'" alt="" style="display:none;">Show less</span>',$ctext);
        $ctext = str_replace("</collapse>", '</div><div class="collapseomatic" id="id' . get_comment_ID() . '" title="Show more">Show more</div><span id="swap-id' . get_comment_ID() . '" alt="" style="display:none;">Show less</span>', $ctext);
        //attachment breaks <p>, hack needed
        $ctext = str_replace("<!-- help-p -->", "</p>", $ctext);
        echo $ctext;
        global $last_reply_field;
        //echo "Depth: $depth";
        //create answer field
        if ($depth == 1) {

		<div class="reply">
            comment_reply_link(array_merge($args, array('add_below' => $add_below, 'depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth'])));

            //Include Flattr button
            global $lang;
            //echo "<br>UserID: $comment->user_id<br>";
            $UID = get_comment(get_comment_ID())->user_id;
            $FL_USERNAME = get_the_author_meta('flattr-id', get_comment(get_comment_ID())->user_id);
            //$comment->user_id );
            //echo "User: $FL_USERNAME<br>";
            //echo "TITLE= $title";
            //echo "LANG: $lang<br>";
            if ($FL_USERNAME != "" && $UID != 0) {
                $FL_URL = get_comment_link($comment->comment_ID);
                $FL_URL = str_replace("#", "%23", $FL_URL);
                $title = get_the_title();
                $title = str_replace("(", " ", $title);
                $title = str_replace(")", " ", $title);
                $title = str_replace(",", " ", $title);
                $title = str_replace(";", " ", $title);
                $title = str_replace("&quot;", "", $title);
                $FL_DESCRIPTION = "Comment%20" . $comment->comment_ID . "%20to%20article%20:%20{$title}";
                echo '<span class="flattr-button"><a href="https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=' . $FL_USERNAME . '&url=' . $FL_URL . '&title=Linux%20Hardware%20Guide&description=' . $FL_DESCRIPTION . '&tags=Linux,Hardware&category=text">';
                echo '<img src="https://api.flattr.com/button/flattr-badge-large.png" alt="Flattr Button"></a></span>';

            $last_reply_field = ob_get_clean();
            //echo "STRL: ".strlen($last_reply_field);

        //echo "depth: $depth<br>";
        if ($depth != 1) {
            if ('div' != $args['style']) {