Exemplo n.º 1
function extract_label_koef($html)
    $html = kill_tag_bound($html, 'div|tr');
    $label = delete_all(copy_be($html, '<td', '</td>', 'label'), '<', '>');
    $koef = delete_all(copy_be($html, '<td', '</td>', '\'odd\''), '<', '>');
    return array($label, $koef);
Exemplo n.º 2
function extract_bet($Html)
    $Html = kill_tag_bound($Html, 'b|a|font|img');
    $Html = str_ireplace('\'style', '\' style', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('nowrap', '', $Html);
    $Html = kill_space($Html);
    $Html = numbering_tag($Html, 'table');
    $Html = extract_numbered_tags($Html, 'table', "\r\n", 'width=\'70%\'');
    $Html = kill_property($Html, "onmousemove|onmouseout|valign|align|class|style|height|width|cellpadding|cellspacing|border");
    $Html = kill_property($Html, 'TagNo');
    // раскрываем таблицы в дате и заголовках
    for ($i = 2; $i < 20; $i++) {
        $Html = str_ireplace(" colspan='{$i}'", " colspan={$i}", $Html);
        $Html = str_ireplace(" colspan=\"{$i}\"", " colspan={$i}", $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('<th colspan=6><table><tr>', '', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('</tr></table></th>', '', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('<td colspan=6><table><tr>', '', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('<td colspan=15><table><tr>', '', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('</tr></table></td>', '', $Html);
    // убираем комментарии
    $Html = replace_all_contain($Html, '<tr>', '</tr>', '', 'Комментарий к событию:|Сеты');
    $Html = replace_all_contain($Html, '<span>', '</span>', '', 'Вернуться');
    $Html = str_ireplace('>--<', '><', $Html);
    // Ставим точку в виде спорта
    $Html = str_ireplace('><span>', '>', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('<span>', '. ', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('</span>', '', $Html);
    return $Html;
Exemplo n.º 3
function extract_bet($Html)
    $Html = copy_be($Html, '<form ', '</form>', 'betform');
    $Html = kill_tag($Html, 'script|div');
    $Html = kill_space($Html);
    $Html = kill_tag_bound($Html, 'b|span|br|i|a|input|font|img');
    $Html = delete_all($Html, '<tr', '</tr>', 'line3');
    $Html = kill_property_value_exclude($Html, 'class', 'line_table');
    $Html = kill_property($Html, 'width|height|valign|align|bgcolor|style|border|cellspacing|cellpadding');
    //  Убираем "левые" данные
    $Html = replace_all_contain($Html, '<tr', '</tr>', '', 'Хозяева|' . 'Гости|' . 'Индив.тотал:|' . '-я четверть|' . '-я партия|' . ' тайм|' . '-й сет');
    return $Html;
Exemplo n.º 4
function extract_bet($Html)
    $Html = extract_tags($Html, '<table cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=1', '</table>', "\r\n");
    $Html = kill_space($Html);
    $Html = kill_tag_bound($Html, 'b|a|br|font|img');
    $Html = str_ireplace(' nowrap', '', $Html);
    $Html = kill_property($Html, 'onmouseover|onclick|align|id|style|width|cellspacing');
    //  Убираем строки без ставок
    $Html = delete_all($Html, '<tr>', '</tr>', 'class="t_comment"');
    $Html = delete_all($Html, '<tr>', '</tr>', 'class="t_comment1"');
    $Html = str_ireplace(' class=date', ' @lass=date', $Html);
    $Html = kill_property($Html, 'class');
    $Html = str_ireplace(' @lass=date', ' class=date', $Html);
    return $Html;
Exemplo n.º 5
function extract_bet($Html)
    $Html = extract_tags($Html, '<table ', '</table>', '', 'Дома');
    $Html = kill_space($Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('=>', '|', $Html);
    $Html = kill_comment($Html);
    $Html = kill_tag($Html, 'script');
    $Html = kill_tag_bound($Html, 'input|b|a|img|strong');
    $Html = str_ireplace('<br>', '|', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('>-<', '><', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace(' bgcolor="#66FFFF"', ' league="#66FFFF"', $Html);
    $Html = kill_property($Html, 'bgcolor|align|valign|width|border|class');
    $Html = replace_all_contain($Html, '<tr', '</tr>', '', 'угл |' . 'ж.к ');
    return $Html;
Exemplo n.º 6
function extract_bet($Html)
    //  Разбираемся с концами строк
    $Html = str_ireplace("\n", '<br>', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace("\r", '<br>', $Html);
    $Html = copy_be($Html, '<form name=f1>', '</form>');
    $Html = str_ireplace('&nbsp;', ' ', $Html);
    $Html = kill_tag_bound($Html, 'input|itemevent|a|b');
    $Html = str_ireplace(' noshade', '', $Html);
    $Html = kill_property($Html, 'time|color');
    $Html = replace_all($Html, '<sup>', '</sup>', ' ');
    $Html = kill_tag($Html, 'big');
    $Html = str_ireplace('<endpreview/>', '', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('<hr><br>', '<hr>', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('<br>Оглавление<', '<', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('<br>Оглавление<', '<', $Html);
    $Html = replace_all($Html, '<u>', '</form>', '</form>');
    $Html = kill_tag_bound($Html, 'u|form');
    $Html = delete_all($Html, '<span ', '</span>', 'maxcap');
    return $Html;
Exemplo n.º 7
function extract_bet($Html)
    $Html = copy_be($Html, '<form name=f1', '</form>', 'Дома');
    $Html = kill_space($Html);
    $Html = kill_tag($Html, 'script');
    $Html = kill_tag_bound($Html, 'b|a|tbody|small|colgroup');
    // <!-- Выносим Экспресы и информацию о предыдущих встречах -->
    $Html = str_ireplace('<span class=tr>1</span>', '', $Html);
    $Html = delete_all($Html, '<tr>', '</tr>', '<span class=tr>');
    $Html = delete_all($Html, '<span class=n>', '</span>');
    //  <!-- Убираем строки с кнопками -->
    $Html = delete_all($Html, '<table ', '</table>', '<input ');
    //  <!-- Заменяем IMG с информацией на igif для последующего удаления -->
    $Html = replace_all($Html, '<img ', '>', "igif");
    //  <!-- Убираем левые коэффициенты в скобках -->
    $Html = replace_all($Html, '>(', ')', '>');
    //  <!-- Убираем оглавление -->
    $Html = delete_all($Html, "<div ", "</div", "Оглавление");
    $Html = kill_property($Html, 'width|border');
    $Html = replace_all_contain($Html, '<tr', '</tr>', '', '>Хозяева|' . '>Гости|' . '>Фолы|' . '>ж/к|' . '>угл.');
    return $Html;
Exemplo n.º 8
function extract_bet($Html)
    $Html = delete_all($Html, "(at ", ")");
    $Html = delete_all($Html, "(score: ", ")");
    $Html = str_ireplace('<wbr/>', '', $Html);
    $Html = str_replace("-.--", " ", $Html);
    $Html = kill_tag($Html, "h1|script");
    $Html = kill_space($Html);
    $Html = kill_comment($Html);
    $Html = numbering_tag($Html, 'div');
    $Html = extract_numbered_tags($Html, 'div', "", "bet-list");
    $Html = extract_numbered_tags($Html, 'div', "", "dsBodyContent");
    $Html = kill_property($Html, 'TagNo');
    $Html = kill_property($Html, "onmouseover|onmouseout|onclick|bgcolor|border|cellpadding|leaguename|id|width|cellspacing|regionname");
    $Html = kill_property_value($Html, "colspan", "1");
    $Html = kill_tag_bound($Html, "form|input|a|nobr|img|tbody|span");
    $Html = delete_all($Html, ' class="unselected ', '"');
    $Html = delete_all($Html, ' class=\'unselected ', '\'');
    $Html = replace_all_contain($Html, '<div', '</div>', '', 'isFavourite|' . 'isNoFavourite');
    $Html = replace_all_contain($Html, '<tr', '</tr>', '', 'sizer|' . 'bottomline');
    $Html = kill_property_value_exclude($Html, "class", "controlHeaderNoShadow|topbar|normal|def|alt|ControlContent");
    $Html = str_ireplace('<td></td>', '<td/>', $Html);
    $Html = kill_unclassed_tag($Html, 'div');
    $Html = kill_apostrof($Html, 'colspan');
    // !-- Приводим Totalы к нормальному виду -->
    $Html = replace_all($Html, "<h5>Сумма набранных очков ", '</h5>', '<h5>Total</h5>');
    $Html = replace_all($Html, "<h5>Тотал ", '</h5>', '<h5>Total</h5>');
    $Html = replace_all($Html, "<h5>Сколько будет забито голов?", '</h5>', '<h5>Total</h5>');
    $Html = replace_all($Html, "<h5>Сколько голов будет забито?", '</h5>', '<h5>Total</h5>');
    $Html = replace_all($Html, "<h5>Сколько геймов будет сыграно в матче?", '</h5>', '<h5>Total</h5>');
    $Html = replace_all($Html, "<h5>Кто выиграет больше геймов в матче? (гандикап игрока)", '</h5>', '<h5>Fora</h5>');
    $Html = replace_all($Html, "<h5>Двойной шанс", '</h5>', '<h5>1X_12_X2</h5>');
    $Html = str_ireplace('<tr class="alt"', "\r\n" . '<tr class="alt"', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('<tr class="def"', "\r\n" . '<tr class="alt"', $Html);
    $Tags = explode("\r\n", $Html);
    foreach ($Tags as $tag) {
        if (copy_be($tag, '>', '<', ' - ', ' - ', ':')) {
            $Html = str_ireplace("\r\n" . $tag, str_ireplace('="alt"', '="evn"', $tag), $Html);
    $Tags = explode("\r\n", $Html);
    foreach ($Tags as $tag) {
        if (strpos($tag, '"alt"')) {
            $newtag = numbering_tag($tag, 'tr');
            $trAlt = extract_numbered_tags($newtag, 'tr', '', 'alt');
            $h5 = delete_all($trAlt, '<', '>');
            if (strpos($h5, ' ')) {
                $newtag = str_replace($trAlt, '', $newtag);
                $Normals = explode("\r\n", extract_numbered_tags($newtag, 'tr', "\r\n", 'normal'));
                foreach ($Normals as $normal) {
                    $newtag = str_replace($normal, '', $newtag);
                $newtag = kill_property($newtag, 'TagNo');
                $Html = str_replace($tag, $newtag, $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace("\r\n", '', $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace('<tr class="evn"', "\r\n" . '<tr class="evn"', $Html);
    $Tags = explode("\r\n", $Html);
    foreach ($Tags as $tag) {
        if (strpos($tag, '"evn"')) {
            $newtag = numbering_tag($tag, 'tr');
            $trEvn = extract_numbered_tags($newtag, 'tr', '', 'evn');
            if (strpos($newtag, '="normal"') == 0) {
                $newtag = str_replace($trEvn, '', $newtag);
            $newtag = kill_property($newtag, 'TagNo');
            $Html = str_replace($tag, $newtag, $Html);
    $Html = str_ireplace("\r\n", '', $Html);
    return $Html;
Exemplo n.º 9
function extract_bet($Html)
    $Html = kill_space($Html);
    $Html = numbering_tag($Html, 'table');
    $Html = extract_numbered_tags($Html, 'table', '', 'content');
    $Tags = explode("\r\n", extract_tags($Html, '<table', 'height="22"', "\r\n"));
    foreach ($Tags as $tag) {
        $TagNo = extract_tagno($tag, 'table');
        $Table = extract_numbered_tag($Html, 'table', $TagNo);
        if (stripos($Table, 'поб.1') > 0) {
            $Result .= $Table;
    $Html = $Result;
    $Html = str_ireplace('>-<', '><', $Html);
    $Html = kill_comment($Html);
    $Html = kill_tag($Html, 'script');
    $Html = kill_tag_bound($Html, 'a|b|img|strong');
    $Html = kill_property($Html, 'tagno|bgcolor|align|valign|width|cellspacing|border|cellpadding');
    $Html = replace_all_contain($Html, '<tr', '</tr>', '', ' тайм)|' . ' тайм:|' . ' четверть:|' . '-й сет:|' . 'Дополнительные тоталы:|' . 'colspan="17"|' . 'Первый матч|' . 'Второй матч|' . 'Хозяева|' . 'Счет серии');
    return $Html;
Exemplo n.º 10
 private function extract_main_bets(&$tournir_node, $html, $sport_sign, $tournir_id)
     $event_id = extract_property_values(copy_be($html, '<ul', '>', 'rel'), 'rel', '');
     $html = kill_tag_bound($html, 'u');
     $cells = extract_all_tags($html, '<li', '</li>');
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($cells as $cell) {
         $cells[$i++] = delete_all($cell, '<', '>', 'li');
     list($day_no, $month_no, $year_no, $hour, $minute) = $this->decode_datetime(str_ireplace('<br>', ' ', $cells[0]));
     list($gamer1_name, $gamer2_name) = explode('<br/>', $cells[2]);
     $event_node = $this->event_create($tournir_node, $event_id, mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month_no, $day_no, $year_no), $gamer1_name, $gamer2_name);
     if ($cells[3] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[3] . ';Koef=' . $cells[3]);
     if ($cells[4] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[4] . ';Koef=' . $cells[4]);
     if ($cells[5] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[5] . ';Koef=' . $cells[5]);
     if ($cells[6] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[6] . ';Koef=' . $cells[6]);
     if ($cells[7] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[7] . ';Koef=' . $cells[7]);
     if ($cells[8] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[8] . ';Koef=' . $cells[8]);
     if ($cells[9] != '') {
         preg_match('/\\(([\\+\\-]*?)(.+?)\\)<br\\/>(.+?)/iU', $cells[9], $matches);
         if ($matches[1] == '' and $matches[2] != '0') {
             $matches[1] = '+';
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[9] . ';Value=' . $matches[1] . $matches[2] . ';Koef=' . $matches[3]);
     if ($cells[10] != '') {
         preg_match('/\\(([\\+\\-]*?)(.+?)\\)<br\\/>(.+?)/iU', $cells[10], $matches);
         if ($matches[1] == '' and $matches[2] != '0') {
             $matches[1] = '+';
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[10] . ';Value=' . $matches[1] . $matches[2] . ';Koef=' . $matches[3]);
     if ($cells[12] != '') {
         $value = $cells[11];
         if (!strpos($value, '.')) {
             $value = $value - 0.5;
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[12] . ';Value=' . $value . ';Koef=' . $cells[12]);
     if ($cells[13] != '') {
         $value = $cells[11];
         if (!strpos($value, '.')) {
             $value = $value + 0.5;
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[13] . ';Value=' . $value . ';Koef=' . $cells[13]);
Exemplo n.º 11
 private function extract_main_bets_soccer(&$tournir_node, $html, $sport_sign, $tournir_id)
     $html = str_ireplace('<tr', '<tr', $html);
     $html = str_ireplace('</tr', '</tr', $html);
     $html = copy_be($html, '<tr ', '</tr>', 'class=', 'tc');
     $event_id = copy_between($html, 'shdop(\'', '\'');
     $html = kill_tag_bound($html, 'b|a');
     $cells = extract_all_tags($html, '<td>', '</td>');
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($cells as $cell) {
         $cells[$i++] = delete_all($cell, '<', '>');
     list($hour, $minute) = $this->decode_time($cells[0]);
     $gamer1_name = $cells[1];
     $gamer2_name = $cells[4];
     $event_node = $this->event_create($tournir_node, $event_id, mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $this->month_no, $this->day_no, $this->year_no), $gamer1_name, $gamer2_name);
     if ($cells[3] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[3] . ';Value=' . $cells[2] . ';Koef=' . $cells[3]);
     if ($cells[6] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[6] . ';Value=' . $cells[5] . ';Koef=' . $cells[6]);
     if ($cells[7] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[7] . ';Koef=' . $cells[7]);
     if ($cells[8] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[8] . ';Koef=' . $cells[8]);
     if ($cells[9] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[9] . ';Koef=' . $cells[9]);
     if ($cells[10] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[10] . ';Koef=' . $cells[10]);
     if ($cells[11] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[11] . ';Koef=' . $cells[11]);
     if ($cells[12] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[12] . ';Koef=' . $cells[12]);
     if ($cells[14] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[14] . ';Value=' . $cells[13] . ';Koef=' . $cells[14]);
     if ($cells[15] != '') {
         $this->addBet($event_node, $this->header[15] . ';Value=' . $cells[13] . ';Koef=' . $cells[15]);
Exemplo n.º 12
 private function extract_main_bets(&$tournir_node, $html, $sport_sign, $tournir_id)
     $html = kill_property($html, 'TagNo');
     $html = numbering_tag($html, 'tr');
     $events = extract_all_numbered_tags($html, 'tr', 'event-header');
     foreach ($events as $event) {
         // получаем
         $event_info = take_be($event, '<table', '</table>');
         file_put_contents("Event.html", $event_info);
         preg_match_all('/<div class="(.*)?member-name(.*)?">(.*)?<\\/div>/imsU', $event_info, $matches);
         $gamer1_name = $matches[3][0];
         $gamer2_name = $matches[3][1];
         $datetime_str = delete_all(copy_be($event_info, '<td', '</td>', '"date"'), '<', '>');
         list($day_no, $month_no, $year_no, $hour, $minute) = $this->decode_datetime($datetime_str);
         $extrabet = copy_be($event_info, '<a', '</a>', 'treeid');
         $event_id = extract_property_values($extrabet, 'treeid', '');
         $extrabet = delete_all($extrabet, '<', '>');
         $event_node = $this->event_create($tournir_node, $event_id, mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month_no, $day_no, $year_no), $gamer1_name, $gamer2_name);
         $cells = extract_all_tags(replace_all($event, '<td', '>', '<td>'), '<td>', '</td>');
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($cells as $cell) {
             $cell = trim(copy_between($cell, '<td>', '</td>'));
             if ($cell) {
                 $cell = kill_tag_bound($cell, 'a');
                 $bettype_str = $this->header[$i];
                 foreach (explode(';', $bettype_str) as $bet_pair) {
                     list($key, $value) = explode('=', $bet_pair);
                     $bettype[$key] = $value;
                 if ($bettype['Kind'] == 'Total') {
                     preg_match('/\\((.+?)\\)<br\\/>(.+?)/iU', $cell, $matches);
                     if ($matches[2]) {
                         $matches[2] = delete_all($matches[2], '<', '>');
                         $this->addBet($event_node, $bettype_str . ';Value=' . $matches[1] . ';Koef=' . $matches[2]);
                 } elseif ($bettype['Kind'] == 'Fora') {
                     preg_match('/\\(([\\+\\-]*?)(.+?)\\)<br\\/>(.+?)/iU', $cell, $matches);
                     if ($matches[3]) {
                         $matches[3] = delete_all($matches[3], '<', '>');
                         $this->addBet($event_node, $bettype_str . ';Value=' . $matches[1] . $matches[2] . ';Koef=' . $matches[3]);
                 } else {
                     $cell = delete_all($cell, '<', '>');
                     $this->addBet($event_node, $bettype_str . ';Koef=' . $cell);
         //if ($extrabet > 0) $this->extract_extra_bets($event_node, $tournir_id, $event_id);
Exemplo n.º 13
function extract_bet($Html)
    $Html = str_ireplace(' nowrap', ' ', $Html);
    $Html = kill_space($Html);
    $Html = kill_comment($Html);
    $Html = extract_tags($Html, '<table ', '</table>', "\r\n", 'class="OT"');
    $Html = kill_tag($Html, "script");
    $Html = kill_tag_bound($Html, "form|input|a|nobr|img|tbody|div");
    $Html = kill_property($Html, "onmouseover|onmouseout|onclick|bgcolor|border|cellpadding|cellspacing|width|id|class");
    return $Html;
Exemplo n.º 14
function extract_main_bets(&$tournir_node, $html, $sport_sign, $tournir_id)
    $subjects_file = "phrases/olymp/subjects.txt";
    $subjects = file_get_hash($subjects_file);
    $event_id = extract_property_values(copy_be($html, '<ul', '>', 'rel'), 'rel', '');
    $html = kill_tag_bound($html, 'u');
    $cells = extract_all_tags($html, '<li', '</li>');
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($cells as $cell) {
        $cells[$i++] = delete_all($cell, '<', '>', 'li');
    list($day_no, $month_no, $year_no, $hour, $minute) = decode_datetime(str_ireplace('<br>', ' ', $cells[0]));
    list($gamer1_name, $gamer2_name) = explode('<br/>', $cells[2]);
    $event_node = event_create($tournir_node, $event_id, mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month_no, $day_no, $year_no), $gamer1_name, $gamer2_name);
    if ($cells[3] != '') {
        add_bet($event_node, 'Period=Match;Gamer=1;Modifier=Win;Koef=' . $cells[3]);
    if ($cells[4] != '') {
        add_bet($event_node, 'Period=Match;Modifier=Draw;Koef=' . $cells[4]);
    if ($cells[5] != '') {
        add_bet($event_node, 'Period=Match;Gamer=2;Modifier=Win;Koef=' . $cells[5]);
    if ($cells[6] != '') {
        add_bet($event_node, 'Period=Match;Kind=DoubleChance;Modifier=NoLose;Gamer=1;Koef=' . $cells[6]);
    if ($cells[7] != '') {
        add_bet($event_node, 'Period=Match;Kind=DoubleChance;Modifier=NoDraw;Koef=' . $cells[7]);
    if ($cells[8] != '') {
        add_bet($event_node, 'Period=Match;Kind=DoubleChance;Modifier=NoLose;Gamer=2;Koef=' . $cells[8]);
    if ($cells[9] != '') {
        preg_match('/\\(([\\+\\-]*?)(.+?)\\)<br\\/>(.+?)/iU', $cells[9], $matches);
        if ($matches[1] == '' and $matches[2] != '0') {
            $matches[1] = '+';
        add_bet($event_node, 'Period=Match;Kind=Fora;Value=' . $matches[1] . $matches[2] . ';Modifier=Win;Gamer=1;Koef=' . $matches[3]);
    if ($cells[10] != '') {
        preg_match('/\\(([\\+\\-]*?)(.+?)\\)<br\\/>(.+?)/iU', $cells[10], $matches);
        if ($matches[1] == '' and $matches[2] != '0') {
            $matches[1] = '+';
        add_bet($event_node, 'Period=Match;Kind=Fora;Value=' . $matches[1] . $matches[2] . ';Modifier=Win;Gamer=2;Koef=' . $matches[3]);
    if ($cells[12] != '') {
        $value = $cells[11];
        if (!strpos($value, '.')) {
            $value = $value + 0.5;
        add_bet($event_node, 'Period=Match;' . $subjects[$sport_sign] . ';Kind=Total;Value=' . $value . ';Modifier=Under;Koef=' . $cells[12]);
    if ($cells[13] != '') {
        $value = $cells[11];
        if (!strpos($value, '.')) {
            $value = $value - 0.5;
        add_bet($event_node, 'Period=Match;' . $subjects[$sport_sign] . ';Kind=Total;Value=' . $value . ';Modifier=Over;Koef=' . $cells[13]);