Exemplo n.º 1
/** Seems nutty, but take two associative arrays of attribute arrays, and
 * merge them with the above method, only for the given keys
 * @param type $keys
 * @param type $arr1
 * @param type $arr2
function merge_att_arrs($keys, $arr1=[], $arr2 = []) {
  if (!$keys) return [];
  if (ne_string($keys)) {
    return merge_attributes(keyVal($keys,$arr1), keyVal($keys,$arr2));
  $out = [];
  foreach ($keys as $key) {
    $out[$key] = merge_attributes(keyVal($key,$arr1), keyVal($key,$arr2));
  return $out;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function get_tests($className)
     $className = 'App\\Models\\' . $className;
     $tableName = $className::getTableName();
     $keys = keyVal('keys', keyVal($tableName, static::$tablesAndKeys), []);
     $keyName = keyVal('key_name', keyVal($tableName, static::$tablesAndKeys));
     pkdebug("For class [{$className}], keyName: [{$keyName}], keys:", $keys);
     if (!$keys || !count($keys) || !$keyName) {
         pkdebug("Get All [{$className}]");
         return $className::get();
     } else {
         #Don't return real data
         return $className::whereNotIn($keyName, $keys)->get();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Wraps/nests an $el as specified by $opts 
  * @param stringable|array $el - text or dom element or array of elements to be wrapped
  *   if array, entire array nested / wrapped as specified by $opts
  * Example: $this->nest(['<h2>Simple Text</h2>','<h3>H3 Header</h3>'],'section');
  * @param string|array $opts - simplest, if just string, wrap $el
  * Example: $tpp->wrap('Simple Text','section')=>"<div class'section'>Simple Text</div>"
  * in a div of class $opts -
  * if $opts array, might have 'tag' key - the rest are html attributes
  * Example: $opts = ['tag'=>'h2', 'class'=>'site-header',...]
  *   return "<h2 class='site-header'>$el</h2>"
 public function nest($el, $opts = [])
     $ret = new PkTree();
     if (is_simple($opts)) {
         //return $ret->div($el,$opts);
         $ret->div($el, $opts);
         return $ret;
     if (is_array($opts)) {
         $tag = keyVal('tag', $opts, 'div');
         //return $ret->$tag($el, $opts);
         $ret->{$tag}($el, $opts);
         return $ret->up();
     throw new \Exception("Invalid argument for OPTS: " . print_r($opts, 1));
Exemplo n.º 4
  /** For use in Query Forms - makes a full query control
   * from the field name and comparison type, with $params
   * For now, only handle simple _crit, _val comparisons
   * with $params['basename']
   * @param assoc array $params:
   *   @paramParam: string 'basename' (required): The basename of the field to search - like,
   *   'annual_income' - will build a criteria select box called "annual_income_crit'
   *      ("<", ">", etc)
   *    and a value input box named 'annual_income_val'
   * @paramParam string 'label' (optional, suggested) - the label for the control
   * @return string HTML to make the control
  public static function htmlQueryControl($params=[]) {
    $basename = $params['basename'];
    $queryDef = static::getFullQueryDef($basename);
    //pkdebug("queryDef:", $queryDef);
    $criteriaSet = keyVal('criteriaSet', $params);
    if (!$criteriaSet) {
      $criteriaSet = keyVal('criteriaSet', $queryDef);
    //pkdebug("criteriaSet:", $criteriaSet);
      if (!$criteriaSet) {
        $criteria = keyVal('criteria', $queryDef);
        if (ne_arrayish($criteria)) {
          $criteriaSet = keyVal('criteriaSet',$criteria);
    //pkdebug("criteriaSet:", $criteriaSet);
      if (!$criteriaSet) { #No custom criteriaSet, so default
        $comptype = keyVal('comptype', $queryDef, 'numeric');
        $criteriaSet = PkMatch::getCriteriaSets($comptype);
    //pkdebug("criteriaSet:", $criteriaSet);
    //pkdebug("criteriaSet:", $criteriaSet);
    $params['criteriaSet'] = $criteriaSet;
    $fieldDefArr = keyVal('field_defs', $queryDef);
    if (ne_array($fieldDefArr)) {
      $fieldNames = array_keys($fieldDefArr);
    } else {
      $fieldNames = [$basename.'_crit', $basename.'_val'];
    $critName  = null;
    $valName  = null;
    foreach ($fieldNames as $i => $fieldName) {
      if (removeEndStr($fieldName, '_crit')) {
        $critName = $fieldName;
        unset ($fieldNames[$i]);
      if (removeEndStr($fieldName, '_val')) {
        $valName = $fieldName;
        unset ($fieldNames[$i]);
    $tmpCtl =  PkHtmlRenderer::buildQuerySet($params);
    //pkdebug("TMPCTL: \n$tmpCtl\n");

    return PkHtmlRenderer::buildQuerySet($params);
    //pkdebug("The QueryDef for [ $basename ]:", $fieldDef);
 public function select($name, $list = [], $selected = null, $options = [])
     if (is_arrayish($name)) {
         $name = keyVal('name', $name);
         $list = keyVal('list', $name, $list);
         $selected = keyVal('selected', $name, $selected);
         $options = keyVal('options', $name, $options);
     $options = $this->cleanAttributes($options);
     $selected = $options['selected'] = $this->fieldValueTemplate($name);
     $options['name'] = keyVal('name', $options, $name);
     $options['data-selected'] = $selected;
     return parent::select($name, $list, $selected, $options);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Make an Ajax clickable component, assuming JS support.
  * Makes an arbitrary DOM element that has the data attribute:
  * <tt>data-pk-ajax-element</tt>
  * so clicking will automatically perform an AJAX call.
  * The URL for the call will be in 'data-ajax-url', and so on 
  * @param  array|string  $options:
  *   In simplest form, $options is a string with the ajax-url to call.
  *   Then just render a button, with content/label $content
  *   If is_array($options), can contain all arguments - 
  *    - Normal HTML attributes, plus optionally:
  *   'params' => [$key1=>$val2, $key2=>$val2,] data param arr for AJAX
  *  'attr-target' => string: 'name of attribute target_to_recieve_response
  *  'selector-target' => string: The selector that matches this element or child - replace inner HTML with response
  *  'func-target' => string: The name of the JS function to be called with fn(click_target, data, func_arg)
  *   'attr-arg' => mixed - scalar or array use after AJAX to set the named attribute with.
  *         If an array, expect the AJAX return is a key to the array, to get the value
  *   'selector-arg' => mixed - scalar or array use after AJAX to set the
  *       inner HTML of the matched element with. If array, AJAX return key to the array, to get the value
  *   'func-arg' => mixed - scalar or array to be passed to the JS function from this component
  *   If no targets are set, the return from the AJAX call does nothing
  * @param string $tag - the HTML element to make clickable
  * @param  string $content - the content of the HTML element, if it's a content type
  * @return \Illuminate\Support\HtmlString
 public function ajaxElement($options = [], $content = null, $ajax_url = null, $tag = 'button')
     if (is_string($options)) {
         $options = ['ajax-url' => $options];
     $options[] = 'data-pk-ajax-element';
     $content = keyVal('content', $options, $content);
     $options['data-ajax-url'] = keyVal('ajax-url', $options, $ajax_url);
     if (empty($options['data-ajax-url'])) {
         throw new \Exception("No AJAX URL for AJAX Element");
     $tag = keyVal('tag', $options, $tag);
     if ($tag === 'button') {
         $options['type'] = keyVal('type', $options, 'button');
     if (empty($options['params'])) {
         $options['data-ajax-params'] = '';
     } else {
         $options['data-ajax-params'] = http_build_query($options['params']);
     $options['data-attr-target'] = keyVal('attr-target', $options);
     $options['data-selector-target'] = keyVal('selector-target', $options);
     $options['data-func-target'] = keyVal('func-target', $options);
     #JSON encode target-args - but convert empty array to empty obj manually
     if (array_key_exists('func-arg', $options)) {
         if ($options['func-arg'] === []) {
             $options['data-func-arg'] = '{}';
         } else {
             $options['data-func-arg'] = json_encode($options['func-arg']);
     #JSON encode target-args - but convert empty array to empty obj manually
     if (array_key_exists('attr-arg', $options)) {
         if ($options['attr-arg'] === []) {
             $options['data-attr-arg'] = '{}';
         } else {
             $options['data-attr-arg'] = json_encode($options['attr-arg']);
     #JSON encode target-args - but convert empty array to empty obj manually
     if (array_key_exists('selector-arg', $options)) {
         if ($options['selector-arg'] === []) {
             $options['data-selector-arg'] = '{}';
         } else {
             $options['data-selector-arg'] = json_encode($options['selector-arg']);
     pkdebug('options', $options);
     if (PkHtmlRenderer::contentTag($tag)) {
         return $this->toHtmlString("<{$tag}" . $this->html->attributes($options) . '>' . $content . "</{$tag}>\n");
     if (PkHtmlRenderer::selfClosingTag($tag)) {
         #Ignore content
         return $this->toHtmlString("<{$tag}" . $this->html->attributes($options) . ' />');
     throw new PkException("Invalid args to ajaxElement");
Exemplo n.º 7
 /** Gets the time difference between 2 dates, using defaults
  * @param scalar|array $args:
  *   If scalar, just tries to figure how many years between now and then
  *   If array:
  * 'from': Required
  * 'to' : Default: now()
  * 'units': 'years',
 public static function timeDifference($args=[]) {
   if (!$args) return null;
   if (is_scalar($args)) {
     $from = new Carbon($args);
     $to = new Carbon();
   } else if (is_array($args)) {
     if (empty($args['from'])) return null;
     $from = new Carbon($args['from']);
     if (!empty($args['to'])) $to = new Carbon($args['to']);
     else $to =  Carbon::now();
   $units = keyVal('units', $args, 'years');
   $diffMethod = "diffIn".$units;
   return $from->$diffMethod($to);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function executeActionSet($actionset = null)
     if (!$actionset) {
         $actionset =& $this->actionset;
     $result = $this->result;
     //pkdebug("Result: [$result], actionset:",$actionset);
     $return = $this->result;
         if (in_array($result,$this->thingstohide)) {
      $result = null;
      $this->thingstohide = [];
      $hideempty = $this->hideempty;
      $this->hideempty = null;
      if($hideempty === true) return null; 
      $return = $hideempty;
         if (is_array($this->showforboolean)) {
      $showbool = $this->showforboolean;
      $this->showforboolean = null;
      $return = ($result===null) ?  keyVal(0,$showbool)  : keyVal(1,$showbool);
     foreach ($this->actionset as $action) {
         $args = keyVal('args', $action, []);
         $action = $action['function'];
         array_unshift($args, $return);
         //pkdebug("ARGS", $args, "return [$return], action",$action);
         $return = call_user_func_array($action, $args);
     $this->actionset = [];
     $this->result = null;
     return $return;
  'new_item_class' => "pkmvc-button",
  'new_item_content' => 'New',

$delete_reqclass = ' js btn data-set-delete ';
$new_item_reqclass = ' js btn create-new-data-set ';

if (!empty($params) && is_array($params)) {
  $params = array_merge($default_params, $params);
} else {
  $params = $default_params;
$delete_button = "<div class='$delete_reqclass {$params['delete_class']}'>{$params['delete_content']}</div>\n";
$new_item_button = "<div class='$new_item_reqclass {$params['new_item_class']}'>{$params['new_item_content']}</div>\n";
$params['delete_button'] = keyVal('delete_button',$params,$delete_button);
$params['new_item_button'] = keyVal('new_item_button',$params,$new_item_button);
 This is simpler (only one level) one-to-many Blade Form Template Container.
 If the top level model is "Cart" which has many "Items":

1)  In the Model definition for Cart, define the standard Eloquent hasMany for
 $cart->items(), but also set the Cart $load_relations:

  public static $load_relations = [
      'items' => 'App\Models\Item',

2) Create a template for a single item that takes parameters:
      $model ($model instanceOf Item):
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function __get($key)
     return keyVal($key, $this->attributes);
Exemplo n.º 11
/** Makes a simple generic bs4 grid with a header row
 * and content row.
 * @param arrayish $collection
 * @param arrayish $fieldmap: Associative Array
 *     fieldnames->HeaderTitles
 * @param arrayish $params - optional params
 *   $titleClass: The Title CSS Class
 *   $valueClass: The Value CSS Class
if (!isset($params)) $params = [];
$titleClass = keyVal('titleClass',$params,'pk-lbl');
$valueClass = keyVal('valueClass',$params,'pk-val');
$cols = count($fieldmap);
$colsz = (int)(12/$cols);
$titles = [];
$fields = [];
foreach ($fieldmap as $fieldName => $title) {
<div class='row grid-head-row'>
  @foreach($titles as $title)
  <div class='col-md-{{$colsz}}  pkl1 grid-head-col {{$titleClass}}'>{!!hpure($title)!!}</div>
@foreach ($collection as $item)
<div class='row grid-data-row'>
  @foreach($fields as $field)
    <div class='col-md-{{$colsz}} grid-data-col {{$valueClass}}'>
Exemplo n.º 12
 /** Special handling to reset passwords in a form, then calls parent method
 public function saveRelations(array $arr = [])
     if (!$this->authUpdate()) {
         throw new Exception("Not authorized to update this object");
     ## Check for password reset
     if (isset($arr['new_password'])) {
         $new_password = $arr['new_password'];
         $confirm_password = keyVal('confirm_password', $arr);
         if ($new_password !== $confirm_password) {
             $redirback = redirect()->back()->withInput()->with('error_dialog', "Passwords didn't match");
             pkdebug("Type of redirback: ", typeOf($redirback));
             return $redirback;
         //$arr['password'] = $new_password;
         $this->password = bcrypt($new_password);
     return parent::saveRelations($arr);
Exemplo n.º 13
/** Takes a scaler as first arg, and unlimited other args (presumably
 * arrays) and returns the first non-empty value for that key.
 * @param type $key
 * @param type $arg1
 * @param type $argx
function firstKeyVal($key, $arg1 = null, $argx = null) {
  $args = func_get_args();
  $key = array_shift($args);
  foreach ($args as $arg) {
    $test = keyVal($key, $arg);
    if ($test) return $test;
  return null;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Return all the tables w. Primary Key name & values, 'owned' by this Model
  * @staticvar array $tablesAndKeys
  * @return array: ['table'=>['key_name'=>'id','keys'=>[3,4,6,12]],...
 public function getTablesAndKeys($tablesAndKeys = [])
     //static $tablesAndKeys = []; #['table1'=>[$key1,$key2,$key3],'table2'=>[...]
     $tableName = $this->getTable();
     $keydata = keyVal($tableName, $tablesAndKeys, []);
     $keys = keyVal('keys', $keydata, []);
     $keyName = $this->getKeyName();
     $key = $this->getKey();
     if (in_array($key, $keys)) {
         pkdebug("Leaving: Table: [{$tableName}], Key: [{$key}], tablesAndKeys:", $tablesAndKeys);
         return $tablesAndKeys;
         #Hope that takes care of cycles
     $relations = array_keys(static::$load_relations);
     foreach ($relations as $relation) {
         foreach ($this->{$relation} as $item) {
             $tablesAndKeys = $item->getTablesAndKeys($tablesAndKeys);
             //pkdebug("TKS:", $tks);
     $tablesAndKeys[$tableName]['keys'][] = $key;
     $tablesAndKeys[$tableName]['key_name'] = $keyName;
     //pkdebug("Leaving TBL: [$tableName]; keyName: [$keyName], key: [$key], keys:",$keys," tablesAndKeys: ",$tablesAndKeys);
     return $tablesAndKeys;
Exemplo n.º 15
 /** Generates Bootstrap Dropdown menus - BUT - on click/tourch ONLY IF UA
  * isMobile() - otherwise, on hover. So if onHover, the menu label can be a
  * link as well - if on touch, the item below must be the link.
  * @param array $items - indexed array of associative arrays of menu items.
  *  Associative Item array:
  * ['label'=>$label,'url'=>$url, {'liclass'=>$liclass, 'aclass'=>$aclass}],
  * where liclass & aclass are optional CSS classes on the item.
  * NOTE! The first item is required to have an additional key/value:
  * 'alt_label' - If the menu drops down on touch, the first label won't
  *  be linkable - so the first item after it is the label with the link.
  *  So the first item has the additional optional params 'alt_aclass' & 
  * 'alt_liclass'.
  * @param boolean $noleadinglink - default: false. If true, even a hover 
  * drop down will not have a link at first label.
  * @return HTML string - the dropdown menu.
 public function bsDropMenu(array $items = [], $noleadinglink = false)
     #Drop menu maybe dynamically generated, so might be only 0 or 1 item
     $sz = count($items);
     if (!$sz) {
         return '';
     $menu = '';
     if ($sz === 1) {
         $liclass = keyVal('liclass', $items[0]);
         $url = keyVal('url', $items[0]);
         $aclass = keyVal('aclass', $items[0]);
         $label = keyVal('label', $items[0]);
         $menu .= "<li class='{$liclass}'><a class='{$aclass}' href='{$url}'>\n        {$label}\n        </a></li>\n      ";
         return $menu;
     foreach ($items as $i => $itemArr) {
         $liclass = keyVal('liclass', $itemArr);
         $url = keyVal('url', $itemArr);
         $aclass = keyVal('aclass', $itemArr);
         $label = keyVal('label', $itemArr);
         $alt_label = keyVal('alt_label', $itemArr);
         $alt_aclass = keyVal('alt_aclass', $itemArr);
         $alt_liclass = keyVal('alt_liclass', $itemArr);
         if ($i === 0) {
             #It's the first item
             if (isMobile() || $noleadinglink) {
                 $droponhover = isMobile() ? '' : ' droponhover ';
                 $menu .= "<li class='dropdown {$droponhover} {$liclass}'>\n            <a href='#' class='{$aclass} dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown'>\n                  {$label}\n            </a>\n            <ul class='dropdown-menu'>\n              <li class='{$alt_liclass}'><a class='{$alt_aclass}' href='{$url}'>{$alt_label}</a></li>\n            ";
             } else {
                 #Not mobile - drop on hover
                 $menu .= "<li class='dropdown droponhover {$liclass}'>\n            <a class='{$aclass}' href='{$url}'>{$label}</a>\n              <ul class='dropdown-menu'>\n              ";
         } else {
             # Not the first item, so all the same now
             $menu .= "<li class='{$liclass}'><a class='{$aclass}' href='{$url}'>{$label}</a></li>\n                ";
     $menu .= "</ul>\n      </li>\n      ";
     return $menu;
Exemplo n.º 16
 /** Builds a pair of controls:
  *  - a criteria chooser - (like, a select box with '>', '<', etc)
  *  - and a value holder - (typically text box)
  *  - with a label
  * @param array $params: There are default values for several settings - 
  *    if the input $param value is an array, it is added to the default value;
  *    if it is a string, it replaces the default value. 
  *    Example: defaultWrapClass = ' query-set-class ': 
  *     if $param['wrapClass'] === ' custom-set-class ', $setClass = ' custom-set-class'
  *     if $param['wrapClass'] === ['custom-set-class'], $setClass = 'query-set-class custom-set-class'
  *   @paramParam string 'label' - The label for the set
  *   @paramParam string 'wrapTag' - The wrapper type: default: 'fieldset'
  *   @paramParam string 'critVal' - Criteria value - default null
  *   @paramParam string 'valVal' - (comparison) Value value - default null
  *   @paramParam string|array 'wrapClass' - The css class for the set wrapper
  *   @paramParam string|array 'labelClass'  - The css class for the set label
  *   @paramParam string|array 'critClass'  - The css class for the critBox
  *   @paramParam string|array 'valClass'  - The css class for the valBox
  *   @paramParam assoc array 'critAtts'  - optional criteria control atts
  *   @paramParam assoc array 'valAtts'  - optional value control atts
  *   @paramParam string 'critType'  - Default: 'select'
  *   @paramParam string 'valType'  - Default: 'text'
  *   @paramParam string 'enabled'  - 'enabled', 'disabled', null : Default: null
  * #Field Names: - EITHER 'basename' is set, or 'critname' & 'valname' are set.
  *   @paramParam string 'basename': If set, creates
  *      the criteria field "$basename_crit'  
  *      the value field "$basename_val'  
  *   @paramParam string 'critname': The name of the crit field
  *   @paramParam string 'valname': The name of the crit field
  *   @paramParam assoc array 'criteriaSet' : crit values => labels
  * @return \PkExtensions\PkHtmlRenderer - Representing the HTML for the Query Control
 public function querySet($params = [])
     $defaults = ['wrapTag' => 'fieldset', 'wrapClass' => ' form-group block search-crit-val-pair ', 'labelClass' => '', 'critClass' => ' form-control search-crit ', 'valClass' => ' form-control search-val ', 'valAtts' => [], 'critAtts' => [], 'valType' => 'text', 'critType' => 'select', 'label' => '', 'valVal' => null, 'critVal' => null, 'enabled' => null];
     $appendableOpts = ['wrapClass', 'labelClass', 'critClass', 'valClass'];
     $tmpOpts = [];
     foreach ($appendableOpts as $apOpt) {
         $tmpOpts[$apOpt] = keyVal($apOpt, $params);
         if (ne_array($tmpOpts[$apOpt])) {
             $params[$apOpt] = $defaults[$apOpt] . ' ' . explode(' ', $tmpOpts[$apOpt]);
     $params = array_merge($defaults, $params);
     $basename = keyVal('basename', $params);
     $params['critname'] = keyVal('critname', $params, $basename . '_crit');
     $params['valname'] = keyVal('valname', $params, $basename . '_val');
     $params['critAtts']['class'] = $params['critClass'];
     $params['valAtts']['class'] = $params['valClass'];
     $wrapTag = $params['wrapTag'];
     $critType = $params['critType'];
     $valType = $params['valType'];
     #Start building!
     $this->{$wrapTag}(RENDEROPEN, $params['wrapClass']);
     $this->label(RENDEROPEN, $params['labelClass']);
     //$this->div($params['label'], $params['labelClass']);
     $this->rawcontent(PkForm::select($params['critname'], $params['criteriaSet'], $params['critVal'], $params['critAtts']));
     $this->rawcontent(PkForm::text($params['valname'], $params['valVal'], $params['valAtts']));
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 17
 /** Builds an array of image information, and optionally creates compressed versions of them
    * Checks if the compressed versions exist before re-compressing them. Returns something like:
    * array: [
     description=>string:{Our Humble Cottage on Boracay, after the Typhoon}
    * @param int levels=2: How many 'levels' of compressed images. Can be as many as elements in $this->maxwidtharr 
 public function buildGalleryArray($levels = null)
     if ($levels === null) {
         $levels = 2;
     if ($levels > count($this->maxwidtharr)) {
         throw new PkException("Too many levels for array of sizes");
     if ($this->maxlevels >= $levels && $this->img_items) {
         return $this->img_items;
     // We've already run; return
     $this->maxlevels = max($this->maxlevels, $levels);
     if (!$this->relurl) {
         $this->relurl = $this->relpath;
     if (!$this->maxheightarr) {
         $this->maxheightarr = $this->maxwidtharr;
     $setpath = realpath(public_path() . "/{$this->relpath}") . '/';
     $srcdir = $this->srcdir;
     $fullsrcdir = $setpath . $srcdir . '/';
     if (!is_dir($fullsrcdir)) {
         throw new PkException("The src dir [{$fullsrcdir}] doesn't exist");
     $seturl = url("/") . '/' . $this->relurl . "/";
     $origurl = $seturl . $srcdir;
     //$levelroots = [];
     $level_items = [];
     for ($level = 0; $level < $levels; $level++) {
         if (!keyVal($level, $this->cmpdirs)) {
             $this->cmpdirs[$level] = $srcdir . '-' . $this->maxwidtharr[$level] . '-' . $this->maxheightarr[$level];
         $reldir = keyVal($level, $this->cmpdirs);
         $level_items[$level] = [];
         $tmpfullcmpdir = $setpath . $reldir . '/';
         $this->fullcmpdirs[$level] = $tmpfullcmpdir;
         if (!is_dir($tmpfullcmpdir)) {
             mkdir($tmpfullcmpdir, 0777, true);
         $this->cmpurlroots[$level] = $seturl . $reldir . '/';
         $levelentries = scandir($this->fullcmpdirs[$level]);
         foreach ($levelentries as $entry) {
             $fullpath = $this->fullcmpdirs[$level] . '/' . $entry;
             $root_name = substr($entry, 0, strrpos($entry, "."));
             if (!($level_item = $this->makeLevelItemArray($level, $fullpath))) {
             $level_items[$level][$root_name] = $level_item;
     #Get all the valid image files in the src dir:
     $entries = scandir($fullsrcdir);
     $img_items = [];
     foreach ($entries as $entry) {
         $fullpath = $fullsrcdir . $entry;
         if (!($mimeType = isValidImagePath($fullpath))) {
         $root_name = substr($entry, 0, strrpos($entry, "."));
         $exif = [];
         try {
             $exif = @exif_read_data($fullpath);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             error_log("Exception Reading EXIF: " . $e->getMessage());
             pkdebug("Exception reading EXIF:", $e);
         $img_item = ['mimeType' => $mimeType, 'file_name' => $entry, 'full_path' => $fullpath, 'url' => $origurl . '/' . $entry, 'aspect_ratio' => aspectRatio($fullpath), 'root_name' => $root_name, 'description' => keyVal('ImageDescription', $exif)];
         for ($level = 0; $level < $levels; $level++) {
             //pkdebug("Level: [$level], level_items:", $level_items);
             if (!in_array($root_name, array_keys($level_items[$level]), 1)) {
                 $level_items[$level][$root_name] = $this->makeLevelItemArray($level, $this->makeReducedImageFile($fullpath, $level));
             $img_item = array_merge($img_item, $level_items[$level][$root_name]);
         $img_items[$root_name] = $img_item;
     return $this->img_items = $img_items;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * @param integer $items - if -1, single scalar key, else array of keys
  * @param array $params - ['first'=>null | int - select from the first N keys
  * @return scalar|array - single scalar key if $items == -1, else array of $items keys
 public static function randKeys($items = -1, $params = [])
     $first = keyVal('first', $params);
     return PkTestGenerator::randData(static::keys($first), $items);
     //return PkTestGenerator::randData(static::keys(), $items);
Exemplo n.º 19
 /** Returns a random SQL Time of Day
  * @param array $opts:
  *   'from' - hour from: default: 8AM
  *   'to' - hour to: default: 17:00/5PM
  *   'inc' - incremental minutes: default(max): 30. 0 means only whole hours
 public static function randSqlTime($opts = [])
     $from = keyVal('from', $opts, 8);
     $to = keyVal('to', $opts, 17);
     $inc = min(keyVal('inc', $opts, 15), 30);
     $hour = mt_rand($from, $to);
     if (!$inc) {
         return "{$hour}:00";
     $inc = max($inc, 10);
     $rg = 60 / $inc;
     $mins = mt_rand(0, $rg) * $inc % 60;
     return "{$hour}:{$mins}";
Exemplo n.º 20
 public function processSubmit($opts = null, $inits = null)
     if (!$this->ShouldProcessSubmit($opts)) {
         return null;
     if ($this->validationrules) {
         #Perform validation
         $this->validate(request(), $this->validationrules, $this->validationmessages, $this->validationcustomattributes);
     if ($this->validator) {
         if ($this->validator->fails()) {
             $this->throwValidationException(request(), $this->validator);
     #In a POST && met 'shouldProcessSubmit' requirements
     if ($opts instanceof PkModel) {
         $pkmodel = $opts;
     } else {
         if (is_arrayish($opts)) {
             #We are processing a submission
             $customProccessor = keyVal('customProccessor', $opts);
             if (is_callable($customProccessor)) {
                 $customProccessor($opts, $inits);
             $pkmodel = keyVal('pkmodel', $opts);
             $pkmodels = keyVal('pkmodels', $opts);
             if ($inits === null) {
                 $inits = keyVal('inits', $opts);
             $modelkey = keyVal('modelkey', $opts);
      #Processing a POST - what to do? Look at args:
      if (is_string($pkmodel) && class_exists($pkmodel,1)
      && is_subclass_of($pkmodel, 'PkExtensions\\Models\\PkModel')) { #It's a PkModel name
      #So what do we do with that?
     $data = Request::all();
     //pkdebug("POST Data:",$data);
     //$tpkm = typeOf($pkmodel);
     //if (!$pkmodel) return false;
     if ($pkmodel instanceof PkModel) {
         if (is_array($inits)) {
             foreach ($inits as $key => $val) {
                 $data[$key] = $val;
         $result = $pkmodel->saveRelations($data);
         return $result;
         ############  Okay, after here is insanity ..... but I had something in mind .....
         if (!$pkmodels || !is_arrayish($pkmodels)) {
             if (is_arrayish($pkmodel)) {
                 $pkmodels = $pkmodel;
             } else {
                 $pkmodels = $opts;
         if ($modelName = $this->isModelSetSubmit()) {
             #Then we look for a key of 'modelset' in the $data array, which
             #should have the value of a full model name 'App\Models\Item'
             #THEN we look for the Model Name Key in the $data - name the
             #controls by name='App\Models\Item[$idx][id]', etc
             $modelDataArray = keyValOrDefault($modelName, $data, false);
             if ($modelDataArray === false) {
                 return false;
             if ((!is_arrayish($modelDataArray) || !count($modelDataArray)) && !count($pkmodels)) {
                 return false;
             if (!is_subclass_of($modelName, 'PkExtensions\\Models\\PkModel')) {
                 throw new Exception("[{$modelName}] does not extend PkModel");
             #We assume $pkmodels is a collection of the original models, and $modelDataArray
             #contains whatever changes/additions/deletions. We hand off to the Model
             #class to manage.
             return $modelName::updateModels($pkmodels, $modelDataArray);
         throw new \Exception("Don't know what to do with pkmodels: " . print_r($pkmodels, 1));
Exemplo n.º 21
 /** Takes packaged HTML for a jQuery dialog, encodes it into an element
  * data-dialog-encoded attribute, assigns the jQuery class, & returns it,
  * ready to click on & pop.
  * @param type $dlg
  * @param type $args
 public function encodeDlgInEl($dlg, $args = [])
     if (!$args) {
         $args = [];
     if (ne_string($args)) {
         $args = ['class' => $args];
     $defaults = ['class' => 'pkmvc-button', 'content' => 'Click', 'tag' => 'div'];
     $requiredClass = 'js-dialog-button';
     $params = array_merge($defaults, $args);
     $extraClass = keyVal('extra_class', $params);
     $content = $params['content'];
     $tag = $params['tag'];
     $atts = merge_attributes($params, "{$requiredClass} {$extraClass}");
     $atts['data-dialog-encoded'] = html_encode($dlg);
     return PkRenderer::$tag($content, $atts);