Exemplo n.º 1
 * Retrieve settings tabs
 * @since	1.0
 * @return	arr		$tabs
function kbs_get_settings_tabs()
    $settings = kbs_get_registered_settings();
    $tabs = array();
    $tabs['general'] = __('General', 'kb-support');
    $tabs['tickets'] = sprintf(__('%s', 'kb-support'), kbs_get_ticket_label_plural());
    $tabs['kb_articles'] = sprintf(__('%s', 'kb-support'), kbs_get_kb_label_plural());
    $tabs['emails'] = __('Emails', 'kb-support');
    $tabs['styles'] = __('Styles', 'kb-support');
    if (!empty($settings['extensions'])) {
        $tabs['extensions'] = __('Extensions', 'kb-support');
    if (!empty($settings['licenses'])) {
        $tabs['licenses'] = __('Licenses', 'kb-support');
    $tabs['misc'] = __('Misc', 'kb-support');
    return apply_filters('kbs_settings_tabs', $tabs);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Define the columns that should be displayed for the KBS Article post lists screen
 * @since	0.1
 * @param	arr		$columns	An array of column name ⇒ label. The label is shown as the column header.
 * @return	arr		$columns	Filtered array of column name => label to be shown as the column header.
function kbs_set_kbs_kb_post_columns($columns)
    $columns = array('cb' => '<input type="checkbox" />', 'title' => __('Title', 'kb-support'), 'date' => __('Date', 'kb-support'), 'categories' => __('Categories', 'kb-support'), 'tags' => __('Tags', 'kb-support'), 'author' => __('Author', 'kb-support'), 'views' => __('Views', 'kb-support'), 'linked' => sprintf(__('Linked %s', 'kb-support'), kbs_get_ticket_label_plural()));
    return apply_filters('kbs_kb_post_columns', $columns);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Ticket Notification Template Body
 * @since	0.1
 * @param	int		$ticket_id		Ticket ID
 * @param	arr		$ticket_data	Ticket Data
 * @return	str		$email_body		Body of the email
function kbs_get_ticket_notification_body_content($ticket_id = 0, $ticket_data = array())
    $user_info = maybe_unserialize($ticket_data['user_info']);
    if (isset($user_info['id']) && $user_info['id'] > 0) {
        $user_data = get_userdata($user_info['id']);
        $name = $user_data->display_name;
    } elseif (isset($user_info['first_name']) && isset($user_info['last_name'])) {
        $name = $user_info['first_name'] . ' ' . $user_info['last_name'];
    } else {
        $name = $email;
    $default_email_body = __('Hello', 'kb-support') . "\n\n" . sprintf(__('A Support %s has been received', 'kb-support'), kbs_get_ticket_label_plural()) . ".\n\n";
    $default_email_body .= sprintf(__('%s sold:', 'kb-support'), kbs_get_ticket_label_plural()) . "\n\n";
    $default_email_body .= $download_list . "\n\n";
    $default_email_body .= __('Submitted by: ', 'kb-support') . " " . html_entity_decode($name, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . "\n";
    $default_email_body .= __('Thank you', 'kb-support');
    $email = kbs_get_option('ticket_notification', false);
    $email = $email ? stripslashes($email) : $default_email_body;
    $email_body = kbs_email_template_tags($email, $ticket_data, $ticket_id, true);
    $email_body = kbs_do_email_tags($email, $ticket_id);
    $email_body = apply_filters('kbs_email_template_wpautop', true) ? wpautop($email_body) : $email_body;
    return apply_filters('kbs_ticket_notification', $email_body, $ticket_id, $ticket_data);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Updated bulk messages
 * @since	0.1
 * @param	arr		$bulk_messages	Post updated messages
 * @param	arr		$bulk_counts	Post counts
 * @return	arr		$bulk_messages	New post updated messages
function kbs_bulk_updated_messages($bulk_messages, $bulk_counts)
    $ticket_singular = kbs_get_ticket_label_singular();
    $ticket_plural = kbs_get_ticket_label_plural();
    $article_singular = kbs_get_kb_label_singular();
    $article_plural = kbs_get_kb_label_plural();
    $bulk_messages['kbs_ticket'] = array('updated' => sprintf(_n('%1$s %2$s updated.', '%1$s %3$s updated.', $bulk_counts['updated'], 'kb-support'), $bulk_counts['updated'], $ticket_singular, $ticket_plural), 'locked' => sprintf(_n('%1$s %2$s not updated, somebody is editing it.', '%1$s %3$s not updated, somebody is editing them.', $bulk_counts['locked'], 'kb-support'), $bulk_counts['locked'], $ticket_singular, $ticket_plural), 'deleted' => sprintf(_n('%1$s %2$s permanently deleted.', '%1$s %3$s permanently deleted.', $bulk_counts['deleted'], 'kb-support'), $bulk_counts['deleted'], $ticket_singular, $ticket_plural), 'trashed' => sprintf(_n('%1$s %2$s moved to the Trash.', '%1$s %3$s moved to the Trash.', $bulk_counts['trashed'], 'kb-support'), $bulk_counts['trashed'], $ticket_singular, $ticket_plural), 'untrashed' => sprintf(_n('%1$s %2$s restored from the Trash.', '%1$s %3$s restored from the Trash.', $bulk_counts['untrashed'], 'kb-support'), $bulk_counts['untrashed'], $ticket_singular, $ticket_plural));
    $bulk_messages['kbs_kb'] = array('updated' => sprintf(_n('%1$s %2$s updated.', '%1$s %3$s updated.', $bulk_counts['updated'], 'kb-support'), $bulk_counts['updated'], $article_singular, $article_plural), 'locked' => sprintf(_n('%1$s %2$s not updated, somebody is editing it.', '%1$s %3$s not updated, somebody is editing them.', $bulk_counts['locked'], 'kb-support'), $bulk_counts['locked'], $article_singular, $article_plural), 'deleted' => sprintf(_n('%1$s %2$s permanently deleted.', '%1$s %3$s permanently deleted.', $bulk_counts['deleted'], 'kb-support'), $bulk_counts['deleted'], $article_singular, $article_plural), 'trashed' => sprintf(_n('%1$s %2$s moved to the Trash.', '%1$s %3$s moved to the Trash.', $bulk_counts['trashed'], 'kb-support'), $bulk_counts['trashed'], $article_singular, $article_plural), 'untrashed' => sprintf(_n('%1$s %2$s restored from the Trash.', '%1$s %3$s restored from the Trash.', $bulk_counts['untrashed'], 'kb-support'), $bulk_counts['untrashed'], $article_singular, $article_plural));
    return $bulk_messages;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Render the agree to terms checkbox.
 * @since	1.0
 * @return	str
function kbs_render_agree_to_terms_field()
    $agree_to_terms = kbs_get_option('show_agree_to_terms', false);
    $agree_text = kbs_get_option('agree_text', false);
    $label = kbs_get_option('agree_label', false);
    $terms_heading = kbs_get_option('agree_heading', sprintf(__('Terms and Conditions for Support %s', 'kb-support'), kbs_get_ticket_label_plural()));
    if (!$agree_to_terms || !$agree_text || !$label) {
    $label_class = '';
    $input_class = '';
    $args = apply_filters('kbs_agree_to_terms_args', array('label_class' => '', 'input_class' => ''));
    if (!empty($args['label_class'])) {
        $label_class = ' ' . sanitize_html_class($args['label_class']);
    if (!empty($args['input_class'])) {
        $input_class = ' class="' . sanitize_html_class($args['input_class']) . '"';

	<p><input type="checkbox" name="kbs_agree_terms" id="kbs-agree-terms"<?php 
    echo $input_class;
 value="1" /> <a href="#TB_inline?width=600&height=550&inlineId=kbs-ticket-terms-conditions" title="<?php 
    esc_attr_e($terms_heading, 'kb-support');
" class="thickbox"<?php 
    echo $label_class;
    esc_attr_e($label, 'kb-support');

	<div id="kbs-ticket-terms-conditions" class="kbs_hidden">
    echo wpautop(stripslashes($agree_text));

    echo ob_get_clean();