Exemplo n.º 1
 * Make Post Featured
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @param   int/object      $post       Post object.
 * @param   bool            $feature    Make post featured.
 * @reutrn  array           $featured   Array of all featured posts.
function kaitain_update_featured_posts($post = null, $make_featured = true)
    $featured_key = $GLOBALS['kaitain_featured_keys']['featured'];
    $featured = kaitain_get_featured_list(true);
    $is_featured_post = kaitain_is_featured_post($post);
    if (($post = get_post($post)) && $make_featured && !$is_featured_post) {
        $featured[] = $post->ID;
    } else {
        if ($post && !$make_featured && $is_featured_post) {
            $featured = array_diff($featured, [$post->ID]);
    update_option($featured_key, $featured);
    return $featured;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Add Post Editor Meta Box
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @param   object      $post           Post object.
function kaitain_featured_box_content($post)
    wp_nonce_field('kaitain_featured_box_data', 'kaitain_featured_box_nonce');
    // These three values will be echoed out as JavaScript variables.
    $is_featured = kaitain_is_featured_post($post);
    $is_sticky = false;
    $expiry = false;
    if ($is_featured) {
        $is_sticky = kaitain_is_post_sticky($post);
        if ($is_featured && $is_sticky) {
            if (!($expiry = get_option('kaitain_sticky_post')['expires'])) {
                // 0 is falsy in both JavaScript and PHP.
                $expiry = 0;
            } else {
                // To make it a JavaScript Unix timestamp.
                $expiry *= 1000;

        var postmetaFeatured = {
            featured: <?php 
    printf('%s', $is_featured ? 'true' : 'false');
            sticky: <?php 
    printf('%s', $is_sticky ? 'true' : 'false');
            expiry: <?php 
    printf('%u', $expiry);

    _e('Featured posts are displayed on the website\'s homepage in the lead articles widget.', 'kaitain');

                <input id="kaitain-featured-checkbox" name="make_featured" type="checkbox">
                <label for="kaitain-featured-checkbox"><?php 
    _e('Feature Post', 'kaitain');
        <li class="kaitain-stickycheck">
                <input id="kaitain-sticky-checkbox" name="make_sticky" type="checkbox">
                <label for="meta-kaitain-sticky"><?php 
    _e('Sticky Post', 'kaitain');
        <li class="kaitain-sticky-expiryinfo" id="kaitain-sticky-expiry">
    // Inputs are added and set via JS.
    <p class="kaitain-sticky-expiryinfo" id="meta-kaitain-sticky-info">
    _e('A sticky post will remain in the top position on the front page until either the set time passes, or another post is set to replace it.', 'kaitain');
