# Copyright (c) 2015 Jordan Turley, CSGO Win Big. All Rights Reserved. session_start(); include 'default.php'; include 'SteamAuthentication/steamauth/userInfo.php'; $db = getDB(); if (!isset($_SESSION['steamid'])) { echo jsonErr('You are not logged in.'); return; } $text = isset($_POST['text']) ? $_POST['text'] : null; if (is_null($text) || strlen($text) === 0) { echo jsonErr('The required text for the message was not sent correctly or was left blank. Please refresh and try again.'); return; } $steamUserID = $steamprofile['steamid']; # Check if they are on the blacklist for the chat $stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM chatBlacklist'); $blacklist = $stmt->fetchAll(); foreach ($blacklist as $user) { $steamId64 = $user['steamId64']; if ($steamId64 === $steamUserID) { echo jsonSuccess(array('message' => 'You have been banned from the chat.')); return; } } $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO `chat` (`steamUserID`, `text`, `date`, `time`) VALUES (:userid, :text, CURDATE(), CURTIME())'); $stmt->bindValue(':userid', $steamUserID); $stmt->bindValue(':text', $text); $stmt->execute(); echo jsonSuccess(array('message' => 'Message has been sent!'));
function settings($project_id = null) { // Edit Project Settings $project_id = intval($project_id); $this->Project =& ClassRegistry::init('Project'); $this->Project->contain(array('State.Step' => array('Condition', 'Action'))); $conditions = array('Project.id' => $project_id, 'Project.user_id' => $this->DarkAuth->id, 'Project.live' => 1); $project = $this->Project->find('first', compact('conditions')); if (empty($project)) { $this->_Flash('Unable to find Project', 'mean', '/'); } // Must be my project if ($project['Project']['user_id'] != $this->DarkAuth->id) { $this->_Flash('Invalid project chosen', 'mean', $this->referer('/')); } if ($this->RequestHandler->isGet()) { $this->data = $project; return; } // Parse input // - type cannot be changed App::import('Sanitize'); $data = array(); $data['id'] = $project['Project']['id']; $data['enable_state'] = intval($this->data['Project']['enable_state']); // Save if (!$this->Project->save($data, false, array_keys($data))) { echo jsonError(101, 'Failed saving Project Settings'); exit; } echo jsonSuccess('Settings Saved'); exit; }
if ($itemName[0] === '?') { $itemName = substr($itemName, 2); } $itemPrice = $itemInPot['itemPrice']; $itemIcon = $itemInPot['itemIcon']; $itemRarityColor = $itemInPot['itemRarityColor']; $itemOwnerSteamID = $itemInPot['ownerSteamId64']; $steamUserInfo = getSteamProfileInfoForSteamID($usersInfoStr, $itemOwnerSteamID); $arr = array('itemID' => $itemID, 'itemSteamOwnerInfo' => $steamUserInfo, 'itemName' => $itemName, 'itemPrice' => $itemPrice, 'itemIcon' => $itemIcon, 'itemRarityColor' => $itemRarityColor); array_push($currentPot, $arr); $potPrice += $itemPrice; } # Get the time left in the current round $roundEndTime = is_null($currentRound) ? null : $currentRound['endTime']; $stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM history ORDER BY id DESC'); $mostRecentInHistory = $stmt->fetch(); $mostRecentAllItems = $mostRecentInHistory['allItemsJson']; # Get the past pot and check if someone just now won $prevGameID = $prevPot['id']; $winnerSteamId64 = $prevPot['winnerSteamId64']; $userPutInPrice = $prevPot['userPutInPrice']; $prevPotPrice = $prevPot['potPrice']; $allItems = $prevPot['allItemsJson']; $winnerSteamInfo = getSteamProfileInfoForSteamID($usersInfoStr, $winnerSteamId64); $winnerSteamInfo['personaname'] = html_entity_decode($winnerSteamInfo['personaname']); # The information for the previous round $mostRecentGame = array('prevGameID' => $prevGameID, 'winnerSteamInfo' => $winnerSteamInfo, 'userPutInPrice' => $userPutInPrice, 'potPrice' => $prevPotPrice, 'allItems' => $allItems); # The information for the current round $data = array('chat' => $chatMessagesArr, 'pot' => $currentPot, 'potPrice' => $potPrice, 'roundEndTime' => $roundEndTime, 'mostRecentAllItems' => $mostRecentAllItems, 'mostRecentGame' => $mostRecentGame); echo jsonSuccess($data);
return; } # Check if user is logged in if (!isset($_SESSION['steamid'])) { echo jsonErr('You are not logged in.'); return; } if (!filter_var($tradeUrl, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { echo jsonSuccess(array('valid' => 0, 'errMsg' => 'The provided url was not valid.')); return; } $query = parse_url($tradeUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY); parse_str($query, $queryArr); $tradeToken = isset($queryArr['token']) ? $queryArr['token'] : null; if (is_null($tradeToken) || strlen($tradeToken) === 0) { echo jsonSuccess(array('valid' => 0, 'errMsg' => 'Your trade token could not be found in the url.')); return; } # Get steam id $steamUserId = intval($steamprofile['steamid']); # Convert steam 64 id to steam 32 id $steam32IdEnd = ($steamUserId - (76561197960265728 + $steamUserId % 2)) / 2; $steam32IdMid = $steamUserId % 2; $steam32Id = "STEAM_0:{$steam32IdMid}:{$steam32IdEnd}"; $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO users (steamId32, steamId64, tradeToken) VALUES (:id32, :id64, :token)'); $stmt->bindValue(':id32', $steam32Id); $stmt->bindValue(':id64', $steamUserId); $stmt->bindValue(':token', $tradeToken); $stmt->execute(); echo jsonSuccess(array('valid' => 1, 'tradeToken' => $tradeToken));
<?php # Copyright (c) 2015 Jordan Turley, CSGO Win Big. All Rights Reserved. include 'default.php'; $db = getDB(); $stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM history ORDER BY id DESC'); if ($stmt->rowCount() === 0) { # It is the first ever pot, don't do anything echo jsonErr('Don\'t do anything, the current pot is the first one'); return; } $mostRecentPot = $stmt->fetch(); echo jsonSuccess($mostRecentPot);
throw new Exception('Niekompletne dane.', 400); } $notify_text = validateString('wiadomość', $postVars['notify_text'], 6, 2048); $result = $thread->notify($id, $notify_text); $email_to = implode(',', $result); $subject = 'Powiadomienie'; $message = $notify_text . " \nJeśli nie chcesz otrzymywać wiadomości e-mail, zaloguj się na www.bariery.wroclaw.pl i wycofaj subskrypcję dla zgłoszeń."; $headers = 'From: admin@bariery.wroclaw.pl' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: no-reply@bariery.wroclaw.pl' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); @mail($email_to, $subject, $message, $headers); jsonSuccess($app, $result); } catch (Exception $e) { jsonError($app, $e); } }); $app->delete('/id/:id', validatePrivileges(array('administrator')), function ($id) use($app, $thread) { try { $result = $thread->delete($id); jsonSuccess($app, $result); } catch (Exception $e) { jsonError($app, $e); } }); $app->delete('/marker/id/:id', validatePrivileges(array('administrator')), function ($id) use($app, $thread) { try { $result = $thread->deleteMarker($id); jsonSuccess($app, $result); } catch (Exception $e) { jsonError($app, $e); } }); });
include 'SteamAuthentication/steamauth/userInfo.php'; $db = getDB(); $tradeUrl = isset($_POST['tradeUrl']) ? $_POST['tradeUrl'] : null; if (is_null($tradeUrl) || strlen($tradeUrl) === 0) { echo jsonErr('The required field was not sent.'); return; } # Check if user is logged in if (!isset($_SESSION['steamid'])) { echo jsonErr('You are not logged in.'); return; } if (!filter_var($tradeUrl, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { echo jsonSuccess(array('valid' => 0, 'errMsg' => 'The provided url was not valid.')); return; } $query = parse_url($tradeUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY); parse_str($query, $queryArr); $tradeToken = isset($queryArr['token']) ? $queryArr['token'] : null; if (is_null($tradeToken) || strlen($tradeToken) === 0) { echo jsonSuccess(array('valid' => 0, 'errMsg' => 'Your trade token could not be found in the url.')); return; } # Get steam id $steamUserId = intval($steamprofile['steamid']); $stmt = $db->prepare('UPDATE users SET tradeToken = :token WHERE steamId64 = :id64'); $stmt->bindValue(':id64', $steamUserId); $stmt->bindValue(':token', $tradeToken); $stmt->execute(); echo jsonSuccess(array('valid' => 1));
$desc = postVar('desc'); if (is_null($name) || is_null($email) || is_null($steamProfileLink) || is_null($desc)) { echo jsonErr('One of the required fields was left blank or not sent correctly.'); return; } # Check steam profile link to make sure it is valid if (!filter_var($steamProfileLink, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { echo jsonErr('Your steam profile link was not a valid url.'); return; } # Add to support database table $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO support (name, email, steamProfileLink, desc, date, time) VALUES (:name, :email, :steamProfileLink, :desc, CURDATE(), CURTIME())'); $stmt->bindValue(':name', $name); $stmt->bindValue(':email', $email); $stmt->bindValue(':steamProfileLink', $steamProfileLink); $stmt->bindValue(':desc', $desc); $stmt->execute(); # Send email to our email $to = '*****@*****.**'; $subject = 'Support Ticket Submitted'; $message = "A support ticket has been sent.\n\nName: {$name}\nEmail: {$email}\nProfile link: {$steamProfileLink}\nDescription: {$desc}"; mail($to, $subject, $message); # Send email to user confirming their support ticket $subject = 'Support ticket received'; $message = "Hi, we have received your support ticket, with the following information:\n\t<br><br>\n\tYour name: {$name}\n\t<br>\n\tYour email: {$email}\n\t<br>\n\tYour Steam profile link: <a href=\"{$steamProfileLink}\">{$steamProfileLink}</a>\n\t<br>\n\tYour message: {$desc}\n\t<br><br>\n\tYou can expect an email response about this issue within the next 24 to 48 hours."; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "From: CSGO Win Big <*****@*****.**>"; mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers); echo jsonSuccess(array('message' => 'Your support ticket was submitted successfully! Check your email for a confirmation.'));
<?php include 'default.php'; $db = getDB(); # Get bot inventory $bot64Id = '76561198276749537'; $botInventory = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/{$bot64Id}/inventory/json/730/2"), true); $rgInventory = $botInventory['rgInventory']; # Get current pot $stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM currentPot'); $currentPot = $stmt->fetchAll(); echo jsonSuccess(array('rgInventory' => $rgInventory, 'currentPot' => $currentPot));
$stmt = $db->query($sql); $allRounds = $stmt->fetchAll(); $allUserSteam64Ids = array(); foreach ($allRounds as $round) { $id = $round['winnerSteamId64']; array_push($allUserSteam64Ids, $id); } $allUserSteam64IdsStr = join(',', $allUserSteam64Ids); $apiKey = getSteamAPIKey(); $usersInfoStr = file_get_contents("http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/?key={$apiKey}&steamids={$allUserSteam64IdsStr}"); $roundsArr = array(); $count = 0; foreach ($allRounds as $round) { if (strlen($round['allItemsJson']) === 0) { continue; } if ($count === 10) { continue; } $count++; $id = $round['id']; $winnerSteamId64 = $round['winnerSteamId64']; $winnerInfo = getSteamProfileInfoForSteamID($usersInfoStr, $winnerSteamId64); $userPutInPrice = $round['userPutInPrice']; $potPrice = $round['potPrice']; $allItemsJson = $round['allItemsJson']; $arr = array('id' => $id, 'winnerInfo' => $winnerInfo, 'userPutInPrice' => $userPutInPrice, 'potPrice' => $potPrice, 'allItemsJson' => $allItemsJson); array_push($roundsArr, $arr); } echo jsonSuccess(array('rounds' => $roundsArr));
public function logout() { auth()->logout(request()->get('token')); return jsonSuccess('退出成功', '200'); }
<?php include 'default.php'; $name = postVar('name'); $price = postVar('price'); if (is_null($name) || is_null($price)) { echo jsonErr('One of the required fields was not sent successfully.'); return; } $to = '*****@*****.**'; $subject = 'Item Price Change Ticket'; $message = "An item price change ticket has been submitted.\nName: {$name}\nPrice: {$price}"; mail($to, $subject, $message); echo jsonSuccess(array('message' => 'Your ticket has successfully been submitted. Thank you!'));
function move($action_id = null, $order = null, $step_id = null) { // Move a Action somewhere $action_id = intval($action_id); $order = intval($order); $step_id = intval($step_id); // Only used when moving to a new Step // Re-order every element (right?) if ($this->RequestHandler->isGet()) { echo jsonError(101, 'Expecting POST'); exit; } // Get Action $this->Action =& ClassRegistry::init('Action'); $this->Action->contain(array('Step.State.Project')); $conditions = array('Action.id' => $action_id, 'Action.live' => 1); $action = $this->Action->find('first', compact('conditions')); if (empty($action)) { $this->_Flash('Unable to find Action', 'mean', $this->referer('/')); } // Must be my Action if ($action['Step']['State']['Project']['user_id'] != $this->DarkAuth->id) { $this->_Flash('Not your Action', 'mean', $this->referer('/')); } // Moving Steps? $this->Step =& ClassRegistry::init('Step'); if ($step_id != $action['Action']['step_id']) { // Validate the new step $this->Step->contain(array('State.Project')); $conditions = array('Step.id' => $step_id, 'Step.live' => 1); $step = $this->Step->find('first', compact('conditions')); // Step Exists? if (empty($step)) { echo jsonError(101, 'Not in a step'); exit; } // My Step? if ($step['State']['Project']['user_id'] != $this->DarkAuth->id) { echo jsonError(101, 'Not your Step'); exit; } $action['Action']['step_id'] = $step['Step']['id']; } $action['Action']['order'] = $order; $this->Action->save($action['Action']); echo jsonSuccess(); exit; }
echo json_encode(array('type' => 'error', 'message' => $errorMessage)); exit; } function jsonSuccess($message, array $seatChanges) { echo json_encode(array('type' => 'success', 'message' => $message, 'seatChanges' => $seatChanges)); exit; } if (!Session::isLoggedIn()) { jsonError('You are not logged in!'); } $status = getSignupStatus(Session::getUser()->getId(), $event['id']); if ($status != 'PAID' && $status != 'CONFIRMED' && $status != 'PAYPAL_WAITING' && $status != 'STAFF') { jsonError("You haven't paid for a ticket!"); } if (getUserInSeat($event['id'], $seat)) { jsonError("That seat is already occupied!"); } $seatChanges = array(); $currentSeats = getSeatForUser($event['id']); foreach ($currentSeats as $itemCurrentSeat) { $seatChanges[] = getJsonSeatChange('delete', $itemCurrentSeat['seat'], Session::getUser()->getUsername()); } deleteSeatsForUser($event['id']); setUserInSeat($event['id'], $seat); $seatChanges[] = getJsonSeatChange('set', $seat, Session::getUser()->getUsername()); jsonSuccess('Seat selected!', $seatChanges); ?>
break; case 'zayav_spisok': $_POST['find'] = win1251($_POST['find']); $data = zayav_spisok($_POST); if ($data['filter']['page'] == 1) { $send['all'] = utf8($data['result']); } $send['spisok'] = utf8($data['spisok']); jsonSuccess($send); break; case 'zayav_status': if (!($zayav_id = _num($_POST['zayav_id']))) { jsonError(); } if (!($zayav_status = _num($_POST['status']))) { jsonError(); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `zayav` WHERE `ws_id`=" . WS_ID . " AND !`deleted` AND `id`=" . $zayav_id; if (!($z = query_assoc($sql))) { jsonError(); } if ($z['status'] == $zayav_status) { jsonError(); } $sql = "UPDATE `zayav`\n\t\t\t\tSET `status`=" . $zayav_status . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t`status_dtime`=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `id`=" . $zayav_id; query($sql); _history(array('type_id' => 71, 'client_id' => $z['client_id'], 'zayav_id' => $zayav_id, 'v1' => $z['status'], 'v2' => $zayav_status)); jsonSuccess(); break; } jsonError();
function remove($condition_id = null, $code = null) { // Remove a step // NOT WORKING!! exit; $condition_id = intval($condition_id); App::import('Sanitize'); $code = Sanitize::paranoid($code); // Get Condition $this->Condition =& ClassRegistry::init('Condition'); $this->Condition->contain(array('Step.State.Project')); $conditions = array('Condition.id' => $condition_id, 'Condition.live' => 1); $condition = $this->Condition->find('first', compact('conditions')); if (empty($condition)) { $this->_Flash('Unable to find Condition', 'mean', $this->referer('/')); } // Must be my Condition if ($condition['Step']['State']['Project']['user_id'] != $this->DarkAuth->id) { $this->_Flash('Not your Condition', 'mean', $this->referer('/')); } // Verify Code $expected_code = md5('test' . $condition['Condition']['id'] . 'test'); if ($code != $expected_code) { $this->_Flash('Codes did not match', 'mean', $this->referer('/')); } // Move to live=0 $condition['Condition']['live'] = 0; // Re-order // - necessary? Just keep deleting shit (lol) if (!$this->Condition->save($condition['Condition'], false, array('id', 'live'))) { $this->_Flash('Failed removing Condition', 'mean', null); return; } // Changes saved echo jsonSuccess(); exit; $this->_Flash('Changes saved', 'nice', $this->referer('/')); }