function getMenuLinks()
    global $CURRENT_USER, $APP;
    $menuLinks = '';
    foreach (_getMenuList() as $row) {
        // set defaults
        if (!array_key_exists('menuType', $row)) {
            $row['menuType'] = '';
        if (!array_key_exists('tableName', $row)) {
            $row['tableName'] = '';
        if (!array_key_exists('linkTarget', $row)) {
            $row['linkTarget'] = '';
        // check menu access
        if (!$CURRENT_USER) {
            $hasMenuAccess = false;
        } elseif (!$row['tableName'] && $CURRENT_USER['isAdmin']) {
            $hasMenuAccess = true;
        } else {
            $hasMenuAccess = userSectionAccess($row['tableName']) >= 3;
        // accessLevel: viewer or better
        if (!$hasMenuAccess) {
        // don't display if user doesn't have access
        $rowHtml = '';
        // show menu groups
        if ($row['menuType'] == 'menugroup') {
            $rowHtml .= _openMenuGroupList($row['menuName'], $row['isSelected']);
        } else {
            $rowHtml .= _openMenuGroupList('', $row['isSelected'], true);
            $class = $row['isSelected'] ? 'current ' : '';
            $style = "";
            $menuName = htmlencode($row['menuName']);
            if (@$row['_indent']) {
                $class .= 'indented_menu';
            if (@$row['tableName'] == '_error_log' && @$row['recordCount'] > 0) {
                $style .= 'color: #F55;';
            // highlight errors
            $jsEscapedMessage = jsEncode(htmlencode(@$row['linkMessage']));
            $onclick = @$row['linkMessage'] ? "onclick=\"alert('{$jsEscapedMessage}');\"" : "";
            $target = $row['linkTarget'];
            $href = $row['link'];
            $rowHtml .= "      <li><a class='{$class}' style='{$style}' href='{$href}' {$target} {$onclick}>{$menuName}</a></li>\n";
        $rowHtml = applyFilters('menulinks_rowHtml', $rowHtml, $row);
        $menuLinks .= $rowHtml;
    $menuLinks .= _closeMenuGroupList();
    return $menuLinks;
Exemplo n.º 2
require_once '../';
require_once '../';
//get comments from database
$comments = $db->query("SELECT * FROM em_comments WHERE object_id = " . $db->quote($_REQUEST['object_id']) . " ORDER BY id")->fetchAll();
// -- form output ------------------------------------------------
$total = count($comments);
$counter = 1;
$html = '<div id="emContent">';
if ($total > $CCOUNT) {
    $html .= '<div class="emShowAllComments" id="emShowAllComments"><a href="javascript:viewAllComments();">' . $lang['view'] . ' <span id="total_em_comments">' . $total . '</span> ' . $lang['view2'] . '</a></div>';
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
    if ($comment['sender_name']) {
        if ($comment['sender_mail']) {
            $comment['sender_name'] = jsEncode($comment['sender_mail'], $comment['sender_name']);
        $sender = '<span class="emSenderName">' . $comment['sender_name'] . '</span>: ';
    } else {
        $sender = '';
    $html .= '<div class="emComment" id="comment_' . $comment['id'] . '" ' . ($counter < $total - ($CCOUNT - 1) ? 'style="display:none"' : '') . '>
                    <div class="emCommentImage">
                        <img src="' . gravatar($comment['sender_mail']) . '" width="32" height="32" alt="Gravatar" />
                    <div class="emCommentText">
                        ' . $sender . stripslashes($comment['comment_text']) . '
                    <div class="emCommentInto">
                        ' . strftime($DATEFORMAT, strtotime($comment['created'])) . '
function _getRecords_getListDetails($options, $rowCount, $totalRecords, $schema)
    global $VIEWER_NAME;
    $details = array();
    ### get list details
    $details = array();
    $details['invalidPageNum'] = !$rowCount && $options['pageNum'] > 1;
    $details['noRecordsFound'] = !$rowCount && $options['pageNum'] == 1;
    $details['page'] = $options['pageNum'];
    $details['perPage'] = @$options['perPage'];
    $details['fromCache'] = 0;
    $details['totalPages'] = 1;
    if (@$options['perPage'] && $totalRecords > $options['perPage']) {
        $details['totalPages'] = ceil($totalRecords / $options['perPage']);
    $details['totalRecords'] = $totalRecords;
    $details['pageResultsStart'] = min($totalRecords, $options['offset'] + 1);
    $details['pageResultsEnd'] = min($totalRecords, $options['offset'] + $options['limit']);
    # get page nums
    $_minOfPageNumAndTotalPages = min($options['pageNum'], $details['totalPages']);
    $details['prevPage'] = $_minOfPageNumAndTotalPages > 1 ? $_minOfPageNumAndTotalPages - 1 : '';
    $details['nextPage'] = $_minOfPageNumAndTotalPages < $details['totalPages'] ? $_minOfPageNumAndTotalPages + 1 : '';
    if ($details['invalidPageNum']) {
        $details['prevPage'] = $details['totalPages'];
    // pass query arguments forward in page links - use http_build_query to support multi-value fields, like this: ?colors[]=red&colors[]=blue&etc...
    $filteredRequest = $_REQUEST;
    $extraQueryArgs = http_build_query($filteredRequest, null, '&amp;');
    if ($extraQueryArgs) {
        $extraQueryArgs .= '&amp;';
    $extraQueryArgs = preg_replace('/=&amp;/i', '&amp;', $extraQueryArgs);
    // v2.50 for query keys with no value remove trailing =, eg: ?record-title-123 instead of ?record-title-123=
    $extraQueryArgs = preg_replace('/(%5B|\\[)\\d+(\\]|%5D)/i', '[]', $extraQueryArgs);
    // square brackets get escaped as of PHP 5.1.3 - replace colors[0], colors[1] with colors[], see:
    $extraPathInfoArgs = str_replace(array('=', '&amp;'), array('-', '/'), $extraQueryArgs);
    # get page links
    $listViewer = @$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
    $listViewer = str_replace(' ', '%20', $listViewer);
    // v2.50 : url encoded spaces
    $details['prevPageLink'] = $listViewer;
    $details['nextPageLink'] = $listViewer;
    $details['firstPageLink'] = $listViewer;
    $details['lastPageLink'] = $listViewer;
    // use the same url for page 1 urls if possible, not viewer.php and viewer.php?page=1
    // see:
    if (@$options['useSeoUrls']) {
        $details['firstPageLink'] .= $extraPathInfoArgs ? "/{$extraPathInfoArgs}page-1/" : '';
        $details['prevPageLink'] .= $details['prevPage'] != 1 || $extraPathInfoArgs ? "/{$extraPathInfoArgs}page-{$details['prevPage']}/" : '';
        $details['nextPageLink'] .= "/{$extraPathInfoArgs}page-{$details['nextPage']}/";
        $details['lastPageLink'] .= $details['totalPages'] != 1 || $extraPathInfoArgs ? "/{$extraPathInfoArgs}page-{$details['totalPages']}/" : '';
    } else {
        $details['firstPageLink'] .= $extraQueryArgs ? "?{$extraQueryArgs}page=1" : '';
        $details['prevPageLink'] .= $details['prevPage'] != 1 || $extraQueryArgs ? "?{$extraQueryArgs}page={$details['prevPage']}" : '';
        $details['nextPageLink'] .= "?{$extraQueryArgs}page={$details['nextPage']}";
        $details['lastPageLink'] .= $details['totalPages'] != 1 || $extraQueryArgs ? "?{$extraQueryArgs}page=" . $details['totalPages'] : '';
    $details['_detailPage'] = @$schema['_detailPage'] ? PREFIX_URL . $schema['_detailPage'] : '';
    $details['_listPage'] = @$schema['_listPage'] ? PREFIX_URL . $schema['_listPage'] : "javascript:alert('Set List Page Url for this section in: Admin &gt; Section Editors &gt; " . jsEncode($schema['menuName']) . " &gt; Viewer Urls')";
    $details['_listPage'] = str_replace(' ', '%20', $details['_listPage']);
    // v2.60 : urlencode spaces so they validate
    return $details;
function relatedRecordsButton($label, $url, $addReturnUrl = true)
    // get menu type
    $isViewMenu = @$GLOBALS['action'] == 'view';
    // view menus - we always have record number so just redirect
    // get target url
    $recordNumOrPlaceholder = $isViewMenu ? intval($_REQUEST['num']) : '###';
    // ### gets replaced by saveRedirectAndReturn() in edit_functions.js
    if ($isViewMenu) {
        $url = str_replace('###', intval($_REQUEST['num']), $url);
    // replace any occurances of ### in $url (in case it's used in multiple places)
    if ($addReturnUrl) {
        $url .= "&returnUrl=" . urlencode(thisPageUrl(array('num' => $recordNumOrPlaceholder), true));
    // get onclick
    if ($isViewMenu) {
        $onclick = htmlencode('window.location="' . jsEncode($url) . '"; return false;');
    } else {
        $onclick = htmlencode('saveRedirectAndReturn("' . jsEncode($url) . '"); return false;');
    // call saveRedirectAndReturn() to save record, get record num, and replace ### with real record num in links
    // create button
    $button = "<a href='#' onclick='{$onclick}'><input class='button' type='button' name='_null_' value='" . htmlencode($label) . "' /></a>\n";
    return $button;
Exemplo n.º 5
require_once '../';
require_once '../';
$_REQUEST['comment'] = cleanInput($_REQUEST['comment']);
$_REQUEST['sender_name'] = cleanInput($_REQUEST['sender_name']);
$_REQUEST['sender_mail'] = cleanInput($_REQUEST['sender_mail']);
//error check extreme
if ($_REQUEST['sender_name'] == $lang['enterName']) {
if ($_REQUEST['sender_mail'] == $lang['enterMail']) {
//insert comment into database
$db->exec('INSERT INTO em_comments SET
                                object_id    = ' . $db->quote($_REQUEST['object_id']) . ',
                                created      = NOW(),
                                sender_name  = ' . $db->quote($_REQUEST['sender_name']) . ',
                                sender_mail  = ' . $db->quote($_REQUEST['sender_mail']) . ',
                                sender_ip    = ' . (int) ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ',
                                comment_text = ' . $db->quote($_REQUEST['comment']));
$total = $db->query("SELECT count(*) AS total FROM em_comments WHERE object_id = " . $db->quote($_REQUEST['object_id']))->fetch();
if ($_REQUEST['sender_name']) {
    if ($_REQUEST['sender_mail']) {
        $_REQUEST['sender_name'] = jsEncode($_REQUEST['sender_mail'], $_REQUEST['sender_name']);
    $sender = '<span class="emSenderName">' . $_REQUEST['sender_name'] . '</span>: ';
} else {
    $sender = '';
header('Content-type: application/x-json');
echo json_encode(array('id' => $db->lastInsertId(), 'text' => stripslashes($sender . $_REQUEST['comment']), 'name' => stripslashes($_REQUEST['sender_name']), 'mail' => stripslashes($_REQUEST['sender_mail']), 'image' => '<img src="' . gravatar($_REQUEST['sender_mail']) . '" />', 'date' => strftime($DATEFORMAT), 'total' => (int) $total['total']));
Exemplo n.º 6
function _showPluginActions($pluginData)
    global $APP;
    $hasRequiredCmsVersion = @$pluginData['requiresAtLeast'] <= $APP['version'];
    // system plugins
    if ($pluginData['isSystemPlugin']) {
        doAction('plugin_actions', $pluginData['filename']);
        if (!$hasRequiredCmsVersion) {
            print t('Requires') . "<br />" . $pluginData['requiresAtLeast'];
    // active plugins
    if ($pluginData['isActive'] && !$pluginData['isSystemPlugin']) {
        $onclick = "return redirectWithPost('?', {menu:'admin', action:'deactivatePlugin', file: '" . jsEncode($pluginData['filename']) . "', '_CSRFToken': \$('[name=_CSRFToken]').val()});";
        print "<a href='#' onclick=\"{$onclick}\">" . t('Deactivate') . "</a><br/>\n";
        doAction('plugin_actions', $pluginData['filename']);
    // inactive plugins
    if (!$pluginData['isActive'] && !$pluginData['isSystemPlugin']) {
        $onclick = "return redirectWithPost('?', {menu:'admin', action:'activatePlugin', file: '" . jsEncode($pluginData['filename']) . "', '_CSRFToken': \$('[name=_CSRFToken]').val()});";
        if ($hasRequiredCmsVersion) {
            print "<a href='#' onclick=\"{$onclick}\">" . t('Activate') . "</a>\n";
        } else {
            print t('Requires') . "<br />" . $pluginData['requiresAtLeast'];
Exemplo n.º 7
    if      (advancedType == '')          { description = '<?php 
echo jsEncode(t("select an advanced menu type to see the description."));
'; }
    else if (advancedType == 'category')  { description = '<?php 
echo jsEncode(t("category menus let you organize records in a tree structure and are for creating website menus and navigation."));
'; }
    else if (advancedType == 'menugroup') { description = '<?php 
echo jsEncode(t("menu groups let you create menu headers to group related menu options under."));
'; }
    else if (advancedType == 'textlink')  { description = '<?php 
echo jsEncode(t("text links let you add an external link to your menu that looks the same as a regular menu item."));
'; }
    else                                  { description = "<?php 
echo jsEncode(t("Unknown advanced type"));
 '" +advancedType+ "'"; }
    $('#advancedDescription').html( description );



function _showUpload($fieldSchema, $record)
    global $preSaveTempId, $SETTINGS, $menu;
    $prefixText = @$fieldSchema['fieldPrefix'];
    $description = @$fieldSchema['description'];
    if ($prefixText) {
        $prefixText .= "<br/>";
    // create uploadList url
    $uploadList = "?" . "menu=" . urlencode($menu) . "&amp;action=uploadList" . "&amp;fieldName=" . urlencode($fieldSchema['name']) . "&amp;num=" . urlencode(@$_REQUEST['num']) . "&amp;preSaveTempId=" . urlencode($preSaveTempId);
    // create uploadLink url
    $uploadLink = "?menu=" . urlencode($menu) . "&amp;action=uploadForm" . "&amp;fieldName=" . urlencode($fieldSchema['name']) . "&amp;num=" . urlencode(@$_REQUEST['num']) . "&amp;preSaveTempId=" . urlencode($preSaveTempId) . "&amp;TB_iframe=true&amp;height=350&amp;width=700&amp;modal=true";
    // error checking
    $errors = '';
    list($uploadDir, $uploadUrl) = getUploadDirAndUrl($fieldSchema);
    if (!file_exists($uploadDir)) {
        mkdir_recursive($uploadDir, 0755);
    // create upload dir (if not possible, dir not exists error will show below)
    if (!file_exists($uploadDir)) {
        $errors .= "Upload directory '" . htmlencode($uploadDir) . "' doesn't exist!.<br/>\n";
    } elseif (!is_writable($uploadDir)) {
        $errors .= "Upload directory '" . htmlencode($uploadDir) . "' isn't writable!.<br/>\n";
    // display errors
    if ($errors) {
        print <<<__HTML__
   <td valign="top"><br/>{$fieldSchema['label']}<br/></td>
   <td><div id='alert'><span>{$errors}</span></div></td>
    // display field
    <td style="vertical-align: top"><?php 
    echo $fieldSchema['label'];
    echo $prefixText;
      <iframe id="<?php 
    echo $fieldSchema['name'];
_iframe" src="<?php 
    echo $uploadList;
" height="100" width="100%" frameborder="0" class="uploadIframe"></iframe><br/>

    $displayDefaultLink = applyFilters('edit_show_upload_link', true, $fieldSchema, $record);
    if ($displayDefaultLink) {

        <div style="position: relative; height: 24px;">
          <div style="position: absolute; top: 6px; width: 100%; text-align: center;">
        if (inDemoMode()) {
              <a href="javascript:alert('<?php 
            echo jsEncode(t('This feature is disabled in demo mode.'));
            echo t('Add or Upload File(s)');
        } else {
              <a href="<?php 
            echo $uploadLink;
" class="thickbox"><b><?php 
            echo t('Add or Upload File(s)');
          <div style="position: absolute; z-index: 1; width: 100%; text-align: center;">
            <div id="<?php 
        echo $fieldSchema['name'];

        $useFlashUploader = !@$SETTINGS['advanced']['disableFlashUploader'];

        if ($useFlashUploader && !inDemoMode()) {
            $fileExtCSV = implode(',', preg_split("/\\s*\\,\\s*/", strtolower($fieldSchema['allowedExtensions'])));
          <div id="<?php 
            echo $fieldSchema['name'];
_uploadTips" style="display: none; text-align: center; font-size: xx-small; margin-top: 2px;">
            $isMac = preg_match('/macintosh|mac os x/i', @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            $key = $isMac ? '<Command>' : '<Ctrl>';
            if (@$fieldSchema['maxUploads'] != 1) {
                echo htmlencode(t("Tip: hold {$key} to select multiple files"));
            echo $description;
          <div class="uploadifyQueue" id="<?php 
            echo $fieldSchema['name'];
          <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
            $(document).ready(function() {
            echo $fieldSchema['name'];
                'script'           : <?php 
            echo json_encode(basename(@$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
                'modifyAfterSave'  : <?php 
            echo count(getUploadInfoFields($fieldSchema['name']));
                'menu'             : <?php 
            echo json_encode($menu);
                'fieldName'        : <?php 
            echo json_encode($fieldSchema['name']);
                'num'              : <?php 
            echo json_encode(@$_REQUEST['num'] ? $_REQUEST['num'] : '');
                'preSaveTempId'    : <?php 
            echo json_encode($preSaveTempId);
                'buttonText'       : <?php 
            echo json_encode(t('Upload File(s)'));
                'fileExtCSV'       : <?php 
            echo json_encode($fileExtCSV);
                'maxUploadSizeKB'  : <?php 
            echo json_encode($fieldSchema['checkMaxUploadSize'] ? $fieldSchema['maxUploadSizeKB'] : 0);
                'loginDataEncoded' : <?php 
            echo json_encode(@$_COOKIE[loginCookie_name(true)]);
                'queueID'          : <?php 
            echo json_encode($fieldSchema['name'] . "_uploadQueue");
          // ]]></script>

function escapeJs($str)
    return jsEncode($str);