Exemplo n.º 1
function is_market_closed($date)
    $year = $date->format('Y');
    // federal holidays
    $federal_holidays = [adjust_fixed_holiday($year . '-01-01'), date('Y-m-d', strtotime("third Monday of January {$year}")), date('Y-m-d', strtotime("third Monday of February {$year}")), date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+" . (easter_days($year) - 2) . " days", strtotime("{$year}-03-21 12:00:00"))), date('Y-m-d', strtotime("last Monday of May {$year}")), adjust_fixed_holiday($year . '-07-04', 'last friday'), date('Y-m-d', strtotime("first Monday of September {$year}")), date('Y-m-d', strtotime("last Thursday of November {$year}")), adjust_fixed_holiday($year . '-12-25')];
    if (in_array($date->format('Y-m-d'), $federal_holidays)) {
        $date->modify('next day');
    // saturday or sunday
    if (is_weekend($date)) {
        $date->modify('next monday');
    return $date->format('Y-m-d');
Exemplo n.º 2
 echo '
 <table class="main">
     <th class="empty">&nbsp;</th>';
 $body = $header = '';
 $todayYmd = date('Ymd', $today);
 for ($i = 0; $i < $viewusercnt; $i++) {
     $events = $e_save[$i];
     $repeated_events = $re_save[$i];
     $user = $viewusers[$i];
     user_load_variables($user, 'temp');
     $body .= '
     <th class="row" style="width:' . $tdw . '%;">' . $tempfullname . '</th>';
     for ($date = $wkstart; $date < $wkend; $date += 86400) {
         $is_weekend = is_weekend($date);
         if ($is_weekend && $DISPLAY_WEEKENDS == 'N') {
         $dateYmd = date('Ymd', $date);
         $entryStr = print_date_entries($dateYmd, $user, true);
         $class = ($dateYmd == $todayYmd ? ' class="today"' : (!empty($entryStr) && $entryStr != '&nbsp;' ? ' class="hasevents"' : ($is_weekend ? ' class="weekend"' : ''))) . ' style="width:' . $tdw . '%;">';
         // .
         // Build header row.
         if ($i == 0) {
             $header .= '
     <th' . $class . weekday_name(date('w', $date), $DISPLAY_LONG_DAYS) . ' ' . date('d', $date) . '</th>';
         $body .= '
     <td' . $class . (empty($ADD_LINK_IN_VIEWS) || $ADD_LINK_IN_VIEWS != 'N' ? html_for_add_icon($dateYmd, '', '', $user) . "\n" : '') . $entryStr . '
function display_small_month($thismonth, $thisyear, $showyear, $show_weeknums = false, $minical_id = '', $month_link = 'month.php?')
    global $boldDays, $caturl, $DATE_FORMAT_MY, $DISPLAY_ALL_DAYS_IN_MONTH, $DISPLAY_TASKS, $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER, $get_unapproved, $login, $MINI_TARGET, $SCRIPT, $SHOW_EMPTY_WEEKENDS, $thisday, $today, $use_http_auth, $user, $WEEK_START;
    $nextStr = translate('Next');
    $prevStr = translate('Previous');
    $u_url = $user != $login && !empty($user) ? 'user='******'&amp;' : '';
    $weekStr = translate('Week');
    // Start the minical table for each month.
    $ret = '
    <table class="minical"' . ($minical_id != '' ? ' id="' . $minical_id . '"' : '') . '>';
    $monthstart = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth, 1, $thisyear));
    $monthend = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, 0, $thisyear));
    // Determine if the week starts on Sunday or Monday.
    // TODO:  We need to be able to start a week on ANY day.
    $wkstart = get_weekday_before($thisyear, $thismonth);
    if ($SCRIPT == 'day.php') {
        $month_ago = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth - 1, 1, $thisyear));
        $month_ahead = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, 1, $thisyear));
        $ret .= '<caption>' . $thisday . '</caption>
        <tr class="monthnav">
          <th colspan="' . ($DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER == true ? 8 : 7) . '">
            <a title="' . $prevStr . '" class="prev" href="day.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . $month_ago . $caturl . '"><img src="images/leftarrowsmall.gif" alt="' . $prevStr . '" /></a>
            <a title="' . $nextStr . '" class="next" href="day.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . $month_ahead . $caturl . '"><img src="images/rightarrowsmall.gif" alt="' . $nextStr . '" /></a>' . date_to_str(sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $thisyear, $thismonth, 1), $showyear != '' ? $DATE_FORMAT_MY : '__month__', false) . '
    } elseif ($SCRIPT == 'minical.php') {
        $month_ago = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth - 1, $thisday, $thisyear));
        $month_ahead = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, $thisday, $thisyear));
        $ret .= '
        <tr class="monthnav">
          <th colspan="7">
            <a title="' . $prevStr . '" class="prev" href="minical.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . $month_ago . '"><img src="images/leftarrowsmall.gif" alt="' . $prevStr . '" /></a>
            <a title="' . $nextStr . '" class="next" href="minical.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . $month_ahead . '"><img src="images/rightarrowsmall.gif" alt="' . $nextStr . '" /></a>' . date_to_str(sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $thisyear, $thismonth, 1), $showyear != '' ? $DATE_FORMAT_MY : '__month__', false) . '
    } else {
        // Not day or minical script. Print the month name.
        $ret .= '
      <caption><a href="' . $month_link . $u_url . 'year=' . $thisyear . '&amp;month=' . $thismonth . '">' . date_to_str(sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $thisyear, $thismonth, 1), $showyear != '' ? $DATE_FORMAT_MY : '__month__', false) . '</a></caption>
    $ret .= '
        <tr>' . ($show_weeknums && $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER == 'Y' ? '
          <th class="empty">&nbsp;</th>' : '');
    for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
        $thday = ($i + $WEEK_START) % 7;
        $ret .= '
          <th' . (is_weekend($thday) ? ' class="weekend"' : '') . '>' . weekday_name($thday, 'D') . '</th>';
    // End the header row.
    $ret .= '
    for ($i = $wkstart; date('Ymd', $i) <= $monthend; $i += 604800) {
        $tmp = $i + 172800;
        // 48 hours.
        $ret .= '
        <tr>' . ($show_weeknums && $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER == 'Y' ? '
          <td><a class="weeknumber" ' . 'title="' . $weekStr . '&nbsp;' . date('W', $i + 86400) . '" ' . 'href="week.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . date('Ymd', $tmp) . '">(' . date('W', $tmp) . ')</a></td>' : '');
        for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) {
            // Add 12 hours just so we don't have DST problems.
            $date = $i + ($j * 86400 + 43200);
            $dateYmd = date('Ymd', $date);
            $hasEvents = false;
            $title = '';
            $ret .= '
            if ($boldDays) {
                $ev = get_entries($dateYmd, $get_unapproved, true, true);
                if (count($ev) > 0) {
                    $hasEvents = true;
                    $title = $ev[0]->getName();
                } else {
                    $rep = get_repeating_entries($user, $dateYmd, $get_unapproved);
                    if (count($rep) > 0) {
                        $hasEvents = true;
                        $title = $rep[0]->getName();
            if ($dateYmd >= $monthstart && $dateYmd <= $monthend || !empty($DISPLAY_ALL_DAYS_IN_MONTH) && $DISPLAY_ALL_DAYS_IN_MONTH == 'Y') {
                $class = (is_weekend($date) ? 'weekend' : '') . ($dateYmd == $thisyear . $thismonth . $thisday && $SCRIPT == 'day.php' ? ' selectedday' : '') . ($hasEvents ? ' hasevents' : '');
                $ret .= ($class != '' ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : '') . ($dateYmd == date('Ymd', $today) ? ' id="today"' : '') . '><a href="';
                if ($SCRIPT == 'minical.php') {
                    $ret .= ($use_http_auth ? 'day.php?user='******'nulogin.php?login='******'&amp;return_path=day.php') . '&amp;date=' . $dateYmd . '"' . (empty($MINI_TARGET) ? '' : ' target="' . $MINI_TARGET . '"') . (empty($title) ? '' : ' title="' . $title . '"');
                } else {
                    $ret .= 'day.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . $dateYmd . '"';
                $ret .= '>' . date('j', $date) . '</a></td>';
            } else {
                $ret .= ' class="empty' . (!empty($SHOW_EMPTY_WEEKENDS) && is_weekend($date) ? ' weekend' : '') . '">&nbsp;</td>';
        // end for $j
        $ret .= '
    // end for $i
    return $ret . '
Exemplo n.º 4
              <th class="empty">&nbsp;</th>' . $untimedStr . '
            </tr>' : '';
for ($i = $first_slot; $i <= $last_slot; $i++) {
    $time_h = intval($i * $interval / 60);
    $time_m = $i * $interval % 60;
    // Do not apply TZ offset.
    $eventsStr .= '
              <th class="row">' . display_time(($time_h * 100 + $time_m) * 100, 1) . '</th>';
    for ($d = $start_ind; $d <= $end_ind; $d++) {
        $dateYmd = date('Ymd', $days[$d]);
        // Class "hasevents" overrides both "today" and "weekend".
        // And class "today" overrides "weekend".
        // So, no need to list them all.
        $class = !empty($save_hour_arr[$d][$i]) && strlen($save_hour_arr[$d][$i]) ? ' class="hasevents"' : ($dateYmd == date('Ymd', $today) ? ' class="today"' : (is_weekend($days[$d]) ? ' class="weekend"' : ''));
        if ($rowspan_day[$d] > 1) {
            // This might mean there's an overlap,
            // or it could mean one event ends at 11:15 and another starts at 11:30.
            if (!empty($save_hour_arr[$d][$i])) {
                $eventsStr .= '
              <td' . $class . '>' . $save_hour_arr[$d][$i] . '</td>';
        } else {
            $eventsStr .= '
              <td' . $class;
            if (empty($save_hour_arr[$d][$i])) {
                $eventsStr .= '>' . ($can_add ? html_for_add_icon($dateYmd, $time_h, $time_m, $user) : '') . '&nbsp;';
            } else {
                $rowspan_day[$d] = $save_rowspan_arr[$d][$i];
 <tr id="rptbydayextended" style="visibility:hidden;" title="' . tooltip('repeat-bydayextended-help') . '">
   <td class="tooltip"><label>' . translate('ByDay') . ':</label></td>
   <td colspan="2" class="boxall">
     <input type="hidden" name="bydayList" value="' . (empty($bydayStr) ? '' : $bydayStr) . '" />
     <input type="hidden" name="bymonthdayList" value="' . (empty($bymonthdayStr) ? '' : $bymonthdayStr) . '" />
     <input type="hidden" name="bysetposList" value="' . (empty($bysetposStr) ? '' : $bysetposStr) . '" />
     <table class="byxxx" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" ' . 'border="1" summary="">
 // Display byday extended selection.
 // We use BUTTONS in a triple state configuration, and store the values in
 // a javascript array until form submission. We then set the hidden field
 // bydayList to the string value of the array.
 for ($rpt_byday_label = $WEEK_START; $rpt_byday_label <= $WEEK_START + 6; $rpt_byday_label++) {
     $rpt_byday_mod = $rpt_byday_label % 7;
     $class = is_weekend($rpt_byday_mod) ? ' class="weekend" ' : '';
     echo '
         <th width="50px"' . $class . '><label>' . translate($weekday_names[$rpt_byday_mod]) . '</label></th>';
 echo '
         <th>' . translate('All') . '</th>';
 for ($rpt_byday_single = $WEEK_START; $rpt_byday_single <= $WEEK_START + 6; $rpt_byday_single++) {
     $rpt_byday_mod = $rpt_byday_single % 7;
     echo '
         <td><input type="checkbox" name="bydayAll[]" id="' . $byday_names[$rpt_byday_mod] . '" value="' . "{$byday_names[$rpt_byday_mod]}\"" . (in_array($byday_names[$rpt_byday_mod], $byday) ? $checked : '') . ' /></td>';
 echo '
       <tr id="rptbydayln" style="visibility:hidden;">';
Exemplo n.º 6
    for ($d = $start_ind; $d <= $end_ind; $d++) {
        $rowspan_day[$u][$d] = 0;
for ($i = $first_slot; $i <= $last_slot; $i++) {
    $time_h = (int) ($i * $interval / 60);
    $time_m = $i * $interval % 60;
    $time = display_time(($time_h * 100 + $time_m) * 100, 1);
    echo "<tr>\n<th valign=\"top\" class=\"row\" width=\"{$time_w}" . '">' . $time . "</th>\n";
    //echo "<tr>\n<th valign=\"top\">" . $time . "</th>\n";
    for ($d = $start_ind; $d <= $end_ind; $d++) {
        $dateYmd = date('Ymd', $days[$d]);
        for ($u = 0; $u < $viewusercnt; $u++) {
            $hour_arr = $save_hour_arr[$u][$d];
            $rowspan_arr = $save_rowspan_arr[$u][$d];
            $is_weekend = is_weekend($days[$d]);
            if ($dateYmd == $todayYmd) {
                $class .= 'class="today"';
            } else {
                if ($is_weekend) {
                    $class .= 'class="weekend"';
                } else {
                    $class = '';
            // Use the class 'hasevents' for any hour block that has events
            // in it.
            if (!empty($hour_arr[$i]) && strlen($hour_arr[$i])) {
                $class = 'class="hasevents"';
            if ($rowspan_day[$u][$d] > 1) {
Exemplo n.º 7

<div id="boire" class="entryscreen">
  <img src="medias/interface/backgrounds/bien-boire.jpg" alt="Restaurant L'Échaudé - Bien boire." />
  <div class="circle">
    <img src="medias/interface/home/pastille-bien-boire.png" alt="Restaurant L'Échaudé - Bien Boire">
<div id="manger" class="entryscreen">
  <img src="medias/interface/backgrounds/bien-manger.jpg" alt="Restaurant L'Échaudé - Bien manger." />
  <div class="circle">
    <img src="medias/interface/home/pastille-bien-manger.png" alt="Restaurant L'Échaudé - Bien Manger">
if (is_weekend()) {
	<div id="menu" class="entryscreen">
	  <img src="medias/interface/backgrounds/menu.jpg" alt="Restaurant L'Échaudé - Menu" />
	  <div class="circle">
	    	<a href="menus#menu-brunch"><img width="477" src="medias/interface/home/pastille-bien-bruncher-<?php 
    echo $locale->current_language;
.png" alt="Restaurant L'Échaudé - Bien Bruncher" /></a>
} else {
    $date = new DateTime();
    $hour = intval($date->format('H'));
    if ($hour >= 11 && $hour < 14) {