Exemplo n.º 1
  * Validate the plugin
  * Checks that the Model is an instance of ModelInterface
  * @param  mixed $plugin
  * @throws InvalidPluginException
  * @return void
 public function validatePlugin($plugin)
     if ($plugin instanceof ModelInterface) {
     throw new InvalidPluginException(sprintf('Plugin of type %s is invalid; must implement %s\\Model\\ModelInterface', is_object($plugin) ? get_class($plugin) : gettype($plugin), __NAMESPACE__));
  * Iterates through elements of $each and renders child nodes
  * @param array $each The array or SplObjectStorage to iterated over
  * @param string $as The name of the iteration variable
  * @param string $key The name of the variable to store the current array key
  * @param boolean $reverse If enabled, the iterator will start with the last element and proceed reversely
  * @return string Rendered string
  * @author Sebastian Kurfürst <*****@*****.**>
  * @author Bastian Waidelich <*****@*****.**>
  * @author Robert Lemke <*****@*****.**>
  * @api
 public function render($each, $as, $key = '', $reverse = FALSE)
     $output = '';
     if ($each === NULL) {
         return '';
     if (is_object($each)) {
         if (!$each instanceof Traversable) {
             throw new Tx_Fluid_Core_ViewHelper_Exception('ForViewHelper only supports arrays and objects implementing Traversable interface', 1248728393);
         $each = $this->convertToArray($each);
     if ($reverse === TRUE) {
         $each = array_reverse($each);
     $output = '';
     foreach ($each as $keyValue => $singleElement) {
         $this->templateVariableContainer->add($as, $singleElement);
         if ($key !== '') {
             $this->templateVariableContainer->add($key, $keyValue);
         $output .= $this->renderChildren();
         if ($key !== '') {
     return $output;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @param string $id
  * @param core_libs $this
 function set($id, $lib = null)
     if ($lib && is_object($lib) && !$lib instanceof Closure) {
         $this->_resolved($id, $lib);
     return parent::set($id, $lib);
Exemplo n.º 4
 function art_load_config()
     static $moduleConfig;
     if (isset($moduleConfig[$GLOBALS["artdirname"]])) {
         return $moduleConfig[$GLOBALS["artdirname"]];
     //$moduleConfig[$GLOBALS["artdirname"]] = mod_loadConfig($GLOBALS["artdirname"]);
     if (isset($GLOBALS["xoopsModule"]) && is_object($GLOBALS["xoopsModule"]) && $GLOBALS["xoopsModule"]->getVar("dirname", "n") == $GLOBALS["artdirname"]) {
         if (!empty($GLOBALS["xoopsModuleConfig"])) {
             $moduleConfig[$GLOBALS["artdirname"]] =& $GLOBALS["xoopsModuleConfig"];
         } else {
             return null;
     } else {
         $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
         $module = $module_handler->getByDirname($GLOBALS["artdirname"]);
         $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config');
         $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('conf_modid', $module->getVar('mid')));
         $configs =& $config_handler->getConfigs($criteria);
         foreach (array_keys($configs) as $i) {
             $moduleConfig[$GLOBALS["artdirname"]][$configs[$i]->getVar('conf_name')] = $configs[$i]->getConfValueForOutput();
     if ($customConfig = @(include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/include/plugin.php")) {
         $moduleConfig[$GLOBALS["artdirname"]] = array_merge($moduleConfig[$GLOBALS["artdirname"]], $customConfig);
     return $moduleConfig[$GLOBALS["artdirname"]];
Exemplo n.º 5
  *  ArtifactFile - constructor.
  *	@param	object	The Artifact object.
  *  @param	array	(all fields from artifact_file_user_vw) OR id from database.
  *  @return	boolean	success.
 function ArtifactFile(&$Artifact, $data = false)
     global $Language;
     //was Artifact legit?
     if (!$Artifact || !is_object($Artifact)) {
         $this->setError('ArtifactFile: ' . $Language->getText('tracker_common_file', 'invalid'));
         return false;
     //did ArtifactType have an error?
     if ($Artifact->isError()) {
         $this->setError('ArtifactFile: ' . $Artifact->getErrorMessage());
         return false;
     $this->Artifact = $Artifact;
     if ($data) {
         if (is_array($data)) {
             $this->data_array = $data;
             return true;
         } else {
             if (!$this->fetchData($data)) {
                 return false;
             } else {
                 return true;
 private function varToString($var)
     if (is_object($var)) {
         return sprintf('Object(%s)', get_class($var));
     if (is_array($var)) {
         $a = array();
         foreach ($var as $k => $v) {
             $a[] = sprintf('%s => %s', $k, $this->varToString($v));
         return sprintf("Array(%s)", implode(', ', $a));
     if (is_resource($var)) {
         return sprintf('Resource(%s)', get_resource_type($var));
     if (null === $var) {
         return 'null';
     if (false === $var) {
         return 'false';
     if (true === $var) {
         return 'true';
     return (string) $var;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function prepare_remote_upgrade($remoteMPID = 0)
     $tp = new TaskPermission();
     if ($tp->canInstallPackages()) {
         $mri = MarketplaceRemoteItem::getByID($remoteMPID);
         if (!is_object($mri)) {
             $this->set('error', array(t('Invalid marketplace item ID.')));
         $local = Package::getbyHandle($mri->getHandle());
         if (!is_object($local) || $local->isPackageInstalled() == false) {
             $this->set('error', array(Package::E_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND));
         $r = $mri->downloadUpdate();
         if ($r != false) {
             if (!is_array($r)) {
                 $this->set('error', array($r));
             } else {
                 $errors = Package::mapError($r);
                 $this->set('error', $errors);
         } else {
             $this->redirect('/dashboard/extend/update', 'do_update', $mri->getHandle());
 public function refine(&$pa_destination_data, $pa_group, $pa_item, $pa_source_data, $pa_options = null)
     $o_log = isset($pa_options['log']) && is_object($pa_options['log']) ? $pa_options['log'] : null;
     // Set place hierarchy
     if ($vs_hierarchy = $pa_item['settings']['placeSplitter_placeHierarchy']) {
         $vn_hierarchy_id = caGetListItemID('place_hierarchies', $vs_hierarchy);
     } else {
         // Default to first place hierarchy
         $t_list = new ca_lists();
         $va_hierarchy_ids = $t_list->getItemsForList('place_hierarchies', array('idsOnly' => true));
         $vn_hierarchy_id = array_shift($va_hierarchy_ids);
     if (!$vn_hierarchy_id) {
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logError(_t('[placeSplitterRefinery] No place hierarchies are defined'));
         return array();
     $pa_options['hierarchyID'] = $vn_hierarchy_id;
     $t_place = new ca_places();
     if ($t_place->load(array('parent_id' => null, 'hierarchy_id' => $vn_hierarchy_id))) {
         $pa_options['defaultParentID'] = $t_place->getPrimaryKey();
     return caGenericImportSplitter('placeSplitter', 'place', 'ca_places', $this, $pa_destination_data, $pa_group, $pa_item, $pa_source_data, $pa_options);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Ajouter un champ
  * @param $type type de champ à ajouter (correspond au nom de l'objet réprésentant le champ)
  * @param $name nom du champ (doit être unique)
  * @param $value valeur par défaut
  * @return obj (retourne l'objet représentant le champ créé)
 public function add($type, $name = '', $value = '', $label = '')
     if (is_object($type)) {
         if (isset($this->fields[$type->getName()])) {
             trigger_error('Un champ nommé « ' . $type->getName() . ' » existe déjà.', E_USER_ERROR);
         $this->fields[$type->getName()] = $type;
     } else {
         if (empty($name)) {
             trigger_error('L\'argument name est nécessaire pour la création du champ.', E_USER_ERROR);
         if (isset($this->fields[$name])) {
             trigger_error('Un champ nommé « ' . $name . ' » existe déjà.', E_USER_ERROR);
         } else {
             $field = 'Field_' . $type;
             if ($field == 'Field_SubmitButton') {
                 $o_Field = new $field($name);
             } else {
                 $o_Field = new $field($name, $value, $label);
             $this->fields[$name] = $o_Field;
             return $o_Field;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Process
  * @param mixed $value
  * @param array $options
  * @return string|null
 public function process($value, array $options = array())
     if ($value === null) {
     if (!class_exists('\\libphonenumber\\PhoneNumberUtil')) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Library for phone checking not found');
     if (is_object($value) || is_resource($value) || is_array($value)) {
         $this->throwException($options, 'error');
     try {
         $phone = $this->getPhone($value, $options, $is_toll_free);
     } catch (\libphonenumber\NumberParseException $e) {
         $this->throwException($options, 'error');
     $util = \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance();
     if (!$util->isValidNumber($phone)) {
         $this->throwException($options, 'error');
     if ($is_toll_free) {
         return $phone->getNationalNumber();
     return (string) $util->format($phone, $this->getDefaultPhoneFormat($options));
Exemplo n.º 11
 protected function isGranted($attribute, $object, $user = null)
     if (!$user) {
         $user = $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser();
     if (!is_object($user)) {
         return false;
     if (in_array('ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR', $user->getRoles())) {
         return true;
     if (!in_array('ROLE_USER', $user->getRoles())) {
         return false;
     if (in_array($attribute, [self::ATTRIBUTE_VIEW, self::ATTRIBUTE_CREATE])) {
         return true;
      * @var Subcontractor $object
     if ($attribute == self::ATTRIBUTE_EDIT) {
         return $object->getCreatedBy() && $user->getId() == $object->getCreatedBy()->getId() || in_array('ROLE_SUBCONTRACTOR_MANAGER', $user->getRoles());
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Creates a new validation value for a validation set.
  * @param string|IValidator $validator The validator to build be it a class name (fully qualified)
  *                                     or a dummy validator object.
  * @param mixed ...$params The parameters to the validator. To use a field from the validated
  *                         object, set these as ValidationKey objects.
 public function __construct($validator)
     if (is_object($validator)) {
         if (!$validator instanceof IValidator) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(Intl\GetText::_d('Flikore.Validator', 'The validator object must be a implementation of IValidator'));
         } else {
             $this->validator = get_class($validator);
     } elseif (is_string($validator)) {
         if (!is_subclass_of($validator, 'Flikore\\Validator\\Interfaces\\IValidator')) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(Intl\GetText::_d('Flikore.Validator', 'The validator object must be a implementation of IValidator'));
         } else {
             $this->validator = $validator;
     } else {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(Intl\GetText::_d('Flikore.Validator', 'The validator object must be a implementation of IValidator'));
     $params = func_get_args();
     foreach ($params as $arg) {
         if ($arg instanceof ValidationKey) {
             $this->fields[] = $arg->getKey();
     $this->args = $params;
 public function import(\SimpleXMLElement $sx)
     $em = \Database::connection()->getEntityManager();
     $em->getClassMetadata('Concrete\\Core\\Entity\\Express\\Entity')->setIdGenerator(new \Doctrine\ORM\Id\AssignedGenerator());
     if (isset($sx->expressentities)) {
         foreach ($sx->expressentities->entity as $entityNode) {
             $entity = $em->find('Concrete\\Core\\Entity\\Express\\Entity', (string) $entityNode['id']);
             if (!is_object($entity)) {
                 $entity = new Entity();
                 $entity->setId((string) $entityNode['id']);
             $entity->setPluralHandle((string) $entityNode['plural_handle']);
             $entity->setHandle((string) $entityNode['handle']);
             $entity->setDescription((string) $entityNode['description']);
             $entity->setName((string) $entityNode['name']);
             if ((string) $entityNode['include_in_public_list'] == '') {
             $entity->setHandle((string) $entityNode['handle']);
             $tree = ExpressEntryResults::get();
             $node = $tree->getNodeByDisplayPath((string) $entityNode['results-folder']);
             $node = \Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\ExpressEntryResults::add((string) $entityNode['name'], $node);
             $indexer = $entity->getAttributeKeyCategory()->getSearchIndexer();
             if (is_object($indexer)) {
     $em->getClassMetadata('Concrete\\Core\\Entity\\Express\\Entity')->setIdGenerator(new UuidGenerator());
Exemplo n.º 14
 function sectioned_page_output()
     wp_enqueue_script('sticky', WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/' . plugin_dir_path('msd-specialty-pages/msd-specialty-pages.php') . '/lib/js/jquery.sticky.js', array('jquery'), FALSE, TRUE);
     global $post, $subtitle_metabox, $sectioned_page_metabox, $nav_ids;
     $i = 0;
     $meta = $sectioned_page_metabox->the_meta();
     if (is_object($sectioned_page_metabox)) {
         while ($sectioned_page_metabox->have_fields('sections')) {
             $layout = $sectioned_page_metabox->get_the_value('layout');
             switch ($layout) {
                 case "three-boxes":
                     $sections[] = self::default_output($meta['sections'][$i], $i);
         //close while
         print '<div class="sectioned-page-wrapper">';
         print implode("\n", $sections);
         print '</div>';
     //clsoe if
Exemplo n.º 15
 public function setUp()
     $this->array = array();
     // create an instance
     $this->instance = new ArrayFileStore($this->array);
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Return the IMP_Imap instance for a given mailbox/identifier.
  * @param string $id  Mailbox/identifier.
  * @return IMP_Imap  IMP_Imap object.
 public function create($id = null)
     global $registry, $session;
     if (!is_null($id) && $registry->getAuth() !== false && ($base = $this->_injector->getInstance('IMP_Remote')->getRemoteById($id))) {
         $id = strval($base);
     } else {
         $base = null;
         $id = self::BASE_OB;
     if (!isset($this->_instance[$id])) {
         $ob = null;
         try {
             $ob = $session->get('imp', 'imap_ob/' . $id);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // This indicates an unserialize() error.  This is fatal, so
             // logout.
             $failure = new Horde_Exception_AuthenticationFailure('Cached IMP session data has become invalid; expiring session.', Horde_Auth::REASON_SESSION);
             $failure->application = 'imp';
             throw $failure;
         if (!is_object($ob)) {
             $ob = is_null($base) ? new IMP_Imap($id) : new IMP_Imap_Remote($id);
         /* Attach IMAP alert handler. */
         if ($c_ob = $ob->client_ob) {
         $this->_instance[$id] = $ob;
     return $this->_instance[$id];
Exemplo n.º 17
  * validate a string
  * @param mixed $str the value to evaluate as a string
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the submitted data can not be converted to string
  * @return string
 protected function validateString($str)
     if (is_object($str) && method_exists($str, '__toString') || is_string($str)) {
         return trim($str);
     throw new InvalidArgumentException('The data received is not OR can not be converted into a string');
Exemplo n.º 18
 function MetaType($t, $len = -1)
     if (is_object($t)) {
         $fieldobj = $t;
         $t = $fieldobj->type;
         $len = $fieldobj->max_length;
     switch (strtoupper($t)) {
         case 'C':
             if ($len <= $this->blobSize) {
                 return 'C';
         case 'M':
             return 'X';
         case 'D':
             return 'D';
         case 'T':
             return 'T';
         case 'L':
             return 'L';
         case 'I':
             return 'I';
             return 'N';
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Class constructor
 function __construct($options = array())
     //Initialise the array
     $this->_pathway = array();
     $menu =& JSite::getMenu();
     if ($item = $menu->getActive()) {
         $menus = $menu->getMenu();
         $home = $menu->getDefault();
         if (is_object($home) && $item->id != $home->id) {
             foreach ($item->tree as $menupath) {
                 $url = '';
                 $link = $menu->getItem($menupath);
                 switch ($link->type) {
                     case 'menulink':
                     case 'url':
                         $url = $link->link;
                     case 'separator':
                         $url = null;
                         $url = 'index.php?Itemid=' . $link->id;
                 $this->addItem($menus[$menupath]->name, $url);
             // end foreach
     // end if getActive
Exemplo n.º 20
 function plgAcymailingContentplugin(&$subject, $config)
     parent::__construct($subject, $config);
     if (!isset($this->params)) {
         $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('acymailing', 'contentplugin');
         $this->params = new acyParameter($plugin->params);
     $this->paramsContent = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_content');
     $this->dispatcherContent = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $excludedHandlers = array('plgContentEmailCloak', 'pluginImageShow');
     $excludedNames = array('system' => array('SEOGenerator', 'SEOSimple'), 'content' => array('webeecomment', 'highslide', 'smartresizer', 'phocagallery'));
     $excludedType = array_keys($excludedNames);
     if (!ACYMAILING_J16) {
         foreach ($this->dispatcherContent->_observers as $id => $observer) {
             if (is_array($observer) and in_array($observer['handler'], $excludedHandlers)) {
                 $this->dispatcherContent->_observers[$id]['event'] = '';
             } elseif (is_object($observer)) {
                 if (in_array($observer->_type, $excludedType) and in_array($observer->_name, $excludedNames[$observer->_type])) {
                     $this->dispatcherContent->_observers[$id] = null;
     if (!class_exists('JSite')) {
         include_once ACYMAILING_ROOT . 'includes' . DS . 'application.php';
    function content_56655ccb038d51_05727181($_smarty_tpl)
<div class="tree-actions pull-right">
        if (isset($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['actions']->value)) {
            $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['action'] = new Smarty_Variable();
            $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['action']->_loop = false;
            $_from = $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['actions']->value;
            if (!is_array($_from) && !is_object($_from)) {
                settype($_from, 'array');
            foreach ($_from as $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['action']->key => $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['action']->value) {
                $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['action']->_loop = true;
                echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['action']->value->render();

Exemplo n.º 22
  * search user/corporation or alliance by name
  * @param $f3
  * @param $params
 public function search($f3, $params)
     $accessData = [];
     if (array_key_exists('arg1', $params) && array_key_exists('arg2', $params)) {
         $searchType = strtolower($params['arg1']);
         $searchToken = strtolower($params['arg2']);
         $accessModel = null;
         switch ($searchType) {
             case 'user':
                 $accessModel = Model\BasicModel::getNew('UserModel');
             case 'corporation':
                 $accessModel = Model\BasicModel::getNew('CorporationModel');
             case 'alliance':
                 $accessModel = Model\BasicModel::getNew('AllianceModel');
         if (is_object($accessModel)) {
             // find "active" entries that have their "sharing" option activated
             $accessList = $accessModel->find(array("LOWER(name) LIKE :token AND " . "active = 1 AND " . "shared = 1 ", ':token' => '%' . $searchToken . '%'));
             if ($accessList) {
                 foreach ($accessList as $accessObject) {
                     $accessData[] = $accessObject->getData();
     echo json_encode($accessData);
  * Test deletion of DataObjects
  *   - Deleting using delete() on the DataObject
  *   - Deleting using DataObject::delete_by_id()
 function testDelete()
     // Test deleting using delete() on the DataObject
     // Get the first page
     $page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1');
     $pageID = $page->ID;
     // Check the page exists before deleting
     $this->assertTrue(is_object($page) && $page->exists());
     // Delete the page
     // Check that page does not exist after deleting
     $page = DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageID);
     $this->assertTrue(!$page || !$page->exists());
     // Test deleting using DataObject::delete_by_id()
     // Get the second page
     $page2 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page2');
     $page2ID = $page2->ID;
     // Check the page exists before deleting
     $this->assertTrue(is_object($page2) && $page2->exists());
     // Delete the page
     DataObject::delete_by_id('Page', $page2->ID);
     // Check that page does not exist after deleting
     $page2 = DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $page2ID);
     $this->assertTrue(!$page2 || !$page2->exists());
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Constructor
  * @param  Adapter $adapter
  * @param  array $data 
  * @return void
 public function __construct($adapter, $data = null)
     if (!$adapter instanceof Zend_Cloud_Infrastructure_Adapter) {
         #require_once 'Zend/Cloud/Infrastructure/Exception.php';
         throw new Zend_Cloud_Infrastructure_Exception("You must pass a Zend_Cloud_Infrastructure_Adapter instance");
     if (is_object($data)) {
         if (method_exists($data, 'toArray')) {
             $data = $data->toArray();
         } elseif ($data instanceof Traversable) {
             $data = iterator_to_array($data);
     if (empty($data) || !is_array($data)) {
         #require_once 'Zend/Cloud/Infrastructure/Exception.php';
         throw new Zend_Cloud_Infrastructure_Exception("You must pass an array of parameters");
     foreach ($this->attributeRequired as $key) {
         if (empty($data[$key])) {
             #require_once 'Zend/Cloud/Infrastructure/Exception.php';
             throw new Zend_Cloud_Infrastructure_Exception(sprintf('The param "%s" is a required param for %s', $key, __CLASS__));
     $this->adapter = $adapter;
     $this->attributes = $data;
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Constructor.
  * @param mixed $value  The value to mark as safe
 public function __construct($value)
     $this->value = $value;
     if (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) {
Exemplo n.º 26
 public function submit($arLayoutID)
     if ($this->validateAction()) {
         $arLayout = AreaLayout::getByID($arLayoutID);
         if (!is_object($arLayout)) {
             throw new Exception(t('Invalid layout object.'));
         if ($_POST['arLayoutPresetID'] == '-1') {
             UserPreset::add($arLayout, $_POST['arLayoutPresetName']);
         } else {
             $existingPreset = UserPreset::getByID($_POST['arLayoutPresetID']);
             if (is_object($existingPreset)) {
         $pr = new EditResponse();
         if ($existingPreset) {
             $pr->setMessage(t('Area layout preset updated successfully.'));
         } else {
             $pr->setMessage(t('Area layout preset saved successfully.'));
Exemplo n.º 27
 function load($tpl_view, $body_view = null, $data = null)
     if (!is_null($body_view)) {
         if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'views/' . $tpl_view . '/' . $body_view)) {
             $body_view_path = $tpl_view . '/' . $body_view;
         } else {
             if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'views/' . $tpl_view . '/' . $body_view . '.php')) {
                 $body_view_path = $tpl_view . '/' . $body_view . '.php';
             } else {
                 if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'views/' . $body_view)) {
                     $body_view_path = $body_view;
                 } else {
                     if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'views/' . $body_view . '.php')) {
                         $body_view_path = $body_view . '.php';
                     } else {
                         show_error('Unable to load the requested file: ' . $tpl_name . '/' . $view_name . '.php');
         $body = $this->ci->load->view($body_view_path, $data, TRUE);
         if (is_null($data)) {
             $data = array('body' => $body);
         } else {
             if (is_array($data)) {
                 $data['body'] = $body;
             } else {
                 if (is_object($data)) {
                     $data->body = $body;
     $this->ci->load->view('templates/' . $tpl_view, $data);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public static function create($isoLang = 'pt_BR')
     $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
     $xmlDoc->formatOutput = true;
     $culture = $xmlDoc->createElement($isoLang);
     $culture = $xmlDoc->appendChild($culture);
     $criteria = new Criteria();
     $criteria->add(TagI18n::TABLE . '.' . TagI18n::ISOLANG, $isoLang);
     $objTagI18n = new TagI18nPeer();
     $arrayObjTagI18n = $objTagI18n->doSelect($criteria);
     if (!is_object($arrayObjTagI18n) && count($arrayObjTagI18n == 0)) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'There are no tags with that language ' . $isoLang, true);
         throw new Exception('There are no tags with that language ' . $isoLang);
     foreach ($arrayObjTagI18n as $objTagI18nPeer) {
         $item = $xmlDoc->createElement('item');
         $item->setAttribute('idTagI18n', $objTagI18nPeer->getIdTagI18n());
         $item = $culture->appendChild($item);
         $title = $xmlDoc->createElement('tag', utf8_encode($objTagI18nPeer->getTag()));
         $title = $item->appendChild($title);
         $link = $xmlDoc->createElement('i18n', utf8_encode($objTagI18nPeer->getTranslate()));
         $link = $item->appendChild($link);
     //header("Content-type:application/xml; charset=utf-8");
     $file = PATH . PATH_I18N . $isoLang . '.xml';
     try {
         file_put_contents($file, $xmlDoc->saveXML());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'Unable to write the XML file I18n ' . $e->getMessage(), true);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public function transaction($querie, $commit = FALSE)
     try {
         if (is_object($querie)) {
             $data = $querie->execute();
             $lastId = $this->db->lastInsertId();
         } else {
             return false;
         if ($commit) {
             try {
                 return true;
             } catch (PDOException $e) {
         } else {
             return $lastId;
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         try {
             return false;
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             return false;
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Make an api request
  * @param string $resource
  * @param array $params
  * @param string $method
 public function call($resource, $params = array())
     $queryString = 'access_token=' . $this->getAccessToken();
     if (!empty($params) && is_array($params)) {
         $queryString .= http_build_query($params);
     $requestUrl = self::API_URL . $resource . '/?' . $queryString;
     $curl = curl_init();
     $curl_options = array(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_URL => $requestUrl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Accept: application/json', 'appid: nike'));
     curl_setopt_array($curl, $curl_options);
     $response = curl_exec($curl);
     $curl_info = curl_getinfo($curl);
     //@todo test for curl error
     if ($response === FALSE) {
         throw new Exception(curl_error($curl), curl_errno($curl));
     //@todo test for any non 200 response
     if ($curl_info['http_code'] != 200) {
         throw new Exception("Response: Bad response - HTTP Code:" . $curl_info['http_code']);
     $jsonArray = json_decode($response);
     if (!is_object($jsonArray)) {
         throw new Exception("Response: Response was not a valid response");
     return $jsonArray;