} else { // Took out hspace="\10\", because it does not validate. don't know what to replace with. $icon = "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('icon', $currentmodule->name) . "\" class=\"icon\" alt=\"\" />"; $strmodulename = $icon . ' ' . get_string('modulename', $currentmodule->name); } if (file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/local/contextadmin/mod/{$currentmodule->name}/cat_settings.php") && $haseditsettingscapability) { $settingstd = "<a href=\"cat_settings.php?section=modsetting{$currentmodule->name}&name={$currentmodule->name}&contextid={$contextid}\">\n {$strsettings}</a>"; } else { $settingstd = ""; } $class = ''; // If we can hide/show then create the icons/links. // Do not show these for forum, changing visibility breaks announcement tool. if (($haseditvisibilitycapability or $haseditsettingscapability) and $currentmodule->name != "forum") { $selfpath = "activities.php?contextid={$contextid}&catid={$catid}"; $islocked = is_module_locked($catid, $currentmodule->name); $isoverridden = is_module_overridden($catid, $currentmodule->name); $lockedimagetag = create_image_tag($OUTPUT->pix_url('i/hierarchylock'), 'locked in parent category'); // Representation of the module if we were to climb the tree. $modulerepresentation = get_context_module_settings($catid, $currentmodule->name); // For each section provide a form if it is not locked. If it is locked only show icons. // If the module is overridden then show the overridden value in front of the category's value. if ($isoverridden) { if ($modulerepresentation->visible) { $overridevaluetd .= create_image_tag($OUTPUT->pix_url('i/hide'), get_string('visible_alt', 'local_contextadmin'), 'overridden'); } else { $overridevaluetd .= create_image_tag($OUTPUT->pix_url('i/show'), get_string('not_visible_alt', 'local_contextadmin'), 'overridden'); } } // Test for existence of this category's module. if ($categorymodule) {
public function test_cascade_locked_set_module_settings() { global $COURSE; // Setup. // Test Set. $COURSE->category = 2; set_context_module_settings($COURSE->category, 'assignment', array('visible' => 1)); $COURSE->category = 3; set_context_module_settings($COURSE->category, 'assignment', array('visible' => 0, 'locked' => 1)); $COURSE->category = 2; $this->assertFalse((bool) is_plugin_locked($COURSE->category, 'assignment', 'modules')); $COURSE->category = 3; $this->assertFalse((bool) is_plugin_locked($COURSE->category, 'assignment', 'modules')); $COURSE->category = 4; $this->assertTrue((bool) is_plugin_locked($COURSE->category, 'assignment', 'modules')); $COURSE->category = 5; $this->assertTrue((bool) is_module_locked($COURSE->category, 'assignment')); // Teardown. }