Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: oembed.php Projeto: Mauru/red
function oembed_fetch_url($embedurl)
    $a = get_app();
    $txt = Cache::get($a->videowidth . $embedurl);
    if (strstr($txt, 'youtu')) {
        $txt = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $txt);
    // These media files should now be caught in bbcode.php
    // left here as a fallback in case this is called from another source
    $noexts = array("mp3", "mp4", "ogg", "ogv", "oga", "ogm", "webm");
    $ext = pathinfo(strtolower($embedurl), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
    if (is_null($txt)) {
        $txt = "";
        if (in_array($ext, $noexts)) {
            require_once 'include/hubloc.php';
            $zrl = is_matrix_url($embedurl);
            if ($zrl) {
                $embedurl = zid($embedurl);
        } else {
            // try oembed autodiscovery
            $redirects = 0;
            $result = z_fetch_url($embedurl, false, $redirects, array('timeout' => 15, 'accept_content' => "text/*", 'novalidate' => true));
            if ($result['success']) {
                $html_text = $result['body'];
            if ($html_text) {
                $dom = @DOMDocument::loadHTML($html_text);
                if ($dom) {
                    $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
                    $attr = "oembed";
                    $xattr = oe_build_xpath("class", "oembed");
                    $entries = $xpath->query("//link[@type='application/json+oembed']");
                    foreach ($entries as $e) {
                        $href = $e->getAttributeNode("href")->nodeValue;
                        $x = z_fetch_url($href . '&maxwidth=' . $a->videowidth);
                        $txt = $x['body'];
        if ($txt == false || $txt == "") {
            $x = array('url' => $embedurl, 'videowidth' => $a->videowidth);
            call_hooks('oembed_probe', $x);
            if (array_key_exists('embed', $x)) {
                $txt = $x['embed'];
        $txt = trim($txt);
        if ($txt[0] != "{") {
            $txt = '{"type":"error"}';
        //save in cache
        Cache::set($a->videowidth . $embedurl, $txt);
    $j = json_decode($txt);
    $j->embedurl = $embedurl;
    return $j;
Exemplo n.º 2
function tryzrlvideo($match)
    $link = $match[1];
    $zrl = is_matrix_url($link);
    if ($zrl) {
        $link = zid($link);
    return '<video controls="controls" preload="none" src="' . str_replace(' ', '%20', $link) . '" style="width:100%; max-width:' . App::$videowidth . 'px"><a href="' . str_replace(' ', '%20', $link) . '">' . $link . '</a></video>';
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: bbcode.php Projeto: Mauru/red
function tryzrlvideo($match)
    $link = $match[1];
    $zrl = is_matrix_url($link);
    if ($zrl) {
        $link = zid($link);
    return '<video controls="controls" src="' . $link . '" style="width:100%; max-width:' . get_app()->videowidth . 'px"><a href="' . $link . '">' . $link . '</a></video>';
Exemplo n.º 4
function bookmark_add($channel, $sender, $taxonomy, $private, $opts = null)
    $menu_id = 0;
    $menu_name = '';
    $ischat = false;
    if (is_array($opts)) {
        $menu_id = x($opts, 'menu_id') ? intval($opts['menu_id']) : 0;
        $menu_name = x($opts, 'menu_name') ? escape_tags($opts['menu_name']) : '';
        $ischat = x($opts, 'ischat') ? intval($opts['ischat']) : 0;
    $iarr = array();
    $channel_id = $channel['channel_id'];
    if ($private) {
        $iarr['contact_allow'] = array($channel['channel_hash']);
    $iarr['mitem_link'] = $taxonomy['url'];
    $iarr['mitem_desc'] = $taxonomy['term'];
    $iarr['mitem_flags'] = $ischat ? MENU_ITEM_CHATROOM : 0;
    require_once 'include/hubloc.php';
    $zrl = is_matrix_url($taxonomy['url']);
    if ($zrl) {
        $iarr['mitem_flags'] |= MENU_ITEM_ZID;
    $arr = array();
    if (!$menu_name) {
        $arr['menu_name'] = substr($sender['xchan_hash'], 0, 16) . ' ' . $sender['xchan_name'];
        $arr['menu_desc'] = sprintf(t('%1$s\'s bookmarks'), $sender['xchan_name']);
    } else {
        $arr['menu_name'] = $arr['menu_desc'] = $menu_name;
    $arr['menu_flags'] = $sender['xchan_hash'] === $channel['channel_hash'] ? MENU_BOOKMARK : MENU_SYSTEM | MENU_BOOKMARK;
    $arr['menu_channel_id'] = $channel_id;
    if (!$menu_id) {
        $x = menu_list($arr['menu_channel_id'], $arr['menu_name'], $arr['menu_flags']);
        if ($x) {
            $menu_id = $x[0]['menu_id'];
        } else {
            $menu_id = menu_create($arr);
    if (!$menu_id) {
        logger('bookmark_add: unable to create menu ' . $arr['menu_name']);
    logger('add_bookmark: menu_id ' . $menu_id);
    $r = q("select * from menu_item where mitem_link = '%s' and mitem_menu_id = %d and mitem_channel_id = %d limit 1", dbesc($iarr['mitem_link']), intval($menu_id), intval($channel_id));
    if ($r) {
        logger('add_bookmark: duplicate menu entry', LOGGER_DEBUG);
    if (!$r) {
        $r = menu_add_item($menu_id, $channel_id, $iarr);
    return $r;
Exemplo n.º 5
function red_zrlify_img_callback($matches)
    require_once 'include/hubloc.php';
    $zrl = is_matrix_url($matches[2]);
    $t = strip_zids($matches[2]);
    if ($t !== $matches[2]) {
        $zrl = true;
        $matches[2] = $t;
    if ($zrl) {
        return '[zmg' . $matches[1] . ']' . $matches[2] . '[/zmg]';
    return $matches[0];
Exemplo n.º 6
 function get()
     logger('linkinfo: ' . print_r($_REQUEST, true));
     $text = null;
     $str_tags = '';
     $br = "\n";
     if (x($_GET, 'binurl')) {
         $url = trim(hex2bin($_GET['binurl']));
     } else {
         $url = trim($_GET['url']);
     $url = strip_zids($url);
     if (substr($url, 0, 1) != '/' && substr($url, 0, 4) != 'http') {
         $url = 'http://' . $url;
     if ($_GET['title']) {
         $title = strip_tags(trim($_GET['title']));
     if ($_GET['description']) {
         $text = strip_tags(trim($_GET['description']));
     if ($_GET['tags']) {
         $arr_tags = str_getcsv($_GET['tags']);
         if (count($arr_tags)) {
             array_walk($arr_tags, 'self::arr_add_hashes');
             $str_tags = $br . implode(' ', $arr_tags) . $br;
     logger('linkinfo: ' . $url);
     $result = z_fetch_url($url, false, 0, array('novalidate' => true, 'nobody' => true));
     if ($result['success']) {
         $hdrs = array();
         $h = explode("\n", $result['header']);
         foreach ($h as $l) {
             list($k, $v) = array_map("trim", explode(":", trim($l), 2));
             $hdrs[$k] = $v;
         if (array_key_exists('Content-Type', $hdrs)) {
             $type = $hdrs['Content-Type'];
         if ($type) {
             $zrl = is_matrix_url($url);
             if (stripos($type, 'image/') !== false) {
                 if ($zrl) {
                     echo $br . '[zmg]' . $url . '[/zmg]' . $br;
                 } else {
                     echo $br . '[img]' . $url . '[/img]' . $br;
             if (stripos($type, 'video/') !== false) {
                 if ($zrl) {
                     echo $br . '[zvideo]' . $url . '[/zvideo]' . $br;
                 } else {
                     echo $br . '[video]' . $url . '[/video]' . $br;
             if (stripos($type, 'audio/') !== false) {
                 if ($zrl) {
                     echo $br . '[zaudio]' . $url . '[/zaudio]' . $br;
                 } else {
                     echo $br . '[audio]' . $url . '[/audio]' . $br;
     $template = $br . '#^[url=%s]%s[/url]%s' . $br;
     $arr = array('url' => $url, 'text' => '');
     call_hooks('parse_link', $arr);
     if (strlen($arr['text'])) {
         echo $arr['text'];
     $x = oembed_process($url);
     if ($x) {
         echo $x;
     if ($url && $title && $text) {
         $text = $br . '[quote]' . trim($text) . '[/quote]' . $br;
         $title = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', ''), $title);
         $result = sprintf($template, $url, $title ? $title : $url, $text) . $str_tags;
         logger('linkinfo (unparsed): returns: ' . $result);
         echo $result;
     $siteinfo = self::parseurl_getsiteinfo($url);
     // If this is a Red site, use zrl rather than url so they get zids sent to them by default
     if (x($siteinfo, 'generator') && strpos($siteinfo['generator'], \Zotlabs\Project\System::get_platform_name() . ' ') === 0) {
         $template = str_replace('url', 'zrl', $template);
     if ($siteinfo["title"] == "") {
         echo sprintf($template, $url, $url, '') . $str_tags;
     } else {
         $text = $siteinfo["text"];
         $title = $siteinfo["title"];
     $image = "";
     if (sizeof($siteinfo["images"]) > 0) {
         /* Execute below code only if image is present in siteinfo */
         $total_images = 0;
         $max_images = get_config('system', 'max_bookmark_images');
         if ($max_images === false) {
             $max_images = 2;
         } else {
             $max_images = intval($max_images);
         foreach ($siteinfo["images"] as $imagedata) {
             if ($url) {
                 $image .= sprintf('[url=%s]', $url);
             $image .= '[img=' . $imagedata["width"] . 'x' . $imagedata["height"] . ']' . $imagedata["src"] . '[/img]';
             if ($url) {
                 $image .= '[/url]';
             $image .= "\n";
             if ($max_images && $max_images >= $total_images) {
     if (strlen($text)) {
         $text = $br . '[quote]' . trim($text) . '[/quote]' . $br;
     if ($image) {
         $text = $br . $br . $image . $text;
     $title = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', ''), $title);
     $result = sprintf($template, $url, $title ? $title : $url, $text) . $str_tags;
     logger('linkinfo: returns: ' . $result, LOGGER_DEBUG);
     echo trim($result);
Exemplo n.º 7
function oembed_format_object($j)
    $a = get_app();
    $embedurl = $j->embedurl;
    // logger('format: ' . print_r($j,true));
    $jhtml = oembed_iframe($j->embedurl, isset($j->width) ? $j->width : null, isset($j->height) ? $j->height : null);
    $ret = "<span class='oembed " . $j->type . "'>";
    switch ($j->type) {
        case "video":
            if (isset($j->thumbnail_url)) {
                $tw = isset($j->thumbnail_width) ? $j->thumbnail_width : 200;
                $th = isset($j->thumbnail_height) ? $j->thumbnail_height : 180;
                $tr = $tw / $th;
                $th = 120;
                $tw = $th * $tr;
                $tpl = get_markup_template('oembed_video.tpl');
                if (strstr($embedurl, 'youtu') && strstr(z_root(), 'https:')) {
                    $embedurl = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $embedurl);
                    $j->thumbnail_url = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $j->thumbnail_url);
                    $jhtml = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $jhtml);
                    $j->html = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $j->html);
                $ret .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$embedurl' => $embedurl, '$escapedhtml' => base64_encode($jhtml), '$tw' => $tw, '$th' => $th, '$turl' => $j->thumbnail_url));
            } else {
                $ret = $jhtml;
            $ret .= "<br>";
        case "photo":
            $ret .= "<img width='" . $j->width . "' src='" . $j->url . "'>";
            $ret .= "<br>";
        case "link":
            if ($j->thumbnail_url) {
                if (is_matrix_url($embedurl)) {
                    $embedurl = zid($embedurl);
                    $j->thumbnail_url = zid($j->thumbnail_url);
                $ret = '<a href="' . $embedurl . '" ><img src="' . $j->thumbnail_url . '" alt="thumbnail" /></a><br /><br />';
            //$ret = "<a href='".$embedurl."'>".$j->title."</a>";
        case "rich":
            // not so safe..
            $ret .= $jhtml;
    // add link to source if not present in "rich" type
    if ($j->type != 'rich' || !strpos($j->html, $embedurl)) {
        $embedlink = isset($j->title) ? $j->title : $embedurl;
        $ret .= '<br /><span class="bookmark-identifier">#^</span>' . "<a href='{$embedurl}' rel='oembed'>{$embedlink}</a>";
        $ret .= "<br />";
        if (isset($j->author_name)) {
            $ret .= " by " . $j->author_name;
        if (isset($j->provider_name)) {
            $ret .= " on " . $j->provider_name;
    } else {
        // add <a> for html2bbcode conversion
        $ret .= "<br /><a href='{$embedurl}' rel='oembed'>{$embedurl}</a>";
    $ret .= "<br style='clear:left'></span>";
    return mb_convert_encoding($ret, 'HTML-ENTITIES', mb_detect_encoding($ret));