Exemplo n.º 1
 function getJSON($arguments)
     // important for url_for() links
     define('FORCE_NO_RELATIVE', true);
     $result = array();
     $result['currencies'] = array();
     foreach (get_all_currencies() as $cur) {
         $result['currencies'][] = array('code' => $cur, 'abbr' => get_currency_abbr($cur), 'name' => get_currency_name($cur), 'fiat' => is_fiat_currency($cur));
     require __DIR__ . "/../../inc/api.php";
     $result['rates'] = api_get_all_rates();
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function executeSum($user, $currencies)
     // insert in summary currencies
     $summary_map = array();
     foreach ($currencies as $cur) {
         $q = db()->prepare("INSERT INTO summaries SET user_id=?, summary_type=?");
         $q->execute(array($user['id'], 'summary_' . $cur . (is_fiat_currency($cur) ? '_' . get_default_currency_exchange($cur) : '')));
     $this->executeJob($user, -1);
     // now, find all summary_instances
     $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM summary_instances WHERE user_id=? AND is_recent=1");
     $result = array();
     while ($si = $q->fetch()) {
         $result[$si['summary_type']] = $si['balance'];
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function getData($days)
     $key_column = array('type' => 'string', 'title' => ct("Currency"));
     $columns = array();
     // get all balances
     $balances = get_all_summary_instances($this->getUser());
     $last_updated = find_latest_created_at($balances, "total");
     // and convert them using the most recent rates
     $rates = get_all_recent_rates();
     // create data
     // TODO refactor this into generic any-currency balances
     $data = array();
     if (isset($balances['totalbtc']) && $balances['totalbtc']['balance'] != 0) {
         $columns[] = array('type' => 'number', 'title' => get_currency_abbr('btc'));
         $data[] = graph_number_format(demo_scale($balances['totalbtc']['balance']));
     foreach (get_all_currencies() as $cur) {
         // if the key is a currency, use the same currency colour across all graphs (#293)
         $color = array_search($cur, get_all_currencies());
         if ($cur == 'btc') {
         if (!is_fiat_currency($cur) && isset($balances['total' . $cur]) && $balances['total' . $cur]['balance'] != 0 && isset($rates['btc' . $cur])) {
             $columns[] = array('type' => 'number', 'title' => get_currency_abbr($cur), 'color' => $color);
             $data[] = graph_number_format(demo_scale($balances['total' . $cur]['balance'] * $rates['btc' . $cur]['bid']));
         if (is_fiat_currency($cur) && isset($balances['total' . $cur]) && $balances['total' . $cur]['balance'] != 0 && isset($rates[$cur . 'btc']) && $rates[$cur . 'btc']['ask']) {
             $columns[] = array('type' => 'number', 'title' => get_currency_abbr($cur), 'color' => $color);
             $data[] = graph_number_format(demo_scale($balances['total' . $cur]['balance'] / $rates[$cur . 'btc']['ask']));
     // display a helpful message if there's no data
     if (!$data) {
         throw new NoDataGraphException_AddAccountsAddresses();
     // sort data by balance
     $data = array(get_currency_abbr('btc') => $data);
     return array('key' => $key_column, 'columns' => $columns, 'data' => $data, 'last_updated' => $last_updated);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Calculate all of the different types of managed graphs that
 * may be provided to a given user, in each category of managed
 * graphs (see get_managed_graph_categories()).
function calculate_all_managed_graphs($user)
    $result = array();
    $summaries = get_all_summary_currencies();
    $all_summaries = get_all_summaries();
    $currencies = get_all_currencies();
    $accounts = account_data_grouped();
    $wallets = get_supported_wallets();
    $order_currency = array();
    foreach (get_all_currencies() as $c) {
        $order_currency[$c] = count($order_currency);
    $order_exchange = array();
    foreach (get_all_exchanges() as $key => $label) {
        $order_exchange[$key] = count($order_exchange) * 10;
    $default_order = array('btc_equivalent' => -1000, 'composition_pie' => 0, 'balances_table' => 1000, 'exchange_daily' => 2000, 'total_daily' => 3000, 'all_daily' => 4000, 'composition_daily' => 5000, 'hashrate_daily' => 6000);
    $result['summary'] = array();
    $result['all_summary'] = array();
    $result['summary']['balances_table'] = array('order' => $default_order['balances_table'], 'width' => get_site_config('default_user_graph_height'), 'free' => true, 'priority' => 1);
    if (count($summaries) >= 2 && isset($summaries['btc'])) {
        $result['summary']['btc_equivalent'] = array('order' => $default_order['btc_equivalent'], 'width' => get_site_config('default_user_graph_height'), 'free' => true, 'priority' => 2);
    foreach (get_all_cryptocurrencies() as $cur) {
        if (isset($summaries[$cur])) {
            $result['summary']["composition_" . $cur . "_pie"] = array('order' => $default_order['composition_pie'] + $order_currency[$cur], 'width' => get_site_config('default_user_graph_height'), 'free' => $cur == $user['preferred_crypto'], 'priority' => $cur == $user['preferred_crypto'] ? 100 : 300 + $order_currency[$cur]);
            $result['summary']["composition_" . $cur . "_daily"] = array('order' => $default_order['composition_daily'] + $order_currency[$cur], 'free' => $cur == $user['preferred_crypto'], 'priority' => $cur == $user['preferred_crypto'] ? 105 : 200 + $order_currency[$cur]);
            $result['summary']['total_' . $cur . '_daily'] = array('order' => $default_order['total_daily'] + $order_currency[$cur], 'source' => $cur, 'free' => $cur == $user['preferred_crypto'], 'priority' => 100 + $order_currency[$cur]);
    foreach (get_all_commodity_currencies() as $cur) {
        if (isset($summaries[$cur])) {
            $result['summary']['total_' . $cur . '_daily'] = array('order' => $default_order['total_daily'] + $order_currency[$cur], 'source' => $cur, 'free' => $cur == $user['preferred_crypto'], 'priority' => 100 + $order_currency[$cur]);
    $result['currency'] = array();
    $result['all_currency'] = array();
    foreach (get_exchange_pairs() as $exchange => $pairs) {
        foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
            // we are interested in both of these currencies
            if (isset($summaries[$pair[0]]) && isset($summaries[$pair[1]])) {
                // and one of these currencies are a preferred currency
                if ($pair[0] == $user['preferred_crypto'] || $pair[0] == $user['preferred_fiat'] || $pair[1] == $user['preferred_crypto'] || $pair[1] == $user['preferred_fiat']) {
                    // and we have a summary instance for this pair somewhere
                    $possible_summaries = array('summary_' . $pair[0] . '_' . $exchange, 'summary_' . $pair[1] . '_' . $exchange);
                    if (in_array($pair[0], get_all_cryptocurrencies())) {
                        $possible_summaries[] = "summary_" . $pair[0];
                    if (in_array($pair[1], get_all_cryptocurrencies())) {
                        $possible_summaries[] = "summary_" . $pair[1];
                    foreach ($possible_summaries as $p) {
                        if (isset($all_summaries[$p])) {
                            $is_default = is_fiat_currency($pair[0]) && get_default_currency_exchange($pair[0]) == $exchange || is_fiat_currency($pair[1]) && get_default_currency_exchange($pair[1]) == $exchange;
                            $result['all_currency'][$exchange . "_" . $pair[0] . $pair[1] . "_daily"] = array('order' => $default_order['exchange_daily'] + $order_exchange[$exchange] + $order_currency[$pair[0]], 'source' => $p, 'priority' => 150 + $order_currency[$pair[0]]);
                            if ($is_default) {
                                $result['currency'][$exchange . "_" . $pair[0] . $pair[1] . "_daily"] = array('order' => $default_order['exchange_daily'] + $order_exchange[$exchange] + $order_currency[$pair[0]], 'source' => $p, 'free' => true, 'priority' => 150 + $order_currency[$pair[0]]);
                            // don't display all2btc etc
                            if (!in_array(substr($p, strlen("summary_")), get_all_cryptocurrencies())) {
                                $result['all_summary']['all2' . substr($p, strlen("summary_")) . '_daily'] = array('order' => $default_order['all_daily'] + $order_exchange[$exchange] + $order_currency[$pair[0]], 'source' => $p, 'priority' => 50 + $order_currency[$pair[0]]);
                                if ($is_default) {
                                    $result['summary']['all2' . substr($p, strlen("summary_")) . '_daily'] = array('order' => $default_order['all_daily'] + $order_exchange[$exchange] + $order_currency[$pair[0]], 'source' => $p, 'free' => $pair[0] == $user['preferred_crypto'] || $pair[0] == $user['preferred_fiat'], 'priority' => 5 + $order_currency[$pair[0]]);
    $result['securities'] = array();
    // no graphs to put in here yet...
    // TODO in the future: securities composition graphs? e.g. composition_litecoinglobal_daily
    $result['mining'] = array();
    foreach (get_all_hashrate_currencies() as $cur) {
        if (isset($summaries[$cur])) {
            // we need to have at least one pool that supports reporting hashrate
            $has_hashing_account = false;
            foreach ($accounts['Mining pools'] as $key => $account) {
                if (!isset($wallets[$key])) {
                $instances = get_all_user_account_instances($key);
                if ($instances) {
                    if (in_array('hash', $wallets[$key])) {
                        $has_hashing_account = $key;
            if (!$has_hashing_account) {
            $result['mining']["hashrate_" . $cur . "_daily"] = array('order' => $default_order['hashrate_daily'] + $order_currency[$cur], 'source' => $has_hashing_account, 'free' => $cur == $user['preferred_crypto'], 'priority' => 150 + $order_currency[$cur]);
    // all 'summary' are also 'all_summary' etc
    foreach ($result['summary'] as $key => $value) {
        $result['all_summary'][$key] = $value;
    foreach ($result['currency'] as $key => $value) {
        $result['all_currency'][$key] = $value;
    // go through each category and sort by order
    foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
        uasort($result[$key], '_sort_by_order_key');
    return $result;
Exemplo n.º 5
 $exchange = $bits[2];
 if (!$exchange) {
     throw new JobException("Invalid summary exchange '{$exchange}'");
 $total = 0;
 // BTC is converted at the exchange's last sell rate
 // fail if there is no current rate (otherwise there is no point of this job, we don't want erraneous zero balances)
 if ($ticker = get_latest_ticker($exchange, $currency, "btc")) {
     $total += $crypto2btc * ($ticker['ask'] ? $ticker['ask'] : $ticker['last_trade']);
     crypto_log("From converted BTC: " . $total);
 } else {
     throw new JobException("There is no recent ticker balance for {$currency}/btc on {$exchange} - cannot convert");
 // issue #112: also add all other fiat balances that are not this current currency
 foreach ($totals as $cur => $fiat_total) {
     if (is_fiat_currency($cur)) {
         if ($cur == $currency) {
             // add total FIAT balances calculated earlier
             $total += $totals[$currency];
             crypto_log("From fiat currency: " . $totals[$currency]);
         } elseif (isset($equivalent_btc[$cur])) {
             // we need to calculate the equivalent exchange rate
             if ($ticker = get_latest_ticker($exchange, $currency, "btc")) {
                 $temp = $equivalent_btc[$cur] * ($ticker['bid'] ? $ticker['bid'] : $ticker['last_trade']);
                 crypto_log("From equivalent " . get_currency_abbr($cur) . " in BTC: " . $temp);
                 $total += $temp;
             } else {
                 throw new JobException("There is no recent ticker balance for {$cur}/btc on {$exchange} - cannot convert");
Exemplo n.º 6
     if (!$account_title && $account_full && isset($account_full['address']) && $account_full['address']) {
         $account_title = $account_full['address'];
 $transactions[$id]['exchange_name'] = $account;
 $transactions[$id]['account_title'] = $account_title;
 // get rates for that day
 if ($page_args['include_rates']) {
     foreach (array(1, 2) as $index) {
         if ($transaction['currency' . $index] && $transaction['value' . $index]) {
             if ($transaction['currency' . $index] == 'btc') {
                 $currency1 = 'usd';
                 $currency2 = 'btc';
             } else {
                 if (is_fiat_currency($transaction['currency' . $index])) {
                     $currency1 = $transaction['currency' . $index];
                     $currency2 = 'btc';
                 } else {
                     $currency1 = 'btc';
                     $currency2 = $transaction['currency' . $index];
             $exchange = 'average';
             $key = $exchange . "_" . $currency1 . "_" . $currency2 . "_" . $transaction['transaction_date_day'];
             if (!isset($rates[$key])) {
                 $args = array('transaction_date_day' => $transaction['transaction_date_day'], 'currency1' => $currency1, 'currency2' => $currency2, 'exchange' => $exchange);
                 // try recent data
                 $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM ticker WHERE created_at_day=:transaction_date_day AND currency1=:currency1 AND currency2=:currency2 AND exchange=:exchange AND is_daily_data=1 LIMIT 1");
                 $rate = $q->fetch();
Exemplo n.º 7
require __DIR__ . "/../graphs/managed.php";
// get all of our limits
$accounts = user_limits_summary(user_id());
$preferred_crypto = require_post("preferred_crypto", false);
$preferred_fiat = require_post("preferred_fiat", false);
$preference = require_post("preference");
$managed = require_post("managed", array());
$categories = get_managed_graph_categories();
// checks
if ($preference == "managed" && !$managed) {
    $errors[] = t("You need to select at least one category of graph portfolio preferences.");
if (!in_array($preferred_crypto, get_all_cryptocurrencies())) {
    $errors[] = t("Invalid preferred cryptocurrency.");
if (!is_fiat_currency($preferred_fiat)) {
    $errors[] = t("Invalid preferred fiat currency.");
if (!in_array($preference, array('auto', 'managed', 'none'))) {
    $errors[] = t("Invalid graph management preference.");
if ($preference != "none" && !$preferred_fiat) {
    $errors[] = t("You need to select at least :one_currency in order to use managed graphs.", array(':one_currency' => link_to(url_for('wizard_currencies'), t("one fiat currency"))));
if ($preference != "none" && !$preferred_crypto) {
    $errors[] = t("You need to select at least :one_currency in order to use managed graphs.", array(':one_currency' => link_to(url_for('wizard_currencies'), t("one cryptocurrency"))));
foreach ($managed as $m) {
    if (!isset($categories[$m])) {
        $errors[] = "'" . htmlspecialchars($m) . "' is not a valid graph portfolio preference.";
Exemplo n.º 8
 * /api/v1/rates.json
function api_get_all_rates($with_extra = true)
    $rates = array();
    foreach (get_all_currencies() as $cur1) {
        foreach (get_all_currencies() as $cur2) {
            if ($cur1 == $cur2) {
            $rate = -1;
            $exchange = array();
            $pair = array();
            if ($cur1 == "btc") {
                if (!is_fiat_currency($cur2)) {
                    // btc/ltc and btc/ghs
                    $exchange = get_default_currency_exchange($cur2);
                    $ticker = get_latest_ticker($exchange, $cur1, $cur2);
                    $rate = $ticker['last_trade'] == 0 ? 0 : 1 / $ticker['last_trade'];
                    $pair = $cur1 . $cur2;
                } else {
                    // btc/usd
                    $exchange = get_default_currency_exchange($cur2);
                    $ticker = get_latest_ticker($exchange, $cur2, $cur1);
                    $rate = $ticker['last_trade'];
                    $pair = $cur2 . $cur1;
            } else {
                if ($cur2 == "btc") {
                    if (!is_fiat_currency($cur1)) {
                        // btc/ltc and btc/ghs
                        $exchange = get_default_currency_exchange($cur1);
                        $ticker = get_latest_ticker($exchange, $cur2, $cur1);
                        $rate = $ticker['last_trade'];
                        $pair = $cur2 . $cur1;
                    } else {
                        // btc/usd
                        $exchange = get_default_currency_exchange($cur1);
                        $ticker = get_latest_ticker($exchange, $cur1, $cur2);
                        $rate = $ticker['last_trade'] == 0 ? 0 : 1 / $ticker['last_trade'];
                        $pair = $cur1 . $cur2;
                } else {
                    // first have to convert to btc and then to the target currency
                    if (!is_fiat_currency($cur1)) {
                        // ltc/? and ghs/?
                        $exchange = array(get_default_currency_exchange($cur1));
                        $ticker = get_latest_ticker($exchange[0], 'btc', $cur1);
                        $rate = $ticker['last_trade'];
                        $pair = array('btc' . $cur1);
                    } else {
                        // usd/?
                        $exchange = array(get_default_currency_exchange($cur1));
                        $ticker = get_latest_ticker($exchange[0], $cur1, 'btc');
                        $rate = $ticker['last_trade'] == 0 ? 0 : 1 / $ticker['last_trade'];
                        $pair = array($cur1 . 'btc');
                    // and then to the second currency
                    if (!is_fiat_currency($cur2)) {
                        // ?/ltc and ?/ghs
                        $exchange[] = get_default_currency_exchange($cur2);
                        $ticker = get_latest_ticker($exchange[1], 'btc', $cur2);
                        $rate = $ticker['last_trade'] == 0 ? 0 : $rate / $ticker['last_trade'];
                        $pair[] = 'btc' . $cur2;
                    } else {
                        // ?/usd
                        $exchange[] = get_default_currency_exchange($cur2);
                        $ticker = get_latest_ticker($exchange[1], $cur2, 'btc');
                        $rate = $rate * $ticker['last_trade'];
                        $pair[] = $cur2 . 'btc';
            $rates[$cur1 . '_' . $cur2] = array('rate' => $rate, 'exchanges' => is_array($exchange) ? get_exchange_name($exchange[0]) . " and " . get_exchange_name($exchange[1]) : get_exchange_name($exchange));
            if (is_array($exchange)) {
                $rates[$cur1 . '_' . $cur2]['exchange1'] = get_exchange_name($exchange[0]);
                $rates[$cur1 . '_' . $cur2]['exchange2'] = get_exchange_name($exchange[1]);
                if ($with_extra) {
                    $rates[$cur1 . '_' . $cur2]['pair1'] = $pair[0];
                    $rates[$cur1 . '_' . $cur2]['pair2'] = $pair[1];
                    $rates[$cur1 . '_' . $cur2]['url1'] = absolute_url(url_for('historical', array('id' => $exchange[0] . '_' . $pair[0] . '_daily')));
                    // TODO add analytics
                    $rates[$cur1 . '_' . $cur2]['url2'] = absolute_url(url_for('historical', array('id' => $exchange[0] . '_' . $pair[1] . '_daily')));
            } else {
                $rates[$cur1 . '_' . $cur2]['exchange1'] = get_exchange_name($exchange);
                if ($with_extra) {
                    $rates[$cur1 . '_' . $cur2]['pair1'] = $pair;
                    $rates[$cur1 . '_' . $cur2]['url1'] = absolute_url(url_for('historical', array('id' => $exchange . '_' . $pair . '_daily')));
                    // TODO add analytics
    return $rates;