$query = "SELECT * FROM trending_Event, trending_Showing\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE trending_Event.EventID = trending_Showing.EventID\n\t\t\t\t\tAND trending_Event.trendingStatus = 1\n\t\t\t\t\tAND trending_Showing.Available > 0\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY trending_Event.TotalSold DESC, trending_Showing.ShowingStartDate";
$result = mysql_query($query, $con);
$phpResponseTrending = array();
// this variable updates the latest EVENT Name
$temp = "";
// this variable keeps a count on the number of EVENTS stored in array
// we need to limit this count to 5
$count = 0;
while ($count < 5 && ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
    $Name = $row['Name'];
    // convert $ShowingDateTime to array  by Leon 2014/09/23
    $ShowingStartDate = $row['ShowingStartDate'];
    $showingDateTime = dateTimeToArray($ShowingStartDate, 1);
    // If the EVENT is not already stored, save the required details
    // Event's $showingDateTime don't pass current Date.  by Leon 2014/09/23
    if (isLess($currDateTime, $showingDateTime) == -1 && $temp != $Name) {
        $temp = $Name;
        $TabletLink = $row['TabletLink'];
        $TotalSold = $row['TotalSold'];
        $ShowingVenueName = $row['ShowingVenueName'];
        $phpResponseTrending[] = array("Name" => $Name, "TabletLink" => $TabletLink, "TotalSold" => $TotalSold, "StartDate" => $ShowingStartDate, "VenueName" => $ShowingVenueName);
// Print the data along with the generation of XMLFiles file, if needed
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
//  Generating XMLFiles file from PHP array
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
 $xml_ticketing = simplexml_load_file("https://prod5.agileticketing.net/API/Admin.svc/XML/EventGetSalesSummary?appkey=d09b3053-1817-4665-b41f-e1987e14433a&userkey=0fd55f05-bf17-4b48-bbff-12cd842830de&corporgid=2198&eventOrgID=2229&eventID=" . $ShowingID);
 // Save the ticketing details for each SHOWING, in PHP variables
 $Available = $xml_ticketing->Available;
 $Disabled = $xml_ticketing->Disabled;
 $Sold = $xml_ticketing->Sold;
 $InProcess = $xml_ticketing->InProcess;
 // Set RushStatus of SHOWING
 //Removed 20140216 (MO)
 $showingDateTime = dateTimeToArray($ShowingStartDate, 1);
 if ($Available == 0 || isLess($currDateTime, $showingDateTime) != -1) {
     $RushStatus = 1;
 } else {
     $RushStatus = 0;
 // Set TrendingStatus of EVENT
 if (isLess($currDateTime, $showingDateTime) == -1) {
     $TrendingStatus = 1;
 } else {
     $TrendingStatus = 0;
 $TotalSold = $TotalSold + $Sold;
 // Query to check if there exists any data in the Showing table to
 // determine if the data saved from XMLFiles needs to be inserted or updated
 $query = "SELECT * FROM trending_Showing WHERE ShowingID=" . $ShowingID;
 $result = mysql_query($query, $con);
 $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
 $ShowingUpdate = 0;
 // update Showing table  20140216 (MO) removed RushStatus=".$RushStatus."
 // add RushStatus=".$RushStatus." by Leon 2014/09/23
 if ($row['ShowingID'] == $ShowingID) {