Exemplo n.º 1
 * 2.6.0 => 2.6.1
function install_package()
    $core = cmsCore::getInstance();
    $content_model = cmsCore::getModel('content');
    $ctypes = $content_model->getContentTypes();
    foreach ($ctypes as $ctype) {
        if ($ctype['name'] == 'video' && cmsCore::isControllerExists('video')) {
            if (isFieldExists("{$content_model->table_prefix}video_cats", 'desc') && !isFieldExists("{$content_model->table_prefix}video_cats", 'description')) {
                $content_model->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}{$content_model->table_prefix}video_cats` CHANGE `desc` `description` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL");
        if (!isFieldExists("{$content_model->table_prefix}{$ctype['name']}_cats", 'description')) {
            $content_model->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}{$content_model->table_prefix}{$ctype['name']}_cats` ADD `description` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL");
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
function install_package()
    $core = cmsCore::getInstance();
    $content_model = cmsCore::getModel('content');
    $photo_model = cmsCore::getModel('photos');
    if (!$core->db->getRowsCount('controllers', "name = 'redirect'")) {
        $core->db->query("INSERT INTO `{#}controllers` (`title`, `name`, `is_enabled`, `options`, `author`, `url`, `version`, `is_backend`, `is_external`) VALUES ('Редиректы', 'redirect', 1, '---\nno_redirect_list:\nblack_list:\nis_check_link: null\nwhite_list:\nredirect_time: 10\n', 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0', 1, NULL);");
    if (!$core->db->getRowsCount('controllers', "name = 'commentsvk'")) {
        $core->db->query("INSERT INTO `{#}controllers` (`title`, `name`, `is_enabled`, `options`, `author`, `url`, `version`, `is_backend`, `is_external`) VALUES ('Комментарии Вконтакте', 'commentsvk', 1, '---\napi_id: \nredesign: null\nautoPublish: 1\nnorealtime: null\nmini: 0\nattach:\n  - graffiti\n  - photo\n  - video\n  - audio\nlimit: 50\n', 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '1.0', 1, NULL)");
    if (!$core->db->getRowsCount('controllers', "name = 'geo'")) {
        $core->db->query("INSERT INTO `{#}controllers` (`title`, `name`, `is_enabled`, `options`, `author`, `url`, `version`, `is_backend`, `is_external`) VALUES ('География', 'geo', 1, NULL, 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0', 1, NULL)");
    if (!$core->db->getRowsCount('activity_types', "name = 'vote.comment'")) {
        $core->db->query("INSERT INTO `{#}activity_types` (`is_enabled`, `controller`, `name`, `title`, `description`) VALUES (1, 'comments', 'vote.comment', 'Оценка комментария', 'оценил комментарий на странице %s');");
    if (!$core->db->getRowsCount('scheduler_tasks', "controller = 'messages'")) {
        $core->db->query("INSERT INTO `{#}scheduler_tasks` (`title`, `controller`, `hook`, `period`, `is_active`) VALUES ('Очистка удалённых личных сообщений', 'messages', 'clean', '1440', '1');");
    if (!$core->db->getRowsCount('scheduler_tasks', "controller = 'auth' AND hook = 'delete_expired_unverified'")) {
        $core->db->query("INSERT INTO `{#}scheduler_tasks` (`title`, `controller`, `hook`, `period`, `is_active`) VALUES ('Удаление пользователей, не прошедших верификацию', 'auth', 'delete_expired_unverified', '60', '1');");
    if (!isFieldExists('rating_log', 'ip')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}rating_log` ADD `ip` INT(10) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL, ADD INDEX (`ip`)");
    if (!isFieldExists('content_datasets', 'description')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}content_datasets` ADD `description` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `title`");
    if (!isFieldExists('content_datasets', 'seo_keys')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}content_datasets` ADD `seo_keys` VARCHAR(256) NULL DEFAULT NULL");
    if (!isFieldExists('content_datasets', 'seo_desc')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}content_datasets` ADD `seo_desc` VARCHAR(256) NULL DEFAULT NULL");
    if (!isFieldExists('comments', 'is_approved')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}comments` ADD `is_approved` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT '1'");
    if (isFieldExists('{users}', 'auth_token')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{users}` DROP `auth_token`");
    if (!isFieldExists('{users}_messages', 'is_deleted')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{users}_messages` ADD `is_deleted` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL");
    if (!isFieldExists('{users}_messages', 'date_delete')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{users}_messages` ADD `date_delete` TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Дата удаления' AFTER `date_pub`, ADD INDEX (`date_delete`);");
    $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}comments` CHANGE `author_url` `author_url` VARCHAR( 15 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ip адрес'");
    $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{users}_messages` CHANGE `date_pub` `date_pub` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'Дата создания'");
    // фотогалерея —> //
    if (!isFieldExists('photos', 'hits_count')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` ADD `hits_count` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
    if (!isFieldExists('photos', 'downloads_count')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` ADD `downloads_count` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
    if (!isFieldExists('photos', 'sizes')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` ADD `sizes` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `image`");
    if (!isFieldExists('photos', 'width')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` ADD `width` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `image`");
    if (!isFieldExists('photos', 'height')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` ADD `height` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `image`");
    if (!isFieldExists('photos', 'orientation')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` ADD `orientation` ENUM( 'square',  'landscape',  'portrait',  '') NULL DEFAULT NULL");
    if (!isFieldExists('photos', 'type')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` ADD `type` TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL");
    if (!isFieldExists('photos', 'content')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE  `{#}photos` ADD  `content` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER  `title`");
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE  `{#}photos` ADD  `content_source` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER  `title`");
    if (!isFieldExists('photos', 'camera')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` ADD `camera` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL");
    if (!isFieldExists('photos', 'slug')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` ADD `slug` VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL");
    if (!isFieldExists('photos', 'is_private')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE  `{#}photos` ADD `is_private` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
    if (!isFieldExists('photos', 'exif')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` ADD `exif` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `image`");
    if (!isFieldExists('photos', 'date_photo')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` ADD `date_photo` TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `date_pub`");
    if (!isFieldExists('photos', 'ordering')) {
        $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` ADD `ordering` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
    $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` CHANGE `date_pub` `date_pub` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP");
    $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` CHANGE `title` `title` VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL");
    $core->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{#}photos` ENGINE = MYISAM");
    if (!$core->db->getRowsCount('widgets', "controller = 'photos' AND name = 'list'")) {
        $core->db->query("INSERT INTO `{#}widgets` (`controller`, `name`, `title`, `author`, `url`, `version`) VALUES ('photos', 'list', 'Список фотографий', 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0');");
    if (!$core->db->getRowsCount('widgets_pages', "controller = 'photos' AND name = 'item'")) {
        $core->db->query("INSERT INTO `{#}widgets_pages` (`controller`, `name`, `title_const`, `url_mask`) VALUES ('photos', 'item', 'LANG_PHOTOS_WP_ITEM', 'photos/*.html')");
    if (!$core->db->getRowsCount('widgets_pages', "controller = 'photos' AND name = 'upload'")) {
        $core->db->query("INSERT INTO `{#}widgets_pages` (`controller`, `name`, `title_const`, `url_mask`) VALUES ('photos', 'upload', 'LANG_PHOTOS_WP_UPLOAD', 'photos/upload/%\r\nphotos/upload')");
    // —> фотогалерея //
    $remove_table_indexes = array('{users}_contacts' => array('user_id', 'contact_id'), '{users}_ignors' => array('user_id', 'ignored_id'), '{users}_messages' => array('from_id', 'to_id', 'date_pub', 'is_new'), 'photos' => array('comments', 'rating', 'date_pub', 'user_id', 'album_id'), 'content_folders' => array('ctype_id', 'user_id'));
    $add_table_indexes = array('comments' => array('author_url' => array('author_url'), 'date_pub' => array('date_pub')), '{users}_contacts' => array('user_id' => array('user_id', 'contact_id'), 'contact_id' => array('contact_id', 'user_id')), '{users}_ignors' => array('user_id' => array('user_id'), 'ignored_user_id' => array('ignored_user_id', 'user_id')), '{users}_messages' => array('from_id' => array('from_id', 'to_id', 'is_deleted'), 'to_id' => array('to_id', 'is_new', 'is_deleted')), 'content_folders' => array('user_id' => array('user_id', 'ctype_id')), 'photos' => array('album_id' => array('album_id', 'date_pub', 'id'), 'user_id' => array('user_id', 'date_pub'), 'slug' => array('slug'), 'camera' => array('camera'), 'ordering' => array('ordering')));
    $add_table_ft_indexes = array('photos' => array('title' => array('title', 'content')));
    // удаляем ненужные индексы
    if ($remove_table_indexes) {
        foreach ($remove_table_indexes as $table => $indexes) {
            foreach ($indexes as $index_name) {
                $core->db->dropIndex($table, $index_name);
    // добавляем нужные
    if ($add_table_indexes) {
        foreach ($add_table_indexes as $table => $indexes) {
            foreach ($indexes as $index_name => $fields) {
                $core->db->addIndex($table, $fields, $index_name);
    if ($add_table_ft_indexes) {
        foreach ($add_table_ft_indexes as $table => $indexes) {
            foreach ($indexes as $index_name => $fields) {
                $core->db->addIndex($table, $fields, $index_name, 'FULLTEXT');
    // в ленте делаем  относительные урлы
    $root = cmsConfig::get('root');
    $root_len = strlen($root) + 1;
    $core->db->query("UPDATE `{#}activity` SET `subject_url` = SUBSTRING(`subject_url`, {$root_len}) WHERE `subject_url` IS NOT NULL AND `subject_url` LIKE '{$root}%'");
    $core->db->query("UPDATE `{#}activity` SET `reply_url` = SUBSTRING(`reply_url`, {$root_len}) WHERE `reply_url` IS NOT NULL AND `reply_url` LIKE '{$root}%'");
    $core->db->query("UPDATE `{#}activity` SET `images` = REPLACE(`images`, 'url: {$root}', 'url: ') WHERE `images` IS NOT NULL");
    // правим некорректные записи стены
    $core->db->query("UPDATE `{#}wall_entries` SET `controller` = 'users' WHERE `controller` IS NULL AND `profile_type` = 'user'");
    $core->db->query("UPDATE `{#}wall_entries` SET `controller` = 'groups' WHERE `controller` IS NULL AND `profile_type` = 'group'");
    // права доступа flag
    add_perms(array('comments' => array('add_approved', 'is_moderator')), 'flag');