Exemplo n.º 1
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if (!$args['pagename']) {
         return $this->error(_("No pagename specified"));
     // Get our form args.
     $comment = $request->getArg("comment");
     $request->setArg('comment', false);
     if ($request->isPost() and !empty($comment['addcomment'])) {
         $this->add($request, $comment, 'comment');
         // noreturn
     if ($args['jshide'] and isBrowserIE() and browserDetect("Mac")) {
         //trigger_error(_("jshide set to 0 on Mac IE"), E_USER_NOTICE);
         $args['jshide'] = 0;
     // Now we display previous comments and/or provide entry box
     // for new comments
     $html = HTML();
     if ($args['jshide']) {
         $div = HTML::div(array('id' => 'comments', 'style' => 'display:none;'));
         $div->pushContent(Javascript("\nfunction togglecomments(a) {\n  comments=document.getElementById('comments');\n  if (comments.style.display=='none') {\n    comments.style.display='block';\n    a.title='" . _("Click to hide the comments") . "';\n  } else {\n    comments.style.display='none';\n    a.title='" . _("Click to display all comments") . "';\n  }\n}"));
         $html->pushContent(HTML::h4(HTML::a(array('name' => 'comment-header', 'class' => 'wikiaction', 'title' => _("Click to display"), 'onclick' => "togglecomments(this)"), _("Comments"))));
     } else {
         $div = HTML::div(array('id' => 'comments'));
     foreach (explode(',', $args['mode']) as $show) {
         if (!empty($seen[$show])) {
         $seen[$show] = 1;
         switch ($show) {
             case 'show':
                 $show = $this->showAll($request, $args, 'comment');
                 //if ($args['jshide']) $show->setAttr('style','display:none;');
             case 'add':
                 global $WikiTheme;
                 if (!$WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE) {
                     $add = $this->showForm($request, $args, 'addcomment');
                     //if ($args['jshide']) $add->setAttr('style','display:none;');
                 return $this->error(sprintf("Bad mode ('%s')", $show));
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     global $WikiTheme;
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if (!$url && !$file) {
         return $this->error(_("Both 'url' or 'file' parameters missing."));
     } elseif ($url && $file) {
         return $this->error(_("Choose only one of 'url' or 'file' parameters."));
     } elseif ($file) {
         // $url = SERVER_URL . getUploadDataPath() . '/' . $file;
         $url = getUploadDataPath() . '/' . $file;
     if (string_ends_with($url, ".ogg")) {
         return HTML::video(array('autoplay' => 'true', 'controls' => 'true', 'src' => $url), _("Your browser does not understand the HTML 5 video tag."));
     $html = HTML();
     if (isBrowserIE()) {
         $object = HTML::object(array('id' => 'flowplayer', 'classid' => 'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000', 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height));
         $param = HTML::param(array('name' => 'movie', 'value' => SERVER_URL . $WikiTheme->_findData('flowplayer-3.2.4.swf')));
         $param = HTML::param(array('name' => "allowfullscreen", 'value' => "true"));
         $param = HTML::param(array('name' => "allowscriptaccess", 'value' => "false"));
         $flashvars = "config={'clip':{'url':'" . $url . "','autoPlay':" . $autoplay . "}}";
         $param = HTML::param(array('name' => 'flashvars', 'value' => $flashvars));
         $embed = HTML::embed(array('type' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'src' => SERVER_URL . $WikiTheme->_findData('flowplayer-3.2.4.swf'), 'flashvars' => $flashvars));
     } else {
         $object = HTML::object(array('data' => SERVER_URL . $WikiTheme->_findData('flowplayer-3.2.4.swf'), 'type' => "application/x-shockwave-flash", 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height));
         $param = HTML::param(array('name' => "allowfullscreen", 'value' => "true"));
         $param = HTML::param(array('name' => "allowscriptaccess", 'value' => "false"));
         $value = "config={'clip':{'url':'" . $url . "','autoPlay':" . $autoplay . "}}";
         $param = HTML::param(array('name' => "flashvars", 'value' => $value));
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 3
 function load()
     // CSS file defines fonts, colors and background images for this
     // style.
     // override sidebar definitions:
     $this->setDefaultCSS(_("blog"), 'Kubrick.css');
     if (isBrowserIE()) {
         $this->addMoreHeaders($this->_CSSlink(0, $this->_findFile('IEFixes.css'), 'all'));
     $this->addButtonAlias(_("(diff)"), "[diff]");
     $this->addButtonAlias("...", "alltime");
      * WikiWords can automatically be split by inserting spaces between
      * the words. The default is to leave WordsSmashedTogetherLikeSo.
      * If true (default) show create '?' buttons on not existing pages, even if the
      * user is not signed in.
      * If false, anon users get no links and it looks cleaner, but then they
      * cannot easily fix missing pages.
      * You may adjust the formats used for formatting dates and times
      * below.  (These examples give the default formats.)
      * Formats are given as format strings to PHP strftime() function See
      * http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php for details.
      * Do not include the server's zone (%Z), times are converted to the
      * user's time zone.
     //$this->setDateFormat("%B %d, %Y");
     $this->setDateFormat("%A, %B %e, %Y");
     // must not contain time
Exemplo n.º 4
        return $this->makeButton($label, WikiURL($pagename, $attr), $class);
$WikiTheme = new Theme_smaller('smaller');
// CSS file defines fonts, colors and background images for this
// style.  The companion '*-heavy.css' file isn't defined, it's just
// expected to be in the same directory that the base style is in.
// This should result in phpwiki-printer.css being used when
// printing or print-previewing with style "PhpWiki" or "MacOSX" selected.
$WikiTheme->setDefaultCSS('PhpWiki', array('' => 'phpwiki.css', 'print' => 'phpwiki-printer.css'));
// This allows one to manually select "Printer" style (when browsing page)
// to see what the printer style looks like.
$WikiTheme->addAlternateCSS(_("Printer"), 'phpwiki-printer.css', 'print, screen');
$WikiTheme->addAlternateCSS(_("Top & bottom toolbars"), 'phpwiki-topbottombars.css');
$WikiTheme->addAlternateCSS(_("Modern"), 'phpwiki-modern.css');
if (isBrowserIE()) {
    $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders($WikiTheme->_CSSlink(0, $WikiTheme->_findFile('IEFixes.css'), 'all'));
 * The logo image appears on every page and links to the HomePage.
$WikiTheme->addImageAlias('logo', WIKI_NAME . 'Logo.png');
 * The Signature image is shown after saving an edited page. If this
 * is set to false then the "Thank you for editing..." screen will
 * be omitted.
$WikiTheme->addImageAlias('signature', WIKI_NAME . "Signature.png");
// Uncomment this next line to disable the signature.
$WikiTheme->addImageAlias('signature', false);
Exemplo n.º 5
 function load()
     $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript("var ta;\nvar skin = '" . $this->_name . "';\n"));
     $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('', array('src' => $this->_findData("wikibits.js"))));
     if (isBrowserIE()) {
         $ver = browserVersion();
         if ($ver > 5.1 and $ver < 5.9) {
             $this->addMoreHeaders($this->_CSSlink(0, $this->_findFile('IE55Fixes.css'), 'all'));
         } elseif ($ver > 5.5 and $ver < 7.0) {
             $this->addMoreHeaders($this->_CSSlink(0, $this->_findFile('IE60Fixes.css'), 'all'));
         } elseif ($ver >= 7.0) {
             $this->addMoreHeaders($this->_CSSlink(0, $this->_findFile('IE70Fixes.css'), 'all'));
         } else {
             $this->addMoreHeaders($this->_CSSlink(0, $this->_findFile('IE50Fixes.css'), 'all'));
         $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('', array('src' => $this->_findData("IEFixes.js"))));
         $this->addMoreHeaders(HTML::Raw('<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />'));
     $this->addMoreAttr('body', "class-ns-0", HTML::Raw('class="ns-0"'));
     // CSS file defines fonts, colors and background images for this
     // style.  The companion '*-heavy.css' file isn't defined, it's just
     // expected to be in the same directory that the base style is in.
     // This should result in phpwiki-printer.css being used when
     // printing or print-previewing with style "PhpWiki" or "MacOSX" selected.
     $this->setDefaultCSS('PhpWiki', array('' => 'monobook.css', 'print' => 'commonPrint.css'));
     // This allows one to manually select "Printer" style (when browsing page)
     // to see what the printer style looks like.
     $this->addAlternateCSS(_("Printer"), 'commonPrint.css', 'print, screen');
     $this->addAlternateCSS(_("Top & bottom toolbars"), 'phpwiki-topbottombars.css');
     $this->addAlternateCSS(_("Modern"), 'phpwiki-modern.css');
      * The logo image appears on every page and links to the HomePage.
     $this->addImageAlias('logo', 'MonoBook-Logo.png');
     //$this->addImageAlias('logo', WIKI_NAME . 'Logo.png');
      * The Signature image is shown after saving an edited page. If this
      * is set to false then the "Thank you for editing..." screen will
      * be omitted.
     $this->addImageAlias('signature', "Signature.png");
     // Uncomment this next line to disable the signature.
     $this->addImageAlias('signature', false);
      * Link icons.
     //$this->setLinkIcon('*', 'url');
     // front or after
     //$this->setButtonSeparator("\n | ");
      * WikiWords can automatically be split by inserting spaces between
      * the words. The default is to leave WordsSmashedTogetherLikeSo.
      * Layout improvement with dangling links for mostly closed wiki's:
      * If false, only users with edit permissions will be presented the
      * special wikiunknown class with "?" and Tooltip.
      * If true (default), any user will see the ?, but will be presented
      * the PrintLoginForm on a click.
      * You may adjust the formats used for formatting dates and times
      * below.  (These examples give the default formats.)
      * Formats are given as format strings to PHP strftime() function See
      * http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php for details.
      * Do not include the server's zone (%Z), times are converted to the
      * user's time zone.
     $this->setDateFormat("%B %d, %Y");
      * To suppress times in the "Last edited on" messages, give a
      * give a second argument of false:
     //$this->setDateFormat("%B %d, %Y", false);
Exemplo n.º 6
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     global $WikiTheme;
     extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request));
     if ($pagename) {
         // Expand relative page names.
         $page = new WikiPageName($pagename, $basepage);
         $pagename = $page->name;
     if (!$pagename) {
         return $this->error(_("no page specified"));
     if ($jshide and isBrowserIE() and browserDetect("Mac")) {
         //trigger_error(_("jshide set to 0 on Mac IE"), E_USER_NOTICE);
         $jshide = 0;
     $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename);
     $current = $page->getCurrentRevision();
     //FIXME: I suspect this only to crash with Apache2
     if (!$current->get('markup') or $current->get('markup') < 2) {
         if (in_array(php_sapi_name(), array('apache2handler', 'apache2filter'))) {
             trigger_error(_("CreateToc disabled for old markup"), E_USER_WARNING);
             return '';
     $content = $current->getContent();
     $html = HTML::div(array('class' => 'toc', 'id' => 'toc'));
     /*if ($liststyle == 'dl')
           $list = HTML::dl(array('id'=>'toclist','class' => 'toc'));
       elseif ($liststyle == 'ul')
           $list = HTML::ul(array('id'=>'toclist','class' => 'toc'));
       elseif ($liststyle == 'ol')
           $list = HTML::ol(array('id'=>'toclist','class' => 'toc'));
     $list = HTML::ul(array('id' => 'toclist', 'class' => 'toc'));
     if (!strstr($headers, ",")) {
         $headers = array($headers);
     } else {
         $headers = explode(",", $headers);
     $levels = array();
     foreach ($headers as $h) {
         //replace !!! with level 1, ...
         if (strstr($h, "!")) {
             $hcount = substr_count($h, '!');
             $level = min(max(1, $hcount), 3);
             $levels[] = $level;
         } else {
             $level = min(max(1, (int) $h), 3);
             $levels[] = $level;
     if (TOC_FULL_SYNTAX) {
         require_once "lib/InlineParser.php";
     if ($headers = $this->extractHeaders($content, $dbi->_markup, $with_toclink, $with_counter, $levels, $basepage)) {
         $container = $list;
         $levelRefs = array();
         $previousLevel = 3;
         foreach ($headers as $k => $h) {
             if ($h['level'] < $previousLevel) {
                 // h2 -> h3 (level 3 -> level 2)
                 // Keep track of previous points
                 $levelRefs[$previousLevel] = $container;
                 // Create new container
                 $ul = HTML::ul();
                 $container = $ul;
             } elseif ($h['level'] > $previousLevel) {
                 // h4 -> h3 (level 1 -> level 2)
                 if (isset($levelRefs[$h['level']])) {
                     $container = $levelRefs[$h['level']];
             $h = $headers[$k];
             $link = new WikiPageName($pagename, $page, $h['anchor']);
             $li = WikiLink($link, 'known', $h['text']);
             $previousLevel = $h['level'];
     $list->setAttr('style', 'display:' . ($jshide ? 'none;' : 'block;'));
     $open = DATA_PATH . '/' . $WikiTheme->_findFile("images/folderArrowOpen.png");
     $close = DATA_PATH . '/' . $WikiTheme->_findFile("images/folderArrowClosed.png");
     $html->pushContent(Javascript("\nfunction toggletoc(a) {\n  var toc=document.getElementById('toclist')\n  //toctoggle=document.getElementById('toctoggle')\n  var open='" . $open . "'\n  var close='" . $close . "'\n  if (toc.style.display=='none') {\n    toc.style.display='block'\n    a.title='" . _("Click to hide the TOC") . "'\n    a.src = open\n  } else {\n    toc.style.display='none';\n    a.title='" . _("Click to display") . "'\n    a.src = close\n  }\n}"));
     if ($extracollapse) {
         $toclink = HTML(_("Table Of Contents"), " ", HTML::a(array('name' => 'TOC')), HTML::img(array('id' => 'toctoggle', 'class' => 'wikiaction', 'title' => _("Click to display to TOC"), 'onClick' => "toggletoc(this)", 'height' => 15, 'width' => 15, 'border' => 0, 'src' => $jshide ? $close : $open)));
     } else {
         $toclink = HTML::a(array('name' => 'TOC', 'class' => 'wikiaction', 'title' => _("Click to display"), 'onclick' => "toggletoc(this)"), _("Table Of Contents"), HTML::span(array('style' => 'display:none', 'id' => 'toctoggle'), " "));
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 7
function isBrowserIE55()
    return isBrowserIE() and browserVersion() > 5.1 and browserVersion() < 6.0;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * The ->load() method replaces the formerly global code in themeinfo.php.
  * This is run only once for the selected theme, and not for the parent themes.
  * Without this you would not be able to derive from other themes.
 function load()
     // CSS file defines fonts, colors and background images for this
     // style.  The companion '*-heavy.css' file isn't defined, it's just
     // expected to be in the same directory that the base style is in.
     // This should result in phpwiki-printer.css being used when
     // printing or print-previewing with style "PhpWiki" or "MacOSX" selected.
     $this->setDefaultCSS('PhpWiki', array('' => 'phpwiki.css', 'print' => 'phpwiki-printer.css'));
     // This allows one to manually select "Printer" style (when browsing page)
     // to see what the printer style looks like.
     $this->addAlternateCSS(_("Printer"), 'phpwiki-printer.css', 'print, screen');
     $this->addAlternateCSS(_("Top & bottom toolbars"), 'phpwiki-topbottombars.css');
     $this->addAlternateCSS(_("Modern"), 'phpwiki-modern.css');
     if (isBrowserIE()) {
         $this->addMoreHeaders($this->_CSSlink(0, $this->_findFile('IEFixes.css'), 'all'));
      * The logo image appears on every page and links to the HomePage.
     $this->addImageAlias('logo', WIKI_NAME . 'Logo.png');
     $this->addImageAlias('search', 'search.png');
      * The Signature image is shown after saving an edited page. If this
      * is set to false then the "Thank you for editing..." screen will
      * be omitted.
     $this->addImageAlias('signature', WIKI_NAME . "Signature.png");
     // Uncomment this next line to disable the signature.
     //$this->addImageAlias('signature', false);
      * Link icons.
     $this->setLinkIcon('*', 'url');
     $this->setButtonSeparator("\n | ");
      * WikiWords can automatically be split by inserting spaces between
      * the words. The default is to leave WordsSmashedTogetherLikeSo.
      * Layout improvement with dangling links for mostly closed wiki's:
      * If false, only users with edit permissions will be presented the
      * special wikiunknown class with "?" and Tooltip.
      * If true (default), any user will see the ?, but will be presented
      * the PrintLoginForm on a click.
      * You may adjust the formats used for formatting dates and times
      * below.  (These examples give the default formats.)
      * Formats are given as format strings to PHP strftime() function See
      * http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php for details.
      * Do not include the server's zone (%Z), times are converted to the
      * user's time zone.
      * Suggestion for french:
      *   $this->setDateFormat("%A %e %B %Y");
      *   $this->setTimeFormat("%H:%M:%S");
      * Suggestion for capable php versions, using the server locale:
      *   $this->setDateFormat("%x");
      *   $this->setTimeFormat("%X");
     //$this->setDateFormat("%B %d, %Y");
     //$this->setTimeFormat("%I:%M %p");
      * To suppress times in the "Last edited on" messages, give a
      * give a second argument of false:
     //$this->setDateFormat("%B %d, %Y", false);
      * Custom UserPreferences:
      * A list of name => _UserPreference class pairs.
      * Rationale: Certain themes should be able to extend the predefined list
      * of preferences. Display/editing is done in the theme specific userprefs.tmpl
      * but storage/sanification/update/... must be extended to the Get/SetPreferences methods.
      * See themes/wikilens/themeinfo.php
      * Register custom PageList type and define custom PageList classes.
      * Rationale: Certain themes should be able to extend the predefined list
      * of pagelist types. E.g. certain plugins, like MostPopular might use
      * info=pagename,hits,rating
      * which displays the rating column whenever the wikilens theme is active.
      * See themes/wikilens/themeinfo.php
Exemplo n.º 9
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     global $WikiTheme;
     extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request));
     if ($pagename) {
         // Expand relative page names.
         $page = new WikiPageName($pagename, $basepage);
         $pagename = $page->name;
     if (!$pagename) {
         return $this->error(_("no page specified"));
     if (isBrowserIE() and browserDetect("Mac")) {
         $jshide = 0;
     if ($notoc or $liststyle == 'ol') {
         $with_counter = 1;
     // Check if user is allowed to get the Page.
     if (!mayAccessPage('view', $pagename)) {
         return $this->error(sprintf(_("Illegal access to page %s: no read access"), $pagename));
     $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename);
     $current = $page->getCurrentRevision();
     //FIXME: I suspect this only to crash with Apache2
     if (!$current->get('markup') or $current->get('markup') < 2) {
         if (in_array(php_sapi_name(), array('apache2handler', 'apache2filter'))) {
             trigger_error(_("CreateToc disabled for old markup"), E_USER_WARNING);
             return '';
     $content = $current->getContent();
     $html = HTML::div(array('class' => 'toc', 'id' => GenerateId("toc")));
     if ($notoc) {
         $html->setAttr('style', 'display:none;');
     if ($position == "left" or $position == "right") {
         $html->setAttr('style', 'float:' . $position . '; width:' . $width . ';');
     $toclistid = GenerateId("toclist");
     $list = HTML::div(array('id' => $toclistid, 'class' => 'toclist'));
     if (!strstr($headers, ",")) {
         $headers = array($headers);
     } else {
         $headers = explode(",", $headers);
     $levels = array();
     foreach ($headers as $h) {
         //replace !!! with level 1, ...
         if (strstr($h, "!")) {
             $hcount = substr_count($h, '!');
             $level = min(max(1, $hcount), 3);
             $levels[] = $level;
         } else {
             $level = min(max(1, (int) $h), 5);
             $levels[] = $level;
     if (TOC_FULL_SYNTAX) {
         require_once "lib/InlineParser.php";
     if ($headers = $this->extractHeaders($content, $dbi->_markup, $with_toclink, $with_counter, $levels, $firstlevelstyle, $basepage)) {
         foreach ($headers as $h) {
             // proper heading indent
             $level = $h['level'];
             $indent = $level - 1;
             $link = new WikiPageName($pagename, $page, $h['anchor']);
             $li = WikiLink($link, 'known', $h['text']);
             // Hack to suppress pagename before #
             // $li->_attr["href"] = strstr($li->_attr["href"], '#');
             $list->pushContent(HTML::p(HTML::raw(str_repeat($indentstr, $indent)), $li));
     $list->setAttr('style', 'display:' . ($jshide ? 'none;' : 'block;'));
     $open = DATA_PATH . '/' . $WikiTheme->_findFile("images/folderArrowOpen.png");
     $close = DATA_PATH . '/' . $WikiTheme->_findFile("images/folderArrowClosed.png");
     if ($noheader) {
     } else {
         $toctoggleid = GenerateId("toctoggle");
         if ($extracollapse) {
             $toclink = HTML(_("Table of Contents"), " ", HTML::a(array('id' => 'TOC')), HTML::img(array('id' => $toctoggleid, 'class' => 'wikiaction', 'title' => _("Click to display to TOC"), 'onclick' => "toggletoc(this, '" . $open . "', '" . $close . "', '" . $toclistid . "')", 'alt' => 'toctoggle', 'src' => $jshide ? $close : $open)));
         } else {
             $toclink = HTML::a(array('id' => 'TOC', 'class' => 'wikiaction', 'title' => _("Click to display"), 'onclick' => "toggletoc(this, '" . $open . "', '" . $close . "', '" . $toclistid . "')"), _("Table of Contents"), HTML::span(array('style' => 'display:none', 'id' => $toctoggleid), " "));
         $html->pushContent(HTML::p(array('class' => 'toctitle'), $toclink));
     if (count($headers) == 0) {
         // Do not display an empty TOC
         $html->setAttr('style', 'display:none;');
     return $html;