Exemplo n.º 1
 * Authenticate a user using mulitple authentication providers
 * <p>Authenticate a user using authentication providers defined 
 * in an ini based file. The name of this file is fixed and 
 * should be called <tt>auth.ini</tt>. Location for this file should
 * be defined in <tt>config.php</tt> in the <tt>$CFG->auth_multiple_ini</tt>
 * directive. It is best to place this file outside of your document 
 * root since it may contain sensitive inforation.</p>
 * <p>This function will try the providers one by one and will stop 
 * if one returns a valid result. Else it will default to basic
 * elgg (database) authentication and return that result.</p>
 * @author Misja Hoebe
 * @since 0.7
 * @package elgg
 * @subpackage elgg.auth.multiple
 * @param string username
 * @param string password
 * @return mixed authentication result
function multiple_authenticate_user_login($username, $password)
    global $CFG, $messages;
    $auth_config = null;
    // Check if an auth.ini location is defined
    if (!$CFG->auth_multiple_ini) {
        $messages[] = 'No "auth.ini" location defined';
        return false;
    // and if the file exists
    if (!file_exists($CFG->auth_multiple_ini)) {
        $messages[] = 'File "auth.ini" does not exist';
        return false;
    } else {
        // Load the file
        $auth_config = parse_ini_file($CFG->auth_multiple_ini, true);
    // Walk through the config values
    foreach ($auth_config as $key => $settings) {
        // Set the configuration parameters
        foreach ($settings as $setting => $value) {
            $CFG->{$setting} = $value;
        // All done call the provider
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . "auth/{$CFG->auth}/lib.php";
        $function = $CFG->auth . "_authenticate_user_login";
        $result = $function($username, $password);
        if ($result == false) {
        } else {
            // We're happy
            return $result;
    // If we have reached this point no provider has returned true,
    // so we use the internal authentication code as a final resort
    // Reset to internal
    $CFG->auth = 'internal';
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . "auth/internal/lib.php";
    return internal_authenticate_user_login($username, $password);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Sets up configuration variables and puts together the above functions
 * to perform an authentication
function ldap_authenticate_user_login($username, $password)
    global $CFG, $messages;
    if (!function_exists('ldap_connect')) {
        $messages[] = 'No PHP LDAP module available, please contact the system administrator.';
        return false;
    /////////// Set up config //////////////
    // LDAP host
    if (!$CFG->ldap_host) {
        // No host defined, switch to plain login
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . 'auth/internal/lib.php';
        return internal_authenticate_user_login($username, $password);
    // LDAP port
    if (!$CFG->ldap_port) {
        $CFG->ldap_port = 389;
    // Base DN setup
    if (!$CFG->ldap_basedn) {
        $CFG->ldap_basedn = array();
    } else {
        if (!is_array($CFG->ldap_basedn)) {
            //single DN specified
            $CFG->ldap_basedn = array($CFG->ldap_basedn);
    // Which filter to apply for the username, e.g. cn or uid
    if (!$CFG->ldap_filter_attr) {
        $CFG->ldap_filter_attr = 'uid';
    // Which search attributes to return
    if (!$CFG->ldap_search_attr) {
        $CFG->ldap_search_attr = array('dn' => 'dn');
    // Set protocol version, default is v3
    $version = 3;
    // Set up LDAP protocol version
    if ($CFG->ldap_protocol_version) {
        $version = $CFG->ldap_protocol_version;
    ////////// Done setting up config /////////
    //connect and bind
    $ds = ldap_init_connection($CFG->ldap_host, $CFG->ldap_port, $CFG->ldap_protocol_version, $CFG->ldap_bind_dn, $CFG->ldap_bind_pwd);
    if (!$ds) {
        return false;
    // Perform LDAP search
    foreach ($CFG->ldap_basedn as $this_ldap_basedn) {
        $ldap_user_info = ldap_do_auth($ds, $this_ldap_basedn, $username, $password, $CFG->ldap_filter_attr, $CFG->ldap_search_attr);
        if ($ldap_user_info) {
            // LDAP login successful
            // If we need to create the user
            if ($CFG->ldap_user_create == true) {
                ldap_create_elgg_user($username, $password, $ldap_user_info);
            // Return the user object
            return get_record_select('users', "username = ? AND active = ? AND user_type = ? ", array($username, 'yes', 'person'));
    // Done with LDAP
    // No such user in LDAP, fallback to internal authentication
    if ($CFG->ldap_internal_fallback == true) {
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . 'auth/internal/lib.php';
        return internal_authenticate_user_login($username, $password);
    } else {
        return false;