* Created by PhpStorm. * User: hze * Date: 12/24/15 * Time: 2:31 PM */ session_start(); error_reporting(0); include "connection.php"; include "DataRetrieval.php"; include "getuseraddress.php"; if ($_GET["friendid"]) { insertFriendWaitingList($link, $_SESSION['id'], $_GET["friendid"]); } if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == 'Send') { $_POST['sendto']; insertThread($link, $_POST['sendcontent'], "friend", $_POST['sendto']); replyThread($link, $_SESSION['id'], getMaxThread($link), $_POST['sendtitle'], $_POST['sendsubject'], $_POST['sendcontent'], null, null); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <!-- The above 3 meta tags *must* come first in the head; any other head content must come *after* these tags --> <title>Neighbor</title> <!-- Bootstrap -->
function formProcess_bb($option, $thread, $threadID) { $errorText = ''; if (!check_csrf_token()) { zamgerlog("csrf token nije dobar", 3); zamgerlog2("csrf token nije dobar"); return "Poslani podaci nisu ispravni. Vratite se nazad, ponovo popunite formu i kliknite na dugme Pošalji"; } if (!in_array($option, array('add', 'edit'))) { $errorText = 'Doslo je do greske prilikom spasavanja podataka. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora.'; return $errorText; } $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); if ($option == 'edit' && $id <= 0) { $errorText = 'Doslo je do greske prilikom spasavanja podataka. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora.'; zamgerlog("pokusao urediti nepostojeci post {$id}, projekat {$projekat} (pp{$predmet})", 3); zamgerlog2("pokusao urediti nepostojeci post", $id, $projekat); return $errorText; } if ($thread == true && $threadID <= 0) { $errorText = 'Doslo je do greske prilikom spasavanja podataka. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora.'; zamgerlog("pokusao urediti nepostojeci post {$id}, projekat {$projekat} (pp{$predmet})", 3); zamgerlog2("pokusao urediti nepostojeci post", $id, $projekat); return $errorText; } //get variables $naslov = $_REQUEST['naslov']; $tekst = $_REQUEST['tekst']; $projekat = intval($_REQUEST['projekat']); $predmet = intval($_REQUEST['predmet']); global $userid; if (empty($naslov) || empty($tekst)) { $errorText = 'Unesite sva obavezna polja.'; return $errorText; } $naslov = trim($naslov); $tekst = trim($tekst); if ($option == 'edit') { $entry = getPost($id); } $data = array('naslov' => $naslov, 'tekst' => $tekst, 'osoba' => $userid, 'projekat' => $projekat, 'threadID' => $threadID); if ($option == 'add') { if ($thread == false) { //new thread inserting if (!insertThread($data)) { $errorText = 'Doslo je do greske prilikom spasavanja podataka. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora.'; return $errorText; } } else { //inserting post in thread if (!insertReplyForThread($threadID, $data)) { $errorText = 'Doslo je do greske prilikom spasavanja podataka. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora.'; return $errorText; } } } else { if (!updatePost($data, $id)) { $errorText = 'Doslo je do greske prilikom spasavanja podataka. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora.'; return $errorText; } } //option == edit return $errorText; }
$getallmessagesearch = "SELECT MessageId, Subject, Title, Name, PostTime, PostId, Data FROM Message,User WHERE User.UserId=Message.PostId and ( Title LIKE '%" . $_POST['search'] . "%' OR Subject LIKE '%" . $_POST['search'] . "%' OR Data LIKE '%" . $_POST['search'] . "%')"; $result = mysqli_query($link, $getallmessagesearch); } if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == "Post") { date_default_timezone_set("America/New_York"); $timenow = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // // $newmessage="INSERT INTO `Message`(`Subject`, `Title`, // `Data`,`PostTime`,`PostId`) VALUES ('".$_POST['newsubject']."', // '".$_POST['newtitle']."','".$_POST['newcontent']."','".$timenow."', // '".$_SESSION['id']."')"; // $newmessage="INSERT INTO `ProjectTest`.`Message` (`Subject`, `Title`, `PostId`, `PostTime`) VALUES ('ww', 'ww', '1', '2015-12-11 23:34:20')"; if ($_POST['sendto'] == 'hood') { insertThread($link, $_POST['newcontent'], 'hood', getHoodId($link, $_SESSION['blockid'])); replyThread($link, $_SESSION['id'], getMaxThread($link), $_POST['newtitle'], $_POST['newsubject'], $_POST['newcontent'], null, null); } if ($_POST['sendto'] == 'block') { insertThread($link, $_POST['newcontent'], 'block', $_SESSION['blockid']); replyThread($link, $_SESSION['id'], getMaxThread($link), $_POST['newtitle'], $_POST['newsubject'], $_POST['newcontent'], null, null); } } if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == "Reply") { date_default_timezone_set("America/New_York"); $timenow = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $replymessage = "INSERT INTO `Message`(`Subject`, `Title`,\n `Data`,`PostTime`,`PostId`,`ReplyId`) VALUES ('" . $_POST['replysubject'] . "',\n '" . $_POST['replytitle'] . "','" . $_POST['replycontent'] . "','" . $timenow . "',\n '" . $_SESSION['id'] . "'," . $_POST['sendto'] . ")"; if (mysqli_query($link, $replymessage)) { $success = "Success"; } else { $error = "Failed"; } }
require_once $path . '.class.php'; } session_start(); $tinM = array_key_exists('tinM', $_POST) ? $_POST['tinM'] : null; $tinT = array_key_exists('tinT', $_POST) ? $_POST['tinT'] : null; $cinM = array_key_exists('cinM', $_POST) ? $_POST['cinM'] : null; $cinT = array_key_exists('cinT', $_POST) ? $_POST['cinT'] : null; if ($tinM != null) { $tinM = nl2br($tinM); $cinM = nl2br($cinM); insertThread($tinM, $cinM, true); } else { if ($tinT != null) { $tinT = nl2br($tinT); $cinT = nl2br($cinT); insertThread($tinT, $cinT, false); } } $tinM = null; $cinM = null; $cinT = null; $tinT = null; function insertThread($title, $content, $isMovieTopic) { $dao = new DAO(); if ($isMovieTopic == true) { $mID = $_REQUEST['mselect']; $tID = null; } else { $tID = $_REQUEST['tselect']; $mID = null;