function applet_content() { $inCore = cmsCore::getInstance(); $inUser = cmsUser::getInstance(); $inDB = cmsDatabase::getInstance(); global $_LANG; //check access global $adminAccess; if (!cmsUser::isAdminCan('admin/content', $adminAccess)) { cpAccessDenied(); } $cfg = $inCore->loadComponentConfig('content'); cmsCore::loadModel('content'); $model = new cms_model_content(); $GLOBALS['cp_page_title'] = $_LANG['AD_ARTICLES']; cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES'], 'index.php?view=tree'); $do = cmsCore::request('do', 'str', 'add'); $id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', -1); if ($do == 'arhive_on') { $inDB->query("UPDATE cms_content SET is_arhive = 1 WHERE id = '{$id}'"); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES_TO_ARHIVE'], 'success'); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } if ($do == 'move') { $item_id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', 0); $cat_id = cmsCore::request('cat_id', 'int', 0); $dir = $_REQUEST['dir']; $step = 1; $model->moveItem($item_id, $cat_id, $dir, $step); echo '1'; exit; } if ($do == 'move_to_cat') { $items = cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int'); $to_cat_id = cmsCore::request('obj_id', 'int', 0); if ($items && $to_cat_id) { $last_ordering = (int) $inDB->get_field('cms_content', "category_id = '{$to_cat_id}' ORDER BY ordering DESC", 'ordering'); foreach ($items as $item_id) { $article = $model->getArticle($item_id); if (!$article) { continue; } $last_ordering++; $model->updateArticle($article['id'], array('category_id' => $to_cat_id, 'ordering' => $last_ordering, 'url' => $article['url'], 'title' => $inDB->escape_string($article['title']), 'id' => $article['id'], 'user_id' => $article['user_id'])); } cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES_TO'], 'success'); } cmsCore::redirect('?view=tree&cat_id=' . $to_cat_id); } if ($do == 'show') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['item'])) { if ($id >= 0) { dbShow('cms_content', $id); } echo '1'; exit; } else { dbShowList('cms_content', cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int')); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } if ($do == 'hide') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['item'])) { if ($id >= 0) { dbHide('cms_content', $id); } echo '1'; exit; } else { dbHideList('cms_content', cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int')); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } if ($do == 'delete') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['item'])) { if ($id >= 0) { $model->deleteArticle($id); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_REMOVE'], 'success'); } } else { $model->deleteArticles(cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int')); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES_REMOVE'], 'success'); } cmsCore::redirectBack(); } if ($do == 'update') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', 0); $article['category_id'] = cmsCore::request('category_id', 'int', 1); $article['title'] = cmsCore::request('title', 'str'); $article['url'] = cmsCore::request('url', 'str'); $article['showtitle'] = cmsCore::request('showtitle', 'int', 0); $article['description'] = cmsCore::request('description', 'html', ''); $article['description'] = $inDB->escape_string($article['description']); $article['content'] = cmsCore::request('content', 'html', ''); $article['content'] = $inDB->escape_string($article['content']); $article['for_img'] = cmsCore::request('for_img', 'html', ''); $article['for_img'] = $inDB->escape_string($article['for_img']); $article['published'] = cmsCore::request('published', 'int', 0); $article['showdate'] = cmsCore::request('showdate', 'int', 0); $article['showlatest'] = cmsCore::request('showlatest', 'int', 0); $article['show_in_new'] = cmsCore::request('show_in_new', 'int', 0); //new $article['show_in_footer'] = cmsCore::request('show_in_footer', 'int', 0); //new $article['showpath'] = cmsCore::request('showpath', 'int', 0); $article['comments'] = cmsCore::request('comments', 'int', 0); $article['canrate'] = cmsCore::request('canrate', 'int', 0); $article['add_text'] = cmsCore::request('add_text', 'str'); $enddate = explode('.', cmsCore::request('enddate', 'str')); $article['enddate'] = $enddate[2] . '-' . $enddate[1] . '-' . $enddate[0]; $article['is_end'] = cmsCore::request('is_end', 'int', 0); $article['pagetitle'] = cmsCore::request('pagetitle', 'str', ''); $article['tags'] = cmsCore::request('tags', 'str'); $olddate = cmsCore::request('olddate', 'str', ''); $pubdate = cmsCore::request('pubdate', 'str', ''); $article['user_id'] = cmsCore::request('user_id', 'int', $inUser->id); $article['tpl'] = cmsCore::request('tpl', 'str', 'com_content_read.tpl'); $date = explode('.', $pubdate); $article['pubdate'] = $date[2] . '-' . $date[1] . '-' . $date[0] . ' ' . date('H:i'); $autokeys = cmsCore::request('autokeys', 'int'); switch ($autokeys) { case 1: $article['meta_keys'] = $inCore->getKeywords($article['content']); $article['meta_desc'] = $article['title']; break; case 2: $article['meta_desc'] = strip_tags($article['description']); $article['meta_keys'] = $article['tags']; break; case 3: $article['meta_desc'] = cmsCore::request('meta_desc', 'str'); $article['meta_keys'] = cmsCore::request('meta_keys', 'str'); break; } $model->updateArticle($id, $article); if (!cmsCore::request('is_public', 'int', 0)) { $showfor = $_REQUEST['showfor']; cmsCore::setAccess($id, $showfor, 'material'); } else { cmsCore::clearAccess($id, 'material'); } if (isset($_SESSION['lang']) && $_SESSION['lang'] != 'ru') { $file = 'article' . $id . '_' . $_SESSION['lang'] . '.jpg'; } else { $file = 'article' . $id . '.jpg'; } //$file = 'article'.$id.'.jpg'; if (cmsCore::request('delete_image', 'int', 0)) { @unlink(PATH . "/images/photos/small/{$file}"); @unlink(PATH . "/images/photos/medium/{$file}"); } else { // Загружаем класс загрузки фото cmsCore::loadClass('upload_photo'); $inUploadPhoto = cmsUploadPhoto::getInstance(); // Выставляем конфигурационные параметры $inUploadPhoto->upload_dir = PATH . '/images/photos/'; $inUploadPhoto->small_size_w = $model->config['img_small_w']; $inUploadPhoto->medium_size_w = $model->config['img_big_w']; $inUploadPhoto->thumbsqr = $model->config['img_sqr']; $inUploadPhoto->is_watermark = $model->config['watermark']; $inUploadPhoto->input_name = 'picture'; $inUploadPhoto->filename = $file; // Процесс загрузки фото $inUploadPhoto->uploadPhoto(); } cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_SAVE'], 'success'); if (!isset($_SESSION['editlist']) || @sizeof($_SESSION['editlist']) == 0) { cmsCore::redirect('?view=tree&cat_id=' . $article['category_id']); } else { cmsCore::redirect('?view=content&do=edit'); } } } if ($do == 'submit') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } $article['category_id'] = cmsCore::request('category_id', 'int', 1); $article['title'] = cmsCore::request('title', 'str'); $article['url'] = cmsCore::request('url', 'str'); $article['showtitle'] = cmsCore::request('showtitle', 'int', 0); $article['description'] = cmsCore::request('description', 'html', ''); $article['description'] = $inDB->escape_string($article['description']); $article['content'] = cmsCore::request('content', 'html', ''); $article['content'] = $inDB->escape_string($article['content']); $article['for_img'] = cmsCore::request('for_img', 'html', ''); $article['for_img'] = $inDB->escape_string($article['for_img']); $article['published'] = cmsCore::request('published', 'int', 0); $article['showdate'] = cmsCore::request('showdate', 'int', 0); $article['showlatest'] = cmsCore::request('showlatest', 'int', 0); $article['show_in_new'] = cmsCore::request('show_in_new', 'int', 0); //new $article['show_in_footer'] = cmsCore::request('show_in_footer', 'int', 0); //new $article['showpath'] = cmsCore::request('showpath', 'int', 0); $article['comments'] = cmsCore::request('comments', 'int', 0); $article['canrate'] = cmsCore::request('canrate', 'int', 0); $article['add_text'] = cmsCore::request('add_text', 'str'); $enddate = explode('.', cmsCore::request('enddate', 'str')); $article['enddate'] = $enddate[2] . '-' . $enddate[1] . '-' . $enddate[0]; $article['is_end'] = cmsCore::request('is_end', 'int', 0); $article['pagetitle'] = cmsCore::request('pagetitle', 'str', ''); $article['tags'] = cmsCore::request('tags', 'str'); $article['pubdate'] = $_REQUEST['pubdate']; $date = explode('.', $article['pubdate']); $article['pubdate'] = $date[2] . '-' . $date[1] . '-' . $date[0] . ' ' . date('H:i'); $article['user_id'] = cmsCore::request('user_id', 'int', $inUser->id); $article['tpl'] = cmsCore::request('tpl', 'str', 'com_content_read.tpl'); $autokeys = cmsCore::request('autokeys', 'int'); switch ($autokeys) { case 1: $article['meta_keys'] = $inCore->getKeywords($article['content']); $article['meta_desc'] = $article['title']; break; case 2: $article['meta_desc'] = strip_tags($article['description']); $article['meta_keys'] = $article['tags']; break; case 3: $article['meta_desc'] = cmsCore::request('meta_desc', 'str'); $article['meta_keys'] = cmsCore::request('meta_keys', 'str'); break; } $article['id'] = $model->addArticle($article); if (!cmsCore::request('is_public', 'int', 0)) { $showfor = $_REQUEST['showfor']; if (sizeof($showfor) > 0 && !cmsCore::request('is_public', 'int', 0)) { cmsCore::setAccess($article['id'], $showfor, 'material'); } } $inmenu = cmsCore::request('createmenu', 'str', ''); if ($inmenu) { createMenuItem($inmenu, $article['id'], $article['title']); } // Загружаем класс загрузки фото cmsCore::loadClass('upload_photo'); $inUploadPhoto = cmsUploadPhoto::getInstance(); // Выставляем конфигурационные параметры $inUploadPhoto->upload_dir = PATH . '/images/photos/'; $inUploadPhoto->small_size_w = $model->config['img_small_w']; $inUploadPhoto->medium_size_w = $model->config['img_big_w']; $inUploadPhoto->thumbsqr = $model->config['img_sqr']; $inUploadPhoto->is_watermark = $model->config['watermark']; $inUploadPhoto->input_name = 'picture'; $inUploadPhoto->filename = 'article' . $article['id'] . '.jpg'; // Процесс загрузки фото $inUploadPhoto->uploadPhoto(); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_ADD'], 'success'); cmsCore::redirect('?view=tree&cat_id=' . $article['category_id']); } if ($do == 'add' || $do == 'edit') { require '../includes/jwtabs.php'; $GLOBALS['cp_page_head'][] = jwHeader(); $toolmenu = array(); $toolmenu[0]['icon'] = 'save.gif'; $toolmenu[0]['title'] = $_LANG['SAVE']; $toolmenu[0]['link'] = 'javascript:document.addform.submit();'; $toolmenu[1]['icon'] = 'cancel.gif'; $toolmenu[1]['title'] = $_LANG['CANCEL']; $toolmenu[1]['link'] = 'javascript:history.go(-1);'; cpToolMenu($toolmenu); $menu_list = cpGetList('menu'); if ($do == 'add') { echo '<h3>' . $_LANG['AD_CREATE_ARTICLE'] . '</h3>'; cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_CREATE_ARTICLE'], 'index.php?view=content&do=add'); $mod['category_id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['to']; $mod['showpath'] = 1; $mod['tpl'] = 'com_content_read.tpl'; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['item'])) { $_SESSION['editlist'] = $_REQUEST['item']; } $ostatok = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['editlist'])) { $id = array_shift($_SESSION['editlist']); if (sizeof($_SESSION['editlist']) == 0) { unset($_SESSION['editlist']); } else { $ostatok = '(' . $_LANG['AD_NEXT_IN'] . sizeof($_SESSION['editlist']) . ')'; } } else { $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; } $sql = "SELECT *, (TO_DAYS(enddate) - TO_DAYS(CURDATE())) as daysleft, DATE_FORMAT(pubdate, '%d.%m.%Y') as pubdate, DATE_FORMAT(enddate, '%d.%m.%Y') as enddate\n\t\t\t\t\t FROM cms_content\n\t\t\t\t\t WHERE id = {$id} LIMIT 1"; $result = $inDB->query($sql); if ($inDB->num_rows($result)) { $mod = $inDB->fetch_assoc($result); } echo '<h3>' . $_LANG['AD_EDIT_ARTICLE'] . $ostatok . '</h3>'; cpAddPathway($mod['title'], 'index.php?view=content&do=edit&id=' . $mod['id']); } ?> <form id="addform" name="addform" method="post" action="index.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?php echo cmsUser::getCsrfToken(); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="content" /> <table class="proptable" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <!-- главная ячейка --> <td valign="top"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" border="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_NAME']; ?> </strong></div> <div> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td><input name="title" type="text" id="title" style="width:100%" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['title']); ?> " /></td> <td style="width:15px;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;"> <input type="checkbox" title="<?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_TITLE']; ?> " name="showtitle" <?php if ($mod['showtitle'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> value="1"> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> <td width="130" valign="top"> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PUBLIC_DATE']; ?> </strong></div> <div> <input name="pubdate" type="text" id="pubdate" style="width:100px" <?php if (@(!$mod['pubdate'])) { echo 'value="' . date('d.m.Y') . '"'; } else { echo 'value="' . $mod['pubdate'] . '"'; } ?> /> <input type="hidden" name="olddate" value="<?php echo @$mod['pubdate']; ?> " /> </div> </td> <td width="16" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom:10px"> <input type="checkbox" name="showdate" id="showdate" title="<?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_DATE_AND_AUTHOR']; ?> " value="1" <?php if ($mod['showdate'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> </td> <!-- <td width="160" valign="top"> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_TEMPLATE']; ?> </strong></div> <div><input name="tpl" type="text" style="width:160px" value="<?php echo @$mod['tpl']; ?> "></div> </td> --> <td width="160" valign="top"> <div><strong>Шаблон статьи</strong></div> <?php $inConf = cmsConfig::getInstance(); //задаём имя директории $directory = PATH . "/templates/" . $inConf->template . "/components"; $scan_dir = scandir($directory); if (is_dir($directory)) { //проверяем наличие директории //директория существует echo '<select name="tpl">'; $scan_dir = scandir($directory); //сканируем (получаем массив файлов) array_shift($scan_dir); // удаляем из массива '.' array_shift($scan_dir); // удаляем из массива '..' for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($scan_dir); $i++) { $tpl = explode("_", $scan_dir[$i]); if ($_GET['view'] == $tpl['1']) { if ($_GET['view']) { //выводим все файлы if (@$mod["tpl"] == $scan_dir[$i]) { echo '<option selected>' . $scan_dir[$i] . '</option>'; } else { echo '<option>' . $scan_dir[$i] . '</option>'; } } } } echo '</select>'; } else { echo '<input name="tpl" type="text" style="width:160px" value="' . @$mod["tpl"] . '">'; } ?> </td> </tr> </table> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_NOTICE']; ?> </strong></div> <div><?php $inCore->insertEditor('description', $mod['description'], '200', '100%'); ?> </div> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_TEXT']; ?> </strong></div> <?php insertPanel(); ?> <div><?php $inCore->insertEditor('content', $mod['content'], '400', '100%'); ?> </div><!--Editor text in articles--> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_IMG']; ?> </strong></div> <div><?php $inCore->insertEditor('for_img', $mod['for_img'], '200', '100%'); ?> </div> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_ADD_TEXT']; ?> </strong></div> <div><input name="add_text" type="text" id="add_text" style="width:99%" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['add_text']); ?> " /></div> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_TAGS']; ?> </strong></div> <div><input name="tags" type="text" id="tags" style="width:99%" value="<?php if (isset($mod['id'])) { echo cmsTagLine('content', $mod['id'], false); } ?> " /></div> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="checklist"> <tr> <td width="20"> <input type="radio" name="autokeys" id="autokeys1" <?php if ($do == 'add' && $cfg['autokeys']) { ?> checked="checked"<?php } ?> value="1"/> </td> <td> <label for="autokeys1"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_AUTO_GEN_KEY']; ?> </strong></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20"> <input type="radio" name="autokeys" id="autokeys2" value="2"/> </td> <td> <label for="autokeys2"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_TAGS_AS_KEY']; ?> </strong></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20"> <input type="radio" name="autokeys" id="autokeys3" value="3" <?php if ($do == 'edit' || !$cfg['autokeys']) { ?> checked="checked"<?php } ?> /> </td> <td> <label for="autokeys3"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MANUAL_KEY']; ?> </strong></label> </td> </tr> <?php if ($cfg['af_on'] && $do == 'add') { ?> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="noforum" id="noforum" value="1" /> </td> <td><label for="noforum"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_NO_CREATE_THEME']; ?> </strong></label></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </td> <!-- боковая ячейка --> <td width="300" valign="top" style="background:#ECECEC;"> <?php ob_start(); ?> {tab=<?php echo $_LANG['AD_TAB_PUBLISH']; ?> } <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="checklist"> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="published" id="published" value="1" <?php if ($mod['published'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="published"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PUBLIC_ARTICLE']; ?> </strong></label></td> </tr> </table> <div style="margin-top:7px"> <select name="category_id" size="10" id="category_id" style="width:99%;height:200px"> <option value="1" <?php if (@$mod['category_id'] == 1 || !isset($mod['category_id'])) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ROOT_CATEGORY']; ?> </option> <?php if (isset($mod['category_id'])) { echo $inCore->getListItemsNS('cms_category', $mod['category_id']); } else { echo $inCore->getListItemsNS('cms_category'); } ?> </select> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:10px"> <select name="showpath" id="showpath" style="width:99%"> <option value="0" <?php if (@(!$mod['showpath'])) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PATHWAY_NAME_ONLY']; ?> </option> <option value="1" <?php if (@$mod['showpath']) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PATHWAY_FULL']; ?> </option> </select> </div> <div style="margin-top:15px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_URL']; ?> </strong><br/> <div style="color:gray"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_IF_UNKNOWN']; ?> </div> </div> <div> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><input type="text" name="url" value="<?php echo $mod['url']; ?> " style="width:100%"/></td> <td width="40" align="center">.html</td> </tr> </table> </div> <div style="margin-top:10px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_AUTHOR']; ?> </strong> </div> <div> <select name="user_id" id="user_id" style="width:99%"> <?php if (isset($mod['user_id'])) { echo $inCore->getListItems('cms_users', $mod['user_id'], 'nickname', 'ASC', 'is_deleted=0 AND is_locked=0', 'id', 'nickname'); } else { echo $inCore->getListItems('cms_users', $inUser->id, 'nickname', 'ASC', 'is_deleted=0 AND is_locked=0', 'id', 'nickname'); } ?> </select> </div> <div style="margin-top:12px"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PHOTO']; ?> </strong></div> <div style="margin-bottom:10px"> <?php if ($do == 'edit') { if (isset($_SESSION['lang']) && $_SESSION['lang'] != 'ru') { $mod_id = $mod['id'] . '_' . $_SESSION['lang']; $id_art = $mod['id'] . '_' . $_SESSION['lang']; } else { $mod_id = $mod['id']; $id_art = $id; } //if (file_exists(PATH.'/images/photos/small/article'.$mod['id'].'.jpg')){ if (file_exists(PATH . '/images/photos/small/article' . $mod_id . '.jpg')) { ?> <div style="margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;padding:10px;border:solid 1px gray;text-align:center"> <?/*php<img src="/images/photos/small/article<?php echo $id; ?> .jpg" border="0" />*/?> <img src="/images/photos/small/article<?php echo $id_art; ?> .jpg" border="0" /> </div> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td width="16"><input type="checkbox" id="delete_image" name="delete_image" value="1" /></td> <td><label for="delete_image"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PHOTO_REMOVE']; ?> </label></td> </tr> </table> <?php } } ?> <input type="file" name="picture" style="width:100%" /> </div> <div style="margin-top:25px"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PUBLIC_PARAMETRS']; ?> </strong></div> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="checklist"> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="show_in_new" id="show_in_new" value="1" <?php if ($mod['show_in_new'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="show_in_new"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_NEW_CATS']; ?> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="show_in_footer" id="show_in_footer" value="1" <?php if ($mod['show_in_footer'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="show_in_footer"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_FOOTER']; ?> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="showlatest" id="showlatest" value="1" <?php if ($mod['showlatest'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="showlatest"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_NEW_ARTICLES']; ?> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="comments" id="comments" value="1" <?php if ($mod['comments'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="comments"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ENABLE_COMMENTS']; ?> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="canrate" id="canrate" value="1" <?php if ($mod['canrate']) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="canrate"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ENABLE_RATING']; ?> </label></td> </tr> </table> <?php if ($do == 'add') { ?> <div style="margin-top:25px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_CREATE_LINK']; ?> </strong> </div> <div> <select name="createmenu" id="createmenu" style="width:99%"> <option value="0" selected="selected"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_DONT_CREATE_LINK']; ?> </option> <?php foreach ($menu_list as $menu) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $menu['id']; ?> "> <?php echo $menu['title']; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </div> <?php } ?> {tab=<?php echo $_LANG['AD_DATE']; ?> } <div style="margin-top:5px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_TIME']; ?> </strong> </div> <div> <select name="is_end" id="is_end" style="width:99%" onchange="if($(this).val() == 1){ $('#final_time').show(); }else {$('#final_time').hide();}"> <option value="0" <?php if (@(!$mod['is_end'])) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $_LANG['AD_UNLIMITED']; ?> </option> <option value="1" <?php if (@$mod['is_end']) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $_LANG['AD_TO_FINAL_TIME']; ?> </option> </select> </div> <div id="final_time" <?php if (@(!$mod['is_end'])) { echo 'style="display: none"'; } ?> > <div style="margin-top:20px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_FINAL_TIME']; ?> </strong><br/> <span class="hinttext"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_CALENDAR_FORMAT']; ?> </span> </div> <div><input name="enddate" type="text" style="width:80%" <?php if (@(!$mod['is_end'])) { echo 'value="' . date('d.m.Y') . '"'; } else { echo 'value="' . $mod['enddate'] . '"'; } ?> id="enddate" /></div></div> {tab=SEO} <div style="margin-top:5px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PAGE_TITLE']; ?> </strong><br/> <span class="hinttext"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_IF_UNKNOWN_PAGETITLE']; ?> </span> </div> <div> <input name="pagetitle" type="text" id="pagetitle" style="width:99%" value="<?php if (isset($mod['pagetitle'])) { echo htmlspecialchars($mod['pagetitle']); } ?> " /> </div> <div style="margin-top:20px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['KEYWORDS']; ?> </strong><br/> <span class="hinttext"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_FROM_COMMA']; ?> </span> </div> <div> <textarea name="meta_keys" style="width:97%" rows="4" id="meta_keys"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['meta_keys']); ?> </textarea> </div> <div style="margin-top:20px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['DESCRIPTION']; ?> </strong><br/> <span class="hinttext"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_LESS_THAN']; ?> </span> </div> <div> <textarea name="meta_desc" style="width:97%" rows="6" id="meta_desc"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['meta_desc']); ?> </textarea> </div> {tab=<?php echo $_LANG['AD_TAB_ACCESS']; ?> } <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="checklist" style="margin-top:5px"> <tr> <td width="20"> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM cms_user_groups"; $result = $inDB->query($sql); $style = 'disabled="disabled"'; $public = 'checked="checked"'; if ($do == 'edit') { $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM cms_content_access WHERE content_id = " . $mod['id'] . " AND content_type = 'material'"; $result2 = $inDB->query($sql2); $ord = array(); if ($inDB->num_rows($result2)) { $public = ''; $style = ''; while ($r = $inDB->fetch_assoc($result2)) { $ord[] = $r['group_id']; } } } ?> <input name="is_public" type="checkbox" id="is_public" onclick="checkGroupList()" value="1" <?php echo $public; ?> /> </td> <td><label for="is_public"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_SHARE']; ?> </strong></label></td> </tr> </table> <div style="padding:5px"> <span class="hinttext"> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_IF_NOTED']; ?> </span> </div> <div style="margin-top:10px;padding:5px;padding-right:0px;" id="grp"> <div> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_GROUPS_VIEW']; ?> </strong><br /> <span class="hinttext"> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_SELECT_MULTIPLE_CTRL']; ?> </span> </div> <div> <?php echo '<select style="width: 99%" name="showfor[]" id="showin" size="6" multiple="multiple" ' . $style . '>'; if ($inDB->num_rows($result)) { while ($item = $inDB->fetch_assoc($result)) { echo '<option value="' . $item['id'] . '"'; if ($do == 'edit') { if (inArray($ord, $item['id'])) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } } echo '>'; echo $item['title'] . '</option>'; } } echo '</select>'; ?> </div> </div> {/tabs} <?php echo jwTabs(ob_get_clean()); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <p> <input name="add_mod" type="submit" id="add_mod" <?php if ($do == 'add') { echo 'value="' . $_LANG['AD_CREATE_CONTENT'] . '"'; } else { echo 'value="' . $_LANG['AD_SAVE_CONTENT'] . '"'; } ?> /> <input name="back" type="button" id="back" value="<?php echo $_LANG['CANCEL']; ?> " onclick="window.history.back();"/> <input name="do" type="hidden" id="do" <?php if ($do == 'add') { echo 'value="submit"'; } else { echo 'value="update"'; } ?> /> <?php if ($do == 'edit') { echo '<input name="id" type="hidden" value="' . $mod['id'] . '" />'; } ?> </p> </form> <?php } }
function applet_modules() { $inCore = cmsCore::getInstance(); $inDB = cmsDatabase::getInstance(); global $_LANG; global $adminAccess; if (!cmsUser::isAdminCan('admin/modules', $adminAccess)) { cpAccessDenied(); } $GLOBALS['cp_page_title'] = $_LANG['AD_MODULES']; cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_MODULES'], 'index.php?view=modules'); $GLOBALS['cp_page_head'][] = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="js/modules.js"></script>'; $do = cmsCore::request('do', 'str', 'list'); $id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', -1); $co = cmsCore::request('co', 'int', -1); //============================================================================// //============================================================================// if ($do == 'config') { $module_name = cpModuleById($id); $module_title = cpModuleTitleById($id); if (!$module_name) { cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=modules&do=edit&id=' . $id); } $xml_file = PATH . '/admin/modules/' . $module_name . '/backend.xml'; $php_file = 'modules/' . $module_name . '/backend.php'; if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { if (file_exists($php_file)) { include $php_file; return; } cmsCore::halt(); } $cfg = $inCore->loadModuleConfig($id); cmsCore::loadClass('formgen'); $formGen = new cmsFormGen($xml_file, $cfg); cpAddPathway($module_title, '?view=modules&do=edit&id=' . $id); cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_SETTINGS']); echo '<h3>' . $module_title . '</h3>'; $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'save.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['SAVE'], 'link' => 'javascript:submitModuleConfig();'); $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'cancel.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['CANCEL'], 'link' => 'index.php?view=modules'); $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'edit.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_EDIT_MODULE_VIEW'], 'link' => '?view=modules&do=edit&id=' . $id); cpToolMenu($toolmenu); echo '<form action="index.php?view=modules&do=save_auto_config&id=' . $id . '" method="post" name="optform" target="_self" id="optform">'; echo $formGen->getHTML(); echo '</form>'; return; } //============================================================================// //============================================================================// if ($do == 'save_auto_config') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } $module_name = cpModuleById($id); $is_ajax = cmsCore::inRequest('ajax'); if ($is_ajax) { $title = cmsCore::request('title', 'str', ''); $published = cmsCore::request('published', 'int', 0); $inDB->query("UPDATE cms_modules SET title='{$title}', published='{$published}' WHERE id={$id}"); if (cmsCore::inRequest('content')) { $content = $inDB->escape_string(cmsCore::request('content', 'html')); $inDB->query("UPDATE cms_modules SET content='{$content}' WHERE id={$id}"); } // Добавим возможность изменять css_префикс с фронта if (cmsCore::inRequest('css_prefix')) { // На шаблонах не не отдающих параметра затирать класс не будем $css_prefix = cmsCore::request('css_prefix', 'str', ''); $inDB->query("UPDATE cms_modules SET css_prefix='{$css_prefix}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); } } if (cmsCore::inRequest('title_only')) { cmsCore::redirectBack(); } $xml_file = PATH . '/admin/modules/' . $module_name . '/backend.xml'; if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { cmsCore::halt(); } $cfg = array(); $backend = simplexml_load_file($xml_file); foreach ($backend->params->param as $param) { $name = (string) $param['name']; $type = (string) $param['type']; $default = (string) $param['default']; switch ($param['type']) { case 'number': $value = cmsCore::request($name, 'int', $default); break; case 'string': $value = cmsCore::request($name, 'str', $default); break; case 'html': $value = cmsCore::badTagClear(cmsCore::request($name, 'html', $default)); break; case 'flag': $value = cmsCore::request($name, 'int', 0); break; case 'list': $value = is_array($_POST[$name]) ? cmsCore::request($name, 'array_str', $default) : cmsCore::request($name, 'str', $default); break; case 'list_function': $value = cmsCore::request($name, 'str', $default); break; case 'list_db': $value = is_array($_POST[$name]) ? cmsCore::request($name, 'array_str', $default) : cmsCore::request($name, 'str', $default); break; } $cfg[$name] = $value; } $inCore->saveModuleConfig($id, $cfg); if (!$is_ajax) { cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_CONFIG_SAVE_SUCCESS'], 'success'); } cmsCore::redirectBack(); } //============================================================================// //============================================================================// if ($do == 'list') { $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'new.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_MODULE_ADD'], 'link' => '?view=modules&do=add'); $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'install.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_MODULES_SETUP'], 'link' => '?view=install&do=module'); $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'edit.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_EDIT_SELECTED'], 'link' => "javascript:checkSel('?view=modules&do=edit&multiple=1');"); $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'delete.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_DELETE_SELECTED'], 'link' => "javascript:checkSel('?view=modules&do=delete&multiple=1');"); $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'show.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_ALLOW_SELECTED'], 'link' => "javascript:checkSel('?view=modules&do=show&multiple=1');"); $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'hide.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_DISALLOW_SELECTED'], 'link' => "javascript:checkSel('?view=modules&do=hide&multiple=1');"); $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'autoorder.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_MODULE_ORDER'], 'link' => '?view=modules&do=autoorder'); $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'reorder.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_SAVE_ORDER'], 'link' => "javascript:checkSel('?view=modules&do=saveorder');"); $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'help.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_HELP'], 'link' => '?view=help&topic=modules'); cpToolMenu($toolmenu); $fields[] = array('title' => 'id', 'field' => 'id', 'width' => '30'); $fields[] = array('title' => $_LANG['AD_TITLE'], 'field' => array('title', 'titles'), 'width' => '', 'link' => '?view=modules&do=edit&id=%id%', 'prc' => function ($i) { $i['titles'] = cmsCore::yamlToArray($i['titles']); // переопределяем название пункта меню в зависимости от языка if (!empty($i['titles'][cmsConfig::getConfig('lang')])) { $i['title'] = $i['titles'][cmsConfig::getConfig('lang')]; } return $i['title']; }); $fields[] = array('title' => $_LANG['TITLE'], 'field' => 'name', 'width' => '220', 'filter' => '15'); $fields[] = array('title' => $_LANG['AD_VERSION'], 'field' => 'version', 'width' => '55'); $fields[] = array('title' => $_LANG['AD_AUTHOR'], 'field' => 'author', 'width' => '110'); $fields[] = array('title' => $_LANG['SHOW'], 'field' => 'published', 'width' => '65'); $fields[] = array('title' => $_LANG['AD_ORDER'], 'field' => 'ordering', 'width' => '75'); $fields[] = array('title' => $_LANG['AD_POSITION'], 'field' => 'position', 'width' => '70', 'filter' => '10', 'filterlist' => cpGetList('positions')); $actions[] = array('title' => $_LANG['AD_CONFIG'], 'icon' => 'config.gif', 'link' => '?view=modules&do=config&id=%id%', 'condition' => 'cpModuleHasConfig'); $actions[] = array('title' => $_LANG['EDIT'], 'icon' => 'edit.gif', 'link' => '?view=modules&do=edit&id=%id%'); $actions[] = array('title' => $_LANG['DELETE'], 'icon' => 'delete.gif', 'confirm' => $_LANG['AD_MODULE_DELETE'], 'link' => '?view=modules&do=delete&id=%id%'); cpListTable('cms_modules', $fields, $actions, '', 'published DESC, position, ordering ASC'); } //============================================================================// //============================================================================// if ($do == 'autoorder') { $rs = $inDB->query("SELECT id, position FROM cms_modules ORDER BY position"); if ($inDB->num_rows($rs)) { $ord = 1; while ($item = $inDB->fetch_assoc($rs)) { if (isset($latest_pos)) { if ($latest_pos != $item['position']) { $ord = 1; } } $inDB->query("UPDATE cms_modules SET ordering = {$ord} WHERE id='{$item['id']}'"); $ord += 1; $latest_pos = $item['position']; } } cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=modules'); } //============================================================================// //============================================================================// if ($do == 'move_up') { if ($id >= 0) { dbMoveUp('cms_modules', $id, $co); } cmsCore::redirectBack(); } if ($do == 'move_down') { if ($id >= 0) { dbMoveDown('cms_modules', $id, $co); } cmsCore::redirectBack(); } //============================================================================// //============================================================================// if ($do == 'saveorder') { if (isset($_REQUEST['ordering'])) { $ord = $_REQUEST['ordering']; $ids = $_REQUEST['ids']; foreach ($ord as $id => $ordering) { $inDB->query("UPDATE cms_modules SET ordering = '" . (int) $ordering . "' WHERE id = '" . (int) $ids[$id] . "'"); } cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=modules'); } } //============================================================================// //============================================================================// if ($do == 'show') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['item'])) { if ($id >= 0) { dbShow('cms_modules', $id); } echo '1'; exit; } else { dbShowList('cms_modules', cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int', array())); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } if ($do == 'hide') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['item'])) { if ($id >= 0) { dbHide('cms_modules', $id); } echo '1'; exit; } else { dbHideList('cms_modules', cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int', array())); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } if ($do == 'delete') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['item'])) { $inCore->removeModule($id); } else { $inCore->removeModule(cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int', array())); } cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_DO_SUCCESS'], 'success'); cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=modules'); } //============================================================================// //============================================================================// if ($do == 'update') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } $id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', 0); $name = cmsCore::request('name', 'str', ''); $title = cmsCore::request('title', 'str', ''); $titles = cmsCore::arrayToYaml(cmsCore::request('titles', 'array_str', array())); $position = cmsCore::request('position', 'str', ''); $showtitle = cmsCore::request('showtitle', 'int', 0); $content = $inDB->escape_string(cmsCore::request('content', 'html', '')); $published = cmsCore::request('published', 'int', 0); $css_prefix = cmsCore::request('css_prefix', 'str', ''); $is_strict_bind = cmsCore::request('is_strict_bind', 'int', 0); $is_strict_bind_hidden = cmsCore::request('is_strict_bind_hidden', 'int', 0); $is_public = cmsCore::request('is_public', 'int', ''); if (!$is_public) { $access_list = cmsCore::arrayToYaml(cmsCore::request('allow_group', 'array_int', array())); } $template = cmsCore::request('template', 'str', ''); $cache = cmsCore::request('cache', 'int', 0); $cachetime = cmsCore::request('cachetime', 'int', 0); $cacheint = cmsCore::request('cacheint', 'str', ''); $sql = "UPDATE cms_modules\r\n SET name='{$name}',\r\n title='{$title}',\r\n titles='{$titles}',\r\n position='{$position}',\r\n template='{$template}',\r\n showtitle={$showtitle},"; if ($content) { $sql .= "content='{$content}',"; } $sql .= "\r\n published={$published},\r\n css_prefix='{$css_prefix}',\r\n access_list='{$access_list}',\r\n hidden_menu_ids='',\r\n cachetime = '{$cachetime}',\r\n cacheint = '{$cacheint}',\r\n cache = '{$cache}',\r\n is_strict_bind = '{$is_strict_bind}',\r\n is_strict_bind_hidden = '{$is_strict_bind_hidden}'\r\n WHERE id = '{$id}'\r\n LIMIT 1"; $inDB->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM cms_modules_bind WHERE module_id = {$id}"; $inDB->query($sql); if (cmsCore::request('show_all', 'int', 0)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO cms_modules_bind (module_id, menu_id, position)\r\n VALUES ({$id}, 0, '{$position}')"; $inDB->query($sql); $hidden_menu_ids = cmsCore::request('hidden_menu_ids', 'array_int', array()); if ($hidden_menu_ids) { $hidden_menu_ids = cmsCore::arrayToYaml($hidden_menu_ids); $inDB->query("UPDATE cms_modules SET hidden_menu_ids='{$hidden_menu_ids}' WHERE id = '{$id}' LIMIT 1"); } } else { $showin = cmsCore::request('showin', 'array_int', array()); $showpos = cmsCore::request('showpos', 'array_str', array()); if ($showin) { foreach ($showin as $key => $value) { $sql = "INSERT INTO cms_modules_bind (module_id, menu_id, position)\r\n VALUES ({$id}, {$value}, '{$showpos[$value]}')"; $inDB->query($sql); } } } cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_DO_SUCCESS'], 'success'); if (!isset($_SESSION['editlist']) || @sizeof($_SESSION['editlist']) == 0) { cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=modules'); } else { cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=modules&do=edit'); } } //============================================================================// //============================================================================// if ($do == 'submit') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } $sql = "SELECT ordering as max_o FROM cms_menu ORDER BY ordering DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = $inDB->query($sql); $row = $inDB->fetch_assoc($result); $maxorder = $row['max_o'] + 1; $name = cmsCore::request('name', 'str', ''); $title = cmsCore::request('title', 'str', ''); $titles = cmsCore::arrayToYaml(cmsCore::request('titles', 'array_str', array())); $position = cmsCore::request('position', 'str', ''); $showtitle = cmsCore::request('showtitle', 'int', 0); $content = $inDB->escape_string(cmsCore::request('content', 'html', '')); $published = cmsCore::request('published', 'int', 0); $css_prefix = cmsCore::request('css_prefix', 'str', ''); $is_public = cmsCore::request('is_public', 'int', ''); if (!$is_public) { $access_list = cmsCore::arrayToYaml(cmsCore::request('allow_group', 'array_int', array())); } $template = cmsCore::request('template', 'str', ''); $cache = cmsCore::request('cache', 'int', 0); $cachetime = cmsCore::request('cachetime', 'int', 0); $cacheint = cmsCore::request('cacheint', 'str', ''); $operate = cmsCore::request('operate', 'str', ''); $is_strict_bind = cmsCore::request('is_strict_bind', 'int', 0); $is_strict_bind_hidden = cmsCore::request('is_strict_bind_hidden', 'int', 0); if ($operate == 'user') { //USER MODULE $sql = "INSERT INTO cms_modules (position, name, title, titles, is_external, content, ordering, showtitle, published, user, original, css_prefix, access_list, template, is_strict_bind, is_strict_bind_hidden)\r\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$position}', '{$name}', '{$title}', '{$titles}', 0, '{$content}', '{$maxorder}', '{$showtitle}', '{$published}', 1, 1, '{$css_prefix}', '{$access_list}', '{$template}', '{$is_strict_bind}', '{$is_strict_bind_hidden}')"; $inDB->query($sql); } if ($operate == 'clone') { //DUPLICATE MODULE $mod_id = cmsCore::request('clone_id', 'int', 0); $sql = "SELECT * FROM cms_modules WHERE id = {$mod_id} LIMIT 1"; $result = $inDB->query($sql); $original = $inDB->escape_string($inDB->fetch_assoc($result)); $is_original = cmsCore::request('del_orig', 'int', 0) ? 1 : 0; $sql = "INSERT INTO cms_modules (position, name, title, titles, is_external,\r\n content, ordering, showtitle, published,\r\n original, user, config, css_prefix, template,\r\n access_list, is_strict_bind, is_strict_bind_hidden,\r\n cache, cachetime, cacheint, version)\r\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$position}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$original['name']}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$title}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$titles}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$original['is_external']}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$original['content']}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$maxorder}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$showtitle}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$published}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$is_original}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$original['user']}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$original['config']}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$css_prefix}',\r\n '{$template}',\r\n '{$access_list}',\r\n '{$is_strict_bind}',\r\n '{$is_strict_bind_hidden}',\r\n '{$cache}', '{$cachetime}', '{$cacheint}', '{$original['version']}'\r\n )"; $inDB->query($sql); if ($is_original) { $sql = "DELETE FROM cms_modules WHERE id = {$mod_id}"; $inDB->query($sql); } } $lastid = $inDB->get_last_id('cms_modules'); if (cmsCore::request('show_all', 'int', 0)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO cms_modules_bind (module_id, menu_id, position)\r\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ({$lastid}, 0, '{$position}')"; $inDB->query($sql); $hidden_menu_ids = cmsCore::request('hidden_menu_ids', 'array_int', array()); if ($hidden_menu_ids) { $hidden_menu_ids = cmsCore::arrayToYaml($hidden_menu_ids); $inDB->query("UPDATE cms_modules SET hidden_menu_ids='{$hidden_menu_ids}' WHERE id = '{$lastid}' LIMIT 1"); } } else { $showin = cmsCore::request('showin', 'array_int', array()); $showpos = cmsCore::request('showpos', 'array_str', array()); if ($showin) { foreach ($showin as $key => $value) { $sql = "INSERT INTO cms_modules_bind (module_id, menu_id, position)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ({$lastid}, {$value}, '{$showpos[$value]}')"; $inDB->query($sql); } } } cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_MODULE_ADD_SITE'], 'success'); cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=modules'); } //============================================================================// //============================================================================// if ($do == 'add' || $do == 'edit') { require '../includes/jwtabs.php'; $GLOBALS['cp_page_head'][] = jwHeader(); $langs = cmsCore::getDirsList('/languages'); if ($do == 'add') { cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_MODULE_ADD']); echo '<h3>' . $_LANG['AD_MODULE_ADD'] . '</h3>'; $show_all = false; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['multiple'])) { if (isset($_REQUEST['item'])) { $_SESSION['editlist'] = cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int', array()); } else { cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_NO_SELECT_OBJECTS'], 'error'); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } $ostatok = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['editlist'])) { $item_id = array_shift($_SESSION['editlist']); if (sizeof($_SESSION['editlist']) == 0) { unset($_SESSION['editlist']); } else { $ostatok = '(' . $_LANG['AD_NEXT_IN'] . sizeof($_SESSION['editlist']) . ')'; } } else { $item_id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', 0); } $mod = $inDB->get_fields('cms_modules', "id = '{$item_id}'", '*'); if (!$mod) { cmsCore::error404(); } $mod['hidden_menu_ids'] = cmsCore::yamlToArray($mod['hidden_menu_ids']); $mod['titles'] = cmsCore::yamlToArray($mod['titles']); $sql = "SELECT id FROM cms_modules_bind WHERE module_id = {$id} AND menu_id = 0 LIMIT 1"; $result = $inDB->query($sql); if ($inDB->num_rows($result)) { $show_all = true; } else { $show_all = false; } echo '<h3>' . $_LANG['AD_EDIT_MODULE'] . $ostatok . '</h3>'; cpAddPathway($mod['name']); } $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'save.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['SAVE'], 'link' => 'javascript:document.addform.submit();'); $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'cancel.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['CANCEL'], 'link' => 'javascript:history.go(-1);'); if (@$mod['is_external']) { $php_file = 'modules/' . $mod['content'] . '/backend.php'; $xml_file = 'modules/' . $mod['content'] . '/backend.xml'; if (file_exists($php_file) || file_exists($xml_file)) { $toolmenu[] = array('icon' => 'config.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['CONFIG_MODULE'], 'link' => '?view=modules&do=config&id=' . $mod['id']); } } cpToolMenu($toolmenu); ?> <form id="addform" name="addform" method="post" action="index.php"> <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?php echo cmsUser::getCsrfToken(); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="modules" /> <table class="proptable" width="100%" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <!-- главная ячейка --> <td valign="top"> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_TITLE']; ?> </strong> <span class="hinttext">— <?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_IN_SITE']; ?> </span></div> <div> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td><input name="title" type="text" id="title" style="width:100%" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['title']); ?> " /></td> <td style="width:15px;padding-left:10px;padding-right:0px;"> <input type="checkbox" title="<?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_TITLE']; ?> " name="showtitle" <?php if ($mod['showtitle'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> value="1"> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php if (count($langs) > 1) { ?> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_LANG_TITLES']; ?> </strong> <span class="hinttext">— <?php echo $_LANG['AD_LANG_TITLES_HINT']; ?> </span></div> <?php foreach ($langs as $lang) { ?> <div><strong><?php echo $lang; ?> :</strong> <input name="titles[<?php echo $lang; ?> ]" type="text" style="width:97%" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$mod['titles'][$lang]); ?> " placeholder="<?php echo $_LANG['AD_HINT_DEFAULT']; ?> " /></div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="margin-top:10px;"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <div> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_NAME']; ?> </strong> <span class="hinttext">— <?php echo $_LANG['AD_SHOW_ADMIN']; ?> </span> </div> <div> <?php if (!isset($mod['user']) || @$mod['user'] == 1) { ?> <input name="name" type="text" id="name" style="width:99%" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['name']); ?> " /> <?php } else { ?> <input name="" type="text" id="name" style="width:99%" value="<?php echo @$mod['name']; ?> " disabled="disabled" /> <input name="name" type="hidden" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['name']); ?> " /> <?php } ?> </div> </td> <td valign="top" width="160" style="padding-left:10px;"> <div> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PREFIX_CSS']; ?> </strong> </div> <div> <input name="css_prefix" type="text" id="css_prefix" value="<?php echo @$mod['css_prefix']; ?> " style="width:154px" /> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <div style="margin-top:8px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_DEFOLT_VIEW']; ?> </strong> <span class="hinttext">— <?php echo $_LANG['AD_POSITION_MUST_BE']; ?> </span> </div> <div> <?php $pos = cpModulePositions(cmsConfig::getConfig('template')); ?> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="margin-top:5px;"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <select name="position" id="position" style="width:100%"> <?php if ($pos) { foreach ($pos as $key => $position) { if (@$mod['position'] == $position) { echo '<option value="' . $position . '" selected>' . $position . '</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="' . $position . '">' . $position . '</option>'; } } } ?> </select> </td> <?php if (file_exists(PATH . '/templates/' . TEMPLATE . '/positions.jpg')) { ?> <td valign="top" width="160" style="padding-left:10px;"> <script> $(function() { $('#pos').dialog({modal: true, autoOpen: false, closeText: LANG_CLOSE, width: 'auto'}); }); </script> <a onclick="$('#pos').dialog('open');return false;" href="#" class="ajaxlink"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_SEE_VISUALLY']; ?> </a> <div id="pos" title="<?php echo $_LANG['AD_TPL_POS']; ?> "><img src="/templates/<?php echo TEMPLATE; ?> /positions.jpg" alt="<?php echo $_LANG['AD_TPL_POS']; ?> " /></div> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> </table> </div> <div style="margin-top:15px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_TEMPLATE']; ?> </strong> <span class="hinttext">— <?php echo $_LANG['AD_FOLDER_MODULES']; ?> </span> </div> <div> <?php $tpls = cmsAdmin::getModuleTemplates(); ?> <select name="template" id="template" style="width:100%"> <?php foreach ($tpls as $tpl) { $selected = $mod['template'] == $tpl || !$mod['template'] && $tpl == 'module.tpl' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $tpl . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $tpl . '</option>'; } ?> </select> </div> <?php if ($do == 'add') { ?> <div style="margin-top:15px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_TYPE']; ?> </strong> </div> <div> <select name="operate" id="operate" onchange="checkDiv()" style="width:100%"> <option value="user" selected="selected"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_TYPE_NEW']; ?> </option> <option value="clone"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_TYPE_COPY']; ?> </option> </select> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (!isset($mod['user']) || $mod['user'] == 1 || $do == 'add') { ?> <div id="user_div"> <div style="margin-top:15px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_CONTENT']; ?> </strong> </div> <div><?php insertPanel(); ?> </div> <div> <?php $inCore->insertEditor('content', $mod['content'], '250', '100%'); ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="clone_div" style="display:none;"> <div style="margin-top:15px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_COPY']; ?> </strong> </div> <div> <select name="clone_id" id="clone_id" style="width:100%"> <?php echo $inCore->getListItems('cms_modules'); ?> </select> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="checklist" style="margin-top:6px"> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="del_orig" id="del_orig" value="1" /></td> <td><label for="del_orig"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ORIGINAL_MODULE_DELETE']; ?> </label></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </td> <!-- боковая ячейка --> <td width="300" valign="top" style="background:#ECECEC;"> <?php ob_start(); ?> {tab=<?php echo $_LANG['AD_TAB_PUBLISH']; ?> } <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="checklist"> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="published" id="published" value="1" <?php if ($mod['published'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="published"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_PUBLIC']; ?> </strong></label></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20"><input name="show_all" id="show_all" type="checkbox" value="1" onclick="checkGroupList()" <?php if ($show_all) { echo 'checked'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="show_all"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_ALL_PAGES']; ?> </strong></label></td> </tr> </table> <?php if ($do == 'edit') { $bind_sql = "SELECT * FROM cms_modules_bind WHERE module_id = " . $mod['id']; $bind_res = $inDB->query($bind_sql); $bind = array(); $bind_pos = array(); while ($r = $inDB->fetch_assoc($bind_res)) { $bind[] = $r['menu_id']; $bind_pos[$r['menu_id']] = $r['position']; } } $menu_sql = "SELECT * FROM cms_menu ORDER BY NSLeft, ordering"; $menu_res = $inDB->query($menu_sql); $menu_items = array(); if ($inDB->num_rows($menu_res)) { while ($item = $inDB->fetch_assoc($menu_res)) { if ($do == 'edit') { if (in_array($item['id'], $bind)) { $item['selected'] = true; $item['position'] = $bind_pos[$item['id']]; } } $item['titles'] = cmsCore::yamlToArray($item['titles']); // переопределяем название пункта меню в зависимости от языка if (!empty($item['titles'][cmsConfig::getConfig('lang')])) { $item['title'] = $item['titles'][cmsConfig::getConfig('lang')]; } $item['title'] = str_replace($_LANG['AD_ROOT_PAGES'], $_LANG['AD_MAIN'], $item['title']); $menu_items[] = $item; } } ?> <div id="grp"> <div style="margin-top:13px"> <strong class="show_list"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_WHERE_MODULE_VIEW']; ?> </strong> <strong class="hide_list"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_WHERE_MODULE_NOT_VIEW']; ?> </strong> </div> <div style="height:300px;overflow: auto;border: solid 1px #999; padding:5px 10px; background: #FFF;"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center"> <tr> <td colspan="2" height="25"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MENU']; ?> </strong></td> <td class="show_list" align="center" width="50"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_POSITION']; ?> </strong></td> </tr> <?php foreach ($menu_items as $i) { ?> <tr class="show_list"> <td width="20" height="25"> <input type="checkbox" name="showin[]" id="mid<?php echo $i['id']; ?> " value="<?php echo $i['id']; ?> " <?php if ($i['selected']) { ?> checked="checked"<?php } ?> onclick="$('#p<?php echo $i['id']; ?> ').toggle()"/> </td> <td style="padding-left:<?php echo $i['NSLevel'] * 6 - 6; ?> px"><label for="mid<?php echo $i['id']; ?> "><?php echo $i['title']; ?> </label></td> <td align="center"> <select id="p<?php echo $i['id']; ?> " name="showpos[<?php echo $i['id']; ?> ]" style="<?php if (!$i['selected']) { ?> display:none<?php } ?> "> <?php foreach ($pos as $position) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $position; ?> " <?php if ($i['position'] == $position) { ?> selected="selected"<?php } ?> ><?php echo $position; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php foreach ($menu_items as $it) { ?> <tr class="hide_list"> <td width="20" height="25"> <input type="checkbox" name="hidden_menu_ids[]" id="hmid<?php echo $it['id']; ?> " value="<?php echo $it['id']; ?> " <?php if (in_array($it['id'], $mod['hidden_menu_ids'])) { ?> checked="checked"<?php } ?> /> </td> <td style="padding-left:<?php echo $it['NSLevel'] * 6 - 6; ?> px"><label for="hmid<?php echo $it['id']; ?> "><?php echo $it['title']; ?> </label></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </div> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="checklist show_list"> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="is_strict_bind" id="is_strict_bind" value="1" <?php if ($mod['is_strict_bind']) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="is_strict_bind"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_DONT_VIEW']; ?> </strong></label></td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="checklist hide_list"> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="is_strict_bind_hidden" id="is_strict_bind_hidden" value="1" <?php if ($mod['is_strict_bind_hidden']) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="is_strict_bind_hidden"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_EXCEPT_NESTED']; ?> </strong></label></td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php if ($mod['is_external'] && $do == 'edit' || $do == 'add') { ?> {tab=<?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_CACHE']; ?> } <div style="margin-top:4px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_DO_MODULE_CACHE']; ?> </strong> </div> <div> <select name="cache" id="cache" style="width:100%"> <option value="0" <?php if (@(!$mod['cache'])) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $_LANG['NO']; ?> </option> <option value="1" <?php if (@$mod['cache']) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $_LANG['YES']; ?> </option> </select> </div> <div style="margin-top:15px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_CACHE_PERIOD']; ?> </strong> </div> <div> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="margin-top:5px;"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="100"> <input name="cachetime" type="text" id="int_1" style="width:99%" value="<?php echo @(int) $mod['cachetime']; ?> "/> </td> <td valign="top" style="padding-left:5px"> <select name="cacheint" id="int_2" style="width:100%"> <option value="MINUTE" <?php if (@mb_strstr($mod['cacheint'], 'MINUTE')) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo cmsCore::spellCount((int) @$mod['cachetime'], $_LANG['MINUTE1'], $_LANG['MINUTE2'], $_LANG['MINUTE10'], false); ?> </option> <option value="HOUR" <?php if (@mb_strstr($mod['cacheint'], 'HOUR')) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo cmsCore::spellCount((int) @$mod['cachetime'], $_LANG['HOUR1'], $_LANG['HOUR2'], $_LANG['HOUR10'], false); ?> </option> <option value="DAY" <?php if (@mb_strstr($mod['cacheint'], 'DAY')) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo cmsCore::spellCount((int) @$mod['cachetime'], $_LANG['DAY1'], $_LANG['DAY2'], $_LANG['DAY10'], false); ?> </option> <option value="MONTH" <?php if (@mb_strstr($mod['cacheint'], 'MONTH')) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo cmsCore::spellCount((int) @$mod['cachetime'], $_LANG['MONTH1'], $_LANG['MONTH2'], $_LANG['MONTH10'], false); ?> </option> </select> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div style="margin-top:15px"> <?php if ($do == 'edit') { if ($inCore->isCached('module', $mod['id'], $mod['cachetime'], $mod['cacheint'])) { $t = 'module' . $mod['id']; $cfile = PATH . '/cache/' . md5($t) . '.html'; if (file_exists($cfile)) { $kb = round(filesize($cfile) / 1024, 2); echo '<a href="index.php?view=cache&do=delcache&target=module&id=' . $mod['id'] . '">' . $_LANG['AD_MODULE_CACHE_DELETE'] . '</a> (' . $kb . $_LANG['SIZE_KB'] . ')'; } } else { echo '<span style="color:gray">' . $_LANG['AD_NO_CACHE'] . '</span>'; } } ?> </div> <?php } ?> {tab=<?php echo $_LANG['AD_TAB_ACCESS']; ?> } <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="checklist" style="margin-top:5px"> <tr> <td width="20"> <?php $groups = cmsUser::getGroups(); $style = 'disabled="disabled"'; $public = 'checked="checked"'; if ($do == 'edit') { if ($mod['access_list']) { $public = ''; $style = ''; $access_list = $inCore->yamlToArray($mod['access_list']); } } ?> <input name="is_public" type="checkbox" id="is_public" onclick="checkAccesList()" value="1" <?php echo $public; ?> /> </td> <td><label for="is_public"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_SHARE']; ?> </strong></label></td> </tr> </table> <div style="padding:5px"> <span class="hinttext"> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_IF_CHECKED']; ?> </span> </div> <div style="margin-top:10px;padding:5px;padding-right:0px;"> <div> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_GROUPS_VIEW']; ?> </strong><br /> <span class="hinttext"> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_SELECT_MULTIPLE_CTRL']; ?> </span> </div> <div> <?php echo '<select style="width: 99%" name="allow_group[]" id="allow_group" size="6" multiple="multiple" ' . $style . '>'; if ($groups) { foreach ($groups as $group) { echo '<option value="' . $group['id'] . '"'; if ($do == 'edit' && $mod['access_list']) { if (inArray($access_list, $group['id'])) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } } echo '>'; echo $group['title'] . '</option>'; } } echo '</select>'; ?> </div> </div> {/tabs} <?php echo jwTabs(ob_get_clean()); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <p> <input name="add_mod" type="submit" id="add_mod" value="<?php echo $_LANG['SAVE']; ?> " /> <input name="back" type="button" id="back" value="<?php echo $_LANG['CANCEL']; ?> " onclick="window.history.back();" /> <input name="do" type="hidden" id="do" <?php if ($do == 'add') { echo 'value="submit"'; } else { echo 'value="update"'; } ?> /> <?php if ($do == 'edit') { echo '<input name="id" type="hidden" value="' . $mod['id'] . '" />'; } ?> </p> </form> <?php } //============================================================================// //============================================================================// }
function applet_modules() { $inCore = cmsCore::getInstance(); global $_LANG; global $adminAccess; if (!cmsUser::isAdminCan('admin/modules', $adminAccess)) { cpAccessDenied(); } cmsCore::c('page')->setTitle($_LANG['AD_MODULES']); cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_MODULES'], 'index.php?view=modules'); cmsCore::c('page')->addHeadJS('admin/js/modules.js'); $do = cmsCore::request('do', 'str', 'list'); $id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', -1); $co = cmsCore::request('co', 'int', -1); if ($do == 'config') { $module_name = cpModuleById($id); $module_title = cpModuleTitleById($id); if (!$module_name) { cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=modules&do=edit&id='. $id); } $xml_file = PATH .'/admin/modules/'. $module_name .'/backend.xml'; $php_file = 'modules/'. $module_name .'/backend.php'; if (file_exists($php_file)) { include $php_file; return; } $cfg = $inCore->loadModuleConfig($id); cpAddPathway($module_title, '?view=modules&do=edit&id='. $id); cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_SETTINGS']); echo '<h3>'. $module_title .'</h3>'; $toolmenu = array( array( 'icon' => 'save.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['SAVE'], 'link' => 'javascript:submitModuleConfig();' ), array( 'icon' => 'cancel.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['CANCEL'], 'link' => 'index.php?view=modules' ), array( 'icon' => 'edit.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_EDIT_MODULE_VIEW'], 'link' => '?view=modules&do=edit&id='. $id ) ); cpToolMenu($toolmenu); ?> <form action="index.php?view=modules&do=save_auto_config&id=<?php echo $id; ?>" method="post" name="optform" target="_self" id="optform"> <div class="panel panel-default" style="width:650px;"> <div class="panel-body"> <?php if (file_exists($xml_file)) { cmsCore::loadClass('formgen'); $formGen = new cmsFormGen($xml_file, $cfg); echo $formGen->getHTML(); } else { ?> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-5 control-label"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_TEMPLATE']; ?></label> <div class="col-sm-7"> <input type="text" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $cfg['tpl']; ?>" /> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="panel-footer"> <input type="submit" name="save" class="btn btn-primary" value="<?php echo $_LANG['SAVE']; ?>" /> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function submitModuleConfig(){ $('#optform').submit(); } </script> </form> <?php return; } if ($do == 'save_auto_config') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } $module_name = cpModuleById($id); $is_ajax = cmsCore::inRequest('ajax'); if ($is_ajax) { $title = cmsCore::request('title', 'str', ''); $published = cmsCore::request('published', 'int', 0); cmsCore::c('db')->query("UPDATE cms_modules SET title='". $title ."', published='". $published ."' WHERE id=". $id); if (cmsCore::inRequest('content')) { $content = cmsCore::c('db')->escape_string(cmsCore::request('content', 'html')); cmsCore::c('db')->query("UPDATE cms_modules SET content='". $content ."' WHERE id=". $id); } } if (cmsCore::inRequest('title_only')) { cmsCore::redirectBack(); } $xml_file = PATH .'/admin/modules/'. $module_name .'/backend.xml'; if (file_exists($xml_file)) { $cfg = array(); $backend = simplexml_load_file($xml_file); foreach ($backend->params->param as $param) { $name = (string)$param['name']; $type = (string)$param['type']; $default = (string)$param['default']; switch($param['type']) { case 'number': $value = cmsCore::request($name, 'int', $default); break; case 'string': $value = cmsCore::request($name, 'str', $default); break; case 'html': $value = cmsCore::badTagClear(cmsCore::request($name, 'html', $default)); break; case 'flag': $value = cmsCore::request($name, 'int', 0); break; case 'list': $value = (is_array($_POST[$name]) ? cmsCore::request($name, 'array_str', $default) : cmsCore::request($name, 'str', $default)); break; case 'list_function': $value = cmsCore::request($name, 'str', $default); break; case 'list_db': $value = (is_array($_POST[$name]) ? cmsCore::request($name, 'array_str', $default) : cmsCore::request($name, 'str', $default)); break; } $cfg[$name] = $value; } } $cfg['tpl'] = cmsCore::request('tpl', 'str', $module_name); $inCore->saveModuleConfig($id, $cfg); if (!$is_ajax) { cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_CONFIG_SAVE_SUCCESS'], 'success'); } cmsCore::redirectBack(); } if ($do == 'list') { $toolmenu = array( array( 'icon' => 'new.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_MODULE_ADD'], 'link' => '?view=modules&do=add' ), array( 'icon' => 'install.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_MODULES_SETUP'], 'link' => '?view=install&do=module' ), array( 'icon' => 'edit.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_EDIT_SELECTED'], 'link' => "javascript:checkSel('?view=modules&do=edit&multiple=1');" ), array( 'icon' => 'delete.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_DELETE_SELECTED'], 'link' => "javascript:checkSel('?view=modules&do=delete&multiple=1');" ), array( 'icon' => 'show.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_ALLOW_SELECTED'], 'link' => "javascript:checkSel('?view=modules&do=show&multiple=1');" ), array( 'icon' => 'hide.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_DISALLOW_SELECTED'], 'link' => "javascript:checkSel('?view=modules&do=hide&multiple=1');" ), array( 'icon' => 'autoorder.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_MODULE_ORDER'], 'link' => '?view=modules&do=autoorder' ), array( 'icon' => 'reorder.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_SAVE_ORDER'], 'link' => "javascript:checkSel('?view=modules&do=saveorder');" ), array( 'icon' => 'help.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_HELP'], 'link' => '?view=help&topic=modules' ) ); cpToolMenu($toolmenu); $fields = array( array( 'title' => 'id', 'field' => 'id', 'width' => '40' ), array( 'title' => $_LANG['AD_TITLE'], 'field' => array('title','titles'), 'width'=>'', 'link' => '?view=modules&do=edit&id=%id%', 'prc' => function ($i) { $i['titles'] = cmsCore::yamlToArray($i['titles']); // переопределяем название пункта меню в зависимости от языка if (!empty($i['titles'][cmsConfig::getConfig('lang')])) { $i['title'] = $i['titles'][cmsConfig::getConfig('lang')]; } return $i['title']; } ), array( 'title' => $_LANG['TITLE'], 'field' => 'name', 'width' => '220', 'filter' => '15' ), array( 'title' => $_LANG['AD_VERSION'], 'field' => 'version', 'width' => '70' ), array( 'title' => $_LANG['AD_AUTHOR'], 'field' => 'author', 'width' => '110' ), array( 'title' => $_LANG['SHOW'], 'field' => 'published', 'width' => '80' ), array( 'title' => $_LANG['AD_ORDER'], 'field' => 'ordering', 'width' => '100' ), array( 'title' => $_LANG['AD_POSITION'], 'field' => 'position', 'width' => '80', 'filter' => '10', 'filterlist' => cpGetList('positions') ) ); $actions = array( array( 'title' => $_LANG['AD_CONFIG'], 'icon' => 'config.gif', 'link' => '?view=modules&do=config&id=%id%', 'condition' => 'cpModuleHasConfig' ), array( 'title' => $_LANG['EDIT'], 'icon' => 'edit.gif', 'link' => '?view=modules&do=edit&id=%id%' ), array( 'title' => $_LANG['DELETE'], 'icon' => 'delete.gif', 'confirm' => $_LANG['AD_MODULE_DELETE'], 'link' => '?view=modules&do=delete&id=%id%' ) ); cpListTable('cms_modules', $fields, $actions, '', 'published DESC, position, ordering ASC'); } if ($do == 'autoorder'){ $rs = cmsCore::c('db')->query("SELECT id, position FROM cms_modules ORDER BY position") ; if (cmsCore::c('db')->num_rows($rs)) { $ord = 1; while ($item = cmsCore::c('db')->fetch_assoc($rs)) { if (isset($latest_pos)) { if ($latest_pos != $item['position']) { $ord = 1; } } cmsCore::c('db')->query("UPDATE cms_modules SET ordering = ". $ord ." WHERE id=". $item['id']) ; $ord += 1; $latest_pos = $item['position']; } } cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=modules'); } if ($do == 'move_up') { if ($id >= 0) { dbMoveUp('cms_modules', $id, $co); } cmsCore::redirectBack(); } if ($do == 'move_down') { if ($id >= 0) { dbMoveDown('cms_modules', $id, $co); } cmsCore::redirectBack(); } if ($do == 'saveorder') { if (isset($_REQUEST['ordering'])) { $ord = $_REQUEST['ordering']; $ids = $_REQUEST['ids']; foreach ($ord as $id=>$ordering) { cmsCore::c('db')->query("UPDATE cms_modules SET ordering = ". (int)$ordering ." WHERE id = ". (int)$ids[$id]); } cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=modules'); } } if ($do == 'show') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['item'])) { if ($id >= 0) { cmsCore::c('db')->setFlag('cms_modules', $id, 'published', '1'); } cmsCore::halt('1'); } else { cmsCore::c('db')->setFlags('cms_modules', $_REQUEST['item'], 'published', '1'); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } if ($do == 'hide') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['item'])) { if ($id >= 0) { cmsCore::c('db')->setFlag('cms_modules', $id, 'published', '0'); } cmsCore::halt('1'); } else { cmsCore::c('db')->setFlags('cms_modules', $_REQUEST['item'], 'published', '0'); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } if ($do == 'delete') { if (!cmsCore::inRequest('item')) { $inCore->removeModule($id); } else { $inCore->removeModule(cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int', array())); } cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_DO_SUCCESS'], 'success'); cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=modules'); } if ($do == 'update') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } $id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', 0); $mod = cmsCore::c('db')->get_fields('cms_modules', "id = ". $id ."", '*'); $module = array( 'name' => cmsCore::request('name', 'str', ''), 'title' => cmsCore::request('title', 'str', ''), 'titles' => cmsCore::arrayToYaml(cmsCore::request('titles', 'array_str', array())), 'position' => cmsCore::request('position', 'str', ''), 'showtitle' => cmsCore::request('showtitle', 'int', 0), 'published' => cmsCore::request('published', 'int', 0), 'css_prefix' => cmsCore::request('css_prefix', 'str', ''), 'is_strict_bind' => cmsCore::request('is_strict_bind', 'int', 0), 'is_strict_bind_hidden' => cmsCore::request('is_strict_bind_hidden', 'int', 0), 'template' => cmsCore::request('template', 'str', ''), 'cache' => cmsCore::request('cache', 'int', 0), 'cachetime' => cmsCore::request('cachetime', 'int', 0), 'cacheint' => cmsCore::request('cacheint', 'str', ''), 'access_list' => '', 'hidden_menu_ids' => '' ); if (!$mod['is_external']) { $module['content'] = cmsCore::c('db')->escape_string(cmsCore::request('content', 'html', '')); } $is_public = cmsCore::request('is_public', 'int', ''); if (!$is_public) { $module['access_list'] = cmsCore::arrayToYaml(cmsCore::request('allow_group', 'array_int', array())); } cmsCore::c('db')->update('cms_modules', $module, $id); cmsCore::c('db')->delete('cms_modules_bind', "module_id=". $id ." AND tpl='". cmsCore::c('config')->template ."'"); if (cmsCore::request('show_all', 'int', 0)) { cmsCore::c('db')->insert( 'cms_modules_bind', array( 'module_id' => $id, 'menu_id' => 0, 'position' => $module['position'], 'tpl' => cmsCore::c('config')->template ) ); $hidden_menu_ids = cmsCore::request('hidden_menu_ids', 'array_int', array()); if (!empty($hidden_menu_ids)) { $hidden_menu_ids = cmsCore::arrayToYaml($hidden_menu_ids); cmsCore::c('db')->query("UPDATE cms_modules SET hidden_menu_ids='". $hidden_menu_ids ."' WHERE id = '". $id ."' LIMIT 1"); } } else { $showin = cmsCore::request('showin', 'array_int', array()); $showpos = cmsCore::request('showpos', 'array_str', array()); if (count($showin) > 0) { foreach ($showin as $key => $value) { cmsCore::c('db')->insert( 'cms_modules_bind', array( 'module_id' => $id, 'menu_id' => $value, 'position' => $showpos[$value], 'tpl' => cmsCore::c('config')->template ) ); } } } cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_DO_SUCCESS'] , 'success'); if (!isset($_SESSION['editlist']) || count($_SESSION['editlist']) == 0) { cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=modules'); } else { cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=modules&do=edit'); } } if ($do == 'submit') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } $maxorder = cmsCore::c('db')->get_field('cms_menu', '1=1 ORDER BY ordering DESC', 'ordering') + 1; $name = cmsCore::request('name', 'str', ''); $title = cmsCore::request('title', 'str', ''); $titles = cmsCore::arrayToYaml(cmsCore::request('titles', 'array_str', array())); $position = cmsCore::request('position', 'str', ''); $showtitle = cmsCore::request('showtitle', 'int', 0); $content = cmsCore::c('db')->escape_string(cmsCore::request('content', 'html', '')); $published = cmsCore::request('published', 'int', 0); $css_prefix = cmsCore::request('css_prefix', 'str', ''); $is_public = cmsCore::request('is_public', 'int', ''); if (!$is_public) { $access_list = cmsCore::arrayToYaml(cmsCore::request('allow_group', 'array_int', array())); } $template = cmsCore::request('template', 'str', ''); $cache = cmsCore::request('cache', 'int', 0); $cachetime = cmsCore::request('cachetime', 'int', 0); $cacheint = cmsCore::request('cacheint', 'str', ''); $operate = cmsCore::request('operate', array('user', 'clone'), ''); $is_strict_bind = cmsCore::request('is_strict_bind', 'int', 0); $is_strict_bind_hidden = cmsCore::request('is_strict_bind_hidden', 'int', 0); if ($operate == 'user') { //USER MODULE $sql = "INSERT INTO cms_modules (position, name, title, titles, is_external, content, ordering, showtitle, published, user, original, css_prefix, access_list, template, is_strict_bind, is_strict_bind_hidden) VALUES ('". $position ."', '". $name ."', '". $title ."', '". $titles ."', 0, '". $content ."', '". $maxorder ."', '". $showtitle ."', '". $published ."', 1, 1, '". $css_prefix ."', '". $access_list ."', '". $template ."', '". $is_strict_bind ."', '". $is_strict_bind_hidden ."')"; cmsCore::c('db')->query($sql) ; } if ($operate == 'clone') { //DUPLICATE MODULE $mod_id = cmsCore::request('clone_id', 'int', 0); $sql = "SELECT * FROM cms_modules WHERE id = ". $mod_id ." LIMIT 1"; $result = cmsCore::c('db')->query($sql) ; $original = cmsCore::c('db')->escape_string(cmsCore::c('db')->fetch_assoc($result)); $is_original = cmsCore::request('del_orig', 'int', 0) ? 1 : 0; $sql = "INSERT INTO cms_modules (position, name, title, titles, is_external, content, ordering, showtitle, published, original, user, config, css_prefix, template, access_list, is_strict_bind, is_strict_bind_hidden, cache, cachetime, cacheint, version) VALUES ( '". $position ."', '". $original['name'] ."', '". $title ."', '". $titles ."', '". $original['is_external'] ."', '". $original['content'] ."', '". $maxorder ."', '". $showtitle ."', '". $published ."', '". $is_original ."', '". $original['user'] ."', '". $original['config'] ."', '". $css_prefix ."', '". $template ."', '". $access_list ."', '". $is_strict_bind ."', '". $is_strict_bind_hidden ."', '". $cache ."', '". $cachetime ."', '". $cacheint ."', '". $original['version'] ."' )"; cmsCore::c('db')->query($sql); if (cmsCore::request('del_orig', 'int', 0)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM cms_modules WHERE id = ". $mod_id; cmsCore::c('db')->query($sql) ; } } $lastid = cmsCore::c('db')->get_last_id('cms_modules'); if (cmsCore::request('show_all', 'int', 0)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO cms_modules_bind (module_id, menu_id, position, tpl) VALUES (". $lastid .", 0, '". $position ."', '". cmsCore::c('config')->template ."')"; cmsCore::c('db')->query($sql) ; $hidden_menu_ids = cmsCore::request('hidden_menu_ids', 'array_int', array()); if ($hidden_menu_ids) { $hidden_menu_ids = cmsCore::arrayToYaml($hidden_menu_ids); cmsCore::c('db')->query("UPDATE cms_modules SET hidden_menu_ids='". $hidden_menu_ids ."' WHERE id = '". $lastid ."' LIMIT 1"); } } else { $showin = cmsCore::request('showin', 'array', array()); $showpos = cmsCore::request('showpos', 'array', array()); if (count($showin) > 0) { foreach ($showin as $key=>$value) { $sql = "INSERT INTO cms_modules_bind (module_id, menu_id, position, tpl) VALUES (". $lastid .", ". $value .", '". $showpos[$value] ."', '". cmsCore::c('config')->template ."')"; cmsCore::c('db')->query($sql) ; } } } cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_MODULE_ADD_SITE'] , 'success'); cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=modules'); } if ($do == 'add' || $do == 'edit') { $langs = cmsCore::getDirsList('/languages'); if ($do == 'add') { cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_MODULE_ADD']); echo '<h3>'. $_LANG['AD_MODULE_ADD'] .'</h3>'; $show_all = false; } else { if (cmsCore::inRequest('multiple')) { if (cmsCore::inRequest('item')) { $_SESSION['editlist'] = cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int', array()); } else { cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_NO_SELECT_OBJECTS'], 'error'); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } $ostatok = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['editlist'])) { $item_id = array_shift($_SESSION['editlist']); if (count($_SESSION['editlist'])==0) { unset($_SESSION['editlist']); } else { $ostatok = '('. $_LANG['AD_NEXT_IN'] . count($_SESSION['editlist']) .')'; } } else { $item_id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', 0); } $mod = cmsCore::c('db')->get_fields('cms_modules', "id = '". $item_id ."'", '*'); if (!$mod) { cmsCore::error404(); } $mod['hidden_menu_ids'] = cmsCore::yamlToArray($mod['hidden_menu_ids']); $mod['titles'] = cmsCore::yamlToArray($mod['titles']); $show_all = false; $default_position = cmsCore::c('db')->get_field('cms_modules_bind', "module_id='". $mod['id'] ."' AND menu_id=0 AND tpl='". cmsCore::c('config')->template ."'", 'position'); if (!empty($default_position)) { $show_all = true; $mod['position'] = $default_position; } echo '<h3>'. $_LANG['AD_EDIT_MODULE'] . $ostatok .'</h3>'; cpAddPathway($mod['name']); } $toolmenu[] = array( 'icon' => 'save.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['SAVE'], 'link' => 'javascript:document.addform.submit();' ); $toolmenu[] = array( 'icon' => 'cancel.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['CANCEL'], 'link' => 'javascript:history.go(-1);' ); if (cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'is_external')) { $php_file = 'modules/'. $mod['content'] .'/backend.php'; $xml_file = 'modules/'. $mod['content'] .'/backend.xml'; if (file_exists($php_file) || file_exists($xml_file)) { $toolmenu[] = array( 'icon' => 'config.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['CONFIG_MODULE'], 'link' => '?view=modules&do=config&id='. $mod['id'] ); } } cpToolMenu($toolmenu); ?> <form id="addform" name="addform" method="post" action="index.php"> <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?php echo cmsUser::getCsrfToken(); ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="modules" /> <table class="table"> <tr><td> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_TITLE']; ?> (<input type="checkbox" class="uittip" title="<?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_TITLE'];?>" name="showtitle" <?php if ($mod['showtitle'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> value="1" />)</label> <input type="text" id="title" class="form-control" style="width:100%" name="title" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['title']);?>" /> <div class="help-block"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_IN_SITE']; ?></div> </div> <?php if (count($langs) > 1) { ?> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_LANG_TITLES']; ?></label> <?php foreach ($langs as $lang) { ?> <div> <strong><?php echo $lang; ?>:</strong> <input name="titles[<?php echo $lang; ?>]" type="text" style="width:97%" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['titles'][$lang]); ?>" placeholder="<?php echo $_LANG['AD_HINT_DEFAULT']; ?>" /> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="help-block"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_LANG_TITLES_HINT']; ?></div> <?php } ?> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_NAME']; ?></label> <?php if (!isset($mod['user']) || @$mod['user'] == 1) { ?> <input type="text" id="name" class="form-control" style="width:99%" name="name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['name']);?>" /> <?php } else { ?> <input type="text" id="name" class="form-control" style="width:99%" name="" value="<?php echo @$mod['name'];?>" disabled="disabled" /> <input type="hidden" name="name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['name']);?>" /> <?php } ?> <div class="help-block"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_SHOW_ADMIN']; ?></div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PREFIX_CSS']; ?></label> <input type="text" id="css_prefix" class="form-control" style="width:154px" name="css_prefix" value="<?php echo @$mod['css_prefix'];?>" /> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_DEFOLT_VIEW']; ?></label> <?php $pos = cpModulePositions(cmsConfig::getConfig('template')); ?> <select id="position" class="form-control" style="width:100%" name="position"> <?php if ($pos){ foreach($pos as $key=>$position) { if (@$mod['position']==$position) { echo '<option value="'.$position.'" selected>'.$position.'</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="'.$position.'">'.$position.'</option>'; } } } ?> </select> <div class="help-block"> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_POSITION_MUST_BE']; ?> <?php if (file_exists(PATH .'/templates/'. cmsCore::c('config')->template .'/positions.jpg')) { ?> <a href="#myModal" role="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-default" data-toggle="modal"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_SEE_VISUALLY']; ?></a> <div class="modal fade" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_TPL_POS']; ?></h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <img src="/templates/<?php echo cmsCore::c('config')->template; ?>/positions.jpg" alt="<?php echo $_LANG['AD_TPL_POS']; ?>" style="width:100%;height:auto;" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_TEMPLATE']; ?></label> <?php $tpls = cmsAdmin::getModuleTemplates(); ?> <select id="template" class="form-control" style="width:100%" name="template"> <?php foreach ($tpls as $tpl) { $selected = ($mod['template'] == $tpl || (!$mod['template'] && $tpl == 'module' )) ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; echo '<option value="'. $tpl .'" '. $selected .'>'. $tpl .'</option>'; } ?> </select> <div class="help-block"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_FOLDER_MODULES'];?></div> </div> <?php if ($do == 'add') { ?> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_TYPE']; ?></label> <select id="operate" class="form-control" style="width:100%" name="operate" onchange="checkDiv()" > <option value="user" selected="selected"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_TYPE_NEW'];?></option> <option value="clone"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_TYPE_COPY'];?></option> </select> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (!isset($mod['user']) || $mod['user'] == 1 || $do == 'add') { ?> <div id="user_div" class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_CONTENT']; ?></label> <div><?php insertPanel(); ?></div> <div><?php $inCore->insertEditor('content', $mod['content'], '250', '100%'); ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="clone_div" class="form-group" style="display:none;"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_COPY']; ?></label> <select id="clone_id" class="form-control" style="width:100%" name="clone_id"> <?php echo $inCore->getListItems('cms_modules'); ?> </select> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="del_orig" value="1" /> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_ORIGINAL_MODULE_DELETE'];?> </label> </div> </div> </div> </td> <!-- боковая ячейка --> <td width="400" valign="top"> <div class="uitabs"> <ul id="tabs"> <li><a href="#upr_publish"><span><?php echo $_LANG['AD_TAB_PUBLISH']; ?></span></a></li> <?php if ((($mod['is_external'] && $do == 'edit') || $do == 'add') && cmsCore::c('config')->cache) { ?> <li><a href="#upr_cache"><span><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_CACHE']; ?></span></a></li> <?php } ?> <li><a href="#upr_access"><span><?php echo $_LANG['AD_TAB_ACCESS']; ?></span></a></li> </ul> <div id="upr_publish"> <div class="form-group"> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="published" id="published" value="1" <?php if ($mod['published'] || $do=='add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_PUBLIC'];?> </label> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label> <input name="show_all" id="show_all" type="checkbox" value="1" onclick="checkGroupList()" <?php if ($show_all) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_ALL_PAGES'];?> </label> </div> <?php if ($do == 'edit') { $bind_sql = "SELECT * FROM cms_modules_bind WHERE module_id = ". $mod['id'] ." AND tpl = '". cmsConfig::getConfig('template') ."'"; $bind_res = cmsCore::c('db')->query($bind_sql); $bind = array(); $bind_pos = array(); while ($r = cmsCore::c('db')->fetch_assoc($bind_res)) { $bind[] = $r['menu_id']; $bind_pos[$r['menu_id']] = $r['position']; } } $menu_sql = "SELECT * FROM cms_menu ORDER BY NSLeft, ordering"; $menu_res = cmsCore::c('db')->query($menu_sql) ; $menu_items = array(); if (cmsCore::c('db')->num_rows($menu_res)) { while ($item = cmsCore::c('db')->fetch_assoc($menu_res)) { if ($do == 'edit') { if (in_array($item['id'], $bind)) { $item['selected'] = true; $item['position'] = $bind_pos[$item['id']]; } } $item['titles'] = cmsCore::yamlToArray($item['titles']); // переопределяем название пункта меню в зависимости от языка if (!empty($item['titles'][cmsCore::c('config')->lang])) { $item['title'] = $item['titles'][cmsCore::c('config')->lang]; } $item['title'] = str_replace($_LANG['AD_ROOT_PAGES'], $_LANG['AD_MAIN'], $item['title']); $menu_items[] = $item; } } ?> <div id="grp" class="form-group"> <label> <span class="show_list"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_WHERE_MODULE_VIEW'];?></span> <span class="hide_list"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_WHERE_MODULE_NOT_VIEW'];?></span> </label> <div style="height:400px;overflow: auto;border: solid 1px #999; padding:5px 10px; background: #FFF;"> <table class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2" height="25"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MENU'];?></strong></td> <td class="show_list" align="center" width="50"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_POSITION'];?></strong></td> </tr> <?php foreach($menu_items as $i) { ?> <tr class="show_list"> <td width="20" height="25"> <input type="checkbox" name="showin[]" id="mid<?php echo $i['id']; ?>" value="<?php echo $i['id']; ?>" <?php if ($i['selected']){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?> onclick="$('#p<?php echo $i['id']; ?>').toggle()"/> </td> <td style="padding-left:<?php echo ($i['NSLevel'])*6-6; ?>px"><label for="mid<?php echo $i['id']; ?>"><?php echo $i['title']; ?></label></td> <td align="center"> <select id="p<?php echo $i['id']; ?>" name="showpos[<?php echo $i['id']; ?>]" style="<?php if (!$i['selected']) { ?>display:none<?php } ?>"> <?php foreach($pos as $position){ ?> <option value="<?php echo $position; ?>" <?php if ($i['position']==$position){ ?>selected="selected"<?php } ?>><?php echo $position; ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php foreach($menu_items as $it) { ?> <tr class="hide_list"> <td width="20" height="25"> <input type="checkbox" name="hidden_menu_ids[]" id="hmid<?php echo $it['id']; ?>" value="<?php echo $it['id']; ?>" <?php if (in_array($it['id'], $mod['hidden_menu_ids'])){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?> /> </td> <td style="padding-left:<?php echo ($it['NSLevel'])*6-6; ?>px"><label for="hmid<?php echo $it['id']; ?>"><?php echo $it['title']; ?></label></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </div> <label class="show_list"> <input type="checkbox" name="is_strict_bind" id="is_strict_bind" value="1" <?php if ($mod['is_strict_bind']) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_DONT_VIEW']; ?> </label> <label class="hide_list"> <input type="checkbox" name="is_strict_bind_hidden" id="is_strict_bind_hidden" value="1" <?php if ($mod['is_strict_bind_hidden']) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_EXCEPT_NESTED']; ?> </label> </div> </div> <?php if ((($mod['is_external'] && $do == 'edit') || $do == 'add') && cmsCore::c('config')->cache) { ?> <div id="upr_cache"> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_DO_MODULE_CACHE']; ?></label> <select id="cache" class="form-control" style="width:100%" name="cache"> <option value="0" <?php if (!cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'cache')) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>><?php echo $_LANG['NO']; ?></option> <option value="1" <?php if (cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'cache')) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>><?php echo $_LANG['YES']; ?></option> </select> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MODULE_CACHE_PERIOD']; ?></label> <table class="table"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="100"> <input id="int_1" class="form-control" style="width:99%" name="cachetime" type="text" value="<?php echo cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'cachetime', 0); ?>"/> </td> <td valign="top" style="padding-left:5px"> <select id="int_2" class="form-control" style="width:100%" name="cacheint"> <option value="MINUTE" <?php if(mb_strstr(cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'cacheint', 'MINUTES'), 'MINUTE')) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>><?php echo cmsCore::spellCount(cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'cachetime', 0), $_LANG['MINUTE1'], $_LANG['MINUTE2'], $_LANG['MINUTE10'], false); ?></option> <option value="HOUR" <?php if(mb_strstr(cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'cacheint', 'MINUTES'), 'HOUR')) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>><?php echo cmsCore::spellCount(cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'cachetime', 0), $_LANG['HOUR1'], $_LANG['HOUR2'], $_LANG['HOUR10'], false); ?></option> <option value="DAY" <?php if(mb_strstr(cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'cacheint', 'MINUTES'), 'DAY')) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>><?php echo cmsCore::spellCount(cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'cachetime', 0), $_LANG['DAY1'], $_LANG['DAY2'], $_LANG['DAY10'], false); ?></option> <option value="MONTH" <?php if(mb_strstr(cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'cacheint', 'MINUTES'), 'MONTH')) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>><?php echo cmsCore::spellCount(cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'cachetime', 0), $_LANG['MONTH1'], $_LANG['MONTH2'], $_LANG['MONTH10'], false); ?></option> </select> </td> </tr> </table> <div style="margin-top:15px"> <?php if ($do == 'edit') { $cache = cmsCore::c('cache')->get('modules', $mod['id'], $mod['content'], array(cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'cachetime', 1), cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'cacheint', 'MINUTES'))); if (!empty($cache)){ $kb = round(mb_strlen($cache)/1024, 2); unset($cache); echo '<a href="index.php?view=cache&component=modules&target='. $mod['content'] .'&target_id='. $mod['id'] .'">'. $_LANG['AD_MODULE_CACHE_DELETE'] .'</a> ('. $kb . $_LANG['SIZE_KB'] .')'; } else { echo '<span style="color:gray">'. $_LANG['AD_NO_CACHE'] .'</span>'; } } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="upr_access"> <div class="form-group"> <?php $groups = cmsUser::getGroups(); $style = 'disabled="disabled"'; $public = 'checked="checked"'; if ($do == 'edit') { if ($mod['access_list']) { $public = ''; $style = ''; $access_list = $inCore->yamlToArray($mod['access_list']); } } ?> <label> <input name="is_public" type="checkbox" id="is_public" onclick="checkAccesList()" value="1" <?php echo $public; ?> /> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_SHARE']; ?> </label> <div class="help-block"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_IF_CHECKED']; ?></div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_GROUPS_VIEW']; ?></label> <?php echo '<select style="width: 99%" name="allow_group[]" id="allow_group" size="6" multiple="multiple" '.$style.'>'; if ($groups) { foreach($groups as $group) { echo '<option value="'.$group['id'].'"'; if ($do == 'edit' && $mod['access_list']) { if (in_array($group['id'], $access_list)) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } } echo '>'; echo $group['title'].'</option>'; } } echo '</select>'; ?> <div class="help-block"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_SELECT_MULTIPLE_CTRL']; ?></div> </div> </div> </div> </td></tr> </table> <p> <input type="submit" id="add_mod" class="btn btn-primary" name="add_mod" value="<?php echo $_LANG['SAVE']; ?>" /> <input type="button" id="back" class="btn btn-default" name="back" value="<?php echo $_LANG['CANCEL']; ?>" onclick="window.history.back();" /> <input type="hidden" id="do" name="do" <?php if ($do == 'add') { echo 'value="submit"'; } else { echo 'value="update"'; } ?> /> <?php if ($do == 'edit') { echo '<input name="id" type="hidden" value="'. $mod['id'] .'" />'; } ?> </p> </form> <?php } }
function applet_content() { $inCore = cmsCore::getInstance(); cmsCore::m('content'); global $_LANG; //check access global $adminAccess; if (!cmsUser::isAdminCan('admin/content', $adminAccess)) { cpAccessDenied(); } $cfg = $inCore->loadComponentConfig('content'); cmsCore::c('page')->setTitle($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES']); cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES'], 'index.php?view=tree'); $do = cmsCore::request('do', 'str', 'add'); $id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', -1); if ($do == 'arhive_on') { cmsCore::c('db')->setFlag('cms_content', $id, 'is_arhive', '1'); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES_TO_ARHIVE'], 'success'); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } if ($do == 'move') { $item_id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', 0); $cat_id = cmsCore::request('cat_id', 'int', 0); $dir = cmsCore::request('dir', 'str'); $step = 1; cmsCore::m('content')->moveItem($item_id, $cat_id, $dir, $step); cmsCore::halt(1); } if ($do == 'move_to_cat') { $items = cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int'); $to_cat_id = cmsCore::request('obj_id', 'int', 0); if ($items && $to_cat_id) { $last_ordering = (int)cmsCore::c('db')->get_field('cms_content', "category_id = '". $to_cat_id ."' ORDER BY ordering DESC", 'ordering'); foreach ($items as $item_id) { $article = cmsCore::m('content')->getArticle($item_id); if (!$article) { continue; } $last_ordering++; cmsCore::m('content')->updateArticle( $article['id'], array( 'category_id' => $to_cat_id, 'ordering' => $last_ordering, 'url' => $article['url'], 'title' => cmsCore::c('db')->escape_string($article['title']), 'id' => $article['id'], 'user_id' => $article['user_id'] ) ); } cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES_TO'], 'success'); } cmsCore::redirect('?view=tree&cat_id='. $to_cat_id); } if ($do == 'show') { if (!cmsCore::inRequest('item')) { if ($id >= 0) { cmsCore::c('db')->setFlag('cms_content', $id, 'published', '1'); } cmsCore::halt('1'); } else { cmsCore::c('db')->setFlags('cms_content', cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int'), 'published', '1'); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } if ($do == 'hide') { if (!cmsCore::inRequest('item')) { if ($id >= 0) { cmsCore::c('db')->setFlag('cms_content', $id, 'published', '0'); } cmsCore::halt('1'); } else { cmsCore::c('db')->setFlags('cms_content', cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int'), 'published', '0'); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } if ($do == 'delete') { if (!cmsCore::inRequest('item')) { if ($id >= 0) { cmsCore::m('content')->deleteArticle($id); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_REMOVE'], 'success'); } } else { cmsCore::m('content')->deleteArticles(cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int')); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES_REMOVE'], 'success'); } cmsCore::redirectBack(); } if ($do == 'update'){ if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } if (cmsCore::inRequest('id')) { $id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', 0); $article['category_id'] = cmsCore::request('category_id', 'int', 1); $article['title'] = cmsCore::request('title', 'str'); $article['url'] = cmsCore::request('url', 'str'); $article['showtitle'] = cmsCore::request('showtitle', 'int', 0); $article['description'] = cmsCore::request('description', 'html', ''); $article['description'] = cmsCore::c('db')->escape_string($article['description']); $article['content'] = cmsCore::request('content', 'html', ''); $article['content'] = cmsCore::c('db')->escape_string($article['content']); $article['published'] = cmsCore::request('published', 'int', 0); $article['showdate'] = cmsCore::request('showdate', 'int', 0); $article['showlatest'] = cmsCore::request('showlatest', 'int', 0); $article['showpath'] = cmsCore::request('showpath', 'int', 0); $article['comments'] = cmsCore::request('comments', 'int', 0); $article['canrate'] = cmsCore::request('canrate', 'int', 0); $enddate = explode('.', cmsCore::request('enddate', 'str')); $article['enddate'] = $enddate[2] .'-'. $enddate[1] .'-'. $enddate[0]; $article['is_end'] = cmsCore::request('is_end', 'int', 0); $article['pagetitle'] = cmsCore::request('pagetitle', 'str', ''); $article['tags'] = cmsCore::request('tags', 'str'); $olddate = cmsCore::request('olddate', 'str', ''); $pubdate = cmsCore::request('pubdate', 'str', ''); $article['user_id'] = cmsCore::request('user_id', 'int', cmsCore::c('user')->id); $article['tpl'] = cmsCore::request('tpl', 'str', 'com_content_read'); if ($olddate != $pubdate) { $date = explode('.', $pubdate); $article['pubdate'] = $date[2] .'-'. $date[1] .'-'. $date[0] .' '. date('H:i'); } $autokeys = cmsCore::request('autokeys', 'int'); switch($autokeys){ case 1: $article['meta_keys'] = $inCore->getKeywords($article['content']); $article['meta_desc'] = $article['title']; break; case 2: $article['meta_desc'] = strip_tags($article['description']); $article['meta_keys'] = $article['tags']; break; case 3: $article['meta_desc'] = cmsCore::request('meta_desc', 'str'); $article['meta_keys'] = cmsCore::request('meta_keys', 'str'); break; } cmsCore::m('content')->updateArticle($id, $article); if (!cmsCore::request('is_public', 'int', 0)) { $showfor = cmsCore::request('showfor', 'array_int', array()); cmsCore::setAccess($id, $showfor, 'material'); } else { cmsCore::clearAccess($id, 'material'); } cmsCore::m('content')->uploadArticeImage($id, cmsCore::request('delete_image', 'int', 0)); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_SAVE'], 'success'); if (!isset($_SESSION['editlist']) || count($_SESSION['editlist']) == 0) { cmsCore::redirect('?view=tree&cat_id='.$article['category_id']); } else { cmsCore::redirect('?view=content&do=edit'); } } } if ($do == 'submit') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } $article['category_id'] = cmsCore::request('category_id', 'int', 1); $article['title'] = cmsCore::request('title', 'str'); $article['url'] = cmsCore::request('url', 'str'); $article['showtitle'] = cmsCore::request('showtitle', 'int', 0); $article['description'] = cmsCore::request('description', 'html', ''); $article['description'] = cmsCore::c('db')->escape_string($article['description']); $article['content'] = cmsCore::request('content', 'html', ''); $article['content'] = cmsCore::c('db')->escape_string($article['content']); $article['published'] = cmsCore::request('published', 'int', 0); $article['showdate'] = cmsCore::request('showdate', 'int', 0); $article['showlatest'] = cmsCore::request('showlatest', 'int', 0); $article['showpath'] = cmsCore::request('showpath', 'int', 0); $article['comments'] = cmsCore::request('comments', 'int', 0); $article['canrate'] = cmsCore::request('canrate', 'int', 0); $enddate = explode('.', cmsCore::request('enddate', 'str')); $article['enddate'] = $enddate[2] .'-'. $enddate[1] .'-'. $enddate[0]; $article['is_end'] = cmsCore::request('is_end', 'int', 0); $article['pagetitle'] = cmsCore::request('pagetitle', 'str', ''); $article['tags'] = cmsCore::request('tags', 'str'); $article['pubdate'] = cmsCore::request('pubdate', 'str'); $date = explode('.', $article['pubdate']); $article['pubdate'] = $date[2] .'-'. $date[1] .'-'. $date[0] .' '. date('H:i'); $article['user_id'] = cmsCore::request('user_id', 'int', cmsCore::c('user')->id); $article['tpl'] = cmsCore::request('tpl', 'str', 'com_content_read'); $autokeys = cmsCore::request('autokeys', 'int'); switch ($autokeys) { case 1: $article['meta_keys'] = $inCore->getKeywords($article['content']); $article['meta_desc'] = $article['title']; break; case 2: $article['meta_desc'] = strip_tags($article['description']); $article['meta_keys'] = $article['tags']; break; case 3: $article['meta_desc'] = cmsCore::request('meta_desc', 'str'); $article['meta_keys'] = cmsCore::request('meta_keys', 'str'); break; } $article['id'] = cmsCore::m('content')->addArticle($article); if (!cmsCore::request('is_public', 'int', 0)) { $showfor = cmsCore::request('showfor', 'array_int', array()); cmsCore::setAccess($article['id'], $showfor, 'material'); } $inmenu = cmsCore::request('createmenu', 'str', ''); if ($inmenu) { createMenuItem($inmenu, $article['id'], $article['title']); } cmsCore::m('content')->uploadArticeImage($article['id']); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_ADD'], 'success'); cmsCore::redirect('?view=tree&cat_id='. $article['category_id']); } if ($do == 'add' || $do == 'edit') { $toolmenu = array( array( 'icon' => 'save.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['SAVE'], 'link' => 'javascript:document.addform.submit();' ), array( 'icon' => 'cancel.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['CANCEL'], 'link' => 'javascript:history.go(-1);' ) ); cpToolMenu($toolmenu); $menu_list = cpGetList('menu'); if ($do == 'add') { echo '<h3>'. $_LANG['AD_CREATE_ARTICLE'] .'</h3>'; cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_CREATE_ARTICLE'], 'index.php?view=content&do=add'); $mod = array( 'category_id' => cmsCore::request('to', 'int'), 'showpath' => 1, 'tpl' => 'com_content_read' ); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['item'])){ $_SESSION['editlist'] = $_REQUEST['item']; } $ostatok = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['editlist'])) { $id = array_shift($_SESSION['editlist']); if (count($_SESSION['editlist'])==0) { unset($_SESSION['editlist']); } else { $ostatok = '('. $_LANG['AD_NEXT_IN'] . count($_SESSION['editlist']) .')'; } } else { $id = (int)$_REQUEST['id']; } $sql = "SELECT *, (TO_DAYS(enddate) - TO_DAYS(CURDATE())) as daysleft, DATE_FORMAT(pubdate, '%d.%m.%Y') as pubdate, DATE_FORMAT(enddate, '%d.%m.%Y') as enddate FROM cms_content WHERE id = ". $id ." LIMIT 1"; $result = cmsCore::c('db')->query($sql) ; if (cmsCore::c('db')->num_rows($result)) { $mod = cmsCore::c('db')->fetch_assoc($result); if (!empty($mod['images'])) { $mod['images'] = json_decode($mod['images'], true); } } echo '<h3>'. $_LANG['AD_EDIT_ARTICLE'] . $ostatok .'</h3>'; cpAddPathway($mod['title'], 'index.php?view=content&do=edit&id='. $mod['id']); } $ajaxUploader = cmsCore::c('page')->initAjaxUpload( 'plupload', array( 'component' => 'content', 'target_id' => cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'id', 0), 'insertEditor' => 'content' ), cmsCore::getArrVal($mod, 'images', false) ); $tab_plugins = cmsCore::callTabEventPlugins('ADMIN_CONTENT_TABS', !empty($mod['id']) ? $mod : array()); ?> <form id="addform" name="addform" method="post" action="index.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?php echo cmsUser::getCsrfToken(); ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="content" /> <table class="table"> <tr> <!-- главная ячейка --> <td valign="top"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" border="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_NAME']; ?></label> <div> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td><input type="text" class="form-control" name="title" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['title']);?>" /></td> <td style="width:15px;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;"> <input type="checkbox" class="uittip" title="<?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_TITLE']; ?>" name="showtitle" <?php if ($mod['showtitle'] || $do=='add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> value="1"> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> <td width="130" valign="top"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PUBLIC_DATE']; ?></label> <div> <input type="text" id="pubdate" class="form-control" name="pubdate" style="width:100px;display: inline-block" <?php if(@!$mod['pubdate']) { echo 'value="'.date('d.m.Y').'"'; } else { echo 'value="'.$mod['pubdate'].'"'; } ?>/> <input type="hidden" name="olddate" value="<?php echo @$mod['pubdate']?>" /> </div> </td> <td width="16" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom:10px"> <input type="checkbox" id="showdate" class="uittip" name="showdate" title="<?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_DATE_AND_AUTHOR']; ?>" value="1" <?php if ($mod['showdate'] || $do=='add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?>/> </td> <td width="160" valign="top"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_TEMPLATE']; ?></label> <div><input type="text" class="form-control" style="width:160px" name="tpl" value="<?php echo @$mod['tpl'];?>"></div> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_NOTICE']; ?></label> <div><?php $inCore->insertEditor('description', $mod['description'], '200', '100%'); ?></div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_TEXT']; ?></label> <?php insertPanel(); ?> <div><?php $inCore->insertEditor('content', $mod['content'], '400', '100%'); ?></div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_TAGS']; ?></label> <input type="text" id="tags" class="form-control" name="tags" value="<?php if (isset($mod['id'])) { echo cmsTagLine('content', $mod['id'], false); } ?>" /> </div> <div> <label> <input type="radio" name="autokeys" <?php if ($do == 'add' && $cfg['autokeys']) { ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?> value="1"/> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_AUTO_GEN_KEY']; ?> </label> </div> <div> <label> <input type="radio" name="autokeys" value="2" /> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_TAGS_AS_KEY']; ?> </label> </div> <div> <label> <input type="radio" name="autokeys" id="autokeys3" value="3" <?php if ($do == 'edit' || !$cfg['autokeys']) { ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_MANUAL_KEY']; ?> </label> </div> <?php if ($cfg['af_on'] && $do=='add') { ?> <div> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="noforum" id="noforum" value="1" /> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_NO_CREATE_THEME']; ?> </label> </div> <?php } ?> </td> <!-- боковая ячейка --> <td valign="top" style="width:450px"> <div class="uitabs"> <ul id="tabs"> <li><a href="#upr_publish"><span><?php echo $_LANG['AD_TAB_PUBLISH']; ?></span></a></li> <li><a href="#upr_restrictions"><span><?php echo $_LANG['AD_RESTRICTIONS']; ?></span></a></li> <li><a href="#upr_photos"><span><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PHOTOS']; ?></span></a></li> <?php if (!empty($tab_plugins)){ foreach ($tab_plugins as $tab_plugin){ ?> <li><a href="<?php if ($tab_plugin['ajax_link']){ echo $tab_plugin['ajax_link']; }else{ echo '#upr_'. $tab_plugin['name']; } ?>" title="<?php echo $tab_plugin['name']; ?>"><span><?php echo $tab_plugin['title']; ?></span></a></li> <?php }} ?> </ul> <div id="upr_publish"> <div class="form-group"> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="published" id="published" value="1" <?php if ($mod['published'] || $do=='add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_PUBLIC_ARTICLE']; ?> </label> </div> <div class="form-group"> <select id="category_id" class="form-control" style="height:200px" name="category_id" size="10"> <option value="1" <?php if (@$mod['category_id']==1 || !isset($mod['category_id'])) { echo 'selected="selected"'; }?>><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ROOT_CATEGORY'] ; ?></option> <?php if (isset($mod['category_id'])){ echo $inCore->getListItemsNS('cms_category', $mod['category_id']); } else { echo $inCore->getListItemsNS('cms_category'); } ?> </select> <select id="showpath" name="showpath" class="form-control"> <option value="0" <?php if (@!$mod['showpath']) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PATHWAY_NAME_ONLY']; ?></option> <option value="1" <?php if (@$mod['showpath']) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PATHWAY_FULL']; ?></option> </select> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_URL']; ?></label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="url" value="<?php echo $mod['url']; ?>" /> <div class="help-block"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_IF_UNKNOWN_PAGETITLE']; ?></div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_AUTHOR']; ?></label> <select id="user_id" class="form-control" name="user_id"> <?php if (isset($mod['user_id'])) { echo $inCore->getListItems('cms_users', $mod['user_id'], 'nickname', 'ASC', 'is_deleted=0 AND is_locked=0', 'id', 'nickname'); } else { echo $inCore->getListItems('cms_users', cmsCore::c('user')->id, 'nickname', 'ASC', 'is_deleted=0 AND is_locked=0', 'id', 'nickname'); } ?> </select> </div> <h4><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PUBLIC_PARAMETRS']; ?></h4> <div class="form-group"> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="showlatest" value="1" <?php if ($mod['showlatest'] || $do=='add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_NEW_ARTICLES']; ?> </label> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="comments" value="1" <?php if ($mod['comments'] || $do=='add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_ENABLE_COMMENTS']; ?> </label> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="canrate" value="1" <?php if ($mod['canrate']) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_ENABLE_RATING']; ?> </label> </div> <h4>SEO</h4> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PAGE_TITLE']; ?></label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="pagetitle" value="<?php if (isset($mod['pagetitle'])) { echo htmlspecialchars($mod['pagetitle']); } ?>" /> <div class="help-block"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_IF_UNKNOWN']; ?></div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['KEYWORDS']; ?></label> <textarea class="form-control" name="meta_keys" rows="4"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['meta_keys']);?></textarea> <div class="help-block"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_FROM_COMMA']; ?></div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['DESCRIPTION']; ?></label> <textarea class="form-control" name="meta_desc" rows="6"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['meta_desc']);?></textarea> <div class="help-block"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_LESS_THAN']; ?></div> </div> <?php if ($do=='add'){ ?> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_CREATE_LINK']; ?></label> <select class="form-control" name="createmenu"> <option value="0" selected="selected"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_DONT_CREATE_LINK']; ?></option> <?php foreach ($menu_list as $menu) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $menu['id']; ?>"> <?php echo $menu['title']; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div id="upr_restrictions"> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_TIME']; ?></label> <select class="form-control" name="is_end" onchange="if($(this).val() == 1){ $('#final_time').show(); }else {$('#final_time').hide();}"> <option value="0" <?php if (@!$mod['is_end']) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>><?php echo $_LANG['AD_UNLIMITED']; ?></option> <option value="1" <?php if (@$mod['is_end']) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>><?php echo $_LANG['AD_TO_FINAL_TIME']; ?></option> </select> </div> <div id="final_time" class="form-group" <?php if (@!$mod['is_end']) { echo 'style="display: none"'; } ?>> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_FINAL_TIME']; ?></label> <input type="text" id="enddate" class="form-control" name="enddate" <?php if(@!$mod['is_end']) { echo 'value="'.date('d.m.Y').'"'; } else { echo 'value="'. $mod['enddate'] .'"'; } ?> /> <div class="help-block"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_CALENDAR_FORMAT']; ?></div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM cms_user_groups"; $result = cmsCore::c('db')->query($sql) ; $style = 'disabled="disabled"'; $public = 'checked="checked"'; if ($do == 'edit') { $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM cms_content_access WHERE content_id = ".$mod['id']." AND content_type = 'material'"; $result2 = cmsCore::c('db')->query($sql2); $ord = array(); if (cmsCore::c('db')->num_rows($result2)){ $public = ''; $style = ''; while ($r = cmsCore::c('db')->fetch_assoc($result2)){ $ord[] = $r['group_id']; } } } ?> <label> <input name="is_public" type="checkbox" id="is_public" onclick="checkGroupList()" value="1" <?php echo $public?> /> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_SHARE']; ?> </label> <div class="help-block"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_IF_NOTED']; ?></div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_GROUPS_VIEW']; ?></label> <?php echo '<select id="showin" class="form-control" name="showfor[]" size="6" multiple="multiple" '.$style.'>'; if (cmsCore::c('db')->num_rows($result)){ while ($item = cmsCore::c('db')->fetch_assoc($result)){ echo '<option value="'.$item['id'].'"'; if ($do=='edit'){ if (in_array($item['id'], $ord)){ echo 'selected="selected"'; } } echo '>'; echo $item['title'].'</option>'; } } echo '</select>'; ?> <div class="help-block"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_SELECT_MULTIPLE_CTRL']; ?></div> </div> </div> <div id="upr_photos"> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PHOTO']; ?></label> <?php if ($do == 'edit' && file_exists(PATH.'/images/photos/small/article'. $mod['id'] .'.jpg')){ ?> <div style="margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;padding:10px;border:solid 1px gray;text-align:center"> <img src="/images/photos/small/article<?php echo $id; ?>.jpg" border="0" /> </div> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="delete_image" value="1" /> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_PHOTO_REMOVE']; ?> </label> <?php } ?> <input type="file" class="form-control" name="picture" /> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_INSERTED_IMAGES']; ?></label> <?php echo $ajaxUploader; ?> </div> </div> <?php foreach ($tab_plugins as $tab_plugin) { ?> <div id="upr_<?php echo $tab_plugin['name']; ?>"><?php echo $tab_plugin['html']; ?></div> <?php } ?> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <div> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="add_mod" <?php if ($do == 'add') { echo 'value="'. $_LANG['AD_CREATE_CONTENT'] .'"'; } else { echo 'value="'. $_LANG['AD_SAVE_CONTENT'] .'"'; } ?> /> <input type="button" class="btn btn-default" name="back" value="<?php echo $_LANG['CANCEL']; ?>" onclick="window.history.back();"/> <input type="hidden" name="do" <?php if ($do == 'add') { echo 'value="submit"'; } else { echo 'value="update"'; } ?> /> <?php if ($do == 'edit') { echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'. $mod['id'] .'" />'; } ?> </div> </form> <?php } }
echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_NOTICE']; ?> </label> <div><?php cmsCore::insertEditor('description', $mod['description'], '200', '100%'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_TEXT']; ?> </label> <?php insertPanel(); ?> <div><?php cmsCore::insertEditor('content', $mod['content'], '400', '100%'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_TAGS']; ?> </label> <input type="text" id="tags" class="form-control" name="tags" value="<?php echo $this->escape($tags); ?>