function initialize($name, $url) { global $wgTmpDirectory; $local_file = tempnam($wgTmpDirectory, 'WEBUPLOAD'); $this - initialize($name, $local_file, 0, true); $this->mUrl = trim($url); }
function run() { initialize(); $fh = fopen('php://output', 'w'); $rows = CRM_Upgrade_Incremental_php_FourTwo::deleteInvalidPairs(); if (!empty($rows)) { echo "The following records have been processed. If action = Un-linked, that membership has been disconnected from the contribution record.\n"; echo "Contact ID, ContributionID, Contribution Status, MembershipID, Membership Type, Start Date, End Date, Membership Status, Action \n"; } else { echo "Could not find any records to process.\n"; } foreach ($rows as $row) { fputcsv($fh, $row); } }
function query_the_swear() { wp_reset_postdata(); $options = initialize(); if ($options['max_password_length'] != null) { $max = intval($options['max_password_length']); } else { $max = 18; } if ($options['number_digits'] != null) { $num = intval($options['number_digits']); } else { $num = 999; } if ($options['posts_per_page'] != null) { $int = intval($options['posts_per_page']); } else { $int = -1; } $post_type = 'vulgar-term'; $end = ""; $count = 0; $i = 0; $args = array('post_type' => $post_type, 'posts_per_page' => $int, 'orderby' => 'rand'); // echo ($int); $loop = new WP_Query($args); //var_dump($loop); while ($end_loop != true && $loop->have_posts()) { $loop->the_post(); //echo the_title(); $str = get_the_title(); $term_str = clean_term_string($str, $count); $final_str .= $term_str; if (strlen($final_str) >= $max) { //$final_str .= $term_str; $end_loop = true; } $num = rand(0, $num); //echo $count ; $count += 1; } $id = save_term_string($final_str); //save_vulgar_password( $final_str ); return $final_str . $num; wp_reset_postdata(); }
function done_testing() { global $t; $funcs = get_defined_functions(); $initialize = false; $finalize = false; if (in_array('initialize', $funcs['user'])) { $initialize = true; } if (in_array('finalize', $funcs['user'])) { $finalize = true; } if (in_array('build', $funcs['user'])) { build($t); } foreach ($funcs['user'] as $func) { # 予約された function if (in_array($func, array('build', 'destroy', 'initialize', 'finalize', 'done_testing'))) { continue; } # _function( ) は skip if (preg_match('/^_/', $func)) { continue; } if ($initialize) { initialize($t); } try { $t->diag("in function '{$func}'"); $func($t); } catch (Exception $e) { $t->diag($e->getMessage() . " at {$func}( )"); $t->fail(); } if ($finalize) { finalize($t); } } if (in_array('destroy', $funcs['user'])) { destroy($t); } }
function IsAuthenticated() { if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } $dbConnection = initialize(); $query = $dbConnection->prepare("SELECT `password` " . "FROM `user_info` " . "WHERE `user_id` = ? " . "AND `user_name` = ? " . "AND `type` = ?"); if ($query && !$query->errno) { $query->bind_param("iss", $_SESSION['user_id'], $_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['type']); if ($query->execute()) { $result = $query->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); if (!empty($result) && !empty($result['password'])) { $loginString = hash('sha512', $result['password'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if ($_SESSION['login_string'] == $loginString) { return true; } } } } return false; }
<?php /** * 該程式僅供於 training 環境使用 * - 不使用 web hook * - 資料直接取得 * */ $basePath = dirname(__DIR__); require_once $basePath . '/app/bootstrap.php'; initialize($basePath, 'home'); if (!isTraining()) { echo ErrorSupportHelper::getJson('4002'); exit; } $telegram = BotHelper::getTelegram(); try { $updates = $telegram->getUpdates(); } catch (\Telegram\Bot\Exceptions\TelegramResponseException $e) { put($e->getMessage()); return; } $result = []; $messages = new Messages(); foreach ($updates as $update) { $message = MessageHelper::makeMessageByTelegramUpdate($update); // 從 updates 來的資料會有許多重覆資料 // 該確認之後再寫入 $existMessage = $messages->getMessageByMessageId($message->getMessageId()); if ($existMessage) { continue;
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE'); session_start(); include 'includes/config.php'; include 'library/default/functions/autoload.php'; include 'library/default/functions/initialize.php'; $microtimeFloatStart = microtime(true); $database = new library_default_classes_database(); $database->connect(); $GLOBALS['user'] = application_frontend_user_controller::getUser(); if (isset($_GET['app']) && !empty($_GET['app'])) { $object = initialize($_GET['app']); $object->actionController(); } else { $object = new application_frontend_index_controller(); $object->actionController(); } $microtimeFloat = microtime(true) - $microtimeFloatStart; //mysql_query("insert into _loadtime (uid, app, referer, ip, browser, microtime, created) values ('".$GLOBALS['user']['myuid']."', '".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."', '".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']."', '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."', '".$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']."', '".$microtimeFloat."', now())");
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Nima * Date: 7/26/2015 * Time: 3:08 PM */ include_once '../inc/mysqlConn.php'; if (isset($_POST['id']) && isset($_POST['hidden'])) { $dbName = '`team_information`'; if (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == 'player') { $dbName = '`player_information`'; } $dbConnection = initialize(); $query = $dbConnection->prepare("UPDATE {$dbName} " . "SET `hidden` = ? " . "WHERE `id` = ?"); if ($query && !$query->errno) { $query->bind_param('ii', $_POST['hidden'], $_POST['id']); if ($query->execute() && $query->affected_rows > 0) { die("1"); } } } die("0");
function main() { date_default_timezone_set('Americas/New_York'); $shortopts = "i:j:p:w:"; // Required value $longopts = array("industry:", "jobs:", "prospects:", "wages:"); // initialize initialize(); $options = getopt($shortopts, $longopts); $industries = loadTSV($options['industry'], 0, "SocCode"); $jobs = loadTSV($options['jobs'], 0, "SocCode", ["JobTitle", ""]); $prospects = loadTSV($options['prospects'], 1, "SocCode"); $wages = loadTSV($options['wages'], 1, "SocCode", ["JobTitle", ""]); cleanupWages($wages); $master = array_merge_recursive($jobs, $prospects, $wages); array_walk($master, function (&$item, $key) { if (is_array($item)) { array_walk($item, function (&$item, $key) { if (is_array($item)) { $item = array_unique($item); } }); } }); usort($master, function ($a, $b) { if ($a == $b) { return 0; } return $a < $b ? -1 : 1; }); calcJobScores($master); $industries = createDbQueries($industries, "industry"); $jobs = createDbQueries($master, "jobs"); executeQueries(array_merge($industries, $jobs)); }
$stdout = $case_element->addChild('stdout', PHP_EOL . $line . PHP_EOL); } else { $existing = (string) $stdout[0]; $case_element->stdout = $existing . $line . PHP_EOL; } } } } } } } // write it out again $xml->asXML($log_name); } if (in_array("--new", $argv)) { initialize($installed); exit; } if (in_array("--reset", $argv)) { reinitialize($installed); exit; } require_once 'conf/'; $GLOBALS['settings']['saunter.base'] = getcwd(); $timestamp = date('Y-m-d-h-i-s'); $GLOBALS['settings']['logdir'] = $GLOBALS['settings']['saunter.base'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $timestamp; mkdir($GLOBALS['settings']['logdir']); $GLOBALS['settings']['logname'] = $GLOBALS['settings']['logdir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $timestamp . '.xml'; array_push($_SERVER['argv'], "--log-junit"); array_push($_SERVER['argv'], $GLOBALS['settings']['logname']); array_push($_SERVER['argv'], "scripts");
in case of of failure the action is repeated up to "$repeat" times; OAI errors will be reported and the execution of the script is aborted. Example: php ./oai_harvest.php ListRecords ./gdzNeu/ metadataPrefix=mets set=mathematica from=2011-05-10 Example for a call using an Internet browser: Note: Some of the calls, in particular ListRecords, may need a broadband internet connection and still may take a long time (up to hours) and collect large amounts of data (Gigabytes!). So beware and be patient, watch the output to observe if the call does what you want! Note: The files are downloaded as <verb>.xml and then copied to another name with tags on separate lines. In particular, the last file is always present as <verb>.xml and in an edited version. If this is undesirable then comment the line: file_put_contents($targetdir.$theVerb.'.xml',$data); */ list($arrArgs, $arrArgs2, $targetdir, $sets, $theExtension, $testmode) = initialize($defaultDir, $testFile); $errorlog = $targetdir . 'error.log'; $harvestlog = $targetdir . 'harvest.log'; $theBaseUrl = $arrArgs['oaiURL']; $theVerb = $arrArgs['verb']; if (!$testmode) { $theBaseUrl .= '?verb=' . $theVerb; } if (!($errorHandle = fopen($errorlog, 'a'))) { echo $errorlog . ' is not writeable!' . "\n"; exit; } if (!($logHandle = fopen($harvestlog, 'a'))) { echo $harvestlog . ' is not writeable!' . "\n"; exit; }
$json = shell_exec("fedmsg-config"); $config = json_decode($json, true); /* Just make sure everything is sane with the fedmsg config */ if (!array_key_exists('relay_inbound', $config)) { echo "fedmsg-config has no 'relay_inbound'"; return false; } $context = new ZMQContext(1, true); $queue = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUB, "pub-a-dub-dub"); $queue->connect($config['relay_inbound']); return true; } # If we can successfully initialize a zmq socket, then we'll go ahead and # register our hooks with mediawiki. If we fail for some reason, we don't want # mediawiki calling us, so we'll fail quietly. if (initialize()) { $wgHooks['ArticleSaveComplete'][] = 'article_save'; $wgHooks['UploadComplete'][] = 'upload_complete'; } # This is a reimplementation of the python code in fedmsg/ # That file is authoritative. Changes there should be reflected here. function sign_message($message_obj) { global $config; $message = json_encode($message_obj); # Step 0) - Find our cert. $fqdn = gethostname(); $tokens = explode('.', $fqdn); $hostname = $tokens[0]; $ssldir = $config['ssldir']; $certname = $config['certnames']['mediawiki.' . $hostname];
/** * Running application * * @param string $env * @return void */ function run($env = null) { if (is_null($env)) { $env = env(); } # 0. Set default configuration $root_dir = dirname(app_file()); $lim_dir = dirname(__FILE__); $base_path = dirname(file_path($env['SERVER']['SCRIPT_NAME'])); $base_file = basename($env['SERVER']['SCRIPT_NAME']); $base_uri = file_path($base_path, $base_file == 'index.php' ? '?' : $base_file . '?'); option('root_dir', $root_dir); //option('limonade_dir', file_path($lim_dir)); //option('limonade_views_dir', file_path($lim_dir, 'limonade', 'views')); //option('limonade_public_dir',file_path($lim_dir, 'limonade', 'public')); option('public_dir', file_path($root_dir, 'public')); option('views_dir', file_path($root_dir, 'views')); option('controllers_dir', file_path($root_dir, 'controllers')); option('lib_dir', file_path($root_dir, 'lib')); //option('error_views_dir', option('limonade_views_dir')); //option('base_path', $base_path); option('base_uri', $base_uri); // set it manually if you use url_rewriting // option('env', ENV_PRODUCTION); option('debug', true); //option('session', LIM_SESSION_NAME); // true, false or the name of your session option('encoding', 'utf-8'); //option('signature', LIM_NAME); // X-Limonade header value or false to hide it option('gzip', false); option('x-sendfile', 0); // 0: disabled, // X-SENDFILE: for Apache and Lighttpd v. >= 1.5, // X-LIGHTTPD-SEND-FILE: for Apache and Lighttpd v. < 1.5 # 1. Set handlers # 1.1 Set error handling #ifndef KittenPHP ini_set('display_errors', 1); #endif //set_error_handler('error_handler_dispatcher', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); # 1.2 Register shutdown function register_shutdown_function('stop_and_exit'); # 2. Set user configuration if (!function_exists('configure')) { function configure() { } } configure(); # 2.1 Set gzip compression if defined if (is_bool(option('gzip')) && option('gzip')) { ini_set('zlib.output_compression', '1'); } # 2.2 Set X-Limonade header //if($signature = option('signature')) send_header("X-Limonade: $signature"); # 3. Loading libs //fallbacks_for_not_implemented_functions(); # 4. Starting session //if(!defined('SID') && option('session')) // { // if(!is_bool(option('session'))) session_name(option('session')); // if(!session_start()) trigger_error("An error occured while trying to start the session", E_USER_WARNING); // } # 5. Set some default methods if needed if (!function_exists('route_missing')) { function route_missing($request_method, $request_uri) { halt(NOT_FOUND, "({$request_method}) {$request_uri}"); } } if (!function_exists('initialize')) { function initialize() { } } initialize(); # 6. Check request if ($rm = request_method($env)) { if (request_is_head($env)) { ob_start(); } // then no output if (!request_method_is_allowed($rm)) { halt(HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "The requested method <code>'{$rm}'</code> is not implemented"); } # 6.1 Check matching route if ($route = route_find($rm, request_uri($env))) { params($route['params']); # 6.3 Call before function if (!function_exists('before')) { function before($route) { } } before($route); # 6.4 Call matching controller function and output result return $route; } else { route_missing($rm, request_uri($env)); } } else { halt(HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "The requested method <code>'{$rm}'</code> is not implemented"); } }
*/ ini_set('default_charset', 'utf-8'); require_once ""; require_once ""; require_once ""; $headers = array(); $query = "select File from files where FileID = :MincID"; $minc_file = $DB->pselectOne($query, array('MincID' => $_REQUEST['minc_id'])); $minc_file = getMincLocation() . $minc_file; $header = $_REQUEST['minc_headers']; $header_data = $_REQUEST['raw_data']; if ($header_data) { passthru("minctoraw -double -normalize {$minc_file}"); } if ($header == 'true' && $minc_file != null) { print initialize($minc_file); } /** * Extracts the values required for a specific dimension from a minc file * * @param string $dimension A string representing the dimension to extract * @param string $minc_file The filename to run mincinfo on to extract * information * * @return array with elements start, space_length, and step populated */ function extractDimension($dimension, $minc_file) { return array('start' => exec("mincinfo -attval {$dimension}:start {$minc_file}"), 'space_length' => exec("mincinfo -dimlength {$dimension} {$minc_file}"), 'step' => exec("mincinfo -attval {$dimension}:step {$minc_file}"), 'dir_cosines' => explode(" ", exec("mincinfo -attval {$dimension}:direction_cosines {$minc_file}"))); } /**
<?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); ini_set('date.timezone', 'UTC'); include_once 'inc/auth.php'; CheckAuthentication(); require_once 'inc/utils.php'; require_once 'inc/mysqlConn.php'; require_once 'inc/relativeTime.php'; $dbConn = initialize(); function revString($s) { if ($s == '1') { return '0'; } return '1'; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"" http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <!-- The above 3 meta tags *must* come first in the head; any other head content must come *after* these tags --> <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico"> <title>LoL Statbot - Dashboard</title> <!-- Bootstrap core CSS --> <link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
function getExperiment() { global $title, $header; $title = $header = 'IREval'; checkAdmin(); initialize(); if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { error('Nenhum experimento especificado.'); } $experiment_id = clean($_GET['id']); $experiment = first("SELECT * FROM experiment WHERE id = {$experiment_id}"); if (!$experiment) { error('Experimento inexistente.'); } return $experiment; }
function upload_complete(&$image) { # If for some reason or another we can't create our socket, then bail. if (!initialize()) { return false; } $topic = "upload.complete"; $msg = array("file_exists" => $image->getLocalFile()->fileExists, "media_type" => $image->getLocalFile()->media_type, "mime" => $image->getLocalFile()->mime, "major_mime" => $image->getLocalFile()->major_mime, "minor_mime" => $image->getLocalFile()->minor_mime, "size" => $image->getLocalFile()->size, "user_id" => $image->getLocalFile()->user, "user_text" => $image->getLocalFile()->user_text, "description" => $image->getLocalFile()->description, "url" => $image->getLocalFile()->url); # I know it seems peculiar to have an array here with only one element. # $msg['title'] = array("mPrefixedText" => $image->getLocalFile()->getTitle()->getPrefixedText()); emit_message($topic, $msg); return true; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); initialize(); }
<!DOCTYPE html> <?php include_once "../includes/general.php"; include_once "../includes/db.php"; initialize(); loggedIn(); //db_connect(); loadVocabulary(); ?> <head> <?php head_tag("LACTOR - " . _("Inbox")); ?> </head> <body> <div id="maincontainer"> <?php page_header(); admin_menu(ADMIN_PAGE_INBOX); ?> <!-- Page Content --> <div id="pagecontent"> <div class='message dynamic' style='display:none'></div> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['s_mid'])) {
function upload_complete(&$image) { # If for some reason or another we can't create our socket, then bail. if (!initialize()) { return false; } $topic = "upload.complete"; $msg = array("file_exists" => $image->getLocalFile()->fileExists, "media_type" => $image->getLocalFile()->media_type, "mime" => $image->getLocalFile()->mime, "major_mime" => $image->getLocalFile()->major_mime, "minor_mime" => $image->getLocalFile()->minor_mime, "size" => $image->getLocalFile()->size, "user_id" => $image->getLocalFile()->user, "user_text" => $image->getLocalFile()->user_text, "description" => $image->getLocalFile()->description, "url" => $image->getLocalFile()->url, "title" => $image->getLocalFile()->getTitle()); emit_message($topic, $msg); return true; }