/** main program for visitors
 * this routine is called from /index.php. It is the main program for visitors.
 * @return void page sent to the browser
 * @todo cleanup login/logout-code
function main_index()
    global $USER;
    global $CFG;
    global $LANGUAGE;
    /** initialise the program, setup database, read configuration, etc. */
    require_once $CFG->progdir . '/init.php';
    // this never returns if versions don't match
    // TODO: cleanup like in main_admin()
    // handle login/logout/continuation so we quickly find out which user is calling
    if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
        /** loginlib.php contains both login- and logout-routines */
        require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/loginlib.php';
        // may or may not return here
    } elseif (isset($_GET['login'])) {
        /** loginlib.php contains both login- and logout-routines */
        require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/loginlib.php';
        // may or may not return here
    } elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$CFG->session_name])) {
        /** dbsessionlib.php contains our own database based session handler */
        require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/dbsessionlib.php';
        if (dbsession_exists(magic_unquote($_COOKIE[$CFG->session_name]))) {
    // At this point we either have a valid session with a logged-in user
    // (indicated via existence of $_SESSION) or we are dealing with an anonymous
    // visitor with non-existing $_SESSION. Keep track of the number of calls
    // this user makes (may be logged lateron on logout).
    if (isset($_SESSION)) {
        if (!isset($_SESSION['session_counter'])) {
            // first time after login, record start time of session
            $_SESSION['session_counter'] = 1;
            $_SESSION['session_start'] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T");
        } else {
    // Now is the time to create a USER object, even when the visitor is just a passerby
    // because we can then determine easily if a visitor is allowed certain things, e.g.
    // view a protected area or something
    /** useraccount.class.php is used to define the USER object */
    require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/useraccount.class.php';
    if (isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
        $USER = new Useraccount($_SESSION['user_id']);
        $USER->is_logged_in = TRUE;
        $_SESSION['language_key'] = $LANGUAGE->get_current_language();
        // remember language set via _GET or otherwise
    } else {
        $USER = new Useraccount();
        $USER->is_logged_in = FALSE;
    // Check for the special preview-mode
    // This allows a webmaster to preview a page in the correct environment (theme)
    // even when the page is under embargo. Note that the node_id and area_id are
    // retrieved from the session; the user only has a cryptic preview-code.
    // See pagemanagerlib.php for more information (function task_page_preview()).
    $in_preview_mode = FALSE;
    if ($USER->is_logged_in) {
        $preview_code_from_url = get_parameter_string('preview');
        if (!is_null($preview_code_from_url) && isset($_SESSION['preview_salt']) && isset($_SESSION['preview_node'])) {
            $hash = md5($_SESSION['preview_salt'] . $_SESSION['preview_node']);
            if ($hash === $preview_code_from_url) {
                $node_id = intval($_SESSION['preview_node']);
                $area_id = intval($_SESSION['preview_area']);
                $area = db_select_single_record('areas', '*', array('area_id' => $area_id));
                if ($area === FALSE) {
                    logger("Fatal error 070: cannot preview node '{$node_id}' in area '{$area_id}'");
                } else {
                    $tree = tree_build($area_id);
                    $in_preview_mode = TRUE;
    if ($in_preview_mode == FALSE) {
        $requested_area = get_requested_area();
        $requested_node = get_requested_node();
        $req_area_str = is_null($requested_area) ? "NULL" : strval($requested_area);
        $req_node_str = is_null($requested_node) ? "NULL" : strval($requested_node);
        if (($area = calculate_area($requested_area, $requested_node)) === FALSE) {
            logger("Fatal error 080: no valid area (request: area='{$req_area_str}', node='{$req_node_str}')");
            // no such area
        $area_id = intval($area['area_id']);
        // If $USER has no permission to view area $area_id, we simply bail out.
        // Rationale: if the user is genuine, she knows about logging in first.
        // If the user is NOT logged in and tries to view a protected area, I'd consider
        // it malicious, and in that case I won't even confirm the existence of
        // the requested area. (If a cracker simply tries areas 0,1,.. and sometimes is greeted
        // with 'please enter credentials' and sometimes with 'area does not exist', this
        // provides information to the cracker. I don't want that). Note that the error code
        // is the same as the one for non-existing area. In other words: for an unauthorised
        // visitor an existing private area is just as non-existent as a non-existing public area.
        if (db_bool_is(TRUE, $area['is_private']) && !$USER->has_intranet_permissions(ACL_ROLE_INTRANET_ACCESS, $area_id)) {
            logger(sprintf("Fatal error 080: no view permissions for area '%d' (request: area='%s', node='%s')", $area_id, $req_area_str, $req_node_str));
            // no such area
        // still here?
        // then we've got a valid $area_id and corresponding $area record.
        // now we need to figure out which $node_id to use
        $tree = tree_build($area_id);
        if (($node_id = calculate_node_id($tree, $area_id, $requested_node)) === FALSE) {
            logger(sprintf("Fatal error 080: no valid node within area '%d' (request: area='%s', node='%s')", $area_id, $req_area_str, $req_node_str));
            // no such area
    // At this point we have the following in our hands
    // - a valid $area_id
    // - a valid $node_id
    // - the complete tree from area $area_id in $tree
    // - the area record from database in $area
    // - the node record from database in $tree[$node_id]['record']
    // - a flag that signals preview mode in $in_preview_mode
    // We are on our way to generate a full page with content and all,
    // but otoh we MIGHT be in the middle of a redirect, so we may have to
    // leave without showing anything at all...
    if (!empty($tree[$node_id]['record']['link_href'])) {
        if (isset($_SESSION)) {
        // exit; redirect_and_exit() never returns
    /** themelib contains the theme factory */
    require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/themelib.php';
    // And now we know about the $area, we can carry on determining which $theme to use.
    $theme = theme_factory($area['theme_id'], $area_id, $node_id);
    if ($theme === FALSE) {
        logger("Fatal error 090: cannot setup theme '{$area['theme_id']}' in area '{$area_id}'");
    // Tell the theme about the preview mode
    // Now all we need to do is let the module connected to node $node_id generate output
    $module_id = $tree[$node_id]['record']['module_id'];
    module_view($theme, $area_id, $node_id, $module_id);
    // Remember this visitor
    // Finally, send output to user
    if (isset($_SESSION)) {
    // done!
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the License Agreement for Website@School
# along with this program. If not, see http://websiteatschool.eu/license.html
# $Id: crewserver.php,v 1.2 2013/06/12 13:06:35 pfokker Exp $
PHP_SAPI === 'cli' or die('access denied');
define('CREW_SERVER_VERSION', '0.90.5');
define('CREW_SERVER_DATE', '2013-06-12');
define('CREW_SERVER_NAME', 'CREW-server');
function initialise()
    global $ORIGINS;
    define('WLOG_EMERG', 0);
    define('WLOG_ALERT', 1);
    define('WLOG_CRIT', 2);
    define('WLOG_ERR', 3);
    define('WLOG_WARNING', 4);
    define('WLOG_NOTICE', 5);
    define('WLOG_INFO', 6);
    define('WLOG_DEBUG', 7);
/** main program for serving files
 * this routine is called from /file.php.
 * This routine is responsible for serving files to the visitor.
 * These files are stored in a (virtual) file hierarchy that looks
 * like this.
 * <pre>
 * /areas/areaname
 *       /another
 *       /stillmore
 *       ...
 * /users/username
 *       /another
 *       /stillmore
 *       ...
 * /groups/groupname
 *        /another
 *        /stillmore
 *        ...
 * /websiteatschool/program
 *                 /manual
 *                 /languages
 * </pre>
 * This structure maps to the real file system as follows.  The (virtual)
 * directories /areas, /users and /groups correspond to the fysical
 * directories {$CFG->datadir}/areas, {$CFG->datadir}/users and
 * {$CFG->datadir}/groups respectively. The subdirectories correspond to
 * a (unique) area, user or group and serve as a file repository for that
 * area, user or group.
 * The (virtual) top-level directory /websiteatschool is a special case.
 * It is used to serve the currently running website program code and the
 * user-defined translations of active languages.
 * Before any file is transmitted to the visitor the access privileges
 * are checked.  The following rules apply.
 * Access control for the /areas subdirectory
 *  - an area must be active before any files are served
 *  - the visitor must have access to the private area if files are to be served
 *  - non-existing files yield a 404 Not Found error
 *  - non-existing areas also yield a 404 Not Found error
 *  - if the visitor has no access to the private area, also a 404 Not Found error is returned
 * Access control for /users and /groups
 *  - a user/group must be active before any files are served
 *  - non-existing users/groups yield 404 Not Found
 *  - non-existing files in existing directories also yield 404 Not Found
 * Access control for /websiteatschool
 *  - there is no limit on downloading the currently active program code or user-defined translations of active languages
 * Note:
 * The check on '..' in the requested filename would be inconclusive if the $path
 * is encoded in invalid UTF-8: the overlong sequence 2F C0 AE 2E 2F eventually
 * yields 2F 2E 2E 2F or '/../'. Reference: RFC3629 section 10. However, we use
 * the filename processed with get_requested_filename() which already checks for
 * utf8 validity, which rules out the trick with overlong sequences.
 * @return void file sent to the browser OR 404 not found on error
function main_file()
    global $USER;
    global $CFG;
    global $WAS_SCRIPT_NAME;
    global $LANGUAGE;
    /** initialise the program, setup database, read configuration, etc. */
    require_once $CFG->progdir . '/init.php';
    // this never returns if versions don't match
    /** utility routines for manipulating files */
    require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/filelib.php';
    $filename = get_requested_filename();
    if (is_null($filename)) {
    // 0 -- is the visitor logged in
    if (isset($_COOKIE[$CFG->session_name])) {
        /** dbsessionlib.php contains our own database based session handler */
        require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/dbsessionlib.php';
        if (dbsession_exists(magic_unquote($_COOKIE[$CFG->session_name]))) {
            if (!isset($_SESSION['session_counter'])) {
                // first time after login, record start time of session
                $_SESSION['session_counter'] = 1;
                $_SESSION['session_start'] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T");
            } else {
    /** useraccount.class.php is used to define the USER object */
    require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/useraccount.class.php';
    if (isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
        $USER = new Useraccount($_SESSION['user_id']);
        $USER->is_logged_in = TRUE;
        $_SESSION['language_key'] = $LANGUAGE->get_current_language();
        // remember language set via _GET or otherwise
        // we no longer need this here, everything relevant is now in $USER
    } else {
        $USER = new Useraccount();
        $USER->is_logged_in = FALSE;
    // 1 -- does the visitor want to download the source code
    $path_components = explode('/', trim(strtr($filename, '\\', '/'), '/'));
    if (strtolower($path_components[0]) == 'websiteatschool') {
        $source = isset($path_components[1]) ? strtolower($path_components[1]) : 'program';
    // 2 -- no source code requested. check out regular files
    $path = '/' . implode('/', $path_components);
    // 2A -- always disallow attempts to escape from tree via parent directory tricks
    if (in_array('..', $path_components)) {
        logger(sprintf("%s(): access denied for file '%s': no tricks with '/../': return 404 Not Found", __FUNCTION__, $path), WLOG_DEBUG);
    // 2B -- check the 1st and 2nd component of the requested file
    switch ($path_components[0]) {
        case 'areas':
            $area_path = isset($path_components[1]) ? $path_components[1] : '';
            $fields = array('area_id', 'is_private');
            $where = array('is_active' => TRUE, 'path' => $area_path);
            $table = 'areas';
            if (($record = db_select_single_record($table, $fields, $where)) === FALSE) {
                logger(sprintf("%s(): access denied for file '%s': non-existing or inactive area: return 404 Not Found", __FUNCTION__, $path), WLOG_DEBUG);
            $area_id = intval($record['area_id']);
            if (db_bool_is(TRUE, $record['is_private']) && !$USER->has_intranet_permissions(ACL_ROLE_INTRANET_ACCESS, $area_id)) {
                logger(sprintf("%s(): access denied for file '%s' in private area '%d': return 404 Not Found", __FUNCTION__, $path, $area_id), WLOG_DEBUG);
        case 'users':
            $user_path = isset($path_components[1]) ? $path_components[1] : '';
            $fields = array('user_id');
            $where = array('path' => $user_path, 'is_active' => TRUE);
            $table = 'users';
            if (($record = db_select_single_record($table, $fields, $where)) === FALSE) {
                logger(sprintf("%s(): access denied for file '%s': non-existing or inactive user: return 404 Not Found", __FUNCTION__, $path), WLOG_DEBUG);
        case 'groups':
            $group_path = isset($path_components[1]) ? $path_components[1] : '';
            $fields = array('group_id');
            $where = array('path' => $group_path, 'is_active' => TRUE);
            $table = 'groups';
            if (($record = db_select_single_record($table, $fields, $where)) === FALSE) {
                logger(sprintf("%s(): access denied for file '%s': non-existing or inactive group: return 404 Not Found", __FUNCTION__, $path), WLOG_DEBUG);
            logger(sprintf("%s(): access denied for file '%s': subdirectory '%s' not recognised: return 404 Not Found", __FUNCTION__, $path, $path_components[0]), WLOG_DEBUG);
    // 2C -- still here? 1st and 2nd components are good but does the file exist?
    if (!is_file($CFG->datadir . $path)) {
        logger(sprintf("%s(): access denied for file '%s': file does not exist: return 404 Not Found", __FUNCTION__, $path), WLOG_DEBUG);
    // At this point we confident that the file exists within the data directory and also that
    // the visitor is allowed access to the file. Now send the file to the visitor.
    $name = basename($path);
    if (($bytes_sent = send_file_from_datadir($path, $name)) === FALSE) {
        logger(sprintf("Failed to send '%s' using filename '%s'", $path, $name));
        $retval = FALSE;
    } else {
        logger(sprintf("Success sending '%s' using filename '%s', size = %d bytes", $path, $name, $bytes_sent), WLOG_DEBUG);
        $retval = TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 4
/** main program for site maintenance
 * This is the main administrator program.
 * First step is to deal with users logging in or out.
 * If a user is not logged in, a login dialog is displayed.
 * If a user is logged in but has no admin privileges, she
 * is redirected to the public site (ie. index.php).
 * Once we have established that the user is an administrator,
 * we setup an output collecting object and see what the user
 * wants us to do by interpreting the parameter 'job'.
 * If the user has access to the specified job, the corresponding
 * code is included and the main routine of that handler is called.
 * It is then the responsability of that handler to further decide
 * what needs to be done.
 * After the handler returns, the collected output is sent to the user.
 * This includes the main navigation (i.e. links to the various
 * 'managers') and also the menu and the content generated by the
 * handler.
 * If the user has no privilege to access a particular manager,
 * an error messate is displayed in both the message area and the content
 * area. This makes it clear to the user that access is denied.
 * Note that the inaccessible items are displayed in the main navigation
 * via 'dimmed' (light-grey) links or black/white images.
 * By showing these 'dimmed' links, the user will be aware that there
 * is more that just what she is allowed to see. This is more transparent
 * than suppressing items and keeping them secret.
 * @return void generated page sent to user's browser
 * @uses $CFG;
 * @uses $LANGUAGE;
 * @uses $USER;
 * @todo should we cater for a special 'print' button + 
 *       support for a special style sheet for media="print"?
function main_admin()
    global $CFG;
    global $LANGUAGE;
    global $USER;
    /** initialise, setup database, read configuration, etc. */
    require_once $CFG->progdir . '/init.php';
    // user must be logged in to perform any admin tasks at all
    if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
    } elseif (isset($_GET['login'])) {
        $user_id = admin_login(magic_unquote($_GET['login']));
    } elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$CFG->session_name])) {
        $user_id = admin_continue_session();
    } else {
    /** useraccount.class.php is used to define the USER object */
    require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/useraccount.class.php';
    $USER = new Useraccount($user_id);
    $USER->is_logged_in = TRUE;
    $_SESSION['language_key'] = $LANGUAGE->get_current_language();
    // remember language set via _GET or otherwise
    // Only admins are allowed, others are redirected to index.php
    if (!$USER->is_admin()) {
        logger("admin.php: '{$USER->username}' ({$USER->user_id}) is no admin and was redirected to index.php or login");
    // We now know that this user is an admin, but
    // is she allowed to perform upgrades if any? Check it out in 2 steps
    // 1--we do NOT want exit on error if the user has enough privileges
    // 2--we check the version and stay here if the user has enough privileges
    $exit_on_error = $USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_UPDATE) ? FALSE : TRUE;
    $need_to_update = was_version_check($exit_on_error) ? FALSE : TRUE;
    // We are still here if versions are OK _or_ versions mismatch but user has UPDATE privilege.
    // Now we know we _will_ be generating output => setup output object
    // using the specified skin OR the user's prefererred skin OR the one
    // stored before in $_SESSION
    $_SESSION['skin'] = get_current_skin();
    // echo "DDD: {$_SESSION['skin']}";
    $output = new AdminOutput($_SESSION['skin'], $CFG->title);
    // Display a 'welcome message' if this is the first page after logging in.
    if ($_SESSION['session_counter'] == 1) {
        $output->add_message(t('login_user_success', 'admin', array('{USERNAME}' => $USER->username)));
    // Let's see what what job needs to be done
    $job = $need_to_update ? JOB_UPDATE : get_parameter_string('job', JOB_STARTCENTER);
    // main dispatcher
    switch ($job) {
        case JOB_STARTCENTER:
        case JOB_PAGEMANAGER:
            add_javascript_popup_function($output, '  ');
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_PAGEMANAGER)) {
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/pagemanager.class.php';
                $manager = new PageManager($output);
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
        case JOB_FILEMANAGER:
        case JOB_FILEBROWSER:
        case JOB_IMAGEBROWSER:
        case JOB_FLASHBROWSER:
            add_javascript_popup_function($output, '  ');
            add_javascript_select_url_function($output, '  ');
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_FILEMANAGER)) {
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/filemanager.class.php';
                $manager = new FileManager($output, $job);
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_MODULEMANAGER)) {
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/modulemanagerlib.php';
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_ACCOUNTMANAGER)) {
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/accountmanagerlib.php';
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_CONFIGURATIONMANAGER)) {
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/configurationmanagerlib.php';
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
        case JOB_STATISTICS:
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_STATISTICS)) {
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/statisticslib.php';
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
        case JOB_TOOLS:
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_TOOLS)) {
                // user has permission to access at least one of the tools
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/toolslib.php';
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
        case JOB_UPDATE:
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_UPDATE)) {
                // user has permission to access the update routine(s)
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/updatelib.php';
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
            if (!empty($job)) {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('unknown_job', 'admin', array('{JOB}' => htmlspecialchars($job))));
                $output->add_message(t('unknown_job', 'admin', array('{JOB}' => htmlspecialchars($job))));
                logger("'" . $USER->username . "': unknown job '" . htmlspecialchars($job) . "'");
            } else {
    // the various functions job_*() will have put their output in $output
    // Now it is time to actually output the output to the user's browser.
    // make sure that any changes in $_SESSION are properly stored
    // note that we close the session only after all processing is done,
    // allowing the various job_*()'s to manipulate the session variables
    // at this point we have sent the page to the user,
    // we can now use the remaining time in this run to process
    // a few alerts (if any).
    // if there are more than 25, do them later or let cron do it.