* * You can specify multiple domain names to be checked */ if ($argc <= 1) { echo "Usage: infodomain.php <domainname>\n"; echo "Please enter a domain name retrieve\n\n"; die; } $domainname = $argv[1]; echo "Retrieving info on " . $domainname . "\n"; try { $conn = new Metaregistrar\EPP\metaregEppConnection(); // Connect to the EPP server if ($conn->connect()) { if (login($conn)) { infodomain($conn, $domainname); logout($conn); } } else { echo "ERROR CONNECTING\n"; } } catch (Metaregistrar\EPP\eppException $e) { echo "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n\n"; } function infodomain($conn, $domainname) { try { $epp = new Metaregistrar\EPP\eppDomain($domainname); $info = new Metaregistrar\EPP\eppInfoDomainRequest($epp); if (($response = $conn->writeandread($info)) instanceof Metaregistrar\EPP\eppInfoDomainResponse && $response->Success()) { /* @var $response Metaregistrar\EPP\eppInfoDomainResponse */
* This script retrieves all information for a specific domain name */ if ($argc <= 1) { echo "Usage: infodomain.php <domainname>\n"; echo "Please enter a domain name retrieve\n\n"; die; } $domainname = $argv[1]; echo "Retrieving info on " . $domainname . "\n"; try { // Please enter your own settings file here under before using this example if ($conn = eppConnection::create('pt.ini', true)) { // Connect to the EPP server if ($conn->login()) { $roid = '12345'; $result = infodomain($conn, $domainname, $roid); $conn->logout(); } } } catch (Metaregistrar\EPP\eppException $e) { echo "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n\n"; } /** * @param $conn Metaregistrar\EPP\eppConnection * @param $domainname string * @return string */ function infodomain($conn, $domainname, $roid) { try { $domain = new eppDomain($domainname);
* This script checks for the availability of domain names * * You can specify multiple domain names to be checked */ if ($argc <= 1) { echo "Usage: infodomain.php <domainname>\n"; echo "Please enter a domain name retrieve\n\n"; die; } echo "Retrieving info on " . $domainname . "\n"; try { $conn = new Metaregistrar\EPP\metaregEppConnection(); $conn->setConnectionDetails(''); // Connect to the EPP server if ($conn->login()) { $result = infodomain($conn, $domainname); $conn->logout(); } } catch (Metaregistrar\EPP\eppException $e) { echo "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n\n"; } /** * @param $conn Metaregistrar\EPP\eppConnection * @param $domainname string * @return string */ function infodomain($conn, $domainname) { try { $epp = new Metaregistrar\EPP\eppDomain($domainname); $info = new Metaregistrar\EPP\eppInfoDomainRequest($epp);
function updatedomainsetclientdelete($conn, $domainname, $clientdelete) { try { $domain = new Metaregistrar\EPP\eppDomain($domainname); $up = new Metaregistrar\EPP\iisEppUpdateDomainClientDeleteRequest($domain, $clientdelete); if (($response = $conn->writeandread($up)) instanceof Metaregistrar\EPP\eppUpdateResponse && $response->Success()) { echo "Domain {$domainname} updated, infoing\n"; infodomain($conn, $domainname); } } catch (Metaregistrar\EPP\eppException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } }