Exemplo n.º 1
function message_box()
    global $prefix, $MAIN_CFG, $currentlang, $db, $userinfo;
    require_once CORE_PATH . 'nbbcode.php';
    $query = $MAIN_CFG['global']['multilingual'] ? "AND (mlanguage='{$currentlang}' OR mlanguage='')" : '';
    if (!is_admin()) {
        if (is_user()) {
            $query .= ' AND view!=2 AND view!=3';
        } else {
            $query .= ' AND (view=0 OR view=3)';
    $result = $db->sql_query('SELECT mid, title, content, date, expire, view FROM ' . $prefix . "_message WHERE active='1' {$query} ORDER BY date DESC");
    while (list($mid, $title, $content, $date, $expire, $view) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
        $content = decode_bb_all($content, 1, true);
        if (!empty($title) && !empty($content)) {
            $output = '';
            if ($view == 0) {
                $output = _MVIEWALL;
            } elseif ($view == 1) {
                $output = _MVIEWUSERS;
            } elseif ($view == 2) {
                $output = _MVIEWADMIN;
            } elseif ($view == 3) {
                $output = _MVIEWANON;
            } elseif ($view > 3 && (in_group($view - 3) || is_admin())) {
                // <= phpBB User Groups Integration
                $view = $view - 3;
                if (!in_group($view)) {
                    list($output) = $db->sql_ufetchrow("SELECT group_name FROM " . $prefix . "_bbgroups WHERE group_id='{$view}'", SQL_NUM);
                } else {
                    $output = in_group($view);
            if ($output != '') {
                $remain = '';
                if (can_admin()) {
                    if ($expire == 0) {
                        $remain = _UNLIMITED;
                    } else {
                        $etime = ($date + $expire - time()) / 3600;
                        $etime = intval($etime);
                        $remain = $etime < 1 ? _EXPIRELESSHOUR : _EXPIREIN . " {$etime} " . _HOURS;
                global $cpgtpl;
                $cpgtpl->assign_block_vars('messageblock', array('S_TITLE' => $title, 'S_CONTENT' => $content, 'S_OUTPUT' => $output, 'S_DATE' => _POSTEDON . ' ' . formatDateTime($date, _DATESTRING2), 'S_REMAIN' => $remain, 'S_EDIT' => _EDIT, 'U_EDITMSG' => URL::admin('messages&amp;edit=' . $mid)));
            if ($expire != 0) {
                if ($date + $expire < time()) {
                    $db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_message SET active='0' WHERE mid='{$mid}'");
  * beforeFilter
  * Application hook which runs prior to each controller action
  * @access public
 function checkAdminSession()
     if ($this->Auth->user()) {
         $groups = $this->Session->read('Groups');
         if (!in_group('Admin', $groups) && !in_group('Moderator', $groups)) {
             $this->Session->setFlash('You do not have permission to access the administration.');
             $this->redirect(array('admin' => false, 'controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login'));
         // $this->redirect(array('admin' => true, 'controller' => low($this->name), 'action' => low($this->action)));
Exemplo n.º 3
| at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
require_once "maincore.php";
require_once THEMES . "templates/header.php";
require_once INCLUDES . "comments_include.php";
require_once INCLUDES . "ratings_include.php";
require_once THEMES . "templates/global/custompage.php";
$locale = fusion_get_locale("", LOCALE . LOCALESET . "custom_pages.php");
$cp_data = array();
if (!isset($_GET['page_id']) || !isnum($_GET['page_id'])) {
$_GET['rowstart'] = isset($_GET['rowstart']) && isnum($_GET['rowstart']) ? $_GET['rowstart'] : 0;
$cp_result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_CUSTOM_PAGES . "\n            WHERE page_id='" . intval($_GET['page_id']) . "' AND " . groupaccess('page_access') . "\n            " . (multilang_table("CP") ? "AND " . in_group("page_language", LANGUAGE) : ""));
$info = array("title" => "", "error" => "", "body" => "", "count" => 0, "pagenav" => "", "show_comments" => "", "show_ratings" => "");
if (dbrows($cp_result) > 0) {
    $cp_data = dbarray($cp_result);
    add_to_title($locale['global_200'] . $cp_data['page_title']);
    add_breadcrumb(array('link' => BASEDIR . "viewpage.php?page_id=" . $_GET['page_id'], 'title' => $cp_data['page_title']));
    if ($cp_data['page_keywords'] !== "") {
        set_meta("keywords", $cp_data['page_keywords']);
    $info['title'] = $cp_data['page_title'];
    if (fusion_get_settings("allow_php_exe")) {
        eval("?>" . stripslashes($cp_data['page_content']) . "<?php ");
    } else {
        echo "<p>" . parse_textarea($cp_data['page_content']) . "</p>\n";
Exemplo n.º 4
if (!defined('CPG_NUKE')) {
$cpg_dir = 'coppermine';
// without this, we get redirected to $referer/file=install ??
$pagetitle .= _SEARCH;
require_once 'header.php';
require_once 'includes/nbbcode.php';
// Create an array of active modules with search.inc capabilities.
$modlist = array();
$handle = opendir('modules');
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
    if (is_dir('modules/' . $file) && file_exists("modules/{$file}/search.inc") && is_active($file)) {
        list($name, $view) = $db->sql_ufetchrow("SELECT custom_title,view FROM " . $prefix . "_modules WHERE title='" . $file . "'");
        if ($view == 0 || $view == 1 && is_user() || $view == 3 && !is_user() || can_admin() || $view > 3 && in_group($view - 3)) {
            include_once "modules/{$file}/search.inc";
            $sclass = $file . '_search';
            if (class_exists($sclass)) {
                $modlist[$file]['search_class'] = $sclass;
                $modlist[$file]['module'] = $file;
                $modlist[$file]['title'] = $name != '' ? $name : $file;
if (!isset($_POST['search']) && !isset($_GET['search'])) {
    $topicimage = 'AllTopics.gif';
    $topicimage = (file_exists("themes/{$CPG_SESS['theme']}/images/topics/{$topicimage}") ? "themes/{$CPG_SESS['theme']}/" : '') . "images/topics/{$topicimage}";
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static function query_customPage($id = null)
     $result = dbquery("\n                    SELECT cp.*, link.link_id, link.link_order\n                    FROM " . DB_CUSTOM_PAGES . " cp\n                    LEFT JOIN " . DB_SITE_LINKS . " link on (cp.page_link_cat = link.link_cat AND " . in_group("link.link_url", "viewpage.php?page_id=") . "\n                     AND " . in_group("link.link_url", "cp.page_id") . ")\n                    " . ($id !== NULL && isnum($id) ? " WHERE page_id= '" . intval($id) . "' " : "") . "\n                    ");
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 6
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
$monthnums = array("January" => 1, "February" => 2, "March" => 3, "April" => 4, "May" => 5, "June" => 6, "July" => 7, "August" => 8, "September" => 9, "October" => 10, "November" => 11, "December" => 12);
$sql = $data->select_query("calendar_items", "WHERE startdate > {$timestamp} ORDER BY startdate ASC");
$nextevent = array();
while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($sql)) {
    $groups = unserialize($temp['groups']);
    if (is_array($groups)) {
        $allowed = in_group($groups);
    } else {
        $allowed = true;
    if ($allowed) {
        $temp['detail'] = truncate(strip_tags($temp['detail']), 150);
        $nextevent[] = $temp;
    if (count($nextevent) >= $config['numsidebox']) {
$tpl->assign("nextevent", $nextevent);
Exemplo n.º 7
 } else {
     $numteams = 0;
 $post['topics'] = unserialize($post['topics']);
 $post['related'] = unserialize($post['related']);
 $tpl->assign('numevents', $numevents);
 $tpl->assign('event', $event);
 $tpl->assign('numalbum', $numalbum);
 $tpl->assign('albums', $albums);
 $tpl->assign("post", $post);
 $result = $data->select_query("articletopics", "ORDER BY title ASC", "id, title, groups");
 $numtopics = 0;
 $topics = array();
 while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($result)) {
     $topicgroups = unserialize($temp['groups']);
     if (in_group($topicgroups)) {
         $topics[] = $temp;
 $article = $data->select_fetch_all_rows($numarticles, "patrol_articles", "WHERE allowed=1 AND trash=0 AND ID != {$safe_id} ORDER BY title ASC");
 $tpl->assign('numarticles', $numarticles);
 $tpl->assign('article', $article);
 $tpl->assign('numarticles', $numarticles);
 $tpl->assign('article', $article);
 $tpl->assign('numtopics', $numtopics);
 $tpl->assign('topics', $topics);
 $scriptList['tinyAdv'] = 1;
 $submit = $_POST["Submit"];
 if ($submit == "Submit") {
     if (validate($_POST['validation'])) {
Exemplo n.º 8
function form_selected_group($item, $s)
    if (in_group($s, $item) == TRUE) {
        $out = ' selected ';
        return $out;
Exemplo n.º 9
function mod_prj()
    require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.form.php';
    $form = new Form();
    $out =& $GLOBALS['page'];
    $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('project', "lms");
    // Controllo che l'utente non cerchi di entrare in progetti a cui non e' iscritto.
    $id = $_GET["id"];
    $myprj = user_projects(Docebo::user()->getIdSt());
    $view_perm = checkPerm('mod', true);
    if ($view_perm && in_array($id, $myprj) && is_owner(Docebo::user()->getIdSt(), $id)) {
        //area title
        $out->add(getTitleArea($lang->def("_PROJECT_MANAGER"), "project"));
        $out->add('<div class="std_block">');
        if (isset($_POST["applychanges"]) && $_POST["ptitle"] != "") {
            $err = "";
            $ptitle = isset($_POST["ptitle"]) ? $_POST["ptitle"] : "";
            $pgroup = $_POST["pgroup"];
            $old_pgroup = $_POST["old_pgroup"];
            $psfiles = isset($_POST["psfiles"]) ? $_POST["psfiles"] : 0;
            $pstasks = isset($_POST["pstasks"]) ? $_POST["pstasks"] : 0;
            $psnews = isset($_POST["psnews"]) ? $_POST["psnews"] : 0;
            $pstodo = isset($_POST["pstodo"]) ? $_POST["pstodo"] : 0;
            $psmsg = isset($_POST["psmsg"]) ? $_POST["psmsg"] : 0;
            $qtxt = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS["prefix_lms"] . "_prj SET ptitle='{$ptitle}',psfiles='{$psfiles}',";
            $qtxt .= "pstasks='{$pstasks}',psnews='{$psnews}',pstodo='{$pstodo}',psmsg='{$psmsg}' ";
            if ($pgroup != $old_pgroup) {
                if (in_group(getLogUserId(), $pgroup)) {
                    // Removing all admins:
                    $pgroup_qtxt = "DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS["prefix_lms"] . "_prj_users ";
                    $pgroup_qtxt .= "WHERE flag='1' AND pid='" . $id . "'";
                    $q = sql_query($pgroup_qtxt);
                    if ($q) {
                        $qtxt .= ",pgroup='" . $pgroup . "' ";
                } else {
                    $err = $lang->def("_PRJNOVALIDGROUP");
            $qtxt .= "WHERE id='{$id}' LIMIT 1";
            if (empty($err)) {
                $q = sql_query($qtxt);
                if ($q) {
            } else {
        //$out->add("<div class=\"alignRight\"><a class=\"back_comand\" href=\"index.php?modname=project&amp;op=project\">".$lang->def("_BACK")."</a></div>\n");
        $query = sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS["prefix_lms"] . "_prj WHERE id='{$id}';");
        if ($query && mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {
            $row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
        $group_arr = getGroupsForProject($lang);
        $url = "index.php?modname=project&amp;op=project";
        $out->add(getBackUi($url, $lang->def('_BACK')));
        $url = "index.php?modname=project&amp;op=modprj&amp;id=" . $id;
        $out->add($form->openForm("project_form", $url));
        $out->add($form->getTextfield($lang->def("_PTITLE"), "ptitle", "ptitle", 255, $row["ptitle"]));
        $out->add($form->getDropdown($lang->def("_PGROUP"), "pgroup", "pgroup", $group_arr, $row["pgroup"]));
        $out->add($form->getHidden("old_pgroup", "old_pgroup", $row["pgroup"]));
        // TODO: add a fieldset labeled _POPTIONS
        $out->add($form->getCheckbox($lang->def("_PSFILES"), "psfiles", "psfiles", 1, $row["psfiles"]));
        $out->add($form->getCheckbox($lang->def("_PSTASKS"), "pstasks", "pstasks", 1, $row["pstasks"]));
        $out->add($form->getCheckbox($lang->def("_PSNEWS"), "psnews", "psnews", 1, $row["psnews"]));
        $out->add($form->getCheckbox($lang->def("_PSTODO"), "pstodo", "pstodo", 1, $row["pstodo"]));
        $out->add($form->getCheckbox($lang->def("_PSMSG"), "psmsg", "psmsg", 1, $row["psmsg"]));
        $out->add($form->getHidden("applychanges", "applychanges", 1));
        $out->add($form->getButton('save', 'save', $lang->def('_SAVE')));
        $out->add($form->getButton('undo', 'undo', $lang->def('_UNDO')));
        return 0;
        // OLD FORM:
        $out->add("<form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php?modname=project&amp;op=modprj&amp;id={$id}\">\n" . '<input type="hidden" id="authentic_request_prj" name="authentic_request" value="' . Util::getSignature() . '" />');
        $out->add("<tr><td><b>" . $lang->def("_PTITLE") . "</b>:\n");
        $out->add("</td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"ptitle\" name=\"ptitle\" size=\"40\" value=\"" . $row["ptitle"] . "\" />\n");
        $out->add("<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><b>" . $lang->def("_POPTIONS") . ":</b>\n");
        if ($row["psfiles"]) {
            $chk = " checked";
        } else {
            $chk = "";
        $out->add("<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"psfiles\" name=\"psfiles\" value=\"1\"{$chk} />" . $lang->def("_PSFILES") . "<br />\n");
        if ($row["pstasks"]) {
            $chk = " checked";
        } else {
            $chk = "";
        $out->add("<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"pstasks\" name=\"pstasks\" value=\"1\"{$chk} />" . $lang->def("_PSTASKS") . "<br />\n");
        if ($row["psnews"]) {
            $chk = " checked";
        } else {
            $chk = "";
        $out->add("<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"psnews\" name=\"psnews\" value=\"1\"{$chk} />" . $lang->def("_PSNEWS") . "<br />\n");
        if ($row["pstodo"]) {
            $chk = " checked";
        } else {
            $chk = "";
        $out->add("<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"pstodo\" name=\"pstodo\" value=\"1\"{$chk} />" . $lang->def("_PSTODO") . "<br />\n");
        if ($row["psmsg"]) {
            $chk = " checked";
        } else {
            $chk = "";
        $out->add("<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"psmsg\" name=\"psmsg\" value=\"1\"{$chk} />" . $lang->def("_PSMSG") . "<br />\n");
        $out->add("</table><br />\n");
        $out->add("<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"applychanges\" name=\"applychanges\" value=\"1\" />\n");
        $out->add("<input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $lang->def("_SAVE") . "\" />\n");
    } else {
        die("You can't access");
 function admin_login()
     $this->layout = 'admin';
     //$this->Auth->autoRedirect = false;
     if ($this->Auth->user()) {
         $groups = $this->Session->read('Groups');
         if (!in_group('Admin', $groups) || !in_group('Moderator', $groups)) {
             $this->Session->setFlash('You do not have permission to access the administration.');
             $this->redirect(array('admin' => false, 'controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login'));
Exemplo n.º 11
function article_listing()
    global $aidlink, $locale;
    global $aidlink, $locale;
    // Remodel display results into straight view instead category container sorting.
    // consistently monitor sql results rendertime. -- Do not Surpass 0.15
    // all blog are uncategorized by default unless specified.
    $limit = 15;
    $total_rows = dbcount("(article_id)", DB_ARTICLES, multilang_table("AR") ? "article_language='" . LANGUAGE . "'" : "");
    $rowstart = isset($_GET['rowstart']) && $_GET['rowstart'] <= $total_rows ? $_GET['rowstart'] : 0;
    // add a filter browser
    $catOpts = array("all" => $locale['articles_0023']);
    $categories = dbquery("select article_cat_id, article_cat_name\n\t\t\t\tfrom " . DB_ARTICLE_CATS . " " . (multilang_table("AR") ? "where article_cat_language='" . LANGUAGE . "'" : "") . "");
    if (dbrows($categories) > 0) {
        while ($cat_data = dbarray($categories)) {
            $catOpts[$cat_data['article_cat_id']] = $cat_data['article_cat_name'];
    // prevent xss
    $catFilter = "";
    if (isset($_GET['filter_cid']) && isnum($_GET['filter_cid']) && isset($catOpts[$_GET['filter_cid']])) {
        if ($_GET['filter_cid'] > 0) {
            $catFilter = "and " . in_group("article_cat", intval($_GET['filter_cid']));
    $langFilter = multilang_table("AR") ? "article_language='" . LANGUAGE . "'" : "";
    if ($catFilter && $langFilter) {
        $filter = $catFilter . " AND " . $langFilter;
    } else {
        $filter = $catFilter . $langFilter;
    $result = dbquery("\n\tSELECT a.article_id, a.article_cat, a.article_subject, a.article_snippet, a.article_draft,\n\tcat.article_cat_id, cat.article_cat_name\n\tFROM " . DB_ARTICLES . " a\n\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_ARTICLE_CATS . " cat on cat.article_cat_id=a.article_cat\n\t" . ($filter ? "WHERE " . $filter : "") . "\n\tORDER BY article_draft DESC, article_datestamp DESC LIMIT {$rowstart}, {$limit}\n\t");
    $rows = dbrows($result);
    echo "<div class='clearfix'>\n";
    echo "<span class='pull-right m-t-10'>" . sprintf($locale['articles_0024'], $rows, $total_rows) . "</span>\n";
    if (!empty($catOpts) > 0 && $total_rows > 0) {
        echo "<div class='pull-left m-t-5 m-r-10'>" . $locale['articles_0025'] . "</div>\n";
        echo "<div class='dropdown pull-left m-r-10' style='position:relative'>\n";
        echo "<a class='dropdown-toggle btn btn-default btn-sm' style='width: 200px;' data-toggle='dropdown'>\n<strong>\n";
        if (isset($_GET['filter_cid']) && isset($catOpts[$_GET['filter_cid']])) {
            echo $catOpts[$_GET['filter_cid']];
        } else {
            echo $locale['articles_0026'];
        echo " <span class='caret'></span></strong>\n</a>\n";
        echo "<ul class='dropdown-menu' style='max-height:180px; width:200px; overflow-y: scroll'>\n";
        foreach ($catOpts as $catID => $catName) {
            $active = isset($_GET['filter_cid']) && $_GET['filter_cid'] == $catID ? TRUE : FALSE;
            echo "<li" . ($active ? " class='active'" : "") . ">\n<a class='text-smaller' href='" . clean_request("filter_cid=" . $catID, array("section", "rowstart", "aid"), TRUE) . "'>\n";
            echo $catName;
            echo "</a>\n</li>\n";
        echo "</ul>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";
    if ($total_rows > $rows) {
        echo makepagenav($rowstart, $limit, $total_rows, $limit, clean_request("", array("aid", "section"), TRUE) . "&amp;");
    echo "</div>\n";
    echo "<ul class='list-group m-10'>\n";
    if ($rows > 0) {
        while ($data2 = dbarray($result)) {
            echo "<li class='list-group-item'>\n";
            echo "<div class='clearfix'>\n";
            echo "<div class='m-b-10 pull-right'><strong>" . $locale['articles_0340'] . ":</strong>\n";
            echo "<a class='display-inline-block badge' style='width:auto;' href='" . FUSION_SELF . $aidlink . "&amp;action=edit&amp;cat_id=" . $data2['article_cat_id'] . "&amp;section=article_category'>";
            echo $data2['article_cat_name'];
            echo "</a>";
            echo "</div>\n";
            echo "<span class='strong text-dark'>" . $data2['article_subject'] . "</span>\n";
            echo "</div>\n";
            $articleText = strip_tags(parse_textarea($data2['article_snippet']));
            echo fusion_first_words($articleText, '50');
            echo "<div class='block m-t-10'>\n\t\t\t<a href='" . FUSION_SELF . $aidlink . "&amp;action=edit&amp;section=article_form&amp;article_id=" . $data2['article_id'] . "'>" . $locale['edit'] . "</a> -\n";
            echo "<a href='" . FUSION_SELF . $aidlink . "&amp;action=delete&amp;section=article&amp;article_id=" . $data2['article_id'] . "'\n\t\t\tonclick=\"return confirm('" . $locale['articles_0251'] . "');\">" . $locale['delete'] . "</a>\n";
            echo "</div>\n";
            echo "</li>\n";
    } else {
        echo "<div class='panel-body text-center'>\n";
        echo $locale['articles_0343'];
        echo "</div>\n";
    echo "</ul>\n";
    if ($total_rows > $rows) {
        echo makepagenav($rowstart, $limit, $total_rows, $limit, clean_request("", array("aid", "section"), TRUE) . "&amp;");
Exemplo n.º 12
  $Source: /cvs/html/modules/Your_Account/blocks/groups.php,v $
  $Revision: 9.10 $
  $Author: estlane $
  $Date: 2009/10/14 18:56:07 $
if (!defined('CPG_NUKE')) {
if (is_user()) {
    // Group Memberships
    $result = $db->sql_query('SELECT ug.group_id, g.group_name, g.group_type FROM ' . $prefix . '_bbuser_group ug INNER JOIN ' . $prefix . '_bbgroups g ON (g.group_id = ug.group_id AND g.group_single_user = 0) WHERE ug.user_pending = 0 AND ug.user_id = ' . intval($userinfo['user_id']));
    if ($db->sql_numrows($result)) {
        $g = array();
        while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result, SQL_NUM)) {
            if ($row[2] == 2 && (!in_group($row[0]) && !can_admin())) {
            } else {
                $g[$row[0]] = $row[1];
        if (count($g)) {
            $cpgtpl->assign_vars(array('GROUPS_TITLE' => $userinfo['username'] . '\'s ' . _MEMBERGROUPS));
            foreach ($g as $gid => $gname) {
                $cpgtpl->assign_block_vars('group', array('URL' => URL::index('Groups&amp;g=' . $gid), 'NAME' => $gname));
            $cpgtpl->set_handle('ya_block', 'your_account/blocks/groups.html');
Exemplo n.º 13
 private function allowed($view)
     $view = intval($view);
     if (is_admin() || $view === 0 || $view === 1 && is_user() || $view === 3 && !is_user() || $view > 3 && in_group($view - 3)) {
         return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
        get_lang($module_name, -1);
        $showblocks = $module['blocks'];
        if ($module['custom_title'] != '') {
            $module_title = $module['custom_title'];
        } else {
            $module_title = defined('_' . $module_name . 'LANG') ? constant('_' . $module_name . 'LANG') : str_replace('_', ' ', $module_name);
        $module_version = $module['version'];
        $module_id = $module['mid'];
        unset($module, $error);
        if ($view > 0 && !is_admin()) {
            if ($view == 1 && !is_user()) {
                $error = _MODULEUSERS . ($MAIN_CFG['member']['allowuserreg'] ? _MODULEUSERS2 : '');
            } elseif ($view == 2) {
                $error = _MODULESADMINS;
            } elseif ($view > 3 && !in_group($view - 3)) {
                list($groupName) = $db->sql_ufetchrow('SELECT group_name FROM ' . $prefix . '_bbgroups WHERE group_id=' . ($view - 3));
                $error = '<i>' . $groupName . '</i> ' . _MODULESGROUPS;
        if (isset($error)) {
            cpg_error('<br /><br /><strong>' . _RESTRICTEDAREA . '</strong><br /><br />' . $error, 401);
        } else {
            include $modpath;
    } else {
        cpg_error('<br /><br />' . _MODULENOTACTIVE, 503);
} else {
    // index.php
    if ($SESS->new) {
Exemplo n.º 15
 * Blog Listing HTML
function blog_listing()
    global $aidlink, $locale;
    // Remodel display results into straight view instead category container sorting.
    // consistently monitor sql results rendertime. -- Do not Surpass 0.15
    // all blog are uncategorized by default unless specified.
    $limit = 15;
    $total_rows = dbcount("(blog_id)", DB_BLOG, multilang_table("BL") ? "blog_language='" . LANGUAGE . "'" : "");
    $rowstart = isset($_GET['rowstart']) && $_GET['rowstart'] <= $total_rows ? $_GET['rowstart'] : 0;
    // add a filter browser
    $catOpts = array("all" => $locale['blog_0460'], "0" => $locale['blog_0424']);
    $categories = dbquery("select blog_cat_id, blog_cat_name\n\t\t\t\tfrom " . DB_BLOG_CATS . " " . (multilang_table("BL") ? "where blog_cat_language='" . LANGUAGE . "'" : "") . "");
    if (dbrows($categories) > 0) {
        while ($cat_data = dbarray($categories)) {
            $catOpts[$cat_data['blog_cat_id']] = $cat_data['blog_cat_name'];
    // prevent xss
    $catFilter = "";
    if (isset($_GET['filter_cid']) && isnum($_GET['filter_cid']) && isset($catOpts[$_GET['filter_cid']])) {
        if ($_GET['filter_cid'] > 0) {
            $catFilter = "and " . in_group("blog_cat", intval($_GET['filter_cid']));
    $langFilter = multilang_table("BL") ? "blog_language='" . LANGUAGE . "'" : "";
    if ($catFilter && $langFilter) {
        $filter = $catFilter . " AND " . $langFilter;
    } else {
        $filter = $catFilter . $langFilter;
    $result = dbquery("\n\tSELECT blog_id, blog_cat, blog_subject, blog_image, blog_image_t1, blog_image_t2, blog_blog, blog_draft\n\tFROM " . DB_BLOG . "\n\t" . ($filter ? "WHERE " . $filter : "") . "\n\tORDER BY blog_draft DESC, blog_sticky DESC, blog_datestamp DESC LIMIT {$rowstart}, {$limit}\n\t");
    $rows = dbrows($result);
    echo "<div class='clearfix'>\n";
    echo "<span class='pull-right m-t-10'>" . sprintf($locale['blog_0408'], $rows, $total_rows) . "</span>\n";
    if (!empty($catOpts) > 0 && $total_rows > 0) {
        echo "<div class='pull-left m-t-5 m-r-10'>" . $locale['blog_0458'] . "</div>\n";
        echo "<div class='dropdown pull-left m-r-10' style='position:relative'>\n";
        echo "<a class='dropdown-toggle btn btn-default btn-sm' style='width: 200px;' data-toggle='dropdown'>\n<strong>\n";
        if (isset($_GET['filter_cid']) && isset($catOpts[$_GET['filter_cid']])) {
            echo $catOpts[$_GET['filter_cid']];
        } else {
            echo $locale['blog_0459'];
        echo " <span class='caret'></span></strong>\n</a>\n";
        echo "<ul class='dropdown-menu' style='max-height:180px; width:200px; overflow-y: scroll'>\n";
        foreach ($catOpts as $catID => $catName) {
            $active = isset($_GET['filter_cid']) && $_GET['filter_cid'] == $catID ? true : false;
            echo "<li" . ($active ? " class='active'" : "") . ">\n<a class='text-smaller' href='" . clean_request("filter_cid=" . $catID, array("section", "rowstart", "aid"), true) . "'>\n";
            echo $catName;
            echo "</a>\n</li>\n";
        echo "</ul>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";
    if ($total_rows > $rows) {
        echo makepagenav($rowstart, $limit, $total_rows, $limit, clean_request("", array("aid", "section"), true) . "&amp;");
    echo "</div>\n";
    echo "<ul class='list-group m-10'>\n";
    if ($rows > 0) {
        while ($data2 = dbarray($result)) {
            echo "<li class='list-group-item'>\n";
            echo "<div class='pull-left m-r-10'>\n";
            $image_thumb = get_blog_image_path($data2['blog_image'], $data2['blog_image_t1'], $data2['blog_image_t2']);
            if (!$image_thumb) {
                $image_thumb = IMAGES . "imagenotfound70.jpg";
            echo thumbnail($image_thumb, '70px');
            echo "</div>\n";
            echo "<div class='overflow-hide'>\n";
            echo "<div><span class='strong text-dark'>" . $data2['blog_subject'] . "</span><br/>\n";
            if (!empty($data2['blog_cat'])) {
                $blog_cat = str_replace(".", ",", $data2['blog_cat']);
                $result2 = dbquery("SELECT blog_cat_id, blog_cat_name\n                            from " . DB_BLOG_CATS . " WHERE blog_cat_id in ({$blog_cat})\n                            ");
                $rows2 = dbrows($result2);
                if ($rows2 > 0) {
                    echo "<div class='m-b-10'><strong>" . $locale['blog_0407'] . ": </strong>\n";
                    $i = 1;
                    while ($cdata = dbarray($result2)) {
                        echo "<a href='" . FUSION_SELF . $aidlink . "&amp;action=edit&amp;cat_id=" . $cdata['blog_cat_id'] . "&amp;section=blog_category'>";
                        echo $cdata['blog_cat_name'];
                        echo "</a>";
                        echo $i == $rows2 ? "" : ", ";
                    echo "</div>\n";
                echo "</div>\n";
            $blogText = strip_tags(parse_textarea($data2['blog_blog']));
            echo fusion_first_words($blogText, '50');
            echo "<div class='block m-t-10'><a href='" . FUSION_SELF . $aidlink . "&amp;action=edit&amp;section=blog_form&amp;blog_id=" . $data2['blog_id'] . "'>" . $locale['blog_0420'] . "</a> -\n";
            echo "<a href='" . FUSION_SELF . $aidlink . "&amp;action=delete&amp;section=blog_form&amp;blog_id=" . $data2['blog_id'] . "' onclick=\"return confirm('" . $locale['blog_0451'] . "');\">" . $locale['blog_0421'] . "</a>\n";
            echo "</div>\n</div>\n";
            echo "</li>\n";
    } else {
        echo "<div class='panel-body text-center'>\n";
        echo $locale['blog_0456'];
        echo "</div>\n";
    echo "</ul>\n";
    if ($total_rows > $rows) {
        echo makepagenav($rowstart, $limit, $total_rows, $limit, clean_request("", array("aid", "section"), true) . "&amp;");
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function cache_tags()
     $tag_query = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_FORUM_TAGS . " WHERE tag_status=1\n            " . (multilang_table("FO") ? "AND tag_language='" . LANGUAGE . "'" : "") . "\n            ORDER BY tag_title ASC";
     $tag_result = dbquery($tag_query);
     if (dbrows($tag_result) > 0) {
         while ($data = dbarray($tag_result)) {
             $data['tag_link'] = FORUM . "tags.php?tag_id=" . $data['tag_id'];
             $data['tag_active'] = isset($_GET['viewtags']) && isset($_GET['tag_id']) && $_GET['tag_id'] == $data['tag_id'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
             $this->tag_info['tags'][$data['tag_id']] = $data;
             $thread_query = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_FORUM_THREADS . " WHERE " . in_group('thread_tags', $data['tag_id']) . " ORDER BY thread_lastpost DESC LIMIT 1";
             $thread_result = dbquery($thread_query);
             $thread_rows = dbrows($thread_result);
             if ($thread_rows > 0) {
                 $tData = dbarray($thread_result);
                 $this->tag_info['tags'][$data['tag_id']]['threads'] = $tData;
         // More
         $this->tag_info['tags'][0] = array('tag_id' => 0, 'tag_link' => FORUM . "tags.php", 'tag_title' => fusion_get_locale("global_700") . "&hellip;", 'tag_active' => '', 'tag_color' => '');
Exemplo n.º 17
         $author_res = dbresult(dbquery("SELECT user_name FROM " . DB_USERS . " WHERE user_id='" . intval($_GET['author']) . "'"), 0);
         add_breadcrumb(array('link' => INFUSIONS . "blog/blog.php?author=" . $_GET['author'], 'title' => $locale['global_070'] . $author_res));
         if (isset($_GET['type']) && isset($info['allowed_filters'][$_GET['type']])) {
             add_breadcrumb(array("link" => clean_request("", array("author"), true), "title" => $info['allowed_filters'][$_GET['type']]));
         $result = dbquery("SELECT tn.*,\n\t\t\ttu.user_id, tu.user_name, tu.user_status, tu.user_avatar , tu.user_level, tu.user_joined,\n\t\t\tSUM(tr.rating_vote) 'sum_rating',\n\t\t\tCOUNT(tr.rating_item_id) 'count_votes',\n\t\t\tCOUNT(td.comment_item_id) 'count_comment',\n\t\t\tmax(tn.blog_datestamp) as last_updated\n\t\t\tFROM " . DB_BLOG . " tn\n\t\t\tinner join " . DB_USERS . " tu on tn.blog_name=tu.user_id\n\t\t\tleft join " . DB_RATINGS . " tr on tr.rating_item_id = tn.blog_id AND tr.rating_type='B'\n\t\t\tleft join " . DB_COMMENTS . " td on td.comment_item_id = tn.blog_id AND td.comment_type='B' AND td.comment_hidden='0'\n\t\t\t" . (multilang_table("BL") ? "WHERE blog_language='" . LANGUAGE . "' AND" : "WHERE") . " " . groupaccess('blog_visibility') . "\n\t\t\tand (blog_start='0'||blog_start<=" . time() . ") and (blog_end='0'||blog_end>=" . time() . ") AND blog_draft='0' AND blog_name='" . intval($_GET['author']) . "'\n\t\t\tGROUP BY blog_id\n\t\t\tORDER BY blog_sticky DESC, " . $filter_condition . " LIMIT " . $_GET['rowstart'] . "," . $blog_settings['blog_pagination']);
         $info['blog_rows'] = dbrows($result);
 } elseif (isset($_GET['cat_id']) && validate_blogCats($_GET['cat_id'])) {
     $catFilter = "and blog_cat =''";
     if ($_GET['cat_id'] > 0) {
         $res = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT blog_cat_id, blog_cat_name FROM " . DB_BLOG_CATS . " WHERE blog_cat_id='" . intval($_GET['cat_id']) . "'"));
         add_breadcrumb(array('link' => INFUSIONS . "blog/blog.php?cat_id=" . $_GET['cat_id'], 'title' => $res['blog_cat_name']));
         add_to_title($locale['global_201'] . $res['blog_cat_name']);
         $info['blog_title'] = $res['blog_cat_name'];
         $catFilter = "and " . in_group("blog_cat", intval($_GET['cat_id']));
     } else {
         add_breadcrumb(array('link' => INFUSIONS . "blog/blog.php?cat_id=" . $_GET['cat_id'], 'title' => $locale['global_080']));
         add_to_title($locale['global_201'] . $locale['global_080']);
         $info['blog_title'] = $locale['global_080'];
     if (isset($_GET['type']) && isset($info['allowed_filters'][$_GET['type']])) {
         add_breadcrumb(array("link" => INFUSIONS . "blog/blog.php?cat_id=" . $_GET['cat_id'] . "&amp;type=" . $_GET['type'], "title" => $info['allowed_filters'][$_GET['type']]));
     $info['blog_max_rows'] = dbrows(dbquery("select blog_id from " . DB_BLOG . "\n\t\t\t" . (multilang_table("BL") ? "WHERE blog_language='" . LANGUAGE . "' and " : "where") . " " . groupaccess("blog_visibility") . "\n\t\t\tand (blog_start='0'||blog_start<=" . time() . ") and (blog_end='0'||blog_end>=" . time() . ") and blog_draft='0'\n\t\t\t" . $catFilter . "\n\t\t\t"));
     $_GET['rowstart'] = isset($_GET['rowstart']) && isnum($_GET['rowstart']) && $_GET['rowstart'] <= $info['blog_max_rows'] ? $_GET['rowstart'] : 0;
     if ($info['blog_max_rows']) {
         $result = dbquery("\n\t\t\tSELECT tn.*, tc.*, IF(tn.blog_cat = 0, '" . $locale['global_080'] . "', blog_cat_name) as blog_cat_name,\n\t\t\ttu.user_id, tu.user_name, tu.user_status, tu.user_avatar , tu.user_level, tu.user_joined,\n\t\t\tIF(SUM(tr.rating_vote)>0, SUM(tr.rating_vote), 0) AS sum_rating,\n\t\t\tCOUNT(tr.rating_item_id) AS count_votes,\n\t\t\tCOUNT(td.comment_item_id) AS count_comment,\n\t\t\tmax(tn.blog_datestamp) as last_updated\n\t\t\tFROM " . DB_BLOG . " tn\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu ON tn.blog_name=tu.user_id\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_BLOG_CATS . " tc ON tn.blog_cat=tc.blog_cat_id\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_RATINGS . " tr ON tr.rating_item_id = tn.blog_id AND tr.rating_type='B'\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_COMMENTS . " td ON td.comment_item_id = tn.blog_id AND td.comment_type='B' AND td.comment_hidden='0'\n\t\t\t" . (multilang_table("BL") ? "WHERE blog_language='" . LANGUAGE . "' AND" : "WHERE") . " " . groupaccess('blog_visibility') . "\n\t\t\t" . $catFilter . "\n\t\t\tAND (blog_start='0'||blog_start<=" . time() . ") AND (blog_end='0'||blog_end>=" . time() . ")\n\t\t\tAND blog_draft='0'\n\t\t\tGROUP BY tn.blog_id\n\t\t\tORDER BY blog_sticky DESC, " . $filter_condition . " LIMIT " . intval($_GET['rowstart']) . "," . intval($blog_settings['blog_pagination']));
         $info['blog_rows'] = dbrows($result);
Exemplo n.º 18
     $data['work'] .= '
       <td id="blank" colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
       <td id="blank"><font color="[color_err]">Der User ist UrAdmin, sein Status<br />
        kann nicht ge&auml;nder werden</font></td>
 $data['work'] .= '
    <td id="blank" style="width:250px; vertical-align:top"><b>Usergruppen</b></td>
    <td id="blank">&nbsp;</td>
    <td id="blank">
     <select id="tab" name="groupids[]" size="5" style="width:100px" multiple>';
 $r_group = db_query("SELECT\n                 name,\n                 groupid\n             FROM " . $pref . "group ORDER BY groupid ASC");
 while ($group = db_result($r_group)) {
     $data['work'] .= '<option value="' . $group['groupid'] . '"' . (in_group($user['groupids'], $group['groupid']) ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $group['name'] . '</option>';
 $data['work'] .= '
 foreach ($user_edit as $key => $value) {
     $data['work'] .= '
       <td id="blank" style="width:250px; vertical-align:top"><b>' . $value[0] . '</b><br /><font size="1">' . $value[1] . '</font></td>
       <td id="blank">&nbsp;</td><td id="blank" style="vertical-align:top">';
     switch ($value[2]) {
         case 1:
             $data['work'] .= '<input type="text" size="10" name="user[' . $key . ']" value="' . $user[$key] . '" id="border-tab"/>';
         case 2:
Exemplo n.º 19
 public function allow($check = false)
     if (self::$is_home || 'Your_Account' === $this->name || in_array($this->name, self::$allow_access)) {
         return true;
     if (!$this->active && !can_admin($this->name)) {
         $error = sprintf(_MODULENOEXIST, '');
     } elseif (1 === $this->view && !is_user()) {
         global $MAIN_CFG;
         $error = _MODULEUSERS . ($MAIN_CFG['member']['allowuserreg'] ? _MODULEUSERS2 : '');
     } elseif (2 === $this->view && !can_admin($this->name)) {
         $error = _MODULESADMINS;
     } elseif (3 < $this->view && !in_group($this->view - 3)) {
         global $db, $prefix;
         list($groupName) = $db->sql_ufetchrow('SELECT group_name FROM ' . $prefix . '_bbgroups WHERE group_id=' . ($this->view - 3));
         $error = '<i>' . $groupName . '</i> ' . _MODULESGROUPS;
     if (isset($error)) {
         if ($check) {
             return $error;
         cpg_error($error, E_USER_ERROR);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 20
 * @brief Returns array of channels which have recursive permission for a file
 * @param $arr_allow_cid
 * @param $arr_allow_gid
 * @param $arr_deny_cid
 * @param $arr_deny_gid
 * @param $folder_hash
function recursive_activity_recipients($arr_allow_cid, $arr_allow_gid, $arr_deny_cid, $arr_deny_gid, $folder_hash)
    $ret = array();
    $parent_arr = array();
    $count_values = array();
    $poster = get_app()->get_observer();
    //turn allow_gid into allow_cid's
    foreach ($arr_allow_gid as $gid) {
        $in_group = in_group($gid);
        $arr_allow_cid = array_unique(array_merge($arr_allow_cid, $in_group));
    $count = 0;
    while ($folder_hash) {
        $x = q("SELECT allow_cid, allow_gid, deny_cid, deny_gid, folder FROM attach WHERE hash = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($folder_hash));
        //only process private folders
        if ($x[0]['allow_cid'] || $x[0]['allow_gid'] || $x[0]['deny_cid'] || $x[0]['deny_gid']) {
            $parent_arr['allow_cid'][] = expand_acl($x[0]['allow_cid']);
            $parent_arr['allow_gid'][] = expand_acl($x[0]['allow_gid']);
             * @TODO should find a much better solution for the allow_cid <-> allow_gid problem.
             * Do not use allow_gid for now. Instead lookup the members of the group directly and add them to allow_cid.
             * */
            if ($parent_arr['allow_gid']) {
                foreach ($parent_arr['allow_gid'][$count] as $gid) {
                    $in_group = in_group($gid);
                    $parent_arr['allow_cid'][$count] = array_unique(array_merge($parent_arr['allow_cid'][$count], $in_group));
            $parent_arr['deny_cid'][] = expand_acl($x[0]['deny_cid']);
            $parent_arr['deny_gid'][] = expand_acl($x[0]['deny_gid']);
        $folder_hash = $x[0]['folder'];
    //if none of the parent folders is private just return file perms
    if (!$parent_arr['allow_cid'] && !$parent_arr['allow_gid'] && !$parent_arr['deny_cid'] && !$parent_arr['deny_gid']) {
        $ret['allow_gid'] = $arr_allow_gid;
        $ret['allow_cid'] = $arr_allow_cid;
        $ret['deny_gid'] = $arr_deny_gid;
        $ret['deny_cid'] = $arr_deny_cid;
        return $ret;
    //if there are no perms on the file we get them from the first parent folder
    if (!$arr_allow_cid && !$arr_allow_gid && !$arr_deny_cid && !$arr_deny_gid) {
        $arr_allow_cid = $parent_arr['allow_cid'][0];
        $arr_allow_gid = $parent_arr['allow_gid'][0];
        $arr_deny_cid = $parent_arr['deny_cid'][0];
        $arr_deny_gid = $parent_arr['deny_gid'][0];
    $r_arr_allow_cid = false;
    foreach ($parent_arr['allow_cid'] as $folder_arr_allow_cid) {
        foreach ($folder_arr_allow_cid as $ac_hash) {
    foreach ($arr_allow_cid as $fac_hash) {
        if ($count_values[$fac_hash] == $count) {
            $r_arr_allow_cid[] = $fac_hash;
    $r_arr_allow_gid = false;
    foreach ($parent_arr['allow_gid'] as $folder_arr_allow_gid) {
        foreach ($folder_arr_allow_gid as $ag_hash) {
    foreach ($arr_allow_gid as $fag_hash) {
        if ($count_values[$fag_hash] == $count) {
            $r_arr_allow_gid[] = $fag_hash;
    foreach ($parent_arr['deny_gid'] as $folder_arr_deny_gid) {
        $r_arr_deny_gid = array_merge($arr_deny_gid, $folder_arr_deny_gid);
    $r_arr_deny_gid = array_unique($r_arr_deny_gid);
    foreach ($parent_arr['deny_cid'] as $folder_arr_deny_cid) {
        $r_arr_deny_cid = array_merge($arr_deny_cid, $folder_arr_deny_cid);
    $r_arr_deny_cid = array_unique($r_arr_deny_cid);
    //if none is allowed restrict to self
    if ($r_arr_allow_gid === false && $r_arr_allow_cid === false) {
        $ret['allow_cid'] = $poster['xchan_hash'];
    } else {
        $ret['allow_gid'] = $r_arr_allow_gid;
        $ret['allow_cid'] = $r_arr_allow_cid;
        $ret['deny_gid'] = $r_arr_deny_gid;
        $ret['deny_cid'] = $r_arr_deny_cid;
    return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public static function send_pm($to, $from, $subject, $message, $smileys = 'y', $to_group = FALSE, $save_sent = TRUE)
     include LOCALE . LOCALESET . "messages.php";
     require_once INCLUDES . "sendmail_include.php";
     require_once INCLUDES . "flood_include.php";
     $strict = FALSE;
     $locale = array();
     $group_name = getgroupname($to);
     $to = isnum($to) || !empty($group_name) ? $to : 0;
     $from = isnum($from) ? $from : 0;
     $smileys = preg_match("#(\\[code\\](.*?)\\[/code\\]|\\[geshi=(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/geshi\\]|\\[php\\](.*?)\\[/php\\])#si", $message) ? "n" : $smileys;
     if (!$to_group) {
         // send to user
         $pmStatus = self::get_pm_settings($to);
         $myStatus = self::get_pm_settings($from);
         if (!flood_control("message_datestamp", DB_MESSAGES, "message_from='" . intval($from) . "'")) {
             // find receipient
             $result = dbquery("SELECT u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_email, u.user_level,\n\t\t\t\tCOUNT(m.message_id) 'message_count'\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB_USERS . " u\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_MESSAGES . " m ON m.message_user=u.user_id and message_folder='0'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE u.user_id='" . intval($to) . "' GROUP BY u.user_id\n\t\t\t\t");
             if (dbrows($result) > 0) {
                 $data = dbarray($result);
                 $result2 = dbquery("SELECT user_id, user_name FROM " . DB_USERS . " WHERE user_id='" . intval($from) . "'");
                 if (dbrows($result2) > 0) {
                     $userdata = dbarray($result2);
                     if ($to != $from) {
                         if ($data['user_id'] == 1 || $data['user_level'] < USER_LEVEL_MEMBER || !$pmStatus['user_inbox'] || $data['message_count'] + 1 <= $pmStatus['user_inbox']) {
                             $inputData = array("message_id" => 0, "message_to" => $to, "message_user" => $to, "message_from" => $from, "message_subject" => $subject, "message_message" => $message, "message_smileys" => $smileys, "message_read" => 0, "message_datestamp" => time(), "message_folder" => 0);
                             dbquery_insert(DB_MESSAGES, $inputData, "save");
                             // this will flood the inbox when message is sent to group. -- fixed
                             if ($myStatus['user_pm_save_sent'] == '2' && $save_sent == TRUE) {
                                 // user_outbox.
                                 $cdata = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT COUNT(message_id) AS outbox_count, MIN(message_id) AS last_message FROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . DB_MESSAGES . " WHERE message_to='" . $userdata['user_id'] . "' AND message_user='******'user_id'] . "' AND message_folder='1' GROUP BY message_to"));
                                 // check my outbox limit and if surpass, remove oldest message
                                 if ($myStatus['user_outbox'] != "0" && $cdata['outbox_count'] + 1 > $myStatus['user_outbox']) {
                                     dbquery("DELETE FROM " . DB_MESSAGES . " WHERE message_id='" . $cdata['last_message'] . "' AND message_to='" . $userdata['user_id'] . "'");
                                 $inputData['message_user'] = $userdata['user_id'];
                                 $inputData['message_folder'] = 1;
                                 $inputData['message_from'] = $to;
                                 $inputData['message_to'] = $userdata['user_id'];
                                 dbquery_insert(DB_MESSAGES, $inputData, "save");
                             $send_email = $pmStatus['user_pm_email_notify'];
                             if ($send_email == "2") {
                                 $message_content = str_replace("[SUBJECT]", $subject, $locale['626']);
                                 $message_content = str_replace("[USER]", $userdata['user_name'], $message_content);
                                 $template_result = dbquery("SELECT template_key, template_active FROM " . DB_EMAIL_TEMPLATES . " WHERE template_key='PM' LIMIT 1");
                                 if (dbrows($template_result)) {
                                     $template_data = dbarray($template_result);
                                     if ($template_data['template_active'] == "1") {
                                         sendemail_template("PM", $subject, trimlink($message, 150), $userdata['user_name'], $data['user_name'], "", $data['user_email']);
                                     } else {
                                         sendemail($data['user_name'], $data['user_email'], fusion_get_settings("siteusername"), fusion_get_settings("siteemail"), $locale['625'], $data['user_name'] . $message_content);
                                 } else {
                                     sendemail($data['user_name'], $data['user_email'], fusion_get_settings("siteusername"), fusion_get_settings("siteemail"), $locale['625'], $data['user_name'] . $message_content);
                         } else {
                             // Inbox is full
                             if ($strict) {
                                 die("User inbox is full. Try delete it or upgrade it to 102 or 103 status");
                             addNotice("danger", $locale['628']);
                 } else {
                     // Sender does not exist in DB
                     if ($strict) {
                         die("Sender User ID does not exist in DB. Sequence Aborted.");
                     addNotice("danger", $locale['482']);
             } else {
                 if ($strict) {
                     die("Message Recepient User ID is invalid");
                 addNotice("danger", $locale['482']);
         } else {
             if ($strict) {
                 die("You are flooding, send_pm halted");
             addNotice("danger", sprintf($locale['487'], fusion_get_settings("flood_interval")));
     } else {
         $result = NULL;
         if ($to <= -101 && $to >= -103) {
             // -101, -102, -103 only
             $result = dbquery("SELECT user_id from " . DB_USERS . " WHERE user_level <='" . intval($to) . "' AND user_status='0'");
         } else {
             // ## --- deprecate -- WHERE user_groups REGEXP('^\\\.{$to}$|\\\.{$to}\\\.|\\\.{$to}$') #
             $result = dbquery("SELECT user_id FROM " . DB_USERS . " WHERE " . in_group("user_groups", $to) . " AND user_status='0'");
         if (dbrows($result) > 0) {
             while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
                 self::send_pm($data['user_id'], $from, $subject, $message, $smileys, FALSE, FALSE);
         } else {
             addNotice("danger", $locale['492']);
Exemplo n.º 22
 $submit = $_POST["Submit"];
 if ($submit == "Submit") {
     $title = safesql($_POST['title'], "text");
     $photo = safesql($_POST['photo'], "int");
     $event = safesql($_POST['event'], "int");
     $story = safesql($_POST['editor'], "text", false);
     $auth = safesql($_POST['auth'], "text");
     $patrol = safesql($_POST['patrol'], "int");
     $topics = $_POST['topics'];
     $pic = safesql($_POST['articlephoto'], "int");
     $result = $data->select_query("articletopics", "ORDER BY title ASC", "id, groups");
     $numtopics = 0;
     while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($result)) {
         if (in_group(unserialize($temp['groups'])) == false) {
             $topics[$temp['id']] = 1;
     $topics = safesql(serialize($topics), "text");
     $order = safesql($_POST['order'], "int");
     $summary = safesql($_POST['summary'], "text");
     $related = safesql(serialize($_POST['articles']), "text");
     if ($action == "edit") {
         $filename = safesql($filename, "text");
         $sql = $data->update_query("patrol_articles", "patrol={$patrol}, title={$title}, detail={$story}, date_post={$timestamp}, album_id={$photo}, event_id={$event}, author={$auth}, pic={$pic}, topics={$topics}, `order`={$order}, summary={$summary}, related={$related}", "ID={$id}");
     } elseif ($action == "new") {
         $filename = safesql($filename, "text");
         $data->insert_query("patrol_articles", "'', {$patrol}, {$pic}, {$title}, {$story}, {$timestamp}, {$photo}, {$event}, {$auth}, 1, {$topics}, {$order}, {$summary}, {$related}, 0");
     if ($sql && $action == "edit") {
Exemplo n.º 23
function confirm($type)
    global $config;
    $confirm = true;
    switch ($type) {
        case 'article':
            $confirmtype = $config['confirmarticle'];
        case 'poll':
            $confirmtype = $config['confirmpoll'];
        case 'event':
            $confirmtype = $config['confirmevent'];
        case 'album':
            $confirmtype = $config['confirmalbum'];
        case 'download':
            $confirmtype = $config['confirmdownload'];
        case 'news':
            $confirmtype = $config['confirmnews'];
        case 'photo':
            $confirmtype = $config['confirmphoto'];
        case 'comment':
            $confirmtype = $config['confirmcomment'];
    switch ($confirmtype) {
        case 2:
            $confirm = true;
        case 1:
            $confirm = !in_group($config['exclusion']);
        case 0:
            $confirm = false;
    return $confirm;