 * Takes the doc and formats it in a JSON file.
 * The file is output into the data folder inside the app folder.
function create_json_file($doc_url, $file_name)
    //Get the file
    $string = file_get_contents($doc_url) or die("Could not open {$doc_url} for reading");
    //Deal with character encoding
    $string = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'utf-8', mb_detect_encoding($string));
    // if you have not escaped entities use
    $file = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'html-entities', 'utf-8');
    // Replaces the italics and the bolds in the string.
    preg_match_all('/.c(?P<digit>\\d+){[^}]*(?>font-style:bold)[^{]*}/im', $file, $matches['strong']);
    preg_match_all('/.c(?P<digit>\\d+){[^}]*(?>font-style:italic)[^{]*}/im', $file, $matches['em']);
    foreach ($matches as $type => $match) {
        if (!empty($match['digit'])) {
            foreach ($match['digit'] as $class) {
                $file = preg_replace('#<span class="[^>]*c' . $class . '[^>]*">(?<text>[^<]+)<\\/span>#', '<' . $type . '>$1</' . $type . '>', $file);
    //Set up DOMDocument so we can parse the XML
    $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
    $doc->substituteEntities = TRUE;
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
    $elements = $xpath->query('//p | //ul | //ol');
    //Initialize variables
    $output = array('chapters' => array());
    $heading = 0;
    foreach ($elements as $element) {
         * Check to see what type of element it is — paragraph or list.
         * If it is a list item, then you'll need to get the list items and then put it all in a paragraph.
         * If it is a paragraph, lets look to see if it has multimedia attached to it.
        $elementValue = trim($element->textContent);
        if (!empty($elementValue)) {
            	Get the attribute
            	If it has "subtitle", wrap it in h2 tags.
            	If it's wrapped in curly braces, convert to php array to describe art.
            	If it doesn't, wrap it in a p tag.
            	Put in JSON array.
            if (stripos($element->getAttribute('class'), 'subtitle')) {
                $output['chapters'][$heading] = array('heading' => $element->nodeValue, 'content' => array(), 'preview image' => '', 'short title' => '');
            } elseif (stripos($element->nodeValue, '{') !== FALSE) {
                //This is a rich media asset
                //A heading should be set when it triggered a earlier in this loop.
                $clean_string = str_replace("“", "\"", $element->nodeValue);
                $clean_string = str_replace("”", "\"", $clean_string);
                $clean_string = trim($clean_string);
                $rich_media = json_decode($clean_string);
                if (is_null($rich_media)) {
                    die('There is a parse error with your rich media: ' . var_dump($clean_string));
                if (is_null($rich_media->filetype)) {
                    die('Your rich media is missing attributes. ' . var_dump($clean_string));
                // Check if the filename is an int. If so, pull the asset from Merlin.
                if (is_numeric($rich_media->filename)) {
                } elseif (is_numeric($rich_media->poster)) {
                //Provides some basic validation.
                $output['chapters'][$heading]['content'][] = array('filename' => isset($rich_media->filename) ? $rich_media->filename : '', 'filetype' => $rich_media->filetype, 'size' => preg_match('/^(big|medium|small)$/', $rich_media->size) ? $rich_media->size : 'big', 'orientation' => preg_match('/^(left|right|full|background)$/', $rich_media->orientation) ? $rich_media->orientation : 'full', 'caption' => $rich_media->caption, 'credit' => $rich_media->credit, 'poster' => isset($rich_media->poster) ? $rich_media->poster : '');
            } else {
                // This is a paragraph or a list item.
                if (preg_match('/\\Sl/i', $element->tagName)) {
                    $listItems = array();
                    // var_dump( $doc->saveXml( $element ) );
                    foreach ($element->childNodes as $item) {
                        // var_dump($doc->saveXml( $item ) );
                        // $item = strip_tags($item, '<a><li><span>');
                        // Find the node that needs to be replaced wtih em or strong tags
                        // $replace = array();
                        // foreach($item->childNodes as $childNodes) {
                        // 	foreach($childNodes->childNodes as $childNode) {
                        // 		foreach($childNode->attributes as $attr ) {
                        // 		if( array_search( $attr, array_column($displayClasses, 'class') ) ) {
                        // 			// $replace[] = $childNode;
                        // 			echo "match times! \n";
                        // 		}
                        // 	}
                        // 	}
                        // }
                        // var_dump( $replace );
                        // var_dump( $item );
                        $listItems[] = trim(strip_tags($item->textContent, '<a><em><strong>'));
                    // Replace the classes that are italic and bold with tags.
                    // die();
                    $output['chapters'][$heading]['content'][] = array('filename' => NULL, 'filetype' => 'text', 'size' => null, 'orientation' => null, 'caption' => '<' . $element->tagName . '><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $listItems) . '</li></' . $element->tagName . '>');
                } else {
                    $value = trim(strip_tags($doc->saveXml($element), '<a><em><strong>'));
                    if (!empty($value)) {
                        $output['chapters'][$heading]['content'][] = array('filename' => NULL, 'filetype' => 'text', 'size' => null, 'orientation' => null, 'caption' => $value);
        // if the string isn't empty
    //Now write this to a file.
    file_put_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../app/data/' . $file_name . '.json', json_encode($output)) or die('Could not open file for writing.');
    echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " successful import. \r\n";
 * Takes the doc and formats it in a JSON file.
 * The file is output into the data folder inside the app folder.
function create_json_file($doc_url, $file_name)
    //Get the file
    $string = file_get_contents($doc_url) or die("Could not open {$doc_url} for reading");
    //Deal with character encoding
    $string = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'utf-8', mb_detect_encoding($string));
    // if you have not escaped entities use
    $file = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'html-entities', 'utf-8');
    //Set up DOMDocument
    $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
    $doc->substituteEntities = TRUE;
    $paragraphs = $doc->getElementsByTagName('p');
    //Initialize variables
    $output = array('chapters' => array());
    $heading = 0;
    foreach ($paragraphs as $paragraph) {
        $elementValue = $doc->saveXml($paragraph);
        $elementValue = trim($elementValue);
        //don't keep spaces
        if (!empty($elementValue)) {
            	Get the attribute
            	If it has "subtitle", wrap it in h2 tags.
            	If it's wrapped in curly braces, convert to php array to describe art.
            	If it doesn't, wrap it in a p tag.
            	Put in JSON array.
            if (stripos($paragraph->getAttribute('class'), 'subtitle')) {
                $output['chapters'][$heading] = array('heading' => $paragraph->nodeValue, 'content' => array(), 'preview image' => '', 'short title' => '');
            } elseif (stripos($paragraph->nodeValue, '{') !== FALSE) {
                //This is a rich media asset
                //A heading should be set when it triggered a earlier in this loop.
                $clean_string = str_replace("“", "\"", $paragraph->nodeValue);
                $clean_string = str_replace("”", "\"", $clean_string);
                $clean_string = trim($clean_string);
                $rich_media = json_decode($clean_string);
                if (is_null($rich_media)) {
                    die('There is a parse error with your rich media: ' . var_dump($clean_string));
                if (is_null($rich_media->filetype)) {
                    die('Your rich media is missing attributes. ' . var_dump($clean_string));
                // Check if the filename is an int. If so, pull the asset from Merlin.
                if (is_numeric($rich_media->filename)) {
                } elseif (is_numeric($rich_media->poster)) {
                //Provides some basic validation.
                $output['chapters'][$heading]['content'][] = array('filename' => $rich_media->filename, 'filetype' => $rich_media->filetype, 'size' => preg_match('/^(big|medium|small)$/', $rich_media->size) ? $rich_media->size : 'big', 'orientation' => preg_match('/^(left|right|full|background)$/', $rich_media->orientation) ? $rich_media->orientation : 'full', 'caption' => $rich_media->caption, 'credit' => $rich_media->credit, 'poster' => isset($rich_media->poster) ? $rich_media->poster : '');
            } else {
                $value = trim(strip_tags($doc->saveXml($paragraph), '<a>'));
                if (!empty($value)) {
                    $output['chapters'][$heading]['content'][] = array('filename' => NULL, 'filetype' => 'text', 'size' => null, 'orientation' => null, 'caption' => $value);
                // $output['chapters'][$heading]['content'][] = strip_tags($paragraph->nodeValue, 'a');
        // if the string isn't empty
    //Now write this to a file.
    file_put_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../app/data/' . $file_name . '.json', json_encode($output)) or die('Could not open file for writing.');
    echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " successful import. \r\n";