Exemplo n.º 1
include_once '../lib/_functions.inc.php';
// app functions
if (!isset($TEMPLATE)) {
    $TITLE = 'GPS Data';
    $NAVIGATION = true;
    $HEAD = '
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/lib/leaflet-0.7.7/leaflet.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/index.css" />
    $FOOT = '
    <script src="/lib/leaflet-0.7.7/leaflet.js"></script>
    <script>var MOUNT_PATH = "' . $MOUNT_PATH . '";</script>
    <script src="js/index.js"></script>
    // importJsonToArray() sets headers -> needs to run before including template
    $networks = importJsonToArray(__DIR__ . '/_getNetworks.json.php');
    include 'template.inc.php';
// Create HTML for network list
$height = ceil($networks['count'] / 4) * 32;
$networks_html = '<ul class="networks no-style" style="height: ' . $height . 'px;">';
foreach ($networks['features'] as $feature) {
    if ($feature['geometry']['type'] === 'Point') {
        // skip polygons
        $networks_html .= sprintf('<li>
        <a href="./%s/" title="Go to map of stations" class="%s">%s</a>
      </li>', $feature['properties']['name'], str_replace('point', 'link', $feature['id']), $feature['properties']['name']);
$networks_html .= '</ul>';
Exemplo n.º 2
$network = safeParam('network', 'Alaska');
if (!isset($TEMPLATE)) {
    $TITLE = $network . ' Network';
    $NAVIGATION = true;
    $HEAD = '
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/lib/leaflet-0.7.7/leaflet.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $MOUNT_PATH . '/css/network.css" />
    $FOOT = '
    <script>var NETWORK = "' . $network . '";</script>
    <script>var MOUNT_PATH = "' . $MOUNT_PATH . '";</script>
    <script src="/lib/leaflet-0.7.7/leaflet.js"></script>
    <script src="' . $MOUNT_PATH . '/js/network.js"></script>
    // importJsonToArray() sets headers -> needs to run before including template
    $stations = importJsonToArray(__DIR__ . "/_getStations.json.php", $network);
    include 'template.inc.php';
// Create HTML for station list
$height = ceil($stations['count'] / 6) * 32;
$starred = false;
$stations_html = '<ul class="stations no-style" style="height: ' . $height . 'px;">';
foreach ($stations['features'] as $feature) {
    // star high rms values
    $star = '';
    if ($feature['properties']['rms']['up'] > 15 || $feature['properties']['rms']['north'] > 10 || $feature['properties']['rms']['east'] > 10) {
        $star = '<span>*</span>';
        $starred = true;
    $stations_html .= sprintf('<li class="%s">
      <a href="%s/%s/%s/" title="Go to station details">%s%s</a>